Crochet comforter is a toy for the little ones. Comforter for newborns: what is it and how to make it yourself Tools and materials for needlework

The very name comforter says that such a toy is very comfortable, soft, warm and cozy! Growing up, many kids like to touch the tip of a blanket or pillow with their hands - and here a comforter is just right! Tied beads are attached to the ends of the base, sorting through which the baby receives the tactile sensations he needs. Such a miracle is knitted from any 100% cotton or cotton with the addition of acrylic (I used JEANS). The work of Marina Stoyakina.

Progress of work: first we knit the base (“grandmother's square” or a polygon, for example). I make the size approximately 40x40cm (Kitty 50cm in diameter). Edge binding - any openwork or just a crustacean step. It depends on the model you choose.

Tip: to get the head of a fairly regular shape, we knit along the trail. principle - how many rows with increments, then the same number of rows WITHOUT increments! Then decrease in reverse order. It turns out the basis from which you can make any muzzle of an animal or a chrysalis!

We sew the decorated head neatly in the center of the mini-plaid, we attach tied wooden beads to the corners and the perfect gift is ready for the baby! :) I wish you all light loops and a good mood!)

P.S. if there are enough responses to this post, then I will try to make a more detailed MK, with step-by-step photographs.

Knitting patterns for toys:

the first two schemes - the base of the toy - a plaid

Next are the schemes for tying a plaid:

Knitting pattern for a toy head:

Knitted animal comforters

Comforters (or as they are also called doo-doo toys) are the very first, simplest and cutest toys in your child's life. Of course, you can buy a store-bought toy, but this is not quite the same as a toy knitted by mother's hands, saturated with the warmth and care of these hands, and filled with mother's love and tenderness. Today we offer the best knitting ideas for comfort toys in the form of animals - choose the one that suits your little one the most, and be sure to tie the first friend and companion to your child!

Sleeping giraffe for a girl:

...and for the boy:

Baby elephant:

The previous toys are connected on the basis of the "grandmother's square" pattern. This is a very simple, but not at all necessary, way of knitting doo-doo, in fact, any regular pattern for knitting a square motif will do:

And it doesn't even have to be square. For example, the canvas-asterisk is no worse.

If we go even further, it turns out that the canvas does not have to be made whole at all, it can also be connected from individual motifs.

Bear cubs:

Duckling. (pay attention to the pattern of the canvas and the strapping with "fans")

Elephants and hippos:

Whiskers and stripes, tiger cubs and zebras:

Another version of the giraffe:

And this is Piglet from the famous animated series about Winnie the Pooh.

As you can see, in order to knit such a toy, you need to knit a canvas of any shape you like (square, polygon), knit “handles” - knit a ring, 6 single crochet, next row 12 single crochet, and then in a circle without increments, but from about "elbow", i.e. the middle of the handle, then with reductions to the desired length, and tie the head (also based on knitting in a circle), and simply attach the handles and the head of the animal to the center of the canvas. You can decorate comforters with wooden beads, rings and other child-safe materials.

good knitting to all, your kids will be happy!

We knit a comforter "Bear" crochet

Oddly enough, there are very few detailed master classes on knitting comforters on the Internet. The toy is not difficult to perform, but still a beginner feels much more confident when he can rely on someone else's example. I will share how I knitted my first comforter.


1. Yarn in two colors, preferably cotton.

2. Hook of the right size.


RLS - single crochet.

VP - air loop.

2sbnv1 - increase.

U is a relief.

Now let's get to work! And we'll start with the most interesting.

Here are my selected materials. I have a thin hook. Feel free to take any convenient for you.

Row 1: 2 VP, in the 1st loop 6 sc.

Row 2: (2sc in 1) x6 (12 sts).

Row 3: (2 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (24 p).

Row 4: (3 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (30 p).

Row 5: (4 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (36 p).

Row 6: (5 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (42 p).

Row 7: (6 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (48 p).

Row 8: (7 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (54 p)

Row 9: (8 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (60 p)

We have such a circle.

Now let's give it volume.

Row 10-17: 60 sc (60 p).

Now let's go in reverse order, decreasing the loops.

Row 18: (8 sc, Y) x6 (54 p).

Row 19: (7 sc, Y) x6 (48 p).

Row 20: (6 sc, Y) x6 (42 p).

Row 21: (5 sc, Y) x6 (36 p).

Row 22: (4 sc, Y) x6 (30 p).

Row 23: (3 sc, Y) x6 (24 p).

Fill the resulting ball with synthetic winterizer. Stuff more tightly so that we get a beautiful shape.

Row 24: (2 sc, Y) x6 (18 p).

