Tourist trip with children. Hiking with a child

Summer is coming - perhaps the most joyful time for both children and adults. Time for picnics, fishing, trips to nature, seaside holidays and, of course, hiking trips. How about going camping with the whole family, with children? Let's take a closer look at this issue point by point.


At what age are kids ready to go camping with their parents? Specialists and in particular famous traveler Nikolai Rundkvist says that children can join their tourist parents from the age of three. Of course, it is necessary to focus on each individual child and on his characteristics. Maybe for someone the start of travel will shift to the age of five.

Important! If you are going on a hike not only with your family but also with friends, it is advisable that you have several children in your company. This will make it easier for you to keep an eye on the kids, prepare food for them and entertain them. All this can be done in turn with other parents.

What are the benefits of hiking for children?

Benefit #1. Fresh air, nature, sun. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of the child, his nervous system. Nature affects biorhythms: it will be much easier for a child to fall asleep and wake up than in a city with stone walls.

Benefit #2. Large space for kids to be active. In nature, you can run, jump, swim, without limiting yourself in your movements. The main limiter is the parents who will closely monitor their child. Freedom of movement has a positive effect on the muscular skeleton of the child.

Benefit #3. Acquisition of teamwork skills, independence and responsibility, cooperation and mutual assistance, as well as first medical care. Parents should help their child in acquiring the necessary skills. The same goes for the next item.

Benefit #4. Acquisition of new knowledge. This is history, and geography, and ecology, and even survival in difficult conditions. What knowledge about the history and geography of the country your baby will receive depends on the tourist route (we will talk about it later). It is also important that parents be ready to give their child new information, to tell what is unique about this or that area, what events are associated with it, what plants are found on the way, which of them can be eaten and which cannot.

And of course, the main benefit is the joy of your child from nature, adventure, new experiences and emotions. For the sake of this goal, it is worth going on a hike with your child.

Route selection

So, you have already decided that you will go camping with your child. The first thing to start preparing for a trip is choosing a route. Where you go will depend on your equipment and what you take with you.

For hiking with children, the route should be easy and not include climbing and swimming. In addition, it is necessary that the path be varied, as children get tired of monotony more than adults. It is desirable that the route runs through historical or natural attractions. At the same time, parents need to find out as much information as possible about these places in advance and be able to tell their child about them in an interesting way. It should be borne in mind that transitions and halts should alternate for 10-15 minutes each (that is, one to one). Before lunch, it is not recommended to make more than four transitions, and after a lunch break, it is best to rest for a couple of hours. If the hike lasts more than four days, then every three to four days you need to arrange a daytime halt, during which you will fish, collect herbs and berries, play games, etc. All this must be taken into account when choosing a route.

As an option. The most interesting thing is when the route has a specific goal. That's why kids might enjoy geocaching. This is a tourist game, the purpose of which is to find a cache hidden by other participants. The places where the caches are located are determined using a GPS navigator and those geographical coordinates indicated by the players who hid the treasure. The treasure is usually some small souvenirs. If you find a cache, you can take a souvenir for yourself, but leave something else in return so that the next participants can also find the treasure. Usually caches are hidden in those territories that are of geographical, cultural, historical or natural interest, so it is interesting not only to find the treasure, but also to visit beautiful places. Children will find this game very useful. In addition, the game has an element of technology (using a navigator), which can be very close in spirit to children who grew up in the world of the Internet and mobile technologies.

What to bring?

We will not list all the things that you need to take with you on a trip. Let's just talk about what you should consider and take on a hike if you go on a hike with children.

Important! If your child is under four years old, you will carry his things yourself. It is better for him to hand over a symbolic light backpack so that he also carries something and feels his importance. For children from four years old, the weight of the backpack should be calculated by dividing the baby's age by two.

Going on a long journey, you should think carefully about the wardrobe of the child. Even if you go camping in a hot, dry summer, you need to take warm and waterproof clothes with you. It is worth collecting several sets of things: running gear - for walking; sleeping - for a comfortable sleep; as well as a warm set, waterproof and hats for protection from the sun. Shoes should be taken at least two pairs, it should not be open (not slates and not sandals).

