Hairstyle with colored elastic bands. Surprise a young princess - hairstyles for girls with elastic bands: fashionable and interesting ideas with mixed and loose hair of different lengths. Hairstyle from loose strands

The most common accessory for children's hairstyles are ordinary rubber bands. They are sold everywhere, they are inexpensive, but at the same time they differ in color, and in style, and even in the material of manufacture. With a single rubber band, you can quickly and easily create a cute and comfortable hairstyle.

Who are suitable?

Hairstyles with a variety of rubber bands, of course, are childish, suitable for a girl from a young age until about the end of elementary school. At an older age, this accessory may look undignified, and the girls themselves begin to strive for something more concise or simply switch to loose hair.

Choice based on hair length

Long hair is still more common in girls who love colored rubber bands. The presence of a shock of hair allows you to implement a variety of hairstyles, from ordinary tails to the most complex weaves.

Tails, braids and bundles are suitable for every day, but for the holidays it is already recommended to make voluminous weaves, and plaits, and shells, and other complex designs.

For example, it could be the usual tail, which adds variety to the pigtail at the top. First, a regular ponytail is formed at the top of the head and fixed with a bright and beautiful rubber band. WITH right side a thin strand is separated, which is divided into three parts. From this hair, weaving of a classic braid begins, when the extreme parts are placed on the central one. Having made a single weave, on the right, one more strand should be separated and added to the central part. It is necessary to repeat the algorithm already with the hair on the left. Having reached the required length, the braid will have to be tightened with an elastic band.

Your little fashionista will love it colorful rubber band Which, by the way, is done in just ten minutes. All hair is divided by a longitudinal parting, after which each section is divided across. The resulting four parts are again divided horizontally, after which eight equal strands should be obtained. Each of them transforms into a ponytail, fixed with rubber bands of the same color. Finally, all the tails, arranged in a circle, are collected in a single tail at the crown, thereby forming a wreath.

By the way, there can be more separate tails on the “circle” - up to 16.

Another unusual solution would be making two hearts especially if the girl's hair is thick and long. The whole mass is divided by parting into two identical parts and each is transformed into a tail. Then loops are made on each side at the base, through which the ends of the hair are pulled. After stretching this part, it must be divided into two parts, each of which is twisted into a flagellum. Having turned two tourniquets into a heart, it must be secured with convenient accessories.

For beauty, the finished hairstyle is decorated with two elastic bands with bows.

Another very simple hairstyle also suitable for medium length hair. First of all, combed hair is separated with a side parting. Next, six strands are taken in the upper part, which are tightened with the help of colored accessories. Approximately in the middle part of each strand, knots are tied directly from the hair. After that, all hair is collected in a ponytail, a bun, or remains loose.

Short hair create some restrictions for hairstyles, but suitable options still exist. The classic solution, of course, is a variety of ponytails. It is better for a young schoolgirl to collect one or two ponytails already, but for little ones you can make several. Such a hairstyle not only allows you to quickly put your hair in order, but also, if necessary, pacify the knocked-out bangs. To collect several ponytails, it is enough to divide all the hair into identical strands, and then secure them with elastic bands.

The number of them can be varied, but usually a pair is collected at the top of the head, then the second is slightly lower, and the last pair is at the level of the bottom of the ears. The resulting ponytails can be intertwined, as well as twisted. Also often they are interestingly complemented by braided bangs.

A variation of the usual tail is the “Malvinka”, when only the upper part of the strand is fixed with an elastic band. It is suitable for even the shortest hair length, allows you to tame the bangs and looks very beautiful.

To collect it, it is enough to comb the hair well and highlight the parietal part, which is then fixed with accessories.

This hairstyle with ponytails makes it possible to experiment with the elastic bands themselves. They can be ordinary colored ones, with flowers, bows, insects and other images. It is recommended, by the way, to take braided elastic bands that will not get tangled in the hair, which means that they will cause problems with further unraveling.

The situation with bangs should be mentioned separately. If at home a mother is able to periodically correct her daughter's bangs and make sure that she does not interfere with her reading or playing, then in a kindergarten or elementary school no one will monitor this due to the large number of children and only one specialist. Therefore, when choosing a hairstyle with elastic bands, it is recommended to give preference to those that take into account the fixation of just the same bangs.

beautiful options

Hairstyles for girls for every day with elastic bands should be created taking into account several conditions. They should be easy to install and take a minimum amount of time to create. The hairstyle should be reliable, not fall apart at the slightest activity, but at the same time not pull the hair and not cause discomfort. It is important that complex weaves or ponytails do not interfere with the girl doing her own business, for example, studying, and also do not interfere, which is very important in a situation with a long, unstyled bang. An important requirement is the ability to "survive" changing clothes - that is, not to lose their shape or immediately recover after taking off, as well as putting on a hat or other clothes.

Finally, it is important that the chosen hairstyle pleases not only the mother, but also the child. For example, girls usually love very simple looks with bright elastic bands, ideas for which are given below.


The complex sounding "chess" hairstyle is actually very easy to implement if you follow the instructions step by step.

A huge plus of her is the fact that she is suitable for even the shortest hair.

