Is it possible to do a DNA test on the hair. Folk ways to determine pregnancy We determine conception with a dandelion

Pregnancy tests are a magic wand that can make you happy or upset. These tests detect the presence of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in the urine, which clearly indicates the presence of a fetus. Pregnancy tests became widely available in 1978, although at first such a test had an accuracy of 80% and was done within 2 hours.

Before the invention of this marvelous device, the most reliable test was simply to wait and see. But even then people wanted to know as quickly as possible about possible pregnancy

How did they determine pregnancy before 1978?


One of the first, if not the very first, pregnancy test was a test from Ancient Egypt. In 1350 BC a woman urinated on the seeds of wheat and barley for several days in a row, and if wheat germinated, it was believed that there would be a girl, and if barley, then a boy. If nothing sprouted, then there was no pregnancy. The most interesting thing about this test was that it actually works. In 1963, a laboratory experiment proved that in 70 percent of cases, the urine of a pregnant woman could cause seeds to germinate, while the urine of non-pregnant women and men had no effect on seeds. The ancient Egyptians appear to have had a valid pregnancy test with at least 70% accuracy.


While the ancient Egyptians urinated on seeds, the ancient Greeks seem to have had less understanding of anatomy. From the famous records of Hippocrates, it became known that the Greeks used an onion for dough. The woman inserted the bulb directly into her vagina at night. If her breath smelled of onions the next morning, the Greeks believed she was not pregnant. According to the idea of ​​the Greeks, if a woman is not pregnant, then the uterus is open and the smell of onions penetrated higher through the body.

IN modern world there was a comical incident when one young man, after drinking, inserted an onion into the vagina of his sleeping girlfriend. In the morning, the girl woke up with pain and went to the hospital, she thought that he had vaginal cancer, but the doctors "delighted" her;)


Another ancient Egyptian papyrus tells of a beer pregnancy test. The girl was wrapped in a large piece of cloth soaked in beer. So it was left for several hours. If the girl was throwing up from the smell, then she was pregnant. This assumption is associated with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.


In a compendium of medical knowledge written at the end of the 15th century, there is unusual way definition of pregnancy. In order to understand whether a girl is pregnant, you need to ask her to pee in a container. After throwing a rusty key there. If after 2-3 days the rust is gone from the key, then the girl is pregnant.


In the 16th century, so-called "Pissing Prophets" were popular in Europe. These so-called experts claimed that they could determine if a woman was indeed pregnant by the color and characteristics of her urine. Some of them mixed urine with wine and watched. But you yourself understand that it was more like divination on urine.


One sixteenth-century physician, Jacques Guillemeu, claimed that a woman's eyes could tell if she was pregnant. Jacques, the author of a large and popular treatise on ophthalmology, stated that in the second month of pregnancy, the eyes of a pregnant woman change. A pregnant woman is characterized by deep-set eyes with small pupils, drooping eyelids and swollen veins at the corners of the eyes. Of course, this is at the level of fortune-telling, but during pregnancy, the vision of a pregnant woman can really suffer.


At the very beginning of pregnancy, around the sixth to eighth week, the cervix, labia, and vagina may have a bluish or purplish-red hue due to blood flow to this area. It was on this that the French doctor based himself in 1836. This later became known as the "Chadwick mark" after James Chadwick began to popularize his theory. But apparently, this is not a clear indicator of pregnancy.


In addition to observing the female genital organs, Chadwick invented the "rabbit test", which was used until the 20th century. This method is based on the use of human urine in rabbits. Even then, by the composition of the urine of animals, people learned to determine pregnancy, rabbits were especially successful.

This method is based on the introduction of a small amount of woman's urine into the animal. The animal died in any case, but if the girl was pregnant, then after the injection, changes began in the rabbit's body as at conception. But death was inevitable.


Although it worked on the same principle as the rabbit test, it was superior in that the frog survived. In the late 1940s, scientists determined that when the urine of a pregnant woman was injected into a live toad or frog, the unfortunate amphibians began to produce eggs and produced them within 24 hours.

But these animal experiments ended with the advent of the pregnancy test in 1978, which women still use today.

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Even in today's world, men often raise and support other people's children, completely unaware that he is not their biological father. Based on medical statistics, it can be argued that every seventeenth man is forced to raise a genetically alien child. That's just in the age of high technology - to establish the fact of adultery has become very simple.

