Is it possible to congratulate on secular holidays? Eid al-Adha: congratulations on the Muslim holiday What does the New Year mean for Muslims

The main holiday for Muslims is the offering of sacrifices to Allah. Otherwise, this holiday is called Kurban-Bayram or Eid-al-Adha. The main task of Muslims on this day is to make a sacrifice. Usually a lamb or a cow is sacrificed, up to one year old.

In 2017, Eid al-Adha falls on September 1st. On this day, you need to pray, set the table and distribute food to the poor. However, if something is not eaten during the holiday, then the next day it is no longer possible to eat it.

1). Knocked on our door
Our bright Eid al-Adha.
This holiday is the most important
And family, and warm.
Congratulations to all people
May everyone be happier.
We wish everyone happiness
Only friendship, peace, brotherhood,
Live in peace and without trouble
Many long, long years!

2). Muslims have a holy holiday -
Eid al-Adha, and a mountain feast!
Friends are all waiting for loved ones to visit,
For delicious food!

Heat for everyone! Peace! Understanding!
May Allah protect you all
A Holy holiday let him leave
A pleasant light in the hearts!

3). I want to wish good
Joy, health to you.
Congratulations on a great day
Peace to you in Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
Pray for relatives:
About those who have gone to the beautiful world
Pray for the living.

4). The sun will wake up this morning
And the holiday will burst into your house.
May Allah smile on everyone
When is Eid al-Adha!

He, accepting your sacrifices,
Takes troubles away from the threshold!
And sends only happiness to the house!
For happiness, you need a little:

To keep loved ones healthy
To bring joy to children
Love and kindness under the roof
So that strong weave networks!

5). Muslim brothers today
With all my heart I want to congratulate
Happy Eid al-Adha,
Praise his greatness!
May Allah hear us!
From Mount Arafat,
We ask in our prayers
Healthy mind, good disposition
And mercy in the hearts
Piety, tolerance.
May Allah protect us all!
He will show us mercy.
For all earthly sins
He will send his forgiveness!…

1). On the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha, may Almighty Allah forgive you all your sins, and in your heart there will be as much joy as you could give people this year. May your faith be as strong as that of the great prophet, so that the will of God is law for you.

2). I congratulate you on the Great Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. May there always be many guests in your house, and you have something to put on the table for them. I wish your heart to be filled with love for all your brothers! Health to you and good luck.

3). So Eid al-Adha came to us. We will go to Mecca to once again remember the unshakable faith of the prophet Ibrahim, who shows by his example what a real Muslim should be. Be happy and live in peace with your loved ones!

On this day, it is customary to visit each other and richly set the tables.

On March 21, several republics of the former USSR celebrate the Muslim holiday Navruz. Navruz Celebration Customs different countries have much in common, but each nation has its own peculiarities of celebrating spring equinox, notes the Tajik news agency Asia-Plus.

Navruz was included by UNESCO in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind, and at the end of February 2010. The 64th session of the UN General Assembly announced March 21 international day Nowruz.

This spring holiday is celebrated as a state holiday in Tajikistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Albania, Afghanistan, Georgia, India, Macedonia, and Turkey. Navruz is also celebrated locally in Tatarstan, Bashkiria and the North Caucasus.

In Tajikistan, the Navruz holiday begins to be celebrated on March 21. IN holidays festivities, games, wrestling competitions, horse races and other events will be held throughout the republic. By ancient custom Before Navruz, people have to clean their houses and around, pay off their debts. Cakes and sweets are stacked on the festive tables. The traditional ritual in Navruz is the compilation of seven “sin”-ov and “shin”-ov (the letters “s” and “sh” of the Persian alphabet) - treats, plants, etc., the first letters of which begin with “s” and “ sh". The most famous festive dish is sumalak - a dish of sprouted wheat sprouts.

Navruz is also celebrated in neighboring Uzbekistan.

In Kazakhstan, a festive dish is "nauryz kozhe" of seven ingredients. Among the Kazakhs, who live mainly in the western regions and in the adjacent regions of Russia, the celebration of Nauryz begins on March 14 and is called "amal" (from the Arabic name for the month Hamal); its traditional element is a ceremony when everyone should greet each other with a handshake with both hands and saying “Zhyl kuty bastard!” ("Happy Year!"). For the Nauryz holiday, the Kazakhs prepare food called "nevruz - kyojo". In addition, a special porridge or soup is cooked for the holiday, which they carry to their neighbors.

