In the second pregnancy, the belly appears earlier. When the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy. Does the stomach grow during an ectopic and missed pregnancy

What do you associate with a pregnant woman? Of course with a huge belly, in which the baby is located. However, in the first pregnancy, the growth of the abdomen often occurs at the very latest gestation. And if you have a second pregnancy, when does the belly appear? Earlier, later or the same?

As a rule, such questions may arise in connection with the visibility of an interesting situation for other people, or as a result of checking whether the second pregnancy complies with accepted standards. The interest is understandable and if you are going to make assumptions about how to find out the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the belly, at least after having two children, you will already have some statistics. And finally, this issue should be clarified in order to know by what date this time it is worth taking care of clothes for pregnant women. There are many reasons for wanting to receive this information, and we will try to convey the necessary information as fully as possible.

The rate of growth of the abdomen in the first pregnancy

What causes the belly to enlarge during pregnancy? Of course, not only because of the growth of the baby, although this is also important. In addition, the timing of the growth of the uterus itself, and the number amniotic fluid, and the physique of the woman herself.

In the first pregnancy, the beginning of an increase in the abdomen occurs approximately in the fourth or fifth month, this is approximately 16 or 18 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, in slender women, the position during this period becomes obvious if the clothes fit the body, but more magnificent young ladies can “hide” almost until they go on maternity leave, or rather until 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy. And although the growth rate of the uterus in women with different physiques is identical, the visual effect is very different. What does the growth of the abdominal circumference during pregnancy generally depend on?

What determines the growth of the abdomen

As a rule, several factors are important for the growth of the abdominal circumference. It is they who affect both the number of centimeters added in volume and the visual component.

  • Baby sizes. If the child has a strong physique, which is easily diagnosed by ultrasound, the size of the pregnant belly will be somewhat larger. As the baby grows, so does its habitat, and, accordingly, the belly of the expectant mother.
  • The size of the uterus itself. Throughout pregnancy, it increases evenly, and if before pregnancy the weight of this reproductive organ does not exceed 60-100 grams, then by the end of the process of bearing a child, the uterus already weighs about 900-1200 grams, which is almost 10 times more.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid. The increase in their volume is very uneven, and in different women possibly a different amount of amniotic water.

It would seem that all the reasons for the growth of the abdomen are rational and understandable. However, there are differences in that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears, will develop according to the scenario of your first experience.

Features of the growth of the abdomen in the second pregnancy

After the first birth, changes occurred in the woman's body that cannot be changed. It is these factors that will influence the course of the second and subsequent pregnancies. This fact also applies to the problem of the growth of the circumference of the abdomen, transforming into two patterns:

1. On average, the growth of the abdomen is noticeable almost a month earlier, respectively, and the people around you will be able to notice your interesting position in a shorter time. This is due to the fact that after the birth of the first-born, the uterus is enlarged. She never shrunk back to her original state, and that's okay. That is why the tummy will start to bulge already from the twelfth week, if the pregnant woman has a thin physique. But you can captivate others a month earlier with such an exciting activity, how to find out the sex of the unborn child by the appearance and shape of your stomach.

2. In addition, the stomach itself becomes lower than its position in the first pregnancy. Indeed, the previous time, the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, as well as the ligaments were greatly stretched, which means that they became weaker and were not able to hold the baby in a higher position. This has its advantages - it becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe, she suffers less from heartburn, and a minus - more pressure on the pelvic bones and lower spine. A good bandage can save the situation.

Regarding the shape of the abdomen, one can also say that if during the first pregnancy it is sharp and high, especially in women with a narrow pelvis, then later during the second pregnancy it becomes somewhat pendulous, gentle. This can confuse those who believe in fortune-telling about how to find out the future sex of the child by the appearance and roundness of the abdomen - if for the first time everyone suspected you had a boy, then in the second pregnancy you will often be promised a girl. The stomach falls a second time also much later.

How early does the belly appear: statistics

If we analyze the statistics, then women noted that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears earlier, is more noticeable to others. But when evaluating the changes in their own body, the majority of women noted that the noticeable appearance of the abdomen was 4-6 weeks earlier compared to the first pregnancy.

Variants of the norm and deviations from it

In addition to the natural desire to know if you have a second pregnancy, when the belly appears, there are objective reasons for obtaining this information. And this is not at all the way to find out the sex of the unborn child. Most likely, the growth of the abdomen will be of interest to your doctor to assess the normal course of pregnancy.

