Hairstyle dragon how to weave. Volumetric beaded dragon: a master class. The scheme of weaving a beaded dragon for beginners. Weaving dragon on the contrary

Any woman strives to look attractive: clothes, shoes, makeup - everything should look harmonious. In the created everyday image, the hairstyle plays an important role. Unfortunately, in the modern rhythm of life, there is not always time for a full-fledged styling. You can, of course, just let your hair down - it will always be feminine and beautiful, but if you want variety, learn to weave braids, then you will never have problems with your hair. Beautifully braided hair looks stylish and does not require much time and effort. One of the options for a simple and at the same time elegant braid is the dragon braid.

Hair benefits

The dragon braid is a very popular hairstyle, because it has many advantages:

  • done quickly enough - about 15 minutes, you just need to follow the methodology and practice a little;
  • you do not need special tools: you only need a comb, elastic and styling mousse;
  • suitable for any type of hair;
  • this is a universal braid: both children and adult women can wear it; this hairstyle is suitable for work, romantic meetings, parties;
  • the hairstyle lasts for a long time and will delight you all day;
  • if you don’t have time to wash your hair, then the Dragon braid will be a real salvation;
  • in addition to the classic dragon braid, there are many hairstyles based on it, which will undoubtedly diversify your image.
  • Preparing to weave a "dragon"

    First you need to prepare the following items:

  • comb;
  • scrunchy;
  • styling agent.
  • You should comb your hair well from the forehead to the back of the head and apply a little styling product (you can not apply it, but then the hairstyle may become disheveled after a while).

    How to weave a braid "dragon"

    Classic variant

  • We take a strand of hair in the forehead area and divide it into three equal parts.
  • The first action with strands is similar to weaving an ordinary braid: we lay the left or right outermost strand on the middle one, then we take the second outermost strand and also lay it in the center.
  • Then laying the side curls in the middle, we attach part of the free hair to them. So, gradually thin strands are added to the left and right and are woven into a common braid.
  • Weaving is followed until there is no free hair left, after that you just need to fix the hairstyle with an elastic band.
  • Video: how to braid a dragon braid

    Spit "dragon" on the contrary

    The “dragon”, on the contrary, is weaved in almost the same way as a classic braid, only if in the first version we laid the side strands on top of the central one, then in this it is required to lay the strands under it.

    Video: "dragon" on the contrary

    Two dragons

    The main difficulty in weaving two "dragons" is that you need to get two symmetrical braids of equal thickness. In order to make such a hairstyle, you should:

  • Divide the entire mass of hair into two equal parts.
  • Collect one part of the hair in a ponytail so that it does not interfere while you weave the first braid.
  • We braid the free part of the hair into a dragon braid using the classic or purl method, only the first three strands are taken not in the forehead area, but just above the temple.
  • Then we proceed to the second half of the hair and braid it in a similar way.
  • Oblique scythe

    The ability to make a classic braid will help you create various options braids in the hair. For example, a side braid will look very nice. To create such a hairstyle, you should take a strand above the right or left temple as a basis, or separate the strand from one side in the forehead area (not in the middle, as in the classic version). The rest of the steps are similar to the technique of weaving a regular “dragon” braid: you divide the main strand into three and begin to impose one strand on another, gradually weaving loose curls. You can also use the purl weaving technique, when the strands are not superimposed on each other, but are passed one under the other.

    Video: "dragon" obliquely

    Circular "dragon"

    Do you want to have a really chic hairstyle? Braid the braid "dragon" in the form of a circle. This option is perfect for any holiday.


  • Well combed hair is parted.
  • We determine the center of the hairstyle - a point equidistant from the back of the head and forehead.
  • From this point, we begin to weave the “dragon”, picking up the strands from only one side. Take loose curls follow the outside of the spiral along which the pigtail goes.
  • So continue until there is no free hair.
  • The tip of the pigtail can be hidden behind the last circle of the hairstyle.
  • For clarity, it is better to watch a video on how to properly braid a “dragon” around your head.