General provisions

DNA testing, performed to establish paternity or relationship, is a medical procedure that allows you to identify with great accuracy the biological links between the alleged father or mother and the child. During the study, certain DNA regions are compared.

What it is

Why is such a test needed? Often the applicant turns to the laboratory for trial or maternity. And also to prove adultery, if such an item was provided for in pairs.

When conducting such a genetic examination, specialists compare DNA loci, certain sections in the chain, the intended parent and children. The laboratory report is a legal document and includes the results of a genetic study.

In children, hair for analysis can be taken from infancy. It is much safer than doing an intrauterine test as it can lead to complications and negative consequences both for the fetus and for the mother.

Who can apply

Genetic examination, that is, a paternity test, is carried out everywhere. The procedure is not cheap, but it provides a guaranteed result.

The main thing is to provide the employees of the molecular genetic laboratory with correctly collected samples. Paternity is determined using DNA structure analysis, which is unique to each individual.

For the examination, samples are needed from both the father and the child. The mother may not be involved in this process.

Video: DNA paternity test

Human hair paternity DNA test

A DNA test can be performed not only with a standard set of samples. There are methods to establish paternity based on non-standard materials, such as:

  • blood stain;
  • hair;
  • cutting nails;
  • handkerchief or other personal items.

Almost everything that has traces of DNA is suitable for analysis. This approach allows you to establish the truth, but at the same time not advertise the procedure itself.

What you need to know

It is impossible to guarantee 100% success of the test in this case. But if the DNA profile can be isolated, then the accuracy of the results remains as high as in the analysis of smears.

Subject to the provision of hair, always with bulbs, the terms for obtaining results increase by an average of five days.

It is necessary to transport hair to the laboratory at humidity and temperature. environment. You can deviate from this rule only if the laboratory assistant himself has given other instructions.

It must be clearly understood that it is not always possible to obtain a clear DNA profile from such material. Hair must be provided only with bulbs.

It is best if it is at least ten hairs. They are transported in a small plastic envelope, which is placed inside a thick cardboard envelope.

Under no circumstances should samples be touched with bare hands. You need to take them only in clean medical gloves, or with tweezers.

If none of this is available, then you can simply use a small clean piece of paper or a plastic bag.

The material must not be subjected to heat treatment and direct sunlight. If the hair was taken damp, for example, in the shower or bath, then they must be dried well at room conditions.

What material is not suitable

If the hair has been cosmetically fixed or embalmed, then the chance of extracting DNA that will be suitable for genetic research is significantly reduced.

Because fixatives and embalming agents adversely affect the structure of DNA, and genotyping becomes impossible.

If possible, several samples should be provided. Since with poor quality of the samples, the profile is partial, and it is necessary to obtain a consolidated result from several samples.

DNA paternity test by hair - carried out only with the consent of the person who provided the samples. This allows the applicant to be informed about the progress of the analysis and about which sample is being processed.

Usually, the second sample will not be analyzed until the applicant gives his consent to the second procedure.

The material can be carefully pulled out with tweezers, making sure that the bulbs are not damaged. As soon as the samples were taken, they should immediately be placed in an envelope. Touching them with your hands, and even more so, wrapping them in cloth is strictly prohibited.

If there is a possibility, besides hair, other non-standard materials should be submitted for analysis, for example:

  • earwax;
  • cigarette butt,;
  • chewing gum,;
  • nail clipping or handkerchief.

Each cell of the human body has a similar DNA structure, so it makes no difference to the research which materials are at the disposal of the applicant.

If hair is provided from one participant, the sample from the other may be a standard oral sample. Based on the hair shaft alone, only mitochondrial DNA analysis can be obtained.

It will help to recognize a certain part of the genetic code, therefore it will be useful only for the purpose of identifying a person or for establishing blood ties, but only through the mother's line.

Forensic Accuracy

The percentage of accuracy included in the test is 99.9%. And the results can be obtained, on average, in ten working days. If the research is carried out on the basis of non-standard samples, then its cost increases proportionally.

Since during the procedure for establishing paternity, it will be necessary to conduct a separation process. Hair is best taken from the occipital and parietal parts of the head.

Each envelope with materials must be personally signed by the applicant. It is much more difficult to perform anonymous analysis when receiving non-standard samples than when using a saliva sample.

On average, when providing non-standard material, the cost of a paternity test increases by about 4,000 rubles for each participant in the study.

