What a beautiful way to say goodbye to a girl forever. Words of parting with a girl. Farewell words. Beautiful quotes about ex-love and parting with a loved one

Relationships are a long and difficult period during which two different personalities come together. Sometimes hard to find mutual language with ourselves, let alone the people around us. No wonder that happy couples, just like family unions, not so much as we would like.

Differences of opinion, fading of feelings and loss of interest are the unpleasant side of relationships. In this case, their break is simply the only correct way out, which we are forced to resort to by unfolding circumstances.

How to break up with a girl?

An excellent video about parting from an experienced person in relationships and dating girls. We recommend to see:

Read also:

There is a thin, invisible line in breaking up a relationship. A convincing statement of facts that allows you to stop communication once and for all, doing it as smoothly as possible and without unnecessary scandals. The other side, the exact opposite phenomenon - insecurity and cowardice, the fear of offending a girl and admitting that there is no more love between you and cannot be.

To be able to choose the right words, and knowing your chosen one, it is not difficult to do this, the main thing is to calm your ardent disposition without saying unnecessary and inappropriate remarks. You part, and there is no more need to delve into each other. The honesty and openness of your explanations should finally put everything in its place, leaving no questions.

In the case of shyness and indistinctness, it is very easy to think that your decision is a stupid mistake. Your girlfriend will calm you down, trying to reason and force you to abandon your intentions.

In the breakup of relations, exactly as in their creation, one cannot hesitate and mumble. If at the beginning, you can simply miss the chance to meet the lady you like, then at the stage of ending the relationship, you will torture yourself, wasting time and your own courage on something that no longer brings pleasure.

How to leave by SMS?

Modern society is saturated with threads of electronic social networks, mobile phones and communication at any distance is not a problem. Saving time, accessibility and convenience of network correspondence sometimes surpass real, live communication. The contactless exchange of information facilitates many tasks that previously required personal presence, but now only the Internet.

The easiest, but not always effective method, since conversations of similar significance are decided directly. If you have known each other recently and have not yet had much time to get used to each other, then there will be no problems, but in the eyes of a girl you will seem like a coward.

Write one, large, comprehensive and competent message. Free from grammatical errors, verbal inaccuracies and omissions. After reading this, the girl should not have any questions, everything becomes crystal clear.

It will not work to change the sent message, it will not work to restore the old feelings, therefore, carefully select the words and calculate possible questions by answering them in advance. Brevity is the sister of talent - it does not work here, accuracy and clarity are what you need.

Compilation interesting options breakups by SMS, (we do not recommend writing such things):

How to stay friends after a breakup

Ending a relationship is always a difficult and difficult process for both parties. There are several ways to properly break up with a girl who loves you, most painlessly and peacefully, and at the same time, try to stay good friends.

Honesty, calmness and straightforwardness

Choose the most optimal place, which is associated with a minimum of your common memories. Speak, looking into your eyes, everything is in your heart. Most importantly, do not talk insensitively, as if the past means nothing to you. Pay your respects to the time well spent together, but let them know that you don't need it anymore.

No revenge

At the end of your conversation and after a certain time, do not try to communicate that now that you are free from each other, you love or meet someone from your mutual acquaintances. Do not try to anger or cause envy, in such a stupid and children's lesson there is nothing beautiful.

Leaving a girl is not difficult, the real art is to remain friends after parting, and envy and anger are not the best helpers in this.

Don't lie about your ex

In the circle of friends and acquaintances, you should not brazenly exaggerate the shortcomings of the former and your virtues, her weaknesses and inclinations, which led to your leaving her. Sooner or later, but the words spoken will reach the ears of the former, and you will definitely never be able to be friends. Besides, a real man will not report how bad or weak-willed the woman he came across, and even more so, would not make her an object of ridicule. Do not forget that when you condemn your ex, you equally condemn yourself, since no one forgot your closeness.


As already mentioned, the firmness of intentions speaks of their seriousness and the steadfastness of you. This is a well-thought-out solution that does not require additions and clarifications. Just do it the way you planned it. At best, you will give the impression of a determined and self-confident guy, after which, the girl herself will not want to leave your life, and will offer friendship.

No deception

False hopes and promises for a possible meeting, that this is a temporary separation and you need to think it over well - everything is not what you wanted. It is worth giving such false hope, as everything will only get worse, if not for you, then for the girl who is constantly waiting for your call to change her mind, it will definitely hurt.

To all the guys who can’t honestly admit to being loved, albeit in the past, that nothing else binds you, I can advise you to put yourself in her place. Understand that the bitter truth will be a thousand times more pleasant than the sweet lie that gives hope for the impossible.

What should not be done?

