Congratulations on your graduation from school. Congratulations on the graduation party in verse (school, university). Beautiful congratulations on graduation in prose

School time is the best in the life of every person. Only people understand this much later than they ring last call. Major event for children and parents - graduation! They prepare for it carefully, choose outfits, a venue for the celebration, decorate the school with balloons and flowers. But most importantly, the graduates. They must be sincere, encouraging accomplishments, filled with strength and positive notes. Leaving school is sad, but a new interesting and adult life begins!

cool mom

After graduating from elementary school, the guys fall into the hands of the class teacher. Over the years, she becomes their own, a second mother! This woman protects her students, helps them in everything, pulls up quarter grades, arranges extracurricular activities. Children turn to the classroom teacher for any issue, for help. It is very important to find and establish warm friendly relations with them.

Having been together for so many years, the guys are sorry to part with their second mother! And it is doubly difficult for her. Therefore touching and causes tears.

Good words

On graduation day, everyone without exception is worried: teachers, parents, children, the headmaster. The speech that the class teacher will deliver at the gala concert must be prepared in advance: “My dear children, I love you like family! It is very hard to let you go into the adult world. There will not be me next to me, there will be no one to prompt and help in Hard time! But you have to make your own way through life. The school has given you a lot! You are educated and well-mannered, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities to make us proud of you. Conquer the peaks, strive for excellence! There will be time - visit your favorite school and brag about your achievements and successes! Good luck, dear children!

Parents will also like such wishes for graduates in prose. On such an important day, it is difficult to find words, so memorize phrases in advance.

commander in chief

The director of the school is an important person, but as human as all teachers. She also cares about her graduates. What lies ahead for them in the future, will they go to university, will they be successful in life? The headmistress's speech and wishes to graduates are the highlight of the program. Usually these are several sentences spoken with confidence and rigor. After all, the director cannot lose his face even in the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even children from elementary grades want to tell graduates. A solemn line should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, the share of humor in parting poems will not be superfluous. light syllable and good wishes will not bring sadness to those present.

We wish you everything in life,

Graduate college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Parents show concern.

You never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden.

We are proud of you, graduates,

Have fun today!

Such simple wishes for graduates will please everyone present. No mournful speeches, only laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Memory card

Graduation ... This day will be remembered by the guys for a lifetime. But to periodically refresh your memories, give schoolchildren commemorative postcards. They can be ordered at the nearest printing house or made independently. Paste a photo of the whole class into a postcard and write down wishes for graduates in it.

The years flew by quickly

Heat and rain, thunderstorms, snowstorms!

For eleven years you were in the walls of your relatives,

Now we see you dear!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and insanely beautiful!

Walk today and have fun

What path of life have you chosen?

And don't forget to go to the classroom once a year!

Children will keep such postcards as a keepsake along with vignettes and graduation ribbons. You can write in a postcard and wishes to graduates in prose:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day we've been waiting for and dreading. It's time to let you go free swimming, but you don't want to! You grew up before our eyes, became smarter and wiser. We are proud of you, we look forward to new successes and victories! you are strong personalities, confident in yourself and your abilities! Create and accomplish!
  • "Dear Guys! You are no longer children, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We are worried about your future and we are rooting for you! But still we are sure that you will walk your life path with pride and we will hear about your victories more than once!”

The guys will like such wishes for graduates in prose, they will re-read them and gain even more confidence in their abilities.


It is always difficult to part with students, because teachers get used to them, consider them to be their own children. They, like their parents, worry and dream of a better future for them. But don't be sad on graduation day. Have fun, dance with the guys and meet the dawn. Take more colorful photos, later you can get together with a friendly company and look at them. graduates sound this day without stopping. No longer schoolchildren, but not yet students - the best period in the life of children! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a fabulous prom!

Graduation party is an exciting event for any graduate, especially, of course, for a graduate. On this day, tears will shed, sadness will run. The girls will cry because they won't spend so much time together anymore. The same school time, which no one liked at one time, will end. Is your girlfriend also a future Graduate? Then you just have to start preparing in advance for this day. The most important part of this day for her will be your congratulatory speech because in it she will hear the necessary words of support. But as it often happens, men do not know how to correctly express their thoughts, so our page comes to the rescue. We devoted it entirely to congratulations and wishes for our beloved girl on Graduation Day. She will be touched by your words because we composed every speech from the bottom of our hearts.

