The best love stories. A bedtime story for your girlfriend. Romantic stories about love. small bright star

"In a certain kingdom ...", or rather, in an ordinary city apartment there lived a girl Varenka. As a child, her mother read a fairy tale about Cinderella to her and talked about how her beautiful daughter would grow up, find her love and marry a prince. Varenka thought about it so much that already at school she began to look for a prince for herself.

He will look at Vanya: he is handsome, tall, he goes to the football section. What else does a prince need? He will fall in love, and he will either pull the pigtail, or set the bandwagon - no, such a prince is no good! Varenka will sigh and continue looking for someone to fall in love with. And only a bedtime story was her consolation.

And here's Igor: he teaches lessons, he does all the tests with "five", he does not write off, his glasses are expensive, with a gilded frame. Varenka fell in love, but he couldn’t run thirty meters in physical education, he didn’t give back when Petka from a parallel class tore off a button on his jacket. No, and this is not a prince - he does not have a white cloak, nor a strong sword.

So Varenka did not find anything worthwhile at school. On graduation party When she did her hair in the salon, put on a new dress brought by her aunt from Warsaw, several boys opened their mouths - they began to walk around and say compliments. It was melting, Varenka, but she caught herself in time when one of the contenders for the post of personal prince waved his hand on her knee, as if in his own, and pinched her below the waist after a joint dance. Varenka shied away - the princes are entitled to only one kiss, and even that after it breaks through the thorny thorn bush, and then some kind of fairy tale for adults turns out.

Varenka entered a technical university - it’s not to look for a prince at the philological faculty. And a prince with hands and brains often comes across in a technical university. The girl is studying, or rather, she is suffering: this is not a bedtime story - mathematics with physics. Here you need to understand. And how to understand, if since childhood you only thought about the prince, then a real fairy tale for adults comes out ...

One day Varenka sobs in the audience after another failure. Suddenly, a head peeked through the door. This is Mishka from the parallel group: "Did you fall asleep? Let me help you figure it out." Varenka agreed - what can you do? True, Mishka didn’t pull for the role of a prince: he was short, he always wore the same jeans, he didn’t have a car-apartment and lived in a hostel. Well, but he doesn’t call for marriage - to do it. After two weeks of Mishka's daily explanations, Varenka began to understand something in these same functions and integrals, and Mishka turned out to be not so nondescript. He did not get a car during this time, but Varenka was interested in talking to him even without a car, and not only about mathematics. She understood that princes are different. Not all of them talk about love and ride a white horse.

Do you think they got married soon? No, this is life, not a fairy tale for children. Mishka studied well, defended himself brilliantly, launched his own business, got on his feet. And Varenka got married in her last year. No, no, not for the prince - for the dean. He taught physics for them, but he got lost in Varenka's sky-colored eyes. And she no longer believed in magic, she didn’t read bedtime stories and hid a book about Cinderella from her beautiful daughter.

The man who saw love

He lost count of days, months ... For him, life was an eternity, and everything around was just an endless, forgettable landscape. He did not know hatred, did not understand what cruelty is, living in himself and not thinking about what was alien to his fragile heart.
No one knew who he was or why his features were always light and serene. But his thoughts were far from prying eyes.

He saw love, its living embodiment, slightly perceptible, misty, as different and cool as a summer breeze. People thought that their feeling lives in the heart, only occasionally showing itself, looking out into the sun. But he knew that love had been near them all their lives, yes, near, followed them, putting his hand on their warm, warmed by her hands.

And he, occasionally looking at passers-by, immersed in their thoughts, people only smiled at the splendor of a ghostly silhouette hovering next to them. He was also in love... But this love was platonic, impossible - no, not unrequited, but doomed to never acquire a physical meaning, an image, material, but not so exalted, but earthly. He was in love with his love...

She came to him once and has not left since then ... They were always together: both on a cloudy, harsh day, and on a noisy rainy evening, when, hiding in a warm living room from people's worries, he made her laugh, and she burst into sonorous, laughter that only he can understand. And when the sun was shining, warming the people immersed in the bustle with its rays, they sat in silence, affectionately and carelessly smiling at each other. In those moments, life seemed to be something magical, insanely beautiful and so sentimental. But he lacked... sensations more real, more earthly.

