Slavic winter solstice. Winter solstice. Solstice. Traditions. Rituals Winter Solstice Resurrected Gods

One of the most important dates of the year, from 22 to 25 three days of darkness, and on December 25 the New Year came - the birth of the baby Kolyada.

For us living today, it must be curious what our ancestors reckoning has been conducted since ancient times solar calendar. (It makes sense, doesn't it? :))

Kolyada- this is the Sun-baby (the newly born Sun), its Christmas has been celebrated since ancient times on December 25th. Kolyada time: from December 22 (day winter solstice). - March 21st.

Yarilo- this is the Sun, gaining strength, burning, ardent. Yaril time: from March 22 (day spring equinox) until June 20th.

Kupailo This is the Sun in full bloom. Kupaila time: from June 21 (day summer solstice) - until September 21.

Horse- this is the Sun in age, aging, losing strength, kind and affectionate. Khors time: from September 22 (autumnal equinox) to December 21

The night from December 21 to 22 is the longest of the year, on this day the gates of the interworld opened slightly, the line became thinner.

Horse "died" and went to other worlds, opening the gates. They tried to give him everything that they wanted to get rid of in the new year, they burned it in ritual bonfires.
The period of time from December 22 - to December 25 - three days of darkness, when they closed all "debts", washed away "sins", cleansed themselves and the house, preparing for the New Year - the birth of Kolyada.
These days they commemorated the Ancestors, communicated with the Spirits, went to visit, gave gifts - wishes.

On the night of December 25, they put out all the fire in the house and, with the appearance of the first star, they lit a new one, as a symbol of the birth of the New Year.

And here is what astrologers and esotericists write about these days:


The holiday of the longest night, from December 21 to 22, the so-called Mother's Night, is considered sacred by many nations, and the days before and after it are the strongest in the year, when you can really change your fate - be reborn just like the Sun.

The darkest time

The week leading up to the winter solstice is considered by Druidic traditions to be a period of timelessness, when the old god of the past year is already losing its power, and the new god of the next year has not yet been born.
This is the darkest time of the year, at the turn of which the Sun begins to gain its strength again. This period has long been considered the time when the gates to the astral spheres open and ghosts, spirits and souls of people can freely penetrate from one world to another.

Since at this time the sky “opens”, you need to carefully monitor your thoughts: destroy negative and gloomy ones in the bud, think about the good and the lofty.

This week is auspicious for prayer and meditation. All this will have a special power due to the natural rhythms of nature.

To protect yourself from the action of evil during this period, you need to keep lit candles in your homes, since fire is endowed with tremendous power that can protect against any negative influence.

Solstice - fate twist -

The 12 days after the Winter Solstice is a very energetic time. Strong currents of energy descend on the Earth, which activate the matrix of creation. During this period, not only the rebirth of the soul is possible, but also the renewal of life, a change in its negative factors.

In order to take advantage of the opportunities that this time provides, you need to have time to do the following:

Mentally or in meditation get rid of everything unnecessary, obsolete, both in your home and in your soul. You can write on paper everything you need to get rid of and burn it;

Make plans for the whole next year (it is advisable to write them in a notebook), starting with household purchases and repairs ending with personal growth;

Make three innermost desires, the fulfillment of which you are very much looking forward to in the coming year;

On the evening of December 21, set a rich, well-fed table and enjoy various goodies to the full. This tradition is considered a guarantee that the whole year will be just as satisfying, rich and profitable. Even pets can be given more food than usual this evening.

On the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate him on his birth, thanking him for everything that it gives us.

It's time to repay debts and pick up tails, to burn the past and already unnecessary on a winter fire, to watch how troubles and misfortunes dissolve in smoke. Time to prepare for the transition to a new round, to turn the wheel. December 22 will happen Holy holiday winter solstice.

The winter solstice is a special time. This day combines and synthesizes the Roman Saturnalia, the Scandinavian Yule, and the Christian Christmas. The Celts called this day Deuoriuos Riuri - "the great section, the festival of frost."

Over the millennia, during which the Winter Solstice was celebrated year after year, this day has acquired such layers of meaning, it has become so deeply embedded in human culture that, whether we like it or not, this holiday will influence us in any case.