>Your graduation is today
You are elegant, you are beautiful, you are gentle.
Light dress, hairstyle, heels,
How do you look like a princess now.
My beloved girl
I congratulate you on the holiday.
Always be happy, always be kind
How beautiful you are my pearl.

You are beautiful in a light dress
And it looks like a flower.
You flutter in a slow waltz,
What a beautiful moth.
At graduation, your first ball,
Accept congratulations.
I give you flowers
And a declaration of love.

What a wonderful holiday today
The ball is beautiful, graduation,
How nice it is for me to admire you now.
You look like a princess, you are beautiful and modest,
And I'll be honest with you, I really need you.
On this day merry congratulations accept
Be always desired, live happily,
And bathe in the ocean of my fiery love.

Your gorgeous dress
Instantly blinded me
And like magic happiness
My heart was filled with love.
Your favorite graduation
And you are the first lady on it,
Today, always - I'm with you,
And again met the joy of the soul.
Remember this last day
Farewell date with school,
You stepped over the stairs
Where it is necessary to be an adult, cheerful.

Your prom, you look beautiful
I'm glad, I was lucky with my beloved.
Smart, chic, a mixture of light and fire,
My princess wish for you:
May secret dreams come true
And I will make your wishes come true
I will drive away all anger and bad weather,
Beloved, we are together - this is happiness.

You are like a princess today
Beautiful, sweet and gentle
You spin easily in the dance,
Beautiful and slim.
Today you are a graduate, congratulations
I wish you a bright future, my love,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Happiness never knows boundaries.

In the dance you flutter like a moth,
So beautiful, gentle, sweet,
Congratulations on your first graduation
I wish you joy, victories, good.
Let life give you only happiness
Luck always smiles
Let all bad weather pass you by
Fate may reward you in full.

You have a graduation today, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
I wish you success and luck,
Let life give you only inspiration.
Let everything conceived come true
And the bad is forever forgotten
Let you be lucky in everything, always
Let my love be a guardian for you.

Tomorrow is your adult life
And today fun, dancing, friends,
graduation most Holy holiday on the ground,
Good luck, good luck, I wish you joy.
Be, my love, always happy
Gentle, sweet and beautiful,
Always be unique and desirable
May the good angel keep you.

Time has passed, you will not return and you will not catch up,
Goodbye school time
Graduation is coming, you will shed a tear
And you'll be gone forever.
My dear, love and enjoy
New, vital, suddenly a stage has come,
Never doubt my feelings
Our relationship, I'm extremely happy.

Here comes the school graduation
This evening is only yours.
Sunshine my love
I will congratulate you:
Smile and don't be sad today
Remember this day forever
I can and surround with love
So that you can remember the evening.
Your dress, fashionable hairstyle,
The girls will be ecstatic,
That you are a beautiful princess
You proved not the first time.

Exams left behind
And prom night is just around the corner
All life is ahead
Well, let's sum it up.
A beautiful look and a bright soul,
My wonderful love
You are my heart and my destiny
Happy graduation day, I congratulate you.
And the road ahead is waiting
She is full of joy of accomplishments,
You are the main thing, strive forward,
Without renouncing wonderful impressions.

I'm glad that I love
I'm glad that I met you
And put my soul at my feet
Giving a heart forever.
My dear, your graduation
Bright, beautiful event,
You will dance under the moon
Waiting for morning arrival.
I wish you rest
Get away from worries and have fun
Take a deep breath of air,
And with friends how to frolic.

The last graduation, like a summer ball,
And you dance like a queen
And the last school day appeared,
You really have to say goodbye.
Your eyes are like two diamonds
And hair plays like the moon
I owe the feelings of your love,
Fate bound the two forever.
Last day, graduation day
Remember the holiday or write down
It's like that, there won't be a second one,
So hurry up and celebrate

Today you have a bright and cheerful holiday,
The long-awaited graduation, farewell to the school.
Today you are so beautiful, pretty and slim,
And as if she had matured, she was all inspired by happiness.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday, my love,
You are the best in the world, my dear.
Let the flow of love swirl us,
And a fair breeze blows us on the boat of life.

Today is your graduation ball, my love,
You smile, have fun, because you have a holiday.
May fate always keep you
Let life be a fairy tale for you
To always be lucky and live happily,
And everything that was planned came true easily.
I so want in your arms sweet,
It is joyful to live with you all my life.

Gone carefree school years,
And now you have a graduation ball.
Let all adversity run away forever
And you remain, as before, gentle.
Happy holiday to you, my beloved,
Half of my heart
You are the most beautiful today
There is no such girl.
May your dream always come true
And a lucky star accompanies
Let the fire of love flare up more and more,
I will always love you.

