Family technology. Key technologies of social work with families and children. The essence of the social problems of the modern family

Technology social work with the family - a set of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, methods and organizational procedures aimed at optimizing the object of social impact.

TO the most important types social work technologies include: social diagnostics, social prevention, social rehabilitation, social correction, social therapy. They focus on a holistic approach to a person, taking into account his interests, needs, value orientations, on creating social conditions conducive to mobilizing the potential of the internal forces of the individual to solve the problems and difficulties that have arisen.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of social protection technologies, social assistance And social support. Thanks to them, it is possible to provide targeted social assistance, primarily to those in dire need and poorly protected groups of the population who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

No less significant are private technologies, scientifically based technological standards for working with specific groups, including families with many children, including the necessary description of tasks, resources, measures, actions, and other components. They allow us to carry out an individual approach to each client and help in solving problems that have arisen. It should be noted that in our country there are still few methods and technologies of social work focused on individual work with the client (family), group technologies still prevail. Therefore, it is very relevant: the adaptation of previously used technologies to modern social conditions, to the needs of the organization of social work, taking into account the specifics of various groups of the population, including those with large families; development of new technologies; orientation of social work technologies to new priorities of social life: ensuring targeting, family interests, maximum use of local resources and opportunities for solving social problems of the family. To accelerate the development and implementation of more effective means of social work with various categories of the population, it is necessary to further deepen scientific research to help in the creation, testing, and improvement of new methods, mechanisms, systems, and procedures.

We need applied research on new initiative authoring methods that could form the basis of new technologies. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of operational monitoring carried out in the process of providing social assistance. We are talking about standardized tests, systematic observations used in working with a specific person, family, group of people, etc. Such studies help to make the right decisions, quickly master new technologies, and achieve the desired change in the object of study. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the development and implementation of technologies, a combination of social, socio-technological, socio-medical methods, methods of action, and procedures is increasing. Only through the efforts of specialists from various branches of knowledge can highly effective scientifically based technological standards of social work with various categories of the population be developed, including effective methods and methods of action and allowing to single out a specific person with his needs and interests, needs and problems, moods and concerns.

Social work with the family today is a multifunctional activity for social protection and support, social services for the family at the state level. This activity is carried out by specialists in social work with the family of various profiles. It is implemented in the conditions of a particular society (federal or territorial) and is determined by its specifics.

The modern family is called upon not only to solve numerous problems associated with the daily life of its members, with the birth and upbringing of a child, support for the incapacitated, but also to be a kind of psychological shelter for a person. It provides economic, social, psychological and physical safety and security to its members. However, in order to fully implement the functions prescribed by society, many families today need help and support, and help should not be one-time, but permanent, guaranteed, and targeted. Families with many children are especially in need of such assistance. Social work in them should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relationships, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the positive results achieved, the socio-economic situation and focusing on the realization of socializing potential. We need a thoughtful, balanced social program of work with the family in each region of Russia, taking into account its socio-economic capabilities. Currently, there are four main forms of social protection for families with children in Russia:

Cash payments to the family for children in connection with the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children (benefits and pensions).

Labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits for families with children, parents and children.

Legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical and economic consulting, general education for parents, scientific and practical conferences and congresses.

Federal, regional targeted and social programs such as "Family Planning" and "Children of Russia" and others.

In modern Russia, various state (Table 2.4) and non-state (public) bodies are engaged in social work with families.

Table 2.4

Infrastructure of the state family policy

Authorities (management)

Name of the structure dealing with family policy

President of the Russian Federation Family Council and family life

Family and Family Support Counselor

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Department of Family Affairs and Family Policy
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State Duma, Federation Council Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs (State Duma).

Council for the Development of Regional Family Policy (Council of Federations).

Government of the Russian Federation Minister for Family Affairs and Family Policy (no portfolio)

Department for Family Affairs and Family Policy (Apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Interdepartmental Council for Family Affairs and Family Policy

Federal ministries and departments Departments, employees responsible for solving problems of family life
Regional authorities Committees (departments, departments) for family affairs and family policy in the subjects of the Federation

A special role in the implementation of social work with families, especially in relation to families with many children, is played by various public associations, territorial social centers, social services. In modern conditions, such civic initiatives throughout the world are becoming an element of "social capital", without which the effective development of society and a democratic state is unthinkable.

