Kefir mask for the scalp. Kefir hair mask. Recipe with pure kefir

Kefir hair mask. Healing mask based on kefir has truly miraculous properties and has a beneficial effect on the hair.

There are many recipes in which this fermented milk drink is the main component, and all of them heal hair, making it thick, strong and shiny.

Consider the best of them, but first we learn more about the value of kefir

Major cosmetics firms use kefir to create various means for hair care. And interestingly, these funds are bought up with a bang, because their benefits are invaluable.

Many women, knowing the practical value of the drink, prepare masks at home and successfully apply them, enjoying an excellent result.

Fortunately, kefir is sold in any grocery store, and it does not require large investments.

The most importantbuy only fresh drinks and in a regular package, not the one in the tetrapack.

The latter is most likely flavored with preservatives, because the shelf life of such kefir, as the packaging says, is much more than the prescribed ten days. Chemicals won't do you any good.

True, natural kefir includes a whole complex of vitamins and other elements. Just a hundred grams is rich in:

  • 110 mg chlorine, without which the hair will begin to fall out;
  • 14 mg magnesium- it will strengthen the roots;
  • 120 mg calcium, provoking hair growth;
  • 146 mg potassium that gives the hair a rich color.

What is important to remember when using kefir hair mask?

So that the use of a mask on kefir is not in vain, it is necessary follow a set of rules:

  1. You need to apply the product on hair that has not yet been washed, but at the same time they should not be too dirty.
  2. Do not use cold kefir. It must first be kept at room temperature for at least a couple of hours.
  3. After applying the mask to the head, it must be wrapped in a scarf or towel, before that, putting on a bathing or plastic cap.
  4. For oily hair, it is better to take low-fat kefir. And vice versa - dry hair is best suited for a drink with a maximum percentage of fat content.

The best kefir mask recipes

Below will be presented proven and effective recipes for kefir masks, which bring tangible benefits to the most different hair: dry, oily, dull, normal, thin.

Everyone will be able to choose a remedy according to their problem.

Kefir mask for hair growth

Poor hair growth is the problem of thousands of women and men. Many are ready not to cut their hair for months, just to finally remove a bald spot on their heads or amaze others with long braids.

However, not getting a haircut is half the battle. Weakened hair need pretty nourish so that they grow faster.

The following masks are suitable for this task. for all hair types:

  1. To stir thoroughly ingredients in a common bowl: dry yeast for baking bread (20 grams), honey (1 large spoon), chicken egg yolk, aloe extract and nicotinic acid (one ampoule each), kefir (100 milliliters). Apply the mixture on the hair - from the roots to the ends. After 60 minutes, rinse with warm water. it remedy will help you will not only increase the length, but also eliminate dandruff.
  2. For this mask you will need: egg white, a quarter cup of kefir and the same portion of mayonnaise. First it should beat well protein so that it turns into foam. Then pour everything else into the cup and mix thoroughly. You should get a mixture with an even color, without lumps. After application wrap the head with a bag over the entire length of the hair and hold it in this state for half an hour. Then wash with warm water.

Mask for brittle hair from kefir

Thanks to the help of these masks, hair become noticeably stronger, their former fragility will disappear.

The first product contains burdock oil (in the amount of a tablespoon) and kefir with a high percentage of fat (200 milliliters), and therefore a mask it is desirable to use Only for dry and normal hair.

In addition to these ingredients, the composition of the mixture includes chicken yolk. The mask should be smeared on the hair and after 30 minutes, rinse under the tap. Together with strength, the tool promises dazzling brilliance.

The second recipe for any type of hair is based on kefir (half a glass), honey (3 large spoons) and quail eggs (3 pieces). Components are mixed to obtain monotonous gruel, which lubricates the hair.

After the head is tied with a warm towel and wait 2 hours. After this time, the mask is washed off. Both proposed masks can be apply weekly.

Kefir hair shine mask

It's no secret that a beautifully laid "himka" or funny twisted strands of "wet effect" extremely harmful hair.

Despite the splendor of the hairstyle, from the inside, each hair becomes thinner, weaker, dull and loses its natural luster. The masks described below are intended return what was lost.

They are used after chemical treatment of hair or dyeing:

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken yolk (1 pc.);
  • cognac (3 tablespoons);
  • lemon juice (from one fruit);
  • kefir (a quarter cup).

Mix everything well in one bowl, distribute along the length of the hair, but not with your hands, but with a comb or soft brush. Wrap your head in a towel and go to bed. Wash off the mask in the morning. Fits for any hair.

For this recipe you will need:

  • onion juice (from one fruit);
  • kefir (half a glass);
  • burdock oil (a little on the palm).

Distribute in the same way, wrap with a towel, but leave for only 60 minutes, and then wash your hair. Fits for dry/normal hair.

These funds should be used infrequently. A single application after chemical treatment of hair will be enough. Strands immediately significantly brighten and shine.

Kefir mask for hair loss

These mixtures based on kefir resist hair loss:

Yeast mask. It perfectly strengthens the hair, so that they stop climbing. For cooking you will need:

  • dry yeast (1 sachet);
  • some warm water;
  • kefir with high fat content (3 tablespoons);
  • sugar (dessert spoon).

All this is mixed and removed to the side for 10 minutes. Yeast must ferment. After that, a small spoonful of mustard and honey should be added to the gruel and mixed again.

You can keep this mask on your hair for no more than 20 minutes, as mustard burns the scalp. For dry hair, apply no more than 1 time in 8 days. For normal - once a week. For fatty people, you can use it once every 5 days.

Mask with vitamins. It consists of:

  • leaves of plants such as dandelion, mint, mountain ash, plantain and nettle, passed through a meat grinder;
  • kefir (200 ml).

The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp itself so that the roots are saturated with the product. hair type irrelevant. You can use it often - up to three times a week.

Highly many suffer because the hair is pretty dry. Because of this, they seem inanimate, weak, ugly.

Kefir mask prepared according to several recipes, will help saturate hair moisture:

  • Kefir warms up slightly and then applied to the head. It should be rubbed into the skin and distributed along the length of the strands. Keep your head warm for at least 1.5 hours. Wash thoroughly. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to turn to very fatty kefir. You can use the mask several times a week.
  • The same mask, only with the addition of burdock oil. The ratio of components will be as follows: 1 small spoonful of oil to 3 large spoons of fermented milk drink. Use twice in 7 days. When the dryness of the hair disappears, the remedy can go on apply, but once every 30 days.

Kefir mask for oily hair

Sore problem many girls and guys have greasy hair. It is unpleasant to appear in public with oily hair, and you have to wash your hair almost every day.

You can overcome this problem if you use the following recipes:


  1. mustard (large spoon);
  2. kefir (3/4 cup);
  3. yolk;
  4. honey (small spoon);
  5. almond oil (small spoon);
  6. a couple of drops of rosemary oil.

The mixture is distributed along the length of the hair, from above the head is wrapped in a warm scarf. After 30 minutes, the hair should be washed with shampoo. Fits for oily hair.


  1. chamomile decoction;
  2. yolk;
  3. kefir (3 large spoons).

To prepare chamomile tea need dry chamomile(sold in a pharmacy). It is taken in the amount of two large spoons and poured with two glasses of water.

Boil, pass through gauze, cool. The general mixture is applied to the hair and left for an hour. Wash off at the end of the term without shampoo.

Mask for normal hair

More fortunate owners of hair of a normal type. suits them almost any kefir mask.

Here are the two best options:

In a bowl, combine the following ingredients:

  1. mustard powder (large spoon);
  2. castor oil (large spoon);
  3. lavender/grapefruit oil or ylang-ylang oil (a few drops).

The mixture is rubbed only into the hair roots. Half an hour later Wash off under cool running water with shampoo.