How beautiful you are today, my dear,
And she came to her graduation ball with joy.
How your eyes burn with happiness
The most desirable, my star,
Happy holiday to you, my love.
I will always be with you
The dearest and sweetest
And I'll whisper in my ear: you're just mine!

May youth be happy
Saturated, bright, inquisitive!
Colored with the colors of childhood
What's next to you, next door!
Let youth be pleasant -
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
On a fine day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Today you completed your studies
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the blood continue through the veins
Runs relentlessly.
Let the path continue
Will be flat and straight
Never let anxiety
Won't come to your house.
Beauty, luck, happiness

Evening falls again over the city,
The guitar rang out, and the ball - lights out.
At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting
Take it with you, take it with you!
And we will not make promises crackling,
Loud words to speak, high oaths to give
Let's just try to live better on earth,
To never drop the school prestige.

Certificate - it is always by the way:
There is a big life ahead.
But on this, as at the start,
You don't stay long.
After all, a big big fit.
And the keys are in your hands.
We wish you soon
And get a diploma.

Saying goodbye to the school is a very touching and sad moment, because years of incredible discoveries and a sea of ​​acquired knowledge, funny tricks and childish spontaneity remain behind. However, this day is not without reason celebrated cheerfully and solemnly. After this unforgettable event, along with the responsibility of adulthood, comes freedom of thought and expression. Graduation party is the last day in the walls of the school, the last opportunity to look back, then with confidence to rush into the charming future. Therefore, it is important to find Right words who talk beautifully and sincerely about it. The verses on this page will perfectly cope with such daunting task and help make this evening even more festive.

Congratulations on graduation from school (on graduation from school)

Years have passed, it seems so imperceptibly now,
And we climbed them when the finest hour comes?
And then he came and a lump popped up in his throat,
We stand in silence, no one could pronounce words without excitement!

Of course, to each his own, but sad darkness,
Although you can’t call us shkolota now ....
Now the door of life is open for us everywhere,
And we are students for the last hour already! ©

How just like that, by chance, graduation came to us,
We are graduating from school, you and I, yes we are with you,
Years have passed when we were half an inch tall,
They came to gain knowledge and wisdom forever.

Now we are on the threshold of a new life - graduation,
We say goodbye to school - we are with you.
May the bright minutes of school years
They live in hearts and help us avoid troubles! ©

Here are the last minutes, the certificates were awarded,
Like a train on the platform, all the bells rang out,
We jump on the bandwagon to continue our path,
So that in life without fail, everywhere in order to be in time!

Remembering what happened, remembering those years,
What the school gave us, what is with us forever,
And now only congratulations, but more formalities,
But we will come here for sure, I know I believe in it all! ©

Cool congratulations on graduation at school

We'll have a graduation party, it's generally fast,
And not much will remain, everything will remain in the brain,
The one who studied at school will leave satisfied with the fact
Well, if you didn’t try, there’s only a sad meme on your face.

Yes, and in life, it will be important that you received at school,
After all, the exams are all after, no one canceled us,
So you can celebrate if you did well at school,
At graduation, we have fun that you have become a graduate!

Congratulations guys, on this glorious day,
And success to everyone in life, and luck all around,
So that there is understanding, so that you would be understood,
What do you need to do to be successful in life? ©

Today you are a graduate!
Beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime-air
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year will pass, and many years,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably glorify
Others, he will set up barriers!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you won't find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And unusual as a comet!

When you're only seventeen
Leaving the student bench,
Sometimes it's hard to figure out:
Where to go, which way?
And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
May conscience be everywhere for you
Your adviser and compass.
But even though we part with the school,
There is no place for sadness and longing.
Still, we remain in the heart
Near the school desk and blackboard!

With the end of the 9th grade of the gymnasium

They came to their high school
you eight years ago,
You have grown wiser, grown up -
Noticeable result!

As time rushes behind
Already ninth grade
And you were able to pass
Making us all happy!

Exams passed during the year -
Fives in diaries
And you were able to prove to everyone
That everything is in your hands!

We are proud and happy for everyone
We want to wish you
So that your today's success
I was able to become the norm!

Hurry to get knowledge
Find, discover yourself
To live an "excellent" life
You made it, friends!

And we want to promise
What will we be like now
To hurt and help for you,
After all, we love you so much!

With the end of elementary school (4 classes)

4 classes, then a trifle,
But he was also given to us as ...
After all, they couldn't do anything
Count, write, and more!

