Technology for performing smart styling. Hairstyle technique. Creating "Creative Mess"

Cold hair styling in a combined way.

In the foreground in the work of a modern hairdresser is not the monotonous development of hairstyles, but their individual design. Each styling technique has its own advantages, but for certain types of hairstyles and hair quality, and its own small disadvantages. Therefore, you cannot work using the same method all the time. In each individual case, it is necessary to choose the most suitable technique to achieve best result. In addition, it allows you to deviate from the well-known pattern in the design of hairstyles.

With the combined method, hair curling on curlers, hair styling in waves (fingers), hair styling in waves using a hair dryer and curling iron are used. So, for example, using hair clips, you can make waves on certain parts of the head.

In some cases, other types of hair styling can be used, each of which has its own advantages, especially when considering different types hairstyles and hair quality.

Hair styling with waves using a hair dryer.

You need to start working with a hairdryer on a test strand.

It is moistened not very plentifully, weaker than with cold styling. The strand attached to the board is tucked away from itself and combed well. Then the hair is given a comb with a certain direction, slightly moving them towards the main strand. A tip is put on the hair dryer, holding it in the right hand, and the air stream is directed to the opposite side of the bend.

Dry the hair until the first edge of the wave is formed. They retreat from this wave by 3-4 cm and with a comb they give the hair a little forward, while directing the air stream to the second edge of the wave. By turning the comb to the right, the air stream is directed to the left. If the comb is turned to the left, then the air stream is directed to the right. This is how waves are made one after another.

The width of the wave depends on the shape of the hairstyle. The distance from one end of a wave to the other is called the width of the wave. By increasing and decreasing this distance, we can achieve the desired waveform.

In addition to waves, you can also use a hair dryer to make other hair details or completely style your hair.

Wave generation.

The initial or main wave of the strand.

The initial or first wave of the strand cannot be worked out with hot tongs and, most importantly, you should try to give it a natural waviness.

Main wave. The initial wave is followed by an equally important main wave, which should have a soft waviness and match the client's face. As for subsequent waves, it is necessary to observe not only the accuracy of their development, but also their uniformity so that they smoothly coincide with one another.

In addition to the correct use of forceps, when a new wave is formed, it is recommended to capture a small part of the previous one. a ready-made wave, along the bend of which a new one is generated.

Curling waves on the crown, horseshoe-shaped hairstyle. Having established the location of the main waves on both sides of the parting, the waves of these two parts are developed. Then, with slightly heated forceps, the contours of the outcome of the main wave around the crown of the head are slightly marked, and only after that can one begin to develop the wave itself. This minor preparatory work is especially recommended for hairdressers who are not daily engaged in curling, while experienced connoisseurs of this process produce waves already by skill.

When curling a horseshoe-shaped hairstyle or hair on the crown of the head, it must be borne in mind that when developing an arc, the hairdresser should stand behind and grab only very narrow strands at the end of the main wave with the tip of the tongs. With subsequent captures, the arc expands more and more.

To master perfectly the catch, that is, the technique of expanding the wave from the development of a smooth coincidence of one wave with the arc, as well as the technique of the so-called curling of the hair lying under the already curled upper hair. a lot of training is needed. So, if with a short haircut hair is obtained with a length of 10 to 15 cm, then after the second or third wave the strand ends, and in this case it is impossible to develop waves at the very back of the head. In order to develop a second wave in this position, two methods are used, namely: a smoothly adjoining pickup of the previous wave with a new and so-called curl.

Pickup in this case performs two tasks: the first method, even with short hair, makes it possible to develop uniform waves to the very back of the head and deepen them. Having worked out the initial batch of the initial (main) wave, the hair of the main or not yet curled hair is picked up with a comb. After that, the forceps grab the hair near the break of the previous wave so that the upper edge of the grooved knee is directed slightly upward.

Then, with a half-turn of the forceps, continuously closing and opening them with the wrist, they once again generate a large arc of the wave. Only after that you need to close the tongs to failure and continue to generate the wave in the usual way. Depending on the length of the hair, this pickup is repeated several times.

Very often the mistake of the masters is that the tongs are inserted into the hair from below, and they are closed to failure immediately at the break, while raising (due to the incorrect position of the tongs) the lower batches of hair up. As a result, the newly created wave break after combing will lie lower. It will turn out inaccurately worked out waves.

Hair styling with curlers.

To style hair in curlers, the hair must be cut correctly so that there are no ends of different lengths.

With the help of curlers, soft and medium hard hair is laid. Styling coarse hair using curlers is not recommended, as the curl turns out to be excessively curly. In extreme cases, curlers with a diameter of at least 20 mm can be used to curl coarse hair. With the help of large curlers, a partial curl is made at the back of the head or from the sides of the head to create a very light wave or 1-2 waves in front. For this, depending on the length of the hair, curlers with a diameter of 10-20 mm are used.

Hair should be wound on curlers in the direction in which the wave should lie. For example, if the wave is parallel to the parting, the curlers are also placed parallel to it, if the wave is inclined with respect to the parting, the curlers are also placed obliquely.

When combing hair with waves back, curlers are placed parallel to the forehead (Fig. 4.5).

Hair is wound on curlers in the direction of combing. Otherwise, they will lie badly.

Winding the hair is done as follows: the master stands facing the direction of winding the hair and with a rare side of the comb, which he holds in his right hand, separates a strand of hair with a width slightly smaller than the width of the curler, and about 1 cm thick. He shifts the hair into left hand, and with the right puts them between the tube and the wings of the curlers, pulls the curlers to the end of the strand of hair and begins to wind them. At the same time, he must ensure that the ends of the hair lie between the tube and the wings and do not stick out to the sides when winding, otherwise they will stick out even after combing. If the hair in the strands is longer on one side and shorter on the other, then the curlers are placed at an angle, clamping all ends of the hair at the same time, since when winding the curlers will align and take a horizontal position. After winding, the hair is dried, the curlers are removed and the curls are combed with a comb or massage brush. Combing begins with the lower curls and ends with the upper ones. After combing with a light push, the edges of the palm (from the side of the little finger) give the necessary direction to the waves of the hair.

When combing the hair back in the area of ​​the head from the forehead to the back of the head, the curlers lie parallel to the forehead, on the sides of the head.

Vertically in relation to the forehead, in the areas of the head between the sides and the top of the head.

Obliquely at the back of the head, the curlers are twisted down. Then the hair is combed with a comb and brush, after which the direction of the waves is given with the edge of the palm.

When styling hair with curlers, a more natural hairstyle is obtained than with all other types of curling, especially with soft hair.

When curling hairstyles with a parting on the side or in the middle, curlers are placed in the opposite direction of the wave.

Hair styling with a hairdryer.

Hair styling with a hairdryer has an undeniable advantage, since it does not take much time from the client and the master, while the waves are more lush and close to natural. With the use of a hair dryer, the following work is performed: all types of curling, hairstyles, stretching of broken hair on the head and beard, setting hair on the crown of the head during haircuts.

