Functions of nails why you should not gnaw them. Health - hiccups, no nail biting, sore tongue, watery eyes, etc. What are nails for?

Nail biting is a bad habit that occurs in people of all age groups. Because of this, many young people suffer from this bad habit.

Over time it becomes a practice without the nail biter realizing it. Reasons can include frustration, stress, loneliness, anxiety, and boredom. There may be other reasons as well.

The habit of biting nails leads to damage to them, as well as damage to the cuticle. Let's look at the problem itself, what it is and how to wean biting your nails.

Nail biting (also onychophagia): Violent biting of fingernails and/or toes.
Bad habits begin in childhood and increase in adolescence and decreases with age, although it may continue throughout adulthood.

The increase in cases of onychophagia in adolescents is explained by the difficulty of transitional phases(transitional age) during this period of time when the personality is just being formed and physical changes are taking place, as well as the feeling of instability that is associated with these phases.

REFERENCE. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, nail biting is classified as an "obsessive-compulsive and related disorder." The 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases classifies onychophagia as “Other conditioned behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood or adolescence” such as thumb sucking, nose picking, etc.

Why do people bite their nails

Biting your nails - what is the name of the habit? Disease characterized by an irresistible desire bite your nails and burrs called onychophagy.

Nail biting is an underestimated habit, and its exact cause is debatable. Causes of onychophagia include psychological, acquired, or familial factors, although it is not known whether familial factors, such as other family members' nail biting or genetic predisposition, are associated with this problem.

Onychophagia can sometimes affect people who are psychologically stable, but it is usually a sign of loss of control over difficult tasks. The main psychological factors that are associated with this behavior are stress, nervousness, anxiety, and depressed or bad mood.

Interesting: The bad habit of nail biting is most common among children whose parents also did it, and even when the parents stopped the bad habit before the birth of their children. If a child bites his nails, this may be a hereditary manifestation.

Actually, nail biting has been identified as a coping mechanism for stressful conditions, and patients whose addiction has been described as an addiction may experience more stress when trying to abstain from onygophagy.

On the other hand, lack of stimulation (low activity, boredom) can also be a trigger for nail biting. Hunger and low self-esteem are known to be possible reasons this bad habit.

Onychophagia is considered an automatic, unintentional behavior. In adulthood, researchers suspect that alternatives to nail biting are smoking or chewing gum . One theory is that Onychophagia is a continuation of the habit of thumb sucking. Conclusion: nail biting is a bad habit.

Why do kids and teens bite their nails?

The child bites his nails for any reason: curiosity, boredom, stress relief, habit or imitation. That's why they bite their nails. Onychophagia is one of the most common of the "nervous habits" group. These include thumb sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or tugging, and teeth grinding.

IMPORTANT. Growing up can make children and teens anxious, and many of these tensions and pressures are invisible to parents. If a child bites moderately (not injuring himself) and unconsciously (while watching TV, for example), or if he tends to bite in response to specific situations (such as speeches or tests), this is just his way of coping with minor stress.. In these cases, do not worry.

Most likely, the child will stop without assistance. If onychophagia continues longer than desired, or if it is an uncontrollable habit, there simple ways how to wean a child to bite his nails, which we will soon consider.
In the meantime, a few photos - what happens when they bite their nails.

Is it bad to bite your nails? Reasons and risks

Although nail biting is not life-threatening, the habit has many negative consequences.

There are tons of microbes that are under the nails but not embedded in our skin. When you bite your nails and break your skin, you are giving germs access to your body. Eventually, you get an infection. Ouch!

ATTENTION. In some cases, infections that occur due to nail biting are so bad and painful that they need to be treated with surgery. The bad habit can even lead to warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
Onychophagia can cause bacterial infections, colds(or worse) toxic poisoning(particularly dangerous are gel polish chemicals, which are very popular today), painful hangnails, fungal growths and damaged teeth(teeth can even move out of their correct position, become misshapen, wear out prematurely, or weaken over time).

Ugly and ingrown nails are logical consequences of onygophagy.

Those who have this bad habit unconsciously broadcast their problems to others. whether or not the stereotype is true, most people bite their nails to seek comfort or relief from a negative emotional state such as suffering, shame, anxiety, or boredom.