So the time went by...

One day he woke up and went to the window, looking dreamily into the distance... thinking that she was hiding somewhere behind him... smiling at the thought of how he would look back and see her playful smile.

But what he found under the window greatly disturbed him, placing fear in his soul for something that might never happen again. The people he used to look at as if they were something bright, full of feelings, life, warmth... they changed... they wandered alone along the street. On the faces of many of them there were even smiles and delight, but ... it all seemed so far away, unnatural without the barely perceptible silhouettes of feelings floating in the air.

Fear gradually overwhelmed his entire being, but there was something else in him ... understanding coming from somewhere deep ... expectation. He was not even surprised when he heard a barely audible rustle behind him, then he heard approaching measured steps, and slowly looking around, he saw her ... smiling, but not serenely, but thoughtfully, a little sadly ... She was there, warm and real .

sun and sea

He saw her. She sat on the fence and dangled her bare feet.
"Hello," he told her.
"Hi," she smiled back.
- What are you doing?
- I love the sun.
- Does It love you?
- Loves.
- Right.
She looked inquiringly.
- That's right, he loves it. You are beautiful.
He thought a little. She waited and was silent.
- You are very beautiful. May I kiss you?
- Kiss.
She jumped off the fence and walked over to Him. She put her hands on her shoulders and closed her eyes in anticipation. Feeling the soft touch of her lips on her cheek, she opened them again. There was a blush under a light tan. Then They went through the Forest to the Sea. Sitting side by side, They looked at the sunset, leaving in the water.
- And I often come to Love the Sea, - He said.
- And I usually Love the Sun, - She answered.
- Let's love together the sun that goes into the sea.
- Let's.
They hugged - it's better to love together.
The sun went into the Sea quickly, and They could not Love him for long. And then He said:
- Went to the sun.
- Fine.
She began to undress. He wanted to turn away. She was surprised - why, you Love Beauty. You can watch and admire. Why are you turning away? She took off her light cotton dress and showed herself to Him.
He brought her to the Sea. She led him to the sun.
The sea carried their bodies, and the Sun spoke the way.
And the sunset never ended.

Eternal devotion

In the long cold fans of the Tibetan winter, one can hear the story of two lovers whose love was so strong that it overcame not only the resistance of their parents, but also defeated death itself. They met at the ford. Every day they came here, bringing yaks to drink, until one fine morning they started talking. It seemed that they could not talk enough, they parted reluctantly, deciding to meet tomorrow at the same place. And by the next meeting, they were already in love with each other.
The following weeks were full of love and anxious expectations for them. In old Tibet, families' marriages were arranged in advance, often from the moment children were born, unplanned unions were considered a disgrace. They had to hide their love from their loved ones, but every morning they hurried to meet at the ford.

One day the young man was more than usual anxious, waiting for his beloved to appear. He trembled all over when he finally heard her footsteps. They barely had time to exchange greetings, and he revealed the secret that kept him in such suspense. He brought her a family jewel - a silver earring inlaid with large turquoise.

Seeing such a gift, the girl thought, because she knew that to accept it meant to swear eternal love. Then she loosened her braid and let the young man weave the earring into her long black hair. And from that moment on, she gave herself to the power of any possible consequences.

It is difficult for a daughter to hide the first impulses of love from her mother's searching gaze, and the earring was soon discovered. Immediately realizing how far things had gone for her, the old woman decided that only the most desperate measures could save the honor of the family. She ordered her eldest son to kill the one who dared to interfere in the affairs of the family, who Ural had the love of a child. The son reluctantly obeyed his mother's order. He intended only to injure the shepherd, but, without informing his son, the mother accepted additional measures and poisoned the arrow - the young man died in great agony.

The girl was shocked by grief and decided to be freed from suffering forever. Having obtained permission from her father to attend the funeral of her lover, she hurried to the ceremony - the body was already lying on the funeral pyre. Despite all attempts, none of the family young man could not light a fire.

