Eid al-Adha is the Muslim holiday of sacrifice. Eid al-Adha - the Muslim holiday of sacrifice When Eid al-Adha begins

The most important Muslim holiday Kurban Bayram 2017, which is celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim, will be held on September 1.

As you know, this holiday is Islamic and is celebrated as the end of the Hajj, 70 days after the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, it is translated as "the holiday of the sacrifice."

It should be noted that in the Muslim tradition, everything that brings a person closer to God is called a kurban, and the ritual slaughter of an animal on this holiday demonstrates a spiritual appeal to God.

Kurban Bayram 2017 when

Eid al-Adha celebration traditions include taking a full bath and putting on clean and festive clothing for Muslims. They should pronounce the festive takbir with the words: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaha illa Llahu wa-Llahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa-li-Llahi-l-hamd. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu akbar kabiran wa-lhamdu-li-llahi kasiran wa-subhyana-llahi bukratan wa-asila.

At the same time, the takbir must be repeated to all Muslims during the morning walk to the temple.

A festive prayer is performed in the mosque, after which a sermon (khutba) is read. It begins with the glorification of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, then explains the origin of the Hajj and the meaning of the rite of sacrifice (as a rule, a ram, camel or cow becomes a victim). An experienced imam-khatib often wraps a sermon in the form of rhymed prose.

Every year Eid al-Adha becomes an occasion for discussion, as it is close to the beginning of the school year. This year, such an important Islamic holiday as Kurban Bayram 2017 even coincided with September 1.

As a result, several central schools in Moscow decided to move the school line from September 1 to September 4. Many parents considered such a transfer justified, since the schools where their children study are located near mosques.

This will be done to ensure that the start of the school year celebration is calmer, quieter and less crowded around the school grounds. Thus, it is also about the safety of children and their parents.

In particular, the postponement of the holiday on the occasion of the beginning of the school year will take place in Moscow school No. 2107.

On September 1, 2017, Muslims of Russia (and the world) celebrate one of the main religious holidays - Eid al-Adha, which is associated with a large number of traditions, customs and signs.

In 2017, September 1 falls on a Friday and will be a working and school day in most regions.

September 1, 2017 will be a day off for residents of regions where Eid al-Adha is officially an additional regional holiday.

In the following regions, 09/01/2017 is a day off:

Crimea (in this region, the holiday can be postponed to September 4, 2017).

In accordance with the lunar calendar and established traditions, the beginning of the Uraza Bayram holiday falls on June 25 (Sunday) 2017, but Muslims will celebrate Kurban Bayram on September 1, on Friday. This day will become non-working, festive in Tatarstan. This decree has already entered into force. In Tatarstan, citizens will be able to "walk" on Eid al-Adha for three days - the first, 2nd and 3rd of September.

Despite the fact that the holiday itself will come on September 1, 2017, preparations for the sacred event will begin ten days before the very date of Eid al-Adha. Faithful followers of the Prophet Mohammed, who believe in Allah, will fast. Women during this time will carry out a general cleaning in their homes and prepare clean, elegant clothes for the holiday.

On the first day of September, before dawn, Muslims will perform ablution, change clothes and go to prayer. Eating before the first prayer on the holiday should not be. After prayer, you can have breakfast in order to return to the mosque later and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). According to the Koran, the archangel Jabrail (Gabriel) appeared in a dream to Ibrahim and conveyed the command of Allah (God) so that the prophet, as proof of obedience to God's will, sacrificed his eldest son. The name of the son is not mentioned in the books, so the followers of Islam believe that it is about Ismail - who was born from Ibrahim by the concubine Hajjar (Hagar). (In Judaism, the eldest son of Abraham is considered the progenitor of the Jews, Isaac (Ishak), who was born at the age of 90 by the legitimate wife of the prophet Sarah). According to Muslim tradition, Ismail is considered the progenitor of the Arabs.

It should be recalled that the story of Ismail's sacrifice ended in a happy way: when the sacrificial knife was already brought under the unfortunate young man, Allah had mercy, blunted the murder weapon and replaced Ismail with a sacrificial animal. Thus, in memory of this, animals are also sacrificed on Eid al-Adha, choosing from rams, camels and cows.