First of all, a rectangle of hair is evenly separated from one side of the head. The rest of the strands can be secured with an elastic band for the duration of the braiding, because they will not be needed until the end of the process. Those hair that are located at the temple are divided into three identical rectangles and climb into ponytails.

The next hairline is already subdivided into two rectangles. They are also fixed in ponytails so that at the same time they capture the tails from the first line under the elastic. That tail from the first line, which is located in the middle, is divided in half at this time.

The bottom hairline is again subdivided into three rectangles and transformed into ponytails, with ponytails from the second line woven into them, subdivided into two parts.

Loose curls from the bottom line are connected into a single tail with those hair that were taken to the side at the very beginning.

Fixation at each stage is carried out using multi-colored elastic bands, one-color or simply in harmony.

"The Dragon"

Little girls will definitely appreciate the dragon hairstyle with tails secured with beautiful elastic bands.

Bangs or part of the hair in front are collected in a ponytail.

Next, curls are added to them from the sides, which are taken a little lower, and everything is again fixed with an elastic band. Another row is done approximately in the middle of the head in a similar way - strands are taken from the sides, attached to the tail and tightened with an accessory. This algorithm should be continued until all the hair is gathered in one elastic band and forms a low tail.

On the back of the head

Many interesting hairstyles with colored elastic bands are done at the back of the head, which allows you to create an effective “picture” at the back. First of all, a part of the hair is carefully separated from behind, which is transformed into two small ponytails, placed one above the other. Then their ends cross, connect with a new batch of hair, after which two more of the same tail appear next to each other. Having “filled” the entire back of the head with crosses, the remaining hair can be twisted into a neat bun or finished with a regular side ponytail.

With braids

There are a huge number of variations of hairstyles with braids. The embodiment of one of them begins with the fact that two low tails are made on the sides, which are then braided into classic three-row pigtails. With the help of an elastic band, the left braid is transformed into a shape-holding ring. By the way, it is not necessary to hide the ends, they should freely stick out on the sides. Then the right braid is threaded through the "steering wheel", then returned to the beginning of the tail and secured with the already existing elastic band.

The ends of the strands should also be evenly sticking out. You can decorate the finished hairstyle with a variety of hairpins, rubber bands and bows. If desired, even before the start of weaving, for greater originality, the parting should be replaced with a zigzag.

For the holiday, the daughter should braid an elegant bundle of braids.

First, the hair is combed to one side, forming a neat parting, and tied into a low ponytail. Dividing the total mass into five or six parts, each will have to be drawn into an ordinary pigtail. The ends of the resulting weaves are folded together and fixed with a thin elastic band.

Then they fold in half and are fixed with a more durable accessory. It will turn out to decorate such a bunch with a fabric rubber band or a regular one, but decorated with a large flower or a decorative element.

For everyday wear, a fishtail variation is suitable, which can be done with any length of hair. Dividing the total mass into two parts, it is necessary to separate from the sides along a small identical curl. They are connected at the back with a beautiful elastic band, which then falls slightly, and the ends are threaded through a loop. Do the same with the rest of the strands. You can process all the curls in this way or limit yourself to the number of weaves you want.


At home, after practicing a couple of times, you can learn how to make various variations of the exquisite “basket” hairstyle. In the first case, the process begins with the distribution of hair around the entire circumference of the head. Next, starting right at the crown, circular weaving begins. It is more convenient to implement it, adhering to the French braid technique, weaving additional strands only with outside. Work goes in a circle until all strands are involved.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair look very beautiful on any person. And no matter how old, you can do it for both children for matinees and adults. The main plus of this hairstyle is that they are absolutely harmless to the hair, and are not inferior in beauty to other hairstyles. In fact, there are a lot of options for such hairstyles. They can be used for any important events, business meetings, everyday options and even for a wedding. In addition, for the implementation of hairstyles, the length does not matter whether it is medium or long hair. Below we present you with several options for creating hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair. Hairstyles are created using small silicone rubber bands, combs and hairpins.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair video:

Hair styling with rubber bands

This is a modest and elegant hairstyle. You can make it yourself using rubber bands. It can be worn not only every day, but can be used as an evening option. You will need:

  1. Comb
  2. Rubber bands
  3. Invisibles

First, select a small part of the hair on the left and connect the same on the right and tie the tail with an elastic band. Also select the left lower part and the right part, tie with an elastic band. The strands should be medium, the effect will be much better than from large or very small ones. Next, lift the lower tail above the upper one and push it into it. Take the tail, which is located below, we begin to stretch the strands to make it seem more voluminous, repeat the work on the right. We do the same until the hair at the back of the head runs out. Tie at the end with rubber bands. We bend the remaining tail inward and pin it with hairpins. It can be used as an option for work, if for an evening event, it should be decorated with a decorative hairpin or flowers. Spray with hairspray at the end. Today, wedding hairpins and jewelry are very popular (see details about wedding hair piece).

Scythe with rubber bands

To begin with, carefully comb the hair, then separate a small part of the hair at the crown and tie it with a silicone rubber band. Now we lift this strand up and fix it with a clamp so that it does not interfere. After that, we do the same, separating the lower part. Let's take the top one, divide it into two parts, lowering it onto the lower tail, while the lower one should be sent to the top and also stabbed with a clamp. We connect our two strands with an elastic band, and now we lower the upper tail, dividing it into two parts. And so, gradually I raise, dividing and connecting, we do until your hair runs out. At the end, connect the hair with a hairpin and fluff the braid, pulling out the strands one by one. After giving airiness, fix with varnish. By the same principle, you can make two beautiful lush braids. To do this, you need to divide the hair into parting.

