Why there are no harbingers of childbirth at 40 weeks. Active sex life

They predicted premature births, kept them in the hospital, cherished them at home like a crystal vase ... And if at 38 weeks the expectant mother breathed a sigh of relief and stopped shaking because of each training contraction, then the panic returned on the 40th.

Not even panic, but unaccountable fear of carrying a baby, wait for intrauterine hypoxia, go for a caesarean section (especially if you dreamed of giving birth on your own), and also “tear on the British flag” if the child turns out to be very large due to the late period.

It is worth noting that these experiences are not at all groundless. After all, it is not in vain that after the date of the DA, a pregnant woman is preferred to leave under round-the-clock medical supervision. But even this will not speed up the birth. In addition, the harbingers are neither seen nor heard ...

How is the first birth going?

Primiparous such a scenario is very familiar. But with a small correction: due to the lack of experience, when all knowledge about pregnancy / childbirth is based on the theory and stories of "eyewitnesses", the expectant mother listens to her own body so much that harbingers she has can't be.

That is inconspicuous Braxton Hicks contraction, then an inexorable desire to make repairs not only to themselves, but also to morally help neighbors, then a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, belly suddenly dropped(others did not notice, but for the first time in recent months she breathed deeply), highlights have changed from the external genital organs, the gait “leveled out” and much more. It was possible for everyone not to focus on this, but they are the first births to justify the scale of the information studied.

In addition, a period of 40 weeks is considered the norm for the first pregnancy. After all, the cervix should be significantly shortened, and the pelvic region will take a little time to disperse.

Therefore, it remains only to wait, monitor the movements of the baby, regularly check his heartbeat and control your well-being.

Second birth

Often they are drastically different from the first.

And this is due not only to physiology, but also to the attitude of an already established mother, who is preparing to become her for the second time.

  • The woman has her own experience and has learned a little about the features of her body.
  • Her cervix is ​​already significantly shorter, so it will take much less time to open.
  • The same can be said about the pelvic region, which has remained a little wider since the first birth, giving the figure of a young mother a special femininity.
  • Preservation of pregnancy, if required, often occurs at home. Especially if the difference between the children is small and the "older" baby needs mother's attention.
  • Listening to the harbingers of time is also simply not enough, so the second birth often takes the whole family by surprise.

Regarding the last point, there is even a pattern. It turns out that this is not a busy mother does not notice harbingers, they start directly on the day of birth. In addition, a woman no longer has the common fear of “missing or oversleeping the onset of labor”, she knows what contractions are. But when they start, it does not take into account a small long latent period and may come to the hospital already with attempts. This is at best. And will it be the 40th week or the 37th - phenomenon exclusively individual.

third birth

Someone compares them with the first two, for someone it is a valuable, exceptionally new experience.

And the truth:

  • we can only say with certainty about medium duration childbirth, which, most often, is much less.
  • And they begin a little earlier than the expected date of birth.
  • The baby's head is "born" faster, as the muscles of the cervix and vagina are sufficiently "trained".
  • Harbingers can begin on the day of delivery.

But, if the DA is already behind, and labor activity still does not begin, it is better to “surrender” to the doctor. This is not about stimulation, but a comprehensive examination of mother and baby. Only after that, further tactics of action will be determined.

Every expectant mother, first of all, should monitor the movements of the baby. And the closer the DA, the more carefully you need to do it.

Usually, something is wrong if the baby calms down for a long time. But it turns out that its excessive activity can also be more dangerous. Since in the third trimester the placenta begins to age, then closer to the 40th week, its functions completely disappear. The child lacks oxygen beneficial trace elements and he starts to feel oxygen starvation, stops in growth / development, the heartbeat slows down, the baby may even die.

Mom at this moment notices his active movements, but often does not even suspect that this is a cry for help

Run to the doctor, there should be no other options. Even if the child behaves as usual and nothing bothers you. Believe me, it is better to prevent danger and help yourself in time than to get into an emergency situation.

In addition, at 40 weeks you feel better is under constant surveillance. Sometimes the best option is a day hospital (although, as practice shows, staying at home at night is much scarier).

They will listen to the baby's heartbeat, possibly send you for an ultrasound, measure blood pressure and temperature. You will be able to communicate with the same future mothers as yourself, discuss pleasant chores and a dowry for your children. And most importantly, you will definitely have time for your own birth.

Labor induction is a serious intervention in the process of childbirth, so it is rarely used. And then, if there are contractions. Then, in order to avoid hypoxia of the baby and his long stay in the birth canal, the mother can be introduced, for example, oxytocin to open the cervix.