The tip directs the air stream in a narrow flat stream, and thus does not ruffle the hair, but gives it the desired direction, while drying it and creating a wave shape. The temperature of the air jet is adjusted by moving the hair dryer closer or further away.

Hair styling with a hairdryer includes the following steps:

1. Washing the hair and treating it with a special hair styling compound.

2. After that, comb the hair and give it a direction that you will follow in styling.

3. If the hair is very wet, light drying is desirable.

4. After all preparatory stages you should go directly to styling your hair with a hairdryer.

When laying with a flat brush, the strand is picked up first from the hair roots, after drying which we proceed to the processing of the wet ends of the hair, smoothly changing the direction of the air supply. The direction of the ends of the hair can be given with a round brush, which must be constantly supported by a strand of hair.

During styling, pay great attention to the desired direction and complete drying of the base of the strand, this affects the strength and volume of the hairstyle.

At the end of the process (styling), the hair must be combed into the desired shape and fixed with varnish.

Hair styling with electric tongs, or hot hair styling.

This laying is carried out only on dry and clean hair. If hairspray or some other fixative was previously applied to the hair, this will damage the hair structure. Hair may lose its shine, become dry and brittle.

Hair Styling- this is a perm for a short time, as a result of which the structure of the hair changes. It consists of several operations with the help of which hairstyles of various shapes and patterns are performed. The duration of the styling will depend on:

ü hair structure;

ü their elasticity and elasticity;

ü selected tools and devices;

ü modeling tool;

ü weather conditions

According to the method of making hairstyles, styling can be:

  1. Cold styling (styling with a comb and fingers).
  2. Air styling (styling with a brush and hair dryer).
  3. Hot styling (styling with electric tongs and using curlers).
  4. Combined styling (styling that combines 2 or more methods).

Cold styling hair has been used for a very long time. One of the advantages of this method is its harmlessness. Hair with this method of styling is not injured, as it is not subjected to high-temperature and chemical treatment. You can even, on the contrary, improve the condition of your hair if you use high-quality traditional herbal formulations or new modern products specially designed for this purpose and containing herbal, mineral and other useful additives to fix the styling.

The cold styling method allows you to diversify the composition of the hairstyle, since in this case, using different combinations individual elements (for example, types and sizes of waves), the hairdresser can create various forms of hairstyles, change her pattern.

When styling with a cold method, strands of hair, previously treated with a special fixing agent, are laid with the help of hands and a comb. Laying done in this way, also called "finger laying", lasts for a short time.

Order of execution cold styling hair depends on the originally conceived shape of the hairstyle, its pattern (sketch) and other factors. For example, in the process of formation of individual elements that make up a hairstyle, aerosol hairsprays can be used for the purpose of intermediate fastening of waves, strands. This technique, helping to gradually carry out the drawing of the hairstyle, allows you to create a certain shape. The shape of a cold-styled hairstyle is better preserved if a special net is used when drying the hair. After drying, the mesh is removed, and the hair is styled with a comb, giving it splendor and naturalness. The final shape of the hairstyle is fixed with hairspray.

Depending on the shape of the hairstyle, the elements of its components, individual characteristics hair and some other factors, the styling order may vary. This is where professionalism plays an important role. Creative skills hairdresser.

Distinctive features of modern styling, made in a cold way:

  1. In the hairstyle, a combination of several types of waves (straight, oblique, transverse) is possible.
  2. The shape of the hairstyle is made up of waves of different widths.
  3. Using a non-classical way of connecting waves.
  4. The use of a curly parting.
  5. Use of decorative additions of modern stylized forms for hair styling.
  6. The use of various modeling agents produced by domestic and foreign perfumery and cosmetic companies.

The most common element of a hairstyle that is performed in a cold way is a wave (a smooth bend of hair, limited on both sides by crowns). They have distinctive features depending on the location, size and method of implementation.

Technological features of the implementation of " direct wave”are as follows: the waves are parallel to the parting. The first crown on the larger side of the parting reaches the end of the parting and ends there. The second crown on the larger side of the parting passes to the connection with the first crown on the smaller side of the parting (Fig. 1). When performing hairstyles, use a combined large comb and fixative for styling hair.

Laying is performed in the following order:

2. Then the styling composition is evenly applied to them and a parting is carried out, which determines the direction of the future wave.

3. The first wave is performed on the larger side of the parting. This is a reverse wave.

4. Further, stepping back 2 - 3 cm from the parting, the index finger of the left hand is placed on the resulting wave. A comb is inserted perpendicular to the finger into the hair and shifted away from the face by 1-1.5 cm. Then the comb is deflected towards itself and the resulting crown is clamped with the index and middle fingers of the left hand, after which the hair is taken away with the comb in the opposite direction and smoothed with a butt. So they get the second - a protruding wave on the larger side of the parting.

5. Gradually moving in this way to the highest point of the head (crown), perform the first crown, which ends at the end of the parting.

6. Similarly, perform the second crown on the larger side of the parting.

7. The peculiarity of the above techniques is that the hair must be combed in the direction from the face to form a reverse wave from the larger side of the parting.

8. The second crown on the larger side of the parting passes through the top of the head and connects to the first crown formed on the smaller side of the parting. Consistently repeating the considered styling techniques, the “Straight Waves” hairstyle is completed.

9. From the larger side, protruding waves are visible - frontal, temporal, buccal, and from the smaller side of the parting - only temporal and buccal.

10. In the area of ​​​​the auricles, in order to avoid damaging them, the waves must be performed with special care and caution.

11. Styling of very short hair in the back of the head can be done with the formation of flat rings from individual strands 1.5 or 2 cm wide. With the help of the thumb and forefinger, the strands are twisted in one direction or the other and fixed with clips or hairpins. Thus, clear waves are obtained that complement the overall composition of the hairstyle.

12. If the hair in the back of the head is very long, they can be arranged in the form of ring curls and secured with curlers.

Features of styling relative to the parting: the composition of such a hairstyle is characterized by the fact that oblique waves are located on the larger side of the parting, and straight waves on the smaller side.

Laying "oblique wave" is done in the following order:

1. First, the hair is carefully combed.

2. Then a fixing composition for hair styling is evenly applied to them and a side parting is carried out.

3. Using the techniques described for the “Straight hair” styling, the first (preparatory) wave is performed and the first crown is obtained from the larger side of the parting. This crown is placed at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the parting and directed to the first third of the parting.

4. Then, on the larger side of the parting, a protruding wave and a second crown are performed, directed to the second third of the parting.

5. The third performed crown is sent to the end of the parting.

6. The fourth crown on the larger side of the parting is connected to the first crown on the smaller side.

Air styling. Hairstyles from short hair turn out to be more magnificent and last longer if you moisten the hair at the roots with gel, varnish or foam before blow-drying. Hairdryer is convenient to style hair of any length.