You remember that for the first time, doctors regularly measured the length and circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape. This was done in order to assess the rate of increase in the uterus and compare it with the standards of the available period. Deviation from these norms can indicate both emerging problems and the individual characteristics of the woman's body in general and the course of this particular pregnancy in particular.

That is why if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the deadline, then appearance belly should not disturb you in terms of your health and the health of the baby. Grow big!

During pregnancy, a woman carefully monitors her condition, noticing the slightest changes occurring in the body.

For primiparas, everything is interesting: and at what time the stomach will begin to grow.

Indeed, when does the stomach begin to grow and pregnancy becomes noticeable to others?

You can understand the issue, knowing how quickly the size of the fetal egg changes, and how the process affects the external state of the woman.

The reproductive organs are located in the pelvic area, located in the lower abdomen, and are reliably protected by the pelvic bones. The uterus is placed between bladder and the rectum directly in the central part of the small pelvis.

Outwardly, the uterus resembles a pear, turned down by a narrow part. The organ is quite elastic, able to significantly stretch during pregnancy, as well as quickly contract after childbirth.

In nulliparous, the uterus weighs approximately 50 g and does not protrude above the pubic bone. In women who have given birth, the organ is slightly enlarged in size, and its weight is 80-100 g.

The growth of the uterus occurs as the pregnancy progresses.

After 8-10 days from the moment of sexual intercourse. The process of introduction into the endometrium takes about 2 days. As the embryo grows, the size of the uterus also changes:

  • up to 4 weeks, the size of the fetal egg does not exceed 4 mm;
  • at 5 weeks, the size increases to 6 mm;
  • at 6 weeks - 11-18 mm;
  • at 8 weeks - 27-34 mm;
  • at 10 weeks -50 mm.

Each day, the diameter of the egg increases by approximately 1 mm until 15-16 weeks. At this time, the KTR of the fetus is on average 8-9 cm, and the weight is 85 g.

After this period, the growth rate accelerates, the daily increase in diameter is 2-2.5 mm. It is at this time that the tummy most often begins to protrude.

However, it is not necessary that the belly will begin to grow after 16 weeks, as the course of the process depends on many factors. Sometimes, pregnancy proceeds "secretly" and becomes noticeable at 7-9 months.

Sometimes a woman notices already in the first month that her stomach has begun to increase.

When does the tummy become noticeable?

From the moment of attachment of the fetal egg, the uterus increases and in a month reaches the size of a chicken egg.

By 2 months, the size of the uterus can be compared to the size of a goose egg. At 12 weeks, the diameter of the organ is comparable to the head of a full-term fetus.

By this time, it is already possible to feel the upper part of the organ above the pubic bone. However, for the woman herself, the grown uterus does not cause trouble.

The size of the abdomen in nulliparous women begins to increase only by the 16th week.

From now on, the gynecologist will measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterus at each appointment. The organ will continue to grow up to approximately 36 weeks, gradually acquiring an oval shape.

After this period, the stomach no longer grows. With each week, the protruding tummy will become more noticeable.

Why does the belly grow faster during the second pregnancy

It is believed that in women bearing the 2nd, 3rd, etc. baby, the belly becomes noticeable much earlier. This fact is confirmed by statistics. The difference is especially noticeable if same-sex children are born or a boy is expected to be the second in a row.

Most often, the second child really has more weight and size. On average, the fetus is 300-500 g larger than the first.

On the other hand, during repeated pregnancy, muscle tone is somewhat reduced, and the ligamentous apparatus is relaxed. Therefore, women who are expecting a second child notice a protruding tummy 2-3 weeks earlier.

In the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow from 12-14 weeks.

It's all relative though. The timing of the appearance of the abdomen in each pregnant woman is individual.

Why do pregnant women grow bellies differently?

The volumes of the abdomen at the same time in all pregnant women are individual. Therefore, if your stomach is clearly visible at 4 months or it is completely absent, do not worry. There are several reasons why at the same time in pregnant women the circumference of the abdomen and its shape differ significantly:

  • The volume of the small pelvis.

When a woman is registered, pelvic measurements are taken to determine the approximate diameter of the fetal head that can pass freely through the birth canal. If the pelvis is too narrow, the woman is prepared for a caesarean section. This factor affects the size of the tummy.

The narrower the pelvis, the earlier roundness becomes noticeable.

