Defender of the Fatherland Day senior group drawing. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the preparatory group. The course of directly organized educational activities


Synopsis on Artistic creativity

in senior group.

Gouache drawing.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Theme: "Tank".

Nikolaeva E.A.

2016 Moscow

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland. Learn to draw a military vehicle - a tank. Develop the ability to write a composition on a sheet, paint over a drawing with gouache. Develop imagination and independence.

Educational area "Artistic creativity".

1. To consolidate the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, draw large; use the skills of drawing and painting over the image with gouache.

2. Cultivate attention to other people, the desire to congratulate them

present handmade gifts.

Educational area "Cognition".

1. Expand knowledge about the army, about the types of troops.

2. Raise interest and respect for the Russian Army.

3. Develop imagination, independence, broaden your horizons.

Educational area "Communication".

1. Exercise in the correct use of plural nouns in the nominative and accusative cases.

2. Enrich vocabulary.

Educational area "Safety".

1. Improve the skills of a culture of behavior.

Educational area "Health".

1. Develop auditory and visual perception.

2. Creation of an emotional prosperous climate in the group.

Educational area "Physical culture"

1. Form accurate coordinated movements.

Educational area "Socialization".

2. Cause a positive emotional mood in children.

3. Develop logical thinking, orientation in space.

Educational area "Labor".

1. Exercise in planar design.

Activities: productive (constructive), productive (drawing), communicative, cognitive-research, motor.

Methods and techniques: Visual, verbal, game, practical, explanations, encouragement, finger gymnastics.

Material for GCD:

Handout. Album sheets, gouache, geometric shapes, napkins, cups of water, a palette, brushes (large and small), badges "Excellent in combat training" for each child.

Demo Material: A secret package with combat missions, pictures of a border guard, a sailor, a pilot, a tanker, an artilleryman, pictures of a tank and an aircraft (from geometric shapes), a ball, an example of a step-by-step drawing of a tank, an easel.

GCD progress:

Children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: - Guys, we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. Soon the holiday of our army will come - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23rd.

We have one such day -

Holiday of boys, men.

Celebrates the whole country -

Twenty third of February.

Everyone should know this day -

Day of the defenders of the country.

(There is a top secret package on the table.)

Educator - Guys, a package has been received from the headquarters of the Russian Army (I show, open). There is a secret document here that we must decipher according to the attached instructions. The instructions contain the combat missions that must be completed. To carry out combat missions. Ready?

The first combat mission: "Guess the riddle."

There are various types of troops in the army - such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air

So, the first branch of the troops, in the first riddle:

He is on guard

Day and night on watch.

He guards the country

From misfortune and grief.

Friend is a dog

He is excellent at shooting.

With a gun on my shoulder

This is ... (border guard).

border guards these are the soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military men, are the defenders of our Fatherland. In the border detachment there is a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards, follows the trail.

2. My friend went to serve in the fleet,

The ship is now sailing.

And, though the wave goes uphill,

There is a hero on deck.

He wears a marine uniform

He is not afraid of the storm. (Sailor, sailor)

Navy . The sea expanses of our Motherland are protected by warships. There are sailors there. Large surface ships are equipped with guns, anti-aircraft guns, rockets, bombs. They can protect our Motherland on the water.

3. In the sky, a steel bird -

She moves faster than sound.

In the cockpit navigator and gunner

Leading her military ... (pilot).

Air force .

military air forces are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. Pilots - members of the crew of an aircraft or helicopter - should not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility in a critical situation.

Ground troops.

AT ground forces infantrymen, artillerymen, rocketmen, tankers serve. Tanks are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain. Tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalmen, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.

Well done, the first combat mission completed.

The second combat mission. The game "One - many" with the ball.

Tanker - many tankers; pilot - many pilots; sailor, border guard, gunner, plane, helicopter, ship, tank, gun.

Well done guys, they did a great job.

The third combat mission."Military mosaic" (From pre-prepared parts (geometric figures), children assemble a tank, an airplane). Children are divided into pairs and do the task.

Well done! Combat mission completed.

Fourth mission. Draw a tank, give it to dads and congratulate them on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Let's go to the tables.

