Statuses about relatives. Statuses about close people and friends Quotes about relatives and close people

Every ship needs a harbor. Every person has a home. No matter how extravagant adventurers we may be, no matter how our soul strives for adventures to which the road calls us, it is very important for all of us to know that there is a place where they love and wait for us, they will always accept us, they will not condemn us, where we are simply welcome . Our brothers and sisters, parents and children are our abode, our harbor in the raging ocean of passions and vicissitudes of life. Life is sometimes merciless to us, it beats, teaches, leads through thorns to the stars. Our path is not always strewn with rose petals, much more often we step on broken glass. Every traveler needs a stop to gain strength, to remember who you are and what you really want on this Earth. Even the highest flying bird has a nest. Our close, dear people are our amulet, a ray of good light, a beacon that helps to light the way for our rebellious heart.

Every ship needs a harbor. Every person has a home.

How many of you ... My relatives ... how many couples loving eyes... I know ... You will be waiting for your granddaughter, daughter, sister ... I will come. With pain for you. I will hug, snuggle and close my eyes... and only then will I laugh... And maybe then someone will raise a toast... for me, and for you, and for the churchyard.

I look like the pages, of blessed memory

And what I find there, do not diminish me.

My childhood is bright - in the hands of the balls!

And happy relatives, don't lie to me

My school years are a bright time!

And it seemed far, to the "last"

Before last call to falling in love.

Warm youth has come - inspiration!

That's all relatives gathered, because marriage

AND a happy family, is formed!

Children, home, work, life - there was everything.

The years fly by so quickly, I wouldn't cry.

And events became suddenly, more in memory.

And the soul-crushing sound, more often indulges.

Gray-haired relatives… Thinned…

And life has no armor, we are all sinners.

I look like the pages, good memory

Carefully "put" what I got.

Let my relatives grow, replenish!

Memory space for them is saved!

Copyright: Natalia Zhukova-Babina,

Can't really
native person be
indifferent to your
feelings, your
experiences ... When
truth value feelings
people, no pride... no
some principles ... nothing
no, except for the fear of doing
hurting family and friends
to a person ... When
really appreciate you can
somewhere to step on the throat
your feelings, your
desires ... if only he
it was nice…
In difficult times when
there seems to be no way out
the ground is slipping away from under your feet
to be close in truth
family and friends...

Relatives by blood, may be strangers,
When in their heart, there is no warmth for us at all.
And people passers-by will become family,
Opening our souls, in the hour of misfortunes and troubles.

With relatives by blood, we have a common ancestor,
For us it is important, makes them.
But we are not always with them, it's easier and easier,
Sometimes faster, we will understand strangers.

When there is a kinship of souls - people dear to us,
Even if there is blood in them, not native runs.
Light and warm, we will be next to them,
After all, the heart with the soul, we lie to them.

The trouble of the lonely breaks faster
And we are looking for those who are close to us in soul.
And they need us, making us stronger in spirit,
It will save you from longing, in times of trial, an evil hour.

Not everyone loves me, relatives by blood,
Not everyone is close to me and not everyone is close to me.
But in their difficult hour, I am not setting conditions,
I will always try to save from longing ...

There are people who touch the soul.
In different ways, who is gentle, who is cruel.
With some it is good to be silent in silence.
It's lonely even with others.
One stabs us in the back.
Substitutes unexpected bandwagon.
Another will prove - friendship God's gift.
And he loves us seriously, not pretend.
And the third are sent by fate itself.
And disinterestedly give us their experience.
They are in joy and in sorrow with you.
Always ready to call for help.
They are not allowed to poke a finger in a cripple.
Offend the artist with a bitter word.
To reproach the poet with a mean mockery.
To humiliate the Creator with a stupid dispute.
Only the one who is in this mercantile age.
Neither spirit nor body is rented out.
Here he is that rare person,
Who can be safely entrusted with fate.

The world will not become different -
The world does not give birth to troubles.
He is always alone
With those who are not in it.
He went over the edge
Dislocated soul ridges ...
In it and your land -
Brighter than your fate
On the images of the saints
The world continues to be.
In the world of your relatives -
You keep on living.
One step away from emptiness
In a moment from the power of evil ...
The world hides dreams
Sower of good.