The laboratory assistant will give the applicant precise instructions regarding the collection of samples required for analysis, if desired - special shipping envelopes can be obtained.

Along with this, the applicant receives clear instructions, and following them is very important, because otherwise it will be almost impossible to get accurate results.

The average cost of the procedure in Moscow

Moscow Molecular Genetic Laboratories are multidisciplinary, so they guarantee not only the quality of the service, but also absolute anonymity and confidentiality.

Standard certification of the center conducting such research, according to.

It will also not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the official accreditation of the institution, because without it the resulting conclusion cannot be provided in court.

With the participation of non-standard materials (hair with bulbs), the following tests can be carried out:

  1. Analysis for the content of narcotic substances.
  2. DNA test to establish paternity.
  3. Identification of DNA belonging to ethnic groups.
  4. Legal DNA test, which is available at the request of the court.

If there is a need to obtain a guaranteed accurate result within a short time, then you just need to contact the molecular genetic laboratory, which are quite numerous in Moscow.

Approximate cost of a DNA test:

Prior to the start of the study, the applicant must pay for the non-standard sample testing itself, and a portion of the cost of a paternity test, for each individual participant with a non-standard sample.

As soon as the procedure is completed and its results are received, the applicant pays the rest of the amount.

According to a survey of women who have tried several types of tests for rapid diagnosis of pregnancy, the best is a regular test strip with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU / ml. We answer below topical issues and see which manufacturer produces the best pregnancy test among all the variety on the pharmaceutical market.

How does a pregnancy test work?

A pregnancy test, regardless of brand and type, is aimed at determining the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG for short) in a woman's urine.

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced by the chorion - the membrane of the embryo, which will later become the placenta. Therefore, this hormone is also called the “hormone of pregnancy”.

In a non-pregnant woman hCG level be in the range of 0-5 mU / ml.

Thus, if this hormone is detected in a woman's urine in an amount of 25 mU / ml or more, then two red or bright pink lines will appear on the indicator strip, one in the control and the other in the test area, which indicates the onset of pregnancy.

What are the types of pregnancy tests?

Pregnancy tests are distinguished by type (or design) and sensitivity.

So, by type, the tests are divided into:

  • test strips (or strip tests)- represent a strip that must be lowered to a certain level in a container with morning urine;
  • tablet (or test cassettes)- a test in a plastic case with a window, into which it is necessary to drop a few drops of urine with a special pipette, which is included in the kit;
  • inkjet (or test midstream)- a device that is placed under a stream of running urine (i.e. there is no need to pre-collect urine in a separate container for testing in the future);
  • electronic (or digital)- a new generation test that shows not only whether a woman is pregnant or not, but also the number of weeks of "interesting position" - 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks or more than 3 weeks (such tests are even reusable, i.e. in the kit removable test cartridges are included);
  • reservoir test systems- the rarest type of pregnancy test, which is a glass for collecting urine with a test strip built into the side, which itself absorbs the right amount of liquid.

According to the degree of sensitivity, pregnancy tests are divided into those that are able to recognize hCG in a woman's urine at a level of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mIU / ml. This will be their sensitivity.

So for early diagnosis pregnancy, you must buy a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml in a pharmacy. Such a test is able to detect a long-awaited pregnancy as early as 7-10 days after ovulation (DPO).

Please note that hCG begins to be released in the urine of a pregnant woman after implantation of the fetal egg to the uterine wall, but not yet in sufficient quantities for the test to respond.

It is necessary to wait another day or two after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, but no doctor can say exactly when fertilization and the introduction itself took place.

Therefore, how much longer to wait until the required concentration of hCG in the urine - no one will answer you, because this is a purely individual moment, so if the second strip appears only slightly, then the test must be repeated in a day, and if it is not yet visible at all, then after three four days.

A pregnancy test with a higher number of mIU / ml on the package indicates a lower degree of its sensitivity.

However, there is an opinion that all tests are the same in terms of sensitivity, i.e. all of them are able to indicate the onset of pregnancy only at a concentration of hCG in the urine in the range of 25 mU / ml or more, and the high sensitivity of the test, as stated by the manufacturer, is just a marketing ploy that helps dishonest entrepreneurs capitalize on women's weaknesses.

When to take a pregnancy test?

A pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 15 mIU / ml can be done no earlier than 10-12 DPO, i.e. 2-3 days before the expected menstruation, but it all depends on when fertilization and attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall occurred.

No one can know exactly when the sperm cell met the egg, and when the fetal egg descended through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity.

Therefore, for some, the tests showed pregnancy, as it were, a week before the expected menstruation, although in fact they simply ovulated ahead of schedule, which means that fertilization could also occur earlier than expected, because each woman is different.

Are pregnancy tests wrong?

Tests for home diagnosis of pregnancy do not give a full guarantee of the correctness of the result. There is a 2-5% chance of getting a false answer if all the test rules stated in the instructions are observed.

A woman can get a negative result and actually be pregnant if:

  • the test was carried out too early (the concentration of hCG in the urine has not yet reached a diagnosable level);
  • the test was performed using not the first morning urine (hCG level at early term pregnancy is already insignificant, and in daytime or evening urine its concentration is generally negligible even for the appearance of a barely noticeable second strip);
  • there are kidney diseases when the concentration of hCG in the urine does not increase during pregnancy (with such diseases, pregnancy can be determined at an early stage only by donating blood for hCG);
  • there is a pathology of pregnancy or its course (with ectopic pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, weak attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus, placental insufficiency);
  • on the eve of the pregnancy test, a large amount of water was drunk (the liquid dilutes the urine, making it less concentrated in terms of the hCG content);
  • shortly before the pregnancy test, diuretics were taken;
  • the pregnancy test has expired.

You can get a positive result in the absence of pregnancy in reality with:

  • taking drugs that contain the hCG hormone (for example, when stimulating ovulation with pregnil, ovitrel, horagon, profazi, etc.);
  • the presence of hCG-secreting neoplasms (tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, uterus, etc.);
  • trophoblastic diseases ( hydatidiform mole, chorionepithelioma of the uterus);
  • spontaneous miscarriage, early abortion or removal of the fetal egg during ectopic pregnancy the “pregnancy hormone” remains in the woman’s body for some time.


In the absence of a mandatory strip in the control area or in the complete absence of any strips after the study, the pregnancy test is considered unsuitable for use. Repeat the rapid diagnosis with a new pregnancy test.

With two strips on the test, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs should be performed to confirm the uterine attachment of the fetal egg.

With one strip on the test, but with a long delay in menstruation (more than 7-10 days), you should donate blood for hCG and undergo an ultrasound scan. Such a set of measures is able to accurately confirm or deny pregnancy.

If the test showed pregnancy for the first time, and after a while, having done the test again, it was already negative and / or menstruation began, then the pregnancy most likely was, but it ended in a spontaneous miscarriage. This happens in 30% of cases, and women do not even know that there was a pregnancy. That's how it goes" natural selection': the weak perish, and the strong survive.

Delayed menstruation, breast enlargement and soreness, nausea and dizziness, frequent urination, increased fatigue and irritability, a change in taste preferences and dislike of certain smells are not yet a sign of pregnancy. Often a woman, really wanting to get pregnant, or vice versa, worrying that she has flown, feels all the signs of pregnancy, but in fact there is no pregnancy. The reason is in our female psyche, and this phenomenon is called “false pregnancy”.

Which pregnancy test is the most accurate, the best?

To answer this question, 100 girls of childbearing age who have ever used a pregnancy test were specifically interviewed, and votes were counted in the comments of the forums for one or another manufacturer of pregnancy tests.
Let's summarize the results of the survey. The best pregnancy test is Clearblue (Cleable), UK.

Clearblue is the best pregnancy test

The manufacturer offers several types of Clearblue Compact inkjet tests (a conventional inkjet test in a thin, elegant case resembling ballpoint pen) and Clearblue Plus (a comfortable curved design with a wide tip that changes color from white to pink when the urine is collected correctly).

Clearblue Compact costs from 80 rubles (23 UAH) apiece, Clearblue Plus from 130 rubles (38 UAH) apiece, and Clearblue Digital from 250 rubles (72 UAH).

Clearblue Digital is recognized as the best digital (electronic) test.

The advantage of the Clearblue Digital pregnancy test is that:

  • the accuracy of the result is 99% when using it from the first day of missed menstruation;
  • this test can be started 4 days before the start of the expected period;
  • it is hygienic in use (no need to collect urine in a container for testing);
  • after the test, there is no doubt and an incomprehensible situation in deciphering the result, everything is clear - either there is a pregnancy, or it is not. The ghost strip, which would be a confirmation of pregnancy in the test strip, will be displayed in Clearblue as a positive result.

