Use of pads and inserts during breastfeeding: we solve the problem of milk leakage in a nursing mother. Breastfeeding pads - which one to choose? Which nursing pads are best

Until the process of breastfeeding is regulated, women after childbirth face the problem of leakage of milk. Clothes, bed linen get dirty, discomfort is constantly felt, and trips to public places can turn into embarrassment. And it is contraindicated for nursing mothers to get upset ... Special inserts in the bra have become a real find in saving clothes and gaining self-confidence. Which inserts are better - disposable or reusable, and what are gel pads for nursing mothers?

Types of bra pads

Of all the breast pads on the market today, two categories can be distinguished: disposable and reusable pads. More convenient to use are disposable, but financially it is more successful to use them in conjunction with reusable ones.

Disposable gel pads quickly absorb and retain moisture inside for 3-5 hours, are hardly noticeable under clothing due to their anatomical shape, repeating the shape of the breast. The outer cover of these liners is breathable and waterproof, some manufacturers provide it with adhesive tape for a secure fit.

A big advantage of disposable gel liners over reusable ones is the dry surface in contact with the skin. Thanks to this, the nipples do not experience increased friction that causes skin damage. The risk of penetration into the mammary gland of pathogenic bacteria, which love a warm and humid environment, is reduced.

A wide selection of disposable gel breast pads is presented by popular brands Babyline (Germany) 60 pcs. from 430 rubles, Mama Comfort (Russia) 30 pcs. from 250 rubles, Midinette from the manufacturer Delipap OY (Finland) 30 pcs. from 300 rubles, Pigeon (Japan) 36 pcs. from 430 rubles, Moony (Japan) 68 pcs. from 500 rubles, Medela (Switzerland) 60 pcs. from 500 rub. Prices as of March 2016.

During the development of breastfeeding, disposable pads may be required a lot - 3-4 pairs per day, that is, a pack of 30 pieces is enough for a maximum of a week. For short walks with a child and at home, you can use reusable liners.

They also have an anatomical shape that fits any shape of the chest and is invisible under clothing. Some manufacturers offer a choice of nursing pads to match the color of the bra. Microfiber, bamboo, cotton fiber are used as an internal absorbent layer.

Maternal smoking while breastfeeding

The big advantage of reusable liners is the savings family budget. The package usually contains 4 pieces, they can withstand up to 50 washes.

Cons include: feeling wet and uncomfortable, leaking when worn for a long time without changing, risk of bacterial infection, damage to the skin of the nipples.

But if they are changed in a timely manner, then in combination with disposable liners, the use of reusable ones is economically justified. At night, in the first month or two after childbirth, it is better to use disposable gel pads.

Popular brands of reusable liners - Medela (Switzerland)from 530 rubles. per pack (protection is enhanced by impregnation with an antibacterial composition), Gloryes (Russia) from 500 rubles, Avent (China under license from Philips) 6 pcs. from 700 rubles

Why is milk leaking and how long will it last?

As our mothers and grandmothers used to say, milk flows from the breast because the nipples are weak. They also added as a joke that dairy cows with such a defect were not kept, but taken to the slaughterhouse. But women do not deserve cows and slaughterhouses. And yet, the members of the family, wise by life experience, are right to some extent.

What does it mean - weak nipples and can they be made strong? Under the skin of the areola - a dark circle around the nipple, muscle fibers are located. When they contract and the nipple “sticks out”, a so-called nipple erection occurs, which, unlike clitoral erection, is not related to blood circulation.

Spasm of the nipple muscles react to cold and other external stimuli. Thus, the protective function of the mammary glands from hypothermia and other adverse factors is performed. What happens to these muscle fibers during breastfeeding? The same as with the abdominal muscles during pregnancy.

In the first months of feeding, the breasts become very full, the muscles are under pressure, stretched and weakened, becoming unable to retain spontaneously secreted milk from the breast alveoli. Spontaneous filling and separation of milk from the breast occurs for the following reasons:

1. Hot flashes during the formation of lactation. The mother's body does not yet know how much food the newborn needs. In the first month or two after birth, the baby has day and night mixed up, the sleep and wakefulness regime is being established, the mechanism of the internal biological clock is being launched.

