Jewelry for the bride: how to find the ideal. Wedding jewelry - important nuances in the image of the bride Wedding jewelry for the bride

Dress color

The second determining parameter when choosing accessories for the image will be the color of your dress.

For white dress jewelry made of silver and white gold is ideal, which can be accompanied by pearl accents. Incidentally, points out that itpearl this year will play a leading role in wedding images This is trend number one! You can choose both a long string of pearls and a laconic necklace, like .

For dresses ivory color perfect gold , as it will emphasize the peculiarity of this shade of the dress.

If you want to complement the image with jewelry fromyellow gold , polished silver or jewelry with precious stones, then your dress should definitely be in colorchampagne .

Many brides try to move away from the canons and choose for themselvescolored dresses - someone chooses pastel shades, someone makes a choice in favor of bright and rich colors. So, for example, in note that on the catwalks this season, one of the most fashionable colors was blue: “Back in the Middle Ages, wedding dresses were exclusivelyblue color . It was this tone that was a symbol of purity and purity, and not white, as is commonly believed in our time. So if you decide to choose this color for your dress, it would be better not to overload the image with accessories and rely on classic elegance -platinum, diamonds or gold .

Step 2. Be mindful of the time of day

Another important detail to consider when choosing jewelry for your image is the time of day at which the holiday will take place. As in the case of guests (especially in the case of guests!), the protocol of the wedding gives recommendations on the image and accessories that need to be chosen. If the wedding takes placein the daytime , then according to the rules of etiquette, preference should be given to more simple decorations whileevening activities allow and even encourage more massive and conspicuous decorations.

Step 3. Choose based on hairstyle and face shape

Each face has its own characteristics, which can be emphasized or smoothed out with hair or jewelry. When creating your look, always consider not only your preferences, but also what suits you best. your face type.

Step 4. Relationship with other accessories

As always, we remind you that jewelry is only part of the image of the bride, which means that they must play a certain role in the overall picture. Therefore, when choosing jewelry, you must also take into account the headdress and other accessories in your image. Specialists they say that today, for example, tiaras and diadems are the most popular type of wedding jewelry, but if you decide to opt for this option, you must remember the most important thing - allthe image must be designed in the appropriate key . “A girl should look like a princess, because a diadem will sparkle on her head. Jewelry with Swarovski crystals and pearls is combined with a puffy dress with a corset,headband diadem goes well with the Greek style. Tiaras woven from wires will create an unusual “elven” image, and the dress should also be matched with a magical train.”

So if you have chosen for yourself a bright andunusual headdress , then the earrings and necklace should not be too large so that the image looks balanced, and vice versa.

The main thing that we would like to advise you not to forget is “less is more ". In other words, do not overload your image, because the main thing in the bride is the bride herself. Let accessories accentuate your features that create your unique beauty.

Second important point to which we would like to draw attention,metal . Don't mix different types! If you chose yellow gold, then let the whole image be built on this choice. The same applies to other colors of gold, as well as silver and platinum.One metal for the whole image .

A woman of any age, like a precious stone, needs beautiful frame, and jewelry serves as this frame. The bride especially needs jewelry. On the most solemn day in your life, you need to look amazing and amaze all the guests, including your future husband. Everything from dresses, shoes to hair and jewelry. They will lead the image to a semantic conclusion and no one will have a feeling of incompleteness. In this article I want to tell you what jewelry will suit the bride's solemn dress.

Pick up wedding decorations for the bride was always a difficult task, especially for a demanding girl. All people are different, and you need to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, body type and wedding dress. That is why you first need to purchase a dress, and only then accessories for it. After all, it will be very inopportune if the jewelry bought earlier does not fit the outfit bought later. The search for a dress can be delayed and this will spoil the festive mood.

If the dress is chosen, with a hairstyle and a bouquet, then you need to decide what jewelry will be on the bride.

A petite girl should not wear bulky and massive accessories, big stones will look ridiculous. Worth paying attention to fragile and elegant accessories, for example, such as a diadem, a thin chain, thread earrings or just beads.

But if the bride is an adult woman and has magnificent forms then it suits her large jewelry with complex multi-level design and bright stones. But do not abuse accessories, otherwise they will transfer all the attention to themselves and the bride will remain invisible.

Bright swarthy brunettes should take a closer look at jewelry with a light stone - they will shimmer with all their might on peach and light brown skin. Delicate blondes with blue eyes are perfect for openwork jewelry with blue stones. If the dress is with colored elements, then the wedding jewelry for the bride can be with colored stones. If the dress is beautiful and luxurious in itself, then the jewelry should be very modest so that the bride does not seem like a Christmas tree.

