Week of health and sports in the younger group. Thematic week "Growing up healthy". Video: art exhibition "Winter Fun" for the Week of Health and Sports

Alyosha Burmina
Action plan on the theme "Week of health in the second junior group» (autumn period)

Target: develop ideas about a person and signs of human health; to develop interest in the rules of health-saving and safe behavior; to develop interest in studying oneself, one's physical capabilities; promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Daily activities:

Morning exercises;

Breathing exercises;

Finger games;

Outdoor games;

Gymnastics after sleep;

hardening procedures.

Monday "Clean Day"

1 half day:

* Game - a conversation about personal hygiene "Journey to the Land of Health"

Purpose: to form in children an understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

* Game - imitation of "We are clean"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to properly perform the processes of washing.


Running game "Airplanes", throwing and catching the ball "Throw and Catch"

2nd half of the day:

Reading of the work of K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Purpose: to introduce a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday "To the fairy tale for health" Open Doors Day

1 half day:

* Hand massage "Building a house"

Purpose: to stimulate tactile sensations.

* Physical education "On a visit to Kolobok"

Purpose: to promote the formation and enrichment of motor experience.

* Cognition "Excursion to the medical room"

Purpose: to introduce children to the profession of a nurse.


Jumping game "Hares and Wolf", orienteering game "Who left?"

Purpose: to develop the need for physical activity.


Matinee "Autumn has come to visit us"

Purpose: to raise the vitality of children, to teach children to act together.

Wednesday "I am friends with physical education both at home and in the garden"

1 half day:

* Riddles about sports

Purpose: to develop thinking, knowledge about sports equipment.

* Communication "Who is Aibolit?"

Purpose: to stimulate emotional meaningful communication between children and adults.


The game with running "Cat Vaska", the game with the alternation of movements "On a flat path"

Purpose: to develop the need for physical activity.

2nd half of the day:

Game situation "Why do children grow bumps on their foreheads?"

Purpose: to form ideas about safe behavior.

Thursday "Together it's fun to walk"

1 half day:

* Round dance game "We went to the meadow"

Purpose: interest in folk games.

* Physical education "Fast legs, dexterous hands"

Purpose: to develop interest in physical exercises.

* Art. creativity "Vitamins for children" (drawing)

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw rounded objects


Running game "Run to me", ball throwing game "Knock down the pin"

Purpose: to develop the need for physical activity.

2nd half of the day:

Socialization "If you get sick"

Purpose: to arouse the desire to find the right answers together with peers.

Friday "Healthy laughter in a healthy body"

1 half day:

* Examination of illustrations "Sport"

Purpose: to form interest in sports.

* D. game "If you want to be healthy"

Purpose: to learn to find the right answers.

* Construction "Road for the car" Ambulance "

Purpose: development of design abilities.

* Physical education on a walk "On a campaign for health"

Purpose: to consolidate through the game the main types of movements.


Running game "Run to the flag", throwing game "Get in the hoop"

Purpose: to develop the physical qualities of children.

2nd half of the day:

"A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Purpose: to create a positive emotional mood, the opportunity to show their physical qualities.

During the year, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, health weeks are held in kindergarten. Such a week can be organized at the end of March at. During the week, the teacher talks with children about health. He talks about how to take care of it, reminds children about the benefits, selects all kinds of massage exercises. Aibolit can become a guest this week, to whom the children will show how they learned to wash their hands, eat carefully, etc. A selection of games and poems about health and hygiene rules, a conversation about vegetables and fruits, logarithmic exercises and self-massage for babies can be found in the annex to the plan " Theme week"Growing up healthy."

