Important rules of Kurban Bayram. Kurban (sacrifice) - its rules, sunnats and adab

Eid al-Adha: 10 facts that Muslims of Tatarstan should know on the eve of the holiday

The KazanFirst editors have prepared answers to the most important questions that believers need to take into account when preparing for the celebration of the Holy Day of the end of the Hajj

EditorialKazanFirst prepared answers to the most important issues that believers need to consider when preparing for the celebration of the Holy Day of the end of the Hajj.

For comparison: the size of the nisab for Moscow mosques is about 200,000 rubles. The KazanFirst journalist was told about this in the press service of the Council of Muftis of Russia.

But in the neighboring republic - Bashkortostan - there has never been such a thing as "nisab Kurban". This was stated by an employee of the local DUM, who answers the phone of the first deputy mufti Ayup Bibarsov. He said that Bibarsov himself is now on vacation.

Who can make a sacrifice

A Muslim, an adult, a free person and one who is not a traveler, as well as one who has free property in the amount of nisab. According to Niyaz Sabirov, the age of majority here is determined by Sharia law. Boys reach adulthood at 12-13 years old, and girls at 9-10 years old.

But if there are no obvious signs of adulthood at this age, then at the age of 15 everyone - both girls and boys, by default are considered adults, - says the interlocutor. - Also, pilgrims to Mecca must make a sacrifice. They do it in the Mina Valley. The money is given to the Khajiis, and sacrifices are made on their behalf. Pilgrims themselves cannot slaughter an animal. Several million pilgrims gather in Mecca, so special people cut the animal for them.

What animal is allowed for slaughter

Sheep and sheep that have reached the age of one. Only one person can sacrifice them. An ox, a buffalo, a cow (at the age of two) or a camel (at the age of five) can be sacrificed by seven people.

At the same time, participation in a collective sacrifice must be voluntary. If at least one person participates in this case against their will, then the sacrifice is not considered to have taken place.

In Tatarstan, on the issue of choosing an animal for the ceremony, there is a peculiarity. Representatives of the veterinary services, together with the Tatarstan muftiate, insist that imported animals for slaughter should not be from the Samara, Saratov and Orenburg regions. There is now an epidemic of nodular lumpy dermatitis in cattle. If the disease enters the territory of the republic, then local agriculture will suffer enormous damage.

Addresses of 25 sites for sacrifice in Kazan:

What is the role of women in the celebration of Eid al-Adha

Since a woman is a housewife, she must prepare the house for the holiday - do the cleaning, prepare the festive table, wait for the guests. Also help your husband go to the mosque. For this, she will receive a great reward from the Almighty. From time immemorial, Tatar women did not visit the mosque on the holidays of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha. Everyone was preparing for the holiday at home. But this does not mean that they cannot go to the mosque these days. Can. But this is not necessary for them, while for men it is a duty,” says Niyaz Sabirov.

What is the best day to make a sacrifice?

The rite must be performed only on the first three days of the celebration of Eid al-Adha. But it is strongly recommended to do this on the first day, that is, September 1st. Performing a sacrifice at night is considered undesirable. The slaughter on September 4 and later is not considered ritual. Therefore, it is better for Muslims not to hesitate and plan everything in advance.

What to do for those who did not have time to perform the ceremony

You still need to try to have time to make a sacrifice. Three days are given for this. On the last day, you need to be in time before sunset. A Muslim who missed Eid al-Adha has no way to compensate or compensate in any way, Niyaz Sabirov emphasizes.



Expert: Reducing the interest rate will strengthen the position of mortgage loans among the population

The trend to reduce interest rates by the Central Bank of the country, taken this year, can significantly improve the situation in mortgage lending. Banks operating in the republic expect, if not a boom, then a gradual trend towards an increase in citizens' applications for loans to purchase housing. So far, the growth of interest in mortgages in the republic is low and amounted to 1.5% in the first half of the year

The trend to reduce interest rates by the Central Bank of the country, taken this year, can significantly improve the situation in mortgage lending. Banks operating in the republic expect, if not a boom, then a gradual trend towards an increase in citizens' applications for loans to purchase housing. So far, the growth of interest in mortgages in the republic is low and amounted to 1.5% in the first half of the year.

