Terrible uncle. "Not a bad uncle." Scary story from real life. Dream Interpretation - Bad dream

This incident happened in the summer of 2002. For certain reasons, our family had to drastically change their place of residence, moving from the city of Minsk to one provincial town in Ukraine. Our family consisted of three people: me, my husband and our four-year-old son.

With the help of friends who lived in that city, we managed to purchase an old private house on the outskirts. We didn’t really like the house, but we got it for a ridiculous price, especially since my husband was promised a fairly successful strashno.com job, and we expected to live there for a year, and then buy an apartment or build own house. In any case, it was better than living in a rented apartment or the like.

I can’t say that my husband and I had a bad life in this house, but our son changed his behavior dramatically from the very first days. At this age, children are usually very inquisitive and sociable, trying all the time to learn something new for themselves. We knew our Artyom as a hyperactive child who simply hated staying at home and was constantly eager to go somewhere to go for a walk. But at the same time, he always obeyed his parents, and if it was necessary to stay at home, he obediently remained and played in his room.

But now everything has changed dramatically. Artyom could not be kept in the house alone. He cried and screamed if he was left alone in the house, strashno.com, even when my husband or I worked at that time in the yard under the windows. And when we had to leave, it turned into a real torment for the child.

My husband and I initially thought that our move had such a negative impact on him, but over time the situation began to worsen. The son refused to sleep in his room, he constantly ran into our bedroom with my husband. He responded to all questions by crying and shouting. When one day in a calm atmosphere I asked him about all this, he replied: “There is a bad uncle! He hurts his arms and hits me! Laughing and chasing me!

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I never screamed and did not force the child, so now my husband and I tried to calmly question him and find out the reason for his fear.

According to Artem, at strashno.com in our house (somewhere in the hallway) there is some “evil uncle” who constantly laughs and mocks Artem. Judging by his words, his uncle twisted his arms and pinched his body. I noticed some red spots on my son's body, but they all turned into allergies. Artem also said that his uncle likes to run after him, laughing and pushing him in the back. And at night he sits on his closet (!) And from there throws himself at him different things without letting sleep.

When we asked about appearance uncles, the son began to cry again and rushed to her husband in his arms, shouting that his uncle was looking out the window and showing him his tongue. At that moment, my husband and I became really creepy. We went around the whole house with my son, checked literally every corner: naturally, we did not find any “uncle”. But the husband of strashno.com still moved his son's crib to our room, and all next week he slept with us. Sometimes he woke up at night and moved to our bed, saying that his uncle was standing in the door and grimacing.

I don't know how, but our problem reached the ears of our neighbors, a couple of pensioners with whom we had an excellent relationship. Irina Matveevna advised us on one person who lived in the same village, though in a different area, but could help solve our problem. According to a neighbor, she turned to him with her daughter when she could not get pregnant, and he performed a "real miracle", according to the grandmother.

My husband and I could not free ourselves from work in any way to go to this man, but last days showed that this should be done as soon as possible. The “evil uncle” seemed to understand what we were going to do strashno.com, so he began to pester our Artem more and more. Even in my bedroom with my husband, Artyom could not sleep peacefully, he cried all the time and ran out of the house into the street. And once (before we went to that healer), the son ran in tears and said that his uncle put a wire around his neck and tried to strangle him.

In general, we agreed with a familiar driver and went with my son. That healer, to be honest, at first did not make any impression on me. He looked, excuse me, like an ordinary village drunk. A middle-aged man, completely bald and fat, the house is a real mess, a strange smell. But in one of the rooms there was still something “such”: some bunches of herbs on the walls, a lot of books on the shelves.

I told him my story, he listened attentively, then sat opposite us at strashno.com and asked to be quiet for a few minutes. After that, he closed his eyes and began to do something incomprehensible, it seemed that he was just making faces at my son. The man winced, twisted his head, pinched his cheeks. Artyom even cheered up from this sight. After a while, this began to annoy me, and I was about to tell this man, but he stopped me with a gesture, without even opening his eyes. He sat like that for another five minutes, after which he took a deep breath, called my Artyom to him and whispered something in his ear for a long time. The son actively listened to the peasant, and then nodded his head and whispered something in response.

“I take it you don’t have anywhere else to live, right?” The man asked me. “Well, you’ll spend the night there, I’m sure. And tomorrow I'm waiting for you again at my place. I know you're going far, but you have to. And I need, strashno.com, that you bring me two apples picked outside your estate. It's summer now, so you won't have any problems with that. It is better if you pick a wild apple, but if you do not find one, ask for forgiveness and pick an apple from one of the neighbors. Do not ask and do not buy, this is important! Do not be afraid of tonight, Artem will be calm. How you will come to me is another question. But I'm waiting!