When blow-drying, it is necessary to dry the hair very carefully and at the same time try not to allow the dried strands to come into contact with the wet ones. You should also clearly work out all the details of the hairstyle and, creating volume, strictly ensure that the air stream does not burn the skin.

After blow-drying, the hair is combed only with a combination comb or a comb with an ordinary handle. When styling hair with a hair dryer, depending on the length of the hair, a comb is used, as well as a round or flat brush.

Low-volume haircuts with a flat brush.

Flat brushes are designed to lift hair at the roots, i.e. creating a hairstyle. This styling method, called "bombing", is used in the men's and women's rooms when performing evening and model hairstyles.

  1. When blow-drying with a flat brush (Fig. 1), you first need to comb your hair and outline the direction of the main lines of the future hairstyle. Then, holding the brush with the teeth down, it is inserted into the hair strand from the inside. Moreover, laying begins from the lower occipital zone. Blow-drying techniques with a flat brush
  2. Having grabbed a strand with a brush, it is slightly lifted up, while the hair should be pulled by the first row of brush teeth facing inside the strand.
  3. Next, a stream of air is directed to the strand, fixing the hair that has formed. The strand to be treated should remain on the brush until completely dry. Then the end of this strand is pulled with a brush and a hair dryer in the direction of the lines of the intended hairstyle, after which the brush is removed from the dried strand of hair.
  4. All hair is treated in the same way, gradually moving from the occipital zone to the front.

Hairstyles with a round brush

Using a round brush and a hair dryer, shape the ends of the hair.

This styling method is called "brushing" and is used in the women's room. The laying technology is as follows.

  1. The brush is inserted into the hair strand from the inside. Moreover, the laying begins with the parietal zone.
  2. Then the strand captured by the brush is pulled in the direction opposite to the combing of the hair of the future hairstyle, and, having directed a jet of hot air to the root part of the strand, it is dried.
  3. Next, the brush is advanced, turning it constantly down. By smoothly bending the end of the strand and drying it, they change the direction of the air stream, i.e. allow the strands to cool on the brush.
  4. Pulling the brush out of the cooled strand, similarly style the hair on all parts of the head, where the hairstyle should have an increased volume.

Performing a wave with a flat brush and comb

The technology for performing a wave with a hair dryer using a flat brush and comb is as follows.

  1. Holding the comb directed perpendicular to the head, the separated strand of hair is inserted into it with the teeth of the brush and, grabbing the hair two to three fingers wide, slightly move the strand to the right. In this case, the first wave is formed.
  2. Then, turning the brush and lifting the hair at the roots, dry the raised strand with an air stream directed to the left. Rice. 2. Hairdryer waves.
  3. The second wave is performed in a similar way, only by changing the direction of movement of the brush and the flow of hot air, i.e., the brush is moved to the left by 1 cm and turned towards itself, and the hair is dried with an air flow directed to right side.
  4. The laying of the waves begins with the parietal zone of the head or from the parting. The brush is held parallel to the head. Having captured the next strand, the hair is lifted at the roots and turned slightly towards itself, after which the brush is moved away from the parting and the hair is gradually dried along it. This technique is repeated several times, giving the hairstyle the desired shape.
  5. Long strands can be wound on a round brush, drying each strand first from the outside, and then from the inside. At the same time, the brush is held in the left hand and, having grabbed the strand, the brush is slightly scrolled, as a result of which the hair is well fixed on it, and takes the form of a curl. In this case, the styled hair curls down beautifully, giving the impression of a natural wave (Fig. 2).

The techniques for performing the main elements of this laying (crowns, waves) are also similar to the techniques used when laying the “straight wave”. hallmark the composition of this hairstyle is the perpendicular arrangement of the waves in relation to the imaginary parting. The technological feature of this installation is that the waves are performed without connection. The waves located near the face are narrow, and then, in the occipital zone, they gradually expand.

Hair styling done with curlers lasts much longer than when using a hair dryer.

Styling with curlers is recommended in cases where the hair is porous, which means it quickly absorbs moisture and quickly becomes dry, and if it is supple and elastic. If the hair has a structure with increased elasticity and a tendency to “stick out” with strands up to 5 cm long, then it is better to first subject such hair to chemical treatment (perm).

The beauty and naturalness of a hairstyle laid on curlers always depends on the winding technique and the type of curler.

When using thin curlers, the curls will always be small and elastic, while the hairstyle will last long enough.

The use of medium curlers on short hair (Fig. 1) allows you to give the hairstyle splendor and volume, on the hair middle length allows you to get a large waviness, and on long hair- soft waves.

Rice. 1. Styling short hair with medium curlers

Large curlers are used only for wrapping long and semi-long hair in order to give the hairstyle volume and shape (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Winding medium-length hair on large curlers (a) and the resulting hairstyle (b)

Thus, the volume of the hairstyle depends on the size of the curlers: the smaller they are, the greater the volume, and vice versa. Wet or moistened hair with styling composition is always wound on curlers.

Before winding on curlers, the hair is divided into zones in accordance with the chosen winding scheme. Some wrapping schemes are shown in Fig. 3-5.

Rice. 3. Classic scheme curling hair on curlers

Rice. 4. The scheme of winding hair on curlers to obtain a transverse wave

Rice. 5. The scheme of winding hair on curlers to obtain a horizontal wave

2. Having lifted the strand, it must be placed approximately at an angle of 45 ° to the surface of the head (i.e., pulled), and then wrap the tip of the strand around the curler. Then, holding the end of the strand, rotate the curlers with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands so that the hair is evenly distributed along their entire length, and fix the strands with an elastic band or hairpin, depending on the design.

3. After all the hair is twisted, it is necessary to put a special net on them and put the client under the dryer. After some time, the master must check whether the hair has dried well. If the hair is not dried, then the hairstyle will not retain its shape for a long time. However, overdried hair also does not contribute to the long-term preservation of styling. For better fixation of curls, before unwinding the curlers, you must let them cool.

4. Unwind the curlers from the lower occipital area so that the hair does not get tangled.

5. Then they start combing the hair, which is a very important step in styling. The resulting curls are gently combed with two brushes, starting from the ends, and at the same time pull them back.

7. To give a smoother shape to the hair, you can use a styling gel or wax.

8. For a longer preservation of volume, the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Hot styling. Much less than others traditional ways hair styling uses hot curling, i.e. hair styling using electric tongs.

This styling is more suitable for long straight or slightly curly hair, cut in a cascade or one length. Moreover, for styling thin hair, it is necessary to take tongs with a small diameter - then the curl will be elastic and long-lasting.

The strands on the tongs are wound spirally. To protect your hair from hot exposure, it is best to use mousse.

Combined styling characterized by a combination various ways styling.

First, a side parting is performed, then the first preparatory reverse wave is performed on the larger side of the parting. On the larger side of the parting, oblique waves are performed (at an angle of 45 ° to the parting). On the smaller side of the parting, straight waves are made (parallel to the parting).