We examine the image of the tank with the children. The tank consists of tracks, hull and turret.

I show the sequence of execution:

    First we draw the base, the caterpillars of the tank.

    Then we draw the armor - draw lines that will connect it to the base of the tank.

    Then we add a pipe (muzzle) to the tower for the future tank gun.

    Now we need to draw the wheels in the tracks, there are six of them, but you can have more or less, it depends on the size of your tank drawing.

    Decorate the tank with the Russian flag.

Before we get to work, let's set our fingers to work (finger gymnastics).

Finger gymnastics "Defenders of the Fatherland"

(O. I. Krupenchuk)

War will not be allowed to us - oh move your hands away from you

Protect their country join hands in front of you

We bend the fingers, first on the right hand, then on the left, starting with the little finger.

border guard
helicopter pilot
military doctor and
Tanker (change hands)
Also a paratrooper
Sniper and

Educator: - Guys, draw with thin lines so that extra or inaccurate lines can be easily removed. (Children draw, I advise, I help)

Guys show me your drawings. You made beautiful drawings, your dads will be happy to receive such a gift from you.

Educator: - Guys, what combat missions did we perform today? Which of the combat missions did you like to complete? (survey of children).

When you boys grow up, you will also serve in the army. Be good defenders of our Motherland.

I award all the guys with the badge "Excellence in combat training."

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

urban district of Balashikha

"Kindergarten No. 22" Zvezdochka "

143921, MO, Balashikha, Fedurnovo, tel/fax 8/495/522-15-67

st. Aviarembaza, p. 36 e-mail: [email protected]

"I approve"

Head of MBDOU

Kindergarten No. 22 "Asterisk"

Remizova V.M …………………..

Educational project "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

with children of the preparatory group

Project creator:

Educator: Grigorieva A.S.

Project "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Project type: group, creative, family, information and creative.

Duration: short.

Period: from February 8, 2017 to February 22, 2017

Age of participating children: 5-6 years.

Members: teacher, children and parents of the preparatory group.

Project direction: Artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative, speech,

cognitive and physical development.


It is during the formation of a child as a person that there is an urgent need to lay in

in his mind patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in his Fatherland, arouse a desire to be

just like real warriors. To do this, it is necessary to give ideas about the army, about how

it should be a real man what you need to do to achieve your goals, in order to

to be strong, brave, dexterous.

Expected Result:

understand the technology on which the pilot, sailor, tanker serve.

Respectful attitude to the defenders of the Fatherland

Formed knowledge about the military profession

Formed knowledge about military transport

Target: Expanding children's ideas about the Russian Army.


Educational: Formation of socially significant qualities based on traditions

Educational: Raising a sense of respect for the Russian soldier, his strength and courage.

Developing: Development and enrichment of speech of preschoolers, erudition and intelligence. Develop

creative abilities of preschoolers.

Stages of project implementation. Work plan.

the date


Preparatory stage

Wed 02/08/2017

Goal setting, definition

relevance and significance of the project.

Selection of necessary literature for

this topic.

NOOD Speech development(Development

speech). Introductory talk about the holiday day

defender of the fatherland.

teacher, children

Thu. 9.02.2017

Preparation of a series of conversations, stories,

involvement of children, teachers and parents

to the study of history and modern

state of the Russian army and navy.

Determining the level of knowledge of children about

Educators, children, parents

main stage

Mon. 13.02.2017

Conversation on the topic: "What do I know about the army"

Reading fiction:L.

Linkov "Stories about the border guards"

NOOD (drawing) on ​​the topic: “Drawing

"Dad's portrait as a gift."

Educator, children

Tue 14.02.2016

Plot - role-playing game"Russian

NOOD (Applique) "Tie for dad

Educators, children


Organization of a developing subject

spatial environment in the group by

given topic.

Educator, parents


NOOD Hood - aesthetic development


Theme: "Journey of a small tank."

Watching the movie "Military"


Educator, children.

Making a wall newspaper for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Parents, teachers, children


GCD (drawing) on ​​the topic: "Military


Game activity "Soldiers".

Learning poems

dedicated to the day of the defender of the fatherland.