In addition, do not forget to put antiseptics, plasters, and odorless hypoallergenic wipes in your first aid kit. Take also insect repellent spray, suntan lotion, allergy and bite remedies, baby antipyretic, diarrhea, burns, brilliant green (preferably in a pencil), poisoning medicine, activated charcoal, bandage and cotton wool. Be sure to pack your child's documents, such as a birth certificate and compulsory health insurance policy (or at least copies of them).

It is also important to think about the comfort of your child on halts. If you are going to sit, have dinner and lie on the ground, then the child will need a foam seat and a sleeping bag. Those who like a more civilized vacation (and this is especially true when traveling with children) can take comfortable folding chairs or lounge chairs, a camping table with chairs, and even a lightweight folding bed. A large selection of tourist furniture is on this site. There you can not only compare different models of furniture, but also watch videos and order goods with home delivery. When traveling, take care to deliver camping furniture by car closer to the resting place: dragging it on yourself all day is not the best option.

It is worth considering in advance how you will entertain your baby on halts. Take with you his favorite games, a ball and other devices for outdoor games. And even better, if you think over the entire travel program, make a trip in a certain style (for example, the idea would be a treasure hunt or the life of primitive people). It will be especially interesting for children if you take an oath of travelers together and you will have your own rites and traditions.

And of course, do not forget to take a good mood and good spirits on the road, they will definitely come in handy there!

Firstly, a family hike is an active holiday that will be interesting and useful for both children and adults, it will give you the opportunity to feel like a team, setting up tents, organizing a fire, conquering peaks together - this is an amazing joint experience, fresh mountain air, the most delicious food in nature after a day trip, a lot of impressions and discoveries, because on the way there are lakes, forests, caves, rocks, waterfalls, meadows and much more. Little researchers will discover a lot of new things, and adults will be distracted from office routine and city bustle.
Secondly, hiking with children is an opportunity to actively spend time together - to chat over tea, sitting by the fire or stomping side by side along the picturesque paths, and the problem that mom / dad wants to go hiking, but there is no one to go with is automatically solved. leave. If the child shows interest in outdoor activities and the tourist interests of parents, you should not discard the idea of ​​hiking with children.
Of course, not all routes are still within the power of a child, but some are quite suitable for young tourists and will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with hiking life and actively spend time in the mountains with their parents.

Schedule of hikes that you can go with children:

An easy and exciting hike on the island of Cyprus along the famous Aphrodite Trail is perfect for those who love active, but comfortable and not difficult trekking, parents with children (from 8-9 years old), as well as novice tourists. There are no lengthy transitions in this trip, the weather conditions are mostly comfortable, and the additional costs are only for the flight to Larnaca, souvenirs and cafes.

The Lycian Way is an excellent hiking route in Turkey, which is interesting not only for its beautiful landscapes, exotic scenic nature and the sea, but also because, due to its low complexity and comfort, this route is suitable for hiking with children (9-10 years old and older). ), will also please the hospitality of the locals and the monuments of antiquity encountered along the way.

Cappadocia is an amazing exotic place that will delight you with incredible landscapes, underground cities, and flying everywhere. balloons. The route is easy, we will go easy, and spend the night in hostels. Very often this route is a logical continuation of the hike along the Lycian Way, but it can also be done separately.

Hiking Hot springs of the Caucasus passes along the picturesque Caucasian paths at the foot of Elbrus - wonderful option to try their hand for beginners and those who are going to hike with children (over 8-9 years old). The route is not difficult - inexperienced tourists can do it, it is popular and interesting both in winter and in summer.

Waterfalls of the Carpathians is, perhaps, the route that is most accessible for the youngest tourists (from 7 years old). A hike to the Carpathian Waterfalls will also be interesting for adults who go to the mountains for the first time and want to try their hand or just don’t want to bother too much. The route is comfortable, safe, without long steep climbs and at the same time very picturesque.