You can also determine that the narrowing of the ring is expressed on your own by measuring the circumference of your wrist.

With a circumference of less than 14 cm, the pelvis is most likely narrow.

  • Anatomical structure of the pelvis.

The constitution of the small pelvis is more often inherited. However, do not be upset if the narrow bone ring is inherent in the mother and her belly was noticeable from the first weeks of pregnancy.

It is possible that the woman adopted the genetic information of her father and her pelvic bone thickness does not exceed the norm.

  • number of embryos.

The size of the abdomen also depends on such a factor as singleton or.

In a woman carrying 2 or more fetal eggs at the same time, the size of the uterus is much larger and it simply does not fit in the cavity of the small pelvis, protruding above the pubic bone before 12 weeks.

  • Fruit size.

Ahead in the development of peers, and the uterus increases faster.

  • Lots of water.

Stretches the uterus regardless of the size of the fetus. Therefore, the stomach becomes noticeable earlier.

  • Location of the placenta.

The placenta consists of fairly dense tissues that are not capable of self-stretching. Attached to the wall of the uterus, it reduces the elasticity of muscle tissue in this part of the organ.

  • The position of the baby in the uterus.

Already in the second trimester, the size and shape of the abdomen can change significantly almost every week. The baby begins to show activity, and much depends on what position he occupies in the uterus.

If the child turned head down, the volume of the organ decreases and the stomach is not so noticeable; if it lies across, the uterus stretches and the abdominal wall protrudes forward.

  • Forms of a pregnant woman.

How fuller woman, the easier it is to mask the pregnancy. Under the pronounced folds of the fatty subcutaneous layer, the growth of the uterus is noticeable much later.

  • Re-pregnancy.

The second and subsequent pregnancies may appear earlier due to the weakening and stretching of the anterior abdominal wall, which is not able to contain the pressure of the growing uterus.

  • Scar on the uterus.

In the presence of scar tissue in the cervix or its weakening with the threat of termination of pregnancy, the muscle tissue of the cervix is ​​not able to withstand the stretching of the lower part of the uterus.

The organ retains a pear-shaped shape for a longer time, amniotic fluid accumulates in its lower part, in which a growing embryo fits.

Especially often this happens with foot presentation. A similar position and shape of the uterus affect the external manifestations of pregnancy - the tummy will begin to grow much later, and the height of the fundus of the uterus will change more slowly.

  • Pulling clothes.

Sometimes a woman simply does not seek to advertise her pregnancy and pulls her growing belly using corsets, wide belts or bandages. Such behavior can lead to significant complications.

Squeezing the abdomen causes the uterus to literally squeeze into the space of the small pelvis, shifting the intestines.

As a result, the diaphragm is propped up by the intestines and, in turn, presses on the lungs, preventing them from fully opening when inhaling.

Insufficient gas exchange leads to oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the development of the child and the condition of the mother.

Do not be afraid if the stomach became noticeable during pregnancy earlier or later than that of your friends. Too many factors affect its growth. The easiest way is to ask the gynecologist why the size of the abdomen differs from the average in this period. A professional doctor will always answer the question, fully satisfying curiosity.

To find out when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy, gynecologists advise studying the features of the course of this process.

At the same time, studies have shown that the growth of the abdomen during the second pregnancy is individual.

For determining exact date ordered ultrasound. With the help of this diagnostic, a specialist can identify current deviations from the norm.

Medical indications

To find out when the belly grows during the second pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid and the rate of its increase are taken into account. Some pregnant women note that the second pregnancy is less problematic than the first.

At what time in the second pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? Most often, this phenomenon is observed at 6 weeks. In some women in position, the abdomen is visible after 10 weeks.

Why do some women in position quickly grow their belly? This may be due to overeating, which negatively affects the formation of the fetus.

Therefore, at any stage of the second pregnancy, it is necessary to fully and properly eat.

Gynecologists advise not to load the body. The process under consideration can proceed quickly against the background of an accelerated metabolism, which increases gas formation, contributing to the appearance of a relief abdomen.

Another reason why a second pregnancy is accompanied rapid growth belly is associated with fetal weight gain of 500 grams more than during the first pregnancy.

Scientists have proven that the increase in the uterus is an individual factor for each woman in the position. This takes into account which conception occurred on the account. The first pregnancy is characterized by different forms of the tummy. However, it becomes noticeable at 5 months.