The Nauryz holiday is celebrated in much the same way in Kyrgyzstan.

In Turkmenistan, on the day of the holiday, pilaf is prepared. It is believed that the more food prepared for the holiday, the more abundant the year will be. On the holiday of Nevruz, they also prepare a special meal called "semeni". This ritual dish, prepared from flour, water and sugar, is cooked by several families together. “Semenya” begins to be prepared the day before the holiday, so that it will be ready by the morning of Nevruz, March 21.

In the North Caucasus, in the traditions of Nouruz, a plentiful treat is obligatory. On the day of Nouruz, even adults are allowed to play pranks. Young men in costumes mummers, amusing the people, mindful, of course, of decency, flirt with the girls. Villagers in national costumes they dance the winter away. After a long sleep, as in the views of the highlanders, nature wakes up.

in Azerbaijan festive table this day is special. In addition to the obligatory seven dishes, the name of which begins with the letter "s", a mirror, a candle and a painted egg are placed on the table. All of the above has a symbolic meaning: a candle is a light or fire that protects a person from evil spirits; the egg and the mirror are needed to establish the end of the old year and the beginning of the first day of the new. Azerbaijanis put a colored egg on a mirror. And as soon as the egg swings, the new year begins. Everyone at the table begins to congratulate each other. There are also many sweets on the table, such as baklava, shekerbura, badambura and much more.

In accordance with the customs and traditions in Turkey, what a person sees first of all on the first day of Nauruz Bayram will be with him all year. During the spring celebration in Turkey, people should be surrounded by things that symbolize good intentions and happiness, health and longevity, good luck in all endeavors and prosperity. Such objects for the Turks have long been considered barley sprouts or pita cakes and coins, the place of which today has been taken by banknotes.

It is believed that Navruz began to be celebrated about three thousand years ago in Persian-speaking countries. And it is not surprising that this holiday is especially celebrated in Iran. Nowruz here is considered the most important, rich in diverse content holiday. And this is connected not only with historical and cultural aspects, but also with purely calendar properties, because Navruz is the cyclical beginning of the chronology according to the Iranian solar calendar.

On this day, dastarkhan is served in every family - a tablecloth with all kinds of national dishes, sweets, traditional drinks. And on the eve of Navruz, housing is put in order, all insults are forgiven each other, those who were in a quarrel are reconciled, and also, as a sign of the abundance of harvest, rains, milk, all containers are filled with grain, spring water and milk.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated on the Eid al-Fitr.

“Dear people of Tatarstan! Dear compatriots! With all my heart I congratulate you on the end of the fast and the blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr - Eid al-Fitr!”, the congratulation says.

“In our republic, where equal conditions have been created for the development of representatives of all faiths, Muslims invariably demonstrate adherence to traditional spiritual values, actively participating in public life, strengthening interreligious and state-confessional cooperation,” the President of the Republic of Tatarstan said in his congratulation.

According to Minnikhanov, the events of recent months have become a weighty confirmation of the correctness of the course being pursued: the VII Congress of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, the VIII All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures "National Identity and Religion" and "Izge Bolgar Yyeny". In addition, the construction of the complex of buildings of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy has been completed, which will receive the first students in September.

“I sincerely wish you all happiness, peace, kindness and prosperity! May the Almighty fill our hearts with faith, mercy and love!” Minnikhanov concluded.

Interesting information about the holiday of the spring equinox Narvuz Bayram.

All peoples living on our big planet have traditions that they try to honor and pass on to their descendants. And perhaps the most important tradition for all people is the celebration of the so-called family holidays that gather all family members in one place.

Such an important day for people living in Muslim countries is Navruz Bayram. They consider this day special, so they try to do everything to make it as positive and sincere as possible. We will talk about what Navruz Bayram is and how to conduct it correctly in our article.

What does Navruz Bayram mean?

Navruz Bayram holiday

Most people consider Nowruz Bayram Muslim holiday, therefore, they are not even interested in its traditions. In fact, he has no direct relation to Islam. If you look at open sources, you can find information in them that this spring holiday appeared back in those days when people worshiped pagan Gods and believed that if they were appeased, then they would live in peace for at least one year.