No matter what to offend a girl - just disappear from her life, in no case, it is impossible. This is exactly what brings the maximum mental suffering. Do not be rude, insensitive and selfish. Nevertheless, it was you who fell out of love with her, and she, perhaps, also has feelings for you. Words should be firm and clear, but not cold. The coldness you feel towards her offends no less than rudeness.

If you want to remain friends, you should not plan friendly meetings for the first time, as they will not allow the remnants of feelings to go out, especially girls have a hard time going through such events - they need to put up with it, it’s better not to see each other for a week and not speak at all.

Ignoring a girl so that she would leave you herself is also not the best way out. Not only is this humiliating, but it will take some time. To provoke a scandal, in order to break here and now, on a rude note, while you hate each other, is too cruel a way. A strongly loving lady is able to endure this, and you will find yourself in an extremely stupid position. Besides, I am silent about how much suffering it can bring her.

Undisguised disrespect, insult and reproach is a vile and low way. To offend someone else's self-respect, the last thing an adult, intelligent person would resort to.

In a relationship, love alone is not enough. If you want to leave a girl, you need to do it as soon as possible. Do not try to wait for an opportunity and a comfortable date, such a separation drags on for a long time, causing discomfort.

How nice to break up with a girl?

In a gentlemanly way, it will be to prepare the girl for the upcoming important conversation. About a few days in advance, warn her about the need for your conversation. Sudden and abrupt cessation of communication will always cause more pain and inconvenience. On certain dates in the year that are of great importance, it is better to wait and not rush things. Dump a girl on her birthday or New Year- not a funny joke, but a gross insult to her as a person. Whatever the holiday, it is still a holiday, and if it is of interest to her, then this also applies to you.

It is better to choose a place that is crowded and bright, to maintain the mood after the news. It is desirable that the meeting takes place in a neutral institution and does not cause feelings for your person. The surrounding people will not allow the girl to lose her face, fall into tears or rage, they are like a deterrent not only from you, but also from herself. Very often, girls regret that they show guys their weakness, vulnerability and dependence on them.

Breakup scene from The Social Network

Let her think that the problem is with you, not with her, even if it is not. The main thing for you is to soften the blow, and not try to change and rebuild her character. Compliment her, speak beautifully and pleasantly, stay on top at any time. Explain your departure to her by saying that you are tired of relationships, you want a break and a calm, bachelor life. Or, alternatively, convince her that you are absolutely not what she needs. That your love, attention, care - all this is only temporary, and you are not ready for permanent feelings and relationships.

Leaving a girl is much more difficult than starting a relationship. To inflict pain of separation is easier than the joy of acquaintance.

When should you end a relationship?

If your feelings begin to weaken, and your passion disappears somewhere, it's time to think about continuing such a relationship. In the reasons for parting lies a pointer to all those flaws and shortcomings that lead to misfortune in life together. Every mistake should make you stronger and smarter, and if you don’t understand such life lessons, then there is a risk that you will never experience long-term and good relationships.

It is better to say that you were wrong about her, or overestimated your own passions, than to endure and drag along a relationship that is no longer worth anything. Admit your mistakes in time, and accept them - a trait strong people. The weak will always try to justify their failures or stupidly mistake them for success. In your decision to part, you need to be more than resolute and adamant.

When constant misunderstandings, quarrels and elementary fatigue from each other already cross all boundaries - this is the time to break something old in order to create a new one. Such moments can happen rarely and quickly be forgotten, but their appearance in general is already a guide to the weakness and fragility of such communication. The situation, over time, only worsens, does not give hope, and no one asks for hope anymore. Such a couple needs only one thing - to find replacements for each other.

No matter how trite it may sound, but youth is not eternal, and with age, finding a soul mate will be much more difficult. Relationships in youth allow you to develop the necessary skills and inclinations, allowing you to more easily cope with the difficulties of real family life in the future.

First love and first date - after such passed stages of life, it is not difficult to replace changes in a person's character. Such necessary and strong phenomena create in you that part of the personality responsible for the care and well-being of your beloved. Happiness does not happen without unhappiness, only in this way, it is truly appreciated.

What to say to a girl when breaking up?

Start a conversation with gratitude for a good time and end it with a reason to leave. Warm memories and moments of happiness remain in the memory, not going anywhere, but depreciating and becoming in line with the usual, routine considerations. Such past events deserve at least to be remembered, and the girl who gave them to you - when she was your source of happiness.

Ending a relationship doesn't have to be a scary, hard, sad day. This is just the time when some old cycle, which has not been bearing fruit for a long time, ends. If it is good to see and understand all the resulting versatility, disinterest and indifference, the need to stop this becomes tangible. Couples that parted over trifles and frivolous, quite excusable reasons were just not ready for their partner, not knowing what he was like inside himself. It is completely different when love in the heart is kept to the last, forgiving and ignoring things that require consideration.