Public associations serve as an intermediary between the state and the population, are involved in social activities, asserting active citizenship and responsibility of people for their own destinies and the fate of Russia as a whole. The relevance and significance of such associations lies in the fact that at present in Russia these organizations are becoming more and more involved in various projects. social sphere. They take an active part in supporting the bodies of social work and social services, as well as in other socially useful affairs.

Territorial public associations can be both specialized:

psychological and pedagogical;

emergency psychological assistance by phone;

medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities;

social rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents;

assistance to refugees and persons affected by natural disasters and ethnic conflicts;

social assistance to underage pregnant women;

social shelters, etc.;

as well as complex:

territorial centers of social services for the population;

centers for social assistance to families and children;

public organizations of large families;

centers for preschool and out-of-school work with minors, etc.

Their main tasks are:

Identification of the causes and factors of social disadvantage of specific families, incl. large families and their need for social assistance.

Definition and provision of specific types and forms of socio-economic, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical and other social services large families in need of social assistance.

Support for large families in solving the problems of their self-sufficiency, realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations.

Social patronage of families in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support.

Analysis of the level of social services for large families, forecasting their need for social assistance and preparing proposals for the development of social services.

Involvement of various state and non-governmental organizations in solving issues of social services for large families.

Experience testifies to the high efficiency of the work of such centers. They manage to focus on issues such as:

organization in various forms of material assistance to especially needy groups of the population, assistance to their self-sufficiency and their achievement of material independence;

provision of various types of psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical and social, legal, rehabilitation, preventive and other assistance, a wide range of family counseling and family planning services;

implementation of a number of measures to protect the rights of children, transfer them for adoption, custody and guardianship;

providing information to citizens about their socio-economic rights, etc.

The indisputable advantage of the centers is that they help to establish various forms of social work, taking into account the interests and needs various categories population, in direct contact with them and at the most accessible territorial level.

Of decisive importance is the principle of promoting self-help, which means that by providing assistance and services, social workers should encourage him to realize the potential of his own strengths and capabilities, restore his capacity and active social functioning, relying on his own strengths.

All this makes it possible not only to provide social services, but to provide high-quality, personally oriented customer service based on the concept of self-help, including the capabilities of the client's personality in social protection mechanisms. The study of their activities will allow you to more effectively navigate in modern social space and more effectively carry out the professional activities of a social worker, involving civil initiatives in it.

QUESTION 30. Socio-organizational technologies of social work with the family.

Socio-organizational technologies of social work with the family have their own specifics, and they define a set of ideas and practices.

Among the distinguishing factors of these technologies are:

■ idea of ​​the client;

The specifics of diagnosing client problems;

■ feature of goal-setting;

The specifics of technological practices.

Customer View has its own peculiarity.

The state and social services determine those cases when they take responsibility and care for clients, determine the specifics of a difficult life situation in which the responsibility for decision-making lies with official structures, and not with the client. In socio-organizational technologies, it is customary to speak of a client as a consumer or recipient of services. The English researcher R. Gomm, defining the specifics of relations between social workers and consumers of social services, singled out assistance as a special type of interaction when social workers provide social services to clients that they cannot provide to themselves. Social workers have knowledge and experience and can claim to know better than their clients what is good for them. The typology of dysfunctional families is given by A.B. Fedulova; she distinguishes five groups of families, which, depending on the dominant factors allow them to be combined into one category of “risk group” families. The researcher points out:

Socio-economic factors (low material standard of living of the family, poor living conditions, unemployment of parents);

Socio-demographic factors (absence of one or both parents, remarriage, non-native child);

Health factors (unfavorable living conditions, chronic illness of parents, presence of disabled people in the family, aggravated heredity);

