Why do handsome men marry ugly men? Why do men marry ugly and stupid people. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

If desired, each person finds a mate. Choose someone for beauty, someone for intelligence. Men fall in love with beauties, but marry girls with a rustic appearance, considering them reliable, kind and faithful. Such families live happily, unlike families where the wife is a spoiled beauty.

The beauty and the "ugly girl" have a different attitude to life, they have a different psychology and different behavior in society. One cannot understand the other.

Not a beauty

  • clings to the man who noticed her and chose her;
  • justifies and tolerates male behavior;
  • lives a quiet family life;
  • agrees with his own unattractive appearance;
  • often believes in magic.

If such a girl has not yet been disappointed in life, then often:

  • considers men shy and insecure, and that it is worth taking the initiative on their own;
  • I am sure that if a man paid attention, then this is sincere sympathy;
  • does not believe that she is ugly;
  • I am sure that in life she has the same chances with a beauty.

In general, it is better for such a woman not to rely on love spells, but to work on herself and on herself. By the way, ugly girls sometimes marry very successfully. Why? Just because they know how to develop in themselves the qualities necessary for a man and correctly “apply” them.

They say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." Beauty is nothing if the girl is stupid, bitchy, rude and does not respect the opinions of others. More often, beauties do not know how to cook and do household chores.

Men in a woman like kindness, intelligence, the ability to cook, the ability to empathize and listen carefully. These qualities are capable of possessing both beauty and " Gray mouse". It is only necessary that these qualities be noticed.

To get noticed, you need self-confidence. And the main thing here is not beauty. Men pay attention to attractive and interesting women. No wonder there is another saying: "There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones." This is the famous phrase of Coco Chanel,

To do this, it is worth working on the image, creating an individual image. For this purpose, elegant, graceful clothes and proper makeup are used.

A well-chosen wardrobe will hide figure defects and highlight attractive sides so that you get a model, and not a stooped and fat young lady. Do not be afraid to stand out and be different from others.

The habit of looking after

What she, appearance, can be seen only in her youth. With age, what remains is what the girl learned from her youth, what she did for her appearance.

If a woman is accustomed to watching her figure, regularly performs fitness exercises, eats right and takes care of her skin, then preserved youth is an adornment.

And with full figure ladies look charming if they don’t buy clothes, but sew them to order from an experienced craftswoman. The fact is that standard clothing does not take into account the features of the figure.

A skilled craftsman will take into account where to reduce, where to add, and where to drape or fold. The main thing is that the outfit looks elegant, elegant and different from standard dresses.

Everyone understands and sees beauty in their own way. So you can't say, "This person is beautiful and this one is ugly." Some like wide eyes, others like small ones. One admires the upturned nose, and the other admires the aquiline nose.

Properly applied makeup will turn your face into what you would like to see. Cosmetics will mask unwanted features and highlight beneficial aspects. In case of inability, it is worth asking for help from makeup artists-stylists.

Girls who are not endowed with beauty are constantly fighting for a "place in the sun." As a result, they get:

  1. Self-discipline, trying to constantly look neat, well-groomed and attractive.
  2. Confidence that they have not lost their beauty with age, because it was not there.
  3. The courage to experiment with your own appearance.
  4. The ability to be different from others.
  5. Strength and fortitude of spirit - they have to learn from school to repulse offenders and not to become discouraged.

Although it happens the other way around - they become angry and do not trust anyone. As a result, it becomes clear why men choose ugly women - if the girl did not sink into the abyss of despondency, but made herself, then she will be able to attract anyone.

Some "ugly girls" are offended by life and do not expect anything good from it. They are always dissatisfied, angry and gloomy, and such men are bypassed. Attractive, regardless of external beauty, satisfied with life and feeling their own dignity.

Cheerful, cheerful, with a mischievous gleam in their eyes and loving themselves for who they are. Men consider such women inaccessible and seek attention.

No man likes it when a woman swears badly, speaks unflatteringly about others, or gets into a squabble with her own kind. A real one who knows how to be gentle and sweet, soft, kind and does not start quarrels.

Each attractive woman is distinguished by individuality, something that others do not have. Not everyone likes it, but a few do.

It is not true that men choose stupid girls. On the contrary, they like smart and versed in business, understanding humor and attentive interlocutors.

Men have their own male interests and habits, which girls often do not understand and do not perceive. You should not try to change the guy, you will have to get along with it and, rather, hide your own discontent.

People are more often drawn to those that radiate happiness and love, this is reflected in the appearance and decorates.

Any woman looks unattractive if she:

  • boasts of intelligence and beauty, humiliating others;
  • shows frank disappointment and despondency;
  • angry;
  • deceives and pretends - it is reflected in the eyes.