Alexander Zhidkikh- Naberezhnye Chelny

In Tatarstan, as well as in Russia as a whole, this year there is an interesting trend associated with a decrease in interest rates in the mortgage lending market. Last month, the Central Bank of Russia recorded record low rates for the entire existence of the mortgage - they fell to 11.1%. And by the end of 2017, this figure may fall even below 10%. Last year, according to the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), housing loans were issued by banks at an average rate of 12.9%.

The cheapening of mortgages is the reaction of the market to the systematic reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia. This year, the Central Bank reduced the rate three times: in March from 10% to 9.75%, in April to 9.25% and in June to 9%.

Of course, lowering rates is a good signal for the market. But not only the mortgage rate forms the market, but also the availability of resources for the down payment, as well as the ability to service the loan. Therefore, while we can talk about the improvement of the situation in the mortgage lending market, but we cannot assume that this improvement is of an explosive nature. Rather, while there is a progressive movement towards increasing volumes, - considers the head of the development of credit products of Ak Bars PJSC Bank Alexander Bunin.

According to the expert, last month the demand for a mortgage loan in their bank in Tatarstan fell slightly compared to June (727 mortgage loans issued in July, 868 in June), but exceeded the figures for the first five months of 2017. At the same time, as the interlocutor noted, the rates will not be revised for clients who already have a mortgage agreement. Since the bank for these loans was also funded at higher rates than the current ones.

A similar position is followed in the country's largest bank - Sberbank. According to the head of the marketing and communications sector of the Sberbank branch in Tatarstan Svetlana Kudryashova, the reduced rate will have a positive impact on the growth of the mortgage lending market, which is sensitive to rate volatility.

Sberbank has already introduced rates at the level of 7.4-10.5%. In the context of a downward trend in 2017, the issuance of mortgage loans by Sberbank in Tatarstan increased by 32.6% compared to the same period last year, Svetlana Kudryashova told KazanFirst.

The lower rates that have emerged on the market may still enable mortgage borrowers to pay more gentle interest rates in the future. True, for this you need to go through the procedure of refinancing.

Almost all banks have launched mortgage refinancing programs. Sberbank also offers customers who have mortgages in other banks to refinance them at lower rates, the specialist noted.

Tatarstan has long been in the top 10 regions of Russia in terms of mortgage lending. According to AHML, the ten leading regions account for about 49% of the total mortgage issuance. The main volumes of housing construction are also concentrated in these regions: 53% of all multi-apartment housing under construction and 47% of multi-apartment buildings put into operation in the first half of 2017.

At the same time, the republic ranks fifth in terms of the volume of loans issued. In total, in the first half of 2017, banks operating in the republic spent 25 billion rubles to purchase housing under mortgage programs. The undisputed leader in the mortgage market continues to be Moscow, where the volume of lending to citizens amounted to 103 billion rubles. It is followed by the Moscow region with a market capacity of 61 billion, St. Petersburg - 52 billion and the Tyumen region - 37 billion rubles.

According to the results of the first half of the year, about 17,000 mortgage loans have already been issued in Tatarstan. True, along with an increase in the number of mortgage loans, there has also been such a trend as an increase in the term of the loan. In the republic, this indicator has increased by one year compared to 2016, and now it averages 14.2 years. However, there are regions where the average mortgage repayment period is much higher. The record holder here is the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where it exceeds 18 years, and the lowest is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (13.6 years).

The growth of the average term of a mortgage loan recently indicates that this product continues to be in demand for borrowers, and attractive for lenders, - quotes the words of the CEO Alexandra Vikulin press service of the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH).