In a way a bad habit makes a person attack himself, since onychophagia is associated with stress, anxiety, bad mood, etc., when someone bites their nails in public, they expose feelings of shame and self-loathing.

The bottom line is to stay away from the bad habit, and we'll talk more about the reasons to stop onychophagia in more detail.

Treatment or how to stop a bad habit

  1. Make sure that nails were cut short(biting will not be so tempting).
  2. Apply bitter tasting nail polish.
  3. Do regular manicure: money spent, but making the fingers look attractive will make it so that you don’t want to bite them. Alternatively, put on stickers or wear gloves to avoid biting.
  4. Replace a bad habit with a good one: When someone feels like biting their nails, they should try playing with a stress ball or some other device that is used for this purpose. This will help keep your hands busy and away from your mouth.
  5. Identify Triggers: Triggers are “triggers”—mechanisms that trigger a bad habit. These can be physical triggers such as hangnails or other triggers such as boredom, stress, or anxiety. Once you figure out what causes nail biting, you can figure out how to avoid these situations and develop a plan to stop them. The very knowledge of when we are prone to biting can help solve the problem.
  6. Try to gradually stop onychophagia: some doctors recommend gradually getting rid of the bad habit. First, you can try to stop biting one set of nails, such as the thumbnail. When this is successful, you can do it with the little finger, index finger, or even with the whole hand. The goal is to get to the point where you no longer bite any of your nails.

What can be done and what is better not to do if a child has such a problem

If a child bites his nails what to do - there are several ways to solve the problem. First - understand why the child bites his nails, and then choose a solution.

IMPORTANT. You can't punish a child. Find out the cause of the concern (if that's why the child is constantly biting their nails) and talk to them about the problem and treatment. It is necessary to help the child to realize the habit and that it is bad.

Suggest a substitute activity or two, such as giving your child chewing gum or smart clay to play with instead of biting their nails again
, or you can find some other alternative at your discretion.

Besides, try some relaxation techniques when the child feels the urge to bite his nails– for example, deep breathing or clenching and releasing fists.

Make sure your child has plenty of room to run and play.- outside, if possible - to burn tension and nervous energy.

Some kids find arts and crafts projects e an effective way to keep your hands busy and relaxed at the same time.

For other children useful learning to play a musical instrument. The key is to try, try and try again.

Home and folk ways - how to unlearn nail biting

BITTER PUMPKIN. She is well known bitter taste and nutritional value. Take one bitter gourd and make a good paste. Then use either paste or juice. Apply to nails and hold for a while. This process will surely help. The bitter taste will keep the fingers away from the mouth.

CUTTING THE NAILS. Nails are the main cause of onychophagia. Trim your nails regularly to keep their length short.

Garlic can be found in every kitchen as it is used in different types dishes. The strong aroma of garlic and its pungent taste will help you get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails.

Garlic is antiseptic in nature, so it will help prevent infections and also strengthen nails. Take garlic cloves and rub them on your nails. Then let dry. The pungent taste of garlic will help avoid harmful practices.

LACQUE COATING. Use bitter nail polish(easy to find and buy) - an excellent remedy for biting nails. Varnish can be cooked on different types of vegetables to make it taste bitter. Just use this polish and keep it dry.

The bitter taste of nails will help you avoid bad habits.

AZADIRACHTA INDICA OIL . Azadirachta indica oil is very bitter in taste and contains antiseptic properties. This particular oil is used to avoid the habit of biting nails. When using it, all kinds of infections are also avoided. Take a small amount of oil and apply to nails with a cotton ball. Then wait a while for the oil to dry.

GLOVES. Wearing gloves can help relieve nail biting. Most people unknowingly commit harmful acts, and therefore the use of gloves will help get rid of onychophagia. Take gloves and wear them regularly. Wear for several months until the bad habit disappears.

Using artificial nails (for girls, of course, like stickers), you can avoid the usual harmful practice.

Artificial nails will properly cover the original nails, protecting them from the bad habit.

PATCH. A patch is applied to cover them and keep them away from harmful activities. Take some plasters and put them on your nails. He can be one of the best motivators to get rid of the problem. Use a fresh patch or dressing when the previous ones are worn or torn for various reasons.

ELASTIC. Use the rubber band trick(thin rubber band). Take one rubber band and put it on your wrist. Each time you bite your nails, secure your wrist with a rubber band. The rubber band will hurt suddenly and train your brain so you don't do the habit again. This is the best psychological preparation of the mind to avoid onychophagia.