Mix blue clay powder (large spoon) and kefir (100 ml). The mixture follows grind thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Then rub into the head. Wait 30 minutes and wash off.

Unfortunately, with all the obvious advantages kefir mask has one significant drawback A: It negatively affects the color pigment of the hair.

With constant use of the product, hair may lose your natural shade and become paler.

In addition, kefir has a sour smell that can stay on the hair for some time. To get rid of it, in a mask it is desirable to add herbal decoction with a pleasant smell.

But remember that Not all herbs are suitable any hair. You should choose what the best way will help your hair type.

Recipes for the most effective kefir-based products

Powders and oils are highly soluble in this fermented milk product, making it a popular ingredient in effective home hair care products.

Simple rubbing - "kefir shampoo"

0.5 cups of kefir.

Carefully rub the fermented milk product into each strand of your hair, paying attention to the roots. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap and leave it on for 45-60 minutes. Such a mask can be washed off with cool water without the addition of detergents - it will perfectly remove all dirt and grease from the head. But this option is only suitable for owners of dry and thin hair.

Mask-activator of hair growth with kefir and mustard

  • ¾ cup of kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of any base oil;
  • 3 drops essential oil rosemary;
  • 1 yolk.

Gradually stirring, add the rest of the ingredients to the kefir. Shake the mixture and rub it in the partings, and distribute the rest along the entire length. Wash off after 30 minutes with lukewarm water. Burning during the use of this mask is normal, mustard irritates the skin a little and makes the blood flow to the epidermal layer as much as possible.

Means that eliminates damage to curls

1 glass of kefir;
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
- 1 tablespoon olive oil;
- 1 yolk.

Lightly beat the egg and stir it into the kefir. Add cocoa and butter, mix. Apply the mixture on the hair, distributing from the roots to the tips. Then the head needs to be insulated and kept for about an hour. Rinse with running water and dry with a towel. You can add your favorite essential oils to such a tool, they will become additional nourishing and moisturizing elements.

Nourishing mask for oily hair

1 glass of kefir;
- 1 tablespoon blue cosmetic clay.

Slightly heat 1 cup of sour milk and dissolve the required amount of cosmetic clay in it. Rub a sufficiently liquid product into the roots and ends of the hair, keep warm for 30 to 60 minutes. This mask is washed off with warm water using shampoo.

Sour-milk herbal remedy for dandruff

0.5 cups of kefir;
- 1 glass of water;
- 1 tablespoon chopped nettle leaves.

Pour the nettle with water and boil until a decoction is obtained. Cool the resulting liquid and combine with kefir. Rub the mask over the partings and leave for half an hour, then rinse. This method is suitable not only for girls suffering from dandruff, but also for those who want to quickly grow their hair.

Reviews of home remedies with the addition of fermented milk products

[email protected], 20 years:

“The simplest mask is ordinary kefir at room temperature. My grandmother advised me to rub it into my hair, and I was pleased with the result. Hair after such a tool is alive and very voluminous "

Funtik, 28 years old:

“The good old kefir mask is so simple, but very effective! And I like that she doesn't require me to wait two hours. The product can be washed off the hair after 30 minutes and be satisfied with the result.

Mask for oily hair with kefir

To prepare this mask, you will need 1 cup of warmed yogurt, which should be evenly applied to the hair. Put on a special hat and wrap your head with a warm towel. In a warm environment, the mask will give the greatest result. After half an hour, wash the yogurt from your hair with shampoo.

Kefir mask for dull, lifeless hair

For this mask, you will need half a glass of kefir, 300 g of bread crumb (preferably black) and castor oil (1 spoon). Mix everything, then apply the mask to damp hair, paying attention to the scalp. Wash off after 20 minutes. The result of the mask will not be long in coming, the hair will become stronger and shinier.

This mask is quite easy to make. You will need the following ingredients: kefir (4 tablespoons), olive or burdock oil (1 spoon) and 1 egg (yolk). Mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to wet, clean hair, wash it off after an hour with water and shampoo.

Kefir mask for strengthening hair

Onion is known as an effective hair remedy, but because of the unpleasant smell, they are refused to be used. In order for the smell of onion in the mask not to be heard, we recommend using it in tandem with kefir, which can neutralize this smell.

To prepare the mask, take onion juice (1 tablespoon) and the same amount of kefir. After mixing the products, rub them into the hair and into the skin on the head. Wash your hair with warm water after 30 minutes.

Mask for improving hair growth with kefir

You will need yeast (20 g), half a glass of fatty kefir, one spoonful of honey. Mix food. Wait for the yeast to ferment and apply the mask to your hair. After 40 minutes, you can wash off the mask with water. We recommend using the mask in a row for ten days.

For several hundred years, kefir has enjoyed great popularity in cosmetic procedures. Today, it continues to find its application in this area, as it is not only effective tool but also affordable.

Kefir hair masks, are the most accessible means for home care behind the hair. Kefir contains such useful elements for hair as calcium and protein, which effectively affect the restoration of the hair structure. With the help of kefir, you can moisturize and soften dry hair well. Kefir does not allow the appearance of brittle hair and does not allow hair loss. If you have dry hair, then you just need to follow them with kefir masks.

Kefir hair mask

The simplest option for using kefir for these purposes is to lubricate the hair and roots with it. Then you need to wrap your head in cellophane and keep the mask for an hour or longer. To wash off such a mask you need to use shampoo. If you regularly use a kefir mask, then soon your hair will become silky, obedient, and dandruff will completely disappear.

Mask against hair loss from kefir

Very often, kefir is used to treat falling hair. To do this, you can dissolve brewer's yeast, essential oils and mustard powder in it. If you want to increase the effectiveness of kefir, you can add one of these components there: mustard, egg yolk, pepper tincture, honey, burdock oil, cognac, onion juice, herbal decoction, etc.

Recipe for a mask for oily hair from kefir

Compound: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard, 150 ml. kefir, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, a few drops of essential oil (lemon, rosemary, etc.). Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to hair. Put on a cap on top and keep the mask on for 30 minutes. The mask is washed off with shampoo and warm water.

Mask for hair growth with kefir and onions

Take 1 onion and squeeze the juice out of it. The resulting juice must be mixed with a glass of kefir. If you want, you can add the yolk and a teaspoon of burdock oil there. Then apply the resulting mixture to your hair, warm your head and keep the mask on your head for an hour. After that, the mask is well washed off with warm water. Moreover, your hair will not smell of onions, since kefir neutralizes its smell.

Hair mask from kefir and eggs

Compound: half a glass of kefir, 1 teaspoon of castor oil and yolk. Mix the components of the mask, apply it on your hair, and put a cap on your head. The mask can be washed off with shampoo after an hour.

Nettle or burdock hair mask

First, prepare a decoction of burdock or nettle roots. The resulting broth must be mixed with an equal share of kefir. Apply the composition to your hair and after an hour you can wash it off. This mask is very good at accelerating hair growth and getting rid of dandruff. We also recommend that you read the article honey hair masks.

You can find many other equally effective hair masks on the pages of our website. Before using these masks, make sure that you have no contraindications to their use.

Kefir hair mask is one of the most popular hair masks. easy to prepare and use. And the result of the kefir hair mask is amazing! The simplest recipe is just to take medium-fat kefir and apply to your hair, leave for an hour and rinse.

Such a kefir mask must be used regularly and long time for getting desired result. For a quick and better result, it is necessary to use kefir in masks as a supplement.

Dry hair requires more care, so a kefir hair mask should include nourishing ingredients.

- 1 egg yolk;

- 1 tsp any oil (castor, burdock ...);

- 3 tablespoons kefir (preferably fatty);

Mix all the ingredients, apply to the hair and hold for 30-40 minutes, then wash the hair with shampoo.

Kefir mask with bread

Kefir mask with black bread is designed for dry dull hair or dandruff.