We carry out the first crown from the larger side of the parting, which goes to 1/3 of the parting at an angle of 45 ° to the parting.

We perform a protruding wave from the larger side of the parting.

We perform the second crown on the larger side of the parting, which goes to 2/3 of the parting.

The third crown on the larger side of the parting goes to the end of the parting.

The fourth crown on the larger side of the parting goes to connect with the first crown on the smaller side.

Crowns and waves are performed in exactly the same way as with straight waves.

Technology for performing cold laying "transverse waves".

Transverse waves are performed without parting. The waves are perpendicular to the imaginary parting. Waves are performed without connection. At the face, the waves are narrower (2-3 cm), towards the occipital zone - they expand.

A combination of several types of waves is possible: oblique, straight, transverse, the wave width can be different. You can use non-classical connection of waves, figured parting, various decorations and all kinds of additions, as well as various compositions (liquid varnish, flax seed, gel, any styling products).

Final work.

We dry the styling using a hair dryer;

Let the hair cool down

We comb the hair (comb the composition), give splendor to the hairstyle;

At the request of the client, a bouffant is performed (after the bouffant, we comb the hair again in waves);

At the request of the client, fixing the styling with varnish;

We take off linen;

We get paid for the service.

Styling products.

Hair styling products include preparations such as hair styling foam, hair spray, mousse, styling cream, gel, wax, varnish.

Foam regular and strong action have a good fixing ability, which gives long-term shape retention, splendor and elasticity of the hairstyle. When using foam, the hair does not stick together and is easy to comb. Gives the same effect mousse for hair.

Spray covers the hair with the thinnest film, which protects them from exposure environment. Perfectly retains the shape of the hairstyle, gives splendor, silky shine, dries quickly, does not stick hair and combs well. Designed for any type of hair, as well as for hair with a damaged structure.

Cream for hair styling increases the flexibility and combability of the hair, gives the hair well-groomed appearance dry hair is easier to style. Gives hair intense shine and provides care and protection for hair after styling. Used to highlight individual strands and get shine on the hair. It is applied to dry hair and distributed on individual strands or throughout the hairstyle. Can be applied several times a day.

Gel serves to create smooth hairstyles, the effect of "wet hair" and the expressiveness of individual strands. Fixes and creates the effect of "wet hair", especially on curly or curled hair. Gives hair shine and a healthy look. Distribute with the palm of your hand on the hair, shaping the hairstyle.

Wax styling attaches to hair sustainable form and shine. Recommended for color-treated and permed hair. Used to create special hair details. Softens hair and shapes strands, adds flexibility and shine.

varnish for hair fixes the volume and shape of the hairstyle, making the hair elastic and at the same time protecting it from the adverse effects of the environment. A good varnish gives the hair shine and splendor, dries quickly, combs easily and is removed from the hair with a regular brush or comb. To add volume, spray onto damp hair while blow-drying.

Wavy, beautiful, carefully styled hair is the dream of every woman. The owners of such hairstyles attract the eyes of all men around, being the object of envy of other women. The owners of short haircuts and medium-length hair are especially lucky - there are an infinite number of hairstyle options that can be done with them.

Hair styling is troublesome, although it is worth it. Moreover, you can either go to a beauty salon, where they will do all the work for you, or, having stocked up with the necessary set of tools, make yourself a chic hairstyle on your own.

What you may need for hair styling

It is easy to make a stylish hairstyle yourself. The main thing is to know how to do the styling correctly and have a certain set of tools and tools available.

For styling of any complexity, the following tools can be useful:

  • Mousse– will help turn straight hair into curls and make voluminous hairstyle. It will not only allow you to easily cope with styling, but also retain the effect for a long period of time.
  • varnish- a means of fixing hairstyles. You will need a varnish with the effect of medium fixation - with it the hairstyle will last a large amount of time without gluing the strands.
  • Wax- a tool designed to fix the hairstyle and make the hair smooth.
  • Gel- a tool that is suitable even for extremely short haircuts. It will help to style any, including the most naughty types of hair as you like.

And tools:

  • Comb, which has small teeth and a sharp end - is designed to create a parting that will be perfectly even. A sharp tip will help to lay each strand separately.
  • hair dryer- a device necessary for styling any hair. It is better to purchase a semi-professional or professional hair dryer, which has the ability to create a hot and cold stream. This feature will allow you to quickly make a hairstyle desired shape and keep it for quite a long time.
  • Straightening iron- a device that allows you to straighten curly and smooth lush hair. With it, you can make a perfectly even hairstyle.
  • Thermal protectant Helps protect your hair from the intense heat of the iron.
  • Curler or curling iron have the opposite effect of ironing - they make it possible to make curls from even hair, which will give the hairstyle unusual and volume.
  • Clips and hairpins help to remove excess curls during the creation of hairstyles. In some cases, they can be useful in very large quantities.

Short Hair Styling Instructions

As a rule, owners of short haircuts are classified as girls who, as many believe, do not need hairstyles. However, such monotony quickly gets boring, because you really want to do something so special with your hair. Turning to professionals who can easily pick up the perfect hairstyle is easier than inventing it yourself, but this is not always possible for one reason or another.

However, a large number of interesting styling can be done on such hair, and almost every one of them can be done at home on your own.

We increase the volume

Initially, you need to wash your hair and, while it is still wet, apply mousse. Without letting the hair dry completely, you can proceed to the main process. The hair is divided into separate strands. Curls that are not currently in use will have to be secured at the back with hairpins. Next, each curl is individually wound on a round comb and the hair is styled with a hairdryer using hot and cold air flow alternately. Fixing the hairstyle is carried out with the help of varnish and wax.

Create soft waves

When using a curling iron, the strands are separated, then each curl is wound and held for half a minute, thereby curling. So all the hair is wound, after which you can apply a little gel and lightly beat the hair with your hands.

If curlers were chosen, each strand is wound on curlers and dried together with a hairdryer. When the hair is dry, the curlers are carefully removed so as not to wrinkle the curls, and the gel is applied by hand.

Making smooth hair

The hair is washed with shampoo, and then, before it has time to dry, a thermal protective agent is applied, which will allow you to make an even styling and not harm your hair.

(This is important!) Blow-drying short hair is done from the roots to the ends, at the same time it is desirable to separate them into separate strands. With the help of an iron, the strands are straightened, and the hairstyle is fixed with varnish. Such styling always looks stylish and can be done both for a celebration and for work.

Creating "Creative Mess"

The simplest of the described styling. It does not take much time and money to complete it. You just need to wash your hair, dry it slightly and apply mousse. With hands, without the use of any tools, the hair is styled the way you want. In such an easy and relaxed way, you can get a very beautiful styling.

