Poems dedicated to an adult daughter from her mother. Poems about daughters Kind tender words of a daughter from her mother

Children change our lives. With them, you clearly understand how time flies. With them, you clearly see the world around you and people, you begin to notice things that you didn’t pay attention to before. With them, life acquires a special value: we rejoice more, experience, dream and empathize.

And children grow up, gradually they become more and more independent and independent, and we are weak and dependent on them. Everything returns to normal, and already we - parents - need unconditional love, support and acceptance.

daughter's letter

I'm 18. You are not yet, and I do not know when you will be born. But I'm already thinking about you. About what I want to be by the time you come to me. About what kind of family I will create, what I can give you, what to teach. I have so much more to learn about life. I want to try myself, take risks, win and fail, fall in love, learn and grow, to be fulfilled by the time I meet you.

I am 25. You came to me, my girl! I am very happy that you showed up! But how difficult it is for me now! I had no idea that it was so hard to take responsibility, to make decisions that affect the life of such a small and such a dear person, to get used to a new role and to a changed way of life. You need to re-prioritise and not get lost at the same time from yourself. I find it difficult. Sometimes I get angry and break down. But it is important for me to tell you that I really want and try to be a good mother for you.

My little princess, I want to give you the whole world, show you the sky and stars, sunrises and sunsets, trees and flowers. I want to listen to the birds singing and the sound of the wind with you, hide from a thunderstorm, pick mushrooms and eat berries! Surprisingly, only now, looking at the world through your eyes, for the first time I see it so completely and brightly! How quickly a ladybug crawls on a leaf! Ants drag some crumbs across the road, organizing a real ant highway! How long have I not stopped, not looked closely, not seen how much life is around!

I'm 30. And you are 5. You are a small, restless why little girl! Sincere, open, loving. You are so mine now! And it's so scary that someone or something can hurt you, hurt you. I want to protect you, save you ... or arm you. How to treat you, how to teach you, how to react in difficult situations... A series of difficult choices. A power so difficult to exercise.

We have come a long way in these five years. We learned to be together as one, and to be separate from each other. Together we went through crises, rising to the next steps in development. They learned to understand each other without words, and to negotiate using speech. To be honest, there were times when it was very difficult for me. It happened that fears, fatigue, irritation, anger and even boredom rolled over. Sometimes I felt like I was in a cage and dreamed about how I would someday get out of it. But I looked at you, my girl, and saw how you need me, loving and accepting. And I realized how much I need you. And it made me work on myself, change, learn, grow up. Never before did I think that it was your childhood that would make me truly an adult.

I'm 35. You are 10. How fast you are growing, daughter. It is already difficult to imagine the small, warm lump that you once were. You are becoming more and more independent, interacting with the world more and more boldly and decisively, and I am glad to see this. I like to be friends with you when we share thoughts, observations, experiences with each other. And I really appreciate it when you come to me for comfort and support. I feel like we are a team. And you're still so mine-mine. How important it is for me now not to succumb to temptation and the resulting freedom, not to hit work, girlfriends, younger children and not lose these precious few years (only) of such a fragile and deep intimacy with you, daughter.

I'm 40. And you are 15. A difficult period. You are a teenager - stubborn, daring, changeable. Either frightened and defenseless, then withdrawn and aloof. Now you really become SELF-standing - you are looking for your supports, you form your beliefs and values. You are taking your own first steps in the adult world. And if you knew how hard it is for me to force myself to let you go. To see how you fall, hit painfully and not dare to secure you, pick you up, hold you. I'm so afraid of losing you. Therefore, I scream, I force, I control. But every time I see you fall, get up and move on, try, search, I mentally let you go. My support is faith in you and your path.

No matter how much you push away from me now, I really want you to remember that you are infinitely dear to me, daughter, and I need anyone - strong, and weak, and self-confident, and confused, victorious or defeated . We are still one team. We both really want your life to be happy.

I am 45. And you are 20. You are quite mature, strong, beautiful. But at the same time - naive, trusting, fragile. Men, flowers, dates. Institute, work, friends. And I'm getting used not to interfere in your life. And it's still not easy to stay away. You know what helps - friendship with you again, but this time not just like mother and daughter, but like two women with equal respect and attention to each other's world. And also my husband, with whom everything is different now, and therefore new. Both work and my dreams, which have long been insistently demanding implementation.