- half a glass of kefir;

- 150 gr., black bread;

- 1 tbsp. any oil (castor, burdock, olive ...);

Mix all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply to the hair for 20-30 minutes, after the hair mask, wash the hair with shampoo.

Kefir hair mask for growth

To stimulate hair growth and also reduce hair loss, you must use the following mask. Mix: 6 tbsp. kefir, 2-3 tbsp. onion juice, 1 tsp yeast. Apply 2-3 times a week. Or the second version of the kefir mask for hair growth.

- half a glass of kefir;

- a small piece of fresh yeast;

- 1 tbsp. honey;

Mix all components thoroughly, apply to hair and hold for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo. It is recommended to apply a mask for hair growth from kefir every day for 10 days, and then for prevention 1-2 times a week.

Kefir hair mask with henna

- 2 tbsp. not coloring henna;

- 2 tbsp. cocoa;

- 1 clove of garlic;

- 3 tablespoons kefir;

Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, if the mask is a little thick, add more kefir. Apply for 30 minutes, apply this kefir hair mask once a week.

Curdled milk hair mask

Yogurt, like kefir, is great for masks that stimulate hair growth. Apply curdled milk to clean hair, wrap, hold for 1-2 hours or better to leave overnight. Wash your hair and rinse with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Hair lightening

Many women use kefir mixture to lighten natural strands. A recipe with kefir is able to lighten curls by half a ton in 1 procedure. When active ingredients are added, the effect is enhanced, allowing you to get the desired result even on dark blond and brown shades. Fair-haired girls are advised to add lemon or onion juice, yolk to the composition. Brunettes are helped by cinnamon, lemon or rhubarb root.

With white henna. We mix kefir and white henna powder in equal proportions, apply at night under a bandage. Wash off in the morning with water, carefully washing out the grains of henna with a frequent comb.

With cognac, egg and lemon. Mix 3 tablespoons of expired kefir with 2 tablespoons of cognac. Pour in the beaten egg, squeezed juice from 1 lemon. Add a spoonful of acacia honey, mix. It is more convenient to leave the composition overnight under thick cellophane.

With lemon and shampoo. Such a mixture not only brightens the strands, but also removes yellowness after unsuccessful staining. We take half a glass of kefir drink, pour in the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of cognac. Add the yolk stirred with a fork and a teaspoon of shampoo. We leave the composition on the strands under cellophane for the night.


Many people know the procedure for home lamination of strands with gelatin or egg yolks. With the help of a restoring kefir mask, you can also give curls smoothness, a healthy radiant shine. The composition of the mixture contains only natural ingredients, forms a dense film.

To prepare the laminating composition you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of fresh kefir (fat content from 2.5 to 3%);
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of thick mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon of steamed castor oil.

Mix all components in a container until smooth. We apply the composition to slightly damp strands with a small brush, comb slowly from the roots to the ends. Leave the liquid gruel for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The lamination effect will add shine to the hairstyle, make the curls elastic, soft to the touch.

For hair growth

Masks for the growth of healthy curls help to activate the work of dormant hair follicles, strengthen weakened roots. After regular application, the strands begin to grow faster, adding 3-4 cm per month. Additionally, a beautiful shine, volume appears, the hair acquires elasticity, smoothness.

From honey and fresh yeast. Knead a pack of raw yeast. You should get 4 whole tablespoons of small lumps. We dissolve them in half a glass of warm kefir, leave to wander a little until foamy bubbles form. Add a tablespoon of honey, distribute with your hands or a comb over wet strands. Wash off after half an hour, using shampoo 2 times.

With kefir and egg. Mix half a glass of sour drink with 1 chicken egg, apply the composition to the strands. After that, we rub the remnants into the roots, massage the head for about 3 minutes. We wait half an hour, we wash our hair with shampoo.

With vitamin E. We buy liquid vitamin E in a pharmacy. For a prescription, you need 3 ampoules with a solution. We mix the contents of the ampoules with whipped yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice, half a glass of kefir. Apply a thick mixture for 30 minutes, smearing it with your palms through dry hair. After 4-5 procedures, the curls will begin to grow faster, become thick, shiny. A similar effect gives a recipe for a hair mask with dimexide.

with soda. This kefir mask improves blood flow to the bulbs, enhances hair growth. You can also use it to wash off the paint in case of unsuccessful staining, if less than 3 days have passed since the procedure. Mix 1 cup warm boiling water with 10 tablespoons baking soda. Add a spoonful of table salt, mix again until completely dissolved. The resulting mushy composition is applied to the hair. We hold the mixture for exactly 40 minutes, rinse in the shower for 10-15 minutes with running water. Then we take the shampoo, wash the strands, dry them naturally.

Against hair loss

Strengthening hair follicles with kefir mixtures helps against hair loss and their fragility. Experts consider onion, colorless henna or nettle decoction to be the best components for the appearance of bald patches. Compositions with these additives enhance the effectiveness of the kefir mask, help to completely stop hair loss at any age.

  • With onion. It is necessary to peel a medium onion, finely grate it, then squeeze the juice into a plastic or glass container. Then add half a glass of curdled milk, an egg and a spoonful of burdock oil. Mix, distribute on the scalp and roots. The smell of onion will be strong, but will disappear immediately after washing. After an hour, wash off the composition with a nourishing shampoo, if desired, rinse with nettle or chamomile infusion. For those who want to grow thick curls, an onion mask for hair growth will help. This product has a restorative effect on the hair structure, activates growth, and stops intense hair loss.
  • From a decoction of nettle. You will need 2 tablespoons of chopped stems or dry nettle leaves. Pour them with an incomplete glass of hot boiling water, insist under the lid for 1 hour. We filter the infusion, combine with 3 tablespoons of thick kefir, 1 egg yolk. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, rinse.
  • With colorless henna. If the hair not only falls out, but also looks lifeless, a mask with white henna and raw yolk will help. Dilute a bag of colorless henna with a small amount of water, stir thoroughly. Add sour milk, half a glass is enough for medium length. Pour in the yolk whipped with a whisk, stir. We drive it into the skin with our fingers. Wash off after 40 minutes with a nourishing protein shampoo.

For oily hair

Masks with lemon, blue clay or mustard powder will help reduce the greasiness of fatty strands. These components enhance the effect of the kefir mixture, enhance the effect of drying. Additionally, the hairstyle gets volume, radiant shine.

  • with mustard. We combine one and a half cups of kefir with a tablespoon of mustard, 1 chicken egg. Add a spoonful of honey, a few drops of almond oil. We cover the strands on top with the composition, leave it under cellophane and a towel for half an hour.
  • Burdock oil and honey. We mix a glass of fermented kefir drink with a teaspoon of burdock oil. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey, stir. We warm the head for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Clay. We dilute a tablespoon of blue clay in 100 ml of yogurt. Rub the mixture into the roots, after 30 minutes, rinse with running water. You can even use sour kefir, it will not cause harm.
  • Lemon and kefir. We mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 100 milliliters of warmed kefir. We distribute the composition over the strands, wash off after 40 minutes.

For dry hair

Dry hair will help moisturizing kefir mask with oils, dark beer or rye bread. It is necessary to apply such nutrient formulations along the entire length from the roots, paying special attention to overdried tips. The duration of the composition should not exceed 15-30 minutes.

  1. With olive oil. In a glass of curdled milk, dissolve a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture along the entire length, dip the tips into it. We rub it vigorously into the skin, warm the head with cellophane. Wait 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. From bread. Soften a slice of rye bread in 100 ml of kefir. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to moisturize the tips. We rub the composition into the roots, distribute along the entire length. We wash after 20 minutes.
  3. With castor oil. We heat a teaspoon of castor oil for a couple, combine with 3 tablespoons of kefir, 1 egg yolk. Leave on the strands for exactly an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.
  4. From beer and kefir. We mix these products, taking each component in half a glass. It is desirable to use dark beer. Distribute over the entire length, wash off after 20 minutes.