Most researchers associate its appearance with the agricultural calendar, according to which ancient people planted vegetable gardens. They firmly believed that on the day of the celebration of Navruz Bayram, winter completely recedes and a period begins on the earth when it is possible to plow the land. And although modern people no longer believe in pagan Gods, they put a similar meaning into this holiday. They believe that it is on this day that spring comes, which brings to the earth a period of complete renewal, spiritual growth and the flowering of kindness.

How is the Navruz equinox holiday translated into Russian?

The meaning of Navruz in Russian

As you probably already understood, Navruz Bayram is nothing but the day of the spring equinox, when day and night are equal and last the same time. Since people have always associated this spiritual and good holiday with the expectation of the beautiful, then in our time they began to translate it into Russian, as New day. In some Muslim countries, for example, in Iran, on Navruz Bayram, the deduction of the first day of the coming year is read, so in this country it is translated as New Year .

What peoples and countries celebrate Navruz Bayram?

Peoples celebrating Nowruz Bayram

As mentioned a little above, Navruz Bayram is celebrated exclusively in Muslim countries, moreover, in some of them it is an official day off, which is usually spent with family and friends, eating special food and playing national games.

The peoples who celebrate this holiday, as a rule, prepare for it very carefully. They try to clean their home as well as possible, pay off all debts and cook many delicious dishes for their relatives.

Navruz Bayram is celebrated on:

  • Iran
  • Kazakhstan
  • Dagestan
  • Tajikistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Tatarstan
  • Uzbekistan

When does Navruz Bayram begin in Dagestan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan?

Days of Navruz celebration in different countries

Although official day The beginning of the celebration of Navruz Bayram is considered March 21, some countries begin to have fun on the 20th. The first rituals associated with this important event for them, they begin to conduct on this day, immediately after the evening prayer.

As for the timing of the holiday, then here it is different for everyone. For some nations, one day is enough, and some have fun and feast from a week to 15 days. And, for example, in Afghanistan and Iran it is customary to celebrate Navruz Bayram on the first 5 days of the new year, as well as on the 13th.

Navruz celebration days in different countries:

  • Kazakhstan. In this country Navruz is celebrated on March 22. Kazakh Bairam is a bit similar to the more familiar Maslenitsa. On a holiday, it is also customary to set the table and have fun in the city square. Also, without fail, all people put spring water, homemade halva and wheat grains on the table.
  • Azerbaijan. People living in this country celebrate Navruz on March 20, 21 and 22. All these days are official days off and thanks to this, Azerbaijanis have time to devote time to prayers and communication with their relatives.
  • Uzbekistan. Although the official day of celebration spring holiday March 21 is considered, in some cities and towns the festivities stretch for up to 15 days. These days, people gather in tea houses, where they definitely eat grains of overgrown wheat and fragrant pilaf.
  • Tajikistan. In this country, it is customary to celebrate Navruz Bayram from March 21 to 24. The main symbol of the holiday for Tajiks is fire. They consider it a symbol of purification, so they try to go around their possessions during this period, holding a lit torch in their hand.

The script of the spring holiday Navruz Bayram

As you probably already understood, Navruz Bayram is very similar to the Slavic Shrovetide, so you can spend it in the same way as her. And this means that you can pick up several games in advance that both children and adults will like, learn how many songs, poems and boldly celebrate the holiday.

In this case, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of fun in which absolutely all people will be involved. Also, do not forget to take care of the right musical accompaniment and inexpensive but interesting prizes.

Holiday scenario:

  • Leading: I greet you, my Dear guests, on the most cheerful and warm holiday of spring! Today has come important holiday Navruz, which opens the door to our bright and warm future. Happy Holidays, my Dears!
  • At the end of the congratulatory speech, the presenter can tell the story of the appearance of this day.
  • Leading: Now that I have told you in more detail about Navruz Bayram, let's check how attentively you listened to me. The one who gives the most answers to my questions will receive an incentive prize.

Quiz questions:

  • When is this bright holiday celebrated and how is it translated into Russian? (March 21, New Day or New Year)
  • What is the symbol of Navruz Bayram? (overgrown wheat and live fire)
  • What are the must-have dishes for Navruz Bayram? (depending on the country of celebration, it can be pilaf, sumlyak, halva, baklava, shakyarbura, sambus, sabsi)
  • In which countries is Navruz celebrated? (Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)

Leading: And now, dear guests, let's move on from the official part to the fun. I suggest you compete in speed, strength and ingenuity. I ask everyone to go to the square and continue the festivities already there.