Psychological and pedagogical factors (violation of interpersonal intra-family relations, deformation of the value orientations of family members, pre-divorce and post-divorce family situation, pedagogical failure of parents, alienation between parents and children, lack of emotional and trusting relationship of parents with a child, educational defects, etc.);

Family classification:

Alcohol family

drug addict family

crime family

Pedagogically dependent family

Disorganized family

Incomplete family

Family with an illegitimate child

The large family


Unemployed family

Disabled family

Diagnostic tools:

In order to understand the situation of the client, a series of formalized actions are taken to identify the needs of the needy. On the one hand, there are techniques of structured conversation, on the other hand, techniques of structured questioning. As first method, we can offer the approach of X. Norton, which proposes to formulate questions aimed at understanding the factors that determine the client's situation. A structured conversation should focus on the following questions:

What opportunities and what difficulties are inherent in the relationship between the individuals included in the family or another group?!

Are there problems among family or group members?

How effective (ineffective) are the forms of communication, including the degree of openness to the manifestation of new communication partners?

What are the main opportunities for formal and informal roles and how effective are they?

Who from the client's environment makes decisions and what procedures are used, how does this affect the achievement of the goals of individuals and the system?

What are the main conflicts concerning the client and what measures are taken to resolve them?

What values ​​and norms determine the behavior of members of the client's family or group, how are these norms enforced?

What sociocultural contacts and interactions between family and group within larger entities influence individuals and the system as a whole?

Structured Poll is carried out in a situation where it is necessary to investigate various aspects of the client's life, to obtain objective information from various sources, including direct observation of a social worker. In this regard, blank methods can be used. The most common technique is the compilation of a social passport that reflects the main points of family life; this approach is used in domestic social services.

Specifics of technological practices

The specificity of technological practices in relation to the family is implemented in the provision of social support to those in need.

Social support- this is the activity of social services to assist the family in meeting its vital needs. Family social support is one of the varieties of social work practices, it is used in cases where the social worker has a limited activity repertoire. Family social support technologies are implemented in conditions of social danger or social deprivation for one / several of its members. Macrotechnologies for social support of the family are carried out at the level of territorial social services that perform organizational, coordinating, controlling functions in support of children of the "at risk" family. They also create an information database of families and children in need of assistance, organize constant monitoring of the state of the family situation, and carry out inter-institutional relations with other organizations and services. Territorial services carry out different kinds assistance to service users.

Mesotechnologies for social support of the family associated with intergroup professional work. At this level, experts of various professions determine the state of the family, make decisions on the types of assistance, carry out interprofessional consultations on health, education, employment, etc. Issues are resolved on such problems as deprivation parental rights, patronage, placement in institutions and foster families, etc.

Microtechnologies for social support of the family associated with specific practices of a social worker, among which are:

■ socio-pedagogical;

■ socio-psychological;

■ social and medical;

■ social and legal;

■ socio-economic;

■ social and household.

Family - a group consisting of two or more persons living together, leading a common household for the purpose of providing food or other essentials, connected by blood relationship, adoption or marriage.

Family - is based on marriage or consanguinity small social group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual duties and emotional closeness.

FAMILY CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ Art. 1 - Family law proceeds from the need to strengthen the family, build family relations on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in family affairs, ensuring the unimpeded exercise of their rights by family members, the possibility of judicial protection of these rights.

They are distinguished by the level of socio-psychological health:


Families of social risk groups,




Young families.

Large families ( national traditions, dysfunctional families, religion).

Incomplete families (poor).

Single mothers.

Foster family.

Families with disabled children.

Families forced, migrants.

Families of conscripts.

families of the unemployed.

Families of disabled people (labor rehabilitation).

A complete small family.

Abuse in the family (hotels, shelters).

Social technologies. works:

Collection and processing of information about a family in need of assistance (diagnosis of the social psychological health of the family, determination of the level of conflict).

Technologies for providing social assistance to the family (intermediary, economic, social, material, etc.).

Technologies of direct work of a specialist with a client on specific issues (divorce, guardianship). - forecasting technology, assessing the quality of social. services, etc.