Muslims consider Ismail and Ibrahim the builders of the Kaaba (a shrine in the form of a cube in the courtyard of the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca). The Kaaba was erected in the same place where, according to legend, it stood during the time of the first man Adam. Upon completion of construction, Ibrahim taught Ismail the rites of the Hajj and made him the guardian of the Kaaba.

It should be clarified that the Feast of Sacrifice is the culmination of the Hajj to Mecca. Before Eid al-Adha, pilgrims ascend Mount Arafat, while on the day of the sacrifice they make a symbolic punching of the devil with stones and a seven-fold circuit around the Kaaba.

Among other things, in Eid al-Adha, Muslims need to perform a full ablution and put on clean clothes. On the way to the mosque, they constantly pray, repeating the following words: "Allah Akbar!"

In turn, a festive prayer is held in the mosque, after which a sermon is read. During it, the prophet Muhammad and Allah are glorified, and then the imam explains the origin of hajd and tells in detail about the rite of sacrifice. After these actions, the rite itself is already performed.

27/08/2017 - 17:34

For Muslims, a big holiday is coming, called Eid al-Adha, and huge preparations are already underway right now. It is worth noting that this is one of the most important and revered holidays among Islamic events.

The date of the holiday changes every year, so every time Muslims are interested in this issue. Read more about the beginning and end of Eid al-Adha, as well as the features of its celebration in the material site

Eid al-Adha 2017: what date does it start and end?

Every year, the date of the celebration is determined as follows: Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 70th day after the holiday of Uraza-Bayram, as well as on the 10th day of the Islamic month of Zul-Hijja. Therefore, in this year 2017, the date of Eid al-Adha is Friday, September 1st. As for the end, we note that the celebration is held for 3 days. That's why:

But the main day, of course, is the first day of this holiday. In many countries or cities that profess the Muslim religion, a weekday is a day off.

Eid al-Adha 2017: what kind of holiday?

The name of this holiday in translation means: the feast of sacrifice. And his story goes back to the life of the prophet Ibrahim. According to the Koran, one night in a dream, the angel Jabrail appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and ordered him on behalf of Allah to sacrifice his child. No matter how Ibrahim's wife did not resist and how sad he himself was, he decided to fulfill this order.

After the prophet brought his child to the place of sacrifice and raised a knife over him, at the same moment an angel appeared to him, who did not allow him to kill his son. A lamb was then sacrificed. And Allah gave Ibrahim another son.

Since then, the tradition of sacrificing a lamb has become an obligatory ritual on the Eid al-Adha holiday.

Eid al-Adha 2017: fasting, traditions of celebration

Preparation for the holiday begins 10 days before it starts. Muslims observe fasting. And on the eve of the holiday itself, a general cleaning is carried out. Early in the morning on the 1st day of the holiday (in 2017 - September 1), every Muslim puts on smart clothes and goes to the mosque. There he is present at the morning prayer and the sermon of the mullah. After that, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives.

A special part of the holiday is the sacrifice to the Almighty of an ungulate animal (up to 1 year old) - a lamb, a goat, a cow or a camel. The sacrificial animal is divided into 3 parts. One is kept for themselves, the second is treated to neighbors and the community, and the third is distributed as alms on the street.

All Muslims look forward to the Eid al-Adha holiday, therefore, after prayers and butchering of sacrificial animals, rich tables are laid in each house and a meal begins.

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The most important holiday of all Muslims - Kurban Bayram, is a holiday of joy and love for God - Allah, which is why he is so revered in the Islamic tradition. This is one of the most revered holidays among Muslims and at the same time it is one of the most famous (recognizable) among all Muslim holidays in the world.

What date is Kurban Bayram celebrated in 2017

Every year, the holiday of Kurban Bayram (or Eid al-adha) is celebrated on the seventieth day after, that is, on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Zul-Hijja, i.e. Kurban Bayram in 2017 falls on September 1, i.e. on Friday.