Stories of those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails

PECULIARITIES. We are all different, someone will help one way, someone else. This also applies to onygophagy. These 3 real stories those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails, another proof of this.

“I also bit my nails for many years, now I have beautiful, well-groomed hands, I overcame myself, But: I developed a habit of biting the inside of my cheeks and biting my lips. i.e. habits are self-replacing, apparently you need to look for inner peace, then the habits themselves will disappear” Olga Bartenyeva, housewife.

“I gnawed from childhood, for many years .. and not just gnawed, but simply ate .. such a habit .. I forced myself to grow several times, but I could last a maximum of a month .. I developed a habit of clenching my hands into fists, hiding my fingers ..and nothing helped either ..then I somehow saw a girl with the same hands on the subway and was horrified the end I forced myself not to put my fingers to my mouth, I began to take care of my nails (it’s nice when your hands are well-groomed) , paint with bright varnish, gradually restored the shape and forced myself not to hide my fingers ... and I finally did away with this habit) so the main thing is to go crazy for the first few months, just honestly go crazy) and then you don’t want to yourself ... ” Svetlana Grishchenko, office manager.

“I am 16 years old and nail biting started at 6 years old when my parents divorced (stress), biting my nails for 5 years!!! I want to say bitter varnish is nonsense ... I judge by myself .. when I got older (9-10 years old) I was ashamed, but I couldn’t do anything. I stopped biting at the age of 12, once I saw a woman’s nails and asked my mother, “What’s wrong with them?” mom replied “the woman also bit her nails and this is the result!” and I thought! In general, until the child himself understands that biting his nails is terribly ugly - it is useless to wean !!! I stopped biting my nails at the time, because the shape of the nails is constantly deformed, now I have very good and beautiful nails and no more of this habit!” Tatyana Oborina, student.

Useful video

What happens if you bite your nails:

Why, in fact, you can not bite your nails:

How to stop biting your nails

To forget about the problem and stop biting your nails, follow these simple tips:

  • avoid stress or change your attitude to problems;
  • make sure that the fingers are well-groomed and beautiful, so that it would be a pity to spoil them;
  • you need to stop every attempt of onychophobia on your own;
  • Carry scissors and a nail file with you. If a hangnail appears or the nail breaks, it will be easy to fix without nibbling;

In extreme cases, use bitter varnish, garlic, or another method described in our article.. The main thing is not to give up, try, try and try again and remember that this will take some time. Good luck!

The habit of biting nails, as a rule, comes from early childhood. Most people get rid of it with age, forget and let it go. Some can not say goodbye to her even in adulthood.

Why does a person bite his nails?

Nail biting has several hidden psychological causes:

  • way to overcome the conflict situation;
  • self-doubt, low self-esteem;
  • reaction to stressful situations, fear, anxiety;
  • subconscious auto-aggression, the desire to hurt yourself physically and psychologically;
  • childhood habit;
  • heredity.
Harm to health

To the question why not, there are several answers. And the reason for this is not only the ugly, unaesthetic appearance of the hands, although this should not be written off. First of all, it should be understood that this is a disease that has its own name: onychophagia.

A person who bites his nails most often does it mechanically, without thinking about cleanliness: thousands of different pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria enter the body, most of which are not at all harmless. This leads to dangerous infectious diseases. In addition, biting nails, a person injures the skin of the fingers, creating wounds and microcracks on them, that is, opening up another way for the same microbes and bacteria into your body.

How to get rid of the habit of biting nails?

If a person understands that he simply cannot help biting his nails, psychology identifies several ways to get rid of an addiction. But first you need to find out not why they bite their nails at all, but why exactly you do it. After all, each person is individual, so be sure to understand yourself.

If it's all about a feeling of anxiety, self-doubt, in one's actions and deeds, one should understand oneself, find out what exactly makes one feel this feeling. Behavioral therapy, ways to control over can help here. If the situation is too advanced and this is not enough, the option is possible medical treatment.

If it's all about heredity or a well-rooted childhood habit, you can try using nail products, masks, oils with an unpleasant taste (bitter, salty, sour). Their additional advantage is that such products also strengthen the nail plate, fill in microcracks and heal damage that has been caused to the nails.