At the same time, according to the top manager, mortgage terms are growing at the fastest pace in the segment of the most optimistic young borrowers, whose incomes do not always allow repaying loans in the same terms as more “mature” borrowers.

Thus, according to the NBKI, for the youngest citizens, under 25 years old and from 25 to 29 years old, this figure was 16.1 years with an increase per year by 0.5 and 0.3 years, respectively, for borrowers aged 30 to 39 years, a mortgage loan averages 16 years, and for the category of 40-49 years old - 14 years. Thus, we can conclude that the most able-bodied borrowers take the “longest” loans.

Kurban Bayram, or as it is also called Eid ul-Adha, is the second most significant holiday at the Muslims. This is the Feast of Sacrifice, during which every Muslim tries to make the Hajj to Mecca. Let's take a closer look at this holiday, learn about its traditions and customs, and also what the essence of the holiday is.

What date is Eid al-Adha in 2018

The Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, that is, on August 21st. It is worth noting that the holiday itself lasts from 2 to 3 days.

Kurban Bayram - the history of the holiday

Eid al-Adha is celebrated in memory of such a righteous man as Ibrahim, or rather, on this day, his deeds and obedience to Allah, which he showed, are remembered. His story began with the fact that Allah said to distribute all his possessions and wealth to the poor. He submitted and ended up getting twice as much as he had before. Then the next more difficult test awaited him - the trial by fire. Ignorant polytheists were sent to the fire for his faith, but Allah turned the flames into rose petals. Finally, for his deeds, he was rewarded with such a long-awaited son, Ishak. But, as it turned out, not just like that, because Ibrahim was waiting for the last test - to sacrifice his firstborn. It was hard for him, but in the end the decision was made to do the will of Allah. However, in last moment Allah stopped him and ordered Ibrahim, instead of his son, to sacrifice a lamb, which he sent down from heaven.

The essence of the holiday is that people remember the humility of Ibrahim and follow his example.

Eid al-Adha - how they celebrate

Prepare for this holiday long before it starts. The preparation consists in not having lavish parties 20 days before Kurban, putting on new clothes and not cutting your hair all this time. The main action takes place in Mecca, in the valley of Mina, where, according to legend, Ibrahim sacrificed a lamb. There, Muslims perform the ritual of sacrifice. It is worth noting that any animal is not suitable for this, there are a number of rules for its selection.

First, animals such as cow, bull, goat, ram, sheep and camel are accepted. Others cannot be offered as a sacrifice.

Secondly, it should be only healthy animals, without a single defect. Pay attention also to age. For example, a sheep and a ram must be over a year old, a goat, a cow and an ox must be over two years old, and a camel must be at least five years old. It is also believed that for sacrifice it is better to choose an animal with white wool than with black. However, if these are not available, then any healthy animal without any flaws will do.

The holiday itself begins in the morning. Muslims begin their day with a full bath, and it is also mandatory to wear clean and tidy clothes. After that, they immediately go to the mosque for prayer. It should be noted that it is not recommended to eat before this. After that, everyone goes home, but some go outside, and as a result, a small group of people gather to sing various religious songs. Already in the afternoon, everyone gathers again in the mosque to listen to a sermon, after which they go to the cemetery to pray for their dead relatives. And only after that the rite of sacrifice is performed. Usually this is a special animal that was prepared for this ritual.

Over the victim, any ordinary Muslim can pronounce a short formula: “Bismillah, Allah Akbar”, that is, “In the name of Allah, Allah is great!” Before the ram is slaughtered, it must be thrown to the ground with its head towards Mecca. You can sacrifice a ram that has reached the seventh month (according to the Shafi'i madhhab - a full year), a bull or a cow that has reached a full two years, a camel that has reached a full five years. It is desirable that the sacrificial animal be fat, large and beautiful. It should not have flaws that adversely affect the quantity and quality of meat. Therefore, lame, blind or sick animals should not be sacrificed. As well as animals in which more than half of the horn is broken or more than half of the ear is cut off. It is advisable to use a third of the meat to treat your family, give a third to the poor among neighbors and relatives, and give a third as alms to those who ask for it.