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When and how much will he need breast milk during this difficult period of adaptation to outside world, is difficult to predict. Therefore, it happens that too much milk is produced, “in reserve” and just in case of an unpredictable case, which is characterized by a feeling of tides and fullness of the chest. The excess needs to be released, and unclaimed milk begins to flow out.

Hot flashes usually subside within a month of the baby's birth, with the emergence of sensitive interaction between mother and baby and the onset of a monitored sleep-wake-hunger-satiation rhythm. Sometimes the period of illogical tides can drag on for up to 2-3 months.

Fully lactation is established differently for everyone within 6 months, when the hot flashes completely disappear, the breasts are always soft and milk comes during feeding, following the principle of "demand creates supply."

All the time of the formation of lactation, milk can leak when the alveoli of the mammary gland are overcrowded and you cannot do without liners for the breast.

2. Reflex secretion of milk. There are many nerve endings in the nipple, and when it is stimulated by sucking, nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain. The synthesis of the hormone oxytocin starts. It, in turn, causes contractions of smooth muscle cells lining the surface of the alveoli of the mammary gland and milk is literally pushed into the milk ducts towards the nipple.

Therefore, when a baby suckles on one breast, milk begins to leak from the second breast. The same thing happens if a nursing mother hears a crying baby, just thinks about him or looks at his picture. Such a reflex release can continue for a long time, even after the establishment of lactation, depending on the development of the imagination, the impressionability of the mother and the “weakness” of the nipples.

With established breastfeeding, such leakage is insignificant and sometimes does not even require the use of inserts in a bra if it is made of natural, and not synthetic materials. This phenomenon usually disappears completely within a year after the birth of the child.

How to strengthen nipples

The so-called "weak" nipples are not only unable to retain the secreted milk, but also bring aesthetic inconvenience to many nursing mothers. With a stretched and weakened muscle tone in the area of ​​the nipple, the areola “parts”, the skin becomes thin and inelastic, and the nipple itself falls when you press it, having lost elasticity.

With prolonged breastfeeding, nipple sensitivity is also lost, which adversely affects intimate life. train exercise these muscles are, of course, impossible. But you can restore the former elasticity and reduce the size of the areola by stimulating the contraction of these muscle fibers and thereby reducing the period of need for bra liners.

In the first few months, such stimulation is not recommended, since exposure to the skin of the nipples reflexively triggers the synthesis of oxytocin. In the recovery period after childbirth, this process can proceed quite rapidly, and milk leakage will become even stronger. After this time, to stimulate nipple contraction, you can use:

  • a contrast shower aimed at the nipple and areola area for a short time, so as not to overcool the chest, it must be completed with cold water;
  • applying a piece of ice to the nipples also for a short period of time;
  • wiping the breast and skin around the nipple with a terry towel;
  • massage of the areola and the nipple itself.

It is difficult to say which bra pads for nursing mothers are better. It all depends on for what purpose, where and when the nursing mother plans to use them. The best option is reusable liners at home and on short walks, and disposable gel pads for the night and when going out. The need for liners is especially great in the 1st-2nd months of breastfeeding, after which only reusable pads can be used. Milk stops leaking completely within six months, and in small volumes, reflex discharge in the form of droplets can occur for about a year.

Breastfeeding pads can help mothers with excessive milk production. They are designed for proper breast care, hygiene, aesthetic purposes.
Regularly wet clothes and breast problems will not add confidence to a woman and may cause her to refuse to feed her baby.

We have collected useful information about what gaskets are, how to choose them or make them yourself and use them correctly.

Why and when milk leaks

For 2-3 months after childbirth, and sometimes longer, the chest is often full. Under constant pressure, the muscles become weak, stretched and cannot hold a large amount of milk.

The instability of its appearance is associated with two reasons: hot flashes before the establishment of stable lactation, as well as reflex milk secretion.

tides occur until the female body has revealed how much nutrition and when the baby will need it. In addition, in the first weeks of life, babies often confuse day with night.

Nature provided for the mother to have enough milk at all times. Due to regular flushes, there is often more milk than necessary, so it starts to leak.

Spontaneous hot flashes stop after the baby is 1 to 3 months old. And by six months, nutrition appears strictly for each feeding, if a clear regimen has been developed.

Until lactation is established, breast pads will come in handy.