It is better to go hiking with children with people you know well, especially for the first time. In our opinion, the optimal group size is 8-11 people, including 3-4 children, i.e. maximum 4 families.
Beforehand, the following is usually discussed with potential participants in the children's trip:

  • Hiking area;
  • terms and duration (who has what time);
  • preferred type of route (linear, basic, etc.);
  • the desired ratio of the number of full running days, days and half days;
  • preferred length of day trip.

Hike area. All adult tourists, as you know, are divided into two categories. Some choose "with whom to go", and then select a route for a specific, often very similar group. For others, the priority is the question of "where to go." Having chosen the area, they begin to look for fellow travelers. There is, however, another third category - those who do not care where and it is not so important with whom, if only to go on a hike :)
(for more information about the organization of "adult" trips, see the article TourLikBez)

Deadlines and duration. The duration of a trip with children is not determined at all by the length of the route, but by the availability of free time and common sense (it is unreasonable to drag a four-year-old child on his first trip for a month at once, right?). Most often, children go on the so-called weekend hikes (PVD), or on multi-day non-categorical hikes. Prepared older children (see the article when to start) can also be taken on sports trips up to category 3 inclusive (together with parents or other close relatives responsible for the child).

Route type. Routes, as you know, are linear, linear-radial, basic with radial exits, circular, etc. From this list, the basic type of routes deserves special consideration, as the most convenient for the first hikes with children. In this case, a convenient parking lot is chosen and a base camp is arranged. Radial exits are made almost lightly from the base camp. In this case, the base camp site should have a number of requirements: it should not be too crowded, there should be water nearby, plenty of firewood and, no less important, there should be something to see in the surroundings. If you have chosen a different type of route, such as a linear route, it should have 1-3 "emergency exit" points where you can end the route in case of unforeseen circumstances. In addition, it is desirable that the route passes through a relatively populated area, so that in the event of an unexpected illness of the child, the doctor can be shown.

Running time and days. When organizing a trip with children, it is necessary to plan in advance the number of full walking days, half days and days. For example: walking day, daytime, the rest of the time - half days, or equally walking days and daytime (both options are acceptable for groups with preschoolers). For a group with children of primary school age, the option with day trips every third day is suitable.

Ideally, all children in a group should be around the same age, eg 6 to 9 years old. But in practice, this is not always feasible, because. within the same family there are often children with a large difference in age. In addition to the age and hiking experience of the children, you need to find out if any of the children need daytime sleep. If there are such children, it is better not to plan full days on the campaign, but only half days and days.

The half day is a very convenient compromise: the children have time to relax, and the monotony that happens on the day does not tire them. You just need to choose a route with a large number of convenient stops. Several crossings are made in the first half of the day, and then we look for a place to park. After dinner, the kids are put to bed, and after sleep, you can organize outdoor games, picking mushrooms, berries, etc.

The length of the day's journey. In the table below, we have tried to "reduce to a common denominator" the experiences of backpacker parents regarding the optimal mileage for first hiking child. These are approximate figures, it is not at all necessary to follow them literally. On the other hand, it is important that after a day of walking the children have the enthusiasm to participate in setting up tents, lighting a fire and the like. In other words, for children to feel the "taste" of camp life.

* The figures are given for children who go on a hike on their own, and do not ride on the shoulders of their parents.

Thus, you will find like-minded people and formulate approximate route requirements. Now you can safely choose a route and start preparing a trip with children.

Preparing for a hike with children.

Preparing for a children's hike involves clarifying a number of questions, a list of which we are not too lazy to list below. Almost all points are familiar to you from adult trips.

  • Individual characteristics of group members.
  • Route selection. Determination of the duration of the trip.
  • Means of transportation (if it is a water trip).
  • Route plan. Entrance and exit.
  • Daily regime.
  • Food distribution and duty distribution.
  • Distribution of responsibilities in the group.
  • Distribution of public equipment.
  • Recalculation of cash costs.