How to style medium length hair

Medium length haircuts are the most versatile option that allows you to try on almost all the most popular hairstyles. Owners of such haircuts can easily make themselves a chic styling, and without even leaving home. You can independently make such fashionable hairstyles as:

  • Ponytail- This is one of the simplest, but at the same time popular hairstyles. The front part of the hair is separated and fixed with a clip or elastic band. The hair at the top is combed and collected in a ponytail. The fixed strands are released and divided into two parts, which are then laid around the base of the tail. And as a finish - the strands in the tail are curled and slightly combed.

  • Hairstyles in the Greek style are very popular among the stars of show business. Greek knots look elegant and romantic without taking much time.

All you need is a decorative elastic band and hairpins. After making a straight parting, you need to level the surface of the hair, smoothing it well with the palm of your hand. After that, an elastic band is put on, inside of which the curls remaining outside are carefully tucked. These strands need to be secured with hairpins so that the hairstyle lasts a long time.

  • Ideal styling for shoulder length hair soft waves. Parting in this case can be anything and depends on the preferences of the woman. Hair is separated into separate strands with mousse applied, and each of them is wound on curlers. Further drying with a hair dryer will speed up the drying process. Or you can just wait 30 minutes. After removing the curlers, the hair at the roots is gently combed and lifted. Particularly naughty strands can be fixed with varnish.

  • Hair straightening has not lost its relevance for decades. Mistresses of curly curls from time to time can resort to such styling to add variety to their image. Yes, and you only need one tool for it - an iron for straightening. The main thing to remember is that straight styling requires volume at the roots, otherwise the hairstyle will be too smooth.

Long-term styling: ideal for busy people

Long-term styling is a godsend for those who chronically do not have enough time to visit beauty salons or to create their own hairstyles. There are several ways of such styling, but each of them will help create a stylish and fashionable hairstyle, saving a woman from having to spend the lion's share of her time in the mornings fighting recalcitrant strands.

  • Carving- type of styling, produced with the help of a special preparation. However, it cannot be attributed to a perm - in contrast to it, carving treats the hair carefully, causing minimal damage.

(This is important!) Before the procedure, the stylist will assess the type and condition of the woman's hair in order to select the required type of preparation as accurately as possible. This is one of the most crucial stages in carving - if the composition is not chosen correctly, the hair can be damaged to such an extent that the best way out will then be to cut it off completely.

Although carving is a relatively “soft” procedure, this does not mean that it can be done constantly and uncontrollably. Any chemical compositions and drugs to one degree or another harm the hair. Therefore, let the hair recover for some time after carving, and after that you can, for example, start dyeing it.

  • - universal long-term styling, also known for its gentle attitude to hair. This is achieved due to the protein that strengthens and heals the hair, which is part of the preparation for biowave.

The procedure is relatively simple, although it is recommended by stylists to carry it out in hairdressing salons, as it consists of a number of stages, each of which has its own subtleties and tricks:

  • The strands are wound onto bobbins, after which a preparation for biowave is applied to them.
  • After that, the next composition thickening the protein is applied.
  • Lastly, a fixative is used to nourish the hair and fix the curl.

Advantages and disadvantages of long-term styling

Long styling continues to gain popularity among women, especially those who value their time. The advantages of this type of styling are enough to call it one of fashion trends decades:

  • You no longer need to spend hours in front of the mirror or frantically trying to clean up your head in the morning - this procedure will now take very little time.
  • Carving and bio-curling do not deprive the hair of its natural shine and do not make it dull.
  • Such styling is the best suited for short and medium haircuts.
  • The components that make up the products for such styling treat the hair carefully, practically without damaging their structure.
  • For medium hair, long styling can be done only once every 2-3 months.

At first glance, carving and biowave are ideal procedures in all respects. However, this is not entirely true, they also have specific disadvantages:

  • If coloring is planned after this, you will have to wait a bit - the hair should recover. This will take 3-4 days.

(It is important!) Stylists do not advise to do long-term styling on damaged and weakened hair: after highlighting, coloring, etc.

Beautiful hair styling is quite real. The main thing is not to be afraid to try new options, even the most daring ones. Over time, gaining experience in styling her hair, a woman will do this procedure quickly, perhaps even adding something of her own to her hair or inventing new styling options that will look no worse than those made in the most expensive salon.

3.3. Laying technology

Styling technology with a comb and hair dryer

After the haircut, divide the scalp into zones and proceed to styling the hair strands in the middle part of the occipital zone. On slightly damp hair, apply the hair styling compound, then take the hair dryer in your right hand, and the ponytail in your left hand and proceed directly to the formation of curls. With the tail of the comb in the left hand, select the strand and pick it up with the little finger of the right hand, then comb the strand with the teeth of the comb-tail, while blowing with a hairdryer, while forming a curl shape. Grab the selected next strand along with the previous one and follow the same strand laying technique. So in a row, style all the strands of hair in a hairstyle, forming curls.

Styling strands with shoulder length and below (haircuts such as "Kare") is done using a round brush. After dividing the scalp into zones, style in a row, separating the strands with horizontal partings in the direction from the crown to the marginal hairline of the neck, first in the middle part of the occipital zone, then in the lateral parts of this zone, temporo-lateral zones and parietal zone.

The technology of styling hair strands with a round brush of small diameter

Take a round brush of small diameter in your left hand and select a strand with the tail of this brush. Grab this strand with the little finger of your right hand, then comb this strand perpendicular to your head with your teeth and form waves with blowing with a hair dryer; at the same time, forming a wave at the end of the strand, stretch the strand with a brush, simultaneously scrolling it and drying it with a hairdryer. Having selected the next strand, grab it along with the previous one and follow the same styling technique as with the previous strand. So do the styling of all the strands in a row. Styling strands up to the middle of the ear (haircuts like "Natasha") is done with a flat brush, lifting the strands of hair at the root.

Hair styling technology with a flat brush

Having previously divided the scalp into zones after cutting, lightly moistening the hair and applying hair styling product, proceed to styling the lower occipital zone (give direction to the hair strands with a flat brush).

Then, using a round brush, style the hair strands of the upper occipital area using the technique used in the Kare haircut. The strands of the parietal zone are laid in a row with a flat brush, the sequence of highlighting the strands is from the top of the head to the face. The peculiarity of laying with a flat (hard) brush is that when the strand is raised at the root and dried with a hair dryer, the hair splendor is created. The strands of the temporal-lateral zones are also laid with a flat brush in any direction: towards the face, away from the face, along the hair growth or otherwise; the sequence of highlighting the strands during the styling process is from the occipital zone to the face. This is how all the strands are laid in a row.

As you can see, laying strands in short haircuts(female and male) is done with a flat brush. The sequence of selection of strands - from the middle of the occipital zone to the temporal-lateral. Strands of hair of the entire occipital zone are laid alternately on one and the other side of the parting, lifting them at the root. The strands of the temporal-lateral zones are laid in the direction from the face to the crown with simultaneous blowing with a hairdryer, the strands of the parietal zone are laid with a flat brush, separating them in sequence from the crown to the face, combing the strand with a brush, lifting it at the root, fixing and drying with a hairdryer, the next the strand is combed out along with the previous one. This is how all the strands are laid in a row.