He said all this in one long tirade, and in a very tedious and drawling voice. Saying goodbye, we went home. I agreed with the driver the next morning, but suddenly, when we had already reached the house, his car broke down. Together with my husband and a mechanic neighbor, they fiddled with the engine until night, but they could not do anything.

In the morning I had to look for a new driver. We called all the taxis, but strashno.com refused us everywhere. All the neighbors also abruptly refused to travel. The bus to that village also did not go from our city. IN last moment an acquaintance of my husband came to us, and we began to tearfully ask him for a favor. He agreed, but again bad luck: I put the apples in a bag, and he disappeared somewhere. For another twenty minutes we were looking for apples, until we decided to pick new ones from a neighbor's tree. With great difficulty, we nevertheless reached our destination.

This time the man was very serious, muttering something under his breath and cutting one apple with a knife. Then he gave half to Artyom and ordered to eat it. He ate the other half himself, and he simply pierced the second apple with a knife and left it on the table.

- Ask the neighbors for one night you shelter, they will agree. strashno.com And in the morning you can go home without any problems, but don't worry if that happens. This is a fee. Everything will be fine with this!

We got home safely, and immediately I rushed to the retired neighbors. Luckily they didn't turn us down. We spent the night with them in a free room, and slept that night as never before. We woke up only at ten o'clock and immediately hurried home.

When we returned, we were horrified. The window in the bedroom was broken, and many things in the house were gone. A few equipment, expensive clothes and something else. My husband wanted to tell the police, but for some reason I dissuaded him. And just two days later, news came to us that they caught one drunken man from our city, who climbed into our house at night and took out our things. He was caught in another house, and then admitted that he cleaned ours too. strashno.com Unfortunately, he has already managed to sell things to some huckster, so he failed to return them. This guy went to jail for a long time.

Immediately after that, the situation returned to normal, we slept peacefully, the son began to behave more balanced. Once, to my question about the “evil uncle”, Artem answered briefly: “He went home!”

And by the way, even now he does not tell me about what that witch whispered to him.

This incident happened in the summer of 2002. For certain reasons, our family had to drastically change their place of residence, moving from the city of Minsk to one provincial town in Ukraine. Our family consisted of three people: me, my husband and our four-year-old son.

With the help of friends who lived in that city, we managed to purchase an old private house on the outskirts. We didn’t really like the house, but we got it for a ridiculous price, especially since my husband was promised a fairly successful job, and we expected to live there for a year, and then buy an apartment or build our own house. In any case, it was better than living in a rented apartment or the like.

I can’t say that my husband and I had a bad life in this house, but our son changed his behavior dramatically from the very first days. At this age, children are usually very inquisitive and sociable, trying all the time to learn something new for themselves. We knew our Artyom as a hyperactive child who simply hated staying at home and was constantly eager to go somewhere to go for a walk. But at the same time, he always obeyed his parents, and if it was necessary to stay at home, he obediently remained and played in his room.

But now everything has changed dramatically. Artyom could not be kept in the house alone. He cried and screamed if he was left alone in the house, even when I or my husband worked at that time in the yard under the windows. And when we had to leave, it turned into a real torment for the child.

My husband and I initially thought that our move had such a negative impact on him, but over time the situation began to worsen. The son refused to sleep in his room, he constantly ran into our bedroom with my husband. He responded to all questions by crying and shouting. When one day in a calm atmosphere I asked him about all this, he replied: “There is a bad uncle! He hurts his arms and hits me! Laughing and chasing me!

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I never screamed and did not force the child, so now my husband and I tried to calmly question him and find out the reason for his fear.

According to Artem, in our house (somewhere in the hallway) there is some kind of “evil uncle” who constantly laughs and mocks Artem. Judging by his words, his uncle twisted his arms and pinched his body. I noticed some red spots on my son's body, but they all turned into allergies. Artem also said that his uncle likes to run after him, laughing and pushing him in the back. And at night he sits on his closet (!) and from there throws various things at him, preventing him from sleeping.

When we asked about the appearance of the uncle, the son began to cry again and threw himself into his husband's arms, shouting that the uncle was looking out the window and sticking out his tongue. At that moment, my husband and I became really creepy. We went around the whole house with my son, checked literally every corner: naturally, we did not find any “uncle”. But my husband moved his son's crib into our room anyway, and he slept with us for the next week. Sometimes he woke up at night and moved to our bed, saying that his uncle was standing in the door and grimacing.