For shine and volume

To make the strands voluminous and radiant, cocoa, yolk or raw yeast must be added to kefir. These components make curls elastic, elastic at the roots. healthy shine gives the hairstyle a well-groomed look.

  1. with yeast. From this mask, the curls not only become voluminous, but also begin to grow faster: 3-4 cm per month. In half a glass of kefir drink, stir a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of raw yeast. Heat in the microwave until foamy, cool. Rub into the skin at the roots for 40 minutes.
  2. With yolk and cinnamon. In a glass of thick kefir, stir 1 yolk and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Rub the mixture at the roots, then along the entire length with light movements. We leave for 40 minutes. When washing off with shampoo, use a conditioner or balm.
  3. With cocoa. Dissolve a teaspoon of cocoa powder in 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add whipped yolk, a third of a glass of kefir. We mix everything, rub it in strands, at the roots. We wrap the head with cellophane, wash it off after half an hour. The mask gives a radiant shine, strengthens the roots and structure.
  4. Gelatin and oil mask. This composition fights split ends, adds volume and shine to any hairstyle. Pour a spoonful of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of warm boiling water. Leave to swell, heat a little until the powder is completely dissolved. Add half a glass of curdled milk, 2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil. Apply along the entire length, warm the head with a towel. We keep 2 hours.

Shampoos and balms with kefir

To keep your hair shiny for a long time, it is not necessary to buy expensive shampoos with balms in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. These detergents easy to cook yourself from healthy kefir. Recipes are available to any hostess, do not require a lot of time.

Kefir shampoo with yolk. We take a quarter cup of kefir drink, pour in the egg yolk. Add a pinch of salt, mix. We apply homemade shampoo for 3 minutes, massaging the head with your fingers. Wash off with warm water. The fatter the hair, the lower the fat content of the fermented milk product should be.

Warm shampoo with bread. We take a couple of slices of rye bread, pour a thick kefir mass. The liquid should cover the bread completely. We are waiting for 3 hours, leaving the mixture at a warm battery. Knead the bread with your fingers, stir. Apply shampoo to wet strands, rinse after 3-4 minutes. Rinse your head with lemon juice.

Video: kefir hair mask

All these folk masks help to grow long thick curls, make the strands smooth, silky. There are many recipes with kefir for hair, only the most popular of them are listed in the article. Add your useful recipes, share your feedback on the use of masks, the result. Many of your tips will help get rid of dry hair, dandruff or excessive oily hair.

In the article we are talking about kefir for hair. We talk about its benefits, use when washing, washing off paint, lightening. You will learn how to use kefir for laminating hair and make homemade masks based on it.

Kefir is a fermented milk product made from skimmed or whole cow's milk through lactic, alcoholic fermentation with the addition of kefir "fungi". It has a uniform white color.

  • proteins;
  • retinol;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • beta carotene.


Useful properties of the product for hair:

  • preventing the formation of split ends;
  • improving the structure of the hair;
  • moisturizing;
  • purification from pollution;
  • getting rid of seborrhea;
  • elimination of loss;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • weather protection.

How to use kefir

Before creating a care product, you need to know a few simple recommendations:

  1. Take only a fresh product to prepare the product, pay attention to the release date.
  2. Always heat kefir when preparing hair masks.
  3. Rinse the yogurt from the strands with warm water. From hot temperature, it will instantly curl up, cold water will not completely wash off the product.
  4. To create masks, use a thick product.
  5. Do a simple allergy test before use. Spread the product on the bend of the elbow, after 20 minutes, see if redness has occurred or not.
  6. Prepare kefir masks no more than 2 times in seven days, keep them on your hair for at least 60 minutes.

Hair wash

To wash your hair, use 0.5 liters of kefir.

How to cook: Pour the drink into a saucepan, put it on the stove, warm it up slightly.

How to use: Apply the composition to the hair as if using shampoo, rubbing lightly. Wash away.

Result: Strengthening.

How to wash off paint


  1. Kefir 3.2% - 1 l.
  2. Vegetable oil - 20 ml.
  3. Salt - 4 teaspoons.

How to cook: Pour the kefir into a large container, add the remaining ingredients, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

How to use: Apply the product to dry hair, put on cellophane, a towel over it, wash it off after an hour and a half using shampoo. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a month.

Result: Paint wash.

How to lighten hair


  1. Kefir - 100 gr.
  2. Cognac - 20 ml.

How to cook: Warm the kefir, then mix with cognac.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the strands, put on cellophane, a hat, wash off after 6 hours. If desired, you can leave the mask on all night. Perform no more than 1 procedure per week.

Result: Hair will be lighter after 6-8 treatments.

Home lamination of hair with kefir

A few tips:

  1. Apply the composition to dry, clean strands.
  2. To enhance the effect, warm your head with cellophane, a scarf, and also dry it with a hairdryer for 2-4 minutes.
  3. The prepared mixture for lamination should be similar to thick sour cream, if desired, air conditioning can be added to it.
  4. When applying, it is necessary to retreat 2 cm from the roots.
  5. Rinse off with cool water.
  6. To consolidate the effect, carry out at least 2 procedures per month.


  1. Kefir - 80 ml.
  2. Castor oil - 20 ml.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.
  4. Mayonnaise - 40 gr.

How to cook: Slightly heat the fermented milk drink, supplement it with the rest of the ingredients, mix vigorously.

How to use: Apply the composition to the curls, insulate, rinse off after 30-40 minutes.

Result: This procedure allows you to restore shine, strength to dull, weak curls.

Mask Recipes

The use of various masks based on kefir can improve the condition of the hair.

From falling out


  1. Kefir - 60 ml.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Water - 200 ml.
  4. Chamomile flowers - 10 gr.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dried flowers, let the broth cool. Strain it, add a fermented milk drink, yolk, mix vigorously.

How to use: Treat the strands with the finished mixture, put on a film, a hat, wash off the composition after an hour.

Result: Decreased fallout.

For dry hair


  1. Kefir - 100 ml.
  2. Vegetable oil - 15 ml.
  3. Honey - 7 ml.

How to cook: Heat the fermented milk drink, add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix.

How to use: Apply on the head, insulate. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Result: Hydration.

with egg


  1. Kefir - 100 ml.
  2. Lemon juice - 15 gr.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.
  4. Vitamin E - 3 capsules.

How to cook: Heat the kefir, add the yolk and other ingredients to it, stir vigorously.

How to use: Apply to clean curls, rinse after half an hour. Repeat the process for 30 days.

Result: Enhanced growth.

With cocoa


  1. Kefir - 100 ml.
  2. Cocoa powder - 50 gr.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Bring the main component to a warm state, add cocoa, yolk and mix everything intensively.

How to use: Treat the strands with a mixture, insulate, rinse off after 40 minutes.

Result: Elimination of seborrhea.

with yeast


  1. Kefir - 100 ml.
  2. Fresh yeast - 10 gr.
  3. Honey - 20 gr.

How to cook: Heat kefir, add yeast, honey, stir, leave for a quarter of an hour in a warm place.

How to use: Spread the curls with the composition, insulate, rinse off after 40 minutes using shampoo, rinse with infusion of mint, oregano.

Result: Elimination of dandruff.

With honey


  1. Kefir - 150 ml.
  2. Honey - 20 gr.

How to cook: Heat the main component, add honey to it, stir.

How to use: Treat the mixture with curls from roots to ends, insulate, rinse after 20 minutes.

Result: Healthy, manageable hair.

with mustard


  1. Kefir 3.2% - 80 ml.
  2. Powder mustard - 20 gr.

How to cook: Dilute mustard powder with water in an amount of 60 ml, pour in kefir, mix thoroughly.