And for 4 years already,
We do that all completely!
IN primary school high school graduation,
We pass exams with you!

All my classmates
And here's a verse from me
Graduation in elementary school
So that we try further, more !!! ©

Flying elementary school
A string of sunny days
You are on the high seas today
Release our children.

Together with you they started
Think, read and write for yourself
You often replaced us with them,
After school you played with them
And they went for a walk.

And today we are a little sad:
Breakup has come...
The big road is waiting for the kids,
And without you it will not be easy for us,

Because in these three years
We all became a family
And now in your school worries
There will be someone else...

We are very grateful to you for everything.
And, saying goodbye, we want to wish
Be loved by teachers
And remember us more often!

Congratulations on graduating from a university, university (Institute, Academy). For a graduation party from a higher educational institution.

Your educational path is over
Let it be long, difficult,
But you are stubborn, no doubt
You got enough inspiration
And strength for the days of that study!
Passed exams, tests,
And a job is waiting for you
Realize your dreams!
We believe that you can
Go with Good Luck and Praise!
And let your diploma help
You are on the road of beginnings,
Do not count wishes today
And joy languidly burns the heart,
You have completed your studies
And you defended yourself on "five",
What more do we want in life?

Your educational path is over
Even though it's long and drawn out...
Already in the hands of your diploma
Proud of you baby girl!!!
We wish you only good
To spark your soul
Taking off once suddenly in vain,
Then it never faded away!
After all, you are stubborn and strong,
And though the road is not easy,
But if that road is joy,
And if we have help,
That your dreams will come true
And you will be the happiest!

Diploma in your hands, you graduated from high school,
I am very happy for you dear.
I'm proud of you my dear
You justified all my hopes.
Student marvelous time,
You will never be forgotten!
Childhood has not gone very far,
A wise maturity already walks in the neighborhood.
Say goodbye to games, meet big life
And in it, please, look, do not stumble.
All paths are open to you now
Everywhere luck awaits impatiently.
I will walk beside you,
And I want you to be happy.


So the long-awaited and exciting day for every student has come - Graduation! Today, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate former schoolchildren on their wonderful first adult holiday.

Quite recently, the last bell rang out, when the graduates for the last time heard the ringing of bells calling for a lesson, said goodbye to school teachers and everything that had been so expensive for 11 years. Having passed the state exams, students will now leave the school forever. The milestone in this marathon is always school graduations. Therefore, we consider it necessary to prepare congratulations for graduation at school in verse and prose for graduates, class teachers and parents who always touch the strings of the soul on this already emotional day.

Happy Graduation 2018: Beautiful poems for congratulations

Happy holiday, dear guys! Let the beginning of your adult life be successful and informative. We wish you success, receive awards for your efforts, find your way. Love life, do not forget your family, act according to your conscience, live your life. Be worthy and fair.

Congratulations on graduation! The hard way has been passed, but the most interesting is ahead! I wish you success in your adult life. Let every door you want to knock on open. Make your dreams come true and feel happiness every second!

I congratulate you on Graduation and sincerely wish you to always follow your own path of happiness, without changing your cherished dream and listening to your heart. And may there be a lot of opportunities on your way and many good people Let everything in your life turn out in the best way.

Happy Graduation 2018: Beautiful words of congratulations will delight every graduate

So the school days flew by ...

Your last call will ring

And his melodic trills

You won't be called to class.

A white dove flew into the blue sky -

Symbol of peace, freedom, love...

For the first time you went to school timidly,

And now all roads are yours.

Ahead - the adult life of the page,

And friends, and love, and dreams.

White birds will fly away to childhood,

And in the other direction - you.

Doors open for you

To the big world. It will become difficult more than once

You will move towards your chosen goal,

Like at school you go from class to class.

This day will be a little sad

Do not be sad - friends are with you,

And takes you to the door

Your school is a big family!

Let today you are very big.

I will talk about you as children for a long time.

The bell rang yesterday, but now the time has come

For you to leave the school, saying goodbye.

Parents got a little older

And you are much taller and stronger.

I wish you that your road

She was a special person, it was easy to walk along it.

Strong, reliable friends to you,

Good work, love!

Successful fate, unique!

Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinion, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital letter without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, educate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

With the end of school, students rise to the first adult level. They say goodbye to childhood and proceed to further development and learning. Graduation party is a solemn event not only for children, but also for their parents, teachers, class teachers. Girls choose dresses, suitable make-up. Some young people put on a formal suit for the first time and learn how to tie a tie.