Wedding hairstyle with rubber bands

We comb the hair and separate it from one side and the other along the middle strand, connecting it into a ponytail. From the hair under the tail on the left, select a strand and twist through the tail. And so we repeat 3 times. Then on the right side we do the same. Let's fluff up the bundles a little to give a little lightness and volume to the hairstyle. Then we make such a ponytail from below and alternately tighten 3 strands into it from both sides. Continue until the hair runs out. If you need extra volume , pull it out with a comb . Now sprinkle with varnish and give the correct shape to the hairstyle with a clip. Leave a couple of minutes in this position, sprinkle a little more with varnish and, when removing, you will see that the hair has repeated the shape of the hairpins. Fix your hair with hairspray again.

Wedding hairstyle video tutorial

Hairstyle with elastic bands for medium hair - "Mermaid"

We separate, as usual, the strands on both sides and connect them into a tail. Then we make the same tail below the first. Then we twist them together 3 times, getting a flagellum. We tighten the elastic bands at the base, dissolve the flagella to create volume. We leave these ponytails, create new ones, twist them together, as close as possible, pulling the ponytails to each other. Continue until the hair runs out. At the end, fix the result with varnish.

Video tutorial hairstyles "Mermaid"



We connect the tail, on both sides, twist it and pull it up, then give it lightness. We also draw out the upper hair to create additional volume . Twisting the tail again, you should get a bow. Fasten with an elastic band at the bottom. We take the lower parts of the hair and also tie it, twist it, give lightness to the hairstyle, twist it a second time, getting a bow and fixing it with an elastic band. Thus, we make the last bow, and tie the rest of the hair into a ponytail, and leave it. Finish with hairspray.

Video lesson hairstyles with elastic bands "Bows"


The elastic braid attracts the attention of fashionistas due to the ease of creating hairstyles, and its appearance sometimes more impressive than the most complex weaving.

Required for such a hairstyle only small elastic bands made of silicone to match the hair and some workouts.

With the help of elastic bands, you can create everyday styling that will last until the evening in original form. And you can create a festive do-it-yourself hairstyle for a festive event, especially for girls in kindergarten or school.

Volumetric braids from elastic bands without weaving

  • Collect strands at the forehead at the crown, as for a French braid, secure them with silicone rubber.
  • Remove the tip on the face.
  • Connect the hooks from the sides below the first tail.
  • Divide the free part of the first tail in half and draw under the second, which is now removed up.
  • Collect the halves in a ponytail along with the following pickups.
  • Now separate the second tail and draw under the third.
  • Having collected the last pickup, free part to collect in the second tail (upper) and skip through the gap formed at the bottom.
  • Continue weaving along the entire length, then stretch the turns to the sides.

This video shows how to braid a braid with elastic bands.

Weaving braids from elastic bands in the form of a bow

A romantic mood can be expressed with a cute braid of bows.

Weaving braids with rubber bands in the form of hearts

Hearts on the hair will not go unnoticed and emphasize the individuality and romantic style of the girl.

  • Highlight over the temples thin strands and connect them at the back of the head.
  • Separate the same strand below the previous one on the right and draw it inward over the right curl, bringing the tail between the first and second strands.
  • Repeat the same on the left and connect the loose parts below the first gum.
  • Make a few more rows in this way, braiding the heart that has already turned out above.

Weaving braids with rubber bands fishtail

The elastic fishtail braid will not fall apart during the day, and its look is not inferior to the classic version.

  • Separate thin strands at the temples and collect them in a ponytail on the crown.
  • Turn inward over the elastic, grabbing the tip of the tail from below with two fingers and dragging it through the thickness of the hair.
  • Make the second and subsequent rows, separating strands of equal thickness from the sides.
  • Braid loose hair into a fishtail in the classic way, separating one part of the hair from the sides thin curls and shifting them to the middle of the second part or continue to fix each weave with rubber bands.

Braid without weaving twist

The original braid can be created on long hair with several rubber bands per pair minutes.

  • Collect the tail at the back of the head or side behind the ear.
  • Collect the tail below.
  • Pass 2 fingers from the bottom into the hair between the elastic bands and stretch the free end inward.
  • Pin another elastic band at the same distance and stretch again the free part.

This video shows how to weave a twist braid with rubber bands.

air spit

For special occasion a braid floating in the air is suitable due to its volume.

Attention should be paid to the fact that you will need to pre-treat the entire hair corrugated tongs, thanks to which the required volume will be obtained.

  • Comb your hair a little and gather it into a ponytail at the crown of your head.
  • Separate the side strands so that they are together equal to half the tail, secure in front with an elastic band.
  • Divide the lower part in half and bring it forward, bringing it together below the previous turn.
  • Continue along the entire length, stretching the coils to the sides in the weaving process.
  • Spray lightly with hairspray.

By changing the direction of weaving, you can create new look with a minimum of effort. Laying in the Greek style will look advantageous and on medium length, adding volume to the hairstyle.