Approaching the place where the fire was kindled, the girl took off her cape. To the surprise of those present, she threw it on the firewood, and the fire immediately flared up. Then, with a mournful cry, she threw herself into the fire, and it devoured them both.

Those present at the funeral were numb with horror. The news of the tragedy soon reached the girl's mother, who rushed to the place of burning. Enraged, she arrived at the funeral before the last coals had cooled, she decided that the young couple could not remain together even after death, and insisted that their bodies, joined in the fire, be separated from each other.

She sent for a local shaman, who began to ask what the beloved feared most in the world during their lifetime. It turned out that the girl was always disgusted with toads, and the young man was terribly afraid of snakes. They caught a toad and a snake and laid them next to the burnt bodies. And immediately, miraculously, the bones parted. Then, at the insistence of the mother, the remains were buried on different banks of the river so that the beloved remained forever apart.

Meanwhile, soon two young trees began to grow on new graves. With unusual speed, they turned into thick trees, their branches stretched out and intertwined above the stream. To those who were nearby, it seemed that the branches were reaching out to each other, as if trying to hug each other, and the children playing nearby said with fright that the rustle of tangled branches was similar to the quiet whisper of lovers. The angry mother ordered the trees to be cut down, but each time new ones grew. Who would have thought that in this way they would be able to prove their loyalty and that their love would continue to bloom even after death in this place.


My Heart was locked, and the key was given to the Great Keeper of the Keys. He has kept these keys for many centuries. Sometimes the Hearts come to him and ask him to return the key to them. Then the Keeper looks sternly, frowns his brows, as if he wants to see what awaits this Heart in the future and whether it is worth returning the key. What if the Heart does something unreasonable again?

In the castle, the Keeper has a large earthen vessel, in which he keeps Love. When the Heart is just born, the Keeper gives it Love in a special small clay vessel and a key (it is needed to open talents, knowledge and love in the heart). The heart must handle it carefully and correctly. But there are always such Hearts that will definitely break all the rules for storing Love! They scatter it, splash it, leaving absolutely nothing to their relatives and friends. They spend Love on experiences, they begin to love money, things, they love anything, but not that and there is not what they need!

When love ends in their vessel (yes, this can happen too), they become angry, love no one, and hate everyone! They even change color from green to purple-black!

The Guardian also has a Book of Encounters. In this book it is written which Heart, with which Heart and when it must meet! The cover of the book is made of sunlight and pure spring water, interspersed with dew, flowers grow on its pages, a rainbow shimmers and a warm breeze blows! Unfortunately, the Heart, which ineptly spent its Love on all sorts of trifles, when it meets the Heart written down for it according to the Book of Encounters, cannot give it anything. After all, he didn’t even have a small drop of love left ... The heart cannot live long without love, it suffers, suffers, it feels that something is missing ...

And then such exhausted, tired, tormented by sadness, longing and sadness hearts close themselves and take the key to the keeper. They become calm, they no longer have pity, no longing, no sadness, no sorrow, no love. They do not feel anything, they have no Emotions, they are neutral and indifferent to everything; cynicism and selfishness, pride and pride become their companions...

But there were also reasonable Hearts, they carefully and with deep respect carried their love, their small clay vessel, carefully distributing it to their loved ones, relatives, with those poor and unhappy hearts they also shared their warm love, they gave it to nature and animals. And they definitely had to give the brightest grain of their love to the Guardian as a token of gratitude and respect for him, for the gift of Love, which is the most priceless in the world!

Sometimes it happened that the Heart came to the Guardian and asked very much for a spare key from another Heart, because he could not open it for a long time, he suffered a lot from that! The Keeper took his Book of Meetings and looked, whether it was the Heart, and if there was a record of their meeting, then, of course, he helped and gave the key. But before that, he could arrange various tests, otherwise it’s too early, he can’t be wrong! If the heart passed these tests (and if the heart loves, then it will cope with any trials and difficulties), then the Guardian gave the key. After all, nothing could so soften the severity of the guardian and make him kinder as a loving heart! Many hearts came to ask for those Hearts who were not a couple, and there was no entry in the Great Book of Meetings.