Preparation for the exhibition of creative works

teacher, children

Tue 21.02.2017

Viewing a presentation on a topic:

"Military transport"

Plot - role-playing game "Protection

maritime borders"

teacher, children

The final stage

Summing up the project

Educator, children, teachers.

Exhibition creative works. Photo report of the project.

Information support of the project

Design of an exhibition of children's works, design

information for parents, reading fiction, learning poems, proverbs.

Presentation display.

Fiction for children:

E. Alexandrova "To the Future Defenders of the Fatherland",

N. Migunova "Defenders of the Fatherland",

V. Kosovitsky "Future Man",

G.H. Andersen "Flint"


A.A Vakhrusheva "Hello world"

M.: Balass, 2009. - 80 p. - (Educational system "School

V.V Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in preparatory group kindergarten»

2nd ed.,

revised - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 111p.

The development of speech. Thematic planning classes. Auth. comp. V. Yu. Dyachenko and others - Volgograd:

Teacher, 2007 - 238s. (preparatory group)

T.S Komarova "Classes on visual activity with the preparatory group"

2nd ed., rev.

and additional - M .: Education, 1983. - 144 p.

N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa "Project activities in preschool institutions"

N.V. Krasnoshchekova. Role-playing games for preschool children

From birth to school. Basic general education program preschool education.

New generation program. Veraksa N.E, Komarova T.S, Vasilyeva M.A


T. M. Bondarenko - Comprehensive classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten: Practical

manual for educators and methodologists preschool educational institution - Voronezh: TC "Teacher" 2005 - 666s.

Abstract of a lesson on fine arts in the senior group on the topic "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Topic: Drawing on the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day".
Target: Learn to draw a holiday card by February 23.
1. To form elementary skills in composition.
2. Development of artistic taste, correction of spatial representations
3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism.
Program content: to continue to acquaint with the holiday dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day", to develop a sense of curiosity in children, to form a moral and patriotic attitude to the holiday, respect for the defenders who guarded our peaceful tranquility, to cultivate in preschoolers a good attitude towards grandfathers, fathers, veterans.
Equipment: sample, template, simple pencil, eraser, paints.


I. Org. moment.
- Hello guys! Look carefully to see if everything is ready for the lesson. Well done, sit down.
II. Introductory conversation.
- You all know that soon our dads, brothers, grandfathers will have a holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day.
- When is it celebrated?
- That's right, February 23.
Who knows what happened that day?
February 23 is celebrated as "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in Russia. On this day, we pay tribute and gratitude to those who courageously defended native land from the invaders, as well as those who in peacetime carry out a difficult and responsible service. We also pay special attention to boys and young men, those who in the near future will have to stand up for the Fatherland
- Here, listen.
The holiday of all our soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of brave defenders
Yes, and just all the guys!
After all, each of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!

We praise those who did not cry
We praise those who did not cry
From your pain
But did not hide the tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
Coward did not celebrate
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of mankind
Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!
- Today we will learn how to draw a postcard by February 23rd.
III. Reflection.
- Look closely, what do you see in the picture?
- What color is the tank?
- What geometric shapes does it consist of?
- What is written on the picture?
- Why this number?
What else is in the picture?
- Why do you think the salute is drawn?
- What are the colors of the fireworks?
- Where is the inscription on the sheet?
- In what part of the sheet is the tank located?
- In which part is the fireworks drawn?
- By what holiday will we draw a postcard?
IV. Formation of practical skills.
- Let's choose the sequence of drawing the postcard. The sheet must be placed vertically. Then at the top of the sheet we will place the inscription. We will place the tank in the lower right corner, and the salute in the middle of the sheet. To draw a tank, we will use a template. We will draw salute with multi-colored lines and dots, as shown in the figure.
Let's repeat the sequence one more time.
V. Physical minutes.
And now we are with you, children,
We fly on a rocket.
Get up on your toes
And then hands down.
One two three four -
Here comes the rocket!
(1-2 - stand on toes, arms up, palms form a "rocket dome";
3-4 - main rack.)
VI. Instructions for getting started.
-Guys, remember that the sheet is placed horizontally! Do not press hard on the pencil so that it does not crumble, paint carefully, without going beyond the edges.
VII. Practical work.
- Now you can start drawing the postcard. Try to draw carefully so that you can give it to your loved ones. If something does not work out, raise your hand, I will come and help.
VIII. Evaluation of works.
- Guys, let's hang all the drawings on the wall of creativity and see what anyone got.
- Everyone drew very beautiful postcards they turned out bright. Your relatives will surely like them.
IX. Reflection
- Let's repeat once again what we drew today?
Who are you giving this card to? Why?
- Well done! We clean jobs, the lesson is over.