  • Divide the hair in half with a straight parting.
  • Start braiding from the ponytails from the forehead to the back of the head closer to the hairline.
  • Repeat weaving on the second part, hide the ends with invisibility.

original ponytail

The classic ponytail looks beautiful only with perfect hair condition, which not every girl can boast of. Removing curls in a braid, you can hide flaws and look fashionable.

  • Gather a high ponytail at the crown, tilting your head down.
  • Wrap the elastic with a small strand and secure the tip from below with an invisibility.
  • Divide the curls into upper and lower halves, secure the top with an elastic band a few centimeters below the main one.
  • Thread through the lower half through the thickness of the hair forward over the second with an elastic band and secure with a third.
  • Repeat the steps along the entire length, at the end stretch the turns for volume.

Option beautiful with collected hair:

  • Collect a low tail at the back of the head or side.
  • Turn the free part inward over the elastic, without tightening the resulting tail too tight.
  • Divide the strands into several parts and twist them alternately into bundles, laying around the base, creating the effect of slight negligence.
  • Fix weaving with invisible or hairpins, decorating finished hairstyle with an elegant hairpin or flowers.

  • Make a high ponytail.
  • small separate the strand for a while put aside.
  • Pass the tip of the tail into the foam bagel and twist the entire length from top to bottom to the base, evenly distributing the entire mass of hair.
  • Braid the loose curl into a pigtail, slightly stretch it in volume and fasten around bagel.

Braid on loose hair

It is not necessary to put all the hair in a braid. french braid from rubber bands can be only a third heads on the side of the parting, and a fishtail in the back of the head, leaving the remaining curls loose.
We weave braids from rubber bands ourselves.

This video shows how to make stylish braids on fluffy hair.

It is quite easy to create a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands using small rubber bands.

Advice! For the first attempts to braid your own hair, it is convenient to be between two mirrors or periodically look at the rear view. Later, the hands will get used to the movements, and weaving will be easy.

The easiest version of a lush braid made of rubber bands

master classic version braids without weaving is very simple, initially combing all the curls into the tail. Divide loose hair in half and collect upper part small rubber band. In the resulting gap, you need to thread the second part and make the tail again. The splendor of the finished hairstyle is given by gently stretching the side hair to the sides.

Fishtail braid with elastic bands

  • Separate thin strands from the sides and connect them at the back of the head.
  • Make a second row lower with strands of the same thickness.
  • Fingers stretch the second ponytail through the gap above the first gum.
  • The next pickups are also fastened with an elastic band and stretched over the previous elastic band.

Braid hearts on elastic bands

  • Select the side strands at the temples and tie them at the crown.
  • Turn inside.
  • Separate a couple more curls below the previous ones and connect them with the first ponytail a couple of centimeters lower.
  • Scroll everything together through the gap between the two tails.
  • Do the desired number of such rows and draw from the inside part of the hair to get the shape of hearts.

Variants of original hairstyles with elastic bands for girls

Hairstyle for girls should be quick, securely removed from the face and comfortable throughout the day. All these requirements are met, among the options of which you can choose the one suitable for any occasion.

Malvinka with an extravagant braid

  • Wind the ends of the hair on a curling iron or curlers.
  • Separate the top part for an ordinary malvinka, the lower half is temporarily put away.
  • Divide the top into 3 parts, fold the central one forward.
  • From side curls to the back of the head, and then simple pigtails.
  • Connect all parts with pickups from the bottom half in a malvinka
  • Make a front ponytail with a small elastic band.
  • Pass the back with pigtails into the gap between the elastic bands and fasten.
  • Pull the ponytails alternately along the entire length of the braid.

4 pigtails

  • Divide the hair with straight partings into 4 equal parts, tie each into a ponytail.
  • Dissolve one by one 1 tail and braid the French spikelet on the contrary.
  • Connect adjacent pigtails in pairs at the back of the head, decorate with bows.

You can diversify a simple tail with the help of 2 braids at the top of the elastic bands, the free parts of which are connected at the crown.

Bundle with a scythe from the back of the head and from the forehead

The high beam looks original, complemented by a spikelet on the back of the head:

  • Tilt your head forward, braid french braid from occiput to crown.
  • Collect together with the front part in the tail on the crown.
  • Roll onto a donut from tip to base, evenly distributing hair so that there are no empty gaps.

You can repeat this hairstyle with a braid going in the direction from the forehead to the crown.

Pigtail 5 minute

Sometimes on morning fees no more remains 5 minutes of time, and then a lot will come to the rescue quick hairstyle.

  • Gather a high ponytail.
  • Divide loose hair into 3 parts, attach a beautiful ribbon to the middle one.
  • Alternately cross the side strands with the middle, leaving the tape in the center.
  • Tie a pretty bow at the bottom.

Wreath with unusual rubber bands

Weaving around the head on a restless child is not possible for every mother, while weaving from gum basket does not require much effort.

  • Divide all hair into 8 sectors.
  • Alternately tie each in a tail with a colored elastic band at a distance of 2 - 3 centimeters from the growth line, attaching the tip previous tail to the next.
  • Hide the last remaining free part with an invisible one.