I don't know how, but our problem reached the ears of our neighbors - a couple of pensioners with whom we had an excellent relationship. Irina Matveevna advised us on one person who lived in the same village, though in a different area, but could help solve our problem. According to a neighbor, she turned to him with her daughter when she could not get pregnant, and he performed a "real miracle", according to the grandmother.

My husband and I could not free ourselves from work in any way to go to this man, but the last few days have shown that this must be done as soon as possible. The “evil uncle” seemed to understand what we were going to do, so he began to pester our Artyom more and more. Even in my bedroom with my husband, Artyom could not sleep peacefully, he cried all the time and ran out of the house into the street. And once (before we went to that healer), the son ran in tears and said that his uncle put a wire around his neck and tried to strangle him.

In general, we agreed with a familiar driver and went with my son. That healer, to be honest, at first did not make any impression on me. He looked, excuse me, like an ordinary village drunk. A middle-aged man, completely bald and fat, the house is a real mess, a strange smell. But in one of the rooms there was still something “such”: some bunches of herbs on the walls, a lot of books on the shelves.

I told him my story, he listened attentively, then sat opposite us and asked to be silent for a few minutes. After that, he closed his eyes and began to do something incomprehensible, it seemed that he was just making faces at my son. The man winced, twisted his head, pinched his cheeks. Artyom even cheered up from this sight. After a while, this began to annoy me, and I was about to tell this man, but he stopped me with a gesture, without even opening his eyes. He sat like that for another five minutes, after which he took a deep breath, called my Artyom to him and whispered something in his ear for a long time. The son actively listened to the peasant, and then nodded his head and whispered something in response.

I take it you have nowhere else to live, right? - The man asked me. - Well, you'll spend the night there, I'm sure. And tomorrow I'm waiting for you again at my place. I know you're going far, but you have to. And I need you to bring me two apples picked outside your estate. It's summer now, so you won't have any problems with that. It is better if you pick a wild apple, but if you do not find one, ask for forgiveness and pick an apple from one of the neighbors. Do not ask and do not buy, this is important! Do not be afraid of tonight, Artem will be calm. How you will come to me is another question. But I'm waiting!

He said all this in one long tirade, and in a very tedious and drawling voice. Saying goodbye, we went home. I agreed with the driver the next morning, but suddenly, when we had already reached the house, his car broke down. Together with my husband and a mechanic neighbor, they fiddled with the engine until night, but they could not do anything.

In the morning I had to look for a new driver. We called all the taxis, but everywhere they answered us with a refusal. All the neighbors also abruptly refused to travel. The bus to that village also did not go from our city. At the last moment, an acquaintance of my husband came to us, and we began to tearfully ask him for a favor. He agreed, but again bad luck: I put the apples in a bag, and he disappeared somewhere. For another twenty minutes we were looking for apples, until we decided to pick new ones from a neighbor's tree. With great difficulty, we nevertheless reached our destination.

This time the man was very serious, muttering something under his breath and cutting one apple with a knife. Then he gave half to Artyom and ordered to eat it. He ate the other half himself, and he simply pierced the second apple with a knife and left it on the table.

Ask your neighbors to give you shelter for one night, they will agree. And in the morning you can go home without any problems, but don't worry if that happens. This is a fee. Everything will be fine with this!

We got home safely, and immediately I rushed to the retired neighbors. Luckily they didn't turn us down. We spent the night with them in a free room, and slept that night as never before. We woke up only at ten o'clock and immediately hurried home.

When we returned, we were horrified. The window in the bedroom was broken, and many things in the house were gone. A few equipment, expensive clothes and something else. My husband wanted to tell the police, but for some reason I dissuaded him. And just two days later, news came to us that they caught one drunken peasant from our city, who climbed into our house at night and took out our things. He was caught in another house, and then admitted that he cleaned ours too. Things, unfortunately, he had already managed to sell to some huckster, so they could not be returned. This guy went to jail for a long time.

Immediately after that, the situation returned to normal, we slept peacefully, the son began to behave more balanced. Once, to my question about the “evil uncle”, Artem answered briefly: “He went home!”

And by the way, even now he does not tell me about what that witch whispered to him.

IN the night before Christmas snow melted, the ground was covered with black puddles with fragments of melting ice. Father brought the Christmas tree and returned to work: something happened there. He worked as a signalman, and communication must be uninterrupted - the life and salvation of people in hazardous industries in the city and the district depend on its serviceability. Loss of communication, the accident must be immediately eliminated.

Are we really going to celebrate Christmas without a dad? Suddenly he will have to go with a team of repairmen through these vile puddles to hell, look for a cliff - and he will not have time to return? I lay down on the couch, turned to the wall and became sad. Here's your holiday...