How to use: It is not necessary to wash your hair before use. Treat the roots with a mixture, distribute along the entire length, insulate. Remove after half an hour.

Result: Reducing shedding, stimulating growth.

With castor oil


  1. Kefir - 100 ml.
  2. Castor oil - 5 gr.

How to cook: Combine a warm fermented milk product with butter, mix.

How to use: Treat the scalp with the prepared mask. Put on a cling film, a scarf. Remove the mask after 90 minutes. Continue to perform this set of activities twice a week.

Result: Stabilization of the sebaceous glands.

With lemon


  1. Kefir - 150 ml.
  2. Lemon - 1 pc.

How to cook: Cut the lemon in half, chop the pulp, place it in a fermented milk product, mix.

How to use: Rub the roots and the entire length with the resulting slurry, wait half an hour, rinse off the composition, using apple cider vinegar dissolved with liquid for rinsing.

Result: Lightening.

With bread


  1. Kefir - 120 ml.
  2. Rye bread - 60 gr.

How to cook: Pour the bread with kefir, wait until it swells, stir.

How to use: Moisten the strands a little, apply the bread mass to the roots and the entire length, warm the head with a film, a hat. After 40 minutes, remove with shampoo.

Result: Cleansing, toning, degreasing strands.

With burdock oil


  1. Kefir - 60 ml.
  2. Burdock oil - 20 gr.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients, mix.

How to use: Apply to curls, warm your head with cellophane, a scarf. Wash off after 60 minutes with a cleanser.

Result: Hydration.



  1. Cinnamon - 10 gr.
  2. Kefir - 110 ml.

How to cook: Heat the fermented milk product, pour cinnamon into it, stir so that the mixture becomes brown.

How to use: Treat the curls with a mixture, and rinse after 120 minutes.

Result: Food.

with clay


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Kefir - 90 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the clay with a fermented milk product to the consistency of sour cream.

How to use: Treat the scalp, strands with the composition, rinse after 30 minutes.

Result: Strengthening hair.

With onion


  1. Onion - 1 head.
  2. Kefir - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grate the onion on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, mix with kefir.

How to use: Treat the curls with the resulting mass, wait 30-50 minutes, rinse.

Result: Accelerated growth.

With olive oil


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Kefir - 110 ml.
  3. Olive oil - 7 ml.

How to cook: Take the yolk, then mix it with other ingredients.

How to use: Treat the strands with the mixture created, put on a film, a hat on top. Wash off the mask after an hour.

Result: Mitigation.

Kefir is a tasty and healthy fermented milk product. However, its benefits are not only in improving the intestinal microflora. Kefir hair masks will become an indispensable source of protein, lactic acid and vitamin B. In addition, it contains calcium and yeast. Therefore, you can use kefir for hair to eliminate hair loss, normalize greasiness and give curls obedience and softness.

The benefits of kefir for hair

Kefir has a general strengthening effect on the hair and scalp. Due to the wide spectrum of action when using kefir with the use of other components, it is possible to find the optimal remedy for any hair. It is best to use homemade kefir for hair, which contains only natural ingredients.

The main useful properties include:

    1. Contains lactic acid fungi that improve blood circulation and metabolism. Therefore, with regular use, the curls grow much faster, and the greasiness of the scalp normalizes.
    2. Kefir is optimal for use on oily hair. The unique composition normalizes greasiness, and with regular use it can eliminate dandruff and seborrhea. From dandruff, you can use it both as a mask, and simply rinse your hair with kefir after washing.
    3. The main element of which curls are composed is protein. And it is he who is the main component of kefir. Therefore, kefir is able to strengthen hair, restore its structure and prevent split ends.
    4. When using kefir, a microfilm remains on the surface of the curl, protecting them from the negative effects of the environment.
    5. If you wash your hair with kefir, then it creates an optimal moisturizing and nourishing environment, which is impossible when using chemicals.
    6. The composition of kefir includes a lot of calcium, which is indispensable for the curls of women of all ages. The use of kefir for hair is especially useful during pregnancy and in adulthood.
    7. Useful properties are not invented by advertising campaigns, but are proven by centuries of experience in use and laboratory studies. However, in order for the use of kefir to bring the maximum benefit, it is recommended to prepare kefir at home.

Indications for use

A variety of ways to use kefir contribute to the improvement of the general condition, regardless of their type. A recipe for hair with kefir may be to use it to wash your hair or as part of a mask.

Indications for use are extensive:

    • Hair loss or slow growth.
    • Dry curls.
    • Excessive greasiness.
    • Combined type, in which the roots quickly become oily, and the tips are very dry and split.
    • Loss of color brightness and excessive thinness.
    • The presence of dandruff, seborrhea and other diseases of the scalp.
    • Hair lightening.
    • Repair of damaged strands after perm, painting or daily and the use of a hair dryer and ironing.
    • Protection of curls from cold, wind and sun.

Ways to use a fermented milk drink

The use of kefir allows you to make hair care effective and safe. However, dairy products are recommended. home production and fairly thick consistency. Various procedures should be carried out over 4-6 weeks.

Washing hair with kefir

This product is a great way to get rid of hair color after coloring or in preparation for the next color. You can wash off the hair dye with kefir using warm fermented milk products, which must be applied for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to wrap the curls with a towel and wear a warm hat. To wash off the paint, you should apply it to the curls daily for 1-2 weeks.

In addition, you can use kefir for regular shampooing. It will accelerate growth, and give them softness and freshness. The product should also be used warm. Spread over the entire length, and leave for 3-4 minutes, constantly massaging the hair. There is no need to use shampoo afterwards. Curls become clean, fresh and at the same time do not suffer from the negative effects of chemical shampoo.

Lightening hair with kefir

Of course, only women with initially light curls can lighten their hair with its help. A brunette with the help of a fermented milk product cannot become a blonde. However, kefir clarification will make light brown much lighter, and will also give curls golden hue. To lighten hair, you need to mix the juice of half a lemon, half a glass of our product and a little cognac. Add yolk. Apply the resulting composition to curls, and wrap with a towel. Then wash off without using shampoo. If you use this remedy for several weeks at least twice a week, it will be possible not only to lighten the curls, but also to improve the general condition of the hairstyle.

Interesting video: Kefir mask for lightening hair

Hair lamination with kefir

The hair lamination procedure allows you to restore split ends, give dry strands a well-groomed appearance, shine and volume. You can do lamination with your own hands using various natural ingredients, including our product.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Laminate curls with a mixture of kefir, castor oil and eggs. Additionally, you can add pre-steamed gelatin. The finished mixture is distributed along the entire length of the curls. After that, the curls must be wrapped with plastic wrap, and left for 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo for at least a day.

Hair coloring with kefir

To color the curls and not damage them with ammonia paint, you can use henna on kefir. This method of coloring gives curls more color and shine than when using henna diluted with ordinary water. In addition, it not only enhances bright colors, but also additionally cares for curls.

To prepare the coloring mixture, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of henna and two glasses of fatty yogurt. Mix the ingredients and let it brew. Then heat the mixture in a water bath or microwave. Apply to curls and leave for 40 minutes. wash away in the usual way.

Homemade recipes for kefir hair masks

If the hair began to fall out, loss of volume or shine, you can make a homemade mask based on kefir and other natural ingredients. The main component of such a mask will be kefir, but other ingredients should be selected depending on the type and those problems with curls that need to be solved.

Kefir mask for growth


    • Homemade kefir - 80 ml;
    • Honey - 10 ml;
    • Dry yeast - 15 g.

Mix the prepared ingredients and heat until warm. After 20 minutes, apply to curls, pay special attention to the scalp. The exposure time of such a mask should be at least 30 minutes. To accelerate growth, 8-10 procedures are required.