What is important for me to tell you is that I am there and I believe in you. What I need now is to see your happy eyes.

I am 50. You are 25. You became a mother, and now I am a grandmother! Incredible realization that life goes on, our family goes on! You will be closer to me, because now we are both mothers. You will be able to understand me better, and I will be able to convey to you all my accumulated experience of motherhood! How much I want to tell you! But!

You distance yourself, protect yourself, protect yourself. Grievances - your old ones against me, my responses to you. It hurts, because something that had been hushed up for years began to be spoken out. Because you are returning my mistakes to me now, and I CAN'T change anything ... And the only thing left for me now is to hold on to "my truth." After all, I really could not do otherwise then, although now I might have acted differently.

I really appreciate the contact with my grandson. In no case do I want to replace you with him or become better than you. Surprisingly, I can give him the love that I so wanted, but it was so difficult to give you. I manage to play with him, selflessly, cheerfully, without looking at the time. And also joke, laugh and pamper him. Less responsibility, fears, duties. And that makes it so easy to love him. Its like a continuation of you, my daughter.

What do I need now? Please don't reject me. I've made mistakes, I've been wrong. But, I know for sure, I tried very hard to be a good mother to you. The way it could have been then. I really hope for your acceptance. I really want to be close to you and your children, to be your mother, and their grandmother.

I am 60. And you are 35. What a joy to see you as an adult, wise woman. How glad I am to share my knowledge and my experience with you, even if it's just a recipe for pickling cucumbers. It's great that you can visit each other, chat about this and that, and just be friends. How glad I am to see the growing grandchildren and enjoy the fullness of the family.

There is only one thing - creeping old age. And the fear of emptiness, weakness and loneliness. So far, only fear. But how much I want to “cling” to your family now, your problems, plans, worries. Just not to be alone.

And I'm looking for something to fill myself with - new hobbies, creativity, part-time work. It is very important for me to find support now not in you, but in myself. For you to be free.

I am 85. And you are 60. So your grandchildren have grown up - young, strong, beautiful! Like once you and once me. And I'm still your mother, although it's hard to imagine now. Rather, you are my mother. Old age is hard. And how grateful I am to you that I have you. The last thing I want to do is be a burden to you. And I cling with all my strength to my supports - my habits, values ​​and beliefs. Perhaps that is why sometimes I look like a mischievous, stubborn, scandalous old woman with outdated views on life. Every day it is more and more difficult for me to stay in reality, it is more difficult to resist and fight. I now remind myself of a child who is growing backwards ... I beg you, my daughter, do not scold me, do not blame and do not evaluate. I can't bear what is happening to me right now. The most I need right now from you and from our entire family is acceptance, just acceptance.

And the greatest joy for me now is to see and hug my great-grandson or great-granddaughter to my chest. It is really happiness to know that life goes on, our family, our family goes on, you and I, my daughter, live in them - our knowledge, experience and our values.

I love you very much, my girl, my dear person through all my life. And I'm so happy to be your mom.

A list of affectionate words for a beloved child, girl and boy. You are my berry, beloved sun, swallow, kitten, fish, golden, sweet, tender, beloved ...

You simply cannot treat a child in the same way as an adult. With a baby, you have to babble in his children's language in order to become closer and more understandable to the child. It is difficult to imagine a situation when you officially use a name and patronymic for your beloved baby, it would be at least funny and awkward to say to a 3-month-old baby: “Mikhail Igorevich, please don’t scream and don’t jerk your legs!” It is much easier to calm down the child with beautiful and gentle, diminutive and caressing words, musi-pusi will be just the way here.

A list of affectionate words for a beloved child, girl and boy.

You are my berry, my beloved sun, a swallow, a kitten, a kitten, a kitty, a cat, a kitty ... Oh, you are my sweet, oh you are my good, oh you are my beautiful, oh you are my wonderful pussy-bubuska, stop tearing your mother's nose off!