Ibn Abbas also spoke about the sacrifice of the prophet: “He left a third for the family, a third for treating poor neighbors, and distributed a third to those who asked.” Ibn Umar said: "Sacrifices and gifts are a third for you, a third for the family, a third for the poor." You can not pay off the butcher, who cut the sacrificial animal, with meat. But you can give him part of the meat if he is poor, or donate, but not as payment. The one who offered the sacrifice cannot sell anything from the sacrificial animal, neither meat nor skin, but he can use the skin and other parts of it.

On this day, every Muslim in the house should have a festive dastarkhan, as it is customary to receive guests and go to visit on this day. It is customary to give gifts to close friends and relatives on Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayram).

And in the evening the whole family gathers at a rich table together. At the same time, according to tradition, the owner of the house should not skimp on treats - there should be a lot of food. And the housewives specially cook separately for the poor.

The name of one of the main Islamic celebrations - Eid al-Adha (Turk.) or Eid al-Adha (Arabic) - literally translates as "holiday of the sacrifice." It is celebrated by Muslims around the world 70 days after the completion of the holy month of Ramadan.

Within a month and a half before the onset of Eid al-Adha, it is customary for Muslims to make a hajj - a pilgrimage to holy places in Mecca. A difficult path full of hardships helps to raise the level of religious and moral development. According to the pillars of Islam, every true believer must perform the Hajj at least once in his life. Eid al-Adha is the apogee of the pilgrimage and proclaims mercy, kindness and love for people.

The holiday is celebrated in honor of the prophet Ibrahim. According to the Koran, the angel Jabrail appeared to him in a dream and ordered, by the will of Allah, to sacrifice his son Ismail. Preparing for the ceremony, Ibrahim went to the valley of Mina, to the location of Mecca. Ismail followed his father, obeying the will of the parent and the Almighty. During the sacrifice, the angel Gabriel gave the prophet Ibrahim as a substitute for a ram. For the devotion and spiritual purity of Ibrahim, Allah gave Ismail life.

Muslims during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha at the Cathedral Mosque in St. Petersburg. Photo: ITAR-TASS / Interpress / A. Nikolaev

A Muslim during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha at the Cathedral Mosque. Photo: ITAR-TASS / Z. Javakhadze

Muslims during the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha near the mosque on Furmanovskaya Street in Rostov-on-Don. Photo: ITAR-TASS / V. Matytsin

“Allah, having learned the sincerity of Ibrahim and his son through this test, called on him as a friend: “O Ibrahim! You justified Our suggestion and did not hesitate to carry out Our command. That's enough for you. We will lighten our trial by rewarding you for your good deed. This is how We reward the virtuous! The test to which We subjected Ibrahim and his son is a test that revealed their true faith in the Lord of the inhabitants of the worlds. We redeemed his son with a great sacrifice so that he would live according to the command of Allah Almighty.

From the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims prepare for the celebration in advance and fast for 10 days.

It is advisable for the faithful to spend the night on the eve of Eid al-Adha by reading namaz. It is believed that at this time the Almighty answers the requests of his slaves. The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever was awake on the night of conversation and the night of Kurban in the service of the Almighty, sorrow will not befall his heart when sorrow befalls others.”

Eid al-Adha celebrations start early in the morning. Having performed a full bath and put on neat clothes, Muslims collectively pray in the mosque. In the sanctuary, they read the Koran, listen to the sermon of the imam, which explains the meaning and origin of the rite of sacrifice.

After the sacrifice, one third should be kept for yourself, the second third should be given as alms, and the rest should be used for a festive meal in the family. Since the sacrifice is made in the name of Allah, it should benefit the beggars and reward the sacrificers in the Hereafter. The ritual treat of the poor - sadaka, thin - protects those who give from all sorts of misfortunes and illnesses.