The period when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy comes early. This is due to the elasticity of the muscles located in the peritoneum.

This phenomenon contributes to the rapid appearance of roundness in the uterus.

Before finding out at what period of the second pregnancy the belly begins to grow faster, the physiology of each woman is studied separately. Particular attention is paid to the structure of the pelvic bones.

If they are wide, when is the belly visible? In this case, pregnancy is visible later than with a narrow pelvis.

Regardless of the factors discussed above, the fetus is not noticeable until the 10th week. Then the stomach begins to grow faster.

When the maximum is observed active increase uterus? With the second pregnancy, this period falls on the 13-20th week.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the stomach begins to grow due to the stretching of the uterus. During the second pregnancy, it is already stretched, which contributes to the appearance of a rounded tummy.

Since during the first pregnancy the abdominal wall loses its elasticity, therefore, during the secondary conception, more space appears in the uterus for the fetus.

When is the fact of pregnancy easier to bear? Some women in position are embarrassed by their "new image". This affects their psychological state.

To overcome it, a woman begins to eat more and more often. In this case, the stomach begins to grow even faster. Taking into account this factor, gynecologists came to the conclusion that the second pregnancy in such patients is easier than the first.

Provoking factors

Scientists have identified factors that affect the course of the first, second and subsequent pregnancies:

  • fetal size - when a child has a large physique, the belly during pregnancy grows rapidly. The size of the fetus can be found on ultrasound;
  • the size of the uterus - before conception, the weight of the uterus is 100 grams. After conception and at the end of pregnancy, the value of this parameter reaches 1200 grams;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid - against the background of an increase in this indicator, the stomach begins to grow.

Scientists have proven that some of the changes associated with the birth of the first child are permanent and irreversible. These factors have a direct impact on the course of the second pregnancy.

Gynecologists distinguish two patterns, against which it turns out how the belly grows in the second pregnancy:

  • the average period when a second pregnancy is noticeable is a month earlier than at the first conception. This is due to the increase in the uterus after primary birth. At the same time, an already stretched organ is not able to return to its original size. This condition is considered normal. If a woman in position has a lean physique, when does the belly begin to appear in the second pregnancy? This phenomenon is noticeable at 12 weeks;
  • the position of the uterus - gynecologists say that the uterus itself during the first pregnancy becomes lower than its primary position. This phenomenon is associated with a strong stretching of the ligaments of the muscles of not only the abdomen, but also the pelvic floor.

Unlike the period when there was no conception, during the first pregnancy, the muscles with ligaments become weaker. This prevents the fetus from being held in a higher position.

But this condition has a positive effect on the woman herself in the position - it is easy for her to breathe, heartburn is practically absent.

This increases pressure on the pelvic bones and lower spine. Therefore, during any pregnancy and regardless of whether the belly grows or not, it is recommended to wear a bandage.

Gynecologists also noticed that the second pregnancy is manifested by different forms of the abdomen, which differ from the primary conception.

If during the first-born it was sharp and high, this is especially characteristic of women with a narrow pelvis, then in the second pregnancy it sags, acquiring a flatness.

Taking into account the above facts, we can note the erroneous opinion of many pregnant women about the possibility of predicting the sex of the child by the shape and type of the abdomen.

Gynecologists also noticed that the second pregnancy is characterized by late descent of the uterus. According to statistics, many women in the position note that the second pregnancy becomes more noticeable to the surrounding eyes earlier than the first.

Taking into account the assessment of changes in their body, pregnant women noted that the belly is more noticeable during 2 pregnancies at least 4 weeks earlier than when carrying the first fetus.

Norms and possible deviations

To assess the course of pregnancy, the gynecologist is obliged from the first days of conception to take into account many parameters of the uterus and its growth rate. To do this, at each appointment, the doctor examines the abdomen, pulps the uterus, listens to the fetus.

If any abnormalities are detected, an unscheduled ultrasound and other diagnostic procedures are prescribed.

To assess the rate of increase in the uterus itself at the initial examination, the gynecologist measures the length and circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape. The data obtained are compared with the standards characteristic of the respective periods.

Identified deviations from these standards indicate a problem or may be related to individual feature the patient's body.

Sometimes such deviations are manifested due to the special course of the pregnancy itself.

Therefore, gynecologists advise not to miss scheduled appointments with the doctor, and if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the deadline, then the appearance of the abdomen itself should not disturb the pregnant woman.