Fish, fish. Where is our little eye, where will mommy kiss her cute little one? Where are our pens, where are our legs, which will soon run along the path? Bunny, bunny, bunny, little plump baby elephant, lush rose, fast goat, sweet candy, delicious ketka. My biggest treasure in the world, my blood, my birthmark, birthmark, fontanel. My favorite, beloved, dear, beautiful, pleasant, pretty, warm, affectionate, the most expensive, the most desirable, the coolest. Chick-chick, chick, chick, kisenochek. Little mouse. Ray of light. Who is the best, who is the most beloved, who is the most dear, who-who-who? Who is this lucky baby kitten? You! My sweet, my violet, tulip-hug-Tanya. Kitty-brush. Kotyulya. You are my best, smartest, most beautiful, coolest, most fun, most gifted, most gentle, most beloved, smart and quick-witted. Beauty, clever, my joy, my dawn and beauty. Smart, talkative Tanyushka, smart girl, pretty, pretty. Hippo cat-little tummy. Dolly. Doll. Affectionate, the coolest, my birthmark. Sunny girl, smart girl.

A list of pleasant addresses and 100 tender words for a baby

Sunny, golden sunflower. My pink ball of happiness, yum-yum, poo-poo-poo, I will still find you, coo-coo! Monkey-kuppyshka, little egg, my teddy hare, meow-meow-meow - I love you hug! My little prince, my tiny princess! Squirrel, mouse, my chocolate. Son, son, son, son, son, sonny, sonko, sleepy, my sonechko. Daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter-krokhotulka-simpatulka-sorry-oborzhulka, daughter. Chipmunk cat, treasure-lad-garden. Chucha-why-Tanchucha-simpapucha. Honey. Khryusha-Tanyusha, Tanyushkin, simpapush, darling, darling. Golden. Biting, biting, biting, biting, biting, biting. Busya, busya. If before, before the birth of a child, sussi-pusi with little peanuts seemed to you to be fake, fake and feigned, then with the advent of the baby in the family, it's time to part with this deceptive delusion - you need to talk to the child! And in his language! Of course, it is possible and necessary to speak with the little ones in an adult human language, but when the baby begins to babble, psychologists recommend repeating this babble for its better development, then there is a feeling that mom and dad speak the same language with the baby. Best of all, children perceive not just words, but the tunes of children's songs - la-la-la, not just sets of phrases, but rhymes, in a fold, with rhyme and rhythm - they best calm an angry or annoyed child. And, of course, more important than any beautiful words and compliments to a child - when a son or daughter, mom or dad gently hugs, kisses, plays patty, hide-and-seek (cuckoo!), take them in their arms, stroke them.

Sometimes there comes a moment when a parent wants to make a gift for their child, but this gift should not be ordinary, but memorable, leaving a mark on the soul of their child. Of course, it is impossible to cancel material values ​​in the modern world, but it is no secret to anyone that only a word can convey all love and the brightest feelings.

Most often, mothers want to compose poems about their daughter, in which one could express gratitude to fate for her birth, for the warmth that she has given over the years, but not everyone can master the beauty of the word. The fact is that when writing poetry, difficulties arise associated with a personal opinion about what gradually appears on paper: one's own thoughts seem stupid - while it is not at all necessary to admit the reality of these thoughts - and the form of the poem is ugly.

Often the flow of thoughts makes it difficult to follow the rhyme, and those lines that should flow, determining the entire pace of the poetic work, are simply confused by inappropriate words, which are very difficult to replace. In general, human emotionality interferes with writing poetry for my daughter: it is easier for any person to speak in dry prose than in rhymed lines, to which much more third-party attention is drawn. As you know, increased attention from the outside causes a feeling of embarrassment, so getting together and laying everything out on a piece of paper is an act akin to a heroic one.

However, having exhausted yourself with repeated attempts to write a poem for your child, you should not at all give up this wonderful idea: now poems about your daughter can be found by exploring the Internet, which are filled with sites of specialized poetry. However, no matter how wonderful the praises described in the work, not everyone will like them.

The reason for this may be a certain situation: if, for example, the daughter is only a few months or years old, then she will simply like the gentle sounds and the corresponding tone of her mother. In addition, it is not necessary to read poems in front of someone, this passion for poetry will consider it to be a secret for two.