Muslim cuisine dishes

Muslim family during a festive feast. Photo: ITAR-TASS / V. Alexandrov

Eid al-Adha traditional dish

The celebration of Eid al-Adha lasts three to four days and is considered a desirable and blessed time for visits to relatives and friends, who are given gifts.

Since ancient times, Muslims are famous for their hospitality and cordiality. Every true believer these days tries to gather as many guests as possible under the roof of his house, to treat and please people from the heart. It is customary to cook dishes traditional for this holiday from the meat of a sacrificial lamb, and the more dishes you can cook, the better.

On the first day, the housewives serve dishes from the liver and heart. On the second day, the treat begins with soups cooked on lamb heads and legs. On the second - roast, supplemented with a side dish of rice or vegetables. On the third and fourth days, they cook fried lamb ribs and traditional manti, shish kebab, lagman, pilaf, beshbarmak. Not a single feast is complete without everyone's favorite sweets and desserts - pies, flatbreads and almond and raisin dishes.

Eid al-Adha in Russia is an official holiday in the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic.

This year, the holiday will be remembered by Muslims as a long-awaited event: the opening of the main shrine of Moscow - the Cathedral Mosque on Prospekt Mira. This building appeared here in 1904. He miraculously managed to survive during the years of Soviet power. For about 10 years, the mosque has housed the Council of Muftis and the residence of Mufti Gaynutdin.

After the reconstruction, the building acquired six floors, and the area of ​​the mosque increased 20 times. The designers of the renovated building combined the canonical decoration of the mosque with modern technologies. The work was carried out at the expense of charitable contributions and voluntary donations.

“Eid al-Adha is the day when sacrifice becomes a boon for all those who have and those who have not. He reminds us that the traditions of Islam, as well as other world religions, are based on the eternal values ​​of justice, kindness, mercy and care for one's neighbor, regardless of his nationality and religion. Truly, this is a celebration of the rapprochement of families, nations and the community as a whole, which is especially important today, when there are more and more manifestations of extremism in society, attempts to distort the essence of Islam, use it for selfish purposes.
In his famous sermon, delivered during the "Farewell Hajj", which became a testament to posterity, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Excellence is only in piety and good deeds."

Saigidhuseyn Magomedov, founder of the First Charitable Foundation

Eid al-Adha has since ancient times symbolized mercy, unity, care for others and compassion for those in need. In terms of mass and significance, it is not inferior to another important holiday all Muslims. Every year, Eid al-Adha is celebrated 10-11 days earlier than the previous year, since the Muslim calendar does not coincide with the Gregorian calendar. It is conducted from July 16, 622 BC. - the day when the prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims moved from Mecca to Medina.

This special day for all Muslims marks the end of the Hajj rite - the pilgrimage to Mecca as one of the five basic commandments of Islam. It is believed that every self-respecting Muslim should make it at least once in his life. But those Muslims who do not yet have the opportunity to go on a large-scale pilgrimage perform the necessary rituals where they find themselves on that day.

Eid al-Adha celebration traditionally starts early in the morning, around 07:00. a full ablution precedes, after which the Muslim puts on clean clothes. Eating before prayer is not recommended.

Sacrifice remains the main ritual of the holiday and a symbol of allegiance to Allah. This tradition is known not only from the Koran, but also from the Bible. In the Christian Scriptures, one can find an episode where Abraham speaks of the need to lay his son Isaac on the sacrificial altar. In Muslim culture, the protagonist of a similar plot was the prophet Ibrahim. In a dream, he sees the archangel Jabriel, and he conveys to him the command of Allah: you need to sacrifice Ismail, your only son (the prophet had no children until the age of 86, until his first son Ismail was born). Neither the son nor the father began to contradict the will of the Lord, since they were obedient Muslims. Ibrahim goes to the valley of Mina (now Mecca) to prepare for the ceremony. At this time, his son humbly awaits his fate. “My father, do what you are commanded; you will find me, if Allah wills, patient,” exclaims Ismail.