And if a person has good willpower, you can try to get distracted, do something, as soon as the nails begin to be dangerously close to the teeth. For example, fixing a wobbly chair, washing the car, screwing a new shelf in the kitchen. You can also make a to-do list ahead of time so that you always have something to do when you need it.

The habit of biting nails is a very common phenomenon among both adults and children. Statistics say that approximately 10% of the population suffers from it. Scientifically, this is called onychophagy. Some begin to bite their nails in a stressful situation, others do it all their lives under any circumstances, as they are insecure.

Experts believe that this habit is a sign of mental illness, in some cases even OCD. It is also believed that girls bite their nails more often than boys.

Why is nail biting dangerous?

Apart from the fact that if a person bites his nails, he experiences emotional stress, this also means that he is unable to cope with difficulties and problems. The need to throw out negative emotions is expressed in the fact that a person begins to bite his nails as a kind of auto-aggression, that is, aggression directed at himself. The panic attacks that may accompany this action can only make the situation worse.

In addition, the nails of people suffering from this disorder look just awful. And the deformation of the nail plate leads to the fact that inflammatory processes can begin, since the same microbes enter the bleeding wounds on the hands.

How to get rid of onychophagia?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had his hands tied behind his back in order to wean him from this shameful habit. Modern medicine is more humane, so experts are trying to help people on a psychological level to find out the cause of the habit, and they also advise you to paint your nails with a special bitter varnish. Children often smear their fingers with mustard. Adult girls can build up their nails, and they no longer want to chew on the gel.

However, the most important thing is to figure out why you still bite your nails? What worries you, causes aggression or an agitated nervous state? By understanding yourself, you can gradually unlearn this bad habit in the future.

Everyone has bad habits. Some "accompany" us since childhood, and getting rid of them is a whole problem. One such bad habit is nail biting. Do you want to know Why can't you bite your nails?

According to statistics, about 10% of the population bite their nails. Most often, this bad habit appears at an early age. Some experts argue that nail biting is not just a bad habit, but a serious mental illness - onychophagia.

What are nails for?

Nails are keratinized plates of the epidermis that cover the tips of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. Not everyone has nails, mainly primates and, of course, humans. Nails protect the phalanges of the fingers from mechanical damage and provide them with hardness when performing various actions. The absence of nails brings inconvenience to our life, because without them, the usual actions become inconvenient and inaccessible. In addition to the main functions, a person uses nails to create nail art (decorative art of manicure, painting and nail design).

Why do they bite their nails?

Most often, the habit of nail biting occurs thoughtlessly and is accompanied by severe stress, psychological stress or an active thought process. This bad habit helps to get rid of problems, fear, worries, nervous tension, self-doubt and self-doubt, self-directed aggression. Some people bite their nails to “perfect” a broken or split nail.

Another reason is the lack of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the body, which affects 10% of people who bite their nails. To make up for the lack of vitamins, it is necessary to include certain foods in the diet. The rest of the 90% who “eat” their nails need rest and psychological help.

To get rid of such a bad habit, you need to constantly monitor your actions. This is most difficult for children in whom this bad habit indicates the psychological discomfort that the child feels. Most often, vulnerable, impressionable and anxious children bite their nails. By biting their nails, the child relieves stress associated with life changes, for example, with a new environment or conditions to which it is difficult for him to adapt. Any reason to worry will constantly aggravate the bad habit. In addition, idleness and boredom are common causes of nail biting, and some experts attribute this habit to infantile “memories” associated with thumb sucking.

Why can't you bite your nails?

To answer the question: Why you shouldn't bite your nails ?”, it is enough to name two reasons - medical and aesthetic.

During the day, a huge amount of dirt and germs accumulate under the nails, because it is not always possible to wash your hands. 90% of all microorganisms on the hands “hide” under the nail plates. Getting into the mouth, dirt, microbes, as well as worm eggs enter the body through microcracks in the gums, damage to the tooth enamel or on the inner surface of the oral cavity. The infection gains access to the body and wanders there, causing inflammation and dangerous diseases such as hepatitis. In addition, bitten nails themselves are also an excellent "transport" for infections on their journey through our body.

What causes the bad habit of nail biting?