If you need poems for your daughter, which are planned to be read by her adulthood, inviting a fair number of friends of your child, then using a work taken from the Internet can turn into an incident. The fact is that, for sure, these lines have already been read once by one of the guests, who will certainly hint about this hero of the occasion. Undoubtedly, this kind of ridicule will lead to a spoiled holiday, and a gift that was supposed to bring good emotions will only add gray colors to the mood that will remain after one or another important event.

Of course, the individual poems about her daughter, displayed on a specially ordered postcard, will remain in her memory for the rest of her life, because in every line of the work the love and admiration for the child from the parents will burn with a bright fire. Undoubtedly, you can implement this plan not only on your own - each person simply cannot become a poet, but everyone is able to find someone who has made rhyme his girlfriend and profession.

When ordering a dedication to your child, you need to describe in detail what exactly you want to see in the work. It is equally important to indicate to the poet on what occasion the verse is written: even a birthday and an anniversary, having almost the same meaning, differ significantly for a professional poet when writing an order. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the character of the daughter - for example, a cheerful and perky person will hardly like the lyrical styles of poetry. At the same time, a deep nature, able, loving and willing to think, will be pleased with the tender lines that gently penetrate into her consciousness.

Undoubtedly, one should pay attention to what time of the year the event takes place - poems about the daughter, read in the spring, should preserve the beauty of the awakened nature: allegorical comparisons always give pleasure to those who are honored with flattering words. Winter, on the other hand, requires contrast - more warmth in words will undoubtedly warm the heart of your beloved daughter even in the most severe frosts, drawing beautiful patterns on the windows.


Alexandra Dmitrieva-Kostina

Light, delicate like a flower
It's like she just gave birth.
Tiny bundle, it contains a soft lump
And endless waves of heat.

Oh, how quickly the years go by
My baby has grown up.
These eyes are two stars from the sky -
They look at you, beckoning with their secret.

And behind the hair waterfalls.
Thin, slender, like a vine.
Greater reward, believe me, do not -
To see those happy eyes.

After all, it all happened with a little daughter:
Glorious children and a loving husband.
And for her my tender lines -
Symbol of love, unity of souls.

adult daughter

Angelica Bivol

An adult daughter is the pride of every mother,
How difficult it was, only she knows
In excitement, the soul ached more than once,
If suddenly something happened to the princess.

An adult daughter is our reward
For long nights without sleep and rest.
In the past - notebooks, grades, outfits,
Exams, her prom dress.

Adult daughter - endless anxiety,
She has to learn life now.
May the road be smooth and bright,
So that my daughter does not stumble along the way.

An adult daughter is happiness and joy,
Birds in the shower and tulips in bloom!
Let everything that was dreamed come true
My adult daughter on her birthday!


Baykina Nina

It so happened - in the morning meeting,
We drank tea, and hello!
My dear man
Thirty years old!

Tea drinking is not enough
To feel the shoulder.
You are my daughter, you are my mother,
And a friend. What else?

I make tea cool
Brief conversation:
Minutes dissolve
Like sugar in boiling water.

Everything is as usual:
What, how, where was it?
Nothing about personal life
All work, all business.

You glance furtively at the clock,
Burning seagull:
"It's all right, it's all right,
And about the personal - in the evening .. "

Waiting for the evening to come
And the hallway lights up.
My dear man...
We drank tea, and hello!

Daughter grew up

Valeria Chaika

The daughter grew up, leaving toys.
In an empty house, do-re-mi does not sound.
Friends haven't been visiting for a long time.
Our girl, you call us.

Your doll sadly looks out the window.
Silently stands the piano in the corner.
Daughter, you stay at least a little

The daughter grew up, spread her wings,
To the stars, striving to make your flight.
May her dreams come true in her life.
A girl in the city will find happiness.

The daughter has grown up, the bell is not heard
In a native house on the river bank.
Here comes spring. Buds open.
The first flower has already blossomed in the snow.
We will celebrate your birthday soon.
The house will be filled with joy again.
You knock on open doors
Along with the spring May rain.

All in the past

Vera Donskaya


All in the past! First, baby talk
And games, and bows in braids.
The carefree wind ruffles the curl,
Love, like the sun, on the eyelashes!

You are all different! But the light of the eyes
It remains the same, the same!
Without makeup and embellishment
Trusting, childishly gentle!