Social services for families in protection centers.

Rehabilitation - a system of measures to restore lost well-being in family relationships or form new ones (training groups, counseling, seminars, "helpline").

Prevention - a set of preventive measures that contribute to the full functioning of the family, the prevention of possible problems.

Psychocorrective measures , change in self-esteem of adults and children.

The goal of social help - Preservation of the family as a social institute. Assistance can be emergency, aimed at the survival of the family, urgent, with the immediate removal from the family of children in danger or left without parental care, aimed at maintaining the stability of the family, at the social development of the family and its members.

To protect children from abuse in the family requires a thorough study of the situation in the family with the participation of social. worker, psychologist, doctor, employee of the internal affairs body. Aggressiveness, indifference, sexual harassment, beatings, eating problems, not attending school, lagging behind in development are a pretext for initiating a case for deprivation of parental rights or criminal prosecution of the perpetrator of abuse.

When working with "difficult" children and adolescents diagnostics of the family and school situation, identification of the primary social network of the child, obligatory analysis of his medical, social and intellectual and psychological status, counseling of the family of social. teacher.

Families of "risk groups": (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse).

Incomplete family can be formed for various reasons: a woman is raising a child alone, a wife’s divorce from her husband (the husband drinks, beats, does not work, etc.).

Reasons for the formation of an incomplete family: Social tension in society, social injustice, unemployment, high prices and low wage, lack of psychological adaptation to new existing conditions. Hence the upbringing in incomplete families (for example: the mother is forced to earn money at 2-3 jobs, and the children are left to their own devices, hence drugs, drunkenness, bad company, possible crime).

The role of the S.R. specialist in help large families: psychological counseling, which will help identify the causes of maladaptation, will help in career guidance for mothers, fathers, adolescent children; training, auto-training, correction, psychotherapy.

Working with the family of an alcoholic diagnosis involves identifying the underlying cause of alcohol abuse. To do this, it is necessary to study the personalities of all family members. The causes of alcohol abuse can be family predisposition, personality instability, dependence. Next, a program of work with a drug addict, his family, social services is drawn up. environment - these are therapeutic measures, consultations, psychotherapy, social and labor rehabilitation of the alcoholic himself. The Alcoholics Anonymous movement, the Alcoholics Anonymous Children and Narcotics Anonymous programs are effective technologies for creating a favorable environment for recovering from alcoholism

Social working with conflict families begins with a thorough study of the actual family problem, about which spouses most often have the wrong idea, familiarization with the characteristics of the personalities of the spouses, their family and marriage attitudes. External difficulties are the material well-being of the family, uncertainty about the future, unemployment. Spouses can keep various models families have diverging views on the upbringing of children, they are characterized by outbursts of emotions. Family therapy includes finding a compromise, teaching non-conflict communication skills. Such work is carried out through individual conversations and interviews, group psychotherapy. One of the methods is the construction of a family genogram. When creating a family tree with the help of a family therapist, family members are involved in a single activity, complementing each other. The method of "family agreement" provides. development of a mutually acceptable list of obligations of both parties, drawn up in a bilateral agreement and signed by both spouses. Analysis of its implementation helps to correct subsequent work with the family. The resolution of family problems, first of all, is the responsibility of the family members themselves.

Problems of families raising a disabled child: register a disabled child, receive subsidies, apply for benefits, employment, problems with work, for example: with a mother if she brings him up alone.

Assistance is provided on the basis of the following laws:

1. Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation".

2. Federal program "Children with Disabilities".

4. Federal Law "On social services for the elderly and disabled."

5. Federal Law "On the protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation."

The role of social worker- organization medical care disabled people (medical and social rehabilitation in a hospital or at home, in the organization of sanitary-resort treatment. Analyze the social situation in the family, providing additional jobs for people with disabilities, organizing work for them at home, etc.

COMPLEX FAMILY- living together young and parental family removes the need for a number of social. services performed by the members themselves. families. Directions SR- social support for the young and give birth, families, medical-psycho-ped counseling on various issues of family life, prevention of family conflicts, through decomp. events.