A false positive result in 95% of cases indicates a failed pregnancy, which ended in a spontaneous miscarriage.

A false negative result indicates too early a pregnancy diagnosis (the time of fertilization or ovulation is not correctly determined).

A test strip for determining pregnancy of the Evitest trademark (Evitest), Germany, was named a publicly available at a price and a favorite in terms of the accuracy of the result (compared to other similar tests).

Evitest - affordable and good test for pregnancy

This company has released three types of pregnancy tests: test strip, cassette and inkjet test.

Evitest One (pink pack with 1st test strip) costs about 52 rubles (15 UAH), but you can find cheaper. Evitest Plus (blue pack with 2 test strips) - about 83 rubles (24 UAH), Evitest Proof (tablet) - about 110 rubles (32 UAH), and Evitest Perfect (jet) - about 138 rubles (40 hryvnia).

All of them differ in price and method of use, but all three types of tests have an undeniable minus - the result can be interpreted in different ways: some see a barely noticeable second strip, others do not; someone doubted the positive meaning of the ghost strip, but someone did not.

The digital pregnancy test is more accurate in such situations, which makes it a leader among all the variety. existing tests for pregnancy.

Flying tests to you !!!

The right answer to the most important question

To date, pregnancy tests are presented in a wide range. There are several types of tests:

  • Strip tests: special strips that must be dipped into a container with urine, the sensitivity threshold is 10-25 mIU / ml (the amount of hCG in 1 ml of urine).
  • Tablet: a plastic case in which a window with a substance sensitive to hCG is located. A few drops of urine should be added to this window. The threshold of sensitivity is 10-25mIU / ml.
  • Inkjet: do not require urine collection in a separate container - a pregnancy test can be carried out directly during urination, substituting the analyzer under the stream. Sensitivity threshold from 10mIU/ml.
  • Electronic (digital): have several varieties and can be intended for multiple use or determining the duration of pregnancy, etc.

Each test type has its own advantages and disadvantages. And which pregnancy tests are the best, we will try to figure it out now.

Frautest Express Ultra Sensitive


The cost of a package with one strip test is about 85 rubles.

The sensitivity of the Frautest Express pregnancy test starts at 15 mIU / ml and, according to the manufacturer, it can be used without waiting for a delay in menstruation, and even 2 days before the date when (possibly) the countdown from the "missed" first day of menstruation begins. The test determines the results 3-5 minutes after you have removed the strip from the urine container.

Flaws. Having to look for a container for urine, fill it up, withstand a strip test in it for 10 seconds, and then think about how to dispose of the filled “container” is not very convenient in an out-of-home environment.

Advantages of this pregnancy test - ease of use and high reliability of results (up to 99%). Well, let's not pretend that the cost does not matter. The democratic price is a huge plus.

conclusions. One of the best pregnancy tests. A well-deserved score of 10 out of 10.

Reviews.“I have already bought a test from this company twice, or rather, this time his husband bought it, and he did not disappoint again. My opinion is that there is no need to buy expensive tests, even if they tend to show the number of weeks. This pregnancy test is reliable, It is sold in all pharmacies, it is convenient to use and attractive at a price.

Frautest Planning


The cost of a set of 5 strip tests for determining ovulation, 2 for pregnancy and 7 disposable containers for collecting urine is about 380 rubles.

Another "nominee" from the Hungarian company Human takes a leading position in the ranking of the best pregnancy tests. Frautest Planning is an excellent tool for women who are planning a pregnancy and who want to make sure of the fact of its occurrence (well, or the need to keep trying) without leaving the cash register.

The thoughtful configuration of this strip kit allows you to cover the entire period from the probable date of the onset of ovulation and “catch” the moment necessary for conception, before pregnancy is determined (you can start checking 2 days before the expected day of delay). An additional bonus is disposable urine collection containers that are easily disposed of and allow you to pass the test in any conditions.

Flaws. The only drawback is the high cost. But this is only at first glance: the same set, but “scattered” in separate packages, will cost about 70 rubles more.

conclusions. The best pregnancy test for those who care not only about the right lifestyle from the first days of pregnancy, but also understand the importance of planning this fateful moment. Well deserved ten!