Mom said that we need to decorate the Christmas tree. And how to put it without a dad? We always put it together. Okay, let's surprise dad! I found a cross in the closet, planted a Christmas tree on it and nailed the trunk to the cross with nails. We got out a box with puffed up toys, balloons, silver rain and paper garlands. As soon as I hung the first toy - little Santa Claus on a branch, the doorbell rang.

Who could it be?

We open: there is an unfamiliar uncle. Merry Christmas and says that he brought us toys, came to help decorate the Christmas tree. The uncle looks kind, we let him in. He started to help us. Laughing, joking, dismantling toys.

He takes out a brilliant angel - something like the grandson of Father Frost, the brother of the Snow Maiden.

Suddenly, before my eyes, this angel turns into a sharp knife, a steel dagger.

The uncle says that he will slaughter us now, kill us. Mom and I both held toys in our hands and were numb. What is it - under the guise of a good helper, Santa Claus, a robber, a murderer entered our house? I feel horror, my heart sinks into my heels, I can’t say a word, move a finger. I look at my mother - it's the same with her ...

Suddenly, this ill-fated guest declares: "I was joking." And he laughs, brings his dagger to my nose: this is a toy, children's dagger, such is sold in a department store. I myself dreamed of such a thing. He hangs a dagger on the Christmas tree. We continue to dress her up together. All is well, it is relieved from the heart. How could we think badly of him - he is so cheerful, kind. We got used to it again, we sing songs together. But deep down, a doubt settled. Who is he, our guest? Where did this self-proclaimed Santa Claus come from? What do we know about him besides what he told himself?

Here again he finds ... He pulls out a knife from his belt - no doubt a real one - and waves it. "I'll cut it!"...

The ground is slipping from under my feet. I slide onto the sofa. There is noise in my head, red spots looming before my eyes. Maybe I've already been stabbed?

When I opened my eyes, I saw that everything was dignified again. The guest sprinkles jokes, jokes, mom laughs. Holiday atmosphere. But here I did not wait until the knife grew in his hand for the third time - but quietly got down from the sofa and in what I was, without putting on my shoes, slipped out of the apartment. He ran out of the entrance and hid around the corner of the house. I hear - the door of the neighbors from the first floor opened: there is noise, fun. We must warn them! This terrible uncle can look at them for a light ... Nobody is safe from him! What to do? And I decide to run to my father at work. If I find him there, he will raise the whole city by his connection - he will inform the police, call the firemen, all the people will gather - and they will catch this bastard!

I rush, not understanding the road, jumping through cold puddles in my socks. Socks are knitted, thick - and fragments of ice do not cut the feet, but only tear, as if someone is trying to grab my heels with claws from behind. But I'm breaking out! Instantly I fly two blocks, burst into a communication center.

Oh happiness - dad in his office! I scream from the threshold:
- There's a terrible uncle! He is at our house! He will soon take over the whole city! Call the police, the firemen, the ambulance - you have to catch him!

Dad doesn't understand what's going on. He wraps me in a dokha, sits me on a chair, pulls off my socks. I customize it:
- Well, faster, faster! It will be late! He will deceive everyone!

I feel like my dad doesn't believe me. He picks up the phone, dials a number:
- How are you doing? Everything is fine? I will come soon. Where is the son? Look... Where did you go? sitting here! In some socks he came running to me!

Horror: Dad made a mistake. He called home - now we can no longer save ourselves and save others. I am powerless to change anything and start crying:
- Dad, you talked to him. He can deceive everyone, play the fool and pretend to be anyone. He will slaughter his mother and now he will come here. He'll kill us, you have no idea who you're dealing with...

At that time, my father did not believe that the city and the world were in terrible danger. Then they explained to me that I got a sore throat - and I started having visions - hallucinations. Dad then brought me home in his arms, everything worked out. But I'm still not sure what would have happened if I hadn't managed to run away from home.

To see the day of the Last Judgment portends that you will successfully complete a well-planned work if in a dream you look timid and humbly, hoping to avoid punishment.

If you hold on differently, then in reality your work will fail.

For a young woman to appear before the Last Judgment and hear the verdict “guilty” means that she will have reasons for suffering in her life because of her own selfishness and indecent behavior.