Row 25: (1 sc, Y) x6 (12 p).

If necessary, add packing and close the hole with connecting loops.


Row 2: (2sc in 1) x6 (12 sts).

Row 3: (1 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (18 p).

Row 4: (2 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (24 p).

Row 5-6: 24 sc (24 p).

Sew the muzzle to the head, stuff it a little.

Ears. 2 details.

Row 1: Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st st (6 sts).

Row 2: (2sc in 1) x6 (12 sts).

Row 3: (1 sbn, 2bnv1) x6 (18 p).

Row 4-5: 18 sc (18 p).

Embroider eyes, eyebrows, nose, smile.

The inner part of the ear. 2 parts (second color).

Row 1: Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st st (6 sts).

Row 2: (2sc in 1) x6 (12 sts).

Sew details to the ears. The head is ready.

I decided to knit a handkerchief from square motifs. Most craftswomen knit one large square. I decided to sew a few squares. To be honest, it turned out to be quite laborious and time consuming. Perhaps next time I will choose an easier way. My square is bicolor. I knitted in a circle, and at the end of the row I broke the thread so that the pattern would turn out to be double-sided.

This is the square I got.

We knit such 9 pieces and sew them together. I “stitched” with a half-column crochet.

Now we sew the head to the scarf, hide all the extra threads.

Now we will knit the handles.

Pens. 2 details.

Row 1: Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st st (6 sts).

Row 2: (2sc in 1) x6 (12 sts).

Row 3: (1 sbn, 2bnv1) x3, 6 sbn (15 p).

Row 4-5: 15 sc (15 p).

Row 6: (1 sbn, y) x3, 6 sbn (12 p).

Row 7: (1 sc, y) x3, 3 sc (9 p).

Row 8-9: 9 sc (9 p).

I decided not to stuff the handles and just sewed them to the “neck”.

Here we have such an adorable bear!

Ask questions in the comments. Good mood and inspiration!

Comforter for children. Master class.

From time immemorial, caring for newborn babies has been put above all else. And in today's world, little has changed. Now on the windows of shops and on the net you can find all kinds of goods for children, which you can not only purchase, but also make with your own hands. Among other products, many come across an unusual toy with an even more unusual name - a comforter.

What it is and what it was invented for, as well as how you can sew (knit) a comforter for newborns with your own hands, we will tell further.

A comforter toy is a very simple in appearance, but very important thing for a baby, which can accompany him from the moment he is born and until he grows up. And no wonder, because she keeps the smell of the mother, which is very important for every child.

In order for the baby to have sweet dreams, mom just needs to keep a comforter at her breast while feeding. So the toy will be saturated with the “native” smell for the child and will allow him to sleep peacefully.

What do they look like and what are they made from?

All mothers who have decided to buy or make (sew, knit) such crafts for their children with their own hands can assure that children sleep more peacefully with them. And, as you know, restful sleep is the key to health. In addition, they are able to raise children's insistence, because, having been saturated with the unique mother's smell, such companion toys will fill the atmosphere with positive emotions.

Such unusual toys for the youngest children can be found in the windows of company stores specializing in the production of goods for children, called comforter Kuski (meaning "cuski" in English-Welsh - to sleep). But you can also easily make them yourself if you find the necessary patterns and a suitable master class, which has a detailed description of the manufacturing process.

As a rule, homemade comforters are crocheted and sewn. The main rule that should be observed in the manufacture of such crafts is the use of only natural materials. Of course, synthetic fibers are famous for their longer service life, but for newborn babies it will still be better if the toy is natural. Moreover, cotton (linen, chintz, bamboo) quickly absorb the maternal smell and keep it longer.

As for the appearance of such a toy, most often it resembles some kind of animal. It can be a bunny, a teddy bear, a hippo, a cat or a duck. Each mother can make such fun for a child on her own, because the comforter pattern consists of two connected parts:

As for the pattern of a crochet companion toy, it can consist of several parts that are sewn together at the final stage (see the master class below). And about how to make yourself original and very important comforters for newborn babies, we will tell further.

Manufacturing process

Before making a toy with an interesting name comforter, it is important to choose the most detailed master class. We offer a description of the manufacture of a bunny figurine. The process of making such a comforter with your own hands is very simple and at the same time fascinating.

fabric craft

To get a comfortable bunny, you should stock up on all the necessary materials in advance:

  • natural fabric;
  • scissors;
  • synthetic winterizer for filling;
  • needle with thread.