Then the Keeper frowned again, was silent for a long time, he thought... Then he looked intently, he knew and saw that it never ends with anything good... He pointed to the door and, saying that it was not time yet and we had to wait. And they left these hearts sad and drooping...

But once a year the Guardian is very kind to everyone and gives gifts! With cruel and stupid, devastated hearts, he filled their little vessel with pure love. So that they can love and be loved again, find their heart and give it the love that they could not give before ... so that they again discover knowledge in themselves and gain faith and a new path!
Well, the Guardian gave fiery and fiery love to kind, honest and faithful hearts in a vessel of roses, lilies, summer breeze, and sweet strawberries and cherries, it will warm them for many, many more years!
And this only happens once a year. Guess when? On Valentine's Day.

The Tale of the Angel and the Shadow

Why did someone come up with the idea that darkness and light are incompatible? They are opposite, but that doesn't mean anything. Absolutely nothing.

One day an Angel fell in love with a Shadow.
- How come? - you ask. After all, an angel is a bright heavenly being, and a shadow is just a shadow.
Well, yes, she was just a shadow, she was a demonic being whose heart was soaked in darkness and pain. The angel was beautiful in his virtue, beauty and purity.
And yet he loved her. He loved her black hair, her sad eyes, her black clothes, her sad thoughts, he even loved her black deeds and her sad thoughts about them.
But the Shadow is a shadow, it belonged to evil. She laughed at the Angel, and, laughing, she said: “Think for yourself. I am just a shadow, and you are an angel. I am darkness and you are light, I am evil and you are good. We're not meant to be together."

But the Angel did not back down. He himself suffered for a long time, thinking about how he could love her, the eternal shadow, whose life passes in eternal darkness.
“But maybe that’s why,” thought the Angel, “I fell in love with her, for her eternal wanderings and suffering, for her wars and defeats with herself, for her sad eyes and eternally suffering heart.”
The shadow, like all shadows, was not a fool, and thought that an extra angel in friends would never hurt. She accepted his gifts, signs of attention, smiled at him, stroked his warm cheek when he whispered to her: "I love you." The angel was happy because he knew how to be happy.
But soon the Shadow got tired of it, and she waved her hand to the Angel, saying that it was better for them to leave.
The angel wept for a long time, although he knew it was a sin. He cursed life and fate, even though he knew it was a sin. He suffered.
The shadow again only laughed evilly at him.

But one day a dazzlingly pure and kind thought slipped into the heart of the Shadow, this thought settled in her like a splinter, it grew and puffed up, turning into an obsession, and, finally, the Shadow, driven by this idea, took a fatal step - did a good deed. Now her body began to cover honesty and kindness. Now a faint radiance of compassion began to emanate from her. The shadow, as best it could, began to cover them up with bad deeds and bad deeds. But it didn't help.

She was noticed. They began to check. When they learned that she had done a good deed, they became furious in dark circles, and when they learned about her connection with the Angel, they simply went berserk.
And they decided to apply the main measure of punishment. Not to destroy, no, they decided to send her to the "Gray" zone, a place where only the deeply guilty were exiled. The place where your true beginning, black or white, cannot manifest itself, tormenting you. Where, if you are a dark being, your evil will only eat you yourself, where, if you are a light being, no one will need your virtue, and from hopelessness it will turn into anger and hatred for the whole world. In the "Gray" zone, there was no peace for anyone, only suffering and torment.

Black tears dripped from Shadow's black eyes as she listened to the verdict. And when she was asked about her last wish, she suddenly suddenly realized that she wanted to see the Angel. The angel flew in like a bullet, and was not even surprised when the Shadow quietly asked if he would like to go with her to the "Gray" zone. He just smiled sadly and answered just as quietly: "Yes, I'll fly with you."