    Video: hairstyle "circular braid"

    If you decide that the dragon braid is exactly the hairstyle you need to master, check out a few helpful tips:

  • so that “roosters” do not appear during weaving the braids, carefully comb each curl that you put in your hair;
  • to make the “dragon” neat, try to weave strands of equal thickness into the braid;
  • If you want to give your hairstyle a personality, decorate the braid with decorative hairpins, bright ribbons or flowers. Show your imagination to create your own unique image;
  • The tip of the braid can be twisted with curling irons - this will add elegance to your look;
  • To simplify weaving and keep the hairstyle for a long time, use light styling products.
  • Variants of hairstyles with a scythe "dragon"

    It is not necessary to braid all the hair, you can simply collect the hair remaining on the back of the head in a ponytail and decorate the hairstyle with a beautiful hairpin. You can carefully collect the hair in a bun at the back of the head - perfect option for the office The braid can even be woven in a zigzag - it all depends on your imagination
    Zigzag braid - looks very romantic
    You can not braid all the hair in a braid, but leave part of it loose. Two braids do not have to be done in a straight line - fantasize to get a truly original weave

    Graceful braid - simple and Fancy Hairstyle for all time. There are a huge number of weaving patterns from those that do not require special skills to labor-intensive ones. One of the types of simple weaving options is the dragon braid.

    Dragon braid options

    This type of braid is practical and elegant, and several variations of this hairstyle will help to diversify your everyday look. The dragon weaving technique is implemented in the following options:

    • Classical,
    • Vice versa,
    • Circular,
    • Two braids.

    Consider the patterns of weaving each of them.

    The classic dragon is the easiest version of this hairstyle, so beginners are advised to start with it. To get a neat dragon braid, you need to wash your hair, apply mousse and dry it. in the usual way. Comb your hair thoroughly, make a light bouffant at the roots.

    1. Separate the strand in the forehead area, divide it into 3 equal parts;
    2. Start weaving the spikelet, alternately weaving the side thin strands until you have weaved all the curls. Finish braiding the entire mass of hair;
    3. Secure the end of the pigtail with an elastic band. If the hair is short, it is better to hide the end of the braid under it;
    4. Pull each strand a little, fix it with varnish, this will add volume to the hairstyle. To add shine, you can additionally use special sprays.

    Scheme of weaving a dragon on the contrary (inverted)

    Reminiscent of the classic weaving pattern, but such a dragon stands out more clearly and looks extraordinary.

    Weaving is carried out as follows:

    1. Divide the hair in the forehead area into 3 strands;
    2. Take the left strand and weave it under the one in the middle;
    3. Repeat the same with the right strand;
    4. Add hair alternately on each side, putting them under each other;
    5. Fix the end of the resulting pigtail. If desired, you can add volume by stretching the strands.

    Weaving pattern circular dragon

    It differs from the classic version of the dragon in the direction of weaving, as a result forming a “crown” on the head.

    1. Make a straight parting;
    2. Start braiding from the side of the head, gradually weaving the hair in a circle. Pick up strands always on one side - either from above or below, weaving additional strands into the right or left side of the braid, respectively. Thus, the braid is one-sided.
    3. Hide the tip under the resulting "basket".
    4. You can leave the "wreath" in its original form or stretch the strands so that it is openwork.

    The scheme of weaving two dragon braids

    The most difficult technique, since you need to braid two identical dragon braids on both sides of the head. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm.

    1. Comb your hair, divide it with a straight or zigzag parting into two identical parts;
    2. While braiding the first part, secure the second with a hairpin;
    3. Separate the strand just above the temple, divide it into 3 parts;
    4. Start weaving a braid, grabbing one free strand from the sides;
    5. Repeat the technique with the second half of the hair;
    6. Pull the loops out of the braids to create volume, fix with varnish.

    Do not be discouraged if the first time these hairstyles turn out to be not beautiful and neat enough. Practice, experiment and soon you will achieve the desired result.

    Let's add a few more general advice, which will help in creating a charming image:

    • Comb the curls at each weaving step, then the hair will not get tangled;
    • Try to weave with thin strands, the hairstyle will be neater;
    • You can make the dragon more original with the help of rhinestones, ribbons, flowers.

    Photo gallery

    Video instructions for weaving a dragon braid

    Forget about curls and lush hairstyles for a while. They were replaced by charming braids that can decorate the image of every girl.

    Today we will talk about unusual weaving, which delights children and adults. We are talking about a pigtail "dragon". This hairstyle got its name because of the resemblance to the back of a dragon. As voluminous and daring as the temper of a dragon, a scythe can cause a surge of emotions and surprise the attention of people around.

    A dragon braid is a type of French weaving that involves weaving the side strands into the main braid.

    To create a hairstyle, it is important to properly prepare the hair so that the braid looks beautiful. Of course, many of you may say that for a pigtail it does not matter at all whether the hair is clean or vice versa. After all, in fact, weaving hides all the imperfections of the hair. However, here we disagree. Healthy and shiny hair always attract attention.

    And the “quality of hair” is distinguishable in any hairstyle. Therefore, before weaving, be sure to wash your hair and prepare it for styling. Depending on the type of hair, apply mousse to the strands and then add some shine with a special spray. In just a few minutes, your hair will be ready for styling.