This video shows you how to make a very simple rubber band wreath.

funny palm trees

For little girls, small palm trees are suitable, which are made from rubber bands collected hair segments in a chaotic manner.
spectacular gossamer

  • In an even row, separate the line at the forehead and divide it into 3 squares, make a tail out of each.
  • Divide the next row into 4 parts and attach halves of the upper side tails to the extreme segments, and 2 halves to the central ones - from the side and middle tails.
  • Repeat the rows, dividing the previous ponytails in half to make a gossamer.

Tails plus pigtails

  • Separate a strip of hair, 5 to 10 centimeters wide, on the side of the parting.
  • Split this line into 4 squares in a row.
  • Tie each in a ponytail.
  • Divide the second and third tails in half and attach a part to the adjacent extreme tails, and make a central tail from the inner halves.
  • Braid from the resulting ponytails simple braids, leave the rest of the hair loose.

Rubber bands are not only an excuse to make funny ponytails and pigtails for little girls. With these simple accessories, you can create very elegant and at the same time simple hairstyles for hair. Their orientation can be different: both for everyday wear and for a special occasion. And ordinary small silicone rubber bands are capable of all this.

Who are hairstyles with rubber bands suitable for?

Everyday styling and hairstyles with elastic bands can be done by women different ages, the length of the hair should be from the neck and more. Then there are much more varieties of interesting hairstyles or styling.

If appropriate, then bright colored rubber bands can be used to perform the hairstyle. But if you want to hide them in your hair, elastic bands are selected to match the color of your hair.

Depending on the shape of the face, the width of the forehead, ears, you should choose exactly the type of hairstyle with elastic bands that is suitable in a particular case.

  1. An oval type of face can be done with any hairstyle: weaving, tails, loose hair with different styling. But if the forehead is narrow at the same time, then you should not do a straight parting and a smooth hairstyle.
  2. It will be difficult for chubby ladies to achieve harmony with hairstyles that have extra volume on the sides. It is better to do it at the crown, then it will turn out to visually stretch the face.
  3. Having a face whose shape is close to a square, you also do not need to make additional volume on the sides. Combing your hair back is also not worth it.
  4. A rhombus or triangle-shaped face is best framed with voluminous styling. Avoid slick back hairstyles.
  5. With a face that is of the type related to a rectangle, you should not make volume at the crown, parting and completely open your face.

Choosing the right hairstyle, you can count on the fact that the image will develop successfully and will be in harmony with its other elements.

Options for beautiful hairstyles with elastic bands for adults

Such hairstyles will look more spectacular and make them easier if the hair is of sufficient length - from the shoulder.

Volume braids

Even a baby can braid a regular braid. But it's too easy. It is especially not interesting when a simple pigtail is seen on an adult woman. Making yourself a voluminous braid is a more attractive option for decorating your hair.

  1. comb your hair thoroughly;
  2. braid the “spikelet” on its side, securing with an elastic band at the end;
  3. “Let go” strands of weaving, giving volume.

This hairstyle does not require the use of a large number of rubber bands.

Another variant step weaving voluminous braid based on rubber

Permanent fixation of the result guarantees long-term wearing of the hairstyle and does not require the use of hairspray:

  1. select the top and bottom strands from the crown, fixing them with elastic bands;
  2. divide the strand from above into two parts, make a small hole (opening) in the bottom and thread one of the parts into it, bring it up and connect it with the second curl with an elastic band;
  3. go down gradually, highlighting the horizontal sections of the strands with elastic bands, always thread the top through the bottom;
  4. you can finish at the crown and fix with an elastic band. You can continue by dividing the free part of the hair into separate strands and move down to the tips.

Another simple option for this hairstyle is to start it from the base of the tail. Tie a tail at the crown, separate the side strands, connect with an elastic band. Further, the scheme is the same as in the previous version.

A voluminous braid can always be decorated with a variety of accessories, if appropriate: beautiful hairpins, hairpins with rhinestones, flowers, etc.

For loose hair

To loosen your hair, but at the same time ennoble their appearance, you can use this styling. For hairstyles, you can use colored rubber bands to give it playfulness.

The “Waterfall” hairstyle will actually look both on the hair of a little princess and a woman. It is performed according to the type of ladder: a new strand is added to the previous strand and fixed with an elastic band:

  1. at the parting, select one strand and tie it in a ponytail;
  2. divide this strand in half, select a new strand and thread it between the two parts of the previous one, tie at the base;
  3. divide the resulting ponytail in half, thread a new strand into it.

Thus, reach the crown. You can fasten with an invisibility and repeat on the other side of the head.

Hairstyle "mesh" can complement both loose hair and decorate the tail. To make it, you need a large number of small rubber bands:

  1. separate a row of hair along the forehead, make ponytails;
  2. dividing the resulting ponytails in half, connect one curl of one with another neighboring one, but keeping an indent of about 3 cm, fix with rubber bands;
  3. you can make from 2-3 rows of connections, then wind the loose curls with a curling iron or leave it as it is.

Greek hairstyle

Hairstyle needs just one big elastic band (or bandage):

  1. put on a bandage or a special elastic band over your hair;
  2. start tucking the front strands inward alternately from two sides;
  3. gradually lower to the back of the head, and when the last strand remains, then wrap it well around the bandage. After finishing, secure with a hairpin for reliability.