If a girl still loves you, trying to somehow stay close, you should be as restrained as possible, not allowing you to exaggerate the real reason for leaving, and grateful - reminding her of all the charm of the feelings that once arose, but already died. Sometimes separation is capable of more than failed love.

Video on how to break off relations with a girl like a man without offending her:

Don't make mistakes after a breakup! In order not to fall into the mud face, avoid banal things:

A terrible knife cuts the heart,
Soul again pierces the pain.
Why is love just a lie?
Where is true love?

I loved you, I suffered
I wrote poetry about you.
But we broke up with you
And now love is dead.

Looking into your brown eyes,
Thought you were with me forever.
They had a glow of tenderness,
Loyalty, love and more peace.

But sometimes life is so changeable
You started playing hide and seek with me.
Yesterday I was gentle, shy,
Today I left without looking back.

We'll have to say goodbye. To my regret.
I won't be here for a long time. But somehow I don't understand
Will you miss me or remember
And would you like to see me again.

Yes, we loved each other... But I don't know
How will you endure separation... You, my love.
You know, I would still like to be with you again.
The choice is yours. Say love or forget.

What a pity to part with you,
What a pity to forget all this.
Why is happiness gone?
And I don't feel like flying?
You don't remember me anymore
And I breathe only you.
I needed it like air
Now you are no longer with me.

You understand me and forgive me
We part with you forever.
Let me go with a light heart
And then it will be easier for you.

We are two banks of the same river,
Because it will not happen to be together.
In suitors, I can no longer be with you,
And you won't be my bride.

To make you happy
We need to part with you.
Let go of hearts and hands
Don't be offended by love.

What was between us
Left in the past forever.
I don't want our feelings
They just turned into pity.

I will miss you,
Though it's all temporary, I know
But I, my baby, miss
I'm already starting on you!

In the soul the song of sadness sounds
There are few rays from the sun...
Let time fly fast
May we meet soon!

Forgive me my love
That I part with you forever.
Believe me, I'm sorry too
That we will not see you, goodbye!

Understand I still love you
But I can't take it with me.
We can't be together anymore
But how can I forget you?

And whatever happens ahead
You keep our feelings strong.
Perhaps I will change something again,
And I'll take it with me, my love!

I'll say goodbye to you for a while
Every day I will call you
Parting as a test
You just have to experience it!

Just need to be without each other
I'll go crazy without you
You are my dear girl
I love you very much!

I will wait for you every day
And I will be faithful to you
We will definitely be with you
I will always love you!

I love you, but we need to part ...
It's hard, it's a pain, believe me.
Sometimes you have to say goodbye
There is no life without loss.

But this separation is not forever,
Just need time to wait.
And after parting there will be a meeting,
The main thing is to be able to love and wait.

The fire of love has gone out,
Only coals remained.
You glance at me
He is full of pain and longing.

Let's break up now
No need to break your heart.
Everything will be for the best with us,
When we can take away the pain.

Disappeared, feelings evaporated. Where the fire burned - now the ashes.

Let's end our relationship. We learned a lot of happy moments in life,

But goodbye - the knocking of our hearts has become different ... 24

I'm telling you - goodbye, I'm ending the relationship. In my thoughts I send the last kiss. Accept this SMS, and remove me from life,

After all, our bridges have long been divorced. 32

The journey of our hearts is coming to an end. While dear. Goodbye. This is the end. Let's part, such is fate, This is the last time I write these words to you. Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.

We had different moments, But the time of parting has come. Farewell, dear, let separation not oppress,

Let the wave of happiness carry with someone else. 7

Everything was beautiful with us, tell me ... Farewell, dear, everything is behind ... In life there will be more lights and flowers.

There will be happiness, there will be passion. 16

Separation stings like an evil bee, Stings painfully, but such things. Time will pass, and everything will heal itself.

And the pain of parting between us will heal. 14

We will survive this separation. we will cross the river of separation ... Goodbye dear, goodbye and forgive,

With another, let your happiness bloom. 18

That's all! We part with you! Time will pass, we will all survive. Wake up from numbness

And with others we will find our happiness. 17

I want to forget all our relationships, Our meetings, like tearing a leaf. And throw love into such dirt,

So that no one can get it! 13

What a pity that everything turned out like this, What a pity that all dreams were broken. Good luck in your new life

I hope you will be happy. 15

Let's part with you, Once feelings have subsided to the bottom. Start dating others

Once the feelings have cooled down and they are gone for a long time. 17

You are no longer with me. And it hurts a lot. I ask you to answer me:

Why, my love? So bitter... 30

We are no longer together, I will no longer suffer, I will no longer love, No longer I AND YOU.