Social and communicative development

The kids watch the work of the nurse during the morning round, remember the rules of conduct while playing with sand. Social and communicative development is facilitated by watching the cartoon "Chunya", the game "Magic Bag", during which the ability of children to name personal hygiene items is consolidated.

cognitive development

The teacher organizes games “One - many” (on the topic of the week), talks about the purpose of dishes, organizes experiments with water. Cognitive development tasks are solved by looking at pictures of a doctor, various developmental tasks such as “What is hidden in the picture”, “Collect a pyramid” , conversations "I'm growing - I want to be healthy."

Speech development

In the field of speech development are planned game situation“Parcel” (with personal hygiene items), rhythmic gymnastics “Body Parts”, the game “Tell me which one”, as well as reading poems from which children learn about the dangers of microbes, the benefits of products, the need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher attracts children to sculpt useful carrots, to look at pictures on the theme “Children wash their hands”, “Children have lunch”. Artistic and aesthetic development is facilitated by finger gymnastics “We will cook compote”, the musical game “Sun and Rain”, the introduction of subject and plot pictures on the topic “Sports Games”. The result of the week is the staging of "The Dirty Girl".

Physical development

This week, a lot of attention is paid to the development of motor skills, orientation in parts of your body and self-massage skills. An adult with children is learning new exercises "Little Men", "Magic Glasses". Every day, kids perform "Funny exercises", play with balls and other sports attributes, which contributes to the physical development of kids.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "I'm good." Purpose: to form in each child the confidence that adults love him.Conversation "I'm growing - I want to be healthy." Purpose: to form an idea of ​​health, to highlight the rules of cultural and hygienic behavior skills.Game situation "Parcel" (personal hygiene items). Purpose: to stimulate the process of communication, to enrich the children's vocabulary with the names of self-care accessories.Sculpting according to the idea of ​​children. Purpose: to continue to form modeling skills, develop motor skills.Exercise "Fun exercise". Purpose: to learn movements, to help strengthen the body.
Help in cleaning up fallen branches. Purpose: to form the ability to carry out labor assignments.Observation of precipitation, puddles after rain. Purpose: to expand ideas about natural phenomena.Finger game "I play with toys." Purpose: to continue learning words, to stimulate motor skills.Split pictures "Beautiful balls". Purpose: to form the ability to match halves of images to each other.The game "That's the apple." Purpose: to remember the game, to encourage the desire of children to repeat movements.
2 p.d.Observation "What the nurse does." Purpose: to attract the attention of children to the work of adults.Di. " Kindergarten for the animals." Purpose: to consolidate ideas about domestic animals and their cubs.Reading K. Chukovsky "Confusion". Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the works of K. Chukovsky, to develop attention, memory.Drawing with the subgroup "Balls". Purpose: to exercise in drawing rounded closed shapes, to continue learning how to hold the brush correctly.Self-massage "People". Purpose: to introduce children to the technique of performing self-massage.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "Who cares about your health." Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the profession of a pediatrician.Di. "Who lives where". Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the habitat of wild and domestic animals.Consideration and comparison of balls of different sizes and colors Purpose: to develop thinking and perception, the ability to communicate with adults.Drawing on wet sand "Balls". Objective: To show children how to make a round shape using glasses and lids.Ball games at the choice of the teacher. Eye massage "Magic glasses". Purpose: to strengthen the eye muscles, to recall the importance of vision in human life.
The game "Oh, okay." Purpose: to cultivate good relations with each other.Bird watching (crow, dove, sparrow). Purpose: to remember the structure of the bird, to enrich the dictionary with verbs.Rhythmic gymnastics "Parts of the body". Purpose: to fix the names of body parts, exercise in the coordination of speech and movements.Introduction of subject and plot pictures on the topic "Sports games". Purpose: to develop aesthetic perception, the desire to look at pictures.Path game. Purpose: to teach children to walk one after another without bumping. P.i. "Run to me." Purpose: to exercise in running in the indicated direction.

EXAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of July 9 - 13, 2018)

Group: II junior group No. 28Theme: "Health Week"

Target: To give an idea about health, its meaning, ways to preserve and strengthen; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, a desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Monday, ____________________


Happy morning"

Purpose: To ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of the life of the group, to instill the skills of a culture of communication, love and respect for children and adults.

