What determines the type of woman's figure. How to determine your body type and how to live with it. Rectangular figure - the ideal body for male leaders

All people are different. Someone is tall, someone is small, someone has a dense body type, someone is asthenic. The girth of the chest, waist, hips, thin or massive wrists and ankles - all this is different for all women.

Many of them have a question: why, with the same height, some women have a thin figure, and some cannot in any way with all their efforts? First of all, the genetic factor plays a role here. This is the body type. Knowing your body type is important when planning your diet and sports training.

Body Types

Distinctive characteristics of this type:

  • rounded body with smooth curves;
  • medium or large joints and bones;
  • limbs of small length.

Typically, endomorphs have small shoulders and wide hips, which makes such women owners of a pear-shaped figure.

The main problem of female endomorphs- excess adipose tissue in the body, as opposed to exomorphs. Together with the low metabolism characteristic of endomorphs, losing extra pounds becomes a real difficulty for them. Even with low calorie intake and high physical activity, it is more difficult for them to keep fit than representatives of other somatotypes. Basically, fat is deposited in the lower parts of the body (stomach, sides, legs), and is not distributed evenly throughout the body.

Many endomorph women can complex because of their physique, but in vain. The innate tendency of the body to store fat and low metabolism do not mean that it is impossible.

Keeping yourself in shape is difficult for endomorphs, but possible. They will need more effort, proper nutrition and regular sports training.

Endomorphs have sufficient muscle mass and, if desired, can easily build muscle. They were not as lucky with the diet as ectomorphs and endomorphs - low metabolism does not forgive them wrong, however, it can be accelerated with sufficient water intake and cardio loads.

How to determine body type?

The somatotype is determined by measuring certain body parameters.

Most easy way - measurement of the length of the wrist. For women, the result of 15-17 cm is an indicator of the mesomorphic type, less than 15 - ectomorphic, more than 17 - endomorphic.

If there is no ruler or tape measure at hand, you can simply grab your wrist with the middle and thumb of the opposite hand. In a mesomorph, the fingers converge at one point, in an ectomorph they overlap each other, in an endomorph they do not reach each other.

Measurement of parameters such as bust, waist and hips, cannot accurately determine the somatotype, since there are different types of figures (, etc.), and representatives of different somatotypes can be their owners. To accurately determine it, it is better to contact any fitness center or health center, where specialists will take into account a whole range of signs.

Very often, girls notice that the same outfit looks different on her and her friend, even if they have the same height and weight. The explanation for this phenomenon is very simple - different body types. Let's look into this in more detail.

Types of female physique

Figures are given to all of us from birth, so to speak, our genetic inheritance from our parents. Therefore, the type of figure is not determined by nutrition, lifestyle or physical activity. Although, of course, some changes are made due to these factors.

By the way, ideas about the ideal female body have changed over time. In ancient culture, a girl with small breasts and thin legs was recognized as beautiful. During the Middle Ages, the ideal was a round belly and unexpressed hips and waist area. But in the last century, women with thin legs and a flat stomach came into fashion.

Around the middle of the last century, a classification of figures by type for women appeared. It is based on the ratio of the proportions of the size of the shoulders, hips and waist, and certainly does not depend on height and weight at all. So, in total, five types of physique are defined:

  • The first type was conditionally called "" or "triangle". The peculiarity of this figure is a small chest, small shoulders and the same waist. The bottom of the figure is quite voluminous, since the main fat accumulates precisely in the buttocks and thighs. Such ladies have rather voluminous legs with massive calves. This physique can be seen in Jennifer Lopez or Halle Berry.

  • The second type of figure was designated "". Girls with a similar figure are clearly lucky, their physique is usually classified as ideal. In this case, the girl has a pronounced waist, and the hips and chest are approximately equal in width. If a girl with this figure puts on a little weight, she will not lose her seductiveness and sexuality at all. The only drawback that may appear over the years is deposits in the thighs, which are commonly called "riding breeches". Such women should not worry about their figure - a little physical activity will allow them to long time be in good shape. A figure of a similar shape in Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe.