Once I got drunk in the late nineties. Went tenth Longayland. A wonderful cocktail. You don't understand anything when you drink. You don’t understand anything when you come to your senses after a couple of days. In general, I was very warm that evening. Suddenly, a man appeared nearby. We got loose. It turned out that he went to Israel as a child, but now he often visits Russia. I told him a funny story (I published it on Facebook a long time ago) and he told me too. Sad. I remember how he started it:

“You don’t understand, but in the 70s they left forever”

And it's true. This is a very scary and some kind of alien phrase for the present time. Leave forever. Just imagine that you decide to study in America, run habitually to your grandmother, chatting something about the excessive usefulness of overseas sciences, about new experience, but there is no face on her. He looks at you as if he wants to get drunk on you, and grows old right before his eyes. She knows she will never see you again. Never.

Yes, and you suddenly become empty and cold from this. Unbearably empty. Unbearably cold. Just look at the person close to you now. You will understand everything. Even in prison, visits are allowed and most have the right to return home someday. Those who emigrated from the USSR had neither rights nor hopes. Therefore, they tried to leave families and generations. Drama under such an inhuman system was inevitable.

Sofia Yakovlevna decided to stay. Her son Misha and his wife Tanya decided otherwise. Fifteen-year-old grandson Lenechka, who was raised by Baba Sonya, was not particularly asked by anyone, maybe for the better, a child should not be offered such a choice. Won't stand.

Why did she stay? Because of grandfather Kolya. She loved him, but he did not want to leave. Having raised Misha as a native, he, of course, did not become a Jew from this, although several times he diligently cleaned the nostrils of everyone who only thought of saying “Jewish muzzle” to any of his members. new family. Grandfather Kolya, by the way, was not a devout Bolshevik, rather the opposite, and he treated Misha and Tanya's departure without anger, but with bitterness. He had two children of his own, but as often happens, if you love a woman with all your inner world, then you gradually begin to love her children just as irrepressibly and boundlessly, sometimes even more than your own, but born from an unloved person. Well, and Lenechka ... Lenechka was generally very dear to him. When they began to leave around, grandfather Kolya remembered how in the war he came under shelling and one of the platoon remained alive. He waited for each flying projectile then, as the last.

Every time Misha and Tanya ran to visit them, he was afraid that they would say: "We are leaving." Because of this fear, he even asked them several times not to come, referring to his illness. But you can get away from a fragment, you can’t get away from fate. That evening everyone was crying, except Sofia Yakovlevna. Or rather, she was crying inside. Nobody saw it.

The rest tried to prove to themselves that there are no hopeless situations, that everything will work out somehow, they lied desperately to themselves. Only truly courageous people look the truth straight in the pupils.

Misha, Tanya and Lyonechka left. Grandfather Kolya looked after the plane for a long time, as if hoping that it would turn around, and Lyonechka looked out the window. He immediately asked his parents to call him now only Lenya.

Letters flew. The authorities then did everything to cut people off from each other, and even a phone call abroad became a huge problem. You can't dial Tel Aviv from home. A special place is a special time, it is difficult for young people, and even for old people. That means letters. Long and short, warm and cold, rare and frequent. How many lives have people lived on different sides of the border in these sheets of paper sent from one life imprisonment to another.

Tears inside is the strongest poison. Three years later, Sofia Yakovlevna fell ill. The sun moves especially fast across the sky before sunset. Misha broke his arm just at the same time, and so unsuccessfully that now he could only type letters on a typewriter. Each time in the letter he apologized that they could not get in touch, he worked in some suburb and only appeared at home on weekends, and then infrequently. Yes, and Sofia Yakovlevna was no longer able to go to the telephone exchange. So, only lines and letters. She could no longer always read, she listened more to her grandfather Kolya in the role of the Israeli information bureau. Baba Sonya kept letters on the nightstand by the bed, sometimes she picks them up and sleeps with them. So she died with the leaves in her dried palm.

Grandfather Kolya then nevertheless reached the telephone exchange and called. Lenechka said nothing to him again. I couldn't.

His dad Misha did not break his arm. He foolishly drowned in the January Sea six months ago. Just when my grandmother suddenly fell ill, almost to the day. No one had the strength to tell Baba Sonya the truth. And having learned that she didn’t have long left, they decided with their mother to come up with a story about a hand and about working in the suburbs. Grandfather Kolya was also not told anything, of course. Lenechka began to write for himself and print for his father. A couple of weeks after the death of Sophia Yakovlevna, the last letter came from her.