Conversation: “Good doctor Aibolit visiting children”

Purpose: to continue to shape children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Remind children that getting sick is bad and what needs to be done to not get sick. To expand children's understanding of useful vitamins.

Didactic and educational games: " Miraculous Pouch”, “Recognize and name vegetables”

Purpose: to develop children's ideas about tasty and healthy food.

Didactic game: "Athlete's dress"

Purpose: To teach children the ability to select the appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes.

Individual work:Finger gymnastics: "Fruit palm".

Purpose: to fix the names of fruits.

  1. FTsKM (Cognitive development)

Subject : "If you want to be healthy."

Tasks: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the body, about how to protect health and why.

According to the plan of music leader

Walk: (:

− See card index walk no.

Work before bed:

Reading fiction. Reading fiction L. Grzhibovskaya “Brush your teeth, my hands!

Purpose: To educate children in the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Game exercise: "Let's show Winnie the Pooh how to dry his hands and face with a towel"


Watching the cartoon "Be Healthy" "Masha and the Bear" goal: consolidation of KP, creation of a positive emotional climate

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Learn to roll up your sleeves before washing your hands.

Conversation “Who cares for sick children at home” Individual development with Alena, Kira and Fedya T. - Didactic game - “Tell and show”

HRS "At the doctor's appointment"

Purpose: to continue the formation of ideas about the profession of a doctor.

Consultation "How to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle"

Purpose: to acquaint parents with health-saving technologies used when working with children, to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.


Tuesday, ____________________

Morning (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development):

Conversation. Reading poems about vitamins. "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy!"

Purpose: to reveal children's ideas about the benefits of vitamins and products containing them, to teach a child to take care of their health.

Didactic game "Let's dress the doll for a walk" Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to choose clothes in accordance with the season, to learn how to correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns.

Individual work:

- Repeat the tongue-twister: "Darling Mila washed with soap. Soaped, washed off, so Mila washed."

Purpose: to teach to pronounce a pure tongue for the teacher, clearly pronouncing all the sounds.

Direct educational activities

  1. Reading fiction

Purpose: To develop auditory perception, understand the content, answer questions.

K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit", "Moydodyr" A. Barto "Girl grimy"

Poems by S. Mikhalkov: “About a girl who ate badly”, “Vaccination” “How Sasha cured herself”, G. Oster “Petka-Microbe”

According to the physical plan instructor

Walk: ( Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive; speech; physical development)

− See card index walk no.

Work before bed:(Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development)

Strengthen self-care skills.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to undress independently in a certain sequence.

Evening: (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.)

Invigorating gymnastics - walking along the massage paths.

Purpose: to eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, to help the body "wake up". Prevention of flat feet, the formation of correct posture.

Role-playing game"House Call"

Purpose: to replenish the stock of ideas about the actions of a doctor, to cultivate friendly relations with peers

An outdoor game with the rules "Bird in the Nest"

Purpose: to learn to run freely, without bumping into each other, to respond to signals, returning to the place.

Solving riddles. Riddles about sports. Purpose: to learn to solve riddles.

Independent activity of children.

Board games on request.

Purpose: to encourage the initiative of children in choosing an activity of interest.

Interaction with parents/social partners:

- Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.

Consultations: "How to teach a child not to be afraid of a doctor"

Walk: independent motor activity.

Wednesday, ____________________

Morning (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development):

Conversation: What should be done to be healthy?

Purpose: To give a clear idea to children that health depends on a person, that health can and should be monitored, it must be protected, preserved and maintained, to enrich their individual experience with sociocultural ideas, to encourage active personal manifestations.

Didactic game: "Useful - harmful"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the dangers and benefits of products, knowledge about how to maintain their health.

Individual work:Individual work: What is it? For what?

Purpose: to expand the horizons and vocabulary of the child.