    Classic hairstyle "dragon":

    1. Comb your hair and comb it lightly at the roots. A dragon braid suggests volume, which is why we create a bouffant.
    2. Next, separate a small part of the hair near the forehead and divide it into three equal parts.
    3. Start the classic spikelet weaving, gradually weave the side strands of hair so that in the end all the hair is fixed.
    4. Secure the hairstyle with an elastic band, if desired, you can hide the ends of the hair by twisting them into a bun and pinning with hairpins. This option is suitable for middle length strands. If you have long lush hair, they can be left in the braid.
    5. The next step is volume. To make the braid appear visually larger and wider, pull each strand slightly, pulling the hair out. Fix the result with hairspray.

    This hairstyle without additional accessories looks very stylish and is suitable for every day. But if you decorate the styling with original hairpins with flowers, for example, you can use it as a festive and even a wedding hairstyle!

    As you can see, creating a classic dragon braid styling is very simple, but we will move on to more complex options.

    There are various different variants weaving braids "dragon". A more complex option involves the creation of two side braids on both sides of the head. In this case, weaving is carried out according to the type of spikelet, which involves the interweaving of side strands of hair. In this case, two braids should be located at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.

    Then they are fixed on the back of the head and evenly fit into one strand. This themed hairstyle was chosen for the character of the drama series Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen, who played the mother of dragons in the film.

    This is a sophisticated hairstyle, with a hint of boho style. It can be decorated with ribbons or multi-colored threads, which, in turn, should be attached to one of the strands, and then proceed to weaving. Such braids are universal, they perfectly complement the festive look.

    One of the most difficult variations of the dragon braid is the curled braid. Such weaving is carried out using inverted technology. french braid. In this case, you will have to braid french braid"vice versa". What does this mean?

    If in the classic version the strands lie on top (one through the other), then the “inverted” version involves weaving from below. That is, the pigtails lie one under the other. To create a complex hairstyle, the hair is divided into four zones, on each of which an inverted French braid is created. This styling is created on the hair of short and medium length. The ends of the hair are fixed with an elastic band and hidden inside the hairstyle, fixing the hair with hairpins.

    Bangs in this case, it is better to lay on its side. As a result, we get a charming weaving in the style of boucle. By the way, in order to make the hairstyle seem more voluminous, strands of hair can be slightly pulled up. It was this hairstyle that we saw at Eva Mendes when she stepped onto the red carpet.

    Another version of the dragon braid involves weaving in the fishtail style. In this case, the weaving of the pigtail begins from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bangs, and continues to the ends of the hair. The braid is braided on both sides of the head, but the crown area remains intact.

    To create such a pigtail, take a section of hair at the base of the bangs, and then divide it into two parts. Continue the classic fishtail braid on one side, and then create the same braid on the other side.

    Well, that's all, fashionable hairstyles for you!

    The scythe-dragon got its name for a look similar to the structure of a dragon. Her alternative way of weaving is spikelet ( french version). The dragon hairstyle is quite young, but these days it is actively beginning to gain relevance. A braid braided around the head looks very feminine, and 2 braids decorated with flowers or hairpins on the sides are no less beautiful and charming.


    If you have dyed hair and love contrast, this hairstyle is for you. Separate bright strands gently stand out in the braid and give it a special look.

    The following points can be attributed to the features of weaving.

    • Start. Unlike the French braid (spikelet), the dragon starts from the forehead.
    • Method. The braid is woven freely, the strands can be straightened or pulled as you like.
    • Parts. The original braid-dragon is woven from two parts. French is woven with one oblique.

    But there are also features similar to the French version.

    In order to give realism, the hairstyle is done on wet hair (but you can also dry it), so in the end you will get a soft and smooth wave. To create it, you can use rubber bands.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    TO positive aspects such a hairstyle can be attributed to the following nuances.

    • Suitable for girls too(for example, such a hairstyle is often done on the first of September, decorating it with lush white bows), and girls(for a romantic meeting or a walk with friends), and women (office, casual styles and others).
    • Reliability. There will be no need to think about your hair at an important event - throughout the day the dragon will faithfully serve you, and the strands will not fall apart. If you are not sure about the strength of your work, you can additionally use regular varnish for hair. Also, this hairstyle is well suited for hair that is not the first freshness.

    • Weaving speed. With a full hand, such pigtails will not take much time. On average - 10 minutes.
    • Volume. It can be increased by pulling out the strands a little (it is important to do this during weaving, and not at the end), fluffing the braid. Thus, this braiding option is suitable for both thick and sparse hair.