Under individual features we mean, first of all, hiking experience of adult members of the group, age and level of preparation of children. The complexity and length of the route, as well as the mode of movement, depend on this.
On a hike with children, especially on a water trip, the physical (and emotional, even more so) burden on adults is greater than in an adult group. Hence two simple rules:

  1. The hiking experience of an adult traveling with a child should be more than what is normally required for the itinerary.
  2. When planning a hike with children, they usually focus on the least experienced adult member of the group and the weakest (youngest) child.

When choosing a route, you can do this: evaluate real running time for the whole trip(based on the duration of the hike, the number of days and half days) and find a route that can be covered during this time. It makes sense to choose the most informative routes in order to show children the unique nature - beautiful mountains, lakes, unusual vegetation, i.e. make the trip aesthetically rich. It is advisable to find out as much as possible about the chosen route, first of all - about entrance to the beginning of the route and about departure after graduation. Based on the information obtained, make approximate roadmap.

For example, in water trips there are quite long sections where it is difficult to organize a normal stop. It is better to take the last day for drying ships and things. It is also advisable to have 1-2 days in reserve in case of delays due to bad weather, repairs to the rafting facilities or other unforeseen circumstances.

Any experienced traveler will confirm that well-chosen daily routine- almost the most important thing in a normal trip. Therefore, even before the hike, it is better to work out the daily routine in detail and coordinate with the rest of the participants in the children's hike.

  • If full walking days are planned on a hike with children, the most important point is lunch break. It is necessary to decide whether it will be long, with the preparation of a hot dinner and daytime sleep (for babies), or not very long - without sleep, but with the preparation of a hot dinner, or short - with dry rations or pre-prepared hot food from a thermos.
  • If full walking days are not planned, but only half days, the question of a hot lunch and daytime sleep is solved simply.
  • In a water trip, where there are very small children (up to 1.5-2 years old), another option has justified itself: children can be put to sleep right in the kayak - then it is convenient to move both before and after dinner. At the same time, the problem of constantly throwing toys and other objects out of the kayak into the water is solved (and seriously, it is better to tie toys in a kayak). And during the lunch break, children are given plenty of frolic.

With any daily routine, if you are moving along the route more slowly than planned, it is better to look for the missing time in the morning. Ideally, the group should go on the route at about 10 am, and end the walking day no later than 6 pm. Every experienced tourist knows the pattern: until 17 pm there are ideal stops, from 17 to 18 o'clock - good parking, from 18 to 19 o'clock - bad, and after 19 o'clock there is no one. In general, if at 17:30 you met a convenient parking lot and set up camp, you made the right decision.

Number and age of children Total weight per family Weight attributable to parents Note
1 child of school agefrom 70 kgfrom 60-65 kgThe weight includes "iron" (cats, ice axes) for the whole family, including the child.
1 child
4-7 years old
from 60 kgfrom 58-60 kgWe believe that the family does not take "iron".
1 child
up to 3-4 years, which must be carried
from 70 kg (including ~15 kg child and carrier)The child's weight is included in the total weight. "Iron" is taken into account for adults.
2 children
up to 4 years
from 85 kg (including ~25 kg for 2 children)We are approaching the limit. Of course, we do not take "iron".

We also made our own calculation of the weight of backpacks for the case described below:
Number of children per family: 2, one of which must be carried
Number of adults per family: 2
Climatic zone of the hike: middle lane
Season: late spring \ summer \ early autumn
Type of trip: multi-day hiking or cycling trip.