Graduation in 2018 is held on the 20th of June, when the final exams end. Therefore, each school chooses its own date. But on June 22, on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, it is not customary to hold any solemn events. Therefore, the most optimal day for prom this year is Saturday June 23rd. The celebration will also take place on Sunday June 24th.

On a holiday, the official part takes place within the walls of the school. Students are awarded certificates and medals. Students thank their teachers for their knowledge. After that, a concert takes place, skits are shown, and of course, a banquet table is set.

You can congratulate school graduates with the help of postcards with poems or prose. Almost every student has a modern phone, so do not forget to send them congratulatory SMS messages. In the article you can choose the appropriate options.

Some students, for certain reasons, do not continue their studies at school. They are preparing to enter other educational institutions. This is their first serious step in life, which should be congratulated. Below you can choose prose for SMS - messages or postcards.

Basic knowledge has been obtained and now all horizons are open before you. Congratulations on graduation, with a large stock of important knowledge collected in 9 classes. I wish you to decide on a dream and boldly go towards it. And whatever path you choose, let it be easy, successful and successful. I wish you to become someone who will love their job, earn a lot of money, conquer the heights of success and confidently build their happiness.

Our ninth graders! We, your parents, who walked this difficult path side by side with you, congratulate you on your graduation! Don't let troubles and difficulties overtake you in your adult life.

And if it does happen, then let you have so much self-confidence and patience to cope with any situation! On this graduation party, I want to say to you: “Be happy, guys!”

Today you will leave the walls of your favorite school, many of you will leave the city and will build your life somewhere far away from here. But do not forget about your native lands, drop by teachers in your free time and visit your parents more often. We love you and wish you only the best. We believe that you will find your place in life and be happy. Happy holiday, dear!

Today we are happy and glad to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school! There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, and businessmen, and actors, and singers, and doctors, and athletes. We kindly ask you not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired in our school. We will always remember you and give you an example to the younger students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring joy and satisfaction. Remember our school and us, come visit us and tell us about your successes and victories.

So 9 long years have passed, during which the teachers invested their soul and knowledge in you, raised and protected you, like birds protect their immature chicks. So let today, just like young birds learn to fly, you take your first independent steps and make a choice: to study further in your native school or step into the adult world. May your every decision be the right one and bring well-deserved success.

Dear my graduates! It's been 9 years since you stood here, on the school line, for the first time, looking at everyone with embarrassment. And now you look with pride and condescension on the first graders and wish them good luck. And we sincerely wish you a happy journey! May your life be filled with meaning.

Dear graduates, we have reached this significant date- Finishing school! Today the doors to Big world with loads of possibilities. The last school bell is a symbol of the end of childhood and the beginning of youth. Within these walls you have received an invaluable capital of knowledge and experience, which will definitely help you choose the right path in life!

Each of you is now able to defend your opinion and withstand any test to achieve success. School time will forever remain in your memory. Let the friendship that has begun in these years only become stronger, and let the advice of school mentors not be forgotten. Be worthy of respect people and please us and parents with your achievements! Good luck!

If you personally congratulate, then try inserting a name into prose.

Poems for 11th grade students

Graduates of 2019 have devoted many years to schooling. Each of them looked forward to this day. They are to be commended for their efforts and perseverance.

Graduates, happy road to you,

After all, your choice means a lot!

Believe in yourself, don't worry

I wish you all the luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of

Let life lead you to success!

I want you all to understand:

Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Today is a mischievous holiday

And a fun graduation!

Let this day be perky

Drive away your sadness!

And the eleventh grade

May it be remembered for you

So that with a smile again

All that was, remember!

Eleven years of fun

Difficult, but sometimes fun,

Perky, so attractive,

You are left in the past.

And in the future - everything is interesting,

A new round of life is waiting for you,

But school years are wonderful

So that everyone saves in memory!

Go ahead and create

There are big things ahead of you.

But you keep the best

What the native school gave.

School is over and college is waiting for you.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, dear

So that you move only straight ahead,

Knowing no fear, no barriers!

May all golden dreams come true

All problems are solved without a hitch,

Love you, happiness, good luck, beauty

And life, as from the most beautiful picture!

Saying goodbye to school

Here he came unnoticed.

I wish that in a new life

Everyone just found luck.

Let hearts and souls warm

Memories of the years

When happy, carefree

You were only, kids.

Good luck to you, high take-offs,

Love such that for centuries.

Let it be joyful, always fervently

Happy eyes sparkle.