The mail is sometimes so ruthless.

The letter was to Lenechka. It found him in the army. It was only four sentences, written in uneven, breathy handwriting.

“Thank you, my beloved Lenechka, for the “daddy’s” letters. I always told Misha to learn from you how to write without mistakes. Don't leave grandpa. He loves you so much. Grandmother".

Quotes. Lenechka cried. inside. There was an endless Arab-Israeli war. And they don't cry in war.

Grandfather Kolya Lenechka waited. Ten years. They both did their best.

Lenechka apologized for loading me up and somehow quietly disappeared. Or maybe it was just that Long Island was so merciless.

Native people should always be the closest in spirit and support. But life is not so simple. And many people cannot find common points of contact with their blood relatives at all - then the statuses are set with a share of irritation and even anger. But still, most people love their relatives and are glad that they find understanding and support from them. Then the status of a loved one sounds with notes of joy, gratitude and love.

Family is different

Statuses about relatives are sometimes sarcastic in nature, when people close by blood cannot find mutual understanding and are not at all friends with each other. Then statements can be:

  1. Relatives are not chosen - they live and die with it.
  2. It is sometimes harder to adapt to native people than to completely non-native ones.
  3. Give a loan to relatives, you will not see them again.
  4. It is impossible to understand relatives, and it is not worth it - you just need to be friends with them.
  5. Relatives are different relatives, there are such relatives that enemies are no longer needed.
  6. For some reason, native people begin to appear when it smells of fried food or property sharing. Where were you before?
  7. Being friends with relatives is a huge job with your willpower.
  8. It is touching to watch how relatives have been looking for each other for years, in particular in the “Wait for me” program. And here you don’t know how to get rid of obsessive relatives and dream that they are lost.
  9. I love my relatives so much when they are far away.
  10. Hey relatives, why are there so many of you? Give answer. They don't give an answer.
  11. I managed to move to live in Moscow, now half of Russia turned out to be my relatives.
  12. I was so confused about who is whose uncle and whose aunt is my grandfather's great-niece that I decided - well, all of them ...
  13. My mother-in-law, affectionate, young, mischievous, agile - until she came to us and communicates exclusively via Skype.
  14. My wife has a twin sister, so sometimes I want to confuse ...
  15. My relatives without a king ... in my head.
  16. Where to put relatives - an island for them all to buy? ..
  17. Relatives are welcomed twice - when they come to visit and when they go back.
  18. Relatives arrived - and I regretted that I was not a pupil of an orphanage.
  19. I have 7 brothers and they all want something from me. Why don't I want anything from them? It's time to want.
  20. My brother is unlucky, although all my childhood they set him as an example. He does not want to work, but he loves money - nothing has changed since school.
  21. As a child, I fought with my brother because of the cars, now - because of the cars.
  22. A brother is like a natural disaster - sweeps away everything in its path, including the entire contents of the refrigerator.
  23. Justice, honesty of my relatives ended in words - "uncle died, left two houses."
  24. Life scattered me and my sister across different cities, did not see each other for a long time, but after the meeting they decided not to see each other again for a long time.

Have time to love relatives

Statuses about relatives with meaning can be set when you think about the eternal - love, understanding, goodness. Then you begin to realize that life is really short and you need to have time to give your good to your loved ones:

  1. We used to sit on the same pot, now we sit at the same family table, but everything is the same - together and with a twinkle.
  2. My father never prevaricated and corrected the curvature of others - me, for example.
  3. My boyish ways are from my brother, it's good that he doesn't have my girlish ways.
  4. Let's never quarrel - after all, since childhood we had a favorite cartoon about Leopold - "Guys, let's live together!"
  5. A quarrel with loved ones shortens an already short life.
  6. Relatives are a ray of light in our daily difficult life.
  7. Have time to say pleasant things to your loved ones, and then later, when we see them off on their last journey, everyone weeps and says: “I didn’t have time to tell you during my lifetime.”
  8. Without relatives, there is no support in life.
  9. There is a lot of evil and injustice in the world. Do not spread this to your loved ones - after all, someone should become your fortress from the attacks of strangers?
  10. It is always worth understanding and forgiving a loved one, because no one will do this except you.
  11. Never quarrel with relatives - they are right anyway.
  12. Anything can happen in life, but it’s worth taking care of kindred warm relations, because in your heart you will always remain the most beloved and dear to each other - in spite of everything.
  13. There are many envious and embittered people who dream of tripping you up, do not join their ranks, at least in relation to relatives.
  14. Have time to do good to relatives, so as not to regret that you did not have time.
  15. I was lucky with my relatives, I don’t know how she is with me.