Holiday games

Bring an egg in a spoon

For this relay you will need 2 or 3 spoons, small eggs and the appropriate number of participants. First you will need to determine the distance over which they will need to transfer the eggs. After that, the spoon is fixed with teeth, an egg is laid on it, and immediately after that, the host must start. Participants must bring the egg from one point to another as quickly as possible, without helping themselves with their hands, but at the same time trying not to break the fragile load.

Pull the rope

This relay race is designed for a large number of participants, depending on the length of the rope, one team can have from 5 to 10 people. All you have to do is draw a line on the ground and divide the rope with a red ribbon into two identical parts. After that, the teams are given a sign, and they begin to pull the rope. The team that first pulls the opponents to their side is considered the winner.

The strongest man

This game is suitable for both boys and adult men. In this case, you will have to determine which of the representatives of the stronger sex throws the stone farther than the rest (for children, stones can be replaced with balls). So, the men stand in a row and, on command, throw stones. The one who threw the stone the farthest is considered the winner. If you want to stretch the game, you can give the players three attempts, and based on this data, determine the winner.

What do they give for Navruz Bayram?

Gifts for Navruz Bayram

As for gifts for Navruz, they can be completely different. If you wish, you can please a loved one with beautifully packaged sweets or homemade cakes. The only thing you should consider when preparing gifts for this spring holiday is that it is customary for Muslims to please people of absolutely all faiths on this day. It is believed that in this way a person shares joy and this contributes to the fact that our world becomes kinder and cleaner.

Also, do not forget that people of the Muslim faith need to knock out gifts correctly. For example, a stranger cannot give a woman underwear, even if it is a woman. In addition, you cannot gift alcohol, foods that contain pork, gold jewelry, or paintings of animals. In view of this, it will be better if you choose gifts that you can present without fear of offending a person.

Suitable gifts:

  • Silver jewelry
  • Koran
  • Muslim clothes
  • Sweets
  • wooden chess
  • Tea sets
  • Bookmarks for the Quran
  • Azan clock
  • Hat and prayer mat
  • Beads
  • Books
  • Houseplants

What dishes are prepared for Navruz Bayram?

Recipes for Navruz Bayram

As you probably already understood, the Navruz Bayram holiday is special for all Muslims, so they try to put only the right dishes on the table that day. That is why in every house you will definitely be offered to taste halva prepared from sprouted grains and these dishes, the names of which begin with the letter “sin”. Also, nuts, dried fruits, different types cheese and green eggs.

Appetizer Yasmin


  • Onion - 600 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Peel the onion and boil it in salted water until soft.
  • Pull the onion out of the water and let it cool down a bit.
  • In the same water, boil pre-peeled champignons
  • Turn the onion into a smooth puree and mix it with vegetable oil, salt and pepper
  • Put the resulting puree on a large dish, and put completely cooled mushrooms on top of it.

Liver with smoke


  • Beef or lamb liver - 700 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cleanse the liver from hard films
  • Cut it into big pieces
  • Pepper and salt them, and roast them on the coals using the grill
  • While it's getting ready, prepare the sauce.
  • Melt the butter, add chopped garlic and a little salt to it
  • Spread the liver on festive dish and pour it with a fragrant sauce

How to germinate wheat for Nowruz?

germinated wheat seeds

As mentioned a little above, sprouted wheat is the main symbol of the spring holiday of Navruz. Every housewife must germinate it, and she tries to do it in such a way that the germinated grains have sprouts of the same length.

  • If possible, look for grains that are specifically designed for sprouting.
  • Rinse them under running water, and then put them in a deep bowl.
  • Heat the water and pour it over the wheat so that it slightly covers the grains
  • Leave the grain to stand in a warm place for 5-6 hours
  • Pour off the liquid that they have not absorbed and rinse again under running water.
  • After removing all the debris, you can lay out the wheat in an even layer and wait until it germinates.
  • For this process to happen correctly, do not forget to moisten it from a spray bottle 2-3 times a day.
  • If you do everything right, then in a week you will get juicy green sprouts.

Congratulations on the spring holiday Navruz Bayram March 21

Congratulations #1
Congratulations #2
Congratulations #3

A little higher, we bring to your attention a few short congratulations with which you can congratulate your closest people on Navruz. When pronouncing these words, remember that this must be done with good thoughts and from pure heart. Only in this case, the person you congratulate will be able to feel how dear he is to you.

Video: Navruz Bayram