If the PD has already passed, and no signs of childbirth are observed, the woman may be offered ( if there are no contraindications!) a little increase physical activity(climbing the stairs instead of the elevator, washing the floors with your hands, long walks). As well as… intercourse. Sperm has a softening property and will help the cervix to open faster.

Many consider pregnancy a long-awaited event. But as soon as the test shows two stripes, they realize that it is much more difficult to expect childbirth. This exciting moment of the first meeting with the baby is anticipated, perhaps, by every expectant mother. And the longer the pregnancy, the more impatient she becomes.


The term of childbirth cannot be predicted or planned when it comes to a natural process. Of course, in the case of the expected caesarean section it is easier to determine the date of surgical intervention. However, in recent years, doctors tend to wait for the independent start of the process in this situation and only then go to the operating room.

In the case of ordinary, natural childbirth, their date can only be assumed. It is believed that a normal pregnancy lasts 10 lunar months, which roughly corresponds to the usual nine, or forty weeks. However, at the very first appointment at the antenatal clinic, gynecologists usually confidently tell pregnant women when they should expect a baby. This day is called the expected due date, or EDD. How to calculate it?


Calculating the expected due date is easy. Since the gestational age starts from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding, forty weeks must be added to it. It is during this period that one should expect the appearance of a child with an ideal pregnancy. There are other calculation methods - for example, subtract 3 months from the first day of menstruation and add a year.

Any doctor at the antenatal clinic has special calendars that allow you to instantly calculate the EDD, only after familiarizing yourself with the menstrual cycle future mother.

In any case, the reference point is always the last menstruation. But does labor always start on time?

PDR is a very conditional value. And 40 weeks of gestation are valid only for "book" pregnancy. In practice, the duration of this period varies widely, as does the time of delivery, and a woman giving birth on the exact day of her due date is considered rare.

Since no doctor is able to determine exactly when the conception happened (if we are not talking about IVF), the gestation period is always set only approximately. Yes, and the very process of pregnancy is influenced by a variety of - external and internal - factors.

A normal full-term pregnancy in modern obstetrics is considered a period lasting from 38 to 42 weeks. And childbirth that occurred during this period of time is also normal.

If the baby began to be born before 38 weeks of gestation, this is called premature birth, and a pregnancy lasting over 42 weeks is post-term.

But some expectant mothers can't handle the excitement and start sounding the alarm when the due date approaches 40 weeks and labor doesn't start.

40 weeks

40 weeks of pregnancy is a milestone. From now on, the birth should be expected at any moment. Gynecologists during this period transfer the expectant mother under the patronage of the maternity hospital and in most cases recommend being in a hospital.

However, this is not urgently needed if a woman does not have:

  • Regular growing contractions.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Symptoms of preeclampsia - swelling in combination with protein in the urine.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.

It should be remembered that the expectant mother still has 2 weeks left, during which she can calmly wait for the baby to appear at home. It is very important not to be nervous during this period, so as not to harm either yourself or the child.

Do the terms of delivery change with a second pregnancy?

Second pregnancy

What if the second birth does not begin by 40 weeks of pregnancy? Should I be worried?

It does not matter - the first or second pregnancy in a woman, the timing of the birth of the baby does not change and depends on many other factors. The same is true for third and even fifth births.

Some doctors still claim that the greater the number of pregnancies, the earlier the delivery will occur. And the absence of regular contractions for a period of 40–41 weeks is perceived as a pathology. labor activity and post-term pregnancy. Sometimes they may even offer drug stimulation to the expectant mother in order to give birth as soon as possible.

Modern obstetrics claims that any pregnancy in a row can end in childbirth in the period from 38 to 42 weeks, and at the same time it will be considered normal.

Moreover, there are often cases when repeated births occurred 1-2 weeks later than the first.

And yet, most pregnant women are very restless waiting for later dates. This is due to poor health, and with an increasing load on the body. And, of course, expectant mothers want to see their baby as soon as possible, so they often ask the doctor what to do to speed up childbirth.

Acceleration of childbirth

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, no measures are needed to speed up labor at 40 weeks. The birth of a child is a natural process regulated by the woman's body itself. It will not start before the baby is ready for birth, no matter what the expectant mother does.

Naturally, in this situation we are not talking about drug stimulation, which was previously used everywhere. Against the background of the use of certain drugs, childbirth can begin at any week of pregnancy, regardless of the readiness of the child. However, modern standards of obstetrics prohibit medical stimulation without justified indications.