Let me kiss you now

Words of gratitude and appreciation to relatives can be said not only in the eyes, but also by setting the status - my most dear and beloved:

  1. I was lucky - I have the best relatives.
  2. Do not look for flaws in loved ones - you still will not find them.
  3. Relatives are my outlet, only with them can I be myself.
  4. All my girlfriends are replaced by my relatives - only they could trust.
  5. My relatives will never ask too much and never leave me in trouble. Some say lucky. And what - does it happen differently?
  6. Relatives are for life, they cannot be replaced, so do not swear and do not be angry with relatives.
  7. Just being silent with loved ones is to find complete understanding and support.
  8. Never quarrel with relatives - no real estate or money is worth the understanding and support of blood relatives.
  9. If relatives call - never ignore, what if they are in trouble?
  10. The distance between your beloved relatives is an illusion, mentally they are always with you.
  11. You won’t find relatives like mine - you won’t disappear with him at all.
  12. Any holiday without close relatives is an ordinary booze.
  13. You are the best relatives in the world, we are very lucky.
  14. Without my relatives, the days seem empty.
  15. Our dear relatives, take care of yourself for us, we want you to be forever - near us!
  16. My family and I are one.
  17. Thank you for being with us.

The most dear person, the closest, the dearest

The status of a relative can be put by everyone who has a warm relationship with at least one relative. And it doesn't matter - mother, father, brother, matchmaker, godfather ... The main thing is that these relationships last a long time - sometimes all their lives, they are strong and inseparable. Then the statuses can sound like declarations of love and gratitude that this dear person is simply in their life.

  1. “Brother in trouble will not leave. He won’t ask too much, that’s what it means, a real brother.
  2. Only with my mother I always remain a little girl with pigtails, although I have been wearing a short haircut for a long time.
  3. My father is my support in everything.
  4. My elder brother protected me even as a child, and now he will give it to everyone.
  5. My brother, I will say without embellishment, the call will rush in at the same hour.
  6. Although Bati has gray hair at the temples, in the soul - all the same honor and depth.
  7. When the guys called for a date, they always said about me in the yard: “But she will not come alone, with a blacksmith.” And so the nickname was assigned to the brother - the blacksmith. And rightly so, today he is the blacksmith of my happiness.
  8. No dearer than mother- do not tell her about all your problems - take care of her.
  9. Only mom is always on your side - whether you are right or not - she does not care.
  10. When my brother went out into the yard, all the hooligans began to give me flowers, picking them right from the flower bed.
  11. Mom always taught me that kindness should be with fists, and at the same time she was only kind.
  12. Since childhood, my older sister spoiled me and gave me all the best, and now she never ceases to amaze me. I met guys, brought him to introduce me. He says: "Do you like it? Take it! I'm shocked.
  13. My sister's shoulder was always wet with my tears as a child, and now we roar together.
  14. My sister never gave away my secrets if she felt that I was doing something wrong - she raised me herself.
  15. It is desirable for every woman to have at least two beloved men - father and husband, and whoever is more lucky - three - also has a son. And the happiest - four - father, son, brother and husband.
  16. Father's words are an axiom that does not require confirmation.
  17. Only my own brother can have fun and joke when I drunk tumble into him at 3 a.m. with the words: “Are you my brother or not my brother? Whether you're happy or not." And he's really happy.
  18. The word of the father in our family was not subject to discussion, over the years everything has changed - he asks us for advice.
  19. Happiness is when brothers have real fraternal friendship.
  20. I got a diploma, and my brother has a secondary education. For some reason, I always borrow money from him. Paradox.
  21. My sister and I are completely different, but we complement each other so much - that I can’t, she can, what she doesn’t know, sometimes I don’t know either.
  22. Phrase: “One more and we won’t go to school!” bonded with my sister since childhood - at first we hung out in cooking - and ate cake. Now we are stupidly drinking in the kitchen, and both work at school.
  23. Every relative I have is a nugget!
  24. Not relatives - but a constellation, one star is brighter than the others.