And let someone tell me
That having matured, you will roll away a pretty penny.
But my heart tells me one thing.
She's yours, still the same girl!

Dedicated to my eldest daughter

Galina Veter

Daughter, - gentle, glorious palm ...
Life is fleeting ... and you are already a grandmother.
May God give you health and joy.
May you not see rudeness and filth ...

Light road, good luck, luck!
Let there be only revelations in love!
Happiness, beloved, gentle, strict.
I am very proud of you - touchy.

Daughter - a woman, a glorious darling!
You are my baby ... And you are already a grandmother!

Daughter, hello daughter, bye

Drozhzhina Olga

Daughter, hello ... daughter, bye,
You know the clouds are floating in the sky
And the rainbow shines and the sun laughs
And somewhere in the distance, it will soon rain.

Daughter, dear, how are you?
You're so far away... are you flying away again?
And how would I see you, daughter, with you?
I missed you so much that you can't put it into words.

How is your granddaughter? Studies? Does everyone draw the same?
How about the older one? Is she dancing?
I understand everything ... you are very busy,
I ran ... my heart is bubbling.

Without you I'm so sad and long nights.
I'm sorry, I missed you, my daughter, very much.
And you are so tired ... I understand everything ...
Kiss, miss, love, hug...

adult daughter

Irina Kogolnitskaya

I would like to sing
More often you nightingales
And kisses warmed
Thin hands are yours!

To have a fun summer
Sewed a colored sundress,
In light frills of light
To a dazzling state!

In merry and ringing laughter
I would go to my native light,
Straws would creep into the legs
Every good day!

To fall without knowing
Life walked lovingly
I'm happy, dear,
In pain gave birth to you ...


Lyubov Dubkova

My daughter can't understand
Who does she look like!

Nose, face shape
You look like your father.

Article and perseverance too
You look like your mother.

Humor and talent of the singer
Passed down from father.

The brush of the creator and resilience to troubles
You got it from your grandfather.

Forever standing on the edge
You repeat your mother.

For the family readiness for battle -
From both parents.

Don't waste your life,
Remember your father and mother!

On your non-circular anniversary
Pour love to the brim!

I will say to the sound of a glass:
- You, daughter, are unique!

Love is not just a pretty word

Marina Boykova

Dedicated to my daughter...

You have eyes like the waves of the sea
Braids smell of honey with flower infusion...
Stop being sad! All! Enough
Next to be with those who are not worthy!

Tears, insults, losses are forgotten,
You are reborn again and again...
You live... You smile... You learn to believe
That love is not just a pretty word...

adult daughter

Marina Volnorezova

Adult daughter, amazing even!
Good adviser, friend, judge...
Something will help, something will tell,
A gentle smile will warm you completely.

Just comfortable, childishly calm,
Happiness is immeasurable, I'm not alone.
There are those moments when it hurts too much
And from under the feet the earth runs away.

Adult daughter, you will feel, I know
Give me your hand, give me a shoulder.
Native voice: I understand you
What more do I need in this life?

But true in this is my happiness.
Infinite connection and willingness to help...
And something is wrong, I'm torn to pieces,
So that my adult daughter lives in happiness.


Marina Volnorezova

I'll dial your number and hear
Short, fun - hello!
Or on the net you will write with tenderness,
Telling your secret secret...

I'll understand everything. I am mentally with you
Small grievances or joys flight,
I feel you in my soul
Yours hurts, mine is coming to you!

I'm happy when your world laughs!
When a smile is on your lips!
Everything turns out, it happens, it succeeds ...
And grandiose plans in dreams!

Uneasy when a tear steals away
Leaves a trace on the tender cheek ...
And how extraordinarily sweet
Your short, fun- hello!

Big little daughter

Mikhail Vladimirovich Gusev

If the truth is drowning in falsehood,
If it's hard, it hurts, it's bad,
Come to me like you used to.
You are the same baby for dad.

Slowly open the doors.
Slippers toil, suffering ...
You can believe or not believe
I'm always waiting for you...

Come to me like before
Hide your face in my hands
Drink a cup of hope
Forever little Donya.

Saddle my knees
And press your cheek against me
In the light twilight of autumn,
In winter blizzard restlessness.