Constant uncontrolled nail biting leads to:

  • damage to the cuticle that protects the nail from foreign bodies and bacteria;
  • the formation of bruises in the corners of the nail plate;
  • the risk of helminths or intestinal infections entering the body through a damaged nail, which can lead to serious infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the fingers, called paronychia, which requires antibiotic treatment and sometimes surgery
  • deformation of the nail plate;
  • mental disorder, called in medicine, onychophagy;
  • unaesthetic and unkempt appearance of nails.

Who are onychophagi?

Uncontrolled nail biting can be not only a bad habit, but also carry deeper psychic roots. Scientists called such a disease onychophagia (from Greek - “devour a nail”). Under this name, other mental disorders can also be “hidden”, which are difficult to trace and identify. Most often, girls become onychophagous. It would seem that the harmless habit of nail biting requires increased attention not only from doctors and psychologists, but also from nail service masters.

Ways to get rid of bad habits

  • The use of various compositions (varnishes, gels, ointments with an unpleasant taste), which cover the nail plate.
  • Hypnosis, soothing anti-stress audio recordings.
  • Gum or apple.

Some doctors dealing with the problem of this bad habit, consider the most effective way constant control over their actions.

If a child bites his nails, it is necessary to find out the causes of this bad habit. To do this, parents must mentally communicate with their child, explain, why you shouldn't bite your nails and help find a way out of the difficult situation in which their child found himself. Toddlers should try to switch to other activities or games. Only the joint efforts of the child and parents will help get rid of the habit of biting nails.

The problem of nail biting has been popular at all times, but it is only now that it has become seriously interested. People who cannot get rid of this behavior seek advice from doctors and a psychologist, but not always the problem of getting rid of it can be solved even with their help.

The medical term for nail biting is onychophagia, which translates to “nail eating”. But even knowing what will happen if you constantly bite your nails, it is difficult for some people to get rid of this habit, because. many experts classify it as a form of neurosis. In children, nail biting may be associated with an atavistic urge to suck a finger to calm down and relieve anxiety when the mother is not in sight. In adulthood, the desire to bite your nails is also associated with hidden stress, which a person tries to neutralize in a similar way.

Why is nail biting dangerous?

Psychologists have long stated that the problem of nail biting is psychological in nature and appears either due to boredom or due to ongoing emotional stress. For example, being inactive, or in anticipation of an exciting event, a person unconsciously puts his fingers to his mouth. Thus, a person tries to convert energy into a kind of movement. Such a habit repels others: the sight of a person biting his nails is unpleasant

Onychophagia is harmful both from a medical and aesthetic point of view. The appearance of the nails suffers first of all: the plates become thinner, expand towards the end of the nail growth and become short. Often, irregularities are observed on the nail plate. Women, in terms of eliminating such consequences, were more fortunate: flaws that arose through the fault of habit can be corrected by building up artificial tips. However, this will not get rid of the habit of biting your nails. The extension procedure is expensive, so it is not available to everyone. It is much easier to prevent the destruction of the horny plates than to spend time, money and nerves on treatment later.

Those who like to bite their nails and put dirty hands in their mouths are in for a surprise: the risk of contracting infectious diseases in such people is 45%. Bacteria and microorganisms that get from dirty hands to the internal mucous membranes of the mouth acquire fertile soil for reproduction, which means that they can easily provoke a disease. In addition, by injuring the skin of the fingers near the nail fold, a person gets another possible source of inflammation. Exclude such Negative consequences can only completely get rid of the habit of biting nails. Subsequently, the infection can also be transmitted by shaking hands and touching an infected person, or by contact with other people's personal household items. However, for this, the wound on the skin around the finger must be sufficiently open.

Causes of nail biting and remedies

Most often, the cause of nail biting lies in the psychological state of a person. These are childhood trauma, daily stress and other factors that cause emotional discomfort. You can't break a habit unless the root cause is addressed. Consider the factors most likely to lead to nail biting:

  • Stress

To get rid of stress, you need to completely change your routine. First of all, make sure that sleep occurs no later than 22-23 hours and lasts 8 hours. This sleep duration improves physiological resources. Be sure to set aside time to relax or engage in your favorite hobby, include a mandatory relaxing walk in your daily routine.

The stress that arose against the background of a certain event disappears when the emotional background of a person comes into balance. Along with such stress, the habits acquired with its appearance disappear.