FAMILY COUNSELING- this is a qualified advice, assistance to people experiencing various problems. The social worker, together with the client, considers the problem and looks for ways to resolve it, gives specific advice and recommendations - One of the leading methods

When studying families, we use pedagogical experiment parents are actively involved in experimental work, a cat. conducted in kindergarten and needs to be reinforced and continued in a family setting.

INTERVIEW METHOD- requires the creation of conditions, a cat. favor the sincerity of the respondents. Productivity increases if they are held in an informal setting.

QUESTIONNAIRE METHOD- allows you to collect a lot of data. It is possible to receive and process the material.

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL TRAINING- they usually cover members of several families who are sympathetic to each other, having similar problems of home education. Training timings can be “do I know my child”, “how to behave with aggressive child"," how to raise a child without a father. The activities of the group are closed to outsiders.

Collection of biographical data of each family, their computer processing, analysis of the information received.

Test-op Rosnik parental relationship(ORO), proposed by A. Ya. Varga. V. V. Stalin, reveals the parental attitude of persons seeking psychological help in raising children and communicating with them. Parental attitude is understood as a system of various feelings towards the child, behavioral stereotypes practiced in communication with him. features of the perception of understanding the nature and personality of the child, his actions.

The structure of the questionnaire: the "acceptance - rejection" scale, the "cooperation" scale, the "symbiosis" scale, the "authoritarian hypersocialization" scale, the "little loser" scale. The questionnaire contains 61 statements.

    Methodology for measuring parental attitudes and reactions.

It includes three of the most well-known methods: “Analysis of family relationships” (DIA) by E. G. Eidemiller, “Parental attitude test questionnaire” (ORO) by A.I.Vargi; transitional questionnaire "Measuring parental attitudes and reactions" by E. Schaefer (PARJ) .

The ORO methodology is more focused on studying the characteristics of the parental position of a mother or father in relation to a particular child.The DIA method reveals mistakes in the parental upbringing of adolescents aged 14-18. QuestionnairePARJaims to study the most common features parenting, the attitude of parents (primarily mothers) to different aspects of family life (family roles). In the methodologyPARJ23 aspects-features are identified, relating to different aspects of the attitude of parents to the child and life in the family. Of these, 8 signs describe the attitude towards familyoh roles and 15 touch parenthow children's relationships. These 15 signs are divided into three groups: 1st - optimal emotional contact; 2nd - excessive emotional distance from the child; 3rd - excessive concentration on the child.

Questionnaires can be used both separately and in combination.

Rene Gilles technique (projective technique). Designed to explore the sphere interpersonal relationships child and family members, his perception of intra-family relations. The purpose of the methodology is to study the social adaptability of the child and his relationship with others.

The technique is visual-verbal, consists of 42 pictures depicting children and adults, as well as test tasks. In addition to a qualitative assessment of the results, this technique allows you to present the results of the study and quantitatively.

Graphic diagnostic methods:graphic tests "Drawing of a family", "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes", "Tree"; a set of graphic tests: "Free drawing", "Picture of the world", "Self-portrait"; test "House-tree-man".

Marriage Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSA), developed by V.V. Stalin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko. Designed for express diagnostics of the degree of satisfaction with marriage. It is a one-dimensional scale consisting of 24 statements.

Let us analyze the content of the main models of educational technologies used in working with families.

Adler model.Its tasks are: to help parents understand children, enter into their way of thinking, learn to understand the motives and meanings of their actions; to help each parent develop their own methods of raising a child in order to further develop him as a person.

The principles of the model: the family is an organization whose activities are based on the understanding of each member of their tasks and limitations; Feelings follow thought and behavior. Family members should work together to create warm and friendly relations with each other! people can only cooperate as equals, which means! that each member of the family must learn to respect the other as an equal person; reason is more helpful in education than strength. Parents should avoid conflicts with children and strive in relations with them to the role of an adviser and leader; in education, it is necessary to follow the internal logic of relationships: parents should praise the child more often and already in early childhood feel the consequences of their actions and behavior; so the child will understand how the world works.