And among unhappy ladies there are both. Just like “you can’t order your heart”, they love both of them. Only happiness is achieved by each in its own way.

So, let's sum up. Why do guys choose ugly girls, but successful ones, handsome men marry ugly women? Because to become attractive to the opposite sex, it is not necessary to be a beauty. You have to be a real woman.

Men fall for external beauty without internal content in several cases:

  • For show
  • Foolishly
  • Out of boredom.

For life, smart, accomplished men choose according to their inner beauty.

“Fools are lucky”, “only stupid people marry” - these statements have become almost an axiom. But are they really fair? And if so, then why do men marry ugly and stupid women, while beauties and smart women are bypassed? This will be discussed below.

Ivan is not stupid

The favorite hero of Russian folk tales is Ivanushka the Fool. He is lazy: he lies on the stove all day and chases flies. It has linear logic: "If the horse has four legs and the table also has four, then the table can walk." But in the end, Ivan gets the king's daughter and half the kingdom in addition. Many of us already in childhood guessed that this fairy-tale hero is not quite a fool. Or rather, not stupid at all. Now he would most likely be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. This is a type of autism when social naivety is intertwined with high intelligence. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton seem to have suffered from this syndrome. So Ivan is a fool only from the point of view of his dark surroundings. And if you measure his IQ, it would not seem enough.

As for Russian women folk tales, then fools (and even successful ones) cannot be found there during the day with fire. All are completely Wise, Clever-Clever, Experts, not to mention the fact that they are all as one - Beautiful. The tale about how Mashka the fool married the prince, something I don’t remember. So don't think that love for fools is a tradition of our people...

Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

Where did the jokes about blondes and the idea that a woman should be a fool come from, since a man only marries an ugly and stupid one? They say it happened in the 60s of the last century, when Marilyn Monroe shone on the screens. American women wanted to imitate her and bought all the supplies of hydrogen peroxide in pharmacies to bleach their hair. And so the image of the blonde was formed: frivolous and trusting, taking everything literally - like Ivanushka the Fool. Only in contrast to the fairy-tale hero, who has neither a hidden nor an explicit mind.

They say blonde jokes are written by brunettes on long, lonely nights. In fact, the authors of these jokes are most likely men. Such jokes have become especially relevant in our country in the last 10-15 years, when a woman began to create real competition for the stronger sex in business. And in order to protect ourselves from the fear of being ousted from all positions in life, our hunter, protector and breadwinner began to create a myth: "All women are fools." And who is not a fool, she is lonely and unhappy.

With a stupid life

But do men really like stupid women? Do they need someone who listens with her mouth open, periodically inserting phrases: “Well, wow! What are you! Yes, you go! ”? In a month or two, you will want to scream in response, like the hero of Raikin: "Shut your mouth, you fool, I've already said everything."

No, apparently, by the word "fool" men understand something else. What attracts the stronger sex silly? She is predictable, all her thoughts are in full view (unless, of course, this is a clinical case). A fool will not pretend that everything is fine, and then - bam! - "I'm leaving you!"

She is not demanding, she will not hiss: “When will you start earning like Petrov?” Unless she puffs up her lips: “I want the same fur coat as Masha’s.”

She looks at her husband like a god: he does not try to re-educate him, remake him. What has grown has grown. Easily forgives and forgets insults, and does not understand irony, sarcasm at all.

The fool is emotional, simple and naive, like a child - she is wildly happy even with a toilet brush as a gift.

She is stupid - she cannot understand the simplest instructions, she immediately calls her husband.

If the missus is in trouble, she will not teach him “how it should have been”, reproach, give advice on how to fix everything. Unless he climbs with his feet on the sofa, buries his nose into his shoulder. And most likely, leave her husband alone.

Sometimes you can pretend

The fool is good because it is safe. Men are afraid of women, although, of course, they will never admit it. When they were still playing war games as boys, the girls were already scheming and learning how to manipulate both their peers and adults. Men know that a woman is stronger and more experienced in psychology, in intuition, in relationships. And if desired, it can turn the life of the faithful into hell. And a smart woman, even more so.

Usually ladies are advised to pretend to be a fool in order to please a man. It seems to them that this is when men get married - ugly and stupid have more chances. But, firstly, it's disgusting to play stupid. Secondly, well, it turns out that I, smart and educated, cannot be loved? And, in the end, no matter how much you pretend, "you can't hide the mind." But there is another way: do not demonstrate your intellect to a man, accustom him to your level gradually. To win a loved one, let him understand that you do not need to be afraid, that you will never direct your mind and knowledge against him. This is not a pretense, this is a "partial concealment of information." A fool is always a fool. A smart woman can become whoever she wants.