However, as soon as Ibrahim brought the knife over the neck of his obedient son, Allah decided that there was no need for this bloody sacrifice. He told Ibrahim that he had successfully passed the test. “Do not raise your hand against the boy and do nothing to him, for now I know that you are afraid of God and have not spared your son,” Allah said. The first-born of the prophet miraculously survived. Instead of a son, Allah ordered the prophet to slaughter a lamb and thereby made it clear that human sacrifices are not needed. Animal slaughter is enough.

In our time, a camel, a cow (bull), a buffalo, a goat (goat) can replace a ram as an object of sacrifice. It is believed that a person who makes a sacrifice, from the first drop of blood, all sins are forgiven. The rite involves many subtleties. For example, if a Muslim chose a goat or a sheep, then he must sacrifice them alone, and if he chose a camel or a cow, then only a group of seven people can perform the ceremony. Secondly, the animal must be suitable for age. So, a goat and a sheep (ram) must be no older than a year, a buffalo and a cow (ox) - two years old, and a camel is allowed to be sacrificed up to five years of age. Thirdly, the animal must be healthy, without serious illnesses for quality meat. Fourthly, for the slaughter, it is best to choose an animal with white wool than with black, since the prophet Muhammad is over two white rams. Before the slaughter, the victim must be thrown to the ground with his head towards Mecca.

It is believed that Muslims can make a sacrifice within three public holidays. After the ram is slaughtered, dishes are prepared from its meat for a festive feast. Moreover, the meat is usually divided into three parts. One part is distributed to the poor and needy people, the second is treated to relatives, and the third remains in the house of the owner of the animal who sacrificed. The Koran categorically forbids giving meat and animal skins to anyone for money, as well as paying with them.

During the days of Eid al-Adha, Muslims are supposed to not work, visit relatives and friends (including those who have died in the cemetery), give alms, and exchange congratulations. Labor migrants who live in Russia are released from work on this day. Any good deeds every Muslim believer should be accompanied by a prayer of gratitude and requests to the Almighty for the forgiveness of sins.

September 12 began the main Muslim holiday- Eid al-Adha. Food is one of its most important components. Zarema Tagirova, a culinary blogger and connoisseur of Tatar cuisine, told about what dishes a gala dinner can’t do without and what is the daily routine of the celebrants.

"Feast of Sacrifice", or Eid al-Adha, is the most main holiday for Muslims. It begins 70 days after the end of the thirty-day fast in the month of Ramadan and coincides with the day the pilgrimage to Mecca ends.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated for three days, starting from sunrise, and before the holiday they keep 10 days of fasting - uraza. Believers wash their faces, put on clean clothes and visit the mosque for a festive morning prayer - prayer, with a sermon, and also visit cemeteries to honor the memory of deceased relatives. The final stage of the holiday is the sacrifice of any animal - a ram, goat, camel or bull, while the age of the ram should not be more than a year, and the bull or cow - no more than two years. The animal must be healthy and not have any physical defects, it is sacrificed in accordance with the canons: they read a prayer, and the meat is divided into three parts - one is given to needy and poor people or left in the mosque, the second part is used in cooking festive dishes, which are treated to relatives, friends and neighbors, and the third part remains in the owner's house. The meat should not be stored, it must be eaten at the end of Eid al-Adha, and the bones must be buried.

What is prepared for the holiday from sacrificial meat? On the first day - offal dishes: liver and heart. The second day begins with a bowl of soup cooked in a broth of lamb heads and drumsticks. Prepare stew, roast, complementing with rice, legumes and vegetables. On the third day, soups made from lamb bones, pilaf, shish kebab, lagman, manti, beshbarmak, chuchvara and many other traditional dishes appear on the tables of Muslims.