It is easy to make a similar calculation for a water or other trip. To do this, you need to additionally take into account the means of transportation and special equipment.
So for adults:

  • Equipment - from 30 kg, excluding special equipment ("hardware", etc.), as well as excluding a backpack for carrying a child. This figure included:
    from public equipment: common tent, saw, tent, fire rope, first aid kit;
    3 mats, summer sleeping bags (we counted one large double and one single teen);
    from children's clothing: 2 warm wool sets (sweater, leggings, socks, hat), 2 waterproof sets (pvc jacket, pvc pants, rubber boots), spare running pants, spare jersey;
    from adult clothes: raincoats, sweaters, a minimum of spare running clothes and knitwear, light replacement shoes for fords (sneakers);
    from hygiene products: potty, wet wipes, disposable diapers, towel, soap, other hygiene products;
    a minimum of children's sports equipment and toys;
    camping utensils;
    other necessary equipment (maps, compass, lights, ropes, seats, water tanks, repair kit, camera, etc.).
  • products - from 20 kg (with containers) for 10 days. This implies a minimized version of three hot meals a day - with the expectation of stores on the way and without taking into account any special food for the baby. Therefore, 600-700 g per person per day are multiplied by three conditional eaters (a full serving for adults and 0.5 servings for each child) and multiplied by 10 days = ~ 20 kg
  • child to be carried: 15 kg
  • Baby carrier backpack: 2.5kg

Total: minimum 67.5 kg for a 10-day hike using a baby carrier or minimum 65 kg if a sling is used to carry the baby.

That is, as can be seen from the final figure, we came to approximately the same result. However, do not get upset right away - the modern market for hiking equipment, as you know, tends to reduce the weight and volume of equipment, which makes hiking with young children more and more real every year. If you - seasoned tourist, have been hiking for a long time, and you still have a lot of equipment "from those times", then you should definitely upgrade it. You will see that much weighs much less and takes up less volume.

With the onset of the holidays, we begin to think about how to spend our free time. Some parents plan a trip to the seaside or to a country house, out of town, and only a few decide to go camping with a child.

For some reason, it is believed that such a vacation will bring a lot of trouble, although in fact, if everything is planned correctly, you can get the most out of it. And your future traveler will have a great opportunity to get to know wildlife better.

Gotta grow up a little more

If the baby is a baby or under the age of two, then some difficulties may arise, so organizing such a trip with children to nature should be more thoughtful. The first thing to be on the list is food.

If the child is on breastfeeding, this is very good, otherwise you will have to take milk formulas, instant cereals, fruit and meat purees in jars. Do not forget about the bottles that need to be washed and sterilized.

Next, it is worth considering how the child will overcome the path: perhaps it will be either a kangaroo, or a sling, or an ergonomic backpack. Be sure to take a couple of your favorite toys and rattles with you, and you also need to think about leisure options if the weather is bad. Of course, it is very good to go camping with a child with several families, it will be easier for adults and more fun for kids.

And yet, before you go on a trip with a baby, you should know that such a vacation will bring a lot of trouble to parents, because you will have to pay a lot of attention to the child, and often it will not be at all up to the beauty of the surrounding nature!

Young tourists

From the age of two, you can begin to teach your baby to travel. To begin with, such a trip with a child to nature should not exceed two to three days. It is worth considering that the little fidget will not travel for a long time in transport or on his dad's shoulders, so you will have to take breaks more often, giving him the opportunity to relax, run, jump.

The curiosity of a young tourist at this age will force mom and dad to watch him very carefully in order to exclude the possibility of unplanned events, among which is the risk of climbing into a fire, running away into the forest, going into the water.

From the age of three, you can go hiking with a child. But do not forget that at this age, children get tired quickly. Therefore, you need to alternate half an hour of travel and the same amount of rest to have a bite to eat, play games, pick berries and mushrooms, admire the beauty of the forest.

Starting from the age of five, the behavior of children on a hike becomes more conscious, they treat what is happening with responsibility. Young tourists can take part in the placement of tents and other equipment, help collect firewood for a fire, and, together with adults, be on duty around the camp.

It is worth noting that from this age a camping trip with children will be a joy to everyone.

We collect the first-aid kit correctly

So, we have considered the features different ages. Now it is worth paying attention to collecting the necessary things. Of course, it is impossible to predict everything, but we will try to highlight the most necessary.

First of all, we prepare a birth certificate for the child and do not forget about the compulsory health insurance policy (I wish it would not come in handy, but just in case, it’s worth taking).