  • The third type of physique in ladies is called an inverted triangle, it is also called a T-shaped figure. This physique belongs more to the athletic type - pronounced shoulders and inconspicuous hips. Women often appear masculine, especially if they have excess weight. If you try to keep yourself in shape and not get better, then the figure will be very attractive. This body type is often found in female athletes. The main advantage of this type of physique is slender, attractive legs. Angelina Jolie has this type of figure, as well as Anastasia Volochkova.

  • A fairly common body type is the figure "" or H-shaped. Everything is simple here - the shoulders, hips, and waist are approximately the same width. This is a fairly proportional physique, but all with one drawback. The absence of an accentuated waist makes the figure look masculine. Such girls need to carefully monitor their weight in order to appear fragile and feminine. Keira Knightley and Demi Moore have such a figure.

The last body type is called "" or in the shape of the letter "O". A similar figure most often occurs in plump women, when the hips and chest are rounded and lush. In this case, the tummy is also slightly noticeable. Girls with a similar figure have to keep themselves on a strict diet in order to maintain their shape and not blur over the years. In addition, physical activity, which strengthens the pectoral muscles and the abdomen, will help bring the figure closer to perfection. Liv Tyler and Kate Winslet have a similar figure.

How to determine the physique

Finding out which type of figure you belong to is quite simple. To do this, you only need a tailor's meter. Use it to measure your bust, waist and hips.

When taking the first measurement, the measuring tape should go along the most protruding points of the chest and run strictly parallel to the floor surface.

For the second measurement, place the tape at the narrowest part of the torso. At the same time, try to stand straight, without pulling in your stomach.

Measure the volume of the hips, placing a centimeter on their widest part, also parallel to the floor.

After taking all three measurements, evaluate your result. If your hips and chest are about the same size, and the size of your waist differs by 20 or even 30 cm down, then your figure belongs to the hourglass type. If all three measurements are approximately equal, then you belong to the "rectangles".

If the most prominent part of your figure is your hips, and your bust and waist measurements are significantly small, then your figure is pear. If, on the contrary, the most voluminous part is the chest, in addition, you have visually broad shoulders, then you have a T-shaped figure. If you have formed approximately equal measurements of the chest and waist, and at the same time the legs are quite thin and the hips are implicitly expressed, then you belong to the variety of the “apple” figure.

My respect, gentlemen, and especially our beautiful ladies! On the agenda is a topic that I have long promised to consider to the young ladies and somehow pinched everything. It sounds like this - types of female figures. It is worth saying that the information presented is quite interesting, because it allows you to understand a lot of things in the practical terms of training, nutrition and just ordinary and everyday life. After reading, you will find out what types of figures exist in nature, how to train depending on them, and most importantly, what clothes are designed to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws of a particular female form.

Busy as always, so let's not waste a minute, let's go.

Types of female figures: what are they?

I want to say right away that although the article has a female connotation, it will also be of interest to the male part of the audience, because the forms are female, but a man puts his hand to them :). Therefore, I think it will be very interesting for guys to find out what type of figure their betrothed has. (well, or a potential betrothed). In addition, very often I want to surprise my young lady and buy her a set of beautiful lingerie or a luxurious dress, of course, without her knowledge, but then the question arises - what type of female figure does my chosen one have? After reading this note to the end, you will no longer have such questions. Well, ladies, of course, it will be a hundred times more useful.

So, as you probably remember, we have already considered some issues of female anthropometry and, in particular, got acquainted with what it is. As for the uniform issues, then for young ladies with types of figures everything is much more complicated and geometrically more intricate than for men. No, the basic three (ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph) have not been canceled, but there are also more specific forms that most fully characterize the complexion of any woman.