Key concepts: "equality", "cooperation", "natural results".

Educational-theoretical model.The educational and theoretical direction of parenting is based on the general theory of behaviorism! This model has absorbed many different parenting programs.

The initial idea of ​​the educational-theoretical model is the idea that parents can teach children appropriate behavior in society. To do this, parents only need to understand the principles of social learning themselves and apply them to their children.

The main goal of parenting is to prepare parents for diagnostic calculation. Parents must learn to evaluate and calculate behavior, including their own, but especially the behavior of children, in three cases: 1) whether a person is doing something superfluous; 2) whether he does something too little; 3) whether it is not difficult for a person to constantly do what is generally accepted and considered appropriate (support: states).

Directions of education: mastering the skills of social observation (diagnostic skills); teaching the principles of theory and the application of these principles in the upbringing of children; learning to create a specific assessment program to more effectively shape or change the child's behavior.

Model of sensory communication.In this model, attention is focused on communication relationships and communication skills.The task of educating parents is to master three basic skills:

    actively listening, i.e. the ability to hear what the child wants to say to parents;

    bring your own words to the child's consciousness (the ability to express one's own feelings is accessible to the child's understanding);

    use the principle of "both are right" when resolving controversial issues, i.e. the ability to speak with a child in such a way that both participants are satisfied with the results of the conversation.

    A model based on transactional analysis.The main idea of ​​this model is the position that the key to changing the child's behavior lies in changing the relationship between the child and parents. The task of education: to teach to operate with the concepts of transactional analysis when considering one's behavior or relationships in the family. To teach parents to act in such a way that their behavior contributes to the development of a healthy and happy personality of the child.

    Group consultation model.The underlying idea of ​​this model is that parenting should be focused on practical things and consider problem situations first of all.

The purpose of education: to strengthen parents' faith in their own strength and help them by transferring certain skills in the practical education of children.

EtcAndncips of education: listen carefully to your child; avoid and prevent such actions and words that can offend or cause anger: show thoughts and feelings without aggressiveness.

Educational technologies used in practice are important educational institutions.

1) information - lectures, reports, meetings, conferences.

    personality-oriented - psychological and pedagogical consultations; young parent's school; family council; ps ichologo-p pedagogical workshop: disputes and discussions; business games.

So socially -rehabilitation technologies

Social rehabilitation technologies include:

    specially organized activities on the development of procedures for protection against negative influences outside world (playing various options most common in real life communications: with a teacher, parents, seller, doctor, policeman, passer-by, etc.);

    modification of the adolescent's social environment with deviant behavior (role-playing games, simulation, analysissituations);

    holding events, business games that simulate normative relations in a group, community, family;

    playing, analysis of conflict situations in the family. Ways to prevent conflict situations in the family. Ways to resolve conflict situations in the family. Showing the influence of marital relations on the actions, behavior of children;

    psychotherapeutic technologies in work with children and their parents;

    organization and holding family holidays, events with the participation of children in need of social rehabilitation.

Recent studies have shown that the importance ofpersonal qualities of parents.The higher their exactingness to themselves, the culture of relationships, the more fertile ground for the normal upbringing of the child.

More favorable conditions for upbringing are created with egalitarian relations between spouses. The lifestyle of the family directly affects the results of education. The worse the mutual understanding of the spouses, the more tense their relationship with the children. A destructive effect on the formation of a child's personality is the lack of mutual understanding between parents, inattention to children, falsehood and hypocrisy in the relationship of older family members.

In the modern family, the role and importance of the mother in family upbringing has increased significantly. In most cases, the mother is the leader, and she is known to devote much more time to raising children and caring for them than a man. According to the results of the study, family workers spend 2 times less time on activities with children than their wives. The relationship of children with their mother is more favorable than with their father. At the age of 3-7 years, they share all their experiences with their father - 6.7% children, with mother - 28%; at 7-10 years old - 2.4 and 47.5%, respectively; at 10-14 years old - 5.0 and 49%; at 14-17 - 4.2 and 44.3%.