I am you, my fluff,
I rock like a sleepyhead
Looking for a relax machine
Under the name "dudon" ...

We dive to the bottom of the sea
And wave to distant stars
We will paint the world with peace
No questionable questions.

Do you want me to be a sea star
Shall I put it in your hand?
Well, if you're sad,
Shall I laugh not for fun?

And I will bring you back from the bottom
To a world that is joyful and bright.
We are with you, my dear,
Let's talk about everything in the world...

adult daughter

Svetlana Loseva

Adult daughter - adult games -
Adult life on fragile shoulders.
Games without rules - sharp needles.
Fear and despair in children's eyes!

Everything is not so simple: in a huge world
You can easily get lost in the crowd.
Troubles and misses are carried by thunder
You need to have time to dodge.

Yes, it's hard, but isn't it easier for mom?
How many tears shed for life!
Time will heal any wounds
If only the daughter lived in happiness.

You are her joy, faith and strength.
You are her warm rainbow day.
With her, you can overcome any grief.
You will be happy! Girl, believe.


Svetlana Fenapetova

How quickly you, my dear, became an adult.
I look at you, I do not recognize:
Familiar cut braids
This is how my daughter was changed.

I really didn't have time to notice
As the days fled, bowing his head.
From my hands fluttered like a white bird
My bright-eyed girl.

Live a hundred years, not knowing sadness,
Let the paths be easy
Let the fresh wind blow over your shoulders.
Fly, my love, fly...


Tatiana Davidenko

Life rushes like a river in the fairway to unknown lands.
I play mother and daughter. Chur, today my daughter is me.

"Wipe my tears with a dressing gown, it is blue like the sky.
Pick me up from kindergarten! May I sleep with you?"

On the eighth of March, I bake a huge cake for my mom ...
"Yes, mommy, I'm here on the bench! At ten? I'll be there! The floor is worn out!"

Mascara secretly lies in a pocket without much prospect.
"Mom, what are you? What boys? It was an elective"

Institute with the distribution - I'm choking on jelly.
"Boy? Mom, no doubt - he's good! I love!"

Life-river does not let up, carrying me into the distance again,
Plays mother-daughter. Today I am the only mother.

Again dolls, blood on the finger, mascara and lipstick deep into the table.
And the exciting "boys?", - my daughter quickly grew up.

Now, we have already met with the Prince - should I not know this!
Granddaughters-grandmothers have been outlined. Why not play?

Oh daughter, daughter

Tamara Shumeiko

Ah, daughter, daughter ... How quickly time
The clock weaves into years-pigtails.
Other plans, deeds, habits -
You have become an adult. And I'm getting old.

Ah, daughter, daughter. So quiet at home...
Lying, bored, an old cat.
And I'm still in a hurry to the window,
When the kids scream familiar.

Oh, daughter, daughter ... They pull with a magnet
Other countries, other people...
There will be no end to the knowledge of the world.
And I still live by the news.

I won't be sad about the past anymore
And enough, daughter, to look sternly -
Give me a granddaughter. To be again
Whims, dolls, and a bow for a cat ...

Daughters. Prayer for women's happiness

Tatyana Kalyuzhnaya

Take an umbrella with you in any bad weather.
So that any worries are within the power.
And to skip running from work!

And to be desirable until old age,
Do not forget yourself how to dream and love,
Never grow old with your soul
And, peeling potatoes, sing with happiness!
To live without malice and jealousy of torment,
So that a loving husband is both a lover and a friend.
So that the day was bright, the night was a holiday.
So that the son was smart, was a good daughter,
And in old age, so that, as a cure for boredom,
Cheerful grandchildren frolicked with laughter.

And let all diseases - not soon and past,
And if so, then let it be tolerable.
Let there be prosperity. Wealth is not needed!
And so that relatives are sincerely happy!
To not see wrinkles in the mirror for a long time,
So that the envy of her friends could not offend.
To have friends. And you don't have to call them
After all, they themselves will come to chat, to be silent!

So I want complete female happiness!
What it is - everything is so simple and clear.
I ask the Lord with sincere faith:
Not for me! My daughter! By full measure!

Tips for daughter

Eduard Skorokhodov

To be cold for the time being -
Same rule of the game
Though love is not a toy
For older kids.