At the beginning of the article, I want to say that the current shape of your body is a direct result of genetics. (programs of anthropometric, and not only, changes, passed down from generation to generation) and way of life. You are the biological program of your parents, grandparents, etc. If the latter is usually very difficult and reluctant to change, then the way of life (food choice, activity level) is a relatively quick leverage in the matter of transformation.


For better assimilation of the material, the narration will proceed in the following way. We will consistently study each type of figure, consider its features and the main points of training and nutrition.

Actually, we will start with the fact that everything exists 5 the main types of the female figure and the first is ...

The main types of female figures: pear

Also known as spoon/spoon (geometrically resembles the letter A). Women of such forms (and there are about 15% ) carry extra weight in the lower part of the body, mainly in the hips and buttocks, their waist and bust are quite small. The lower leg and arms are their assets, they are always slim and fit. In general, common characteristics are - short legs (wide calves and ankles) and full hips. Fat is deposited on the sides, buttocks and thighs. Generic problem - cellulite. The stooped back emphasizes all the flaws of the figure, so you must always keep a proud posture.


One of the most attractive types of a female figure for men, because in it all the attention is focused on the large buttocks. Scientists say that a large "wife" triggers ancient instincts in the male's brain related to breastfeeding. And this is a very strong “root” connection. In this regard, the pear enjoys increased interest from the male population :).

How to exercise

To correct this shape of the figure, it is necessary to address the issues of expanding the shoulders (their girth) and back. Low-intensity cardio such as walking, a treadmill (no angle) and an elliptical trainer will help you lose weight in your lower body. Weight training should be done at a slow to moderate pace. Of the exercises, such as: dumbbell press up, wiring to the sides, traction of the upper block and. For upper body work, keep your rep range around 6-8 .

As for the adjustment of the lower part, it is necessary to perform squats (moderate pace), leg extensions in the simulator and lunges. For a better effect, it is desirable to combine exercises in long series, supersets. Number of repetitions to keep from 10 before 15 .

Think Hollywood stars all have amazing bodies? Nothing like that :), they just know their type of figure and what they can and cannot wear. In other words, they emphasize their uniform advantages and competently veil their shortcomings. Now you will know about it, my dear ladies.

Tight-fitting clothes can be considered the ideal wardrobe for the top. In summer, you should definitely wear tops that show your winning parts of the body - arms and back. The bottom should be dark to hide the wide lower half. Choose tube skirts just above the knee or straight-cut skirts (letter A). High-waisted dark jeans that can be tucked into a blouse can be an excellent option.

The following stars are pear shaped and here's what their wardrobe looks like.

General Tips in the selection of clothes look like this.

The main types of female figures: inverted triangle / V-shape

The shoulders of these representatives are much wider than their hips. They tend to have a large bust, narrow hips and a flat ass. The waist is thin, there is a tendency to gain weight in the abdomen and upper body. The main asset is beautiful slender legs.

How to exercise

To correct this shape of the figure, it is necessary to address the issues of gaining mass in the lower body so that it catches up with the upper. Stepper is a good remedy to burn calories and add thickness to the legs. An incline treadmill is also suitable as a cardio activity. It is best to avoid elliptical machines as the load on unstrengthened legs will be quite large.

High-quality study of the entire muscle layer of the legs is the main goal of training such girls. It is necessary to focus on working out the hips by performing deadlifts on straight legs. Lunges should be used as form-forming exercises. (with dumbbells, barbell), entering platforms and jumping up from a deep seat. Weights from moderate to heavy, keep the number of repetitions in the range 6-8 .

How to choose the right wardrobe

The key to a well-chosen wardrobe is balancing wide shoulders, chest and back with a narrow lower body. This is achieved by choosing clothes that add curves to your hips and create a more defined waistline. Beautiful legs best emphasized with various skirts different lengths (but not too short).

The following stars have an inverted triangle shape and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

The main types of female figures: the letter H / rectangle.

The most common type of female figure, which has more 45% American women. Women of these forms have an athletic physique (boyish appearance), bust, waist and hip measurements are approximately the same. Flat buttocks are a characteristic feature of a straight shape. These ladies have a high metabolic rate and are quite hard to gain weight. The main asset is slender and long legs. The main problems of the figure are a pronounced “flatness”.