This master class begins with the preparation of the pattern. On a paper sheet, you need to draw half the body and half the ear, the head (in the form of a circle with tuck marks). The halves are drawn so that the details are the same. Having cut out the patterns of the details, they should be attached to the edge of the folded piece of fabric, aligning it with the place of the cut of the paper part, so that one large detail is obtained in the spread. A paper pattern is outlined in pencil. Then you can cut out each part of the future comforter, not forgetting to leave allowances for the seams. You will need 2 parts for the body and 4 parts for the ears, which are sewn on a typewriter or manually, and then turned inside out and ironed.

We also cut out the bunny's head from the fabric (2 parts), sew it in the places of the tucks and connect both parts with seams. Then we stuff the head of the future comforter with synthetic winterizer and sew it to the body, and from above to it - the ears, folding a little of their edges at the base. The master class ends with the last step - embroidery of the face (eyes, nose and mouth). It is worth embroidering these elements only with threads, since a baby can gnaw off or tear off beads and other decorations and accidentally swallow them.

Putting such a toy after the feeding procedure to the baby in the crib, you will notice that he will fall asleep faster and more calmly. And if you make the toy bright and colorful, then such a bunny will be an exciting pastime for your child.

Yarn craft

A knitted companion toy in the form of a bunny is made a little differently than the master class described above, but the result does not change from that - and the home-made comforter turns out to be beautiful and practical.

In order to get a crochet craft, you will need a pattern and a slightly different set of materials. Namely:

  • yarn of 2 colors (any at your discretion);
  • synthetic winterizer for filling;
  • hook;
  • needle and thread.

Such a comfortable bunny is crocheted, starting from the canvas (the main part is the torso). Taking a thread of the same color, you should make 6 loops, connecting after the first and last. Next, it is worth tying 6 more loops and 3 columns with a crochet (С-С-1Н) into a ring. Once again we knit 3 air loops (VP) and into the ring - 3 C-C-1H. The last action is performed three times, after which the series is connected.

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  • interesting selection on the site !!!
  • An introductory article on amigurumi knitting. Basic tricks and simple toys.

The very name comforter says that such a toy is very comfortable, soft, warm and cozy! Growing up, many kids like to touch the tip of a blanket or pillow with their hands - and here a comforter is just right! Tied beads are attached to the ends of the base, sorting through which the baby receives the tactile sensations he needs. Such a miracle is knitted from any 100% cotton or cotton with the addition of acrylic (I used YarnaArt JEANS). The work of Marina Stoyakina.

Progress of work: first we knit the base ("grandmother's square" or a polygon, for example). I make the size approximately 40x40cm (Kitty 50cm in diameter). Edge binding - any openwork or just a crustacean step. It depends on the model you choose.

Tip: to get the head of a fairly regular shape, we knit along the trail. principle - how many rows with increments, then the same number of rows WITHOUT increments! Then decrease in reverse order. It turns out the basis from which you can make any muzzle of an animal or a chrysalis!

We sew the decorated head neatly in the center of the mini-plaid, we attach tied wooden beads to the corners and the perfect gift is ready for the baby! :) I wish you all light loops and a good mood!)

P.S. if there are enough responses to this post, then I will try to make a more detailed MK, with step-by-step photographs.

Knitting patterns for toys:

the first two schemes - the base of the toy - a plaid

Next are the schemes for tying a plaid:

The idea of ​​a comforter first appeared in England. Newborns are well aware of the smell of their mother, and quickly calm down if they smell it. This toy-napkin is placed next to the baby during feeding, and it retains this smell. When the mother is not around, and the toy lies near the newborn, he feels comfortable.

In addition, the comforter can become a favorite toy later, when the baby is older.

Knitting technique


1/2 vop, in the second loop we knit 6 tbsp, we make a connecting loop with the 1st column.

2/ 1vop, and knit 2 st there, to the end of the row we knit 2 st in each loop, connecting at the end.

3/ 1 wp, * 1 st, follow the loop 2 st *, so we go to the end of the row, in total we get 18 st.

4 / 1 ch, 1 st, 1 st, 2 st in one loop, i.e. 2 tbsp do through 2 loops.

5/ 1 wp, knit a row without increments. The result should be 24 tbsp.

6/ 1 vop, we make an increase after 3 columns, in total we get 30 tbsp.

7/ 1 wp, knit in a circle without increments.
8/ 1 wp, we make an increase through 4 columns, a total of 36 tbsp.

9-12 / 1 ch, we go without increments 4 rows.

13/1 ch, 1 st, 1 st, decrease (2 loops knit together). We continue to make decreases every 2 columns.

14/ 1 wp, we make decreases through one column to the end of the row.
15/ 1 wp, we also make decreases through one column to the end of the row. We fill the ball with filler.