Medvedeva Elena Gennadievna,


MADOU child development center -

kindergarten No. 166 of the city of Tyumen

Program content: deepen children's knowledge of the Russian army: introduce different types of troops (land, air, sea), military equipment (tanks, aircraft, ships, armored personnel carriers). Expand knowledge about warriors of different eras (15th - 17th centuries): heroes, hussars, musketeers. To form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to love and defend their homeland. To instill in girls respect for boys as future defenders of the Motherland. Continue to improve the dialogic and monologue forms of speech. Continue to work on enriching the vocabulary.

vocabulary work: enter the words "Hungarian", "duel" into the children's active dictionary.

Material and equipment: costumes and weapons of heroes, hussars, musketeers. Reproduction of V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs". Laptop, hourglass. The game "Arm the hero." Models - a panorama, toys - military equipment, soldiers. The image of the landscape on the drawing paper for the game, paper soldiers, heroes, hussars, musketeers, glue. Flags of different types of troops.

preliminary work: examination of the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Heroes". Acquaintance with the epic heroes, reading fairy tales and epics: “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale is a robber”; "Dobrynya and the Serpent"; "Sadko". Consideration of illustrations with different types of troops, equipment, weapons. Making military equipment by children's hands. Wall newspaper with photos of a child with dad and a story about dad. Making gifts for dads for the holiday. Examining and playing with layouts armed forces»; reading encyclopedias and fiction about modern soldiers: (K. Paustovsky "Steel ring"; S. Georgievskaya "Galina's mother"; L. Kassil "Your defenders"; "Direct fire"; "Sappers"; Y. Levin "Combat"; V. Zakharov "I live on the border", S. Alekseev "Stories about Suvorov", etc.).

Working with parents. Making layouts: "border"; "aerodrome"; "seas - oceans"; "tank division". Image of drawings dedicated to the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Lesson progress.

Educator. Guys, who can tell what holiday is coming?

Would you like to know about warriors of ancient times?

Where can you find out about them? (in museums, exhibitions, galleries, libraries…)

I suggest you make a journey through time, go to the past and meet the warriors of different times.

We will go with the help of modern technology, I have a laptop - time, which will move us in space, and a clock that will measure our stay in the past.

caregiver. Are you willing to travel?

But, I have one condition: remember, behave with dignity, so as not to get lost in time.

Let's choose a rhyme for someone who can manage a laptop - time.

Aty - baty were soldiers ...

And so, stand in a circle, hug each other by the shoulders, (the child with the laptop stands in the center, turns it on), together we will say the magic words: “I twist, I twist, I want to get into the past!”

Educator. Guys, look where we are! This is a real museum of the history of ancient warriors, exhibits of heroes are housed here.

See what distinctive features Did the heroes have clothes?

(chain mail - military armor in the form

shirts made of metal rings;

helmet - a military headdress made of metal;

leggings - metal protection on the legs)

And what weapons did the ancient warriors have? (shield, sword, mace, bow with arrows, spear, dagger, club - metal club)

How did the rich move? (heroic horse)

The war was not all the time, but what did they do? (children's answers).

What do you think, did the heroes love their homeland, their land?

What was it expressed in?

Educator: The guys in the museum have a picture. Who will name the artist and the title of the work? (V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"). What can be said about the picture? (they stand guard over Rus'). And you can get acquainted with life in painting.

Do you know that in ancient Rus' in the chambers of Prince Vladimir, the heroes were seated at a rectangular table. They arranged feasts and discussed the problems of the state. But in England, heroes were called knights, and during the reign of King Arthur they gathered at a round table and were equal among themselves.

So it turns out that you know everything about heroes?

Then I suggest you play the game.