Statuses about relatives - We think least of all about relatives when they are, and most of all we suffer when they are not.

Do not try to remake your loved ones! A person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. So it's easier and easier. And change - no, never.

God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings.

Happiness is when there are no sick people in the house. There are no relatives in prison. Among friends - there are no rotten ones.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. After all, in your life there are only a few of them ...

With hands, feet, claws, teeth, cling to people who make you better.

They say that next to us are those whom we deserve ... This is where I screwed up so much?

Never reject an old friend or someone close to you, because you will not find someone who will take his place. true friendship- it's like a good wine: the older, the stronger.

Life is arranged unfairly: close people are far away ... distant ones are close ... And narrow-minded people are all the time !!!

Sometimes the degree of closeness between people is determined by the degree of pain they can inflict on each other...

Don't put off your loved ones for later. Then they won't be.

The people close to me are on my mind. Favorite - in the heart. Dear ones, in prayer. And someone was lucky three times ...

Don't believe the mirrors... they are false. Only love in the eyes of others is a true reflection.

Happiness is when your relatives and people very close to you are healthy! We'll repair the rest, throw it away, buy it, forget it...

Today, complete harmony reigns in our family in the morning: the baby took Vrednolin, mom - Stervozol, and dad - Papazol. Everyone is happy!

My relatives believe that they have only one duty towards me - to teach me how to live.

You need to see the difference between those who talk to you in their free time and those who make time to talk to you.

Our real loved ones are not our brothers, sisters or relatives in general, but people who have the same aspirations, desires and way of thinking as us. (M. Prentice)

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good mood!

If you take care of your neighbors badly, then you will have to endure those far away.

Relatives and loved ones hit harder than others, because they are so close that it is impossible to miss...

Don't ask me how I'm doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know this. And if you are nobody to me, then I will never tell you the truth.

I noticed that relatives began to rarely call me. They are clearly hiding something, most likely money.

Do not reject people who want to be with you, they may be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.

There are two kinds of relatives: “Hurray, you have come!” and "Hooray, they won't come!".

Everything changes. Strangers become family. Relatives are strangers. Friends turn into passers-by. Favorite - in acquaintances.

If relatives do not call you for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about loved ones. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of the masters of the colloquial genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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Close people always seem narrow-minded.
Leonid Leonidov.

My wife is called stupid blonde but that's not true: she's not blonde.
Robert Orben.

If you need to explain to a loved one, then you don’t need to explain.
Grigory Landau.

The relatives are far away, the distant are close, so you go to the distant.
Emil Krotky.

It is good to visit relatives and friends, but not to live near them.
Thomas Fuller.

All people are boring, except when we need them.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Sometimes you meet such people that you start to feel like a person.
Semyon Altov.

If you were eaten, then people needed you.
Danil Rudy.

Don't stick people to labels!
Leshek Kumor.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends.
King Solomon, Proverbs 14:20.

Gentlemen prefer blondes, especially if they are married to brunettes.

Distant relatives are still not far enough away.

After a good dinner, you will forgive everyone, even your own brother.
Oscar Wilde.

Men prefer blondes because they think brunettes are smarter and therefore more dangerous.
Marcel Asher.

If you go to heaven, you will be surprised to meet acquaintances whom you did not expect to meet there at all. Many of them will be even more surprised to meet you there.

We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as a support.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

Gentlemen prefer blondes but marry brunettes.
Anita Luz.

It's nice to meet distant relatives - as far away from your home as possible.

The more money you have, the more acquaintances with whom nothing connects you except money.
Tennessee Williams.

An acquaintance is a person we know well enough to borrow money from him, but not well enough to lend him.
Ambrose Bierce.

Blonde: A mixture of brunette and perhydrol.

Do you know him? I know him so well that I haven't spoken to him in ten years.
Oscar Wilde.

The biggest pigs usually require people to be angels.
Julian Tuwim.

In the end, out of all our interest in friends and relatives, the question remains: “Is he still alive?”
Vladislav Gzheshchik.

People like me make me a misanthrope.
Jules Renard.

Don't read manuscripts to your wife. Read only to very close people.
Boris Zamyatin.

The worst crowd imaginable would be made up of only acquaintances.
Elias Canetti.

