This week or next. Apparat - A magazine about the new society. Signs of pancreatic disease symptoms and treatment

This week, from the Philae spacecraft, we followed the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committee to bring the leadership of the DPRK to court and Vladimir Putin, who does not rule out his nomination for another presidential term. At this time, news that is no less important and interesting could fall out of the information story.

Protests in Hong Kong come to an end

What happened: Thousands of rallies in early October are a thing of the past, and now the authorities of the metropolis have begun to slowly clear the streets from the last protesters. On Tuesday, the bailiffs began to dismantle the barricades near the Citic tower in the business district - they were asked to do so by the owners of the surrounding buildings. In response, several dozen representatives of the radical wing of the “umbrella revolution” tried to break into one of the administrative buildings. They did not succeed: the police met them with gas canisters. Next month, local students, who form the core of the protests, will start their exams, and the activity will drop even more.

Why it's important: So far, protesters in Hong Kong have failed to achieve their main goal - free elections for the city's government in 2017. until they were successful. The central government in Beijing also refused to listen to the representatives of the protesters and did not even let them into the Chinese capital during the APEC summit. According to experts, the key month for the movement will be January, when the head of Hong Kong, Liang Zhenying, will deliver a keynote address to the residents of the city.

Russia withdraws from work on the ISS

What happened: On Monday, Kommersant reported that Roscosmos had approved a project to build a new Russian station in Earth orbit. They want to deploy it by the end of this decade, and then Russia can withdraw from all projects on the International Space Station. Russia has not had its own orbital station since the beginning of the century, when Mir was sunk in the Pacific Ocean.

Why it's important: If desired, this can be seen as a resumption of the space race between Russia and the United States. This week the media is also about the discovery of a Russian "satellite killer" in Earth orbit.

The difficult relationship between Republicans and Barack Obama

What Happened: The standoff between the US Democratic president and the Republican Party was especially bitter this week. First, in the Senate, the "Freedom Act", which could limit the surveillance of secret services over the telephone calls of citizens. Obama then proposed immigration reform that would allow 5 million illegal immigrants to stay in the country. Republicans responded by promising to find a way to block this presidential initiative. The apotheosis of the confrontation was the claim of the Republicans about the abuse of power by the administration of Barack Obama during the reform of the country's health care.

Why it matters: Republican resolve says Barack Obama's last two years in office will be one of endless bickering and blocking each other's initiatives. If health care reform fails, then Obama will lose one of the main projects as head of the United States.

Three news about the world of the future

Today, digital technologies affect our daily habits, destroy centuries-old political institutions and change the balance of power in the world. Here are some interesting pieces of news that show what the society of tomorrow will be like.

Uber scandal

What happened: A popular mobile taxi service managed to turn against itself the entire American press and many loyal users in a few days. On Tuesday, the media reported that the vice president of the company, Emil Michael, wants to collect dirt on bloggers and journalists who criticize Uber. Buzzfeed then found out that Uber managers have a program called God View that allows them to track the movement of users of the application: moreover, managers of the company use it regularly.

Why it's important: It's not just about broken trust in the service. Uber is constantly being challenged by traditional taxi companies, city governments and governments because the innovative service disrupts a market that has existed for decades. Now Uber's opponents have another great trump card in their hands.

Robots will guard Microsoft offices

What happened: Microsoft campuses will now be guarded by K5 - huge, human-sized robots. The journalists are with the evil Daleks from Doctor Who. However, they do not have laser guns, but they have surveillance cameras, various sensors and sensors, as well as a license plate identification system. Robots constantly check information from the media, trying to assess the likelihood of dangerous incidents in the area. If required, they can turn on the siren and send a message to the security service. They cannot catch violators of law and order. At least for now.

Why it's important: Giant police robots are cool: in the future, machines will increasingly keep us safe. On the other hand, the sluggish devices guarding Microsoft cannot even climb the curb yet, are extremely sluggish and discharged in a day.

Tor asks users for money

What happened: The largest anonymous Tor network needs money to protect itself from hacks and shutdowns. The start of the crowdfunding campaign was announced on Monday night by the chief executive of the network, Andrew Lewman. They decided to deal with network security after a large-scale one. According to its results, in early November, law enforcement agencies closed more than ten large services, access to which was provided by Tor. Among them is the popular Silk Road 2.0 drug store.

Why it matters: The Shadow Web continues to look for ways to protect the anonymity of its users and service owners, which governments around the world are increasingly interested in.

Hello. Please tell me if a comma is needed in the following sentence: According to the rules (,), the billing period is equal to a calendar week. Thank you.

The comma is not required.