If the dress is modest, you need to wear brighter jewelry, they will dilute and decorate the outfit. So that the bride's face is not lost in a magnificent dress, a magnificent wreath with flowers can be put on her head. If the dress has straps, then the size of the decoration depends on the distance between them, the closer the straps, the smaller the accessory. If the girl has small facial features, then the wedding jewelry for the bride should be just as small so as not to distract attention.

Before choosing a decoration, it will be useful to review various photos with wedding accessories.

Hair decoration would also be a good solution. There are a huge number of hair accessories, these are hairpins with stones, hairpins and tiaras. All this can be purchased at the store or made to order to make your wedding ceremony more special for yourself.

You can also make wedding jewelry for the bride with your own hands, as well as a veil. The most popular homemade decoration is romantic wreath.

To create a romantic look, flowers are suitable; they can be woven into hair. Also like this option is suitable for a wedding organized on the beach.

For complex hairstyles, it is better to use small accessories. If the hair styling is smooth, then a diadem is perfect. Earrings for graceful brides need small and fragile-looking earrings, for more sultry young ladies, earrings need larger ones. Neck accessories you can buy in a store, in a specialized salon, or even make it yourself. You can buy wedding jewelry for the bride in a set and it is advisable to try everything together with the dress in order to know for sure whether everything fits together. Become beautiful bride and outshine everyone around is very easy if you follow all these tricks.

It is very important for many people to take into account signs when choosing wedding jewelry for the bride. Do everything according to the rules, as grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. You need to figure out what jewelry you should not buy.

It is forbidden to wear pearl jewelry, in particular necklaces, to your own wedding. Even if this is exactly what you need and this jewelry is perfect for the dress and hairstyle - give it up. The reason is that pearls are associated with tears and, unfortunately, not only with tears of happiness at the time of the festive ceremony, but also with tears of grief during all the days of married life.

Also, do not wear expensive jewelry, and there are several reasons for this. The first reason is that if, by coincidence, the bride loses them, then her mood will deteriorate for a long time and her thoughts will only be occupied with searching for them or checking the reliability of the fastener on the jewelry. The second reason is that expensive things can always cause envy on the part of people. Likewise, at a wedding there will be at least one person who will envy the wealth of the bride and strive with all his negative energy towards her, even if not intentionally.

The ideal solution when choosing wedding jewelry for the bride would be bijouterie, especially since there is much more choice, products are distinguished by their beauty and style.

Wedding jewelry for the bride can be made in various styles. These accessories should serve as a harmonious addition to the chic dress of the future wife.

But everything must be in moderation. A large number of sparkling jewelry distracts attention from the bride: guests will enthusiastically examine bright bracelets and shining gold earrings.

Beautiful necklaces for a wedding

The famous Coco Chanel preferred pearls. The fair sex is recommended to choose a ready-made set: such wedding jewelry looks harmonious, pearl earrings and a necklace complete the look of the bride.

Jewelry should be matched to the color of the dress: for example, pink jewelry goes well with warm-colored outfits.

Jewelry decorated with crystals

Many girls buy jewelry with crystals. These stones look just wonderful, they shimmer beautifully in the sun, fascinate with their brilliance.

But one thing must be remembered important rule: jewelry with crystals, matched to a wedding dress, should look noble.

The kit must be bought in a specialized store offering consumers goods of excellent quality.

Some people mistakenly believe that such jewelry looks too cheap, they pale in front of beautifully shimmering precious materials in the light.

But do not pay attention to outdated stereotypes. After all, not every bride can buy expensive jewelry with precious metals.

At the same time, jewelry that looks like gold is inexpensive. On sale you can find many varieties of such jewelry. They look just as good as real gems.

Handicrafts made from beads

All brides dream of wedding celebration remained in their memory for life. They do not want to be content with standard sets of jewelry, the fair sex wants to purchase an unusual, exclusive piece of jewelry.

Necklaces and earrings made by skilled craftsmen are the best solution in this situation!

The bride can order products from a professional master, who will definitely listen to her wishes. It should be noted that the cost of beadwork is quite low. Some women prefer to make jewelry from glass beads and beads. different colors on one's own.

An important accessory is a wedding bracelet.

Modern bridal jewelry is made from various materials. Many girls wear on the wrist beautiful bracelet leather, fabric or metal. This accessory should be combined with the trim of the wedding dress, belt, shoes or earrings.