In order to understand what the features of this holiday are, we will take into account two points:

- in many traditions, the annual metamorphoses of the Sun were considered as a model of the work of the Universe. The holidays of the Wheel of the Year were celebrated, and the Sun acquired anthropomorphic features, became an active subject in the eyes of people. We are just like our gods, and our gods are just like us.

- far from always people were sure that they would be able to live until spring. Lack of supplies and, as a result, hunger, cold and darkness - winter was the most difficult time of the year for our ancestors.

And in the end, out of a premonition of a long winter and darkness, out of a feeling of cold and lack of resources, out of uncertainty about the future, the myth of dying and resurrecting deities was forged. On the longest night of the year, the Sun God descended into the underworld to die there, and then be reborn again. The winter solstice is a celebration of death and resurrection.

This is the turning point of the year, at which you can "twist" your destiny. This is the point of transition from the old life to the new.
This is the boundary between the dead and the living.
It is the joy of life, scorched by the frosty breath of death.
The most paradoxical moment of the year is darkness, alienation, cold and evil, on the one hand, and a new conception, "good news", a guarantee of the coming Spring, on the other.
So, for example, on the holiday of the Winter Solstice, cattle were usually slaughtered. First of all, for purely utilitarian reasons - you can’t feed him in winter. But, nevertheless, it was on these days that our ancestors ate most fresh meat. In addition, most of the beer and wine harvested in the summer were suitable in the cellars. It turns out that people, rejoicing in plentiful food and drinks, kept in mind the thought of a couple of hungry months in the future.

In Greek mythology, these days, Hades, the god of the underworld, was allowed to appear on Olympus among other deities, which means that death was revered and welcomed along with life.
In many cultures, sacrifices are made on the winter solstice. To shed blood so that the winter, having had its fill, still subsided. Therefore, we, modern people, need to be ready to sacrifice something: old ideas that have warmed up in our souls, patterns of behavior to which we are accustomed. Recognize the importance of the obsolete, let it go and make room for the new.

How to celebrate

The winter solstice is a holiday scorched by the breath of ancient traditions. This is the turning point of the year, at which you can "twist" your destiny. The birth of a new one requires the cleansing of space from those “old coals” that no longer burn, but only take up space and stain the hearth. In the days before and after the Solstice, it will be useful to keep thoughts and feelings clean, putting things in order and making room for the new.

- Pay off debts, remembering even the smallest amounts
- Thank those people who have become your support and support this year. If gratitude is also crowned with a gift, it will be especially good.
- Make a general cleaning in the home, in the car, in places where you spend a lot of time. It will be useful to disassemble things and give away those that are no longer useful, clear the storerooms and conduct an audit.
- The same should be done at the information level - by tidying up on the hard drive of the computer, having audited social ties
At least a light fast is recommended, and alcohol and other mind-altering substances should be avoided.
- Resentment, anger, uncertainty - these are the points of energy exit. By the new year, try to strike a balance in your energy accounting.
- You can plan what you would like to achieve next year. Due to the accentuated earth element, it is important that your plans are specific and detailed, include certain steps to achieve the goal, and not just a “request for Mrzd”. 😉

The holiday itself is best celebrated in the company of people with whom we are connected by common ideas, interests and undertakings. The presence of live fire is favorable not only at the holiday, but also in the form of candles lit at home, during the week before the holiday - in the dark. The table should be modest, almost ascetic - Venus in Scorpio does not favor excesses.


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn will occur on December 22 at 4 o'clock in the morning. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, impregnable peaks, long term, ascetics and directors. Capricorn jumps on sheer cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the absence of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material planes, all jumps from rock to rock necessarily have a specific idea behind them, which warms Capricorn.

So we need to find between the material and the spiritual these days. So we also need to find these days between the material and the spiritual. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. It is impossible and headlong into monetization and profit, losing sight of the dream.
If you plan projects for the next year, then taking into account pragmatic earthly moods - with a financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step that you will take to achieve it. And do it after the Solstice. 😉

This solstice can have a transformative effect on people who have significant chart indicators in the third decade of mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces). Now their fate may change course. It is especially important for them to be conscious and honest with themselves and others so that the turn turns out to be good.

Most of the strength and attention is worth spending on completing and closing the old one. Before the Solstice, it is better not to conceive or discuss new projects. You have to give them time to mature. Assess what occupies your strength and energy - whether it is actions, relationships, reading feeds on social networks. Assess if it benefits you. Ask yourself the question honestly and answer it honestly.