Question #298611

How to write Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in a sentence? For example, last week the vice chair... Is the word deputy capitalized or lowercase?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In regulatory legal acts: Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Question #298491

Hello! Help me please. Do I need a comma before the word "relevant" in this sentence: "All discounts, promotions and sales that are relevant this week and today"? It seems to me that it is needed, because there is a clarification of exactly when discounts, promotions and sales are relevant. Yes, and to paraphrase if, then it will turn out "... which are relevant ..." Or am I wrong? Thanks for your reply in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The attributive phrase after the definitive noun is separated or separated by commas. Right: All discounts, promotions and sales that are relevant this week and today.

Good afternoon Is a comma necessary in the sentence "Information is in a letter from Ivan to Sergey sent last week"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The semicolon is required.

Question #294968

Hello. Already asked this question this week, did not wait for an answer, I decided to repeat it. I am writing a resolution (for the municipality), help me not to be offended: "in the period of 2017-2018" or "years" ??? The plural is more logical, but it looks and sounds clumsy. and YEARS - strange, tm, after all, we are talking about several years. Thank you in advance

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #293583

Can you please tell me if a comma is needed here or not, and why? In the sentence segment: last week (?) and Work to do - I have to sort out what happened to you last week (,) and write instructions on what to do next week.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is needed to close the adjective (what happened to you last week) followed by union And, connecting homogeneous predicatesshould figure it out And compose.

Question #291525

Are commas needed in this case: "My birthday is next week on Monday December 5th"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Commas are needed: My birthday is next week, on Monday, December 5th.

Question #291452

the phrase "year by year" is often used recently on Internet sites, what is the meaning of this form and is such use acceptable?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Expressions week by week, year by year in the meaning "in relation to the previous week, the previous year" are used in professional, specialized texts (for example, in the financial sector). In texts for a wide range of readers, it is better to use more detailed constructions.

Question #290872

Hello! Is the expression "three weeks old" correct? Or "WEEK Y"? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: three weeks old.

Question #289886

A picture taken last week captured the formalization of the protocol. Correct or not suggestion?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Verb capture used incorrectly. The proposal needs to be revised.

Question #287978

In the sentence "This week we published works by such authors as Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and OTHERS" (or correctly "AND OTHERS")?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: This week we published works by such authors as Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and others.

Question No. 286209

What case is used after the words "for a period of..."? Example: "for a period of one week" or "for a period of one week". And also is the spelling correct: "for a period equal to one week".

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better: for a period not exceeding one week or simply for one week.

Question #285395

Good afternoon Please tell me how to correctly write the names of events that have the words "day", "week", etc. in the title. For example: The company presented its solutions at the Transport Infrastructure Development Week

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the names of regular events, the word day it is written with a lowercase letter, and in the names of holidays - with a capital letter. Wed: open house day, graduation day And Aviation Day, City Day. Word a weekas the first word in the composition of the seven-day calendar segments marked by some socially significant event, it is written with a capital letter, for example: Week of Slavic writing and culture, Week of transport infrastructure development.

Question #284570

Its stock of command capital isn't as great as it has been in recent weeks, but the media teams have ample funds at their disposal, and another system has been infused with liberal values ​​this week. Are any additional punctuation marks needed in this sentence and why? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is required before words and this week. A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence: Its stock of command capital isn't as great as it has been in recent weeks, but media teams have ample funds at their disposal, and another system has been imbued with liberal values ​​this week.

Pregnancy 17 weeks

Pregnancy 17 weeks.

Until the end of the week or the week as it is right

Fruit size.

Pregnancy 20 weeks

asked Jul 28 '15 at 14:31

answered Jul 29 '15 at 11:45

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Week or week as correct

Pregnancy 17 weeks

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Nutrition.

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Photo of tummies

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Feel.

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Photo ultrasound

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Peculiarities.

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Fruit size.

Your baby is already about 11 centimeters tall and weighs about 100 grams.

Pregnancy 17 weeks. Photo of the fetus

Pregnancy 20 weeks

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Nutrition.

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Photo of tummies

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Feel.

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Photo ultrasound

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Peculiarities.

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Fruit size.

By the end of the twentieth week, your baby is already up to 26 centimeters tall. And the weight ranges from 300 to 350 grams.