Normal processes

For many women, when carrying a second child, the uterus grows faster than during the first conception. An erroneous opinion is an increase in the size of the reproductive organ.

The true reason is the stretching of the uterine ligaments after the previous gestation. At the same time, the anterior wall of the peritoneum relaxed, losing its elasticity, which is characteristic of nulliparous women.

Therefore, there are problems with determining the gestational age by eye. The uterus, in which the embryo develops, is additionally loaded with amniotic fluid.

Under its weight, it deviates forward, which contributes to the appearance of a rapidly expanding peritoneum.

During the period of primary fertilization, the tummy is often pointed and raised high. At the second fertilization, it is pendulous and less elastic. Therefore, it is difficult to independently determine whether the fetus has descended or not, whether it is ready for childbirth.


Most women in the position note that the second embryo begins to move before the first fetus. The first movement helps the gynecologist set the date of the upcoming birth.

In reality, the intensity and stages of embryo development are characterized by a specific duration, which nothing can affect.

The fact of primary stirring during the second pregnancy is felt more quickly by a woman, which is associated with her memory of the course of the previous pregnancy. Stirring cannot be confused with colic and gas formation.

Scientists have proven that the second embryo is always larger than the first baby. It is believed that with each subsequent pregnancy more massive and strong children are born.

Presumably, the weight of children born during different pregnancies can vary within 500 g. More often, this phenomenon is observed when bearing boys.

The pattern under consideration is due to the fact that the body is already ready for secondary and subsequent gestation.

The body is already set to this process, and he is ready to give the necessary trace elements to the embryo in the right amount.

Some women do not notice that they are pregnant. Sometimes it happens that the secondary bearing of the fetus is not suspected by the woman herself. She may not even be aware of her due date.

This is due to the unnoticed onset of conception due to unrest, stress, postpartum amenorrhea, and other circumstances. Sometimes even testing does not confirm the presence of an embryo in the uterus.

A similar phenomenon often occurs during breastfeeding or after childbirth against the background of hormonal failure.

If the uterus increases in size and the test strip gives a negative result, the patient is advised to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

If during the study period a woman has some deviations in position, urgent treatment is indicated.

The therapy can be carried out at home under the supervision of a gynecologist. In the last months, a woman may be hospitalized.

Useful video

Someone might think that if a woman has a second pregnancy, she is already experienced, knows everything and is not afraid of anything. But in reality, it is scary and difficult no less than the first time, and there are quite a lot of myths about it, some of them are true, some are not.

There is a widespread opinion that the second experience is easier than the first, but it must be said right away that this is only a myth. Perhaps it is easier psychologically, because there is already some experience, but there are more prerequisites for complications and troubles.

Features of the second pregnancy is that it occurs at a more mature age, when there may already be chronic diseases. If for the first time there were problems, for example, an Rhesus conflict, now it is possible to aggravate it.

The second pregnancy immediately after the first means not the most good conditions, the mother's body is weakened after childbirth, vitamin deficiencies and anemia are very common.

If you are having a second pregnancy, the second birth will likely be much faster than the first, but this does not mean that they will be less painful, rather, on the contrary, it will be more painful. If you have a conception that has come after a long period of time, its features are that it will proceed almost like the first one, the body seems to forget everything, and the birth will also be about the same.

Re-pregnancy after the first in a year or less means that the birth will be quick, if not swift. How to explain this? During the bearing of a child, and then childbirth, nerve connections are formed in the woman’s brain, which provide a kind of scheme according to which pregnancy should proceed, and then childbirth. If little time has passed, these ties remain strong enough, everything flows “on the knurled”, if the period between children is long, the ties will actually have to be formed anew.

Well, if you have a planned pregnancy. Preparation for it should be no less serious than for the first. It is worth paying special attention to planning for those women who have a burdened obstetric history (there were problems in the female part), or there are general chronic diseases. Having learned everything about the second pregnancy with a particular pathology, it will be possible to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and undergo the necessary examinations.

Timely planning for many, an occasion to try to conceive a boy or a girl. If at the birth of the first baby in the family this issue is not very worrying, the pregnancy of the second child really wants to be planned so that its gender is desirable. Of course, there are no reliable ways to choose the sex of the child, but you can at least try.

Second pregnancy, does timing matter?

