Heartfelt birthday wishes in prose. Happy birthday greetings in prose. Official birthday greetings to a man in prose

Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Happy birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

Among all the holidays created by God and people, the most important in all ages is the birthday. The day when a person comes into the world to announce his birth to the world. Today is your big day! And we hasten to rejoice with you at your birth. Rejoice and wish good, bright solar warmth. Wish the love and tenderness of people close to you. The most incredible happiness and longevity. May your most cherished dream come true, and you will find everything that you have been dreaming about for long days and nights. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May the sun always shine in your life! May it drive away all the clouds and thunderstorms! Never forget your friends and family! Let all the bad things be forgotten, and the good things multiplied! Live, love, dream, today is your day! May all your dreams come true!

We congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you not to know sharp turns in life, let it be better ahead, a bright road winds up to the very horizon, dotted with pleasant surprises, good luck and prosperity! And, of course, let there always be a place of love in life, with the help of which, as you know, you can change the whole world!

Birthdays happen only once a year, and you need to spend this holiday unforgettable! I wish you to smile more today, enjoy the attention of the guests and believe that there will be many more such wonderful days and spiritual meetings with dear people! I wish you sparkling happiness, true love, complete well-being and the fulfillment of any desires!

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Your sharp mind beautiful appearance, excellent character and sparkling humor can be envied by many. Everything works out for you, everything works out - fate is favorable to you, and this is very pleasant. May everything you want, dream about, come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, may Fortune continue to be favorable to you. And I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your life, fills your soul with love and warmth. Happy birthday, and may this day be bright, beautiful and happy!

There are people who are drawn to, next to whom it is good and reliable. You are one (one) of them! Therefore, today, on your birthday, you are surrounded by your faithful friends. So let not only on holidays, but also on any other day, there will be people devoted to you who are ready to help you! On your birthday, I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart! Go through life easily, without unnecessary worries and exhausting problems. Let all worries be only joy. Happiness to you, sunny days and great luck! Happy holiday!

With all my heart - happiness, fulfillment of desires! Let life, like a bright mosaic, be made up of bright colors of joy, unforgettable events, and let each new day bring good luck and good mood!

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the motor in your chest work without interruption and without repairs, may your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. It is they who speak about true feelings and thoughts, they are stronger than words and serve as a criterion of truth. What do our actions say? That we, the guests, postponed hasty business, put on a marathon, polished our boots, put on formal suits, then boarded the bus on the subway and came here to congratulate the "newborn" on his birthday. This means that he is dear to us. Let's move our glasses for him, for his good health.

Birthday comes once a year, and every year you receive words of wishes and congratulations. Dear friend, in addition to the usual wishes of happiness, health, love, I would like to wish you something more. You deserve special, memorable, sincere! Therefore, I want to make my wish from a bouquet of verbal flowers, where there is a lily, as a symbol of hope and peace, there are daisies, with which I give you spring and love, there are forget-me-nots, as a symbol of fidelity, there are roses that give courage, as well as chrysanthemums as a symbol of longevity. I give you this big delicate bouquet! Happy Birthday friend!

Birthday best friend- a real holiday for me. And this day, like many days in our lives, I want to share with you, my reliable, faithful friend. I wish your life to be like an arrow, even and confidently striving towards the goal. I wish you to go towards your goals with your head held high, with good health and clear thoughts. Let open, sincere people, loving hearts meet you on the paths of life, success accompanies you, and the Guardian Angel always directs you on the right path.

Beloved, dear, the only and most the best man in the world! Oddly enough, but I remember your birthday. I congratulate you with all my heart and wish you the realization of all your most secret plans and wild fantasies. I'm always ready to help, don't forget about it. I wish you to remain so loving, understanding, capable of beautiful and courageous deeds. Remain a powerful source of energy for others and a ray of light on my life path. I wish you success in your work, mutual understanding with colleagues and superiors, but I know how good you are. I wish you health, endurance, success. Let every day be like a song: light, beautiful, pleasant, memorable. Happy birthday, my only one, happy birthday, my pretty!

On behalf of all the relatives and friends who have gathered, who love you dearly, I want to wish you first-class happiness, dizzying love and unchanging good luck, may your life be a fairy tale, and you will be the main, positive character in it! Good to you, warmth and love, without which a person simply does not know how to be fully happy! Happy Birthday, with new beginnings, with new ideas and thoughts, with a new period in life, with new opportunities and changes for the better! And let it be exactly the way you want without any doubt, let your thoughts be material and all your plans come true easily and without obstacles, the main thing is to believe with all your heart and soul! Everything depends on ourselves, on our mood and desire to create and move forward! May your dreams come true in your life, may your path be strewn with generous gifts of fate so abundantly that you feel like a truly happy person!