Pregnancy 20 weeks. Photo of the fetus

According to the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. the meaning of the word is as follows:

nearest in turn, first to appear

However, when we are talking about the days of the week, we tend to use the adjectives this and next, depending on whether we are referring to the day of this week or the next. For example, if the discussion is on July 21st (Tuesday):

  • See you next Monday (meaning July 27th, next week)
  • The concert will be next Thursday (meaning July 30th, next week)
  • Come in the evening, this Thursday (meaning July 23rd, this week)

In the last example, Thursday is the closest in turn. This fits the description of the explanatory dictionary. But calling him next seems unnatural. Is there a rule about using the word next for the days of the week?

asked Jul 28 '15 at 14:31

The word this, which unambiguously refers the named day to the current week, is an optional clarification: if we speak Thursday in the explicit context of the future (so-and-so will take place, etc.), then the mentioned Thursday refers to the current week. We can say the same about the past event of the current week (it rained on Thursday). The context of the future sometimes makes it appropriate to indicate the day of the next week without specifying the following: at the end of the week, we can say, for example, that on Monday I will go to the doctor, and this will be clearly understood by the interlocutor.

answered Jul 29 '15 at 11:45

Next Monday, Tuesday or Thursday may not be understood by all. If on Friday we say we meet next Monday, can they ask again in the next or in a week? The word next in relation to the days of the week is no longer perceived in accordance with the interpretation of Ushakov's dictionary. It is better to use the word next Monday, this Monday, or just Monday. – Matvey Demin Jul 29 ’15 at 20:59

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A week is a period of seven days. In Russian, the Church Slavonic word sedmitsa reminds of the seven-day structure of the week.

I'm on the last week

Last week

weeks a strong scar is formed.

Synonyms for week
Associations to the word «Week»
What is the week like?

Making the Word Map Better Together

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps to make a Word Map. I can count very well, but so far I have a poor understanding of how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I'm starting to understand the structure of life better.

Associations to the word «Week»:

Synonyms for week:

Sentences with the word week:

  • I'm on the last week fucked one when all the men got drunk to death.
  • Last week months, you may suddenly feel tired and de-energized. During this period, take care of yourself and remember the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Then it sprouts with connective tissue fibers, and by the end of the eighth weeks a strong scar is formed.
  • (all offers)

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Map of words and expressions of the Russian language

Online thesaurus with the ability to search for associations, synonyms, contextual relationships and example sentences for words and expressions in the Russian language.

Reference information on the declension of nouns and adjectives, conjugation of verbs, as well as the morphemic structure of words.

The site is equipped with a powerful search engine with support for Russian morphology.

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At the end of next week or week as appropriate

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Sentences with "next"

We found 50 sentences with the word "next". See also synonyms for next.
Show word meaning

  • Then he rises again next wave, while I fall into the hollow that a second before cradle the yacht.
  • I will never forget next, in truth, the historical scene.
  • Then the picture changed and the words were presented next groups in random order.
  • Changes have begun for next paintings.
  • As a reward for good work, by some perverse logic, she was left to work with next study group.
  • After that, two more attacks next hardly worth mentioning at night.
  • In relations with European countries, Nashchokin tried to persuade the tsar to next strategies.
  • At next Stopping on an island five miles from the coast, the Spaniards landed and discovered two temples, both stone.
  • At next During the meeting, Donald gave Shmilykhovsky two photographs of the alleged killer.
  • Behind next the door was the Gerchikovs' room.
  • next during the night this same coachman disappeared along with the buckskin.
  • Before the beginning next there was a fifteen-minute break in the lecture, and the divided crowd was rushing out of the classroom.
  • And at the door of each next a trembling footman decorates the count's wig with powder.
  • Out of the corner of my eye I see part of another fin rushing down from next waves.
  • next according to the degree of severity of the violation of understanding the meanings of words, acoustic-mnestic aphasia is.
  • Began next action of his tragedy.
  • As the raft rises with me on the crest of a wave, I see the Solo floundering in next depression.
  • The prisoners remaining on the field were waiting for their turn to take them to the camp. next column.
  • Earlier next Weeks still get nothing.
  • But we must acquaint the reader with this institution in more detail, which we will do in next chapter.
  • IN next In the chapter we will see what were the first steps of the young talent in the new field of opera composition for him.
  • From March 1830, he constantly wrote to Woitsekhovsky that he was leaving for next week and eventually remains in Warsaw until November 1, 1830.
  • The second door in a row was ours, and behind next lived aunt Rosa Gerzon and her daughter Galya.
  • For first grade, I missed too much, as the school and my mother thought, and it's better to start again. next autumn, health permitting.
  • Sukhanov's mistake was obviously due to next reason.
  • There was no more time for reporting, it was necessary to focus on next attack.
  • And in next series of meetings, this issue was not only not debated, but muted.
  • IN next In the chapter we will talk about the changes in education, which, fortunately, soon followed in the Krukovsky household.
  • The same thing was repeated next at night and next at night and next for her.
  • next the role of Mashkov in the cinema was television.
  • There was already a "high politics" of the new Soviet majority, which I will discuss in detail in next book.
  • When we move to the trading floor, and she will next study group, its work will depend on us.
  • Vasek retired from next week and also did not receive a work book.
  • Ryumin is especially dissatisfied with the fact that the crew next The main expedition communicates little with them, does not study their experience.
  • Rejoicing that I was found alive, they took care next problem.
  • The pretext was that he had to write scenery for next productions of Diaghilev called "Parade".
  • next in the spring almost everything started all over again.
  • We had such a long romance with the audience that the stop before next part of the novel is simply necessary.
  • There was no time to mourn over the failure, because two large tankers from next columns.
  • It was decided: next in the spring they will take me to Odessa, I will live with the Shpentzer family and enter the gymnasium.
  • A runaway teen has been found next station, dropped off and handed over to the police, so that they sent him home.
  • The peephole closes, the shuffling of boots moves away, subsides at next cameras.
  • next Pereyaslavskoye Lake became the water area.
  • Marusya nevertheless offered to look into the hall for next break.
  • next Pereslavskoye Lake became the water area.
  • In addition, now the city garrison is ready to repel next attack attempts.
  • And when on next day Golikov was wounded by a fragment of a hand grenade, Marusya rushed to him in the hospital.
  • next next in line was the female major of the medical service.
  • Sredin and others, which we will talk about in next chapter.
  • We will touch on the relationship between Alexander and Aristotle in detail in next chapter.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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Next week