Beautiful girl, something to be proud of ...

Today - especially. You are a graduate.

And in new life you enter now

Like the day you came to first grade!

Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,

But don't be shy, even though your childhood is over.

A lot of good lies ahead

I wish you - boldly go!

Let there be a beautiful and fabulous life,

Do not be afraid of obstacles, you smile at them.

May the future distance be blue.

Believe me, fate will smile at you!

So the school days are over!

Graduation night has arrived!

There is a very difficult path ahead of you -

The path of adulthood is dashing!

Just don't be sad today!

Joyfully meet the dawn!

You will never forget your school!

And boldly step into the world of victories!

Well, congratulations, graduate!

At seventeen

You have read many books

You still need to know...

In the meantime, take a decent look,

To celebrate the holiday!

Of course, these are not original poems, but they will be pleasant to any person.

Congratulations on graduation from the class teacher

Not only parents are proud of their students, but also class teachers who are involved with children most of their time. They have supervised students for several years, and for them this day is sad.

This is how you graduate. School time ends today and you have to plunge into a completely new life. May all your undertakings end in success! And the future will not deceive expectations and will be generous with sincere love and true friendship!

So that bright hour has come, for the sake of which you have put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, knapsacks, bows, first written own hand letters and the first self-read word - all this is left in the past. Now you are already quite mature and established individuals who have chosen their path in life.

Today everyone heartily congratulates you: teachers who have led many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish you to achieve everything that you have planned, to easily go through the chosen paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in your life - the Unified State Examination. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe that you will succeed in life!

Now you have become adults,

Childhood is imperceptibly gone,

You never knew much

It was hard for you to try

You barely sat in class

Can't wait for change

But they knew how to get fives,

And boldly went to their victories.

Tomorrow you will start

Walk along the path of life

You will find many different things for yourself,

You'll meet a lot along the way

Someone will reach the top

Someone will live unnoticed

For someone there is a pedestal

And glory will bypass someone,

But for each of you there is a case,

To fulfill it with soul,

To act in everything with dignity, boldly,

And do not lose heart over trifles.

Live happily, but try

The most important lesson is not to forget

The main thing is that you remain people,

To have some sense from you.

Dear Guys! Please accept my sincere congratulations on what you have successfully completed. milestone own life. I hope that with you from school you will take not only knowledge, but also warm memories, strong friendship, and someone, maybe first love. Let your adult life be bright and interesting, rich in real challenges that will allow you to show all the best that is in you. The most important thing is to be happy, and remember: you are always welcome at school.

If you have a talent for writing poetry, then this original congratulations sure to be liked by former students.

Congratulatory SMS for school graduates

In addition to the solemn part, former students can also be congratulated by SMS. Today, almost everyone has cell phones, so they will be pleased to receive such a message in the morning.

Today is your graduation.

And a lot of roads before you

And a lot of things ahead.

You boldly go through life!

You choose the right path

Taught something - do not forget

Bring your ideas to life.

Good luck ahead!

Happy day, but a little sad:

Your day of growing up, graduate!

Let everything turn out perfect

Enjoy life every moment.

All roads are in front of you

Open like a blank slate.

Enjoy the beauty of the world

Let the sky be radiant.

We are celebrating graduation today

All studies were suddenly left behind.

So let the faces shine on this day

We will celebrate, walk and have fun.

Notebooks are closed, the bell does not ring,

AND festive table so beautifully covered.

And even if you are not used to living without studying,

Congratulations! You are now a graduate!

Today is a solemn day for you.

You will no longer come to class with a notebook.

Other estimates will be put by fate,

She will teach other lessons!

Good luck and great success,

Set new goals and achieve them.

Believe in yourself, dream and love

And remember your school more often!

Say goodbye to textbooks, desks

In adult life, you are at the start

And all the doors are open for you

Good luck! Luck! We believe in you!

All paths are open before you

Everywhere luck awaits impatiently.

I will walk beside you,

And I want you to be happy.

I also want to be true

Your choice of business, friend and road,

So that the light of love warms your whole life,

May the gods be kind.

Such short congratulations You can not only send by phone, but also in private messages on social networks.

Congratulations in pictures

By smartphone or via the Internet, you can congratulate former students on this significant day with the help of beautiful postcards.

Actual congratulations for those who will not get to the performance of scarlet sails.

Interesting cartoon image.

Another beautiful postcard.

Image with wishes.

You can congratulate the graduates different ways. The main thing is not to forget about them on this solemn and long-awaited day. They need support now more than ever.