Everyone gasped, but they could not forbid him anything. Because of their own free will, anyone could get there. Although willing, frankly speaking, was not at all. Only the Angel who followed his Shadow.
So they began to live together in the "Gray" zone. It was hard for them. But the Angel's love worked wonders, the Shadow's own evil did not eat her from the inside, and, in the end, the feeling of gratitude to the Angel, much to her surprise, grew into reciprocal love. She fell in love with someone for the first time, because the feeling of love - a bright feeling - has never been inherent in the shadows.

So they lived, and with their strange union they violated all existing laws and rules.
And yet, the original heart of the Shadow, now wrapped in love, was wormy, and this worm was the Evil with which she was born and whom she was called to serve.
She cheated on him. She cheated in response to his boundless love, cheated with some unfortunate demon, expelled into the "Gray" zone a long time ago.
And he found out. And he suffered. He was silent for a long time and thought for a long time.

For the first time, Shadow suddenly realized that he was losing him. For the first time, she realized that the worst thing for her was not the "Gray" zone, but the realization that she would never again be able to look into his Blue eyes never hear his voice again.
For the first time she cried, crying not for herself, but for the love of another.
He approached her and tried to comfort her. No matter what she did, he couldn't bear to watch her cry. He walked over and froze in one place.
The tears were not black and bitter, like all shadows, but transparent and salty. They were pure tears. He realized that he had changed her.
Now she could leave the "Gray" zone, because she was not the one who entered here.
He did, he forgave her. She didn't believe it, but he forgave her.

And they flew out of the zone together. Now the Shadow is no longer afraid of the light. Her love and the love of the Angel performed a miracle: she turned into a bright being, changing her beginning.
And so, holding hands, they fly together towards the sunlight and warmth, and the breath of the Creator illuminates their path.

And in the "Gray" zone, they are still talking about that case. There are legends about this, and each time, finishing his story, the narrator asks his listeners: “Why did someone come up with the idea that darkness and light are incompatible?”.

Pages of love folklore

He looked at her with longing in his heart. He always knew that his love object was far away and inaccessible. Like a forest nymph, like a sea mermaid or a magic fairy. She lived next door. At the same time, it seemed that she lived in another world, because on the one hand she was so close, and on the other hand, so far away. Always well-groomed, beautiful, graceful, self-confident. Her gait made people turn around after her. She was envied, admired and admired. She was adored by children, neighbor grandmothers, and every passer-by wanted to treat her with something. Of course, he always understood how inaccessible she was. He understood that his bedtime story about love was doomed to be sad.

Her name was Mi, she was three years old, she was a Persian cat. His name was Mouse, he was almost a yard black cat, he was five years old. The owners of Mouse were constantly at work, so he spent days on end on the street. He ate grass, climbed trees, chased mice in the basement, slept in the sun, marked his territory, chased away strangers. Mi did not go outside often. The whole family took care of her. Grandma and her granddaughter often accompanied Mi like a queen. They went out with her, left her on the bench and went to the store or school. A Mi followed them with a contemptuous look, trying to make it clear that she was already tired of their excessive guardianship. She is able to take care of herself. She stretched gracefully and began to lick her fur. She gently stepped on the green grass, sniffed the flowers, walked along the fences or curbs. Cats often molested her, but her heart remained free. Mi dreamed that at least one of the cats would make an effort and prove that he was ready to move mountains for her. But they all quickly gave up and stopped fighting for the beauty's heart after several attempts to approach.
Are you afraid to be alone? - once asked Mi her friend red cat Lika.
“It’s better to be alone than with someone who doesn’t want to fight for you.
“But this way you will become a lonely self-sufficient cat with forty people.
Two cats laughed at the joke and went for a walk around the yard. Mouse heard their conversation and hope appeared in his soul. He suddenly realized that the beautiful and beautiful Mi is free and even waiting for her prince. And let Mouse be small and black, let his owners have a tiny apartment, let them feed him not with delicacies, but with porridge and borscht, because he can be the best for Mi.