Appearance hairstyles greatly depend on the presence and styling of bangs. The shape of the bangs can give the hairstyle a discreet or solemn look, that is, the “face” of the hairstyle is often made by the bangs, sometimes it has the meaning of “hairstyles in the hair”. Therefore, when you start styling bangs, carefully consider the style that the bangs will define.

Style bangs with any tool, depending on the proposed bang shape. After styling the hair with a hair dryer, the hair strands are combed with a comb with a fork.

3.4. Hairstyle elements

Hairstyles, whether they are women's, men's or children's, are made up of separate elements. These include: parting, wave, crown, curl, curls, etc.

A parting is a line dividing the scalp into two parts. Partings are straight, oblique, combined and half-parting.

A wave is a certain part of the hairstyle, where the hair has a smooth curve, limited on both sides by lines called crowns. Waves are straight, oblique and transverse. Depending on their shape, narrow, wide, large, deep and flat waves are distinguished. Depending on the position of the wave in the hairstyle relative to the face, reverse and protruding facial waves are distinguished.

The crown is the line of the highest part of the wave that separates one wave from another. Crowns can be different in height and thickness - high, low, sharp and blunt. The thickness and height of the crown affects the durability of the hairstyle.

A curl is a strand of hair curled into a tube - up or down. According to the position of the curls in the hairstyle, they distinguish: straight (horizontal), oblique, down, vertical.

Boucles are whipped (combed) strands of hair, styled in a hairstyle, the ends of which are fixed at the base of the next boucle. They may vary in height and direction.

A roller is a piece of hair laid along the marginal hairline. For a large volume, it is combed or additional hair is laid inside.

Chapter IV. Practical work

Every qualified master hairdresser must know not only the anatomical structure of the skin, but also the essence of its vital processes. He also needs to have a clear understanding of how to care for the skin and deal with skin diseases.

The skin performs various functions and plays big role in the life of the organism. She protects internal organs from external influences, protects against mechanical damage, regulates body temperature, produces sebum, removes excess moisture and some protein breakdown products from the body, the accumulation of which in the body is unacceptable, protects the body from infections, receives all kinds of external irritations, transfers them to the brain and brings them to to our consciousness.

The structure of the skin is quite complex. Conventionally, 3 main layers can be distinguished in the skin: the upper one is the cuticle (epidermis); medium - the actual skin (dermis); subcutaneous layer, or subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Each of the three main layers, in turn, can be conditionally divided into several components. So, in the cuticle of the many layers, the two most important: the upper, stratum corneum, consisting of keratinized (old) cells, and the deeper, so-called germinal. The cuticle has neither blood vessels nor nerve endings; in its lower part there are small pigment grains that give the skin a color. Peeling regularly occurs on the surface of the cuticle, and in healthy person it is imperceptible to the eye. In the germinal layer of the cuticle, cells constantly multiply.

In the skin itself (the middle main layer) there are bundles of the finest connective tissue fibers and elastic elastic fibers, between which there are blood vessels, nerve endings and sweat glands. It is because of the abundance of elastic fibers that the skin has the ability to return to its previous state after stretching or squeezing, this layer of skin serves as the basis for hair growth.

The deepest layer of the skin (subcutaneous adipose tissue) can be thought of as a mesh consisting of fibers and loops, between which fat cells are located. This fat layer protects the body from shock, pressure and, most importantly, from the cold.

The structure of the skin in certain parts of the body is different. So, the skin of the body, in which the elastic fibers are most evenly distributed, is distinguished by its special elasticity and elasticity. In the skin of the face, the cuticle has a shallower depth, which is why the entire skin is much thinner than, for example, on the arms and legs. The skin of the palms and soles is the most dense. In the skin of the scalp, the stratum corneum is poorly developed and the subcutaneous tissue is relatively thin. In addition, it contains a large number of sebaceous glands.

An important function is performed by the glands located in the human skin. Sweating is the result of the action of the sweat glands. It helps maintain a constant body temperature. The sweat glands look like tubes rolled into a ball, going up in the form of a spiral. Sweat is released through the pores - the excretory ducts that come to the surface of the skin in the form of tiny holes.

The role of the sebaceous glands in human skin is also very large. So, with a decrease in the temperature of the external environment, the sebaceous glands cover the skin with a thin protective layer of fat. In addition, the sebaceous glands secrete sebum, make the skin more elastic and prevent drying and cracking. The excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands often come to the surface of the skin along with the hair.

Hair - what is it? The scientific answer to this question may surprise you. Hair is an appendage. More precisely, hair is a horny appendage of the skin (just like nails).

The hair consists of two parts - the shaft (this is, in fact, the hair itself, what protrudes above the skin) and the root, hidden in the thickness of the skin. The root is located in the hair follicle - the follicle. The follicle is shaped like a finger of a glove. In the very depths of it is a papilla, woven from the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. The papilla from below enters the hair follicle, from which the hair grows. Nutrients necessary for hair growth enter the bulb through the papilla. The hair papilla and follicle are permeated with a large number of nerve endings that connect the hair with the whole body.

The structure of the hair shaft: 1 - cuticle; 2 - paracortex; 3 - shell; 4 cell membranes; 5 - cortical layer; 6 - brain layer; 7 - microfibers; 8 - macrofibers; 9 - orthocortex.

In the bulb, cell division occurs - nowhere in the entire human body cells are formed faster than here. Unlike plants growing at the top, hair grows from the root. The cells that form it, as it were, are constantly pushed out from the bottom up through the skin layer. But as the cells move away from the bulb, they die, and the hair, as we see it, is no longer living, but dead tissue, so it does not hurt to cut it.

The structure of the hair root: 1 - the epidermis; 2 - dermis; 3 - straightening muscle; 4 - hair follicle; 5 - sebaceous gland; 6 - sebum (hypoderm); 7 - blood vessels; 8 - nerve endings; 9 - sebaceous gland; 10 - hair shaft

On a section of a hair under a microscope, three layers are clearly visible. The outer layer of the hair sheath (cuticle) - consists of rectangular cells that cover the hair shaft like fish scales or spruce cone scales. In a healthy person, the scales are lubricated with sebum, they lie tightly, covering the hair shaft.

The next layer is the thickest, it contains elongated cells containing pigment. The strength and thickness of the hair, as well as its color, depend on the state of this layer.

central part hair is related to its thickness as the thickness of a lead is to a pencil.

This part - the core - is also called the medulla.

The main components of hair are protein complexes - keratin and melanin. In addition, human hair has a certain amount of fatty matter, cholesterol, mineral compounds and arsenic.