We are no longer together. 14

One piece of advice - take care of yourself... One dream - don't forget me... One lie - I don't love you...

And the only truth is - I MISS YOU! 20

Love has passed - withered tomatoes, Shoes are tight and we are not on the way. There are millions of options in the world

And it makes no sense for us to go together. 10

Let us be good, But still there is something else. So let's part

Let me go without offense. 17


A beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy. Samples in prose

Decided to write a farewell letter to your girlfriend, but don't know where to start? Our site offers you universal samples that will help you compose a beautiful farewell message on behalf of a guy (man). Perhaps the piercing lines of these letters will inspire you to create your own masterpiece, the words of which will forever remain in the heart of your beloved woman.

Beautiful words for a girl goodbye

My sunshine, I know that we will never see each other again, but please read this letter. I'm sorry that I disappointed you, and I would do anything to take away your pain. I feel it every morning and every night. I dream of your tears, and the feeling of guilt does not leave me.

You are the best of the girls, and I will never forget your gentle voice, your touching tenderness and your ardent love. Honey, I want you to know that I was sincere with you and firmly believed that we would always be together.

Fate decreed otherwise, forgive me ... I can not express in words the state of my soul. Away from you, I remember every minute spent together. I will forever remember your sonorous laughter, your sweet kisses and care, which thousands of men dream of, and which I knew.

Before you, I did not believe in love, but now I know what happens to those who doubt it.

I have always been honest with you, so I did not deceive this time. Yes, we can no longer be together, but no - I will never forget you. I want you to be happy, because you deserve it like no other.

I reproach myself every day for not being able to give you this happiness.

More than anything in the world, I want you to forgive me, my girl, I really didn’t want to break your heart ... Farewell and, closing this letter, look at it for the last time as you would look into my eyes.

Farewell letter to girlfriend at parting

My girl, I know that you love me selflessly, but I can't change anything. For this reason, I feel insignificant, miserable and helpless. I can’t imagine what will happen to us now, and how we can come to terms with the pain of parting. Life without you is meaningless - everything around reminds us of us: acquaintance, first dance, first date, first kiss ...

I was truly happy with you. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to love you and for the happiness of being loved by you. Only you are in my thoughts, and this means that we are still together ... Don't cry, Baby, everything will be fine. The warmth of my heart is with you forever, hold this letter to your chest and feel it. Smile. I want you to be happy. Forgive me and goodbye.

Farewell letter to a woman

My dear woman! .. All that day, all that evening ... I was happy, I read in your eyes the best short story about my happiness.

It can be very simple, in some ways even banal, right? Although sometimes looking into women's eyes, full of indescribable depth, tenderness, understanding and empathy, women's eyes are very painful, almost unbearable. And yet I watched.

And I saw, in addition to this happiness filled with crystal, sunny ringing, also your unique world, full of hidden treasures and open heart through and through, I saw your soft, amazing, fabulous femininity and uncontrollable sexuality. Yes, I also remember kissing your toes. And shoulders, and breasts, and your whole body.

Without him, without you, there would be no my fire. Only... you know, I won't come to you anymore. Never. And not because there was something wrong, or I would not like a new meeting. On the contrary, precisely because everything was as it should be. Simply - that September day, and the sun in it, and you in that sun - it is impossible to repeat! I think you will understand me.

And if you suddenly don’t understand ... - you know my phone number.

See also: How to prepare a saline solution


Farewell SMS to your girlfriend

Farewell SMS to your girlfriend on various topics (from temporary separation to parting forever).

… At the crossroads of parting, we are standing next to each other, Now we will take a step and stop everything. Goodbye. You were the bridge in the life of happy moments.

Goodbye. We will no longer hear the beat of our hearts ...

... I say quietly, goodbye ... I close my eyes ... In my thoughts I send a kiss. Receive SMS, and then delete.

Farewell, our bridges we have long been divorced.

… Farewell notes were sounded in fate, These chords speak about you for the last time. They complete the path of our hearts.

While dear. Goodbye. This is the end.

... In a glass of water, the taste is farewell, The look on the face is a little sad. Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.

I see no reason for us to go together.

... We had different moments, But the time of parting has come for us. Farewell darling, this time will soon pass

And again on the waves of happiness will carry us.

… The time of separation will pass imperceptibly, Though this move is sad for us. Farewell dear, the main thing is to wait.

The rains will not last long.

… The train of separation drove up to us, But this is not a reason to give up. Raise them higher, be patient, wait right ...

Farewell is not forever, the cold and rain will pass.