"Arm the hero"

Children are offered a choice of weapons of different warriors, tools, a team of boys equips heroes (girls evaluate their work).

Educator. Guys, look at the clock, it's time for us to move to the next era.

We turn on the laptop - time, stand in a circle and say the magic words:

caregiver. And here we are met by HUSSARs. In this historical museum, a real guide, an expert in hussar affairs (a child), is waiting for us, who will tell us about the hussars, and we will listen carefully.

The story of the child - the guide:

Hussars - a kind of cavalry troops. They arose in Hungary during the reign of King Matthew Kovrin at the end of the 15th century. Then the hussars spread to the armies of other countries.

Hungarian origin is reflected in the form, there are features of the Hungarian national costume.

Hungarian or dolman - a jacket with cords.

Mentik is a short jacket trimmed with fur.

Shako or fur hat with the Sultan, and it had a secret pocket.

Chakchira - leggings embroidered with cord.

Sash - belt.

Low boots with spurs.

The hussars were armed with a saber, a carbine, a pistol.

The tasks of the hussar cavalry were reconnaissance, action behind enemy lines, if the enemy fled, the hussars entered into action - they captured prisoners, carts, weapons.

Attention to the question: Could the hussars conduct an open battle? (children's answers).

Educator. Thanks to the tour guide.

Q. Guys, we heard some new words. I suggest you remember the word "Hungarian". What is it - a jacket with cords. Divide into pairs and whisper in your ear say this word to each other. Remember it.

Educator. Our time is calling us to another era. Stand in a circle, a child with a laptop in the middle. Turn on the time laptop, and we will say the magic words:

“I twist, I twist, I want to get to another time.”

Educator. And in this era we will get acquainted with the famous warriors, brave men and duelists who crushed enemies - MUSKETERS.

We are met by a historian (name) who will tell about the musketeers.


They were called musketeers because the soldier was armed with a musket. They had swords, a long dagger - daga. The musketeers were dressed in a short cloak - which was called a kazakin. And the color of the cloak was the insignia of each company - (gray, blue and red).

A wide-brimmed hat with an ostrich feather, which the musketeers took off in front of the ladies, bowing their heads.

Dueling was popular during these times. What it is? This is a duel with deadly weapons with seconds who enforced the rules.

They were called to a duel for insulting honor.

caregiver. Thanks historian.

In this historical period, we also heard new words. The word "duel", what does it mean? Divide into pairs and whisper in your ear say this word to each other.

caregiver. We know a lot about hussars and musketeers, I suggest playing the game: "Dress the hussar and musketeer." The boys will dress as a hussar, and the girls as a musketeer. (children put on elements of costumes, demonstrate them.)

Guys, look at the clock, our time is up and it's time for us to go back. And compare the warriors of other centuries with our modern armed forces.

Educator. We have visited different eras, learned new things about them, but what do we know about our modern army?

Do you know that there was such an emperor in Rus', Peter 1. (Peter Alekseevich Romanov). Did he contribute to the development of the army and navy? Peter 1 himself was very fond of teaching, and opened educational institutions for military affairs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The army became better armed and won major victories in a short period of time. And Peter 1 introduced military ranks, established orders and medals.

Educator. I suggest you consider our panorama.

Guys, in our modern world what types of troops exist?

How do they differ from each other? (form, occupation, weapons, equipment)

Exactly! This means that there are ground, sea, and air forces.

On what basis can you determine the type of troops? (insignia, by flag)

I offer you game"Arrange the flags according to the type of troops"

caregiver. I suggest you play: D / and “pick up the words” that characterize the warrior?

We will also try to cultivate these qualities in ourselves, especially boys.

Educator. Guys, we have a landscape, but do you want to place soldiers on it? And remember what periods we were in and what warriors we met.

GAME: Place the warrior in your time.

RULES: Children are divided into two teams: boys and girls. Place the soldier in your time period, work quickly and quietly so that the opposing team does not overhear you. Choose one poster with a picture of the neighborhood and paste the soldiers.

During the game, we fix new words.

Friends, with such a strong army, we can always live in peace.

But, whatever the weapons, I want them to never destroy cities and kill people.

Listen to the poem by N. Naydenov

Let there be peace

Let the machine guns not scribble.