Do not immediately pile on a man when you meet all the information about your achievements: how many institutes you graduated from, how you turn over business, how you press employees. Never do what the stronger sex can do for you: do not pour yourself wine at the table, do not pull up a chair.

Be guided by the installation: at work I am smart, businesslike, tough. And at home - weak, tender and need to be taken care of. Never tell a man how to do it - let him come to this with his own mind.

Ivan is not stupid

The favorite hero of Russian folk tales is Ivanushka the fool. He is lazy: he lies on the stove all day long and chases flies. It has a linear logic: "If the horse has four legs and the table also has four, then the table can walk." But in the end, Ivan gets the king's daughter and half the kingdom in addition. Many of us already in childhood guessed that this fairy-tale hero is not quite a fool. Or rather, not stupid at all. Now he would most likely be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. This is a type of autism where social naivete is intertwined with high intelligence. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton seem to have suffered from this syndrome. So Ivan is a fool-chok only from the point of view of his dark surroundings. And if you measure his IQ, it would not seem enough.

As for women from Russian folk tales, you can’t find fools (and even successful ones) there in the afternoon with fire. All are completely Wise, Clever-Clever, Experts, not to mention the fact that they are all as one - Beautiful. The tale about how Mashka the fool married the tsarevich is something I don’t remember. So do not assume that love for fools is a tradition of our people ...

Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

Where did the jokes about blondes and the idea that a woman should be a fool come from, since a man only marries an ugly and stupid one? They say that this happened in the 60s of the last century, when Marilyn Monroe shone on the screens. American women wanted to imitate her and bought all the supplies of hydrogen peroxide in pharmacies to bleach their hair. And so the image of the blonde dinka was formed: frivolous and trusting, taking everything literally - like Ivanushka the fool. Only in contrast to the fairy-tale hero, who has neither a hidden nor an explicit mind.

They say blonde jokes are written by brunettes on long, lonely nights. In fact, the authors of these shu-talks are most likely men. Such jokes have become especially relevant in our country in the last 10-15 years, when a woman began to create real competition for the stronger sex in business. And in order to protect ourselves from the fear of being ousted from all positions in life, our hunter, protector and breadwinner began to create a myth: "All women are fools." And who is not a fool, she is lonely and unhappy.

With a stupid life

But do men really like stupid women? Do they need someone who would listen with her mouth open, periodically inserting phrases: “Well, wow! What are you! Yes, you go! ”? In a month or two, in response, you will want to shout, like the hero of Raikin: "Shut your mouth, fool, I've already said everything."

No, apparently, by the word "fool" men understand something else. What attracts the strong sex of a fool? She is predictable, all her thoughts are in full view (unless, of course, this is a clinical case). A fool will not pretend that everything is fine, and then - bam! - "I'm leaving you!"

She is not demanding, she will not hiss: “When will you start earning like Petrov?” Unless she puffs up her lips: “I want the same fur coat as Masha’s.”

She looks at her husband like a god: he does not try to re-educate him, remake him. What has grown has grown. Easily forgives and forgets insults, and does not understand irony, sarcasm at all.

The fool is emotional, simple and naive, like a child - she is wildly happy even with a toilet brush as a gift.

She is stupid - she cannot understand the simplest instructions, she immediately calls her husband.

If the missus is in trouble, she will not teach him “how it should have been”, reproach, give advice on how to fix everything. Unless he climbs with his feet on the sofa, buries his nose in his shoulder. And most likely, leave her husband alone.

Sometimes you can pretend

A fool is good because it is safe. Men are afraid of women, although, of course, they will never admit it. When they were still playing “war” as boys, the girls were already scheming and learning to manipulate both their peers and adults. Men know that a woman is stronger and more experienced in psychology, in intuition, in relationships. And if desired, he can turn the life of the faithful into hell. And a smart woman - even more so.

Usually ladies are advised to pretend to be a fool in order to please a man. It seems to them that this is when men get married - ugly and stupid have more chances. But, firstly, it's disgusting to play stupid. Secondly, well, it turns out that I, smart and educated, cannot be loved? And, in the end, no matter how much you pretend, "you can't hide the mind." But there is another way: do not demonstrate a man's intellect, accustom him to his level gradually. To win a loved one, let him understand that you do not need to be afraid, that you will never direct your mind and knowledge against him. This is not a pretense, this is a "partial concealment of information." A fool is always a fool. And the smart one can become whoever she wants.


Do not immediately pile on a man when you meet all the information about your achievements: how many institutes you graduated from, how you turn over business, how you press employees. Never do what a representative of the stronger sex can do for you: do not pour yourself wine at the table, do not pull up a chair.

Be guided by the installation: at work I am smart, businesslike, tough. And at home - weak, tender and need to be taken care of. Never tell a man how to do it - let him come to this with his own mind.