  • Boredom

In the absence of external stimuli, the brain independently includes involuntary reactions. It can be both hand-wringing, scratching, and nail biting and hangnails. It is important during activities that are limited in movement (watching TV, reading a book) to hold an object in your hands that will replace the need to bite your nails. Any anti-stress toy will become such an object.

  • copying

Children under the age of five tend to copy the behavior of adults. Therefore, if someone in the house already suffers from the habit of biting their nails, then with 100% probability the child will perceive this as a variant of the norm. Parents can either explain to the child that it is impossible to do this, or distract attention until the child forgets about this action on his own.

It's hard enough to stop biting your nails. The power of habit is much greater than the reasonable arguments of others or your own dissatisfaction. If the moment has come when a person is ready to part with his nail biting style, then only an integrated approach will identify and eliminate the cause of the habit, as well as cure damaged nails.

What can happen if you don't stop biting your nails

The consequences of nail biting, however, are not always pleasant for a person. Since there is a constant mechanical impact on the nails and teeth at the same time, for both of them it will be fraught with superficial damage. With weak tooth enamel, crumbling of the teeth can begin over time, especially if the nails are hard and hard.

For nails, constant biting off of the tips of the nail plate leads to delamination. Prolonged exposure to human saliva softens nails and makes them vulnerable, so even with enough calcium and phosphorus in the body, nails can begin to delaminate.

Other results, if you constantly bite your nails, will also not keep you waiting:

  • with improper observance of the rules of hand hygiene, intestinal infections are possible (recall the proverb “all diseases come from dirty hands”);
  • deformation of the nail plates, which eventually acquire an ugly shape;
  • inability to do a normal manicure;
  • in children - deformation of the shape of the fingertips from constant exposure to wet saliva and teeth.

How to get rid of the habit of biting nails

To get rid of the habit of biting your nails, honestly answer yourself the questions: where and when you have a desire to put your fingertips in your mouth. Make it a rule to watch yourself, and interrupt the action halfway through if it has already begun. If self-talk doesn't help, find something to replace the temptation to taste your fingers. It can be inanimate objects or food. For example, anti-stress toys that can be squeezed at the moment of excitement, or a rosary that can be touched constantly when hands are free, will come in very handy. As for food, drying or hard fruits, such as apples or pears, will help here. However, if you bite your nails often, then this method is not convenient, as it disrupts the normal diet.

Get professional help from psychologists and visit several sessions. Perhaps these sessions will give you the opportunity to understand the underlying causes of the experiences that led to the formation of the habit. During receptions, use sedative pharmaceutical products or self-made herbal infusions.

Sometimes it happens that without realizing it, people bite their nails if they feel hungry. Therefore, during the period when you get rid of addiction, watch your diet and regimen.

Additional tricks to help break the habit

Combining psychological methods of getting rid of a habit with other methods is much more effective than each of the methods separately. For example, buy bitter varnish at the pharmacy and treat the nail plates with it. The bitterness of the varnish will not allow you to put your hands in your mouth, over time a reflex will develop: the brain will associate the tips of your fingers with bitterness. It is also worth lubricating the skin around the plates. vegetable oils or any creams, as often the skin there is dry and cracked.

As mentioned above, women can build nails. There is a chance that the habit will disappear, but it is not as high as with an integrated approach. Usually the extended plates are hard, but they can leave imprints from the teeth - this will spoil appearance manicure.

Since young children do not understand the principle of psychological introspection, they must be weaned by physical means. For example, cover your fingertips with adhesive tape. Be sure to accompany your actions with a story about why this is being done, and what the habit of biting your nails leads to. In addition, it is necessary that the child is constantly busy and does not think about nails. Tell teenage girls in detail about the fact that fingertips will become unaesthetic in the future if the habit is not eradicated.

To summarize, we can advise only one thing: get rid of the problem of nail biting in a complex way. Seek help from a psychologist and use available home and pharmacy remedies.

Getting rid of the habit of biting nails is also a task social plan. It is usually unpleasant for people around you to watch and hear someone biting their nails nearby. If the problem is neurological in nature (an obsessive and irresistible desire), then the help of a specialist is needed. A psychologist and psychotherapist will establish the internal cause of onychophagia and prescribe therapy. You may need to take light sedatives that will reduce anxiety and increase stress resistance. Having learned what will happen if you constantly bite your nails, the patient may try to stop on his own, but with serious psycho-emotional factors, this usually fails.