Reviews. « I made a big mistake several times when I used ovulation tests and pregnancy tests from different manufacturers. The consequences were, to put it mildly, painful for my nervous system. 3 months after using Frautest for planning, I finally got to the right "schedule". The result - in the fourth month, a pregnancy test confirmed that you can rejoice. I highly recommend - expensive, but reliable and not confusing with false results.

Clearblue Digital


The cost of a package with 1 digital test is about 480 rubles.

Advantages. If we take as a unit of quality the percentage of accuracy with which the test determines the presence of pregnancy, then Clearblue Digital takes an incredibly high bar: above 99%. One hundred percent accuracy is within reach, and this test is by far one of the most reliable. But that's not all. In addition to the mark on the presence / absence of pregnancy (“+” - yes, “-” - no), a figure will appear in the window indicating the gestational age in weeks. The format of indicators corresponds to the range of 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks and more than three (the display will show the image “3+”). If conception did occur, then the accuracy of determining the term, according to the manufacturer and the results of research, is 92%. Impressive, isn't it?

With a delay in menstruation, the test can be used from the very first day of their intended start. But if “it’s unbearable to wait,” and the body persistently hints at your interesting situation in other ways (for example, by the desire to eat persimmon, after smearing it with toothpaste), then the test can be done 4 days before the date of the probable delay.

Flaws. Not everyone will consider determining the duration of pregnancy a necessary function. All the same, a visit to the doctor, an ultrasound examination and blood tests are still ahead - in the aggregate, all this will set the deadline without a test. But let's remember the "surprises" of pregnancy, which can easily coexist with regular periods. In this case, it is often important for a woman to understand: how long she is, and whether she has enough time to go to the antenatal clinic and register. A classic example is a long business trip or business trip, when the dilemma “drop everything and go home vs there is still time, you can wait” breaks all plans. So, whether this is a disadvantage or not, it's up to you.

conclusions. Considering that not everyone is interested in setting an exact period without going to the doctor, but this function makes the price “bite”, then the rating is 9 out of 10.

Reviews. “I felt something was wrong as soon as I arrived on vacation. With my floating and irregular monthly cycle, I assumed that the pregnancy might not be early. The Cleablue test showed that I had been in the position for more than three weeks. I limited myself to attractions and other active entertainment, and when I returned a week later and went to the doctor, the period turned out to be 6 weeks. The test did not disappoint.

Evitest Proof


The cost of a package with one tablet test is about 190 rubles.

Advantages. The main advantage relates, rather, to the design of the test: the tablet model allows more even distribution of urine over the surface of the substrate with the reagent, which, accordingly, increases the reliability of the results. The second plus is the "purity" of the results. It is impossible to touch the reagent, which is located in the recess of the window, even by accident, so the possible contamination of the sample (far from a fantastic event, by the way) is simply excluded.

Flaws. Perhaps you will feel like a professor in a chemical laboratory, who carefully and carefully introduces a special substance (urine) onto the surface of the object (test) being examined so that an explosion does not occur. Nothing really explodes, except maybe your patience if you're nervous and your hands are shaking. Therefore, it is better to conduct "experiments" at home, where you can afford to relax (or at least pretend) and finish what you started.

conclusions. One of the best tablet pregnancy tests in terms of accuracy. And this - main reason for which you decided to buy it, right? So, to give him a rating of 10 out of 10 would be correct and fair.

Reviews. « For a long time she was treated for infertility and used only this test. I don’t even know why - I was superstitiously afraid to change it to another. And after 2 years, he showed a positive result for the first time! positive and correct».

Premium Diagnostics


The cost of a package with one inkjet test is about 120 rubles.

Advantages. A quick and accurate result (up to 99% - if the test is carried out after the first day of delay), for which there is no need to collect urine - an excellent alternative to the "strip" traditions. At the same time, in the cassette, which is a test, a control window is provided. Regardless of whether the result is positive or not - if a red line appears in the control window - the test was carried out correctly.

Flaws. The ability to perform a test without the need to collect urine for some will prove to be a very useful quality of the test, for some it is inconvenient. But, as they say, you won’t be nice to everyone - we won’t rank this as a minus.

conclusions. An excellent pregnancy test that will fulfill its purpose both in a cozy home environment and in "marching" conditions, when there is no time or opportunity to look for and fill a urine container. In our opinion, 10 points is a well-deserved rating.