Bisextile with Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio at the top will help bring order to matters of finance and relationships. For example, a good time to close ties with other people, to conduct final negotiations, to repay debts of any kind. So the entrance to New Year it will be much easier, and there will be more inspiring events in it.

The holiday on the Day of the winter solstice, which in 2019 is celebrated on December 21-22 in the Northern Hemisphere, June 20-21 in the Southern, has its roots in ancient times.

For most peoples, this event was regarded as a renewal, a revival of nature. Many cyclic calendars are based on the winter solstice.

This holiday was celebrated by the Germanic tribes, the Celts, the inhabitants of Ancient China, Japan, and India. Special rituals accompanied the Winter Solstice among the Slavs, who considered this holiday a time of renewal of the sun, and with it all life on earth, a time of spiritual transformation.

On the holiday on the Day of the winter solstice, people gathered on the hills, burned bonfires, greeted the sunrise, rolled burning wheels, and arranged feasts. It was believed that on this day, which determines what the whole next year will be, the energy of the sun increases and the power of magical actions increases.

On the Day of the winter solstice, our ancestors performed various rituals and read various conspiracies for love, wealth, health, beauty. It was believed that during this period they acquire special energy.

On the Day of the celebration of the winter solstice, dark forces were also endowed with special power, which, according to legend, came close to the world of the living.

The Slavs believed that at this time the formidable Karachun (Korochun) took power - an underground god who commands frosts and shortens daylight hours. He touches the windows of houses with his staff - and they are covered with hoarfrost, touches water bodies - and they are covered with ice.

His assistants were rod bears, blizzard wolves and snowbirds, which were part of his retinue. According to other beliefs, Karachun was a deity capable of influencing fertility and harvest in the new year.

On the Day of the winter solstice, the Slavic peoples celebrated the pagan New Year, which personified the deity of the sun - Kolyada. Celebrations in his honor lasted approximately 21 days.

On December 21, Kolyad'en was celebrated - the first day of the new year. People made bonfires, arranged feasts and baked ritual New Year's pies of a round shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body. They dressed up in animal clothes and went to the houses of their neighbors, praising them and begging for refreshments.

Carolers were served homemade sausages, lard, pies, boiled eggs and sweets. It was believed that in this way the spirits of the ancestors bless the Slavs and promise them a good year. This tradition in some regions of the country is alive to this day.

After the adoption of Christianity, the holiday on the Day of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and Christmas time. It is believed that it is especially favorable for predicting the future, so people traditionally arrange fortune-telling on this day.

The time of the winter solstice occurs when the axis around which our planet rotates, in the direction from the Sun, takes its maximum mark. The largest value of the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the Sun is 23° 26". Depending on the shift calendar days, the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs either on December 21 or 22, and in the Southern Hemisphere on June 20 or 21.

Different cultures interpreted this event in different ways, but most peoples perceived the winter solstice as a rebirth, setting the beginning of a new one. At this time, festivals, holidays, meetings were held, appropriate rituals were held, mass celebrations were held with songs and dances.

The solstice was a special moment of the annual cycle even during the New Stone Age (Neolithic). Thanks to astronomical events, from ancient times governing crops of grain crops, food preparation until the next harvest, mating periods of animals, one can trace how various traditions and myths arose. Evidence of this can be considered the layout of the oldest monuments of the late New Stone and Bronze Ages. Such as Stonehenge (Great Britain) and Newgrange (Ireland), the main axes of which were aligned with special care and indicated the rising of the luminary in Newgrange, and the sunset in Stonehenge on the day of the winter solstice. It is noteworthy that the Great Trilith (the design of the "letter P" of the three most big stones) in Stonehenge is turned outward relative to the center of the monument in such a way that its front flat part turns out to be facing the Sun by the middle of winter.

How did the ancient Slavs celebrate the winter solstice?

One of the most significant holidays, revered by our ancestors, were the days of Solstice and Equinox. Rotary, solstice, solstice, equinox - personify the four hypostases of the ancient Slavic god of the Sun Dazhdbog, the giver of light and heat. His name sounds in a short prayer that has survived to our time: “Give, God!”. According to popular beliefs, Dazhdbog opens the summer and closes the fierce winter.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time conducive to both good material changes and spiritual ones. The night that precedes the day of the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that a young sunny baby is born to the Goddess - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, which was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the festival was a large fire, calling and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, had to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights. It was also obligatory to bake ritual New Year's pies of a rounded shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body.