Direct educational activities

  1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Application."Fruit Vitamins"

Purpose: To consolidate the names of fruits, their use for the benefit of human health. Define the concept of vitamins.

  1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Music.

According to the plan of music leader

Walk: ( Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive; speech; physical development)

− See card index walk no.

Work before bed:(Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development)

Strengthen self-care skills.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to undress independently in a certain sequence.

Work before dinner, before going to bed

Evening: (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.)

Breathing exercises "Hares sniffing flowers"

Purpose: introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

Conversation "If you want to be healthy."

Games of low mobility "Get in the circle".

Examination of illustrations, pictures "If you want to be healthy", "The structure of the human body."

C / r game "Doctor".

Design "Sports hall".

Interaction with parents/social partners:

- Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.

Consultation "Holidays with children"

Walk: independent motor activity.

Thursday, ____________________

Morning (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development):

Conversation: "To keep your teeth healthy."

Purpose: to talk about the importance of teeth, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of brushing teeth.

Didactic game: "What is it called?"

Purpose: to fix food.

Breathing exercises: "Snowflakes", "The wind is blowing".

Purpose: to form the ability to make a smooth and long exhalation (without getting air).

Individual work: FEMP "Visiting Dr. Aibolit" (Height comparison).

Purpose: To teach children to compare objects in height and find the same (equal) in height;

Direct educational activities

  1. Socio-communicative development. Entertainment."THE SOAP BUBBLES HOLIDAY"

Purpose: To create a festive atmosphere; Give children fun in games with balloons and soap bubbles Develop motor activity of children, fix colors; Teach kids how to blow bubbles.

  1. Physical development. Physical training.

According to the physical plan instructor

Walk: ( Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive; speech; physical development)

− See card index walk no.

Work before bed:(Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development)

Strengthen self-care skills.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to undress independently in a certain sequence.

Evening: (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.)

Theatrical game: "Vitamin family"

Purpose: Through a spectacular performance, using a stand type puppet theater (flaneleograph or magnetic board), to introduce children to the most useful forest and garden berries; to cultivate a conscious attitude to the need to eat berries and fruits.

Coloring pages “Sport! Sport! Sport!"

Purpose: to improve the skills of uniform painting, using pressure on the pencil to enhance color. Develop fine motor skills, cultivate accuracy, perseverance.

Interaction with parents/social partners:

- Individual conversations about physical, hygienic skills and habits, about healthy and unhealthy food, about the importance of joint motor activity with children.

Purpose: to promote the creation of an active position of parents in joint motor activities with children, to interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Walk: independent motor activity.

Friday, ____________________

Morning (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development):

Word game: "A lot - a little"

Purpose: To teach children to think about what and in what quantities can be consumed, not to the detriment of their health. To form the ability to classify foods: sour-sweet, bitter-salty, vegetables-fruits.

Conversation on the topic: "If you want to be healthy."

Purpose: To clarify and expand children's ideas about the rules of behavior in in public places. Let children know that every child has the right to a healthy lifestyle and medical care and treatment.

Self massage

Did you wash your forehead? Did you wash your cheeks? Did you wash your ears? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash everything? Clean now! Open the door to health!

Individual work:Sensory development: "Find the same one!"

Purpose: to fix the name of the primary colors, to develop attention, speech.

Direct educational activities

  1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. "Oranges, tangerines"

Purpose: to continue to form in children the ability to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush, to consolidate the ability to recognize and name Orange color, clarify children's ideas about the benefits of vitamins and products containing them.

  1. Physical development. Physical education on the street.

Walk: ( Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive; speech; physical development)

− See card index walk no.

Work before bed:(Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development)

Strengthen self-care skills.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to undress independently in a certain sequence.

Evening: (Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.)

Games of low and medium mobility: "Mice in the pantry", "Happy chair", "Tangle".

Purpose: to create a cheerful joyful mood. Arouse interest in joint games, fostering friendly relations between children towards each other.