However, there are activities that will not cause any harm to the woman and the child, but may affect the day and time of his birth. You can also resort to them at the 40th week of pregnancy, if childbirth does not begin.

These include:


Walking, or rather walking, in the last stages of pregnancy is very useful. That is why many doctors recommend them at 40-41 weeks without fear.

Moderate daily walking helps keep the body in good shape, prevents excessive weight gain, and prepares the body for future physical exertion.

Walking doesn't have to be exhausting. This means that you should not go uphill, especially if the road goes up steeply, and going down such a slope is not safe. Walking over rough terrain at week 40 is undesirable, as it exhausts the expectant mother and leads to excessive fatigue.

Even trying to speed up childbirth, do not forget about common sense. Long walks should be avoided if:

  • Against their background, frequent painful contractions appear.
  • The woman notices spotting.
  • Walking causes shortness of breath, increased pressure, tachycardia.

Even the usual deterioration in well-being, increased fatigue is a signal to stop walking. In this situation, it is better to rest more than to load the body. The expectant mother should be able to listen to her body at any time.

Walking can sometimes and should be replaced by swimming in the pool. This will allow the woman to maintain the desired physical shape, but at the same time will contribute less to fatigue.

Active sex life

Of course, not all couples have sex at 40-42 weeks, but even the proximity of childbirth does not stop many. It often happens that after especially violent sex, the expectant mother has to be unexpectedly quickly taken to the hospital with intense contractions.

Indeed, sexual activity at this time often stimulates the onset of labor. And, although this relationship has not been confirmed by any research, the practical observations of doctors speak for themselves.

Most likely, this stimulating effect of sex is due to two factors:

  • Significant physical activity during intercourse. Whatever it was, but the body at the same time works in full force.
  • Orgasm, which is accompanied by uterine contractions and starts labor.

In some cases, sex at week 40 is contraindicated - for example, if you feel unwell, the placenta is low and its presentation, the threat of bleeding, uncontrolled arterial hypertension.

However, in all other cases, sexual activity during this period is not harmful to health. And, if the expectant mother wants to use sex as a labor stimulant, then no doctor will forbid her to do so. In addition, sex life on the eve of the appearance of the baby can suddenly be varied and interesting. It is only important not to overdo it with efforts and carefully select poses.

Physical activity during pregnancy is a very vague concept, it includes walking, swimming, and sex. But in addition to these pleasant activities, you can devote a little time to household chores.

The main thing is not to go too far and not start, for example, moving cabinets and chests of drawers. It is also categorically not recommended to wash windows (especially on high floors), remove or hang curtains, climb stairs to wipe dust off books on the upper shelves. Why shouldn't you be doing this?

All types of household work that are fraught with a fall and various injuries should be excluded before childbirth. This is due to the shift in the center of gravity of a woman, hypermobility of the joints and general clumsiness, which is typical for such a period.

Also, physical activity should not be excessive, and that is why the expectant mother should postpone the rearrangement of large furniture for a while. However, washing floors, vacuuming, wiping mirrors and other surfaces, even at 40 weeks pregnant, does not hurt.

Many women note that just after such a general cleaning, they went to the hospital with peace of mind and regular contractions.

Complications of pregnancy, about which the gynecologist, as a rule, warns the expectant mother in advance, can become a contraindication to physical labor. In any case, before deciding on such an acceleration of childbirth, she should consult a doctor.

Often at week 40, the harbingers of childbirth finally appear, signaling that the long-awaited moment will come soon.


Harbingers are characteristic changes in a woman's body. They confirm the readiness of the future mother and child for an early birth. After their appearance, you need to stop worrying and postpone home stimulation.

A baby born at 41-42 weeks is no different from a baby who appeared 5-10 days earlier, so you need to allow the main processes to go on as usual. Of course, if we are not talking about overwearing, when the period is more than 42 weeks.

Very little time can pass between the harbingers and the appearance of the baby - for example, a day. But there is another situation when the wait is stretched for 10-14 days. It matters here what kind of pregnancy a woman has. The more births there were, the closer the precursors usually appear to them.

Although there are exceptions. Sometimes the expectant mother does not notice any characteristic changes at all, and this also applies to the normal variant.

They are called harbingers:

  • Removal of the mucous plug.
  • Dropping of the abdomen.
  • Change in gait.
  • Disappearance of heartburn and other symptoms.
  • Reducing the number of movements of the child.