The ancient Slavs considered the solstice to be the beginning of a new year. It was on this day that the month of caroling began. It was believed that at a certain time of the day a new sun god, Kolyada, was born. This deity symbolized good weather and harvest. That is why the celebrations in his honor lasted approximately 21 days.

At Svyatki, people dressed in new, expensive clothes, set tables and wished each other good luck. The Slavs believed that a person would spend the New Year exactly the way he met it. In addition, the day of the winter solstice was considered a magical period, when the line between the world of the living and the dark forces became very thin. To scare away evil spirits, bonfires were built everywhere, and people dressed up in costumes of animals and supernatural beings.

Another one interesting tradition- These are carolers. Young girls and boys gathered in small groups and traveled from house to house, congratulating their owners on the coming year and wishing them good luck and prosperity. And as a reward, young singers received sweets and other treats. By the way, this tradition is still alive today.

Winter solstice festival among other nations

These days, in Europe, pagan festivities will mark the beginning of a 12-day cycle of magnificent festivities, which marked the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

In Scotland, there was a tradition to start a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was abundantly smeared with resin, set on fire and launched down the hill, resembling a fiery luminary with rotating movements.

In China, earlier than all other seasons (and Chinese calendar 24) the winter solstice was determined. The Chinese believed that it was from the beginning of this period that the male force of nature was growing stronger and giving rise to a new cycle. The winter solstice was a worthy celebration, because it was considered a happy, lucky day. Everyone, from the commoner to the emperor, rested and had fun on this day, gave each other gifts, went to visit, laid large tables laden with various dishes. An important role on this special day was given to sacrifices to the ancestors and the God of Heaven, the corresponding ceremonies and rituals were carried out. in order to protect yourself from diseases and evil spirits. The winter solstice is still one of the Chinese traditional holidays.

Hindus call the winter solstice Sankranti. The holiday was celebrated in both Sikh and Hindu communities, where at night, on the eve of the festival, bonfires were lit, the flame of which resembled the rays of the Sun, which warm the earth after a cold winter.

Winter Solstice and German Yule

The Germanic tribes also celebrated this day, considering it a transitional point between the old and the new year. Like the Slavs, the festivities were accompanied by bonfires. The key moment is the burning of a large symbolic log, the coals of which were then mixed with grain. In addition, houses, streets and trees were decorated with burning candles - this is how people asked for help and protection from the spirits of their dead ancestors. By the way, fiery decorations became the prototype of modern garlands.

But that's not all. Here the tradition was born to decorate houses with branches of evergreen trees - fir trees, mistletoe, ivy and holly. Such scenery was a symbol and a reminder that the night and the cold would definitely recede.

Winter solstice -
The shortest of the year
The night is long, long, dark,
The animals are fast asleep in the forest.

When the sun rises in the morning
Look better, don't yawn
If frost on the trees -
The harvest will be good.

The solstice is the day when the height of the sun above the horizon at noon is at its minimum. In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, which is when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts every year, since the duration of the solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

For millennia, the day of the Winter Solstice was of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with the natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. Since ancient times, people have revered the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and heat. For them, the winter solstice represented the victory of light over darkness.

Our distant ancestors were guided by natural phenomena and the movement of the Sun when calculating the calendar. The point of sunrise on the day of the winter solstice is of key importance for this. Agree that it was not just that huge megalithic structures, which are ancient observatories, were built all over the planet. Yes, and the calendar itself, which we already perceive as ordinary, has always been considered something sacred, since it is he who brings together and crowns the knowledge of how, what and when to do in order to succeed ... But let's still see what is the place and what is the role of the winter solstice in different cultures.

Ancient Roman Saturnalia

In ancient Rome, on the days of the solstice, the feast of Saturnalia was celebrated. As its name suggests, it was dedicated to the god Saturn. The celebration lasted from 17 to 23 December. By this time, all agricultural efforts were completed. And people could indulge in a holiday in honor of the birth of the Sun.

Throughout the celebration, it was customary to temporarily stop public affairs, send employees and students on vacation, and it was also forbidden to execute the punishment of criminals.