… Farewell, dear, everything is behind us… There will be more lights and flowers in life. There will be happiness, there will be passion.

Look under your feet more often so as not to fall.

... Everything was beautiful with us, tell me ... But ahead, parting, flowers are waiting for us. They smell of sadness

The train of separation drove up, honked a sound ...

... Beloved, the word "goodbye" is like an evil bee, It stings painfully, places swell up ... But time will pass, it will heal everything.

And the crack of parting between us will heal.

... Farewell SMS to my beloved girl We will survive this separation, my sun. And we will swim across the river of separation... Farewell, dear, farewell and forgive,

Soon our flowers of happiness will bloom.

... (The name is gentle) there are moments in life, When moments of separation come to visit. Survive them, you only need to wait,

And again to receive a sweet slice with the happiness of an orange ...

… My sun, farewell and endure, After all, who knows how to endure, the lights are brighter. He is strong with his will, he is just cool,

Remember, true love has been waiting for centuries.

... The sun has set, and the light does not give. So, separation in a relationship makes a move. She will close the way for us to each other, but the main thing is to wait,

Wait and remember, the lights of farewell will soon go out ...


Leave beautifully. Five phrases for breaking up with a girl

A phrase that strikes at the widespread, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show the girl that feelings are fading. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven.

Many books claim that feelings can go away. The revelations of people also tell that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl knows this, but hides these fears deep inside.

It’s easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out a three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends.

Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

See, right now you think I'm the one, but by dating me, you might miss true love.

Sweet honey for girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse.

Accepting her with a refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having figured them out, she will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness.

The embedded meaning conveys a message to her - "you need to look for another, why waste time on suffering." This is a modernized and non-aggressive phrase due to its originality: “You will find yourself better.”

I'm sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we do not part, I will torment you with this. I can't do that

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There will be no more Friday flowers, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, everything that a girl needs. At the same time, you mean that you don’t want such a life for her. You remain for her a good friend who protects her. They love it.

If we stay together, we can break up and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to break up now

Another upgrade, this time banal: "Let's remain friends." The difference is that you describe the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her warm words that will be her soft pillow.

The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as films about love, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it.

In general, he deserves an applause!

I'm sorry, I've changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I'm drawn to other girls, and I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but still, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You are not to blame, you are a free man and live as you wish. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you fall out of love painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only soften and shorten her suffering in time.


Farewell words. Beautiful quotes about ex-love and parting with a loved one

Breaking up with you caused me great pain. I finally realized how much I lost with you. I finally understood why I should have thanked God for all these years, but remained an ungrateful pig ...

Read also: Do's and Don'ts for Heart Pain

The last time I looked into your eyes, I saw something there that made me cry. You asked me why I cry, what is the reason? Then I could not answer your question, but now I will say - I read the words of farewell in your eyes, you were already going to part with me ...

Sometimes it's just necessary to say goodbye! to what it was to say "Hello!" to what will be. (Isn't it a very beautiful expression? It is very uplifting.)

Say one word "Goodbye!" - it’s not difficult enough, what remains with him behind the scenes is much more difficult ...

Saying "Goodbye" is very painful only when you know for sure that "Hello" will never be said again ...

Why can't the people of all the earth that we like gather in one place and live together? It seems to me that this is probably impossible for various reasons. Someone will have to leave. After all, someone always leaves when everyone else stays and is forced to say goodbye to those leaving. I hate to say goodbye I know what I need more - I want to say "Hi" more often.

You spent 12 years of your life trying to learn how to live, but every time you try for those long twelve years, you are told that you are doing everything wrong. Then with everyone you loved, you are forced to leave - all your past is crossed out in one fell swoop. That's what they adults should teach you. To how to say goodbye to those with whom I would never want to say goodbye.

Time is working against us. Tomorrow night I will tell you "Goodbye, my love!" while you sleep sweetly. I will kiss you very gently and say "Bye... Forgive me..."

We felt good with you - we felt better with you than all the people in the world put together. We laughed at night and cried during the day, smiled at flowers and threw stones into the sea ... But it's time to say farewell words to each other ... But I want you to always keep a little of me in your heart ... / Petrash Tatyana

"Bye!" or "Goodbye!" - a simple word. But try telling it to your best friend.

If I had never known you, I would still be in full confidence that it can always be easily pronounced. But real life is completely different, and now I feel what I have never experienced - pain, sadness, longing. It's like someone borrowed your heart, but never returned it to its place. / Pocahontas

Today is the day when we leave our past behind, today we say goodbye to everything that happened to us, but my memory, my memories of the past will close their eyes only with mine - on the day of my death.