The origin of the holiday

The holy Muslim book, the Quran, describes the events that formed the basis of the Eid al-Adha holiday. It tells about the prophet Ibrahim, who had a wife and son Ismail.
Once Ibrahim saw in a dream a divine angel who told him to sacrifice his beloved child. At first, the prophet did not believe his own eyes, but the vision repeated again and again until Ibrahim realized that Allah wanted him to make this sacrifice. Ibrahim always honored traditions, but such an act was too difficult for him. However, he decided on it, despite the excuses of his wife. They say that seeing off her son and husband on this difficult journey, the unfortunate woman threw stones at Ibrahim, not wanting to say goodbye to her beloved child. Ismail submitted to the will of his father and followed him to certain death.
After they reached the right place where the altar was located, Ibrahim laid his son on a stone and raised a knife for a terrible act. But at that moment, Allah sent an angel to Ibrahim, who did not allow his beloved son Ismail to be killed.

A young lamb was sacrificed, and the prophet received another son, Isaac, as a reward.

What does Kurban Bayram mean?

You should know that the word "bayram" means "holiday". In turn, Kurban Bayram is translated from Arabic. How feast of sacrifice, that is, an offering to Allah, as well as a spiritual appeal to him.

Celebration traditions

The holiday begins ten days before it begins. From this moment on, believers observe fasting and carry out general cleaning of their homes.

Eid al-Adha begins to meet even before dawn, when all Muslims wash the body, put on the best clothes and go to the mosque for the morning prayer - prayer.

First holiday prayer should be done hungry. After the Muslims gather at home and have breakfast, then return to the mosque again to listen to a solemn sermon about the events and history of the holiday.

On this Muslim holiday, it is considered obligatory to sacrifice to Allah a young lamb, a cow or a camel up to a year old, without external defects and without offspring. The sacrifice is divided into three parts: the owner of the house keeps the first, donates the second to the community, and distributes the third to the poor on the street. If after the feast a part of the sacrificial animal was not eaten, then the next day it cannot be eaten.

Congratulations on the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2017

Watch a very beautiful musical congratulation on the Eid al-Adha holiday!

August 12, 2019 is the holy Muslim holiday of Kurban Bayram. Kurban Bayram or the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated on the last day of the Hajj, 70 days after Uraza Bayram.

The history of the sacred holiday Kurban Bayram

The history of the holiday takes its roots from the Koran, when the angel Jabrail visited the prophet Ibrahim in a dream and conveyed the command of Allah to sacrifice his son. When everything was ready for the sacrifice, Allah rewarded Ibrahim - his knife became dull and could not cut. For fidelity, God replaced the son's sacrifice with a ram.

How Eid al-Adha is Celebrated

The day of a faithful Muslim begins with a ritual bath. Having dressed in clean festive clothes, you must read the takbir.

Takbir on Kurban Bayram

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaha illa Allahu wa-Llahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa-li-Llahi-l-hamd. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu akbar kabiran wa-lhamdu-li-llahi kasiran wa-subhyana-llahi bukratan wa-asila.

Kurban Bayram: traditions, rules among Muslims

Next, you should perform the morning prayer, on the way to the temple, exalting Allah. Before this, you should not eat food.
After the morning prayers, Muslims go home or gather in large groups to celebrate this Great Holiday. In a great mood, praising Allah, believers should return to the mosques, or, as is the case, for example, with Moscow, where those who wish, with all their desire, will not fit there, go out onto the streets of the city.

Then a festive prayer and a sermon about the greatness of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad are read, the history of the Hajj and the ritual of sacrifice is told in detail.
At the end of the sermon, believers go to cemeteries to remember the departed, and after that the ritual of sacrifice begins.

Far from all animals are suitable for sacrifice - the sick, thin and lame are not suitable. Before an animal is sacrificed, it is well fed.

After the sacrifice on Kurban Bayram has taken place, Muslims carve the carcass in a special way and distribute treats.

Feed both the one who is ashamed to ask, and the one who asks openly.

No one is left without a gift on this Muslim holiday: the poor and all those in need receive sacrificial meat as alms, and the best piece will be on the table and will be divided among the closest and friends.

When is the holiday of Muslims - Kurban Bayram 2019?

By tradition, the holy Muslim holiday Kurban Bayram is celebrated annually in all countries of the world. The official date of the holiday falls on the 10th day of the 12th month of Zul-Hijja (Muslim lunar calendar). In 2019, Kurban Bayram will be celebrated on August 12. According to the rules, the celebration of this Muslim holiday lasts 3-4 days.