Video recipe: Mask for hair growth from kefir at home

Kefir mask from falling out with rye bread

Against loss, it is recommended to use a simple mask based on rye bread and ordinary kefir. Cooking takes a minimum of time, and the necessary ingredients will always be found in the house. See another 25 effective masks for falling out.


    • Rye bread - 1 slice;
    • Sour milk drink - 100 ml.

Warm the fermented milk product and soak the bread in it. Knead with your fingers so that the mask acquires a uniform consistency. Apply to roots. Wash off no earlier than 40 minutes.

Kefir mask for strengthening with henna

In the autumn-winter period, the hair lacks nutrients, so the nutrition of the roots can be entrusted to a kefir mask with vitamins.


    • Vitamin E and A - 10 drops each;
    • Bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Colorless henna - 1 tbsp. l.

Put enough bran into the drink so that the mixture acquires a fairly thick consistency. Add pre-soaked henna, as well as vitamins, and apply to the strands. Hair after kefir becomes strong, voluminous and stops falling out.

Kefir mask for dry hair with castor oil

This recipe will give even very dry hair the much-needed nourishment and hydration. In addition, the curls will become more voluminous and acquire a healthy shine.


    • Castor oil - 5 ml;
    • Yolk - 1 pc.

For this recipe, it is better to cook kefir yourself. Add the rest of the components and apply to the curls. Carefully spread on the tips, which are primarily affected by dryness, and then spread over the rest of the curls. Wrap with polyethylene and wrap. Leave the mask preferably for at least an hour.

Video recipe: Kefir mask for all hair types at home

Kefir mask for oily hair with lemon

Oily hair needs special care. The use of kefir and lemon juice not only helps to reduce greasiness, but also helps to accelerate growth and give strands shine and freshness.


    • Lemon - 1⁄2 pcs.;
    • Sour milk drink - 100 ml;
    • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.

Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder. Add dairy product and mix thoroughly. Apply with fingers or a special brush. It is recommended to use twice a week for a month.

Kefir mask for thick hair with burdock oil

To give volume and density to even thin and weakened curls, it is recommended to regularly make masks based on natural burdock oil and homemade drink. As a preventive measure, such masks should be done once a week, and for treatment - 2-3 times a week for a month.


    • Sour milk drink - 80 ml;
    • Burdock oil - 10 ml;
    • Yolk - 1 pc.

Connect components. Apply to scalp after shampooing. Regular use will give curls volume and shine.

Kefir mask for split ends

To seal split ends, it is recommended to use gelatin. By adding it to a kefir mask with herbs, you can improve appearance any type.


    • Gelatin - 10 gr;
    • Sour milk drink - 50 ml;
    • Nettle - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Burdock - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour nettle and burdock with 100 ml of boiling water, and let it brew. Then strain, heat and pour the resulting infusion of gelatin. Mix thoroughly and add drink. Apply the resulting mixture to curls. Wash off after 40-50 minutes with warm water.

Kefir mask for lightening hair with cinnamon

Kefir-based masks for lightening hair can be prepared based on various components. One of the most effective is lemon juice. In addition, the combination of lemon juice and an acidic product allows you to normalize the greasiness of curls.


    • Sour milk drink - 100 ml;
    • Lemon juice - 40 ml;
    • Honey - 20 ml;
    • Cinnamon - 2 g.

Apply to curls, carefully distribute the mixture with a comb. Wrap with plastic wrap and leave for 2-3 hours. To increase efficiency, you can wrap them in a towel or periodically warm them up with a hair dryer. The brightening mask is suitable for any type of hair.

Mask of kefir and eggs

For normal hair without serious problems you can use a mask based on eggs and homemade kefir. It maintains the health of the hair, and allows you to give them shine and softness.


    • Sour kefir - 60 ml;
    • Yolk - 2 pcs.;
    • Olive oil - 20 ml;
    • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and beat them a little. If there is a problem of damaged ends or loss of shine, the mask can be left overnight. If this remedy is used for prevention, you can wash it off after an hour.

Mask of kefir and cocoa

This mask will be a real salvation in the autumn-winter period, when curls become dull and lifeless. And the magical aroma of cocoa will cheer you up even on the coldest evening. Kefir and cocoa soften curls, give them incredible shine and volume.


    • Egg - 1 pc.;
    • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Sour milk drink - 50 ml;
    • Burdock oil - 20 ml.

Beat the egg and cocoa with a blender, and add kefir and butter to the resulting mass. How long to keep the mask depends on the condition of the hair. As a rule, 30-40 minutes is enough. However, if the curls are badly damaged, the time can be doubled.

Video recipe: A simple effective mask for dry hair with kefir and cocoa

Mask with kefir and yeast

To promote growth and prevent hair loss, you can use an effective mixture of onion, sour product and yeast. Applying a mask allows you to make curls long, thick and soft.


    • Onion - 1 pc.;
    • Sour milk drink - 50 ml;
    • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
    • Any essential oil;
    • Honey - 20 ml.

Chop the onion into a bowl. Yeast pre-steam with warm kefir. Mix the ingredients, adding a little essential oil to kill the onion smell. The exposure time is 20-30 minutes. It is best to wash off the mask with shampoo, otherwise it will be impossible to get rid of the smell of onions.

Mask with kefir and honey

One of the simplest, but no less effective masks. It moisturizes the hair well and gives incredible softness.


    • Clay - 15 gr;
    • Sour milk drink - 100 ml;
    • Honey - 50 ml.

Mix ingredients. The resulting mixture can be kept from half an hour to several hours.

Mask with kefir and mustard

Mustard has the ability to dry out oily curls, therefore, reduces greasiness. However, such a mask must be applied so as not to overdry the tips.


    • Mustard powder - 2 tsp;
    • Sour milk drink - 100 ml;
    • Honey - 20 ml.

Pour mustard powder with warm kefir, add pre-melted and warmed honey. The exposure time of the mask must be calculated based on the condition of the curls. On average, it is 30 minutes.

One of the most affordable and effective folk remedies for caring for curls is kefir.

This dairy product has a mass useful properties, allowing to solve various problems of hairline.

Even before the advent of shampoos, sour milk washed their hair, along with black bread and eggs. Therefore, a kefir hair mask can be used frequently and without fear of negative effects.

Beneficial features

An affordable and inexpensive mask ingredient contains many beneficial substances that allow curls to look healthy and be silky to the touch. Kefir abounds in lactic acid bacteria, vitamins E, group B, trace elements, proteins, yeast and a number of other substances.

All these elements have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hairline, in particular:

  • lactic acid bacteria normalize skin greasiness, improve blood microcirculation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, so curls grow quickly and dandruff does not appear;
  • proteins strengthen the hair structure, prevent delamination of the tips;
  • calcium and potassium are among the most necessary elements for normal growth and the condition of the hairline;
  • B vitamins protect against an aggressive external environment, nourish the follicles, eliminate excess fat and retain moisture;
  • Vitamin E is called living water for the external integument of a person, as it is able to actively moisturize and nourish.

A fermented milk product is indispensable for people who have problems with increased secretion of subcutaneous fat, so it is perfect for oily hair. If you use it regularly, you can easily get rid of oily seborrhea, and greasy shine will disappear forever. The dairy product has excellent protective properties. It forms a film on the surface of the hair, protecting its structure from the destructive action of aggressive factors of the outside world. Because of this feature, kefir hair masks are recommended for owners of weakened and dull strands.

Indications for use

The drink will help to cope with the following problems:

  • excessive greasiness;
  • dryness;
  • dandruff;
  • alopecia (diffuse type);
  • split ends;
  • slow growth of curls;
  • dullness.

Kefir hair mask can be used regardless of the type of hairline. It is often done with a mixed type, when the roots quickly become greasy, and the tips are dry and exfoliate. Sour milk has a brightening property that blondes will love. The use of this product will eliminate the yellowness and give the curls a shine.