Reflex secretion of milk. In this case, milk is released from one breast when the baby is fed from the other, or when the mother heard the baby cry.

It is believed that it begins to leak even when thinking about the baby. This process continues even with stable lactation. It depends on the impressionability of the woman, as well as the weakness of the muscles of the chest.

The secretion of milk in this case is insignificant. You can do without special absorbent products. The period of reflex excretion ends before the baby is a year old.

When and why to use nursing pads

Breast pads are especially helpful in the first few months after childbirth. They are designed for women whose breasts are regularly overflowing with milk and leaking milk, dampening clothing and causing discomfort.

Special products protect clothes from getting wet and provide the necessary hygiene of the mammary glands.

If there is no excess milk and the bra is always dry, there is no need for liners.

With the regular flow of milk, the products will help:

  • keep clothes dry;
  • protect the chest from rubbing with a bra;
  • protect the skin from inflammation and irritation;
  • prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and mastitis;
  • carry out prophylaxis to prevent the appearance of cracks on the nipples. If you already have them, quality pads will help and speed up healing.

It is important to use the product correctly. After getting wet, it must be changed. And if a woman has thrush or other infections, this should be done after each application of the baby to the breast.

What are the types of bra pads?

Products can be disposable or reusable.

Reusable. They are made from cotton or wool. The latter have good warming properties, but are potentially dangerous with possible allergic manifestations.

Reusable liners are used for several months, so they are more profitable to buy than disposable ones. After use, the product is washed with baby powder or laundry soap.

Before new use, it is better to iron them on both sides.

Disposable. As a rule, they are very thin, so they are invisible under clothing. Repeat the anatomical shape of the breast. Unlike reusable ones, they do not require maintenance, therefore they are loved by many women.

However, their use is more expensive. And poor-quality liners can leave villi on the chest or cause allergies.

Secrets of choice

For earbuds to be useful, they must be chosen responsibly. Before buying, you need to evaluate the following indicators:

Additional packaging available. Products stored only in the box may not comply with hygiene regulations.

Material quality. It must meet two main conditions - to absorb moisture well, not to irritate sensitive skin.

Therefore, it is worth rejecting products with a waterproof or synthetic coating.

Color. Don't buy colored inserts. They may cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

Mountings available. Gaskets will be convenient to use if they have special Velcro. With their help, the product is attached to the bra.

Velcro firmly fix the liner. This eliminates discomfort, as well as possible injury to the nipples.

Product certificate. For high-quality gaskets in a store or pharmacy, there must be a certificate, which must be presented upon request.

How to replace special products

To save the family budget, many mothers prefer to make do-it-yourself liners or find another alternative.

sew at home

Self-sewn pads will require a little material. Their thickness and softness depend on the preferences of the woman.

Gauze or flannel is suitable as a material.

Use disposable diapers

Another method invented by breastfeeding women is to cut pads from disposable absorbent diapers.

Those who use this option are satisfied with the convenience, thinness, good moisture absorption and cheapness of this material. You can cut the diapers into squares or circles.

You can also use plain panty liners. Before use, they are cut into the required number of parts.

Lactation pads are great for milk leaks. They will help keep the breasts dry and prevent cracking or infection.

You can choose between reusable or disposable earbuds. The first is more economical, and the second is more convenient. You can also make absorbent products with your own hands.

When lactation is established a few months after childbirth, the need for liners disappears.

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, every woman faces the problem of involuntary milk secretion from the breast. This is a normal process that manifests itself a few weeks before and after the birth of a child. Leakage of milk is inconvenient, but it is a natural feature of the body that allows you to regulate its amount and feed the baby. Special chest pads, also called pads, are excellent at absorbing liquid and keeping clothes clean and dry. Pads must be placed in the bra cup, changed in a timely manner and properly selected according to needs.


Part 1

Correct positioning of the pad in the bra

    Remove the film from the adhesive side. Some disposable pads have adhesive areas that allow you to lock the liner in place. These Velcro do not allow pads to slide in the bra. If you are using these earbuds with a child-safe adhesive surface, remove the film and then position the earmold in the desired location.

    Insert the pad into the bra. After you put on the bra, you can insert breast pads. With a gentle sliding motion, apply the liners to the nipples under the bra. Then return the strap to its usual place.