Have you been invited to a birthday party? Then be sure to choose the original ones in prose for the birthday or hero of the day. On our site you will find congratulations in prose for mother, grandmother, girlfriend, man, child, friend or colleague for any most demanding taste.

Simple, kind words without the shackles of rhyme, spoken from the heart, are sometimes better than stamped congratulatory verses. Happy birthday greetings in prose (in your own words)- the most suitable option.

Quite often they resemble a kind of parable or story, at the end of which a parting word or wish sounds. But birthday greetings in prose can also be just a set of various wishes in which the congratulator expresses his attitude towards the hero of the occasion.

Sometimes a holiday card with birthday wishes written from the heart is perceived more favorably and remains in memory much longer than an expensive formal gift. Therefore, when buying a birthday present, take care of the words that you will say to the birthday or hero of the day.

Happy Birthday: | in prose (in your own words) | | | | musical | from celebrities | cartoon | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Selected on this page universal birthday greetings in prose. This means that almost any of them is suitable for congratulating your loved ones, friends, loved ones or work colleagues.

Beautiful birthday greetings in prose

It is with great joy that I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish health and longevity to your parents. After all, only those wonderful people such a wonderful child could be born.
I wish life to be favorable to you, and the people who meet on your life path to be kind and sincere. Let your professional career smoothly and rapidly go up, giving you moral and material satisfaction.
I also want to wish you happiness. May your eyes be clear and your smile be radiant. I wish you an all-consuming love that makes you want to sing and fly. Life long love. Happy birthday!

Today we congratulate a man of excellent spiritual qualities on his birthday, a man in whose big and warm heart there was a place for each of us. We - friends and colleagues, relatives and friends - now, in these magical moments of the holiday, we want to wish the hero of the occasion a long, prosperous and happy life!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your most beautiful day - your birthday! Thank you that you are always there, that you always have time for your family and friends! May God grant you health and long, rich years! May your dawns be cloudless, your days filled with good, righteous deeds, and your nights strewn with crystal clear stars! May unfading, ardent love always live in your soul, which will never go unanswered! I wish you to remain as soft and sensitive, affectionate, cheerful and cheerful! Happy holiday!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish your whole life to be as one Holy holiday. Let your warm and friendly hearth always attract your loved ones and friends, and let your inquisitive nature take you on interesting journeys. Let no difficulties frighten you, and work never tire. Success and luck in all your affairs and great human happiness. And all complex life problems let them bypass you.

On your birthday, I want to wish you to remain the same bright person that you are now. And let your life, on the contrary, does not stand still, but changes for the better, day by day presenting pleasant surprises and surprises. Let all plans and dreams come true: a career will develop, children will delight with success, loved ones will touch you with sensitivity and care, true friends will share everyday life and holidays with you. Let the stars converge in the sky in a pattern favorable for your destiny, and the gifts of life will fall on you like from a cornucopia. Like a spring primrose, let love for this world bloom in your heart, and let this love be mutual! Happiness to you, health, good fortune and only beautiful days!

Happy birthday greetings in prose in your own words sincere

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you many smiles, kindness and joy, so that there are true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great life patience, all unearthly blessings and everything, all the most kind and beautiful and radiant! May everything always come true!

On this festive day, your birthday, let the flower meadows enchant you not only in a dream, but also in reality, and sincere congratulations from friends will cause emotion and a happy tear. Our age and dates of anniversaries are only a small sign to start the countdown of new, happy events.
We want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you to always be bright and beautiful, wise and strong, to please loved ones and friends with blooming beauty and freshness. Today everything is for you: gifts, flowers, and may this holiday give you a good mood and positive, which will last for a whole year.

On your birthday, I would like to wish all the most beautiful things in the world: happiness, love, good luck, kindness and warmth. We want everything to be wonderful in your life: a strong family, great friends, great job, prosperity in the house. May all dreams come true and all, even the most daring, plans come true.

Today is your personal and most beautiful holiday - your birthday. What do you wish for this day?
As a rule, when you don’t know what to wish, you wish all the best. I wish you to find the very road that is so clearly outlined in your thoughts, which leads to where there is happiness, and it is nearby. Where all your relatives, friends and relatives are with you, and everyone is happy. Where there is no grief and misfortune, where luck lends a hand and helps to rise. Where there is no envy and anger, where mutual help and goodwill is in the heart of every inhabitant.
I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you to find love and that meaning in life, for which you will not give up, but will only move forward. Let the sun illuminate your path and warm your soul even on a frosty winter day. Let your laughter be only sincere and only from the heart. Let problems not scare, but give confidence and desire to become better.
This is how I want to see your life.

Today we have a wonderful occasion to gather together, and the hero of this celebration is here with us! Sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your birthday. May there be no insurmountable obstacles in your life. May you have the strength to deal with any difficulties in an instant! May luck lead you by the hand along the path of life towards true happiness. Let true love will be your inseparable companion. May heaven protect you, and we, your faithful and devoted friends, will always be there to support and substitute our reliable shoulders. We congratulate you on the long-awaited holiday!