With special responsibility it is worth approaching the collection of medicines. We must remember that no, so even at home we think through everything carefully. First of all, we put the medicines that are necessary if the child has any chronic diseases.

Do not forget about antipyretics, antiseptics (brilliant green or iodine are better in vials). It will not be superfluous sunscreen. We also do not exclude the option of intestinal upset and pain in the tummy. We choose a medicine suitable for the age of your child. For example, the following drugs are suitable: Regidron, Smecta, Nifuroxazide. We take adhesive plasters, cotton wool and bandages (wounds, scratches in nature cannot be avoided).

You can't do without insect repellents. Be sure to take baby creams, spray, a special ointment or gel that reduces itching when bitten by various insects, mosquitoes. If you forgot to take such a remedy, then you can independently prepare a solution of soda with water and lubricate the irritated places on the body.

Choosing a travel wardrobe

Weather is an unpredictable thing. When choosing hiking clothes for a child, do not forget that it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. It is also worth knowing that several layers of thin clothing will be the best heat insulator than one of dense fabric.

A T-shirt will prove to be a very suitable basis for a wardrobe, because in hot or cool weather it will absorb moisture very well, while leaving the child's skin dry. Pants should be chosen from preferably with pockets in which the child can store his finds.

It will not be superfluous and a jacket that you can wear when it gets colder. Do not forget underwear and socks - ordinary and warm. It is better to take worn-out shoes, because during the hike they will not press, they will not rub the legs, and rubber boots will not become superfluous on the journey. It is also necessary to take a light jacket with a deep hood, it will not allow dew and precipitation to wet the baby.

Be sure to put a hat for the child. It can be a large-brimmed panama hat that will protect the baby's neck and ears from the scorching sun, or a baseball with a visor.

It is worth recalling that it can be cold in nature in the evenings, so be sure to take warm clothes.

Of course, it is better to take several sets (if it is in your power) so that when the baby gets dirty, he can be changed.

We collect a backpack

If the age of your baby allows him to carry his own, then you should not deprive him of the opportunity to feel like a real traveler. Such things must be bought in specialized stores, where knowledgeable sellers will help you make the right choice.

For kids under four years old, it is better to give a small children's backpack in which to put a couple of toys and an apple or banana for a small snack at a halt. For seniors, the weight should not exceed half the age.

Domestic issues

Of course, it is better to take water for drinking and cooking from home, you should not risk the health of the baby and your own.

When hiking with a child, it is also worth taking wet wipes, diapers (if he needs them). For babies, you need to put a potty, and for older children - a film seat.

It is worth taking seriously the choice of a sleeping set for a child. It must be fully consistent with the season, be from natural materials. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of a hood in it.


You have reached your destination, the tents are set up, the fire is burning and dinner is ready ... Now you can take a walk with your child through the forest. Admire the beauty of green trees and pines, listen to birds singing, collect cones.

Successful trip

Finally, I would like to say that organizing trips with children is a very big responsibility on the part of parents. Think over everything in advance to the smallest detail, and your vacation will become unforgettable and bring a lot of emotions to all family members.

All the best for children. So says folk wisdom. And what could be better than walking along mountain paths with a small backpack and admiring the unique landscapes with your dad and mom? Or play on a green meadow near a stream with peers? Or feel like an important and "adult", helping to collect firewood and build a fire as a real adult? Hiking in the mountains with children, this is a great option for a family vacation, which will give unforgettable shared emotions and unite your family even more.

On my first real hike, I went to the Carpathians when I was less than 9 years old (already an adult :-), and my sister was 7 then. Some memories of him have survived to this day. I remember how I ate too much blueberries on the slopes of Temnatik, how they ran wildly up and down the mountain, how they carried small backpacks (it seems that I had 9 kg, and my sister had 7. But I’m not sure :), how my father and I caught delicious trout, how they later roasted it in a cauldron, how they climbed to the top of Mount Stoj and walked among its domes. It's strange, only a week of hiking, but so many pleasant memories for life ..