A Tale of Love: How Mouse Called Mi

The next day, Mouse approached Mi, sniffed her beautiful fur, and only then introduced himself. At first, he wanted to immediately declare his serious intentions, but then he was confused and could not say a word. But the cat could not retreat. He just smiled and looked into Mi's eyes with loving eyes so that she had to turn away in embarrassment. Mouse tried to make her feel without words that now he would always be there. In the evening, he drove away other people's cats from Mi and told them that this cat was his. The next day, he brought her a mouse he had caught in the basement. He spent his nights under the balcony of the lady of his heart. At the same time, for several months he said only a couple of words. He couldn't speak when the perfect angel-like cat was around. And he could not be near, because this fragile and graceful cat could be harmed at any moment by someone else.
One autumn day, Mouse was sitting near a tree and saw Mi, who came out of the entrance. She slowly approached him and kissed him.
"I'm so tired of waiting for you to kiss me." And today I suddenly thought, how long can I wait, I will do it.
But I'm a house cat. Your coat is perfect, but mine has fleas. You are beautiful and I am skinned.
“You are skinned because you fought cats who wanted to hurt me. And he got me mice to entertain me.
“Come on, won’t you go home today?” I'll steal you away for a few days and show you the night city.
- I read short stories about love and all the time I was waiting for you to steal me. Finally it happened.

So Mouse learned that words often don't mean anything. But actions speak volumes. With his silent perseverance, Mouse won the heart of the beautiful Mi. Since then, they have always walked together, roaming the rooftops, looking at the moon and stars, climbing trees and balconies, catching butterflies and enjoying the sun.

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and heat.Would you like to support our project? Let's get drunk, s new strength we continue to write for you!

It was time for bed, and the little hare grabbed the big hare tightly by its long, long ears. He wanted to know for sure that the big hare was listening to him.

- Do you know how much I love you?
“Of course not, kid. How should I know?
- I love you - that's how! - and the hare spread its paws wide, wide.

But the big hare has longer legs.
- And I you - that's how.
“Wow, how wide,” thought the hare.

“Then I love you—that’s how!” And he pulled himself up with all his might.
- And you - that's how, - the big hare reached for him.
“Wow, how high,” thought the hare. “I would like that!”

Then the hare guessed: a somersault on the front paws, and with the hind legs up the trunk!
“I love you to the very tips of your hind legs!”
“And I love you - to the very tips of your paws,” the big hare picked him up and threw him up.

- Well, then ... then ... Do you know how much I love you? ... Like that! - and the hare jumped and tumbled across the clearing.
- And I love you - like this, - the big hare grinned, and jumped so much that he reached the branches with his ears!

"That's a jump! thought the hare. “If only I could do that!”

- I love you far, far along this path, as from us to the river itself!
- And I you - as through the river and in-oh-oh-he is behind those hills ...

“How far away,” the hare thought sleepily. Nothing else came to his mind.

Here above, above the bushes, he saw a big dark sky. There is nothing beyond the sky!

“I love you until the moon itself,” the hare whispered, and closed his eyes.
- Wow, how far ... - The big hare laid him on a bed of leaves.

He himself settled down next to him, kissed him goodnight ... and whispered in his ear:

And I love you to the moon. To the very, very moon... and back.

"That's how I love you" - a translation of a fairy tale in poetic form:

The little hare smiled at his mother:
- I love you like this! - and threw up his hands.
- And that's how I love you! - his mother told him
She spread her hands and also showed.

- It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
He crouched down and jumped high like a ball.
- I love you like this! the bunny laughed.

And then in response to him, dashing dashingly,
- That's how much I love you! - jumped the hare.
- This is a lot, - the hare whispered, -

- I love you like this! the bunny smiled
And somersaulted on the grass-ant.
- And that's how I love you! - Mommy said
Tumbled, hugged and kissed.

- This is a lot, - the hare whispered, -
It's a lot, a lot, a lot, but not too much.
Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this - you understand, mom!

And mom can see the whole valley in her arms.
- That's how much I love you! mother told her son.
So it was a fun day. At the hour when it was getting dark
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.

At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?

Having tucked a blanket on all sides of the bunny,
Quietly, before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- It's very, very much, it's so nice,
If you love to the moon, and then back.