The bride must observe moderation, because a girl, hung with a lot of jewelry, looks like a festive tree.

In the photo of wedding jewelry posted on the websites of various online stores, you can see a wide bracelet trimmed with rhinestones and a large number of stones.

This accessory looks great on the delicate hand of the bride, but before purchasing it, you must carefully check the strength of the clips on the stones, the integrity of the locks. The product should fit well on the hand.

It is worth refusing to buy uncomfortable bracelets that scratch the skin or cling to clothes.

Fine hair ornaments

The range of wedding hair jewelry is quite large, but first the bride needs to decide on a hairstyle.

If a girl decides to wear a veil, she should buy a thin tiara or a special hair comb. It is not recommended to choose too bulky products.

Hairpins adorned with materials such as pearls will look great on hair laid in a tight bun. This version of the wedding hairstyle is considered a classic.

For owners short hair Pay attention to the following products:

Thin diadem. With her, any styling looks great. This accessory is perfect for a short veil.

Ribbon decorated with a flower synthetic material. It must be tied around the head. This ribbon is indispensable for creating an image in retro style.

Elegant wedding hairpin. With this accessory, you can fix one strand.

Nice tight bands. These products are also used for short hair.

Stylish hair accessories should be combined with the shade of the strands, the style of the bride's dress.

It is quite difficult to choose an exquisite decoration, so the fair sex should familiarize themselves with the assortment of wedding salons in advance.

Photo of wedding jewelry

Hello everyone, dear friends! I hope you are in a great mood, because today I want to tell you about something without which the image of the bride will not be complete and so beautiful. Interesting? Then sit back, because I will tell you about wedding jewelry for the bride. And do not think that we will limit ourselves to jewelry in the form of necklaces and bracelets. No! I will tell you something more and interesting.

Ready? Well, let's go!

Shining intro

The radiant smile of the bride, the loving look of the groom and the tears of the parents will be one of the most unforgettable moments in life. Therefore, every bride strives to be irresistible and gorgeous on this day. elegant dress, make-up, hairstyle and of course wedding accessories will help to create the image that can make you happy.

7 simple rules for a perfect look

The choice of outfit and jewelry is always an exciting and crucial moment, so do not go to extremes and hang on yourself, everything that you like. Or, on the contrary, refuse jewelry, referring to fluffy dress. Remember:

Jewelry should be, but they should go as an addition to your image, and not be a bright separate spot.

Of course, each girl chooses jewelry according to her taste, but there are several rules that will help make your choice more reasonable and correct.

  1. The decoration is matched to the dress. You should not buy something before the dress, since the dress is the main element of the image of the bride.
  2. Choose jewelry according to color and lightness. For example, you should not choose heavy, massive jewelry for the light and airy material of the dress. Also, stones and large beads are not suitable at all.
  3. Don't take on everything you can find. The main thing, in the center of attention, should be the bride, and not her jewelry. For example, you should not pick up a massive accessory for a magnificent dress, something small and classic will do. But for elegant fitted outfits, you can choose a brighter and more voluminous decoration.
  4. A wedding is a solemn happy day, so decorations should not oppress you. Do not take what you do not like, but only because it is fashionable or someone advised. Everything should be harmoniously combined: both with the image and the spiritual foundations.
  5. It is also necessary to focus on the shape of the neckline. For a certain neckline, you need to choose your own type of decoration (but about the types a little later).
  6. And finally, choose one main decoration. For example, if you chose bright earrings, then the necklace should be more modest and vice versa, otherwise you risk going too far.
  7. And the last unspoken rule. Choose classic accessories, do not rush to stand out with watches, bracelets, rings and other non-traditional paraphernalia.

Wedding decorations or small things that create the image of the bride

Having revealed little secrets on the selection of jewelry, let's talk and find out what wedding accessories are the brides' favorite and how to choose the right necklace or jewelry based on a wedding dress.

Long earrings

The clear leader among jewelry are long earrings. They go great with any style of dress. In addition, they are perfect for any hairstyle, be it lush. voluminous hairstyle, curls or straight curls. Earrings decorated with stones look great. But at the same time, they should not look massive and intrusive.

When choosing earrings of this type, you need to know that in such a situation it is worth abandoning the necklace. By the way, now let's talk about it.