We translated the word into its initial form, which should answer the question who? What? In this case, it answers the question what? - week (Them. case). In the phrase next week, the letter e should be written at the end. On what? Next week. Prepositional.

The case table itself:

How do you spell next week or next week?

Correct spelling next week. Weeks can be used in the plural for two weeks, three weeks. . Not everyone is in trouble with cases, so you can just memorize. For example, phrases: there are seven days in a week, four weeks add up to a month, etc.

If a difficulty arises, as it is written: next week or next week, you need to remember that the correct option here is the week. Writing next week will be wrong.

Next week

Since the word week is a noun and refers to the first declension, then in the singular in the Prepositional case it should be written with the ending e.

So the correct answer is next week.

We translated the word into its initial form, which should answer the question who? What? In this case, it answers the question what?

- week (Them. case). In the phrase next week, the letter e should be written at the end. On what? Next week. Prepositional.

In the example, the ending of the word directly depends on the declension and case.

As you can see, in the proposed design for the word week, you can ask a question on what? , which indicates the application of the rules of the prepositional case.

Also in the initial form, the word week has the ending i, which indicates the 1st declension.

Thus, writing in the week will be correct.

Correct spelling: Next week. That is, through the letter e.

You can check the spelling of any words thanks to the case table and questions in them.

It is also worth determining the gender of the noun. The week ends with the letter I, which is feminine.

The case table itself:

The correct spelling of this phrase would be next week. That is, the letter E should be at the end of the word week, since this is a prepositional case and it has such an ending.

The spelling next week will be wrong, it even sounds unpleasant.

This week or this week, how to write correctly?

In the phrase "this week", the prepositional noun is correctly spelled with the unstressed ending -e.

To choose the correct spelling of the phrase “this week” or “this week and”, let's determine the part of speech of the main word and its case form.

Part of speech of the word "week"

In the combination under consideration, the word "week" is the main one, and the demonstrative pronoun "this" defines it. The word in question denotes an abstract subject and answers the question what?

The noun "week" has the ending -я:

By compatibility with adjectives and pronouns, we define the feminine category for him:

The highlighted grammatical features will indicate that the word "week" is a noun of the first declension, like the words:

Spelling of the phrase "this week"

Let's observe how the analyzed noun changes in cases in singular forms. But, since it has unstressed endings, in order to write them correctly, we use the reference word “spring” with stressed case endings.

In the form of the prepositional case, nouns can be used with the prepositions "about", "about", "on", "in", for example:

This week I'll take a closer look at buying a reliable mobile phone.

Sentence examples

Let's look at the news feed:

France this week will discuss the proposal of the Russian Federation to hold a conference on Syria.

This week, Juventus football club intends to make an offer to midfielder Mino Raiola.

As early as this week, the Twitter microblogging service may receive investors, according to Interfax.

The epistle of Jesus Christ about the week is a translated apocrypha, a legend about the week - Sunday, on which one cannot work, - widespread in medieval Christian writing. The plot of the apocrypha is as follows: a stone falls from the sky, in which ... ... Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'

"EPISTOL ABOUT THE WEEK"- [Greek. ῾Η ἐπιστολὴ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν ᾿Ιησοῦ Χριστοῦ; lat. Epistola Christi (Salvatoris) de seruanda domenica; Russian Sunday Message], Christ. apocrypha about the veneration of Sunday (see Art. Sunday), according to legend, written by God the Father or ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

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