How to know a loved one
Can the heart tell
But while it is calm -
It's better to play with dolls.

And one more piece of advice:
Your husband is your slave and master.
And the only man
Down to the gray hairs.
The daughter has grown - Joy.
And my heart hurts.
Like a leaf from a tree
She will fly into life.
How will her fate turn out?
Where will she sit?
What will you learn in life?
Who will be faithful?

Oh fate! I am begging you -
Be good to her.
Save her from adversity
How to leave the yard.
Somewhere in a noisy city
You warm her up.
Save and save her
From bad people.

From unfaithful deeds.
From trouble and from evil.
Give her truth and courage
To be strong.
Give her love high
Until the end of days.
Give her reliable friends.
Give healthy children!

Oh fate! - I conjure!
Spare no kindness.
Whatever I could, I gave it to her.
The rest - give it to you!

Happy birthday, my little star, my sweet girl. Daughter, the day you appeared in my life will forever remain in my memory as the most joyful holiday. My dear, today I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams. May you manage to achieve your goal, may your perseverance and your perseverance always lead you to victory, to the pinnacle of success. And I will always help you, I will always listen to you and support you. Know that I am happy to be your mother, know that I love you very, very much. My joy, be healthy, beautiful, loved and irresistible.

I wish my daughter
Only clear, good days.
Do not know sadness, tears, troubles,
So that all dreams come true.

To be beautiful and not grow old
And get better every year!
Always be successful in life
Beloved, affectionate and tender.

Merry meetings, flower bouquets,
Travel around the world.
Live a very long time, do not get sick,
And have no regrets.

So that happiness is over the edge.
And you, my dear, know
How grateful I am to God
For giving me you!

Daughter, for mom this holiday is the most important and wonderful, because I will always remember how I first took you in my arms, how I kissed your little hands. Happy birthday my sunshine. I wish you that in your life there will always be a good "yesterday", a happy "today" and a promising "tomorrow". Daughter, be happy, loved and good-looking. May my love and faith in you help you overcome any fears, may luck and luck help you fulfill any of your dreams.

Dear daughter,
Dear, dear,
Happy Birthday to You
Mom congratulates,
I wish to be you
bright, beautiful,
So that adversity passes by,
You were happy!
Be always healthy
Loving, beloved,
And for all the people around
Be unique!
For the sun to warm
Summer and winter
You are in my heart, daughter
I am always with you!

Happy birthday, daughter
I congratulate you
Mother's heart
I wish you happiness.

Your female share
Good to be
For love to give you
Strong two wings.

The house was a full bowl
Children's laughter rang
To offend anyone
Daughter did not dare.

Troubles and sorrows
I'll take myself
And the God of happiness
I'll ask you.

My girl, know that you are the most precious thing in my life! I wish you only happiness, all kinds of success and many joyful days! Daughter, may your every moment be filled with goodness and good luck! Remember, I love you very much and wish you all the best!

Dear daughter, dear sun,
Thank you so much for being you!
You brought joy and happiness to our house,
May your birthday bestow in full:
Health, luck, love everywhere,
And I will always take care of you!

Daughter, sun, dear cat,
My golden ray of joy.
On this wonderful, best of days
Accept congratulations from your mother.

With all my loving heart I wish you:
Let life be bright - from edge to edge.
May life be kind, cheerful, happy,
And you stay as beautiful.

And you stay healthy and strong
Then all misfortunes will be powerless.
And you stay cute, simple.
Just as good. The same family...

My daughter, dear,
Your birthday
With all my heart I wish:
Be happier than me.

Be prettier, wiser
Better, brighter and brighter
To make dreams come true soon
And less sad days.

Have patience for everything
And appreciate yourself
So that every moment
There were only friends around!

My daughter, my dear girl,
Happy birthday, sun, you!
You, already so grown up,
For me - still a child.

Always be cheerful, dear,
Whatever you want, conquer the masters,
Do not be sad, live without despondency
Just beware of evil people.

I wish you much happiness
Don't worry and take care of yourself.
Let all bad weather bypass you
There will be a bright, joyful fate.

My smart girl, my beauty
May your paths be easy
Every dream always comes true
Be loved and love yourself!