Love is a wonderful feeling that is usually accompanied by romance. If a young man wants to make his chosen one pleasant, then you can tell a fairy tale to your girlfriend before going to bed. After such an end of the day, her nightly dreams will only be pleasant and memorable.

"Who seeks will find"

Tell your loved one this story before bed. The girl will love it for sure.

There lived one laywoman in the world, she had everything: food, shelter, and household. The only thing she lacked was communication with someone and intimacy.

And then one day she went around the world in search of her happiness. Every time the girl came across someone on the way, she thought that these were the ones she was looking for. But she quickly bothered the wanderers, or they stopped noticing her, since our heroine's disposition was quiet and modest.

Once, on a damp dank night, a lonely girl came across a house on the way. She decided to try her luck and rang the bell. A pleasant young man opened the door, who surprised the wanderer with his polite manners, so she entered the dwelling without fear. She was so tired that she was immediately fed and put to bed.

But at night, an evil spell fell on the house, and she woke up in the morning without any strength on the street. But stronger than fatigue there was fear that paralyzed the girl, and she rushed to run as fast as she could.

Since then, the poor wanderer did not trust anyone. But faith in love made her move on.

But then one day she sat down to rest on the banks of the river and saw the same wandering young man. They talked, and the girl found out that, it turns out, the traveler is also looking for salvation from loneliness. And they realized that this is fate and that the one who seeks will surely find his happiness.

Such a fairy tale to your beloved girl before going to bed will touch the heart.

"Angel and Shadow"

This tale about love, told to a girl before going to bed, will be remembered for a long time, as it says that a great feeling brings even opposites together.

Once an angel, beautiful with its light, kindness and beauty, fell in love with a shadow, terrible with its darkness, evil and ugliness. But his love did not reciprocate, saying that they were not destined to be together.

Later, the shadow decided to accept the angel's courtship, but this did not last long, as she was tired of the gifts brought. Then the poor angel began to suffer and cry.

And light feelings awakened tears in her black soul. For the first time, the shadow felt the need to do good, and then she began to do small good deeds.

The dark forces foresaw this and decided to drive her from the earth. The unfortunate woman found herself not on earth, not in heaven, but in a gray abyss.

The angel found out about the trouble of his beloved and set off on a long journey to her. She saw the shadow of a young man and realized that she loved him and that good conquered evil, and then reincarnated as an angel.

The lovers flew to heaven and began to live there happily ever after.

Funny short story for a girl before going to bed

There lived a queen in one kingdom who lost everything. Every day she could not find the right clothes, shoes, jewelry, or books. The queen's forgetfulness did not please the king, but he could not do anything about it.

Once they arranged a feast in the neighboring kingdom, the king and queen were already going to address, as the confused woman realized that she could not find her crown. She examined the whole castle, searched all the rooms, but the right thing did not find it. Then the ruler burst into tears, threw her into a fever, and she went to the kitchen to drink water and calm down. And then he sees on the table, next to the food, his loss. Then the wife laughed and remembered that she got up at night to eat and then took off the diadem, so as not to interfere, and forgot it here.

From that moment on, the ruler stopped forgetting anything.

This is a short and funny story. Before going to bed, she can be told to a girl to cheer up her beloved.

"Wish Fulfilled"

There was one bright star in the sky, which really wanted to fulfill good wishes. But she was so far away that no one thought anything of her. Our star was sad because of that and became dimmer.

A month laughed at our star, boasting that it is big and many people admire it every day, and it also illuminates the roads for wanderers at night, which means it brings a lot of benefits, unlike such a small star.

Once a little girl saw a sad girl on the ground, who yearned for her beloved. He once went to another kingdom and disappeared.

Then the star began to ask her friends how to fulfill people's desires. “To do this, you need to fall into the abyss and die,” the other luminaries answered her.

And then one night our little star gathered and rushed into the abyss. And while she was falling, the girl made a cherished wish. An asterisk performed it and died, bringing great joy to man.

The next morning, the girl's betrothed arrived, and there was no limit to her happiness.