Well, now you have a magnificent dress with an open top, now you definitely cannot do without a chic necklace. After all, a wedding is a celebration where you can afford to try on all the most beautiful and bright. The necklace will perfectly emphasize the neckline and shoulder line, however, remember that it should not argue with the selected earrings. Also, do not forget that too lush and massive necklace will look rough and unattractive.

And of course, do not forget that any necklace should harmoniously fit the neckline of the wedding dress. So, for example, to a dress with v-neck a necklace with a pendant imitating the shape of a neckline is suitable. Or you can choose a necklace with a small pendant in the form of a droplet. Lovers of pearl jewelry will also be able to find an accessory to their taste. Fine pearl thread will look great.

But lovers of dresses with a corset can be pleased. After all, there are absolutely no restrictions, of course, except for the above rules. You can safely choose a necklace to your liking.

Well, if you chose a dress with a heart-shaped neckline, then you can easily choose a necklace with a long pendant. However, remember the nuance. The pendant should not be hidden in the neckline, while it should not visually lengthen or shorten the neck.

And for modest women who prefer closed dresses or dresses with a collar, a necklace would be completely out of place.

Diadem or tiara

Now every modern bride wants not just to look great, but to become a princess for at least one day. So if you want to look like a heroine romantic fairy tale, then you simply cannot do without such an element of the image as a diadem or tiara.

So diadem. Solemn crown. It is accepted that diadems are decorated with stones. This jewelry will look harmonious with absolutely any hairstyle. And don't be discouraged if you short haircut, the tiara will perfectly complement your image of a happy and beautiful bride.

A diadem or tiara is an adornment of royalty, so it requires a truly magnificent royal dress.


What a strange word you think. And why not just call them earrings? But no, these are not just earrings, but small earrings that do not go below the earlobe and have an English clasp. They come in various shapes, but despite their diminutiveness, they look very elegant, solemn and rich. A huge plus is that these earrings are suitable for any hairstyle and its jewelry.

Mostly studs are combined with closed dresses. It is worth noting that this is practically the only accessory that is unconditionally combined with a diadem or tiara.

Well, maybe bracelets.

As I said before, you should not choose non-traditional jewelry. And these include bracelets, but ... There is one "but" that will serve as a positive argument in choosing this accessory. Flowers, nature. Interesting? Leave your opinions in the comments. What bracelets do you think are suitable for a wedding celebration?

And I'll continue for now. Bracelets in addition to the dress of the bride will be appropriate for exit registration. At the same time, it should not be just a gold bracelet or some kind of jewelry - it should be a flower bracelet that will harmoniously emphasize the beauty of an outdoor wedding.

Buy or make

Well, I hope that by the end of the article you have decided on the choice of jewelry. It remains only to decide: do you want to make something by hand or give preference to the choice of wedding accessories in online store. Of course, no one says that you should create a necklace or make earrings for yourself. However, for lovers of hand-made, there is also an option. You can safely make original decoration for your hairstyle.

And the most popular master class is the manufacture of jewelry in the shape of a flower. Such a floral accessory will go well with almost any hairstyle. It can be a hairpin, hairpins with flower buds or floral ribbons, woven into braids.

It is not difficult to make a hairpin with a beautiful voluminous flower because all you need is:

  • thin and light fabric;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue (it is convenient to use spot glue or in the form of a gun);
  • a large bead or beads for the middle of the flower;
  • a piece of felt;
  • scissors;
  • ordinary candle.

Remember, if you want to make several hairpins, prepare a cardboard template that will help you make beautiful and most importantly identical accessories.

But if you cannot be attributed to lovers of floral paraphernalia, then I offer you a few master classes on making wedding decorations.

Do-it-yourself jewelry not only looks original, but can also leave pleasant memories of preparing for such an important event. In addition, a bright, do-it-yourself hairstyle will simply not go unnoticed.

I will summarize

Which decoration to choose, buy or make yourself. It will be classic or you will want something original, it's up to you. You create your own image, you plan your own destiny.

In conclusion, I want to tell you about the old wedding sign:

In order for the bride to live happily in marriage, earrings should be worn by a happy married friend.

The bride is the embodiment of beauty, tenderness and elegance. Therefore, there must be harmony in everything. Harmoniously selected jewelry is the key to beauty gentle image bride. Do not forget that jewelry should be selected not only according to all the rules and canons, but also in agreement with oneself.

And on this harmonious note, I say goodbye to you. But do not go far, because soon I will please you with a new interesting article. And I remind you! Do not forget to subscribe to blog news, share information with friends, leave comments and tell your interesting stories. All good, and maybe a beaver! Bye bye, dear readers.