Finger gymnastics: “What will children need to wash themselves clean?”.

Purpose: to fix personal hygiene items.

Independent activity of children in the group: “Knock down the skittle!”, “Ring toss”.

Purpose: to develop the eye of children.

Interaction with parents/social partners:

- Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.

Walk: independent motor activity.

Galina Solovieva
Health week plan in the younger group


1. Word game "Who can do what"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about body parts and their role. book N. Golitsyn "OBZh" p. 41

2. Ball games. "Ball in the goal", "Knock down the skittle"

Morning gymnastics with ribbons to the music.

3. Conversation "Vitamins - useful products"

N. Golitsyna "OBZh" p. 75. Give knowledge about useful products.


Riding from the mountain.

Evening: Did. game "Tanya caught a cold" To consolidate the knowledge that when coughing and sneezing, you need to close your mouth. N. Golitsyna "OBZH" page 39.

Modeling "Vitamins for Tanya".


1. Did. game "Name the sport" To consolidate children's knowledge about different types sports.

2. Round dance "Like Uncle Jacob."

3. Conversation "Rules of hygiene" Give knowledge that you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, wash your hands. book. N. Golitsyna "OBZH FOR preschoolers" page 38.

4. Modeling "Toothbrush"


Mini trip to the school stadium. Purpose: To promote the health of children.

Evening: Did. Bathing Doll game To consolidate children's knowledge of toiletries. N. Golitsyna "Life safety for preschoolers" p. 40.

Game "Catch a fish"

Morning: A game for the development of breathing "Who is next?". - blowing off the cotton on the table. "Who is higher" - blowing the fluff up.

Morning exercises with ribbons.

Conversation "Illness and first aid" Continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth. Clarify knowledge about the work of a doctor and first aid.

Walk: Outdoor game "Catch a snowflake", "Cat and mice", "On a flat path."

Evening: 1. Show of the toy theater "Girl grimy" A. Barto.

2. Water games. “Launching boats”, “sinking, not sinking”.

Ball games: "Rolling the ball", "Throwing the ball into the basket", "Knocking down the pins with the ball"

Morning: Reading to the children of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

Ribbon gymnastics.

Construction from a large builder Role-playing game "Journey on a ship". Situation - "Passengers got sick."

Walk: Games "Who will make more snowballs", "Who is more likely to the flag?", "Funny train"

Evening:"Cooking healthy barbecue" kN. N. Golitsyna "Life safety for younger preschoolers» page 83.

Suspended game "Shaggy dog".

Morning: Word game "Young Head".

Drawing "We draw a little man."

Ribbon gymnastics.

Drawing "Healthy fruits and vegetables." Consolidate knowledge about healthy foods.

Walk: Sledging.

The game "White Bunny is sitting."

Snowball game.

Evening: An evening of riddles about hygiene items.

Hoop games.

“Ride it - don’t drop it”, “Get into the hoop”, “Twist it, don’t let it fall”, “Climb in - don’t hit it”.

A comprehensive action plan consisting of various types of physical culture and recreational work aimed at shaping the personality in the socio-psychological, intellectual, motor development.
HEALTH WEEK is aimed at strengthening the health, hardening and physical development of children, strengthening child-parent relationships.

Target: To give an idea about health, its meaning, ways to preserve and strengthen; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


  • formation of KHN body care
  • give children a basic understanding of the common cold and how to deal with it
  • develop a habit of self-massage
  • create situations that clearly demonstrate the importance of the right attitude to health
  • expanding the knowledge of preschoolers about the presence of vitamins in fruits and vegetables; creating conditions for the formation of children's ideas about useful products on our table
  • formation of a stable habit to the mode of motor activity, interest and need for physical self-improvement.
  • the formation of the child's motives for self-preservation, the cultivation of the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.