Happy birthday SMS in prose

Short congratulations on your birthday in prose

Happy Birthday! May everything be extraordinary and wonderful today, as if in fairy tales, miracles happen, and happiness be as beautiful as a rainbow!

Always be who you are! Much kindness, understanding, respect, care, long-awaited love, fun to you! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday and wish you prosperity, career growth, achievement of all goals, fulfillment of all dreams. Never give up, do not get sick and do not become limp!

Birthday is a great occasion to feel once again how wonderful and unique life is! May every new day be a pleasant surprise and all your dreams come true!

I wish you to burn like a star and every year it gets brighter, so that warm and bright rays are enough for all your loved ones whom you would like to warm and protect. Happy birthday!

Happy arrival in this world! May all your dreams and desires come true today, may this day be one of the happiest in your life.

Let every day be for you a new shade of happiness, a new joy, a new mood! All the colors of life for you! Happy birthday!

I sincerely wish you to enjoy the bright sun and good weather, the smile of a child and the warm look of the dearest person on earth! Happy birthday!

I wish you health and good mood, all the blessings and pleasures of life, well-being and home comfort, love and human happiness! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May your life be beautiful and bright like spring, sunny and warm like summer. Let it be far to the canopy, and snow blizzards never penetrate the soul!

Happy birthday greetings from celebrities on the phone

If you want to congratulate your friend or loved one on your birthday in an original and soulful way, then it is best to do this with the help of audio congratulations in verse.

This section contains happy birthday wishes from celebrities, made in the form voice cards with male and female voice acting. Many of the audio greetings presented here are made to the accompaniment of pleasant and light music. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to convey the warmth of your wishes or simply cheer up your dear and beloved person.

What will be voice greeting? Heartfelt, warm, sincere or ironic, slightly mocking, funny? Choose! Any congratulation you choose after payment will come to the subscriber's phone as a regular call.

Funny birthday greetings in prose

A birthday is a year-long gift, this one is for such a person to rejoice in the love and disposition that his comrades have for him. And so we radically declare that this phenomenon is precious and not cheap for us. May the days of your life go on for a long time, and may your love and accommodation become constant with us. Happy holiday to you, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to You! Let life be illuminated with warmth and bring you unique, amazing and memorable moments. Let your world find free space for a lovely holiday, for incredible success, and for a successful career. I wish you intriguing victories in various fields, unsurpassed results in every undertaking, magical surprises in every future day. The door to the world of happiness will open for you, and a clear path will open for you, leading to beautiful, wonderful events.

Happy birthday to you, the most amazing day of the year!
Let a good painter paint your life with colorful colors, and a professional author write a major melody of your destiny. Sleeping Beauty had fairies, and let good fortune be your fairy. I wish that she pampers you with pleasant gifts and sudden surprises, and not only on your birthday, but even more often.
I wish you good health and bodily strength. Luck, success and fortune in all endeavors, the fulfillment of sacred desires. Reliable comrades and domestic happiness.
And now share the holiday with us, your comrades.

Whatever you say to the birthday person on his birthday, it is important that everything you say is from the heart. In your congratulations, try to express to the person all your affection, all your warm feelings that you have with this person. Maybe your congratulations will not be the most original, but they will be sincere. And this is the best thing you can offer a birthday person. Your words will be remembered for a long time, and the memory of your congratulations will warm him for a whole year.

Gift giving is always accompanied by Happy Birthday- prose spoken from the heart, or flowery wishes in verse. That is why this selection was created on the Holiday Portal - the best happy birthday greetings in prose, wherein simple words add up to beautiful wishes filled with love and respect.


For all of us, you are the model that, by its very presence, returns the joy of being and inspires hope that the black stripes of life exist only in order to truly appreciate the white stripes. You are the ruler of the world and, therefore, the ruler of our hearts! We love you and are proud that you love us too. All the best that is in the Universe, we wish you on this beautiful day - your birthday!

With my sunshine, we again celebrate this wonderful day, which gave us the opportunity to enjoy intimacy. Your birthday is a holiday for everyone who loves you, everyone who would like to be next to you on this day, to share joy with you, to give you warm heartfelt words and spiritual gifts.

My friend is my dearest little man! On your birthday, I wish you in life - many happy days, the most pleasant sensations, the most incendiary smiles! Be always the same bright, bright, radiant and loved!

Let every day give you new sensations, let life be made up of pleasant surprises, exciting surprises, and let small everyday joys add up to big ones. Happiness - bright and unrestrained!

On foot to congratulate you on this wonderful day when you were born to the joy of all of us. We wish you to go through life on a path illuminated by the warmth of loving hearts, and may this path be long, but not tiring. May all your plans come true, may all worries turn out to be empty, and may life open wide the doors to the world of pleasant sensations and joyful events for you!