Fish tail

In fact, the weaving technique is almost the same as that used when weaving a volumetric braid. Only the strands are taken smaller. From this rubber bands will need more. It is not necessary to add volume to such a braid, but the effect is interesting in both cases.

french braid

The French braid can be positioned in such a way as to combine a neat hairstyle look and not hide the beauty of loose hair:

  • select a strand at the temple, fix it with a small rubber band, select the second strand next to it and tie it too;
  • pass the second strand through the first, as shown in the photo, tie with an elastic band;
  • select the next strand, thread the previous one through it, etc., so that the braid is a little oblique until the last strand is involved;
  • give the braid volume by loosening the strands.

Curls that were not involved in the braid can be curled. Then a full-fledged evening hairstyle will come out.

original ponytail

To get a unique version of the tail, it should be embellished with rubber bands:

  1. tie the tail with a soft rubber band;
  2. indent from the base of the ponytail, tie with an elastic band and do this until the ends are reached;
  3. add volume to the sections of hair between the elastic bands, gradually taking out the strands.

The hairstyle is ready. Such a stylish hairstyle will save in case of unwashed hair and just for daily use.

Bundle laying

A simple braided hairstyle can claim to be a casual or festive option:

  1. collect the hair from the crown of the head, twist the outermost strand on the left into a tourniquet, secure it on the right with an invisibility. Do the same on the other side;
  2. repeat the same, taking the strands below the previous ones.
  3. gather your hair in a ponytail.

Evening hairstyle

Making your hair in a bun is a win-win option for any celebration or evening. Suitable for dresses in any style:

  1. collect the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head, form a hole in the tied hair, thread the hair through it;
  2. wrap the tail with a “snail” in a neat bundle, stab it at the back of the head with hairpins.

After finishing work, the beam can be decorated with a hairpin.

2 braids on top with regular ponytails

Such a hairstyle will not only become a convenient addition to the image, but also make the face open.

  • comb your hair, make a longitudinal parting;
  • start braiding on the left: weave a braid, like a “spikelet”;
  • reach the back of the head, using an elastic band, fix the braid; repeat the steps on the other side.

We get 2 tails after the braids.

hair bow

A bow that consists only of hair is really possible to make, even if you have one elastic band.

  • tie the ponytail at the crown, at the last turn of the elastic, skip the hair not completely (as shown in the photo) to make a loop;
  • divide the loop in half;
  • With the remaining ponytail, make the middle for the bow, wrapping it around the place of separation, fix it with a hairpin.

Universal beam

It is called universal because it is suitable for both celebrations and everyday life.

  • gather your hair in a ponytail, put on a bagel;
  • take a strand from the tail and wrap it around a bagel, wrap the remaining tail along the base of the tail and stab it with a hairpin.

Bagel with a scythe

A beautiful bagel is also framed with a pigtail:

Step 1

  • Tie a ponytail that is comfortable in height;
  • put on a bagel, straighten your hair over it and put on an elastic band on top;
  • divide the rest of the hair in half and weave pigtails out of them, tie at the ends;
  • wrap pigtails around the resulting bundle - turn one to the left, the other to the right, hide the ends under the weave and stab with hairpins.
  • decorate if desired.

double sided hairstyle

The hairstyle is optimal for wearing every day, and doing it for a short time.

  1. collect the upper part of the hair at the crown, tie with an elastic band, twist the ponytail as shown in the photo;
  2. take strands on the left and right, tie them together with the existing tail, twist;
  3. do this a couple more times, finally tie with an elastic band.

Braid "Hearts"

Quite unusual weaving, just will not leave indifferent everyone around:

  1. select one strand on both sides, tie them with an elastic band at the crown;
  2. after 4-5 cm from the elastic band, tie the hair again with an elastic band, turn it out through the middle;
  3. twist the entire resulting part through the elastic band that connected the two strands, but without reaching the end, give the hair volume. Get a heart.
  4. again on the sides, select strands and repeat the steps. Continue to the back of the head.


A hairstyle that will show the beauty of the hair and open up the face.

  1. select on the sides in front along the strand, at the crown, collect them in a ponytail;
  2. select one more in front, go behind the first, as shown in the photo;
  3. connect the two ends with an elastic band.

It is not necessary to use hairspray here, but if the hair is naughty or recently washed, then you can sprinkle the “heart” itself with it.

Variants of original hairstyles with elastic bands for girls

What could be nicer than decorating children's hair in an interesting hairstyle! And if you do this with beautiful rubber bands, then the result will please both the adult and the child.

Pigtail 5 minute

A simple braid that will keep hair out of your face and still create a neat look is done in just five minutes:

Wreath with unusual rubber bands

To make a wreath of elastic bands on the hair of a little fashionista is the best option for walking or studying, as well as special occasions. Rubber bands can be taken as one color or different.

  • after combing the hair well, divide it with a parting into 8 parts: from bottom to top, the second - from left to right, the third and fourth - diagonally;
  • in the center of each part, collect the hairs in a ponytail and tie with a thin elastic band;
  • start forming a wreath from the temple clockwise: let the ponytail hair under each rubber band, and as soon as the first strand has been completely distributed under the elastic bands, start skipping the next one, etc. You can use additional elastic bands for better fixation.