The intensity of assistance from grandparents depends on whether pensioners work or not. Adult children have ceased to be the breadwinners of their elderly parents. Rather, on the contrary, material independence from children, the high vitality of older people are characteristic features of the modern family lifestyle. The desire for independence in the elderly is just as strong as in the young. Older people are characterized by attitudes: “do not depend on children”, “do not be a burden”, “do not turn into a nanny”, “do not become isolated only in family concerns”. For many pensioners, the desire to continue working is sometimes stronger than the desire to help children and their families with their participation.Of particular interest is the question of the participation of children in domestic work.

The data shows that children in a working family are actively involved in household chores. Older children do more in many types of household work than their fathers. They are more than mothers, busy washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, doing laundry.

Children from so-called intelligent families participate in the household very little, from time to time, without constant duties. It has been established that the participation of children, especially sons, in household work largely depends on the participation of fathers in this work. The involvement of adolescents in household activities in the family is directly dependent on the degree of participation of fathers in housework.

Modern educators are increasingly aware that society must take into account the infinite variety of people's living conditions and provide them with the opportunity, the more fully the civilized principles of the development of our society are revealed, the more pronounced will be the tendency to democratize the family. During the XXI century. the egalitarian family will become mass and predominant, which actualizes the solution to the problem of using modern educational technologies of the school in working with the family.

A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children. In sociological research, it is important to take into account the average family size, the composition of families, carried out on various grounds (the number of generations in the family, the number and completeness of married couples, the number and age of minor children), the division of families according to social and class characteristics.

nuclear family consisting of parents and dependent children, or married couple. If the family structure, in addition to spouses and children, includes other relatives (parents of the spouses, their brothers, sisters, grandchildren), then it is called extended.

Family problems:

Socio-economic- the standard of living of the family, its budget

Social- related to providing families with housing, living conditions, as well as the consumer budget of an average family

Socio-psychological- marital compatibility, family conflicts, family cohesion as a small group, domestic violence.

Stability issues modern family state and dynamics of family divorces.

Problems family education : In this group of problems, the state of family education, types of families according to the criterion of education, parental roles, the position of the child in the family can be considered.

Families at risk.(refugees, low-income, disabled families, military servicemen)

the social worker is called upon to following features:

diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potentials);

security and protection (legal support for the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms);

organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity);

social-psychological-pedagogical (psychological - pedagogical education of family members, emergency psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage);

prognostic (modeling of situations and development of certain programs targeted assistance);

· coordinating (establishing and maintaining the unification of efforts of departments of assistance to families and childhood, social assistance to the population, departments of family distress of internal affairs bodies, social teachers of educational institutions, rehabilitation centers and services).

Social work with the family consists of:

1. Social protection of the family is a multi-level system of predominantly state measures to ensure minimum social guarantees, rights, benefits and freedoms of a normally functioning family in a situation of risk in the interests of harmonious development family, individual and society.

Currently, there are four main forms of social protection for families with children in Russia:

· Cash payments to the family for children in connection with the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children (benefits and pensions).

· Labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits for families with children, parents and children.

· Legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical and economic consulting, general education for parents, scientifically practical conferences and congresses.

Federal, regional target and social programs such as "Family Planning", "Children of Russia", "Affordable Housing for a Young Family" and others.

2. Social support of the family involves formal and informal activities and relationships between specialists and families temporarily in difficult circumstances.

3. Family social service is the activity of social services for the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. An invaluable role in this today is played by 190 territorial Centers for social assistance to families and children, 444 departments for working with families and children, in social service centers and 203 other institutions of social services for families and children (40), whose attention covers at least four groups of families:

Large families, incomplete, childless, divorced, young, families of underage parents;

low-income people with terminally ill people;

families with an unfavorable psychological climate, with emotionally conflicted relationships, with pedagogical failure of parents and harsh treatment of children;

· families that include persons leading an immoral criminogenic lifestyle who have been convicted or returned from places of deprivation of liberty.