Removal of the mucous plug

The mucous plug is a kind of protection against the penetration of infection through the cervix into the uterine cavity. It is a fairly large mucous clot with bloody patches, it can be white-pink in color.

The discharge of the cork is the most inconsistent harbinger. For many women, it does not stand out at all. Much more often this happens completely unnoticed by the expectant mother. Often the cork can exfoliate into several small clots and move away under the guise of ordinary spotting.

But, even if a woman notices this harbinger in herself, one should not expect childbirth on the same evening. They may start much later.

It is important that there is not a large amount of red blood in the discharged mucus - this may indicate incipient bleeding, placental abruption.

Prolapse of the abdomen

At some point, the expectant mother may notice that her stomach began to settle down. But much more often this is indicated by relatives or a doctor. What does that symptom say?

As the childbirth approaches, the child changes its position in the uterine cavity, it lowers its head lower and lower into the small pelvis. Following him, the enlarged stomach also shifts.

Its position changes most often at 38–40 weeks and serves as a harbinger early delivery. This symptom is observed in all pregnant women without exception, but in some women it is not so obvious. This is especially true for overweight mothers with a dense physique and a small belly.

Change in gait

A change in gait on the eve of the birth of a child is a frequent and obvious precursor. It is well visible from the outside. The gait of the expectant mother begins to resemble a duck, she walks, waddling from foot to foot. This is due to two factors:

  • Firstly, changing the position of the baby and lowering the abdomen entails a shift in the center of gravity. So, walking, as before, becomes uncomfortable. A woman has to change her gait to avoid clumsiness or falling.
  • Secondly, by the end of pregnancy, the production of the hormone relaxin increases. Its purpose is to relax the ligamentous apparatus so that the birth of a child goes without complications. However, other joints also suffer in parallel, they become hypermobile.

The change in the center of gravity causes the woman to tilt her head and neck back, which is why her posture takes on a characteristic "proud" look.

There is also a third reason for duck gait, associated with the pathology of the pubic joint. Sometimes its integrity is violated, and it becomes extremely difficult for a woman to walk. In addition, the divergence of the pubic bones is accompanied by painful complications.

Disappearance of heartburn

The appearance of heartburn from the second trimester is a frequent manifestation of pregnancy. This is due to the influence of the growing uterus on internal organs abdominal cavity. It causes their displacement and pressure on the diaphragm, which, in turn, leads to the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. This is manifested by a strong burning sensation - heartburn.

As soon as the baby and the abdomen go down, the intra-abdominal pressure is relieved and the heartburn is relieved or even disappears completely.

In addition, many from the middle of pregnancy may complain of shortness of breath. The reason for it is the same as in the situation with heartburn.

That is why after 38–40 weeks, many women note that it has become much easier for them to breathe. This is a sign of an upcoming birth.

Reducing the number of movements

From 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move. For some women, this happens earlier, they are able to feel its movement from 14-16 weeks, especially if it is a second or third child.

As a rule, the baby moves quite intensively during certain periods. The time of wakefulness is replaced by sleep, in which the woman does not feel the movements of the child at all. However, during the day its activity is very noticeable. Often, it intensifies after the expectant mother takes something sweet.

However, on the eve of childbirth, the baby usually calms down. This is due to its growth, when the size of the body no longer allows active movement in the uterine cavity, and position. But in any case, you need to monitor the number of movements so as not to miss the pathology.

If you don't go into labor by 40 weeks, don't worry. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, which should not cause concern for future parents. You need to carefully monitor your well-being and consult a doctor in time.

By this time, the woman is already tired of her position, and she can not wait to give birth as soon as possible. But you should not rush things, everything will happen at the moment when the body is completely ready for childbirth. It is not worth counting on the date of birth pre-appointed by the doctor. In fact, it is very approximate, because to calculate the exact date fertilization of the egg is impossible. Moreover, not all babies are born on time, some become too crowded in the tummy, and they appear at 37 weeks, and some prefer to wait until 42.

The pressure on the stomach and lower ribs decreased with the lowering of the tummy, but on the kidneys, intestines and bladder on the contrary, became stronger. A woman often feels severe pain in her back, legs and lower abdomen this week. Before childbirth, the body is cleared of "excess ballast", so vomiting or diarrhea may occur. Some women become irritable or whiny in connection with the upcoming birth. Often the instinct of "nesting" appears: a woman wants to make housing more comfortable for a child, and there is also a desire to sit in some secluded corner more often. The breast is already completely ready for feeding, it has greatly increased, and sometimes it can ache. In most women, the amount of colostrum secreted increases. But for some, it appears only after childbirth.