How to exercise

To correct this shape of the figure, it is necessary to minimize cardio activity and mainly use a stepper. To create a waist, you need to use (hoop) and exercises for the abdominal muscles. The closest attention should be paid to weight training and, of course, enhanced nutrition.

Proper training should be intense and short. Each muscle group should receive a load once a week. It is necessary to focus on the intensity of training and building symmetrical proportions, through proper training of the muscles of the shoulders, back and legs. Concentrate on heavy lifts: bench press, shoulder press, pulldowns, and squats. Range operation 6-8 repetitions will contribute to a set of muscle mass.

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to create proportionality between the upper and lower parts of the body while increasing the waist. You can wear tight clothes (for example, tubular type dress) and to create a waist add a dark wide belt. To create a more lush effect, it is necessary to proportionally add volume to the upper and lower parts of the body.

The following stars are the owners of the shape of a rectangle, and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

The main types of female figures: hourglass / figure eight / letter X

I am sincerely happy for all the girls with this type of figure - nature is favorable to you and has generously endowed you with the most appetizing forms. Usually the shape of an hourglass causes stormy delight in men and black envy in women who do not have it. The height and weight of such representatives is in the proper ratio. The bust and hips are the same size, and the waist-to-hip ratio is 0,7 . The body has graceful curves, and the buttocks are rounded. The upper body is proportional to the length of the legs, which are slender. The loss of adipose tissue occurs evenly in all parts of the body.


According to statistics, when choosing a partner, men prefer a woman whose waist to hip ratio is 0,7 or less. Also, scientific studies show that infertility diseases are less common among women with shaped curves.

How to exercise

To maintain a figure, it is necessary to alternate cardio training with strength training. Any type of cardiovascular activity will do. Two lessons for 25-30 minutes a week will be enough. This is the most progressive form for bodybuilding and fitness. A balanced training program with varying amounts of exercise is all that is needed. On average, work on one program is 8-10 weeks, then it needs to be replaced.

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to create proportionality between the upper and lower parts of the body, with an emphasis on the waist. Wide belts over blouses and dresses are a great way to show off your waist. Excellent legs must be emphasized with skirts of various lengths.

The following stars are hourglass shaped and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

The main types of female figures: oval / circle / apple

Representatives of these forms have an average height, a magnificent bust, narrow hips and rather flat buttocks. Weight is mainly gained in the middle part (stomach and waist), from which the appearance resembles an oval. The waist is the widest compositional part. Most often, women of these forms have a short neck and full face. The best asset is slender legs.


American anthropologist Elizabeth Kashdan found that popular female forms, hourglass and pear, are extremely rare in women who are forced to independently provide for themselves and their families. This is due to the high level of androgens in their body, which contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue in the waist area.

How to exercise

To reduce overall weight, regular cardio activity is necessary, such as on a treadmill or stepper. Elliptical machines should be avoided as they they will help increase the mass of the legs. The waist can be formed, including using a hoop and performing various exercises on the press.

Strength training should focus on the legs, this will create balance with the upper body. In order for the lower part to catch up with the upper one, it is necessary to perform squats, leg presses and different kinds dead pulls. The rep range should be kept in the range 6-8 .

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to remove the emphasis from the stomach and create a more defined waist. This is achieved by choosing clothes that add curves and fullness to the bottom and tops that taper towards the waist. Legs must be emphasized with skirts of medium (and slightly lower) length.

The following stars are oval-shaped, and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

Actually, we have analyzed the main types of female figures. Now some practical points. Now you are aware of what forms you are the owner of, it remains to choose the right wardrobe. Well, let's do this and pick up the most important accessory in the life of any girl - Wedding Dress. It turns out that knowing your body type is not so difficult. All it takes is knowledge (which we already have) and the next illustration.