Quite often, having given birth to a child, women either become pregnant too early (second unplanned pregnancy), or, on the contrary, put it off for too long. Of course, the second conception in a row is not very good for the mother’s body, which has not yet recovered from the first birth, but it’s also not worth postponing.

The late repeat has its drawbacks, and tends to be more difficult to flow. Giving birth 10 years after the first one is like giving birth for the first time.

How long is the second pregnancy?

There is a myth that the second pregnancy lasts less, and childbirth occurs within normal terms, but may be a little earlier than the first. In reality, everything is individual and depends on many factors. Overwearing really happens less often, and this is due to the already formed dominant of childbirth.

Signs of a second pregnancy, how does it begin?

The symptoms of the second pregnancy are no different from the first, although this does not mean that it will proceed in the same way, most likely, everything will be different. Having become pregnant for the third and fourth, fifth time, each time you will bear a child differently than in the past, this is due to the fact that everything will proceed in new conditions, and your baby will be genetically different from the one you had before.

You may notice signs of re-conception a little later than the previous time or a little earlier, this is not predictable, it promises fewer complications and an easier course if you are healthy, young, and at least 2 years have passed between conceptions.

So, the second pregnancy, which began in the period of the first months after childbirth, may not give itself away until ... until the first movement of the baby. If you are breastfeeding, your missed period can smoothly flow into a new pregnancy, and if you are so lucky that the first weeks pass without toxicosis, you will not notice its onset. The fact that others will notice the change before you is quite possible, this happens even with doctors.

How to determine the second pregnancy in such cases?
Most importantly, try not to create the prerequisites for its onset, that is, to protect yourself. Can't rely on breast-feeding or coitus interruptus as a method of contraception, it is not very reliable and does not always work. Re-pregnancy occurring against the background of postpartum amenorrhea, early dates which came at a time when you feel tired, lack of sleep, immersed in baby care and household chores, can be difficult to self-diagnose. The slightest suspicion is a reason to take a pregnancy test.

If conception did occur, you should not have an abortion because of fears that the child will be born defective. But children-weather - it's as difficult as twins.

If you have fully recovered, you have regular periods, the first signs may be the same as the first. Toxicosis, delay, gaining weight, changed breasts will give a clear signal that conception has occurred.

But still, in the second case, the symptoms will not necessarily be the same as the first. For example, in one case, heartburn can be very strong, and the second can proceed without it at all. The differences can be just stark. This should be remembered by those women who suffered and had complications last time, do not be afraid to get pregnant again, everything can be very good in this attempt, especially if the child is desired.

The second experience is different from the first and because of the existing changes in the body. The previous child “stretched” your anterior abdominal wall, its elasticity and firmness are lower, which means that the tummy will be noticeable earlier.

On later dates the lowering of the head also occurs differently, if in primiparous it can be pressed against the bones of the pelvis 2-3 weeks before childbirth, in multiparous it can only descend during childbirth.

In a special way is the second pregnancy with twins. As a rule, the risk of not bringing twins to due date less during the second pregnancy. The uterus is ready to stretch more than if you were lucky enough to become a mother of twins for the first time, and the body is set for the normal course of pregnancy (this applies to cases where the conception of twins was preceded by one child and delivery on time).

Repeated pregnancy, the second child is necessarily larger?

One of the common ideas that prevail among the people is the conviction that the child will definitely be larger the second time.

This is not a myth, but the truth.

Indeed, the fetus often gains weight by 300-500 grams more. This difference is especially noticeable if the children are same-sex or the second boy was born.

Why does it happen?

The main reason is that the mother's body is already fully prepared for bearing a child and the best conditions for development are created for the fetus.

During the second pregnancy, the movements will be earlier?

Women feel the first movements about 2 weeks earlier than with the first. This is also not a myth, but the truth, and is taken into account by doctors when calculating the gestational age for the first movement.

The reason that the baby's movement is felt earlier is that the mother remembers what it was like last time. If the primiparous first tremors of the baby are felt on average at 20-22 weeks, the fetal movement during the second experience can be felt by expectant mothers as early as 17-18 weeks.

You can no longer confuse a familiar feeling with the work of the intestines, as it happened for the first time.

Does your belly grow faster during your second pregnancy?

For most women, the belly really grows faster, this is not a myth. However, this is by no means due to the fact that the uterus is increasing. It's just that her ligaments were stretched last time, and the anterior abdominal wall was weakened and not as elastic as in women who had not given birth. Due to this, the uterus has more freedom to tilt forward under the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid, and it is understandable that it seems that the growth of the abdomen is faster.