    Correct the liners. Before putting on a blouse, make sure that the pads completely cover the nipples. Otherwise, just fix them. This will help to avoid skin irritation, and will also prevent leaks and wet clothes.

    Make sure that the gaskets do not move out. In active pregnant women and mothers, the liners move along the surface of the breast during the day. This is absolutely normal, especially if pads without Velcro are used. Check the liner if you think it has moved out, and if necessary, replace it or simply correct it. So, the clothes will always be dry, and the skin - without signs of irritation.

    Throw away breast pads in the trash. Usually used breast pads are simply thrown away. Throw used disposable pads in the trash. Leave reusable items in the laundry basket.

    Wipe your chest. Moisture can cause skin irritation. If the breast skin is wet or has milk residue on it, wipe it off with a soft cloth and a little warm water. After that, dry your breasts before using a new liner. This way you will minimize the risk of irritation and infection.

    Change your bra or blouse if necessary. Sometimes you will not be able to avoid getting dirty on your bra and/or blouse. This is normal for pregnant and lactating women. Change clothes if this does happen. So you will not get into an awkward position and prevent skin irritation.

    • Carry a change of clean clothes with you to avoid embarrassing situations.
  1. Replace the gasket with a new one. Insert fresh liners as soon as you have removed the old ones and changed. Insert clean, dry pads into your bra to prevent leaks and minimize skin irritation.

Part 3

Choosing the right breast pad

    First, you need to identify needs. Each woman's situation during pregnancy and childbirth is very individual. You will have to wear the earbuds for several weeks to several months. Needs also change over time. It is necessary to keep a special notebook for recording the amount of milk in order to better understand your needs and choose the most suitable insert option. Here are some nuances to consider.

Every nursing mother has experienced the phenomenon of spontaneous leakage of milk from the breast. This process gives women discomfort, additional worries and sometimes is the reason for not breastfeeding. The solution to this problem is the use of nursing bra pads during lactation.

Gasket functions

Bra pads - useful thing, included in the mandatory list of hygiene products by many maternity hospitals. Regardless of the type of gaskets, they perform a number of useful and important functions.

  • Protect underwear, clothing and bedding from getting wet.
  • Protection of the nipples from friction against the bra.
  • Preventing the formation of small cracks.
  • Prevention of breast inflammation and development of mastitis.

The use of pads has practically no contraindications. An exception is the formation of sufficiently large cracks. In order to effectively treat them, even short-term contact with a warm, humid environment is contraindicated.

Period of use

The use of bra pads can start with recent weeks pregnancy. Many women on later dates colostrum begins to flow from the breast. This causes inconvenience and serves as a favorable factor for the development of breast diseases. Since the nipples are in a humid environment and rub against clothing, irritation and cracks may appear on them. To avoid this, pads on the chest, which are almost invisible under clothes, will help.

But in most cases, the active use of pads begins with the birth of the baby and ends after the establishment of stable lactation. The length of this period depends on many factors and averages 2-3 months.

Reasons why milk flows out of the breast spontaneously

Many women note that even after the establishment of a stable lactation regimen, leakage continues. This is due to the inability of weakened pectoral muscles to retain excess milk in a full breast. There are several reasons for excessive filling of the mammary glands..

  • Establishing a lactation regimen. This period usually takes about a month after the birth of the child. This time is necessary in order to adjust the mother's body to the needs of the baby. The glands produce much more milk than necessary and its excess spontaneously flows out.
  • A long break between feedings leads to the formation of an excess of milk and the breast cannot hold the extra amount.
  • The reflex secretion of milk is associated with the formation of the hormone oxytocin in the mother's body. It is his education that provides the presence of breast milk. This process occurs during the feeding period, with the memory of the baby and the pleasure of communicating with him.

Often, due to the weakness of the milk ducts in the nipples, leakage of milk can accompany the entire period of breastfeeding. In this case, the use of pads during breastfeeding becomes a forced necessity.

Types of breastfeeding pads

Consistent use throughout the lactation period of bra inserts is quite heavy burden on the family budget. Most women find that using multiple types of pads in combination is an acceptable solution to this problem.

In general, the whole variety of liners for nursing mothers can be divided into two types of disposable and reusable products. In turn, reusable products can be both factory-made and hand-made.