The main part of the hair is keratin - a keratinized protein, which also consists of surface particles of the skin and nails. Like every protein, keratin is made up of amino acids, the most important and characteristic of which is cystine. Keratin is a substance that is amazing in its qualities. Firstly, it is resistant to the effects of temperature, microbes, fungi, many chemical substances. It is very durable: it is not difficult to break one hair, but try to break a whole strand - you will not succeed. It is not for nothing that in the folklore of many nations there are stories about a girl who let her long hair out of the window, and a beautiful young man climbed up it like a rope.

Melanin is a protein containing nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and small amounts of iron and arsenic. Melanin is a pigment and affects hair color.

TO physical properties hair include strength, elasticity, hygroscopicity, electrical conductivity, etc.

Hair has great flexibility and elasticity. It is known that the length of dry hair during stretching can be increased by 20-30%, moistened with cold water - up to 100% of the original length. After removing the tensile force, the hair quickly returns to its original state.

Thanks to the sebum that covers the hair, they retain dust on their surface, that is, they have an absorption capacity.

Hair is characterized by good electrical conductivity, for example, when combed in a dry state, it is easily electrified.

Significant resistance to decay characterizes the resistance of hair to biological influences.

Human hair has hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture, as well as glycerin, animal and vegetable fats; hair volume can increase by 10-25%.

Substances such as mineral oils, vaseline oil and petroleum jelly do not penetrate into the hair and remain on its surface.

Alkalis and oxidizing agents reduce the strength of the hair, but increase its ability to absorb water, which is why the hair can increase its volume by 2-3 times. When pulling and twisting the hair moistened with an alkaline solution, an irreversible change in their shape occurs. This property explains the possibility of permanent waving.

Oxidizing agents (such as hydrogen peroxide) thin the hair, make it less elastic, making it more brittle and porous.

Significant changes undergo hair under the action high temperature. The deformation of the hair, stretched under the action of water vapor, is also of a long-term nature. It is on these properties that the principle of cold and hot waving is based.

Long hairs on the head grow in groups of 3-9 pieces.

When a child is born, he already has all the follicles of future hair (and beard and mustache too) in his skin. As long as the follicle is alive, until the papilla at its bottom has died, it will not stop its work - it will generate a new hair.

Hair grows out of the skin straight or curly - it depends on the internal structure of its root. If the root is even, the hair grows in the shape of a regular cylinder and grows straight. If the root is bent, the hair shaft has an oval section and, leaving the skin, begins to curl into curls or curls. Regardless of the thickness of the hair on the head of each of us, there are usually between 90 and 140 thousand of them. Blondes have the most hair on their heads, but their hair is the thinnest. Then come brunettes, and redheads have the least amount of hair on their heads, but their hair is the thickest, and therefore it seems that there are a lot of them.

In the thickness of the skin around each follicle are 2-5 sebaceous glands. Their ducts open into the follicle, and the secreted fat lubricates the hair, giving it shine and flexibility. Combing the hair, we distribute this lubricant along the entire length of the hair - without it, the hair becomes dry and brittle. However, if the glands work too actively, the hair becomes greasy.

Each follicle (except eyebrows and eyelashes) is surrounded by a miniature ring muscle. When it contracts from cold, the hair rises. At the same time, the sebaceous glands are also emptied, the skin is lubricated with natural fat, its thermal conductivity decreases. As you know, these muscles can also contract from fear.

In addition to the sebaceous glands, sweat glands are located in the skin. On the scalp there are up to 300 of them per 1 square centimeter.

Hair goes through three stages of development - active growth, slowdown and rest. In a healthy body, different hairs go through these three stages at different times, so they fall out imperceptibly. The growth period for the hair is about 3 years, followed by a period of 2-3 weeks, when the hair no longer grows, but does not fall out yet. Finally, it falls off the head, and after 3-4 months a new one appears in its place. Thus, in a healthy state of hair, 14% of them are in the resting stage, 1% are in the growth arrest stage, and 85% are in the active growth stage. In this case, 60-80 hairs fall from the head daily. The hair growth rate on the head is on average 0.35 mm per day. As we age, the rate of hair growth slows down. In summer, hair grows faster than in winter, and at night - faster than during the day. The greatest amount of hair falls out in March - April and in September.

Nothing can make hair grow faster than it should, and, as a rule, reaching a length of 25 centimeters, further hair grows twice as slow.

Normally, the end of the hair is pointed, it lacks an inner layer. If the hair is not all right, the end of it cracks and begins to bristle like a brush. Sometimes the crack goes down the hair - then they say that the hair splits.

Hair color is determined by a combination of three dyes - black, red and yellow. Black and dark brown hair indicates the predominance of black pigment. Red hair was dyed from red pigment with traces of black or yellow. The color of the hair of blondes is given by a yellow pigment with an admixture of red. When hair turns gray, it doesn't actually turn white, it just loses color. The pigment disappears from the thickness of the hair, and it is replaced by microscopic air bubbles. The hair becomes white, but because it grows among other, still dyed hair, the overall impression is gray. Hair will turn gray sooner or later - it depends on heredity. Stories about how hair turns gray overnight, apparently true, but this is extremely rare. But it is known that from a strong shock or illness, hair can turn gray very quickly.

Dry skin care

Dry skin is thin, delicate, with barely visible pores. If you do not take care of her, she quickly fades, fades, begins to peel off, fine wrinkles appear. Dry skin is usually caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which do not produce enough oil to form a protective film. The skin begins to lose moisture, elasticity, becomes too sensitive to temperature fluctuations, to wind, cold, sunlight.

With dry skin, you can not wash your face with hard cold water, use soap. It is better to use almond or wheat bran, which cleanse and soften the skin, or lotions - it is not difficult to make them yourself. In the morning, dry skin can be cleansed with warm vegetable oil, milk with water (1:2) or a starch solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), and in the evening - cleansing lotions or masks. In the morning, after cleansing the skin, it is well drained, a little softening cream is applied, and only then make-up is done. Before going outside in frosty or hot weather, the face should be lubricated with cream. Dry skin needs not only moisture, but also oil, so in the evening it needs oily nutritious cream(It can also be prepared at home). Masks are very useful: they moisturize, smooth and nourish dry skin, make it elastic. Can be added to creams and lotions for dry skin essential oils geranium, chamomile, rose, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang-ylang.

Tends to dry skin type sensitive skin: it instantly and sometimes unpredictably reacts to stress and cosmetics, begins to shrink, becomes stained. The main thing when caring for such skin is not to overload it with cosmetics and not to use plants in cosmetics that can irritate it (for example, calendula, arnica, chamomile).

Dry hair care

Dry hair does not reflect light well and therefore looks dull. They are thin, brittle, easily tangled, split at the ends.