  • "Morning of joyful meetings" - game-conversation "Journey to the country of Health".
  • Conversation "On health and cleanliness."
  • Did. / game: "Dress the doll for a walk"; "What does Aibolit need?".
  • Finger gymnastics "Morning".
  • A game to imitate movements "Our children can do everything, and that's why they get healthy."


  • Running games: "Airplanes"; jumping games: "Hares and the wolf"; games with throwing and catching - "Throw - catch", on the orientation "Who left?".

Second floor. Days:

  • Sweet table "Vitamin family" (about berries and fruits).
  • Reading x / l: "Aibolit".
  • Storyline game "Doctor", "Pharmacy".
  • Game - design: "Hospital for animals."



  • Conversation "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy."
  • Reading S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly."
  • Finger gymnastics "We salt cabbage."
  • The game "Useful and harmful food."


  • Outdoor games: "Traps from the circle», "My cheerful sonorous ball."

Second floor. days:

  • Collective work - application "Fruits - vitamin products".
  • Riddles from the garden.
  • sedentary gameWhat grows in our garden.
  • Phys. minute "Gardener".



  • Game situation: "Letter from dirty".
  • Did. / game: A wonderful bag (toilet items).
  • Massage of the magic points of the ears "Let's play with the ears."
  • Reading - K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", A. Barto "Girl grimy".

Walk: independent motor activity.


  • Reading by the educator of the fairy tale "Moydodyr".
  • The Tale of the Toothbrush (displayed by the educator on the flannelgraph).
  • Storyline game "Family" (bathing babies).
  • "Merry company" (games and relay races with children).



  • Hardening massage of the soles "Let's play with the legs".
  • Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello."
  • Complex "Kittens" for the prevention of flat feet.
  • Looking at the album: “Do you want to be healthy and strong?”.

Walk: Games according to the wishes and interests of children.

  • "Colored Cars", "Fox in the Chicken Coop", "Kittens and Puppies", "Knock Down the Cube".


  • Reviewing the album: "Sports".
  • Drawing: "The ball is our main athlete."
  • Independent physical activity of children in the corner of health.
  • Physical entertainment "My cheerful sonorous ball".



Ihalf a day.

morning exercises

Finger game "Pies".
Purpose: development fine motor skills, memory

Conversation "From morning to evening".

Purpose: to introduce children to the daily routine. Show the importance of compliance with the regime in improving the health of each person; To consolidate the concept of the importance of the regime of the day; Raise the desire to adhere to the rules for its implementation. Develop memory and thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

Hand massage "Building a house"

Games of small and medium mobility:“Mice in the pantry”, “On a flat path”, “Funny high chair”, “Tangle”.

Purpose: to create a cheerful joyful mood. Arouse interest in joint games, fostering friendly relations between children towards each other.

Individual work with children: throwing (sandbags) at a horizontal target (hoop).
Purpose: to develop muscles, eye and motor activity.

Imitation game "We are clean"


Outdoor games:"Find and keep silent"; "Cars".

Work: cleaning the territory of the site for a walk from fallen leaves.

IIhalf a day.

Exercise after sleep « The bridges turned out "

Game for children "Do like me!"

Target: Continue to develop various types of movements in children, teach children to perform movements according to a visual pattern, develop coordination of hand and foot movements when performing exercises.

Reading fiction: Sergei Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly"

Target: To educate children in the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Drawing "Vitamins for kids", V Exhibition of children's works "Vitamins for children"

Target: to consolidate the ability to draw objects of a rounded shape, using a variety of colors, to develop an aesthetic perception of color, to cultivate accuracy.

Interaction with parents:

  • Genus. meeting "The health of the child is in our hands"
  • Advice for parents on the topic "Health is in order - thanks to exercise"
  • Consultation at birth Corner "Flat feet"
  • Conversation with parents "The daily regimen and its importance for the health of the child"
  • Memo: "What vitamins do children need"
  • Creating a book of healthy recipes