Well, it’s a completely different matter, now we don’t have to sort through tons of dresses, we know exactly our winning type and are strictly looking for it.

The main types of female figures: practical-scientific moment

I think you are aware that with age, the female figure changes, and not for the better. So, the research center for the humanities of Japan found that the body of a woman changes with age in a certain sequence.

In particular, these steps look like this.

Also for those who are in the tank), did not understand anything and find it difficult to immediately determine their type of figure, I suggest using a convenient online calculator that will determine in a matter of seconds what kind of fruit you are - a pear or an apple. All you need to do is follow the link (www.prokerala.com/health/beauty/body-shape-calculator.php), select the metric (in cm) system and enter your standard anthropometry parameters.

Here's how it worked out for me.

In my opinion, this was the last thing I would like to talk about, yes - the last. It remains to take stock and wave to each other with a pen.


Today we learned what types of female figures are and how to build your training process depending on them. In addition, we learned how to advantageously emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. Now you just have to look good, my Aphrodites!

That's all, I was glad to see everyone, until we meet again!

PS. We do not disdain comments, we leave our notes for history.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Not every woman can boast of an ideal figure. Everyone has certain problem areas that you need to be able to hide with clothes, while emphasizing your dignity. To learn how to mask flaws, you need to know the type of structure.

Then simple rules selection of clothes and accessories for different types figures in women can give the silhouette an ideal shape.

From our article you will learn about what types of figures women have, how to identify them and choose clothes for different body shapes with a photo.

Types of female silhouettes

Fashion designers have developed a classification with which you can determine the shape of your physique. There are 5 silhouettes, which are usually denoted by Latin letters or the names of fruits.

This classification can determine:

  1. General body structure:
  • asthenic;
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.
  • Reveal the proportions of the skeleton:
    • long legs;
    • wide pelvis;
    • narrow waist, etc.
  • Identify places with the maximum concentration of body fat.
  • Do not "customize" yourself to the standards of models. In this classification, there are completely different indicators that determine the type of female physique.

    It takes into account the size of the waist, chest, hips. Attention is focused on the width of the shoulders, the bend of the hips, posture, the length of the neck, the shape of the chest.

    Only fully considering all the indicators and parameters, you can choose clothes to change the visual perception, focusing on the merits of the silhouette.

    Triangle or "Pear"

    In women with a pear-shaped silhouette, the top is “light”, without volume. They have a small chest, thin waist, narrow shoulders. But the hips and buttocks are very voluminous due to the accumulation of fat in this area.

    Therefore, the legs look full, with large calves. This physique have Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez.

    With such obvious disproportions of the upper and lower parts, you need to seriously approach the choice of clothing.

    And it will be difficult to do so. You will have to buy a top one or even two sizes smaller, and skirts or trousers a couple of sizes larger.

    If you can still pick up such clothes, then with the choice of dresses such women have problems.

    Jackets, dresses and blouses are better to choose with deep cuts or V-shaped cut.

    You can look for a fabric with wide transverse stripes, due to which the breasts visually increase. Sleeves can be wide, voluminous. It is better that dark shades of clothes are at the bottom.

    To narrow the silhouette and make it visually slimmer, you can try on pencil skirt, tight pants or jeans. For models with a wider bottom, it is recommended that the flare comes from the beginning of the knee.

    When choosing a dress, you can look at high waist models. You can choose a set that has frills at the chest. From accessories, you can wear brooches or scarves.

    Shoes should have a slightly pointed toe stable high heel.

    "Pear" is considered feminine, seductive and attractive. If you follow a diet and keep fit regularly, this type of figure can be close to ideal proportions for a long time.

    The only drawback is that women with such forms tend to be overweight in the buttocks and legs.

    Apple, or "Oh"

    These forms have plump women . They are rounded, since the chest and hips have the same volume.

    Kate Winslet, Liv Tyler have such a structure.

    They With lush breasts, wide waist, slightly noticeable belly.

    To keep yourself in shape, such ladies need to use a low-carb diet, do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and chest.