You know you love it when the hardest thing in the world is having to say goodbye.

Never say Goodbye". Why? Because it means parting forever. It’s better to say: “It was good to know you better” - after all, it was!

Never give up, even if you feel like it won't work for you.

Never tell a loved one that you have already stopped loving him, if you are still not ready to let him go ...

The most sincere goodbyes are never spoken aloud.

I'm leaving, I'm giving up, because nothing good seems to come from my attempts to continue our relationship with you. When I'm alone, I'm best at being myself. When I'm alone at home, no one interrupts me in simple words"Goodbye!" In any case, everything is temporary. So forgive me and don't forget...

When my face is covered with wrinkles from the many smiles I have smiled in my whole life, we can laugh together at how quickly time flies.

We do not want to say goodbye to you even on the edge of the gravestone - after all real love never dies. And, believe me, even in old age you will remain the most beautiful creature in my eyes.

If you wish, read more statuses with farewell words.


Saying goodbye after a first date with a girl

Hello dear readers of the lost romance blog, today I want to talk to you about such a topic as: farewell after the first date with a girl. Or rather, about such a somewhat awkward moment when, after a good time together, you need to leave, and many do not know how best to do this in order to leave a chance for the future.

I wanted to first title this article as: Should I kiss on the first date, but then I decided to consider the issue more broadly. Many young people often get lost at this moment, especially if they liked everything and want to meet again, but there is always the possibility of doing something wrong, thereby ruining a great moment in your life.

Before describing various situations, I would like to say: personally, I do not fully approve of kissing on a first date, because I think that a girl who so easily goes for it can thereby show herself from not the best side, to put it mildly. Of course, it is difficult to judge a person and draw far-reaching conclusions from one single episode, but still. You may get the impression that you are far from the first with whom she so easily makes contact.

Now, judging by purely personal experience, I want to tell you about three main situations, on the basis of which you can decide how best to proceed.

So, the first: when you say goodbye, the girl herself takes the first step, that is, she shakes hands or hugs you. At the same time, naturally, you don’t need to do anything, but unfortunately, this situation means that either she didn’t like you or simply doesn’t fit for some reason, or she doesn’t see you more than a friend.

Further, the most pleasant and the best option, in my opinion, this is when the girl seems to have already said goodbye, but does not immediately leave and looks into your eyes. As if waiting for action on your part, then, accordingly, everything turned out great, you can, if you want to kiss her, with a high probability close to one hundred percent, she will reciprocate.

And finally, the third, most difficult, but also the most common situation is when a girl, parting, does not leave immediately, but at the same time looks anywhere but at you.

There may be several options here: starting from the fact that she was pleased to spend time with you, and she believes that she should somehow thank you, but she is not sure of her sympathies to the end. It may also be that she is too strictly brought up, or simply shy.

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Here you yourself will have to show ingenuity and intuition in order to understand how to do the right thing.

In general, do not be afraid to take the initiative, many girls love it when guys are active and are not afraid to get into an awkward, ridiculous or funny situation. Believe me, it's better to try to make a move and get rejected than not even make an attempt. And then parting after the first date will not cause you any difficulties.

And, of course, new song, today for all lovers of factor-2: Ilya Podstrelov and Dima Project - SHE.


How to break up with a girl without problems

Ending a relationship with a girl is a complicated procedure. The outcome of this process will determine whether you become “the bad guy who dumped her” or just turn into a “former” without moral flaws. Those who are especially diligent can complete the relationship in an environmentally friendly and beautiful way, calmly becoming a reliable friend and comrade.

During the conversation, experimenting with softness of tone and pouring a lot of compliments, there is a risk of not conveying to the girl the essence of your desire to leave. So, a girl may think that if she is so good, and you are too soft and tactful, then there is a chance to revive the relationship and you can be convinced.

At the same time, an overly rigid approach will backfire. A friend will be offended, and you will not look beautiful even in your eyes. So, how is it better to break off relations so that the process goes quickly, painlessly and peacefully, but at the same time finally and irrevocably? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, you need to draw final conclusions for yourself, understand that you need to leave and not think about options for reconciliation or continuation of relationships.

So, having decided on such a responsible step as parting with a person after a long relationship, one should be prepared for tears and misunderstandings, insults and even tantrums.

After all, women are creatures from almost another planet, it is absolutely impossible to understand their logic, what is there to play up.

Realizing that it's time to say goodbye, seriously prepare for the conversation, show tact and stress resistance. Remember, in the eyes of a girl, you will be the culprit of the gap in any situation.

Even if the lady of the heart for half a year "broke your brain", ruffled your nerves and made scandals, you yourself are to blame: you paid little attention, did not like or did not hug.