Dryness of the scalp and hair occurs for various reasons: disorders of the nervous or endocrine system, lack of vitamins (especially vitamin A) and iron, improper care (washing hair too often, using a hot hair dryer, etc.). For dry hair, frequent coloring, lightening with hydrogen peroxide are harmful, perm; they are very sensitive to sharp fluctuations in temperature, sea and chlorinated water, hot sunlight. And when the hair begins to thin, split, lose shine and elasticity, dandruff appears, they have to be treated. It is necessary to regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks, strengthen hair with oils, balms, creams. Split ends are split at the ends. In this case, you should abandon frequent curls and use only wooden or plastic brushes and combs with non-sharp sparse teeth, and rub nourishing strengthening agents into the ends of the hair. If the hair is split very strongly, only a haircut can help, and it is better with hot scissors.

Dry hair requires special gentle care, and many means for this can be prepared with my own hands at home. In compositions for rinsing and rubbing, in balms, masks, creams, egg yolk, honey, fatty kefir, sour cream, medicinal plants should be included.


Having studied the first chapter of my thesis, I came to the conclusion that all the tools used by the hairdresser are disinfected. There are many resources for this. And also how to properly equip a room in a hairdresser.

In the second chapter, we will learn how to choose the right product for the type of hair and scalp. How to properly apply detergents to the hair, and how to properly wash the client's head.

So in the third chapter, I came to the conclusion that there is a large variety of styling. Styling can be done with a hair dryer and tongs.

After completing the practical part, I gave some recommendations for caring for damaged hair, because they split, the scalp was dry and the color of the hair was very dull. She suggested to postpone hair styling with forceps using the Marseille method and start treatment to restore the hair structure.

Each person has his own hair type: some are long, some are short, some are thin, some are thick, and so on.

All people want to be beautiful, to have their own “zest”. And in order to become beautiful, you must first of all put your hair in order: make fashionable haircut, make a perm or styling. All this can be done independently, but at home without the necessary and special tools it is almost impossible. That is why people turn to hairdressers.

Hairdressers can be compared to magicians because they create beauty, they make the impossible possible. To do this, they need to know all the subtleties and features of hairdressing.

In order to make hair styling, the master must know all its features. They need to know:

That styling can be done in a cold way;

That you can style your hair with tongs;

That you can style your hair with wet curlers;

That you can style your hair with a hair dryer.

List of used sources and literature

1. Alexander Mysin "Hairstyles with hairpins for long hair", AST Astrel, Moscow, 2009

2. Byton D. Elegant hairstyles for long hair for all occasions. "Eskmo", 2010

3. Bulgakova I. "The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser." - "Vladis", 2009

4. Bumakova I. "The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser." – Rostov-on-Don, 2010

5. Vlasov R.I. Hairdressing - M .: Publishing house shopping center A3, 2009

7. Georgino Fowler. Stylish hairstyles and styling. "Eskmo", 2010

8. Davis Byton "Elegant hairstyles", M .: Eksmo, 2009

9. E. Karpova "Secrets of Beauty". LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2009

10. Zaitseva I.A. Haircuts and hairstyles - OOO Trade House "World of Books", 2010

11. Ilyina T.V. "History of hairdressing art" - M. Higher school, 2009

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15. Leo Palladino: Women's hairstyles, professional approach, transl. from English. - M .: Publishing house, Niala 21st century, 2009

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21. Savina A.A. Hairstyles, curls, styling. S-Pb. "Delta", 2009

22. Modern encyclopedia "Fashion-style", Avana 2010

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24. Syromyatnikova I.S. History of hairstyles - M: "Art" 2009

25. Hair care. - M .: LLC TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2009

26. Tutorial future hairdressers, cosmetologists, stylists and makeup artists. E. Alekseeva, S. Shesterneeva - M .: "Kron-Press", 2010

28. Franz Nellissen "255 The latest hairstyles”, LLP “Vneshsigma” - M .: 2009

29. Khanikova A.A. "Hairdresser - stylist" - Rostov-on-Don, 2009

30. Cheryasova I.A. "Waving and styling at home" - M .: OOO TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2009

Vlasov R.I. Hairdressing - M .: Publishing house shopping center A3, 2010

Ilyina T.V. "History of hairdressing art" - M. Higher school, 2009

Bumakova I. "The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser." – Rostov-on-Don, 2007

Zaitseva I.A. Haircuts and hairstyles - OOO Trade House "World of Books", 2010

Georgino Fowler. Stylish hairstyles and styling. "Eskmo", 2010

Davis Byton "Elegant Hairstyles", M .: Eksmo, 2009

Gutyrya L.G. "Hairdressing skill" - M., 2009

Filatova S.V. "Encyclopedia of the modern hairdresser". – M.: RIPOL classic, 2010

Kudinova L.A. Long hair. From "Eskmo", 2009

Hair care. - M .: LLC TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2009

Panchenko O.A. "Haircut, highlighting, hairstyle" - S.-Pb., 2009

Modern encyclopedia "Fashion-style", Avana 2010

Nesterova D. Encyclopedia of a home hairdresser - M., AST, 2009

Bumakova I. "The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser." – Rostov-on-Don, 2010

Gutyrya L.G. "Hairdressing skill" - M., 2009

Camerov P. Waidson J. Hairstyles for long hair. From "Niola-Press", 2010

Alexander Mysin "Hairstyles with hairpins for long hair", AST Astrel, Moscow 2009

Textbook for future hairdressers, cosmetologists, stylists and makeup artists. E. Alekseeva, S. Shesterneeva - M .: "Kron-Press", 2010

Plotnikova I.Yu. Hairdressing technology. Publishing Center "Academy", 2010

Leo Palladino: Women's hairstyles, professional approach, translated from English. - M .: Publishing house, Niala 21st century, 2009

Sorokina L.N. Industrial training of hairdressers of a wide profile. 2009

Vlasov R.I. Hairdressing - M .: Publishing house shopping center A3, 2009

Byton D. Elegant hairstyles for long hair for all occasions. "Eskmo", 2010

Cheryasova I.A. "Waving and styling at home" - M .: OOO TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2009

Filatova S.V. "Encyclopedia of the modern hairdresser". – M.: RIPOL classic, 2010

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For the treatment of wounds, ethyl alcohol, iodine solution or hydrogen peroxide should be used. Chapter II. Haircut operations. 2.1. Types of modeling horizontal and vertical haircuts Haircut technique. 1. Pre-moisturize your hair. 2. Divide the hair into 4 sections using a center-vertical and center-horizontal parting, criss-cross. Separate the bottom section...

If you have short hair, comb them should be from the roots. For long hair, you should start the procedure from the ends, rising to the roots. Nutrition is an essential part of hair care. In addition to the use of balms and conditioners, which we have already talked about, masks and compresses, lotions, sprays and hair creams. To achieve a tangible result of the mask, you need ...

Hair coloring called "highlighting". And although most fashion experts predicted a short life for him, it remains relevant today. Chapter 1 Hair coloring - the "Highlighting" method Constancy is the lot of the few. Most people prefer change - quick and effective. And there is always one right move in reserve: repaint ...