Our itineraries for family tourism

We have prepared for you several special routes for hiking in the mountains with children. They are a little simpler than usual, but also very interesting. In addition, most hikes "for adults" can take children from 7 years old. But be sure to check with us first.

Hiking with children - fears and doubts

  1. At what age can children be taken. We recommend taking children from 7 years old on our trips. They are already quite independent, have strengthened immunity, are ready to run and walk a lot in search of something interesting and new. The main problem is to maintain the child's interest in the trip, and to have time to answer all the questions, because there will be a lot of them. Long tedious climbs and long transitions on flat terrain are often difficult for children - it's boring. At such moments, we try to entertain them with games and stories. You can take kids on some trips. younger age, but here you already need the accompaniment of both parents and constant supervision.
  2. Isn't it dangerous? Again, it all depends on age. For the older ones - from 7 years old and above - the main danger lies in the children themselves and their restlessness. When the group overcomes a difficult section of the path, the children instinctively feel the seriousness of the moment, behave collected and well. And adults at such moments are as concentrated as possible and look after their children. But on a protracted halt or in a camp, when the children start to get bored, and the parents relax (there is no visible danger) - expect adventures. Either they will start playing knights and bruise one alone, then they will hide the matches from the attendants, then they will start kindling their fire and get burned ... there can be a lot of adventures, these are children)) The main thing is not to let them close to the cliffs and make sure that do not eat unnecessary berries. Young children need more careful supervision and care.
  3. Will the child survive. As practice shows, children often cope with transitions even better than parents. Everything is new and interesting for them, and this charges them with unprecedented energy. All day long they can walk back and forth along the trail, asking adults about everything they see and telling their stories, often invented on the go. Sometimes it is very interesting to listen to them, the children's fantasy is not yet as compressed by the framework and norms as ours. Children get tired faster than adults, because they have less stamina. Therefore, halts need to be done more often. But on the other hand, they have much more energy, the main thing is to maintain interest in what is happening and not let them get bored.
  4. Will I survive? You will have to carry some of his things and food for the child, and sometimes, when he gets tired, the baby himself. Of course it's harder. Therefore, we advise you to go to the mountains with children at once with the whole family, so that it is easier to distribute the load.
  5. Will there be anyone to talk to? Usually, several families go on children's trips, so you and your child will not be bored. While the kids are playing on the sidelines, you can meet their parents and make new friends.

Family tourism - why do parents need it

In a frantic industrial world, there is not always time for the most important thing - for communication and general leisure with your kids. All day long you disappear at work, come home tired and you don’t always have a desire to listen to the eternal “why” and play with the kids. And it should. After all, they grow up and take an example from their parents. You can crucify, tell how to live and what to do, but, first of all, you need to be a living example and proof of your words. Otherwise, all your words are meaningless. If you want a child to lead healthy lifestyle life, you need to take care of yourself. Do exercises in the morning, run .. But something we have moved away from the topic)) So, it is on a hike with children that you will have enough time for communication and opportunities to be a positive example. Children will look at you and just repeat. On a family trip, you can increase your authority in the eyes of the child and become a real role model for him.

Another important aspect is the curiosity of children, they look at the world differently than we do. They are all new and interesting. And together with them you will rediscover the mountains, because there are many small but beautiful things that you simply do not pay attention to, but the child will definitely notice!

Yes, and it's just a pity to deprive your children almost the most beautiful thing in this world - travel and mountains.

Hiking in the mountains - why is it for children

First of all - this is extremely interesting. Around everything is unusual and unusual. Here is a funny pebble that looks like a heart, here is a beautiful flower, but here is a fabulous tree of an unprecedented shape. It turns out that there are so many interesting things in our world, and not just in laptop and computer monitors! :)

This is useful. During the hike, children very quickly expand their horizons, learn a lot of new things, do a lot of things for the first time. This contributes to a more intense and proper development. After all, one of the main tasks of education is to set the right vector and instill the right priorities. By accustoming children to hiking from early childhood, one can almost certainly say that their life will be rich, healthy and interesting.