And even if it seems to you that the situation is diametrically opposite, you cannot convince the girl of this.

There may be several cases when the only solution to the problem is separation:

  • cooling of feelings;
  • betrayal;
  • treason;
  • discovery of new sides of personality;
  • new feelings.

The main thing to remember is that you should not cut in the heat of the moment. Scandals and quarrels are natural for all couples. It is not worth parting under strong emotions after a scandal.

You will cool down, reconsider your views and understand that not everything is so critical and you need to continue the relationship with your loved one. Having parted under the influence of emotions, it will not work to revive the former understanding and trust.

Therefore, think carefully and weigh everything.

If the scandal has nothing to do with it, and your decision is balanced, then you should proceed immediately to the implementation of plans for parting. The sooner the conversation takes place, the better. Don't over tighten.

In general, there are several variations of breaking up with a girl:

  • personal conversation;
  • letters or messages;
  • care in English.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the abyss or leaving without explanation is a stupid and short-sighted option. Firstly, the girl will begin to worry, secondly, she will be offended, and thirdly, she will consider you a real coward, incapable of an open showdown.

Feature of modernity - SMS parting

Parting by SMS, the text of which is thought out and delicate, is generally possible. Tactful phrases and well-written text will help the girl understand and accept the situation. However, no matter how beautifully you parted via SMS, a feeling of bitterness will remain. Neglect of a person and relationships, especially if they were long-term - these are the main negative aspects of parting through SMS messages.

Experts who tell you how to break up with a girl, advice from psychologists, and simple recommendations from guys come down to the fact that parting through messages and letters is the most extreme option.

How to tell a girl that we are breaking up?

Having decided on the most correct way of parting - in a personal meeting, you should carefully prepare for the conversation.

First of all, identify the key reason that pushes you to such a decision. Keep in mind, possible causes there can be many things that need to be parted, up to the blouse constantly left on your favorite chair. Decide on one clearly articulated and main reason, then it will be easier to build a conversation.

Next - decide on a place where you will not be distracted. To put it bluntly, parting in a cafe or restaurant is not the best choice. A farewell dinner, just like farewell sex, is absolutely inappropriate. Emotional contrast can unsettle even the most stress-resistant girl.

Finally, honestly share the reasons that prompted you to make such a decision, thank the person for the donated emotions, experience and time. You will obviously have something to remember: there are no couples in whose relationship there was not a single positive moment.

And the last step is to gently but surely move on to goodbye.

How to break up with a girl who loves you?

Leave loving girl- the most difficult task. If you feel that a friend cannot let you go, seeks to find any reasons and pretexts in order to correct the situation, blackmails or, worse, threatens, quickly change tactics and the course of the conversation.

A great solution would be to slightly adjust the speech. So, you can start not with a cardinal breakup, but with a pause in the relationship. The girl will take this approach less sharply. Ask for time to rethink the situation and make it clear that after a certain period of time you will be able to meet again in order to discuss the prospect of a relationship based on new findings.

After such a conversation, gradually and confidently move away from the person. The lack of constant contacts and attachments will lead to the fact that the girl herself will not want to renew the relationship. By the way, this option is perfect for those who want to part with the girl you love very much.

Cases when parting with a girlfriend is required are not uncommon. The situations may be different. Many believe that they are not worthy of attention or notice coolness in relationships.

Asking the question of parting correctly with the one I love, there are different methods. However, an honest conversation with a person in all cases comes to the fore.

Therefore, it is also necessary to be able to part beautifully with the one you love, saving face.

How to break up with a girl with whom you live?

Parting with a partner after a long relationship, and especially in the case of living together, is an even more difficult task. It is caused not only by the severity of the conversation, but also by the fact that after a long relationship, partners form joint preferences, common habits and goals. It's hard to get rid of them or change them.

However, habit is not love, so if you decide that you should leave and remain friends, you should act. By the way, parting in such a way as to remain friends is available only to virtuosos. Subtle-feeling guys are rather an exception to the rule.

After a while, any guy will be able to calmly look into the eyes of the one that he has deprived of virginity. The main thing is tact and calmness. Do not bring the situation to a scandal. Remember that you are the initiator, and therefore the responsibility is on you. Breaking up if she threatens is difficult.

However, in most cases, cut veins and jumping from rooftops remain only in words. But be careful. After all, who better than you knows the person with whom you lived side by side. Evaluate the girl's words for veracity and do not forget to check her emotional condition.

Of course, a friend will be depressed, but you can certainly feel the line between an upset girl and a person ready for suicide.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that parting is a difficult task for both. Terminate relations with the one who cheated, end meetings with a married woman, or simply leave someone who has lost her liking. Be prepared for the fact that you will also be unpleasant. However, if the decision is correct, then parting will be better for both you and the girl.