And the formidable guns are silent,

Let smoke not swirl in the sky,

Let the sky be blue

Let the bombers over it

They don't fly to anyone

People, cities don't die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Educator. We also have boys in the group, future defenders of the Motherland, and we would like to congratulate them on this holiday.

Girls give our boys greeting cards.

caregiver. Squad! Line up! Attention! To the sounds of the march, step march!

Used Books

  • G.Ya. Zatulin. "Summaries complex classes on the development of speech "Moscow ped. Society of Russia 2007 S. 90; 99; 101; 103; 104; 106; 107; 110; 111.
  • N.V.Volchkova. "Summaries of integrated classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten", Voronezh "Teacher" 2006. With. 112.
  • "Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers" Ed. O.S.Ushakovay, Moscow. T.Ts.Sfera 2007 With. 75
  • O.S. Ushakova "Classes on the development of speech for children 5-7 years old", Moscow T.Ts. Sfera 2007. With. 189.

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Educational area: Artistic creativity (drawing).

Program content:

Consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian symbols, about the army, military branches. Fixing primary colors (white, blue, red, green). Development of a sense of form, proportions, abilities in productive activities. Strengthening the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, draw large. Using the skill of drawing and painting over the image of the tank with crayons. The development of aesthetic perception from a variety of colors.

Equipment and materials:
Interactive whiteboard (for showing presentations), presentation flags - landmarks of different colors, "compass", "box of sensations", tank, letter, material for artistic creativity (a sample of a step-by-step drawing of a tank, album sheets, wax crayons, simple pencils, erasers); state symbols (flags, emblems) different countries, substrate under them; handout (military personnel: pilot, sailor, tanker, rocket launcher; military equipment: aircraft, ships, tanks, rocket launchers; state symbols: flag, coat of arms); instructions from the commander-in-chief, strips of colored paper, fireworks cylinder, certificates.
preliminary work:
Reading the story "The boy Kirill and the tank";
- Acquaintance with the compass;
- a conversation about the types of troops, viewing the illustrated material:
military personnel (pilot, sailor, tanker, rocket launcher); military equipment
(aircraft, ships, tanks, rocket launchers)
- conversation and examination of state symbols of different countries
- a conversation about what "discipline" is (obeying the rules and following instructions), about the qualities that a real man should have.
Methodical methods:
1. Surprise moment: the introduction of a “box of sensations”, the determination with the help of the organs of touch of the object that lies there (tank). Reading a letter. Consolidation of ideas about the compass.
2. Station - "Fairytale Cinema", modeling on multimedia and conversation on the story "The boy Kirill and the tank"; content questions.
3. Game:"What should be a soldier"
4. Physical education.
5. Station - "State Symbols"
6. Station - "Parade of military equipment"
7. Station - "Artistic"
8. Reflection. In the group - presentation of certificates

Lesson progress:

Children to solemn music enter the group
Educator: Guys On February 23, our country celebrates the significant holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day". On holidays it is customary to give gifts. So I came to you not empty-handed. When I went to the group, the postman came across to me and handed over this interesting box. And what lies there, you will tell about it yourself. You need to insert your hands into the hole, examine the object with your hands and name it. Well, who is brave? Sit down... Have you guessed what lies there? (Is this a toy or something else? I'll give a hint: "This is a military toy"). Yes, it's a tank. Small but real tank.
(the child names the object, the teacher takes out a small tank)
Educator: Yes, there is a letter here. Do you want to know what it says?
Children: Yes!
Educator (reading):
“Dear children, I am a small tank - I am looking for friends with whom we will go on a big journey. The route of our journey is encrypted on the map in different colors. You will learn the color of the station to which we will go after completing the task. The first color will tell you the compass "
Educator: Do you guys want to make friends with this little tank and go on a trip?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Remind me what a compass is?
The children answer.
Educator: Yes, this is a device that travelers take with them so as not to go astray. Our group has a compass. Let's take a look at it. Where is the red arrow pointing?
Children: The red arrow always points up.
Educator: All stations of our journey are marked with color. What is the color of the first station?
Children: Red.
Educator: That's right, red. Guys, help me find her.
Children find the station