Relaxin prepares the pregnant woman's body for the upcoming birth process. Under its influence, muscles and joints soften, and the ligaments of the pelvis become more elastic. This makes walking more difficult. Some women feel that the pelvic bones "spread" when walking. The baby is getting tighter in the uterus, which is why his body produces stress hormones. These hormones enter the mother's blood, provoking the production of oxytocin and vasopressin - hormones that provoke uterine contractions. Also, under the influence of these hormones, blood volume increases and its circulation accelerates. On examination by a gynecologist, it will be seen that the cervix has shortened and become softer. This provokes the discharge of the mucous plug that closes the uterus. The breast of a pregnant woman becomes heavier, preparing for feeding the child, and sometimes aches.

Signs when you should go to the hospital

Many maternity hospitals are not designed for a pregnant woman to stay in them for a long time. Most likely, if a woman goes to the hospital very early, she will be sent home. Sometimes they can be left in the ward to wait for the birth, if there are free places. It is very important to determine the right moment of departure to the medical facility, because there is a risk that childbirth will begin along the way. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then you should go to the hospital when the contractions become regular: every 5-10 minutes. It should be borne in mind that in some women, pain during contractions does not occur in the abdomen, but in the lower back. Unlike training fights, real ones do not stop when you change the position of the body. Be sure to go to the hospital when leaking amniotic fluid. They can appear in large numbers, or they can leak almost imperceptibly. In the second case, the woman feels constant moisture in the perineum. If in doubt, take a test, which can be bought at any pharmacy. You also need to go to a medical facility when a large amount of blood appears in the discharge, with a feeling of tension in the uterus and with an increase in blood pressure. When the cork leaves - the appearance of pinkish or brownish mucus in the discharge - you should not rush to the hospital. Sometimes labor begins even a few days after the cork has come off.

Nutrition and bad habits

The nutrition of the child is completely dependent on the mother's diet. Choose only high-quality and healthy products. It is impossible, as some people advise, to switch only to plant foods. Thus, you will only deprive yourself of strength before childbirth. Be sure to include meat and dairy products in your diet. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines provokes constipation, so eat foods rich in fiber. In no case should you starve, but pregnant women often lose their appetite before the birth of a child. Eat small meals, but often. In extreme cases, eat a small piece of chocolate or cookies. Glucose provides the body with the necessary energy.

intimate life

If there are no contraindications and the pregnant woman feels normal, continue intimate life can. Sperm contains substances that help the female body prepare for childbirth by softening the cervix. You should not lead an intimate life if the cork has begun to move away, otherwise there is a risk of infection. If you still decide to have sexual intercourse after the cork has gone, be sure to use condoms.

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If there are no harbingers of labor at the 40th week of pregnancy

Childbirth is a programmed mechanism for the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus, which normally occurs when the baby reaches full physiological maturity.

Births that occur between 38 and 42 weeks are considered normal. By this time, all organs and systems of the fetus are ready for independent functioning, and a generic dominant is created in the mother's body.

The processes that take place during pregnancy are rebuilt - in the uterus, excitation reactions prevail over inhibition reactions - the task of maintaining the pregnancy is replaced by the task of helping the baby to be born. The same processes occur not only in the uterus, but also in the brain.

However, sometimes it happens that the birth does not occur on time, the 39th week, the 40th week passes, and the baby is not going to leave his mother's tummy.

There may be several explanations.

  • Well, firstly, this may be due to an incorrectly set gestational age. As a standard, the term is considered from the first day of the last menstruation, however, in women with a long cycle, cycle disorder, ovulation may occur later, and, accordingly, the gestational age may vary by 1-2 weeks.
  • Secondly, the reasons for the absence of labor activity after 40 weeks may also be violations of the neuromuscular and receptor apparatus of the uterus.
  • Well, and thirdly, of course, this rarely happens, but it still happens when a pregnant woman forgets to remove the bandage after 37 weeks and leads a sedentary lifestyle. The bandage does not allow the head to fall to the entrance to the small pelvis and, accordingly, one of the active mechanisms for the onset of labor is excluded - there is no pressure of the presenting part of the fetus on the neck and it does not open.

What to do?

To begin with - do not wind yourself up - if everything is fine according to the ultrasound, according to the CTG there are no signs of a violation of the fetal condition - trust your gynecologist. He will definitely resolve this issue. If necessary, the pregnant woman is sent to the hospital for stimulation of labor and delivery.