    • Versatility. Suitable for almost any style and goes well with various accessories. This is one of the most popular hairstyles for any occasion. It's also great for a themed party like Halloween or New Year's Eve if you Chinese calendar it will be the year of the Dragon.
    • The basis. This hairstyle is the base for all the other, more complex ones. Having mastered it, you can easily start doing other styling, acquire useful skills.

    But there are also negative points: a head can hurt out of habit. Therefore, do not tighten the strands too much.

    How to braid?

    The pigtails should be the same - divide the entire mass of hair into strands of equal thickness. In order for the hands to remember how thick to take a strand, it is better to first practice on someone. Coarse hair needs special products, such as mousse, foam.

    Two braids on the sides of itself: a simple weaving pattern

    One of the weaving methods is shown in the picture below. As you can see, the dragon braid is great for both curly and straight hair. Trilling is a very convenient thing if you weave braids for yourself.

    The step by step instructions are as follows.

    • Comb hair by combing it back.
    • Divide the whole mass of hair in half. For convenience, you can fix one resulting part with an elastic band while you work on another. Parting can be either straight or zigzag. But for beginners, the first option is easier.

    • start weaving a pigtail in an internal or external way from the center of the head. The photo below shows the second method. It is sometimes called purl. The inner one is easier for beginners, since all the strands are woven inside, the additional ones hide the previous ones.

    First, take a small curl, divide it into 3 equal parts. After a couple of steps of weaving a regular braid, start weaving adjacent strands on both sides so that they continue the curl that you are weaving. If you want to make the braid inside out, add strands one by one on each side. Place them under each other. So the braid will come up.

    • Same way braid the second braid.

    • Fasten both braids into a ponytail. You can choose not to do this by continuing with regular braids if the length of your hair allows, or by braiding them together. You can wrap the remaining hair inside - this is a more evening and sophisticated option.
    • Comb your tail.

    • Straighten the strands a little giving volume.
    • Hair can be completed tying a ponytail with a strand of hair, as some celebrities do, or by picking up your favorite accessory.

    Also on the sides you can weave multi-tiered dragon braids: 2, 3, and sometimes even 4 braids on each side.

    For the minimum hair length required for weaving, take 10-15 cm.

    On short hair shorter lengths use artificial strands.

    You can add hair the following accessories:

    • rubber bands (silicone works well);
    • hairpins;
    • artificial or natural flowers;

    • bows;
    • tapes;
    • invisible with beads;
    • hairpins;
    • rhinestones and stones.

    You can also diversify the dragon using glitter varnish (avoid excessive shine when choosing accessories) or curling the tails, the ends of the braids.

    To make your hair neater, weave thin strands. The faster you weave it, the more carelessly it turns out. To create this effect, you can additionally release a couple of strands at the temples.

    Below are a few ideas for decorating a dragon braid.

    Openwork option

    Fits For romantic evenings, graduation, wedding and other events where you want to look gentle and easy. Weaving in the same way as classic version, but the strands are gently pulled out, creating gentle waves. They are formed by pulling strands from both sides of each braid. Sometimes they are additionally tightened with rubber bands. So that the hairstyle does not crumble, it is fixed with varnish.

    Fish tail

    Close to the dragon, he creates a unique image. Weaves in the same way as internal dragon braids, but strands are taken thin and then strongly straightened. Stretched and wide, they will hold well with varnish and add a touch of elegance and charm. You can actually stretch the strands as you like. The main thing is that you like the result.

    Stud option

    They are inserted into the middle of the braids. This is how it is created the impression that pearl strands are scattered in the hair. But you need to be sure that hairpins, rhinestones or pebbles will not interfere with you. Hairpins with flowers or multi-colored pebbles are an excellent hairdressing solution.

    The dragon braid is popular with many actresses, singers, models and other celebrities, such as Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner.

    The collected, neat look is ideal for dance classes, attending school, college, work, events and so on.

    Do not be discouraged if you don’t get the perfect hairstyle the first time - practice on a friend, sister or daughter. Desired result will come with time. Well-honed skills will allow you to create new elegant looks.

    Detailed master class on weaving a dragon braid is offered in the video below.

    Windblown hair has always been in fashion, but today braids have outstripped them in popularity. There are so many options that you can change your image every day, surprising others, and rejoicing at your reflection in the mirror. One of these options is the “dragon” braid - this is the name of the spikelet or French braid that is familiar to us.

    Hairstyle Benefits

    The main advantage of this weaving method is the simplicity of its implementation. This does not require special tools and experience.