Special place for festive table devoted to sweets, which are customary to decorate tables and present to children. In Eid al-Adha, pastries are usually prepared using almonds and raisins: these are all kinds of oriental cookies, pies and biscuits.

Dishes for the festive table

jiz byz

Jiz byz is a dish of shepherds, which they ate and eat on their long journeys through the pastures. Liver cannot be stored for a long time, which is why this dish is quickly prepared and eaten right there. Lamb offal is a storehouse of vitamins and flavors. The dish uses the whole liver, according to your taste - liver, heart, kidneys, lung, peritoneum, spleen and lamb eggs (for the male variation of jiz-byz). Jiz-byz is prepared in a saj (a concave steel or cast-iron frying pan with two handles on the sides. - Approx. ed.), or in a cauldron or wok.

Ingredients (for 4 persons):

  • a set of lamb liver (liver, lung, heart, spleen) - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 4-5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil / tail fat - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the onion from the husk, wash. Finely chop and set aside for a while. Wash and chop bell peppers and tomatoes. Wash a set of lamb liver. Cut each component separately. Heart - remove ducts and blood clots. Coarsely chop the liver, removing the excess film. Lung and spleen are also cut not very finely.

In a cauldron, dissolve the oil with a clove of garlic. As soon as it turns brown, it must be removed from the oil. Fry the heart first for 1-2 minutes, then add the liver, then the lungs and spleen. Mix thoroughly and fry for a minute.

Finally, add onions, chopped tomatoes and peppers. They will give the dish taste, juice and softness. Simmer, stirring, 5 minutes. At the end of the dish you need to salt, pepper and add coriander. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped cilantro before serving.

Salad "Eastern"

Not the last place on the festive table is occupied by salads with liver and meat. Oriental salad is varied, and it can be prepared with both liver and boiled beef or lamb. All products must be chopped into strips.

Ingredients (for 4 persons):

  • lamb liver or boiled beef - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3-4 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • cilantro;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1/2 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1/2 tsp;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • sesame.

Cooking method:

Peel the lamb liver from the duct and films, cut into thin strips and fry for 1-2 minutes in a well-heated pan.

Wash all vegetables and pat dry. Chop the onion into half rings and set aside. Cut tomatoes, peppers and cucumber into thin strips.

In a bowl, combine soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Mix everything. Check for the balance of acid - sweets.

Put vegetables and liver in a bowl and season with sauce. Put the salad on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.


Shulum is a rich, hearty soup made from meat, coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs. As a rule, it is cooked on an open fire, and the choice of vegetables is determined by seasonality. Shanks, shoulder blades and other components of lamb, as well as beef, poultry and game are chosen from meat.

Ingredients (for 4-6 persons):

  • lamb (shank) - 2 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6-8 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • parsley - 200 g;
  • cilantro - 200 g;
  • basil - 200 g;
  • dill - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • chilli.

Cooking method:

Cut lamb into pieces of 100-150 grams. Peel the onion. Pour cold water into the pan, put the meat and onions. The first 40 minutes should not be salted. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce heat and cook for 1 hour.

Peel potatoes and cut into large slices. Add to the broth after 40-45 minutes of cooking. Sweet pepper cut into strips. On tomatoes, cut the skin crosswise, pour boiling water over and peel. Cut into slices. After an hour of cooking meat, peppers and tomatoes are laid in the pan.

Finely chop all greens. 10 minutes before readiness, we begin to add it: first dill and parsley, then after a couple of minutes basil, and when the soup is ready - cilantro.

Shah pilaf

Pilaf is a dish that brings people, traditions and nations together at the same table. There are a great many variations of it, but one of the most prominent representatives of the festive pilaf is shah-pilaf, a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. The name comes from his appearance, which resembles the crown of medieval eastern rulers.