All people are divided into two categories: those who have the habit of dividing all people into two categories, and those who do not have such a habit.
Robert Benchley.

The poor have more children, but the rich have more relatives.

Which of the people despise people must despise himself, therefore only animals have the right to despise people.
Vasily Klyuchevsky.

Of all my wife's relatives, I like me the most.
Joe Cook.

The human race to which so many of my readers belong.
Gilbert Chesterton.

The most unfortunate of all are families consisting of only poor relatives.
Wieslaw Brudzinsky.

There are more bloodsuckers among people than donors.
Jerzy Leszczynski.

People have only one thing in common: they are all different.
Robert Zend.

Do not judge a person by his family - he did not choose her.

Now I understand why blondes are so popular. They are easier to see in the dark.
Robert Orben.

Most people deserve each other.
Shirley's Law.

We dye our hair every time different colour so as not to repeat the same mistake twice.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Of all these false stories about blondes, a good half are not true.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Science made us gods before we learned to be human.
Jean Rost.

When choosing a wife, try to imagine what she would look like if she were not a blonde.
Leonard Louis Levinson.

People are like flowers - four billion daffodils.
Urshula Zybura.

The probability of meeting acquaintances increases if you go with a person whose acquaintance you would not like to advertise.
"The principle of intersecting acquaintances".

God is a gentleman. He favors blondes.
Joe Orton.

If people were really great, there would be a lot of space in the world.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Close people most often fall into the difficult role of the keepers of our dirty secrets.

Most of all I hate people whose deeds contradict their words! Especially if it is also relatives or relatives. It is embarrassing and painful from such a relationship.

How to understand that a person has become close to you? If you no longer look closely at each other, then the barrier is broken.

You understand most clearly how cruel life is in those moments when it separates you from people who are good and close to your heart.

Best Status:
If, in the process of communicating with a person, you suddenly realize that you are no longer striving to consider him more closely, then you are like-minded people.

Some words cannot be forgotten, just as some actions cannot be forgiven. That is why often the closest people can become nothing for us.

From a sense of self-preservation at a time when it seems to you that a feeling of love is spreading throughout your body, remember the most unpleasant moments of past romances. That way you won't let people hurt you.

If you do not hesitate to slander about people close to you, be prepared for the fact that they may turn out to be much more talented inventors.

Close people will never say "whatever you want." Your loved ones will never let you go.

A truly close person is grateful simply for the fact that he is such.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends.

Close ones are valued less when they are close.

I must confess that my relatives arouse the liveliest disgust in me. This happens, apparently, because it is impossible to endure when others have the same shortcomings as you.

Everything will be fine as long as there are close people around.

Today, complete harmony reigns in our family in the morning: the baby took Vrednolin, mom - Stervozol, and dad - Papazol. Everyone is happy!

A native person is not necessarily a member of your family ... Anyone who cares about our experiences and troubles, who will always listen and give good advice, who will understand and say that everything will be fine, can become one.

A friend is a person who believes in you even when you have already lost faith in yourself.

Intimacy is like wine: the longer the exposure, the higher the value.

It's a shame that close people often listen to people from the outside and draw incomprehensible conclusions ...

God gave us relatives. Thank God we choose our friends!

It is better to give yourself away in parts to friends and relatives than to get stuck in a dead end, but whole.

Kinship and friendship have great power.

If close people do not know how to appreciate us, then there is no point in cherishing them!

And how to love your neighbor if he resists?

Friends restore our faith in ourselves when we have almost lost it.

People spread rumors when they don’t know how else to explain why someone succeeds and they don’t.

There is no greater duty than to help your neighbor.

Do not reject people who want to be with you, they may be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.

That's why people have so much evil, self-interest and stinginess? My beloved daddy has already been thrown on the payroll so many times. But those people do not even think that his family is starving somewhere.

Friends are the family that we choose ourselves.

With each person we communicate in absolutely different ways, if these are people close to us.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends. - King Solomon

Respect your neighbors! Don't die on Friday!

The attraction of minds, gives respect. The attraction of souls, gives friendship. The attraction of bodies, gives passion. The sum of three attractions gives love.

Wherever you are, whoever you become, do not disgrace those who raised you!!!

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I turned on the music, I dance in headphones, and only then I see that the door is open. The whole family stands and ugora over me!