Disposable Breastfeeding Pads

Disposable bra pads help save mom a lot of time. They are used only once and then disposed of. When choosing this type of product, it is important to consider some important points.

Disposable pads provide almost complete breast protection against milk leakage and stay dry for a long time. But in financial terms, their use is unprofitable.

Reusable factory items

Reusable chest pads are made from natural materials: cotton, bamboo fiber, wool. Modern reusable bra pads for nursing mothers have an anatomical shape and are not visible under clothing. A weighty argument in their favor is the possibility of washing both by hand and by machine. The cost of packing reusable pads is higher than similar disposable products, but this difference pays off due to the possibility of repeated use.

Reusable ones have a number of significant disadvantages: liquid absorption is slow and humidity is felt; with prolonged continuous use, the risk of developing infections and bacterial infections of the breast increases; relatively short filling time and the possibility of leakage.

The most acceptable option is use of disposable breast pads during the development of lactation, and their combination with reusable samples in the subsequent period of breastfeeding.

Homemade reusable products

Buying factory-made breast pads is the easiest, but not the cheapest option to protect your breasts from leaking while breastfeeding. You can make this necessary hygiene item with your own hands., having available simple tools and inexpensive fabrics (flanel for the inner layer, fleece for outside and simple sewing tools). Detailed instructions on sewing liners for the chest can be found on the Internet. They can be made with a large margin to reduce the worries of a nursing mother after each feeding or replacement.

Just like reusable factory-made breast pads, homemade bra liners are washed with soap or baby powder and ironed on both sides before use. This type of gaskets has the same disadvantages when used as factory counterparts.

How to choose breastfeeding pads

The right choice of breast pads can provide a nursing mother not only with a sense of comfort, but also help maintain breast hygiene during lactation. Each woman should independently choose the type of breast pads for herself in accordance with her needs and financial capabilities.

The main selection criteria are two conditions:

  • the use in the production of gaskets of natural materials that meet hygiene requirements during lactation;
  • the absence of dyes in the composition of the materials used in the production of this hygiene product.

Failure to comply with these requirements may cause allergic reactions, irritation and cracked nipples.

In addition to the main criteria, there are a number of other characteristics that distinguish popular disposable breast pads. Based on feedback from breastfeeding moms, quality bra pads must have the following characteristics.

  • The convex anatomical shape provides almost complete invisibility of the pad under clothing and prevents the flow of milk.
  • Pads should contain a gel-like layer that retains more liquid and does not clump when wet.
  • It is imperative that high-quality gaskets have several fixation points. This will ensure that the insert is securely fastened to clothing even during vigorous activity and sports.
  • Both the inner and outer layers of breast pads must be made from breathable materials.
  • Separate packaging for each earbud, as sometimes only one of them needs to be replaced.

Throughout the period of breastfeeding, it is important not only to use auxiliary hygiene products, but also closely monitor the condition of the nipples and breasts. Proper Care behind them will make breastfeeding comfortable and easy.

The female body needs careful care not only during pregnancy, but also after. Special care is required for breasts during breastfeeding. If hygiene is neglected, the risk of developing dermatological pathologies on the skin of the chest increases. It is dangerous for mother and child. Breastfeeding pads can help prevent this.

What are chest pads?

Pads in a nursing bra will perfectly insure against getting wet and prevent the development of many pathologies.

Main functions:

  • eliminate the risk of getting wet clothes;
  • sliding layer eliminates the risk of chafing the skin;
  • prevention of mastitis and the development of infectious diseases;
  • reduce the likelihood of itching and inflammation;
  • pads are useful for nipples as they prevent injury;
  • maintain hygiene.

Even if cracks have already formed on the nipples, pads for nursing mothers will help to quickly restore the integrity of the skin and prevent infection from entering the body through wounds.

Disposable and reusable breast pads: which are better?

Disposable bra pads do not require constant care and are easy to use. The main thing is to choose quality products. How to understand that the liner will not harm? After high-quality products, no villi remain on the skin, and there is no allergy.

Disposable breast pads absorb milk quickly and hold for about 4 hours. The composition contains breathable and waterproof materials. Adhesive tape keeps the pads securely in place.

Manufacturers produce thin disposable products, while they are characterized by good absorbent properties and do not protrude under clothing.