Saturnalia was the time of worship of the god of the Golden Age, and therefore at the feasts dedicated to Saturn, the slaves sat at the same table with the masters and were freed from daily work. There was a symbolic equalization of rights, a return to the Golden Age.

Crowds of celebrating walked in the streets. Everyone praised Saturn. On the days of Saturnalia, a pig was slaughtered as a sacrifice, and then they began to have fun. There was a tradition of gift exchange, which later moved to the modern Christmas and New Year.

Yule among the ancient Germans

Yule one of important holidays year and celebrated on a grand scale. In a word, "yule" was called the longest night of the year, which fell on the winter solstice.

It was believed that on this day the King of the Oak (the image of the Sun) is reborn, he warmed the frozen earth and gave life to the seeds in the soil, which were stored for a long winter, in order to germinate and give a harvest by spring.

The houses were also decorated with branches of trees: ivy, holly, mistletoe. It was believed that this helps to invite the Spirits of Nature to join the celebration. Spirits could bestow a happy life on the household.

Holiday in Christianity

In Christianity, Christmas is celebrated these days. In the Catholic tradition, it occurs on December 24, when the Sun, after passing its lowest point, is “reborn” again and rises higher. Followers of Eastern Christianity (Orthodox) celebrate Christmas later due to differences in the calendar that appeared as a result of the calendar reform, but despite the difference of 13 days, the essence of the holiday is the same.

It is believed that when Christianity replaced paganism, the new Christian holidays merged with pagan ones. This is how Christmas appeared in his modern form with a decorated Christmas tree and gifts for relatives and friends. Indeed, in fact, this is the celebration of the birth of Christ, merged with a whole series of holidays of the birth of the Sun.

Kolyada in Slavic culture

The Slavs celebrated the day of Kolyada - the newborn Sun. They believed that the birth of Kolyada heralded the return of summer. Kolyada - a young new Sun, comes to the holiday riding a pig, which in many cultures is an image of the same Sun.

Once upon a time, Kolyada was perceived not as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called the carol, called. New Year's Eve was dedicated to Kolyada, games were arranged in his honor, which were subsequently performed at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684.

The shortest day of the year was called Korochun. It is difficult to say whether this name is only the name of the day or a certain Spirit or God was called that, who brought winter to the earth and shortened the days. But there are more arguments in favor of the second version. Subsequently, this deity turned into Frost - a gray-haired old man, from whose breath bitter frosts begin, and rivers are covered with ice. The Slavs believed that if Frost hit a hut with a staff, the logs would crack. The folk epic has preserved many examples of turning to Frost with requests to accept treats and not to freeze the fields.

Bonfires were burned everywhere, which were designed to help the Sun triumph over death and be reborn. After the birth of Kolyada, the nights were waning, and the daylight hours were getting longer.

Some more interesting facts about
winter solstice

In India, the winter solstice - Sankranti - is celebrated in Hindu and Sikh communities, where bonfires are lit on the night before the celebration, the heat of which symbolizes the warmth of the sun, which begins to warm the earth after the winter cold.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland it was a custom to launch the sun wheel - the “solstice”. The barrel was smeared with burning tar and let down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and looked like a luminary.

In ancient China, it was believed that from this time on, the male force of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worthy of celebration. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was put into a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trading shops were closed, people went to visit each other, gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the god of Heaven and ancestors, and also ate porridge made from beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Until now, the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

God's Christmas

Cosmic, or in other words, natural cycles associated with the Sun - this is the basis on which almost all religious cults were imposed. For example, the cult of the son of God is not an invention of Christianity. This is one of the modifications of the cult of Osiris, which was formed in ancient Egypt.

This cult in Asia Minor was called the cult of Attis (Attis), in Syria - the cult of Adonis (Adonis), in the lands of Romea - the cult of Dionysius (Dionysius), etc. Mithra, Amun, Serapis, Liber were also identified with Dionysus at different times.

In all these cults, the god-man was born on the same day - December 25th. Then he died and later resurrected. There are 2 possible explanations: 1 - all these stories originate from the same source and are a kind of version of some old and already forgotten story. 2 - it partially includes the first one, all stories belong to different characters, and they, in turn, are the embodiment of the same God. God of the Sun. God of Life.

God Mithra was called that - the Invincible Sun. And in Ossetia, whose folk culture has preserved many fragments of ancient wisdom, they still celebrate their New Year on December 25, ArtKhuron, which means Solntsevich Fire.