    Since the arms and legs of such ladies are often thin, they should be focused on.

    It is important that the middle line is slightly elevated. Choose dresses with a waist high just under the bust. And the style should be in the form of a case.

    The top should have only a straight sleeve. If a skirt or dress, then only to the knee. Choose shoes with high heels.

    To learn how to look irresistible and correctly emphasize the dignity of your figure, you need to know your type of silhouette. Only then will clothes give a woman a touch of charm and attractiveness.

    body types women options the norms of the human constitution. This means that the constitution defines the features appearance and the state of health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your type of figure, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

    Variations of the female figure

    There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine the shape of the body:

    • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
    • normosthenic;
    • hypersthenic.

    If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, we bet. Certain types of figures are distinguished by different problem areas, over which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, the rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

    Wrist size - an indicator of the type of figure

    Sometimes you don’t want to bother or it’s hard to decide on your own kind of silhouette, but there is an easy way to determine the body type in women, just by measuring the wrist. Solovyov's index is a parameter that will help determine the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

    Calculation of the indicator:

    • Less than 15 - asthenic;
    • In zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
    • More than 17 - hypersthenic.

    Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

    • According to the generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slim, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unsympathetic places: on the back and waist, which forms an inaccurate and disproportionate image.
    • In the matter of maintaining good physical shape, it is easier for such women, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are sinewy, thin and energetic, but untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

    • The development of muscles turns into sheer torture for ectomorphs. Since the growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty pumped-up look to the silhouette.
    • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, devoid of pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show is a vivid example of this type of physique.
    • The shortened "upper" part of the torso and long limbs create the illusion of "legs from the ears." Weakly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
    • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps to determine the type of figure by the wrist, is less than 15.
    • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to deal with being overweight. An ectomorph woman can immediately start strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
    • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely go through an unpleasant, but effective “drying” procedure.
    • With a possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to "leave" the muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with body shaping. Panacea - a special diet and strength training.

    Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

    • No matter how changeable youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorph woman (normosthenic) is considered a classic ideal of beauty. They don't seem haggard or circus women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of body fat. Such girls are athletic and embossed by nature.
    • Mesomorph instantly, if desired, parted with fat reserves and instantly gains muscle mass. By nature, their metabolic rate is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and the weight is rapidly creeping up.

    • The part of the body above is slightly smaller than the one below, i.e. legs are not "from the ears", but not shorty either. At the same time, the average size of the chest, hands and feet.
    • Solovyov's index for wrist size is 15-17.
    • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and with extra pounds, a pear or an apple.
    • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
    • The problem of the "wasp waist" is quite acute in this case, because for the coveted forms, figured ladies will have to sweat in the hall. Of the sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

    Hypersthenic constitution of the trunk - endomorphs

    • Endomorphs (people with a hypersthenic type) are precisely those persons whom sculptors and artists sang with love in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are a vivid embodiment of this type of “body arrangement”. Lush ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

    • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that good man there should be a lot of the fact that men do not throw themselves at the bones, but there is a fundamental difference. From the birth of adipose tissue, endomorphs have more than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal fullness. Such a variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness does not allow such girls to be pumped up and resilient.
    • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the same waist, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
    • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.

    • The mass of fat prevails over muscle mass.
    • The combination of feminine roundness and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting look.
    • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to succeed.
    • Even if weight loss succeeds, the girl's appearance will be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but it is difficult to see them under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
    • Stored fat is hard to lose, and for training, we advise you to choose intensive cardio workouts with an average load and switch to a low-carb diet. Remember that breakdowns and relaxation will lead to an instant return of lost kilos.

    Have you learned the basic female types physique, we described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you have noticed, there is no "bad" or "good" physique, each has its own zest. But note that there is common feature for all, beauty and women's health directly depends on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

    Remember, no matter what type your silhouette is, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will help maintain female attractiveness for a long time.

    Video: Typology of the female physique