Compared to reusable pads for nursing mothers, disposable ones have the advantage of keeping the breasts dry all day and night. This reduces the friction that leaves wounds on the skin, and also minimizes the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the glands.

Brands of disposable pads

At first, the mother will need a large number of inserts, 3-4 pairs per day. To save money, it is better to purchase reusable ones and apply them periodically.

Reusable breast pads after use need to be washed and ironed: they will become softer and will be usable again.


  • bamboo - withstand many washes, do not allow microorganisms to multiply inside the liners, but absorb little liquid, leak;
  • cotton - need frequent replacement, because they absorb a small amount of liquid;
  • membrane - the inner layer is made of any material, but for the outer layer a polyurethane membrane is used to retain moisture and prevent the bra from getting wet;
  • silicone - collect flowing milk;
  • multilayer - consist of environmentally friendly components.

Reusable nursing pads are also made from wool. This type of liners is not suitable for everyone, because it causes allergies.

The disadvantage of liners is discomfort, when worn for a long time, they begin to leak, the risk of infection and injury to the nipples increases.

Brands of reusable breastfeeding pads

To wash the product, you will need a detergent for delicate wash free of phosphates. Temperature - from 40 to 60 degrees. As a rule, complete with pads are bags for automatic washing.

How to choose

Before buying a breastfeeding pad, it is important to evaluate how much milk flows out per day. Disposable liners have different degrees of absorption (as on conventional pads, this parameter is indicated in the form of a droplet):

  • 1 - if milk is secreted in small volumes;
  • 2 - with abundant excretion;
  • 3-4 - with intensive leakage, suitable for wearing both day and night.

The standard size of the product is 12-13 cm. But some companies make liners with a larger diameter.

The shape of the liners is also different, because the ability to repeat the features of the breast also affects how well the pads will retain moisture. Manufacturers offer women products that allow you to choose the depth of planting.

It is better to choose products from natural ingredients. However, there is also artificial materials not harmful to the body. Most gaskets are made from:

  • cotton - suitable for small secretions;
  • cellulose and viscose - unlike cotton, they keep the skin dry for a long time;
  • gel breast pads - absorb more liquid - up to 75 g, retain and do not let moisture through.

To select high-quality gaskets, it is important to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Material - it should be soft.
  2. Comfort - the earbuds do not have latches, so they slide when you move. To avoid this, it is advisable to purchase gaskets with a rough surface.
  3. The frequency of washing - it is worth choosing products that can withstand at least 50 times.
  4. The outer layer - it is important that it does not let the liquid through and allows the skin to breathe.

During lactation, the mammary glands begin to work actively. It is difficult to predict when a leak will occur. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is advisable to purchase several reusable bra pads and use them as a safety net.

It is better not to use colored liners: the paint is harmful to the delicate skin of the breast, it causes irritation or allergies.

To understand which breastfeeding pads are best, you need to purchase several products. different firms. The choice of the optimal option depends not only on the quality of the product, but also on individual features organism.

Using earbuds

You need to replace it as soon as the gasket gets very wet. With candidiasis and infectious diseases, the replacement is made immediately after feeding.

The way to use both types of earbuds is the same:

  1. Set aside the cup of the bra.
  2. Position the liner so that its center is next to the nipple.
  3. If there is Velcro or adhesive backing, remove the protective layer.
  4. Return the cup to its place, press if there is no retainer.

Complications caused by poor quality products

It is important to carefully study the composition of the hygiene product in order to avoid problems with the breast in the future. Lactation liners made from components that make it difficult for air to reach the skin lead to the following complications:

  • diaper rash;
  • inflammation;
  • irritation;
  • spots;
  • puffiness.

It should also be borne in mind that you can not use pads for cracked nipples. Bacteria multiply rapidly in a humid environment, so they can enter the body through wounds and aggravate the condition.

DIY breast pads

You can make your own milk absorption pads. Gauze or cotton fabric is suitable, and fleece as an insert. You will need to cut out a few circles. The optimal diameter is 12 cm. Then you need to attach them to each other and stitch along the edges. Subsequence:

  1. Inner layer.
  2. Two linings.
  3. outer layer.

To add extra comfort, it is worth making a seam from the middle of the pad to the edge.