Fountain with colorful rubber bands

A hairstyle can not only become a favorite for everyday wear, but can also be easily used for special occasions:

  1. at the crown, collect the hair in a ponytail;
  2. distribute the hair from the tail so that it hangs evenly on the sides;
  3. take a strand of hair, tie it with an elastic band about 4-5 cm from the base;
  4. divide each strand in half and connect with an elastic band to adjacent parts of the strands;
  5. again separate the strands and connect them with neighboring ones;
  6. tuck the ends of the hair inward and stab with invisibility, decorate with hairpins.

Pigtail braid

Making braids from braids is now not only fashionable, but also simple.

  • collect hair in a ponytail;
  • divide the tail hair into three parts, weave simple pigtails from each part, fix each with a small elastic band;
  • weave a braid from the resulting braids, tie at the end with one elastic band, and carefully remove the small ones.

funny palm trees

Styling will be relevant for those girls who do not have long hair and the appropriate age for wearing such “palm trees”.

You can make palm trees different and in any quantity: all over the head, in a row, symmetrically in the middle, in a circle, etc. At the same time, they use one elastic band per palm or several, tightly positioned among themselves.

To make a palm tree, you just need to select a piece of hair and tie it with an elastic band.

Original styling with elastic bands and bows

Interesting styling does not take much time, and you need a minimum of tools.

After combing your hair well, divide it from the crown into 3 zones: near the forehead and one at the temples:

  • tie the hair part in front with an elastic band, divide it into a couple of strands;
  • tie one of the side parts into a ponytail, grabbing a piece of the front tail;
  • make the second side part into the ponytail, grabbing the rest of the tail from the front.

The styling can be decorated with bows.

Spectacular gossamer

A popular hairstyle among little fashionistas who appreciate the convenience and beautiful appearance of their hair.

  • along the circumference of the head, select a strip of hair, collect the remaining hair in a ponytail at the crown;
  • start weaving a spikelet, taking strands from the host, then from the selected area around the circumference, gradually weaving all the hair. If there is a long bang, then it also needs to be woven;
  • continue to braid the remaining long tip of the weave into a regular braid, then carefully hide it inside the hairstyle and pin it at the back of the head with an invisibility.

Tails plus pigtails

A great hairstyle to send your child to kindergarten. Though for holiday events it fits poorly, but pigtails do not leave the ranks of fashionable styling.

  • part your hair with a straight parting;
  • tie each particle into a tail at or above the ears;
  • braid simple braids.

Decorate with ribbons or bows at the base of the tail and tips.

Luxurious braid with constrictions

Looks spectacular on lush and long hair. If splendor is not enough, then you can prepare your hair with a corrugated iron.

  • tie your hair in a ponytail at the crown;
  • separate two strands on the sides, tie them in front of the rest of the hair with an elastic band;
  • divide the unused part of the hair in half, tie it with an elastic band in front of the pre-tied part;
  • continue braiding to the ends of the hair, tie with an elastic band;
  • add volume to the braid by letting in woven strands.

Festive styling

Such styling will make a special sensation among other little princesses, and any mother can do it.

  • collect hair in a tail higher;
  • weave the braid so that one small strand is released in each of its parts;
  • wrap the pigtail around the base of the tail, secure with a hairpin;
  • wind the hanging strands with a curling iron, decorate as desired.

Hairstyles with elastic bands should be used with caution by people of serious professions, so as not to contradict the general image. If possible, then it is worth choosing rubber bands that match the color of the hair.

The daily combing and braiding of little princesses' hair becomes big problem for many mothers, the solution to which will be hairstyles with rubber bands. The variety of ideas will allow you to choose suitable image for any length of curls, and ease of execution will save a lot of time in the morning.

Braid the braids short curls it won't work, but easy and convenient to assemble with rubber bands.

Funny palms are great for little girls, especially if you use multi-colored rubber bands all over your head.

To create a palm tree you need select a strand of hair and collect it in a bun, secured with a rubber band. You can experiment with the number of tails, their location, for example, symmetrically or in a chaotic manner. One palm is tied with a single or several hairpins depending on the length of the hair.

Important! You can not tighten the elastic bands tightly so as not to provoke a headache, especially in a small child.

Styling with elastic bands and bows

  • Hair must be carefully combed sprinkle with plain water from a spray bottle.
  • Divide the curls at the crown into 3 parts.
  • Collect the middle strand with an elastic band, split the ponytail.
  • Gather the left strand at the temple into a bun a little behind the previous one, attaching the left half of the central ponytail.
  • repeat the same with the right strand at the temple, attaching the second half of the central tail.
  • Fasten beautiful hairpins or bows over the elastic bands.

Checkered hairstyle with rubber bands

An interesting hairstyle is made simply, from ponytails with elastic bands, intertwining them together. For convenience and learning start with a part of the hair, braiding the remaining ones in a tail or bun.

  • Select a rectangular section of strands from one side from the temple to the parting, remove the rest with a hairpin.
  • Separate the first row with a horizontal parting and divide it into and three parts, make a ponytail from each strand.
  • Separate the second row, but divide it for two strands, attaching to each one extreme and half of the central ponytail from the first row.
  • The third row of the rectangle again divide into three parts, attaching half of the upper ponytails.
  • Collect the remaining hair together and weave the chess part under the common elastic band.