We greet you, dear readers!
On December 21, the winter solstice will come, when the duration of the day will be the shortest, and the night, on the contrary, will be the longest of the year. Since ancient times, this day has had a sacred and mystical meaning. Astrologers recommend at this time, following the example of our ancestors, to let go of all the bad things in life, tune in to get rid of adversity and make wishes. How to follow these recommendations - read this article.

The beginning of life and light

December 21 is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.. It will last less than eight hours, but the night will last more than 16 hours.

In other words, astronomical winter begins. The winter solstice is the day when the sun reaches its lowest position. It seems that at this moment it freezes, stops in place.

But there is also good news. Every day, starting from December 23, will be longer and brighter. So the worst is over!

The sun moves from the zodiac sign Sagittarius to the sign Capricorn. And Capricorn, as you know, is associated with planning. Therefore, at this time it is advisable to think over and write down goals for the coming year. Consider what is really important to you and what you want to get rid of.

This is the turning point of the cycle of the year - the end of the old, the beginning of the new.

What is special about the solstices? See more about the meaning of this amazing phenomenon in the video:

In this darkest moment of the year, we celebrate the victory of the Light - the beginning of rebirth, fertility and hope. After this night, the light begins to overcome the darkness and signifies a new cycle of the seedlings of Nature.

Yola is celebrated on December 21, probably the oldest celebration of mankind, which has survived to this day. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, on this night the Goddess again becomes the Great Mother and gives birth to a son - the Lord of Light. From day to day it becomes stronger and warms the Earth with its radiance, brings joy and energy to life. The Mother Goddess is the Earth, her Son is the God of the Sun. At this darkest moment of the year, people worship the return of the Divine Child who brings light, warmth and life. The circle of the year revolves, transcending death and bringing new life. During the winter solstice, a new spark of hope appears in our souls - the Light of the World. The circle of the year has turned again! The day is increasing, the night is weakening. Light conquers darkness, pursues evil spirits and brings good luck in the coming new year. It is necessary to make wishes and let go of all insults and troubles.

How can you make a wish for the winter solstice? Read below.

Rites and rituals

The time of the winter solstice is the most fertile time for gratitude for what has happened to us, for forgiveness and for setting new goals and making wishes come true. ( Speaking of how powerful the ritual of gratitude is,) But first of all, you need to put things in order in your mind and heart. Therefore, we begin the rituals of the winter solstice with the ritual of purification.


First of all, clean your home. Together with dust and dirt, wash and remove sadness, anger, melancholy and other rubbish from the soul. Thoroughly wipe doorways and thresholds so that new energy fills your home without obstacles. Collect old, unnecessary things and take them out of the room, make room for new acquisitions.

Now take the time to cleanse your body. Fill the tub with warm water and add sea salt. Light an odd number of candles and turn on calm, pleasant music. In the bath, relax, mentally walk all over the body from the tips of the feet to the top of the head and give all diseases to the water with sea ​​salt. Flush the water with a wish for yourself to get rid of diseases and problems as soon as possible.


At sunset, write down all your experiences, resentments, quarrels, sad events and everything that you want to get rid of.

Open a window wide or go outside. Say what you want to leave in the past and not carry any more into your life.

Feel free to burn a sheet of paper with your sorrows, let the outgoing sun take them and burn them on the border of darkness and light that is born.

Well, now it's time to make a wish for the winter solstice.

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Make a wish

Desires must be made at the time of the birth of a new day, at dawn.

When making a cherished wish, do not tell anyone about it. Stand with your face to the east and first of all say words of gratitude for everything you have. Even misfortunes and problems are given to a person for the good, in order to be stronger, wiser, cleaner. And for that we should be even more grateful.

You can pronounce your desires and want with all your heart their fulfillment. When making wishes, be generous with details. Now try to imagine that the plan has come true. What feelings did you experience? Are these positive emotions? Then everything is in order. Your desire will benefit the soul and body.

Remember that magic happens during the winter solstice and you are very close to your happiness.

Dear readers! Soon the New Year and happy days of the Christmas holidays!

Everything around us will soon be talking about joy and happiness.

Let's use the time of the winter solstice to gain strength for the upcoming new year and evaluate all of the above as a prediction of happiness. The time of the triumph of the sun is very near. In the meantime, we will enjoy the warmth of the hearth and communication with loved ones.