Kefir as a care for the scalp is suitable for everyone, as it does not call for adverse effects. The exception is persons who have an individual intolerance to the dairy product. Burning brunettes who do not want to lose color saturation should use this drink carefully due to its brightening properties.

Kefir hair mask: rules for use and overview of recipes

If the hair has lost its shine, the ends of the strands have become like a washcloth, and the scalp is covered with dandruff, then it's time to use a fermented milk product. Kefir can be used as a single component, or a multi-component composition can be made with the addition of other ingredients.

There are many recipes with this product. It is mixed with honey, yeast, rye bread, liquid vitamins, bran, vegetable oils, egg yolk and other ingredients.

Application rules

When making a hair mask from kefir, you should follow simple rules:

  • apply the therapeutic composition to clean or slightly contaminated curls;
  • before use, the drink should be slightly warmed up: in summer in the sun, and in winter next to a heating radiator;
  • when preparing medicinal mixtures, it is better to use glassware and plastic or wooden spatulas;
  • to create a greenhouse effect that enhances the effect of the mask, it is necessary to wrap the scalp first with polyethylene and then with a warm cloth;
  • to get rid of greasiness, you need to choose a low-fat dairy product, and in order to eliminate dryness - high-fat kefir;
  • the medicinal composition must be applied to the curls in accordance with the problem, for example, with dandruff on the roots, and with split ends - on the tips;
  • the average procedure time is one hour, if the composition contains irritating components, for example, mustard, then the mixture is kept on the head for no more than half an hour.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use homemade sour milk, as ready-made products are often made from powder, that is, they are less useful. A fermented milk drink should be prepared from whole milk with the addition of sourdough, which can be replaced with sour cream or store-bought biokefir.

It is forbidden to use sour milk or expired kefir. The effectiveness of the procedures will be most noticeable with the course use of a healing drink. Hair care with sour milk is done from one to three times a week and at least one month.

homemade recipes

Choosing a recipe for a hair mask with kefir should be based on the characteristics of the hairline and the presence of a particular problem.

The following therapeutic formulations are the most common:

  • To stimulate growth. A mixture consisting of 100 ml of curdled milk, one chopped onion, one egg and 7 ml of burdock oil contributes to the rapid growth of hair. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, since it is necessary to act on hair follicles. The procedure time is one hour.
  • From falling out. You can stop the process of baldness with a composition of half a glass of kefir and a crumb of black bread. Bread must be soaked in a drink, and then grind into a homogeneous mass. Healing components are applied to the roots and rubbed into the skin with massage movements. After forty minutes, the composition is washed off. In addition to fighting alopecia, this mask eliminates dryness and improves the growth of curls.
  • For strengthening. The strength and elasticity of the strands will be given by a composition of one hundred milliliters of a dairy product, liquid vitamins E and A (ten drops of each), two tablespoons of bran and one tablespoon of henna. All components are mixed and applied to curls from roots to ends. The procedure lasts about an hour.
  • For hydration. A mixture of a quarter cup of sour milk, five milliliters of castor oil and chicken yolk will help to cope with dry strands. Most of the composition is applied to the tips, which are more affected by the problem. The remaining mixture is distributed over all curls. A moisturizing hair mask made from kefir and castor oil should remain on the head for at least an hour.
  • To reduce fat. You can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands with the juice of half a lemon, half a glass of yogurt and two tablespoons of oatmeal. The last ingredient must first be ground in a mixer or coffee grinder. Lubricate the root part of the hair and skin with a thick mixture. A light massage when applying the composition will help the components to be better absorbed. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to repeat the procedure twice a week for a month.
  • For density. Burdock oil, egg and sour milk will help to add splendor and volume to the hairstyle. Chicken yolk, ten milliliters of the first ingredient and half a glass of the second are mixed and distributed along the entire length of the strands. The mixture is kept on curls for an hour. The greatest effect can be achieved if the nutrient composition is applied to the scalp after two to three days for four weeks.
  • For split ends. Split ends will become smooth and silky when using a composition of a quarter cup of yogurt, ten grams of gelatin, a decoction of burdock and nettle. How to cook? Add one tablespoon of each herb to the container and pour boiling water (100 ml). When the liquid has cooled slightly, it is filtered and then added to the gelatin. After the last component is dissolved, kefir is added to the mixture, mixed and applied to the damaged parts of the strands.
  • From dandruff. The composition of two slices of black bread crumb, fifteen milliliters of olive oil, one hundred milliliters of yogurt and a dessert spoon of cognac will help fight seborrhea. Folk remedy apply to the roots and hold for about half an hour.

Kefir for hair: other uses and reviews

A fermented milk drink can be used when changing the color of curls. It will help remove old paint, make strands lighter, and improve the process of dyeing with natural dyes.

Application methods

Wash. The dairy product will help prepare the hair for the next painting, as it has a lightening effect. The product is preheated and applied to curls. We should not forget about the greenhouse effect, which will enhance the necessary action, so you should prepare plastic wrap and a warm hat in advance.

The healing drink must be left on the scalp for at least three hours. In order to get rid of the old paint, you need to perform the procedures every day for one to two weeks. In this case, you can not use shampoo, as the drink perfectly cleanses the curls.

Lightening. Kefir is an excellent way to lighten strands for hair. For this purpose, owners of blond hair can use it, since a dark-haired brunette cannot be turned into a blonde with this tool. Brown hair after using the mask, they may become several tones lighter. The composition is prepared from sour milk, a spoonful of cognac, yolk and juice of half a lemon. The average procedure time is one hour. There will be noticeable changes if masks are made at least three days a month.

Lamination. Kefir for hair can be used for the lamination procedure, thanks to which the curls will become shiny, elastic and smooth, without split ends. The healing composition is prepared from pre-steamed gelatin, yogurt, eggs and castor oil. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the strands, and after forty minutes, washed off with warm water. It is important not to wash your hair with shampoo for at least one day after the procedure.

Coloring. Henna and kefir for hair coloring are an excellent combination to achieve the best result. Henna staining is carried out in the usual way, however, the paint is diluted not with water, but with a dairy product. Sour milk, added to henna instead of water, enhances the color and gives a beautiful shine to the curls.

Kefir can be a component not only of masks for treatment, but also for washing off dark colors, but also of many other recipes that help take care of your hair. It is important to follow our recommendations so as not to harm the hair.

The properties of kefir have been known since 1908, since its production was established, but this fermented milk product is useful not only for the intestinal microflora.

Kefir is also used in the basis of various hair masks. The substances contained in it saturate the strands with protein and vitamin B, you can easily make them at home.

Also, the composition of kefir includes yeast and calcium, which allows you to stop the loss of curls, reduce the formation of sebum, make hair obedient and soft.

The benefits of kefir for hair

For hair growth

Significantly activates the growth of curls, activating metabolism in skin cells, thereby stimulating the renewal of curls.

Besides kefir-based masks contain vitamin B12, which is a participant in the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, masks with this product accelerate the growth of strands several times.

From early gray hair

Nicotinic acid, vitamin B3, PP, niacin contained in the fermented milk product prevent premature graying.

Split ends

Intensively restores damaged tips, strengthens them. Vitamins H, B7 and biotin help in this.

Oily or dry curls

Caring for oily hair preventing its rapid contamination, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands eliminating greasy shine.

This process is facilitated by organic acids contained in the fermented milk product. At the same time, the fat content of the product should be low, so the effectiveness of the masks increases.

For density

A useful mask created at home for density will help heal hair, giving it volume and volume.

To do this, it is enough to apply a non-greasy composition to the tips and roots of the curls, warm the head with a plastic cap, leaving the mixture for two hours. After the time has passed, everything is washed off with warm water.

Hair lightening

For girls with a natural color of curls or dyed blonde, a brightening mask with kefir, with regular use, will help lighten the strands by a couple of tones.

The use of kefir masks for various hair problems

Fermented milk mixtures help to cope with many problems, namely:

  • save hair from excess fat;
  • stop falling out;
  • moisturizes;
  • stimulate hair growth;
  • repair damaged ends.

Useful recipe how to do it yourself effective mask from kefir for dry curls.

For split ends

Moisturizing hair mask based on kefir is in demand because of its effectiveness.


  • olive or castor oil;
  • yolk;
  • dry yeast - 20 grams;
  • cocoa - 10 grams;
  • fermented milk product.

All components are mixed, applied to the tips and roots. After an hour, the composition is washed off with warm water and shampoo. This mask is suitable for split ends.

Lamination with kefir

The composition will give volume, strength and shine to the most weakened, lifeless strands. The main purpose of the procedure is to saturate each hair with vitamins, moisturize it, wrapping it with a protective film.


  • 4 tablespoons of kefir;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise.

Everything is mixed, curls are applied along the entire length, the head is insulated with a thick towel, leaving for 40 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the composition is washed off, shampoo is applied and the procedure is repeated two more times.

To combat falling

with mustard

The main ingredient is this mustard, it stimulates the growth of curls, saving them from falling out.


  • dry mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • yolk - 1;
  • sour milk - 1 cup.

We mix everything, apply the mixture on the head, massaging movements. You need to keep it for about 20 minutes. Might burn a little.

With rye bread

The mask that helps with hair loss consists of kefir and rye bread.


  • rye bread - 50 grams;
  • fermented milk drink - 100 ml.

Kefir is heated, then bread is soaked in it, knead it with your fingers until a homogeneous consistency. The composition is applied to the roots and washed off after 40 minutes.

Fight against dandruff

With onion

This the composition will best help owners of oily hair get rid of dandruff. Bonus - radiant shine.

Grate the onion, combine with a glass of fermented milk product. The mixture is applied for an hour, washed off with regular shampoo. The first results will be visible after three treatments.

with nettle

The composition of these ingredients will relieve you of dandruff, saturate curls with strength and shine.

  • 2 teaspoons of nettle or burdock roots;
  • half a glass of water;
  • half a glass of sour milk.

Grind nettle leaves and burdock root. Fill them up hot water and let it sit for half an hour. We filter them through a sieve, add kefir, apply a mask. After an hour, wash it off using shampoo.

For oily hair

with mustard

Mustard is a versatile product, it dries well oily skin head and reduces its greasiness. Apply this composition carefully so as not to dry out the ends.


  • 2 teaspoons of mustard powder;
  • 100 milliliters of fermented milk product;
  • 20 milliliters of honey.

Mustard powder is poured with warm kefir, into which warm honey is gradually introduced. The entire composition is applied to curls, aged no more than 30 minutes.

Recipes for homemade masks based on kefir for hair care

Universal mask with kefir to improve the condition of the hair, easy to prepare.

A fermented milk product (2 teaspoons) is diluted in warm milk, left for a day in a dark place. This time will allow microorganisms to increase their activity.

The finished mixture is applied to the hair, aged for an hour. You can use it as a preventive measure.

With honey

Recipe for a kefir mask with honey for hair:

  • olive (vegetable, castor oil) 1 tablespoon;
  • kefir 0.5 l;
  • honey 1 teaspoon.

After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is applied to the hair for half an hour before washing the head. Head covered plastic bag and wrap with a towel. The process ends with washing the head with shampoo.

For hair growth with yeast

Accelerate growth, prevent loss of curls, they will become shiny, thick and silky.


  • onion - one medium piece;
  • sour milk - 50 ml;
  • dry yeast - 25 grams;
  • essential oil - a couple of drops;
  • honey - 15 ml.

The onion is chopped, the yeast steamed with warm kefir, mixed with the rest of the ingredients. A couple of drops of essential oil will destroy the smell of onions. You can wash off the mask after 30 minutes, for this, choose a regular shampoo.

For shine with oils

Castor or burdock oil strengthens the bulbs, gives hair shine and volume.

You will need:

  • half a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (castor, olive or burdock);
  • 1 yolk.

After mixing everything together, apply the composition to the curls and rinse after an hour and a half.

For volume

To give density, volume to depleted hair, you can use masks based on burdock oil and kefir. For prevention, they are done twice a week for a month.


  • fermented milk product - 90 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml;
  • egg yolk.

Having combined all the components, the composition is applied to the head, but after washing the head. A regular procedure will return a charming shine to the curls.

Nutrition with vitamins

Vitamin mask, saturates curls with vitamin E, restores shine and silkiness.


  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 3 capsules with vitamin E;
  • 0.5 cups of kefir.

Mix all the ingredients together, apply the finished mixture along the entire length of the hair. After an hour, wash everything off with warm water.

The hair is richly lubricated with a fermented milk product, in combination with massage. The head is covered with a bag and a warm towel. After 40 minutes, the mixture is washed off the hair, which is rinsed with warm water.

Using kefir to change hair color

Mask with kefir often used masters in beauty salons for washing dark colors.

For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 liter of fatty kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of table salt.

The components are mixed and the mixture is applied to the hair, a polyethylene cap is put on top. The composition is left on curls for 90 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the mixture is washed off with warm water. It is allowed to use this method without harm to health twice a month.

Lightening hair

This method of lightening is suitable for girls with blonde hair. However, light brown curls will acquire a golden hue and become two tones lighter.

You will need:

  • half a medium lemon;
  • half a glass of fermented milk product;
  • ¼ cup brandy;
  • yolk of one egg.

Apply the finished composition to your hair, wrap it with a warm towel. After an hour, everything is washed off with regular shampoo. Making such a mask twice a week, the result will not be long in coming.

Coloring strands using kefir

Color the curls without damaging them with paint, a dairy product will help. This method of staining will give curls an amazing shine and rich color.


  • 2 tablespoons of henna;
  • 400 milliliters of fatty fermented milk product.

Connect all the components together, give them time to brew. Now heat the composition in the microwave or in a water bath. Apply over the entire length, wait 50 minutes. Wash everything off using your shampoo.

How to use kefir hair masks correctly

A mask for damaged, depleted hair from kefir is more effective at night.

  • this fermented milk product contains a large amount of riboflavin, which adds density and volume to curls;
  • and retinol accelerates growth;
  • vitamin C revives split ends;
  • loss decreases, this is facilitated by pyridoxine and thiamine;
  • biotin stimulates recovery and healing;
  • folic acid and niacin help strengthen the structure of curls;
  • healthy shine appears due to the positive effect of vitamin E.

According to reviews, the fermented milk product has a positive effect on the hair, restoring damage from the inside.

Important advice!

Using a fermented milk product, you should not dilute it, this will provoke rapid acidification. Best result will give a pure product, without additives, slightly heated.

Night masks for curls can be inconvenient due to the leakage of the composition to the outside. Leaving the composition for the night under a warming scarf, it is worth monitoring the tightest fit of the headgear and not applying a lot of funds to the hair.

Shelf life natural masks from sour milk are 10 days, a product that is stored longer is not worth using, you will not get any benefit.

It is not worth using fermented milk products for lightening, as its components wash out the pigment from the curls, making the color less saturated.

In general, fermented milk formulas are a popular panacea for your hair, you can use it often, supplementing it with new nutritious ingredients. She will restore damaged curls, heal them and give the hair a dazzling shine. Be beautiful, shine always!

Video: Kefir hair masks at home

Hair masks with kefir are available and very effective. The first video offers a mask that will help improve the condition of your hair, while it is suitable for all types of hair. The mask from the second video is designed for dry, brittle and colored hair.