    • "Dragon" can be braided on any type of hair - both smooth and silky, and naughty curly.
    • Both little girls and those who have crossed the age of growing up can afford to wear such a hairstyle.
    • The braid will look neat for a long time, so it can be worn all day long without fixing your hair.
    • Such a pigtail can be braided both for a business meeting and for an entertaining party, decorated with several bright accessories.
    • "Dragon" can be done independently, without resorting to outside help.
    • You can show your imagination and create different hairstyles based on the "dragon".


    Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the tools for work:

    • toothed comb;
    • hair bands;
    • styling agent.

    First, the strands are well combed. They should not remain tangles and knots. You need to scratch in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Apply a little styling agent (mousse or foam). Then separate individual strands from the rest of the hair.

    classic weaving

    According to tradition, the “dragon” is woven starting from the forehead. Take 1 thick strand and use a comb to divide it into 3 equal strands. Lay the extreme strand on the left on the middle one. Then lay the right strand on it. Gradually, you need to pick up loose hair in the extreme strands. It is necessary to ensure that the amount of hair in the strands on the right and left is the same, so that the braid is symmetrical.

    Weaving continues until all the hair is involved and is in a braid. At the end, secure the "dragon" with an elastic band.

    To add volume to the hairstyle, you can slightly pull each strand out of the pigtail. At the end, fix with varnish.

    Spit dragon on the contrary

    The process of weaving such a "dragon" is similar to the classic one. Only here the strands need to be woven not outward, but inward (purl weaving).

    • With the thin end of the comb, divide the hair at the forehead into 3 strands. If you need to do voluminous braid, the strands need to be made wider. It is necessary to ensure that the strands are equivalent when weaving, this affects the symmetry of the pigtail.
    • Put the rightmost strand under the middle one. The left strand should remain in the hand.
    • After that, put the left strand under the middle one. And so on until the end. Gradually pick up loose hair in the extreme strands.
    • When the side hair ends, braid the pigtail with 3 strands, which is in your hand. Fasten with a rubber band.
    • For voluminous hairstyles, you can gently pull the “dragon” loops towards you. Creates a lace effect.

    How to braid yourself? We have an answer!

    The nuances of using vitamin Hair Expert from Evalar are described in the article.

    Read about how to make coconut milk and use it to strengthen hair.

    Pigtail to one side

    The basis of the braid can be done in the area of ​​the temples or forehead. The “dragon” descends along the entire length of the curls, and its direction can take different forms (straight, zigzag, wave). To make such a braid on its side, you need to know the technique of weaving the traditional "dragon".

    • In the place where the base of the hairstyle will be (right or left temple, forehead), separate 3 strands of medium width.
    • Lay one strand on another, following classical pattern weaving.
    • In the process of weaving, weave a part of free hair to each extreme strand.
    • When there are no free curls left, weave a regular 3-strand pigtail.
    • Fix the hair with an elastic band or hairpin. The ends can be twisted to make small flower. It must be sprayed with varnish.

    Hairstyle - weaving on both sides

    This is one of the most difficult weaving options. You need to braid two identical pigtails on both sides. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm.

    • Comb your hair thoroughly to avoid tangles.
    • Divide them in two, making a parting in the middle. It can be flat or zigzag. The main thing is that on each half of the head there should be the same amount of hair.
    • The part of the hair that will be temporarily not involved must be fixed with an elastic band or hairpin.
    • Separate the bass strand just above the temple area and divide it into 3 equal parts.
    • Do the classic (or reverse) weaving "dragon", capturing with each subsequent weaving part of the free curls on the sides. When the hair growth zone ends, braid the remaining 3 strands. You can fasten the braid with an elastic band, leaving the tail at the bottom.
    • In the same way, weave on the second half of the head.

    • So that in the process of working on the creation of a pigtail there are no “cockerels”, each weaving step must be accompanied by combing the strands.
    • To make the hairstyle more accurate, thin strands should be selected on the sides.
    • To create originality and festivity in the hairstyle, the "dragon" can be decorated with a variety of rhinestones, beads, flowers, hairpins, ribbons.
    • For a business meeting, such bright accessories are not suitable. In this case, you can complement the braid with beautifully laid bangs or twisted tips.
    • To quickly turn an everyday hairstyle into a festive one, you can decorate the braid with an accessory in the color of the outfit. If, for example, you wear black dress, and the strands of its owner are light, a hairpin with silver-black pebbles will look festive on the “dragon”.

    Thus, the “dragon” weaving technique makes it possible to create an original and stable hairstyle in a short time. By resorting to the creation of different variations of the pigtail, you can regularly change your image. In any case, these are new emotions and mood.