How not to break a leg falling from the roof of a house? All you can do is group up and mitigate the consequences. It is the same with our gentle companions of life. “Let's be friends”, “it's not about you, it's about me” - banal and excuses for a breakup that only cause irritation. At the request of TTR, Dmitry Kagdin, the author of the Cozy Psychology public, came up with five phrases that you need to say to a girl so that she takes your departure as painlessly as possible and does not want to kill you, at least in the first five minutes of the conversation.

There are no feelings that were before

A phrase that strikes at the widespread, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show the girl that feelings are fading. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven. Many books claim that feelings can go away. The revelations of people also tell that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl knows this, but hides these fears deep inside. It’s easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out a three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends. Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

See, right now you think I'm the one, but by dating me, you might miss true love.

Sweet honey for girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse. Accepting her with a refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having figured them out, she will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness. The embedded meaning conveys a message to her - “you need to look for another, why waste time for suffering. This is a modernized and non-aggressive phrase due to its originality: “You will find yourself better.”

I'm sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we do not part, I will torment you with this. I can't do that

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There will be no more Friday flowers, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, everything that a girl needs. At the same time, you mean that you don’t want such a life for her. You remain for her a good friend who protects her. They love it.

If we stay together, we can break up and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to break up now

Another upgrade, this time banal: "Let's remain friends." The difference is that you describe the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her warm words that will be her soft pillow. The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as films about love, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it. In general, he deserves an applause!

I'm sorry, I've changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I'm drawn to other girls, and I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but still, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You are not to blame, you are a free man and live as you wish. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you fall out of love painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only soften and shorten her suffering in time.

Goodbye. I do not want to say a lot of unnecessary words, they will not make it easier for anyone anyway. Just know that you will forever remain that special person who managed to touch the most intimate - my soul. Do I love you? I will answer, without hesitation for a minute, that yes, and even very much so. But the problem is that my love is not enough to save our relationship. It always seemed to me that two people should fight for the fortress of the union, but, apparently, the opinion turned out to be erroneous. Remember, all the best is connected exclusively with you, and if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, I will undoubtedly come to the rescue. Only as a good friend, just an acquaintance, but nothing more. You are in my heart forever, and this is perhaps the saddest thing. After all, I can’t love anyone like you. I sincerely believe that everything will be fine with you, that you will find your happiness. I'm sorry that everything turned out so that mutual dreams remained the sweet dreams of those who were once a single whole.

Everything in our life has a beginning and an end. Our love with you had a happy start beautiful story But, unfortunately, it's time for this story to end. Forgive me for everything, please. And may our parting add strength and confidence, freedom and tranquility to both of us. Goodbye.

I'm sorry, but we won't have a happy love story. We lose interest in each other, and this is a good reason not to continue the relationship. Otherwise, later we will both regret the lost time, the unnecessary efforts in the name of unfulfilled hopes.

It is sad to realize that we have to part. But, I hope that this will not lead us to negativity and resentment. May each of us find our own happiness, may we be lucky on the path of life. All the best to you.

My beloved person, I am very sorry, but it so happened that we have to part. May your heart not cry, may your soul not be sad, may everything in your life turn out wonderfully, may warm and good relations remain between us.

I'm sorry, but we need to break up. You are a wonderful little man who helped me see this world from all its beautiful sides, you are a ringing song and a kind fairy tale, but not mine. Let our parting put an end to our relationship, but leave us the opportunity to be good friends.

From today, it's time for me to stop, because you won't be around. I understand, work, circumstances, affairs, but with your departure, it’s as if a part of me is also leaving. I know it won't be long. Time will pass, and you will return to me, but until that moment, I will count the minutes, dreaming about the upcoming meeting. I will think about you constantly, returning to you in my thoughts and dreams. I will ask heaven and all kinds of saints to take care of you and return you to me safe and sound. You are my happiness, and as you know, it is impossible for a person to live without happiness. Come back to me as soon as possible, I'm waiting with great impatience!

The time of parting has come, my heart is somehow sad and empty. But, we will cope with all the troubles, with all the problems, thoughts and time barriers. The main thing is to believe in the best, and everything will be fine with us.

Today will be extremely sad, and all because today I say goodbye to you. Let not for long, just for a couple of days, but this time for me will seem like an eternity. Please come back as soon as possible, because without you all life is messed up. My day starts with your smile and ends with your kiss. Don't deprive me of this for too long. I will unthinkably miss you the love of my life.

Dear sun, I miss you already! I want these days, until a new meeting, to fly by like one moment. I miss you madly, hug and look forward to seeing you.