A characteristic feature of Azerbaijani pilafs is gazmakh (this word cannot be translated into Russian - Note. ed.). This is a crust of pita bread, dough or noodles, as well as the bottom layer of rice that sticks to it. The essence of ghazmakh is that, while roasting, it prevents the burning of rice. A special round iron sheet is often placed under the cauldron, which prevents the pilaf from burning and contributes to an even distribution of temperature.

Ingredients (for 4-6 persons):

  • long grain rice (preferably Basmati) - 200-300 grams;
  • lamb (pulp) - 500-600 grams;
  • ghee or fat tail fat;
  • salt ;
  • saffron - a pinch.


  • thin pita bread - 2-3 pieces;
  • melted butter - 80 grams;
  • sesame.


  • dried apricots - 80 grams;
  • raisins (quiche-mish) - 80-90 grams;
  • melted butter.


  • onion - 1 pc;
  • medium carrot - 1 pc;
  • mix for pilaf (barberry seeds, cumin, chili pepper, cumin)- 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Rice: Rinse the required amount of rice at least 3-4 hours before cooking pilaf. Pour in water, sprinkle salt on top and set aside. It is important to do this in advance, so it will cook faster. Pour saffron into a cup, pour boiling water over it, cover with a saucer, let stand for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Fill the largest pot with water (there should also be a lot of water, because rice swells when cooked) and put on a strong fire. Pour a lot of salt, a few tablespoons. As soon as the water in the pan begins to boil, pour into it the water in which the rice was soaked. As soon as everything boils again, add rice, stirring. When it is cooked, put it in a colander and let it cool.

Width of ashgar: Rinse dried fruits, put in a saucepan and pour water over them so that it covers them completely. Put on fire, extinguish. Once the water has evaporated, add the oil. Fry the ashgar over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, then let cool.

Zirvak: chop carrots and onions into strips. Put the mixture for pilaf in a dry cauldron and warm it up. Add oil or tail fat, melt a little, then fry the vegetables until golden brown.

Cut lamb into pieces, add parts to the cauldron, sealing them from all sides. Add some water and simmer with zirvak for 30 minutes.

Gazmag: cut thin pita bread into strips 1.5-2 cm wide.

Assembling the shah-pilaf: grease a cauldron or form with melted butter, sprinkle with sesame seeds and lay out the overlapped chopped pita bread around the entire perimeter. Its ends should hang over the walls of the cauldron. Grease again with melted butter. Then lay out a layer of rice, a layer of zirvak with lamb, a layer of ashgar and repeat everything again by analogy.

The final touch: add a little oil to the pre-soaked saffron and pour the pilaf over the entire surface. With those pieces of pita bread that hung from the cauldron, line the top of the pilaf, grease with melted butter and cover with a lid. Put the cauldron on fire or in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

Before serving, turn the pilaf upside down, cut into pieces.

Cookies "Shaker-puri"

The culinary art of the East was created and is being created by women. In any family, regardless of wealth, the ability to cook is passed down from generation to generation. This is the essence of the life and traditions of peoples. The mother does not write down recipes: her daughters watch her for years as she conjures in the kitchen. All girls and women know the golden rule from childhood: "Your eye is the best scale."

Oriental cuisine is famous for its abundance of sweets and desserts. Many of them are based on spices, fruits and dried fruits, nuts. In Eid al-Adha, preference is given to desserts containing almonds. Cookies "Shaker-puri" are a delicacy that is met and treated to guests with tea, and it is also distributed to children.

Ingredients (for 6-10 persons):

  • premium flour - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • almond flour - 80 g;
  • cinnamon - 1/2 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 20 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g.

Cooking method:

Beat room temperature butter until fluffy with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Add egg and yolks, milk. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour the sifted flour into the mass along with the baking powder and cinnamon. Replace dough.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, use a crescent-shaped mold to cut. Lay on a sheet covered with parchment, and put in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.

Take out the finished cookies, grease with sugar syrup if desired and sprinkle with almond petals or sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with tea.