Interestingly, the shape of the abdomen with various obstetric pathologies under the same conditions is also different. For example, if a woman has narrow pelvis, the abdomen will be pendulous, whereas in the first experience, it is usually sharp and high.

Another difference in the abdomen can be seen in the later stages, if a woman's stomach sank during her second pregnancy - childbirth will come from day to day.

It was a caesarean, the second pregnancy was also a caesarean?

If you had a caesarean section, the second experience must be planned, and here it is important to observe the optimal timing for conception. The fact is that the operation leaves a scar on the wall of the uterus, which must have time to mature and get stronger. But the scars, having reached a certain tensile strength, atrophy and become thinner over time, that is, there is a weakening of the uterine wall in the scar area.

The ideal time for conception, in which the second pregnancy after caesarean section will proceed under optimal conditions, is two years after the operation.

In many ways, the method of delivery depends on compliance with the deadlines. In Russian maternity hospitals, the rate of operative births currently exceeds 10%, and of course, many women would like to try to give birth on their own, and not go under the knife because of the diagnosis of "uterine scar" ...

If the second precedent after the operation occurred less than a year after the first, or, on the contrary, after many years, doctors are more likely to choose a second operation.

If pregnancy occurs after 2 years, the chances of spontaneous childbirth are high.

Such experiences, almost always ending with surgery, are rarely allowed to give birth on their own.

Second pregnancy and breastfeeding, compatible?

Quite often, a persistent myth about effective contraception by breastfeeding leads to a kinder surprise almost one and a half to three months after childbirth. It is good if conception does not occur at least in the first six months, but often this happens unexpectedly for the mother and very early. In this case, quite often the first child himself refuses to breastfeed. Perhaps the taste of milk is changing, perhaps he feels the reluctance of the mother to feed.

Still, you can continue breastfeeding, it does not pose a threat. It is only necessary that you be provided with really good nutrition and constantly take vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. The risk is quite high in such cases of calcium and iron deficiency, so it is worth taking the provision of vitamins and minerals so seriously.

Second missed pregnancy, pregnancy after frozen

Preparing for a second pregnancy in cases where you have been frozen requires special attention. If the cause is not identified and it turns out that for the first time this did not happen by chance, a second missed pregnancy is quite likely.

Each experience can be repeated for the same reason, for example, due to the presence of an infection, and the more often this happens to you, the more likely it is that the death of the embryo will become habitual, and you will completely lose hope of bearing a child.

The second attempt after a frozen one does not necessarily end in tragedy, but there is a risk.

How to prepare for a second pregnancy to avoid problems?

You must first be examined by a gynecologist for the presence of genital infections, antiphospholipid syndrome, genetic obstacles and other reasons that could be the factors that killed the first embryo.

Rh conflict, second pregnancy with negative Rh

If mom has negative Rh factor, and the father is positive, each subsequent pregnancy increases the level of anti-Rhesus antibodies in the mother's blood and increases the risk for subsequent children. Immunoglobulins must be monitored in order to prevent a Rh conflict, and if it is present, soften its course, then the baby will definitely be born healthy.

Negative Rh is dangerous only for those women who have already given birth to an Rh-positive child or have had abortions. If there was no blood transfusion, no abortions, no miscarriages, if the first child had Rh-negative blood, you and your baby are not in danger of Rh conflict during the second pregnancy.

Second pregnancy and childbirth

Repeated births very different from the first. Even the harbingers of childbirth will be different. Shorter in time and brighter, you will not suffer for a long time from training fights, everything will start very quickly.

Many people think that during the second birth there will be less pain, and in general, it will be easier, but the first period is usually shorter, but much more painful. The cervix during the second pregnancy opens differently than the first time. If during the first birth it opens, as it were, in 2 stages, which makes the process less painful, but somewhat longer, then in the second case, the cervix opens at once, and therefore quickly and painfully.

Let's sum up the results of the second pregnancy:

1. Postpartum by caesarean section should be deferred for two years.
2. Early conception after conventional childbirth is not dangerous, although not desirable, because it will be difficult for you physically and mentally.
3. After an abortion, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, amershey, with Rhesus conflict - requires a particularly careful attitude to planning.
4. Differences between experiences can be striking. A difficult first pregnancy is not a reason to abandon the second.