Having trained well, you can braid the whole head in this way, change the direction of weaving from one temple to another or diagonally.

This video shows three beautiful hairstyles with elastic bands for medium length hair.

Hairstyle with two ponytails

Actual at all times, a hairstyle with two tails will help out in any unforeseen situation.

  • Divide your hair into two halves.
  • Collect each half into a ponytail at the crown or, if the length allows, at the back of the head, secure with an elastic band.
  • Decorate if desired bows or beautiful hairpins.

Medium Length Hair Ideas

A greater variety of hair bands for girls with medium length curls allows you to fashionably and securely remove hair from the face, without worrying that they will become disheveled during the day.

A simple idea with bright rubber bands

  • Divide the whole pile horizontal partings into 4 parts.
  • Tie the first tail at the forehead.
  • Collect the second strand of hair also in the tail, attaching the free part of the first bundle.
  • By analogy, collect the third and fourth parts of the shock.
  • Give a little volume stretching the bundles to the sides.

For a bright, mischievous look, it is better to use colorful rubber bands.

Spectacular gossamer

A beautiful and comfortable hairstyle will allow you to remove all the hair and securely fix it. Fitting fits like for every day, and for a solemn event with memorable photos of a little beauty.

  • Comb hair, sprinkle with water for greater obedience.
  • Highlight a bunch of hair on the crown in the center, collect in the tail.
  • An even row of loose curls should remain around this bundle.
  • Start weaving a spikelet, alternating strands from the tail and from the free part.
  • After all the curls are collected, braid the remaining free part with a simple braid and hide it under the weaving invisible.

This video shows how to do easy and fast in the garden.

For long hair

Tails plus pigtails

Very easy to perform styling requires a minimum of time and skills, but reliably cleans the whole mop for the whole day.

  • Divide hair with a straight parting into two halves.
  • Collect each in a tail.
  • Braid from free curls are simple pigtails.
  • Decorate the elastic bands with bows or hairpins.

The pigtail can be one, but you can weave and many small braids with multi-colored elastic bands.

Luxurious braid with constrictions

Simple, but at the same time very effective weaving from elastic bands is suitable for girls with long and lush hair who are so difficult to subdue. If natural hair is thin, then you can add volume to them corrugated iron.

  • Comb your hair thoroughly and gather it into a high ponytail.
  • Select two curls from the sides, connect them with a small rubber band in front of the remaining loose hair.
  • Divide the remaining curls in half, bring them forward and also secure with an elastic band.
  • Lay the mop along the entire length in this way.
  • Add even more volume, slightly pulling the weave to the sides.

High asymmetrical bun

  • Comb your hair, sprinkle lightly with water.
  • Do side parting.
  • Remove most of the hair with a hairpin so that it does not get tangled.
  • Divide the smaller part into three equal strands with transverse partings.
  • Collect every strand small elastic in ponytail.
  • Divide the free part of each tail in two, twist the tourniquet from each half and twist them together along the entire length.
  • Collect most of the hair in a high bun, and carefully attach the bundles under a common elastic band.
  • Decorate a bunch bow or hairpin.

There are many options for hairstyles with an asymmetrical beam, it all depends on the imagination of the mother and perseverance of the child. For example, you can braid another version of the hairstyle.

  • Divide the combed curls with a horizontal parting into two halves, remove the upper one to the side.
  • Divide the bottom another horizontal line, divide each row into four parts.
  • From the extreme side segments, make two tails, cross them with each other and attach to the neighboring ones.
  • The resulting ponytails of the second vertical row again cross and weave into tails third pair.
  • Repeat the same with the remaining extreme segments.
  • top half of hair collect on the side in a bun, loose ponytails neatly hide under it.

There are also several options.

1.around the head.

  • Divide the hair from the central point on the crown into equal segments to get like a pie.
  • Collect the first segment with an elastic band in the tail.
  • Braid the second adjacent tail, attaching the tip of the first to it.
  • Assemble like this all curls in a circle.
  • Hide the remaining tip under the weave.

2.Bottom with bun.

  • Divide the mop with a horizontal parting into two halves.
  • From the top, separate a third from the side, collect in a ponytail.
  • Divide the lower part into four strands with partings, braid the basket as in the previous version, along with the upper segment.
  • Collect the remaining 2/3 of the upper half in a bunch, hiding under it the rest of the basket.

This video shows how easy it is to make 4 hairstyles with rubber bands for girls.

When creating hairstyles with rubber bands for girls, first of all, you need to take into account the nature of the child. You should not take on complex styling for a restless child, so as not to turn combing into a torment for both.

Important! Hair must be carefully combed with a comb with rare teeth. If the curls are immediately tangled, pick up a baby product to facilitate combing.

So that the strands do not fall apart in different directions during the weaving process, moisten them with water from a spray bottle. Styling products for children are not used for everyday hairstyles due to their high chemical aggressiveness.

Rubber bands should be chosen soft, well stretchable.

Obviously, it is very easy to make a beautiful, comfortable hairstyle with elastic bands for a girl of any age, changing the image of a little fashionista at least every day.