If she sees that the dead are rising from the graves, and she is fighting and her friends refuse to help her, this is also a harbinger of unpleasant events.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Terrible Funnel

This dream can be interpreted as applying only to you, or to someone close to you, in whose affairs you have been heavily involved lately. To fall into a whirlpool means to experience a strong emotional overstrain or emotional vanity. It is possible that the affairs / events in which you are involved, or someone close to you, become unmanageable and out of control. If nothing like this happens in your life, then this may mean that you are carried away by the process of personal growth and self-knowledge, and some aspect of yourself is simply "dragged" into the whirlwind of your chaotic desire for self-knowledge / self-improvement. This may have led to a bit of internal confusion/confusion. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Bad dream

This dream is full of fear! You are quite an adult and I hope the fear you experienced on the eve of the dream will not affect your further perception of the world! Talk to your mother and let everyone around you know that you do not agree to live by the rules of the wolf. You have a wonderful age, but not enough strength to direct your life in the direction you want. Take care of yourself! And a dream is a reflection of what has been experienced in real life, it is sometimes worse than any dream. There is an element in the dream that indicates that under certain conditions your mother may cease to be your ally! Think about it and try to prevent it possible development events! Forgive me for being overconfident, but if not me, who can warn you?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Bad dream

Excessive preference for logic (21) prevents you from being flexible in life (1) and brings many difficulties into your life. Understanding this (2) will open many new opportunities (doors) for you. The rest only confirms this. Do not be afraid, the dream is a simple clue: learn to hear and listen to your intuition. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A terrible dream about a daughter

Good evening, Valentina! It has nothing to do with death, as well as with illness. In this regard, you do not have to worry. "she drowned" - she will have problems of an emotional nature, experiences, a spiritual upheaval, and most likely this will be connected with the affairs of your family. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Terrible Guest

Good evening Julia! Fear is not so scary. More talk about it than real harm. And self-hypnosis in this matter plays big role than facts. Get it all out of your head. Each person builds his own life and relationships with the outside world. You can walk through life in such a way that you will be afraid of everything, or you can scare the whole world with your own glance ... If you wish, then practice the technique, it will throw all these fears out of you: http: //www. sunhome. En/magic/15895 "It was almost evening, it was getting a little dark outside, I came for another day to visit my grandmother, we sat in her former room (we always received guests there and spent all the holidays there)" - you have a good connection with ancestors, kindred. "the situation was somehow a little unusual, and my grandmother, in my opinion, behaved somehow differently, she was somehow closed or scared, but she tried her best to open it, we started talking about some kind of nonsense when suddenly it got dark on the street , the chandelier began to shake, and then completely teleport in different directions, and then went out, we heard some kind of roar from the beginning of the front door to the house (grandmother lives in a private house), after fasting some strange and even scary sounds, I was seriously scared and I shout to my grandmother that, like, let's hide and that I'm scared, but it felt like my grandmother was already used to this and was not afraid of anything, she just said not to pay attention and said that we just went to another room .. "- you clearly see some problems in the subtle planes with inorganic beings. "this room, of course, was a hallway" - they come into the house through the front door, and have no right to enter without an invitation. Apparently not in vain did your grandmother take you there. But you, apparently, do not have enough personal will for this action (prohibition) - "I ran in, somehow pushed my grandmother into the room, who tried in every possible way to escape and walked calmly without fright, I quickly tried to close the door and saw something strange, even on kind of a boy or something, or rather, his description .... I don’t remember more specifically, but I tried to close the door, and he just stood and looked at me (grandmother’s door to the hallway is double, that is, it consists of two halves that you need to close one by one and then close it on a hook) I was able to close one door, and the other just didn’t move ... ". "grandmother told me not to suffer and leave this door alone .... Well, we sat down, and then someone rang the doorbell, my grandmother came out, and I remained sitting in the hallway .... I sat for a few seconds in a stupor, and then looked at the door .... And then, unexpectedly, as in a thriller, a bloody hand jumped out of the open door and grabbed the door and tried to open it, I screamed and ran out into the street in my socks, (I should note that it was winter outside) I ran out of the house and ran to the gate, my grandmother was standing there and talking to my aunt, I ran up in a fright and started saying that there was some kind of terrible hand, but they just didn’t believe me, I asked my grandmother to take me to my bus, because in this house I can no longer stay a second and, what is more, spend the night. ... "- the entities achieved their goal, forced you to leave the house through fear, deprived you of protection. "grandmother ran out of the house and we started to walk to the bus stop, or rather run, but for some reason we ran in a completely different direction ..... Then ended up in some kind of chtoli forest, well, there was some kind of fire and we ran from someone, then my parents met us and took us away, they brought my grandmother home, and they took me to their home ....... "- you don’t managed to cause harm, but sowed distrust in their own forces. Do not succumb to these provocations. Pray before going to bed. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun