Calculate normal weight. How to determine your normal weight by height. The effect of age on the ratio of height and weight

Imagine a picture: wake up in the morning, take a shower, have breakfast. And when the time comes to put on your favorite jeans, we are horrified to realize that we cannot fasten them - the stomach interferes. We climb under the sofa, find dusty floor scales, get up on them and ... A familiar story, right?

Whatever figure is displayed on the scales, frustration and depression are received - jeans are not to be worn now. What to do? You can just score. Throw your pants in the trash or shove them into the farthest corner of the chest of drawers - let them lie there until better times. And you can go the other way - throw off a couple of other extra pounds - maybe the trousers will fit.

The second option is more difficult - you need to do something, spend time, make efforts. However, we clench our will into a fist and decide to lose weight. But before starting, another question arises - what to strive for, how many kilograms you need to lose, so that it is completely good: both pants so that they fit, and breathe easier, and on the beach so that in the summer it would not be a shame to get out. We are thinking, trying to figure it out - how to calculate your ideal weight?

It turns out that the ideal (correct) weight is an abstract concept, and it denotes an average value obtained on the basis of a set of given physiological parameters of a person, such as height, age, gender, and body type. But the state of health, the level of physical activity, the percentage of fat mass in relation to muscle mass and other individual indicators of a single person are not taken into account here.

This means that it will not be possible to find the exact value of your weight using known formulas. However, we will get an approximate guideline that we can rely on when reducing or gaining body weight.

The most famous types of weight calculation by formulas:

  • Calculation of weight by height
  • Calculation of weight by age and height
  • Calculation of weight by BMI (body mass index)

Calculate weight by height

A simple method known more as Brokk's formula. The simplified version looks like this:

  • For women: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 110
  • For men: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 100

Example: normal weight men with a height of 180 cm is equal to 80 kg, and women with a height of 170 cm - 60 kg

The modern version of the same formula looks a little different, but is considered more accurate:

  • For women: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 110) * 1.15
  • For men: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 100) * 1.15

Example: the normal weight of a man with a height of 180 cm is 92 kg, and for a woman with a height of 170 cm - 69 kg

Calculate weight by age and height

The following weight determination method is not a calculation formula. This is a ready-made table with which you can calculate the correct weight by age. And if the previous version gives an approximate norm of a person’s body weight, then the Egorov-Levitsky table, as it is also called, displays the maximum allowable weight value, the excess of which is considered unacceptable for a given height and age group.

All you need to know is your height, age and actual weight. Look for the intersection of these parameters in the table and understand how far you are from the maximum allowable value. If the figure in the table is higher than your existing weight, it’s good, if it’s lower, there is reason to think about the gym and dietary restrictions.

Example: A woman with a height of 170 cm, 35 years old, weight 75 kg. Crossing over the table shows the maximum weight value of 75.8. A woman is one step away from this value. Therefore, close control of body weight is needed, otherwise it is possible to go beyond the permissible limits.

Calculate weight by BMI (Quetelet body mass index)

calculation table optimal weight by Quetelet body mass index

With the help of the Body Mass Index, you can find out in which predetermined range a person’s weight is at the current moment: deficiency, normal or obesity (all BMI values ​​are shown in the table).

BMI is calculated using a formula that uses baseline height in meters and weight in kilograms. The formula looks like this: KMT = weight in kilograms: (height in meters * height in meters).

Example: a man with a height of 185 cm (1.85 m) and a weight of 88 kg will have a BMI \u003d 88: (1.85 * 1.85) \u003d 27.7. We are looking for a value in the table and we understand that the index is in the range of Overweight (pre-obesity).

Important point: calculation correct weight BMI does not take into account gender and age-related changes organism.


It is important to remember, whichever method of calculating the correct weight you choose, the result of the calculations should not be taken as an absolute truth. All figures will be approximate and indicative. And jeans from these calculations still won't fit. So dumbbells in your hands, legs in sneakers, a lock on the refrigerator and forward - towards the result.

Knowing if your weight is within normal body weight helps you understand your body, identify problems, and sometimes even make a diagnosis right away. Body weight control is considered the most important preventive measure a number of dangerous diseases.

Unfortunately, often body weight worries not those people who should be worried (obese patients), but young girls who have driven into their heads that they do not meet the TV-magazine standards 90-60-90, and bring themselves to fainting with all sorts of diets . If you have a serious illness, such as diabetes, starvation and semi-starvation diets pose a threat to life.

Therefore, let's determine together the compliance of your weight with the norm. Take a notepad and a pen in your hands, and even better, a calculator, we will count. The procedure for calculating the normal weight is quite simple and does not take much time.

Many formulas are used to determine normal body weight. The simplest and most famous

M \u003d P - 100, where M is the mass in kg; P - height in cm.

But this formula in this form is very inaccurate and is applicable only for a very approximate calculation.

It is advisable to use the full formula (see table below).

Calculation of ideal body weight

Height, cm Ideal weight, kg
155-165 growth minus 100
166-175 growth minus 100
176-185 growth minus 110
186+ growth minus 115

You can also use the modified formula: ideal body weight \u003d (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 10% for men; BMI \u003d (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 15% for women:

  • 1 degree of obesity - the actual body weight exceeds the ideal by less than 30%;
  • 2 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 31-50%;
  • 3 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 51-99%;
  • 4 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by as much as 100% or more.

Currently, in most countries of the world, body mass index (BMI), or the Quetelet index, is used to determine normal and overweight in a person:

BMI \u003d M / R 2, where M is the mass in kg; R 2 - height in meters, squared.

According to the international classification, an indicator from 18.5 to 24.9 kg / m 2 is considered the norm. A reading below 18.5 indicates underweight. If the BMI is in the range of 25 to 29.9, it is overweight, and obesity is diagnosed with a BMI over 30.

For example, your height is 181 cm, weight is 99 kg. Let's do a simple calculation: 1.81 2 = 3.2761. Divide 99 by 3.2761 for a BMI of 30.22, which means you are one of the many with weight problems:

  • 1 degree of obesity (mild obesity) - with a BMI between 27 and 35;
  • 2 (moderate) - with a range of values ​​35-39.9;
  • 3 (severe or painful) - with a BMI of 40 or more.

Table of normal human body weight by age

Height, cm Person's age, years
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+
150 53 48 57 51 60 54 60 54 58 52
152 54 49 58 52 60 54 61 55 59 53
154 55 51 58 52 61 55 61 55 60 54
156 57 52 59 53 61 55 62 56 61 55
158 58 53 59 53 62 56 63 57 62 56
160 59 54 61 55 63 57 64 58 63 57
162 61 56 62 56 64 58 65 59 65 58
164 62 57 63 57 66 59 67 60 66 59
166 63 58 65 58 67 60 68 61 67 60
168 65 59 66 59 68 61 70 63 69 62
170 66 60 68 61 70 63 71 64 71 64
172 68 61 69 62 72 65 73 66 73 66
174 69 63 71 64 73 66 75 67 75 67
176 71 64 73 65 75 68 76 69 77 69
178 72 65 74 67 77 69 78 71 79 71
180 74 67 76 68 79 71 80 72 81 73
182 78 70 78 70 81 73 82 74 83 75
184 79 71 80 72 83 75 84 76 85 76
186 81 73 82 74 85 77 86 77 86 77
188 83 75 85 77 88 79 88 79 87 78
190 86 77 87 78 89 80 89 80 87 77

For the diagnosis of obesity, in addition to the total mass, the volume of the waist and hips is important. So, for men, a waist circumference of 94 cm is considered acceptable, for women - up to 88 cm. With a waist circumference of 94-101 cm in men and 102 cm or more in women, the risk of metabolic complications is high.

If your waist circumference exceeds the indicated figures, you have an abdominal (visceral) type of obesity, that is, fat is deposited around internal organs- liver, pancreas, heart, disrupting their work. It is this type of obesity that is a risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction!

Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, whose body weight is normal, naturally do not need to worry about the impact of obesity on diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes who have a normal weight (there are very few of them) should try to keep it close to ideal numbers, so be sure to strive for ideal weight for your age.

Well, for people with diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, who are overweight or obese, the basics of calculating the calorie content of the diet must be remembered and applied daily, this is the most important thing for you in the treatment of diabetes.

Counting calories is also important for people with a lack of weight, they already know that gaining weight is by no means an easy task. And correctly calculated nutrition with the determination of the need for kilocalories will allow you to gain the missing kilograms.

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website found 5 ways to calculate the optimal weight used by fitness professionals.

Method 1. Quetelet index

If you know the body mass index, you can judge obesity or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18).

The resulting number will be your index. The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Method 2. Volumes

The Quetelet index is a good indicator of the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, it does not give a visual picture. But you can check your body for ideality using another formula.

The distribution of fat throughout the body is determined by the ratio: waist circumference (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks. The norm for men is 0.85; for women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Method 3. Taking into account age

It has been proven that the weight of a man and a woman should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms, which some people consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be. You can use the formula to determine the optimal weight depending on age.

P - in this case, height, and B - age in years. Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

Method 4. Brock's formula

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Brock's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

Brock's formula for people under 40 years old: height (in cm) minus 110, after 40 years - height (in cm) minus 100.

At the same time, people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type should subtract 10% from the result, and people with a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type should add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type? It is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter.

Method 5. Nagler formula

There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. For 152.4 cm of height there should be 45 kg of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.54 cm) over 152.4 cm, there should be another 900 g. Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

Method 6. Formula John McCallum

One of the best formulas was created by expert methodologist John McCallum. Its formula is based on measuring the girth of the wrist.

  1. The circumference of the wrist multiplied by 6.5 is equal to the circumference of the chest.
  2. 85% of the chest circumference is equal to the circumference of the hips.
  3. To get the waist circumference, you need to take 70% of the chest circumference.
  4. 53% of the chest circumference is equal to the thigh circumference.
  5. For the neck circumference, you need to take 37% of the chest circumference.
  6. The circumference of the biceps is about 36% of the circumference of the chest.
  7. The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.
  8. The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the circumference of the chest.

But not all physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios, the numbers have an average, average value.

A few more options for the ratio of height and weight:

  1. The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the circumference of the hips, and the circumference of the hips is approximately equal to the circumference of the chest.
  2. The waist circumference should be equal to: height in centimeters - 100. That is, a woman with a height of 172 cm will be proportionately folded if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the hips and chest circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears clothing size 48.
  3. If the circumference of the hips is less than the circumference of the chest, and the circumference of the waist is less than the circumference of the hips by 20 cm, then such a figure is called an "apple". If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  4. For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a decrease in the waist by one centimeter.

objective parameter perfect body- the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9-15% fat of the total body weight, for women - from 12-20%.

Knowing the Body Mass Index (BMI), one can judge obesity or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18). Among the many different methods for calculating ideal weight, the most popular method is the height-weight index, body mass index - Quetelet index.

Formula: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared B / (P * P)
For example: height 170 cm, weight 65 kg. So 65: (1.7 * 1.7) = 22.5

The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

The Quetelet index shows well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, that is, it does not give a visual-aesthetic picture. But you can check your body for ideality by another formula.

Distribution of body fat. It is determined by the ratio: the volume of the waist (at the level of the navel), divided by the volume of the buttocks.

  • The norm for men is 0.85;
  • For women - 0.65-0.85.

Does age affect height-to-weight ratio?

The answer is unequivocal: “Of course it does.” Proved that the weight of a man and a woman should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms, which some people consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be. You can use the formula to determine the optimal weight depending on age.

R In this case, growth AT- age in years. Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4.


in cm

20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
150 51.3 48.9 56.7 53.9 58.1 58.5 58.0 55.7 57.3 54.8
152 53.1 51.0 58.7 55.0 61.5 59.5 61.0 57.6 60.3 55.9
154 55.3 53.0 61.6 59.1 64.5 62.4 63.8 60.2 61.9 59.0
156 58.5 55.8 64.4 61.5 67.3 66.0 65.8 62.4 63.7 60.9
158 61.2 58.1 67.3 64.1 70.4 67.9 68.0 64.5 67.0 62.4
160 62.9 59.8 69.4 65.8 72.3 69.9 69.7 65.8 68.2 64.6
162 64.6 61.6 71.0 68.5 74.4 72.2 72.7 68.7 69.1 66.5
164 67.3 63.6 73.9 70.8 77.2 74.0 75.6 72.0 72.2 70.7
166 68.8 65.2 74.5 71.8 78.0 76.6 76.3 73.8 74.3 71.4
168 70.8 68.5 76.2 73.7 79.6 78.2 79.5 74.8 76.0 73.3
170 72.7 69.2 77.7 75.8 81.0 79.8 79.9 76.8 76.9 75.0
172 74.1 72.8 79.3 77.0 82.8 81.7 81.1 77.7 78.3 76.3
174 77.5 74.3 80.8 79.0 84.4 83.7 82.5 79.4 79.3 78.0
176 80.8 76.8 83.3 79.9 86.0 84.6 84.1 80.5 81.9 79.1
178 83.0 78.2 85.6 82.4 88.0 86.1 86.5 82.4 82.8 80.9
180 85.1 80.9 88.0 83.9 89.9 88.1 87.5 84.1 84.4 81.6
182 87.2 83.3 90.6 87.7 91.4 89.3 89.5 86.5 85.4 82.9
184 89.1 85.5 92.0 89.4 92.9 90.9 91.6 87.4 88.0 85.8
186 93.1 89.2 95.0 91.0 96.6 92.9 92.8 89.6 89.0 87.3
188 95.8 91.8 97.0 94.4 98.0 95.8 95.0 91.5 91.5 88.8
190 97.1 92.3 99.5 95.8 100.7 97.4 99.4 95.6 94.8 92.9

2. Broca's formula: identifying height-age-weight relationships

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Brock's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

Brock's formula for people under 40 years old is "height (in cm) minus 110", after 40 years - "height (in cm) minus 100".

At the same time, people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type should subtract 10% from the result, and people with a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type should add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type?

The physique is usually divided into 3 types:

  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • asthenic.

In order to find out what your body type is, it is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter. The resulting circumference in centimeters will be the necessary indicator (Soloviev's index).

Solovyov index body type Typical for this body type
for men for women
18-20 cm 15-17 cm normosthenic (normal) the physique is distinguished by the proportionality of the main dimensions and their correct ratio
over 20 cm over 17 cm hypersthenic (broad-boned) In people with a hypersthenic (wide-boned) body type, the transverse dimensions of the body are much larger than in normosthenics and especially asthenics. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, their legs are short.
less than 18 cm less than 15 cm asthenic (thin-boned) In people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type, the longitudinal dimensions prevail over the transverse ones: the limbs are long, the bone is thin, the neck is long, thin, the muscles are poorly developed.

3. Nagler's formula for the ratio of height and weight

There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. 152.4 cm of height should account for 45 kilograms of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.45 cm) over 152.4 cm, there should be another 900 grams, Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

4. John McCallum's Girth Ratio Formula

One of the best formulas created by expert methodologist John McCallum. The McCallum formula is based on measuring the girth of the wrist:

  • 6.5 wrist circumference = chest circumference;
  • 85% bust = hips;
  • to get the waist circumference, you need to take 70% of the chest circumference;
  • 53% of the circumference of the chest is equal to the circumference of the thigh;
  • for the neck circumference, you need to take 37% of the chest circumference;
  • the girth of the biceps is about 36% of the girth of the chest;
  • girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%;
  • The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the circumference of the chest.

But not all physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios, the numbers have an average, average value.

A few more options for the ratio of height and weight

  • The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm< обхвата бедер, а обхват бедер примерно равен обхвату груди.
  • The waist circumference should be equal to "height in centimeters - 100". That is, a woman with a height of 172 cm will be folded proportionally if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the hip and waist circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears a clothing size 48.
  • If the circumference of the hips is less than the circumference of the chest, and the circumference of the waist is less than the circumference of the hips by 20 cm, then such a figure is called an “apple”. If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  • For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a decrease in the waist by one centimeter.

As you can see, there are many ways to calculate the optimal ratio of height and body weight, depending on a variety of factors.

But no matter how you do the calculations, the main thing is that the weight is COMFORTABLE for yourself. So that you easily and freely feel in your own body, love yourself and enjoy life to the fullest, without falling into depression from the fact that during calculations (and suddenly!) An “overabundance” or “lack” of kilograms was found.

The weight calculator will help you determine your ideal weight based on your actual height. Thanks to the data obtained, you can find out whether you should lose extra pounds or, on the contrary, gain useful body weight.

Brock's body weight

French anthropologist Paul Broca proposed a formula for determining weight in the 19th century. It is considered more accurate, since for calculations it takes into account three key parameters of the human body: height, age and body type (meaning the width of the bone - thin-boned, wide-boned or normal).

Of course, the data obtained are average, since each human body is unique, each of them functions in completely different ways. In addition, the system does not take into account the diet and lifestyle of a person. However, the weight calculator will let you know your approximate ideal weight so that you can stay as close to your useful weight as possible in your life. Thus, using the service: online weight calculator - you can seriously think about the need to correct your figure. Undoubtedly, sticking to the golden mean of your body mass, you will lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Body Types

Physiologists distinguish three types of physique: ectomorphic (asthenic), mesomorphic (normosthenic) and endomorphic (hypersthenic).

Ectomorphs- These are people characterized by a lean physique, narrow bone, long limbs and sinewy muscles. It is difficult for such people to achieve achievements in power sports, since the development of muscles requires considerable effort. Ectomorphs have a fast metabolism, their body burns calories very quickly, so it is more difficult for them to increase weight, in particular muscle mass, than other types.

Mesomorphs- people of athletic build with naturally developed muscles. It is not difficult for them to both gain weight and lose it. Their muscles are well defined. Strength training gives quick results. However, the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs faster than in ectomorphs, so such people need to monitor their calorie intake in order to stay in shape.

Endomorphs- people who tend to be overweight. If the enfomorph does not take care of himself, it will very quickly affect him. appearance. Due to the slow metabolism, the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs quickly. Mesomorphs have strong muscles, especially the thighs. They are often small in stature. Muscles are poorly drawn. It is more difficult for such people to lose weight than mesomorphs. When training, it is recommended to devote time to cardio loads.

In reality, there are rarely people who have a strictly pronounced body type. Most people combine different types, such as ectomorphs-mesomorphs and mesomorphs-endomorphs.

Is it possible to change your body type? Yes, with a specially tailored diet and exercise program tailored to your body type. Endomorph is able to lose extra pounds and demonstrate to others good figure. An ectomorph can build muscle and demonstrate a strong muscular body to others.

How to determine body type

You can determine your body type based on the characteristics described above. But most the right way- use the Solovyov index.

Solovyov index

Solovyov's index is an indicator that allows you to determine the type of physique depending on the girth of the wrist. The table shows index values ​​for various types physique.