May all the wishes that you have already received come true today! Let life pamper you! Let the income cover the expenses, and the possibilities exceed the needs! And let real friends be around! Let the love of loved ones protect from adversity. Let each new day bring only good mood, smile and warmth! Let the chores be only joyful, and worries pleasant! And let the light of joy illuminate the whole life path!

WITH happy holiday birth! Desires - and their fulfillment! Dreams - and their sales! Let troubles bypass, and failures do not unsettle! Happiness - dazzling and hopeless!

We wish to hear the kindest, sincere, necessary words and wishes on this festive day, which will certainly come true in the future. Love, happiness, health, success, joy and unforgettable moments of life!

They say that when a person is born, an angel lights a star in heaven, which then accompanies him all his life, illuminating the road and helping in difficult situations. I wish your star to be the brightest and most beautiful, so that it never fades away and makes life brighter not only for you, but also for those who are nearby.

On this festive day, I wish your life, like a bright canvas, to be woven from bright joy, pure love, true friendship and a cherished dream that will certainly come true.

But every day we say to each other pleasant words and today is a great opportunity to do so. And I want to tell you: I thank you for being in our life, without you, it would be boring and monotonous. Happy birthday!

They say that life is a zebra, which consists of black and white stripes. So let the stripes of your life, to spite the enemies, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. May every day be bright and memorable.

Since ancient times, people have known that if you wish something with great strength and feeling, it will certainly come true. Today all your friends wish you love, health, good luck, wisdom and endless happiness.

If life is a book that we write ourselves, then I wish your book had bright pictures, beautiful words and deeds, and that there is always a place for true friends.

On your birthday, I wish that three animals accompanied you in life: a Jaguar in the garage, a mink on graceful shoulders and a lion - the owner of the house, who would protect and protect you.

Your nobility and pure heart, your sensitive soul and high aristocracy have made you the best and most desirable friend for everyone and everyone! And everyone is sure that only with him you are such a real, such a sincere and faithful friend! But today we see that your heart is so generous that you have become an ideal friend to each of us. It remains only to wish you that you live happily ever after! You have friends - and this is the most important thing! Be happy for many, many years!

On your joyful day of birth - we congratulate you and wish you all the best: may everyone respond to you with kindness for kindness, love for love, care for care, and more ... gratitude. You are the chosen one of Heaven and we thank God that you are! Be always like this and let all bad weather pass you - we wish you good, joy and happiness!

Beautiful in face and soul, kind and trusting, sister and friend to all. All good and kind people are drawn to her, everything beautiful is attracted like a magnet. It is joyful to be near such a person, it is an honor to be chosen by this with a pure heart: heals with a kind word, strengthens with praise, elevates with beauty! For a generous heart, for a pure soul - we reciprocate and wish good and health!

On this day, let there be a lot of happiness and joy, and from this day only good events, great news and good news. Even casual passers-by will be kind and caring, and all the deities of the world protect health, home, loved ones. Let holiday songs sound, and the loudest greeting Happy Birthday.


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significant date

Happy birthday! By saying these words, I put all the strength of my soul into them. This day has become a significant date not only for you, but also for us. In this regard, I want to wish you to appreciate your old friends and make new ones. May your life be filled with bright events, remembering which you will always smile. I want your health to never let you down, and your eyes to shine with a mischievous spark. Let your life be rich in positive emotions, amazing adventures and the implementation of plans!


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Only joy

Happy Birthday, and may there always be a golden Sun and bright stars above your head, fireworks sparkle in honor of you, and every new day brings only joy. Sweets, songs, smiles, good news, love, friendship, health - all this rushes to you along with this congratulation.


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Sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish with all my heart and with all my soul the very best and excellent!
May your health be strong, and your strength not fail and help you fight for a place under the Sun!
I wish you only joys in life, only bright and colorful days so that they bring success!
Let there be a radiant mood every day so that you get up in the morning from that foot that will make the day joyful!
I wish you great achievements and pleasures in life, take all the best from it!
May true friends be near good people and loving family! I wish you pure and eternal love!


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happy days and nights

I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to wake up every morning with a feeling of happiness, and go to bed with the confidence that the day has not been spent in vain. May your every day be sunny, warm, joyful, kind and lucky.


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Happy birthday! I wish you an ocean of health, a sea of ​​joy, mountains of stability, a lagoon of tranquility, a field of ideas, a forest of friends, a rainbow of impressions, a fire of passions and an unquenchable flame of love!


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Enjoy your life

Let each revolution of the planet mark a new clear, sunny and lucky day of your life. May every winter be beautiful, every spring delightful, every summer a resort, every autumn golden. Enjoy your life. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings in prose

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