Don't read manuscripts to your wife. Read only to very close people. — Boris Zamyatin

To live your life not in vain, make sure that you have already told all the dearest and most beloved people how dear they are to you not only in words, but also in deeds.

It is good to visit relatives and friends, but not to live near them. — Thomas Fuller

If people are created for each other by fate, then no matter how they leave, fate will still bring them together ...

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom talks to flowers, sister talks to cats, I'm the only normal one with a computer and a phone.

Do not shout about love, let only the closest people know about your happiness)

The relatives are far away, the distant are close, so you go to the distant. – Emil Krotky

Only a very close person knows how clenched his teeth are behind his lips stretched into a smile.

You never love loved ones as much as when you risk losing them.

People become close not when they start sleeping together, but when they stop trying to impress each other...

Your husband left you, problems at work, conflicts with children. Well, to hell with him, but hot water gave.

Yesterday's loved one becomes a passer-by ...

The relatives are far away, the distant are close, so you go to the distant.

We think least of our loved ones when they are there, and we suffer the most when they are gone.

- This is unfair: close people are far away, distant people are close! - And close-minded - everywhere!

How sad it is to understand that all close people are not so close.

The Lord brings certain people into your life for certain reasons, and removes them from your life for even more valid reasons.

A truly close person is one who understands your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you for who you are ...

Your immediate environment is yourself.

No one is closer to his grave than he who digs it to his neighbor.

Close people always seem narrow-minded. – Leonid Leonidov

All people are like people ... They call their ex when they are drunk ... And I, a dibiloid, called my mother.

For me you are the closest person in the world, I love you And know that you are mine forever!

Appreciate, love and respect the people who are dear to you ...

We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as a support.

Know how to appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And do not chase those who are happy without you ...

Your child has matured if, to the question: “What to give?”, He answers: “Give money.”

I was the happiest when I walked down the street in your big jacket, holding your hand. I love you brother!

The closest person for a woman is her child. Because, only he saw her heart from the inside ...

The most painful blow is delivered by close people, just like the one who is next to you will never miss ...

There are a lot of those with whom you want to be close, but few with whom you want to be close.

How nice it is when people themselves realize that they are no longer worthy of being my friends and leave.

I love my grandmother, for her I am always thin.

Real tears happen only when the people closest to us leave us ...

People usually torture their neighbors under the pretext that they wish them well.

It is good to visit relatives and friends, but not to live near them.

Sometimes those whom we have been looking for so long are much closer than we thought.

Never go back to the past - it kills your precious time. History doesn't repeat itself, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, do not stand still. Just go ahead, don't look back. People who need you will definitely catch up with you.

It is worth returning only those people who left through our fault.

Parents are sacred, they are the closest people, and you were brought up ... you have to give everything for them ...

Sometimes the people closest to us hurt us...

It is much easier to travel through life if there is a person you love nearby.

When people close to you get sick, you begin to understand how many secondary things are in life ...

The person close to you can hurt more than someone else. He knows where to hit.

Love finds joy in any stupidity if it is shared with you by a loved one!

A wedding is not a cause for excitement, it is a great occasion to gather all those people who are dear to you!

- Mom, mom, the sobering-up station burned down! - How do you know? - Dad goes and sings: "Enemies burned their own hut."

Close people always seem narrow-minded.

The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

Close people are not ex ...

If you need to explain to a loved one, then you don’t need to explain. – Grigory Landau

I want a snowy winter... the smell of spruce... bright lights... close by, so that there would be the closest people...

Friends come and go, but an empty refrigerator remains.

The people closest to you give extraordinary happiness and cause wild pain ... Everything is mutually compensated ...

Habit is a terrible force. Grandma, when flipping through photos on an iPhone, slobbers her finger.

The people close to us are leaving. Do not realize that - forever, Do not exhaust all the pain of separation, And beats backhand - never.

The most terrible thing is when your close and dear people leave this earth ...

Happiness is not in dreams or hopes, it is in people close to us!

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Don't read manuscripts to your wife. Read only to very close people.

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall lower are called friends ...

Family Day today in the world - how many of you are in the family, four? Let it become ten soon: More noise, din, songs! May the family grow and grow stronger. Never upset!

It is difficult to live apart from loved ones, not to be able to speak a language that can express the most subtle shades of feelings and sensations.