On one amazing island lived a tribe of Indians, among whom was one beautiful and cheerful girl. Her name was Ai. Once the woman stopped smiling, became sad and sad. And the reason for this was Avitira, a guy who came to the island of Paqueta to go fishing.

He did not pay attention to Ai, because she yearned and shed bitter tears for the young man. She stopped going out into the street, all sat at the window and sang sad songs about love.

The girl began to go out early in the morning to a high cliff to look at Avitira, who got into his boat and sailed away to his beloved island.

Aya's tears were so bitter that they burned through the drops of the cliff, and the songs were so sad that they echoed from the grotto all over the area.

Once a guy lay down in a rock grotto to rest and heard enchanting songs. They enchanted him, and he began to come to listen to them every day.

Once the young man wanted to drink, he pressed his lips to the water flowing down the walls, but it turned out to be Aya's bitter tears. Then his heart was filled strong love to the girl, and they began to live together happily ever after.

Since then, there has been a rumor that the water flows to this day and whoever drinks it will fall in love with Ai forever.

"The Enchanted Woman"

She lived on the same lake Swan. She did not communicate with other birds, but always swam by herself. And then one day a fisherman came to the lake. He was fishing and saw a beautiful white bird. Yes, he liked the feathered one so much that he married her.

The man built a house over the water, and they began to live there with the Swan for a long time and peacefully. But once the fisherman wanted to hometown to go, as he yearned for relatives and friends. The bird felt a bad premonition and began to persuade the guy to stay at home. But he did not listen to her and left, but returned with his friends.

They drank and decided to hunt the poor Swan. And the fisherman was so drunk that he fell into oblivion. And when he woke up, he did not see his bird. There was only a girl with an arrow in her chest. The man then realized that his wife was bewitched. Since then, he began to yearn and live alone in the forest.

A short story for your girlfriend before bed

There was a girl named Fairy. Once she was picking strawberries in the forest and met the prince. They looked into each other's eyes and fell in love.

The king got angry when he found out about this, and put the Fairy in the highest tower of the kingdom. He said that he would release the girl only if the prince married the princess.

The young man stole his beloved and they fled into the forest, but suddenly they heard a chase. Then they asked the nymphs for help. The nymphs told them to throw themselves off a high mountain - they did so. Horsemen galloped up, looked down from the cliff and saw only dead bodies, and then they left with nothing.

Suddenly the bodies disappeared, and two flowers appeared in their place, in the buds of which were two little men - the prince and the Fairy. Since then, they live in that forest and fulfill the wishes of the wanderers they meet.


Once a peasant's daughter fell ill. He called the celestial to heal her. Since then, the guy became a frequent guest of the peasant, drank, ate with him and rested.

The celestial understood that it is good to have a lot of money, and now he began to sell his drugs and heal people for coins. They found out about this in heaven and scolded him, deprived him of magical powers and sent him to earth to live.

Then the celestial settled on the banks of the river and began to cultivate the land in order to feed himself. He took a peasant's daughter as his wife, and they began to live together, giving birth to many children.

Many people began to gather in that area, and a village grew up there. The land here was considered very happy, because a celestial settled here.

"Princess Love"

This is another fairy tale. Before going to bed, you can tell your beloved girl so that she falls asleep faster.

Once upon a time there was a princess who dreamed of great love. One day the king summoned princes from neighboring states and held a feast. But the girl did not like any young man, because they thought only about power and money.

Dancing, the princess saw a beautiful young man who turned out to be a servant, and fell in love with him.

The next day, the princess went out for a walk in the garden and met a guy she liked. They stood opposite each other and did not dare to utter a word. Finally, the lovers spoke and decided to run away into the forest and build a hut there. In the forest, love became brighter, and animals, in gratitude, began to come to the sparkling hut and bring food to it: nuts, berries, honey.

The king looked for the girl everywhere and could not calm down. Finding her in the forest, he wanted to put the servant in prison. But the old man saw how happy his daughter was and how she loved a man. Then the father took pity on the young and allowed them to live together. And then the lovers got married.

These are such sad and funny tales that a girl can tell before going to bed.