16/ Knit 2 stitches together until the hole is closed.

2 vp, in the second loop we make 6 st,
1 wp, in each column we knit 2,
knit 3 rows in a circle. The ear is ready, leave the thread for sewing,
we knit the second ear, and sew both to the head.

4 ch, in the second loop 1 st, in the next 1 st, in the next 3 st,
turn, and knit on the other side 1 st, in the second loop 2 st, make a connecting one with the first column.

in the next row 1 vop, here 2 st, in the next loop 1 st, repeat with rapport * 2 st, 1 st * in a circle to the end of the row. We knit one in the last column, and connect the row with the first table.

1 wp, knit in a circle without additions.

in the center we release a pink thread to form a muzzle, we make stuffing,
sew the muzzle to the head.


We embroider the forehead and eyebrows in black. Sew on the eyes with beads.


Sew a nose with a pink thread.

1/4 vop, in the second column we knit 1 st, in the next one too, then 3 columns in one loop, we make a connecting one. We pass to the other side, we knit 1 st, then 2 st in one, connecting.
2/ 1 vop, then rapport * 2 st in one loop, then 1 st *. So we alternate to the end of the row.
3/ 1 ch, 2 rows without increases, total 12 loops in a row.
4/ 1 ch, work 10 sts, knit the last 2 stitches together.
5/ 1 wp, 2 sts together, knit 9 sts to the end.
6 - 8 / We knit without increments of 10 tbsp.
9/ 1 wp, two columns together, then 8 tbsp.
10/ 1 ch, 4 rows unchanged. We do padding.
11 / Close the hole by knitting 2 stitches together.
We knit the second leg.
1/6 wp, we connect the chain into a ring,
2/3 ch, in the ring 2 sc, 2 ch and 3 ch, then 2 ch, and make a group: 3 ch, 2 ch, 3 ch. There will be 4 groups in total, and 2 vops between them. At the end of 2 wp, connecting.

3 / With connecting loops we pass into the first arch, 3 ch, into the same arch 2 sts, 2 ch, here 3 sts, then 1 ch. We knit a group in the next arch: 3 sts, 2 vops, 3 sts, make 1 vop, and move on to the next arch. At the end of 1 wp and connecting.

4 / With connecting loops, we go to the corner arch of 2 ch, change the color, knit a group into it: 2 sts, 2 ch, 3 ch, then 1 ch, and knit 3 ch into the middle arch from one air loop. We continue to knit in this way until the end of the row with rapport * 1 wp, in the corner of the group, 1 wp 3 stn *. At the end of 1vop and connecting.
We knit 2 rows in white, then 2 rows in orange.

Round paws at the corners.
We knit according to the description of ordinary balls.
1/2 vop, in the second 6 st, connecting.
2/ 1 ch, * 1 st, 2 st in one loop *, connecting.
3/ 1 wp, a row without increments.
4/ 1 wp, a row without increments.
5/ 1 vop, in the same loop 1 st, then with rapport * 2 together, 1 st *, we make the stuffing of the ball.
6/ 1 ch, close 2 loops together.


In the center of the square we sew the head, front paws. Sew white on the corners.

Designations: st - single crochet, st - double crochet, vop - air loop.

It is these unpretentious gizmos that contribute to the development of vision, motor skills, and sensory skills of the child. One of the best toys for toddlers experts call comforter. This thing has long won the love of European parents. In Russia, she became known only a couple of years. Comforter for newborns can be sewn or knitted with your own hands, with a minimum of effort.

What is a comforter and why is it needed?

This toy was invented by a young mother from the UK. When she noticed that the child was constantly pulling a blanket, blanket or sheet into her mouth, she decided to sew a special toy so that the baby could suck it, and not the bedding. The idea turned out to be so successful that this little thing quickly won many fans around the world.

The comforter's head is made in the form of various animals or pupae, and the body resembles a pillowcase without a pillow inside. First, the toy must be kept next to the mother, be sure to take it with you during feeding. So, the little thing will be saturated with the smell of a woman, and then it will remind the baby of her, creating psychological comfort.

Experts recommend the comforter for newborns as the safest and most useful toy. Bright colors and patterns will help develop eyesight, mother's smell will give a feeling of peace and help you fall asleep faster, and natural materials will not harm the child, even if he constantly puts comfort in his mouth.

A comforter is very useful for those families where the joint sleep of mother and baby was practiced. Everyone knows that in this case, teaching a child to sleep separately is a big problem. Comforter helps a lot at first, as mother's smell creates a feeling of closeness in the crumbs and his sleep in his crib becomes stronger and deeper. Western practice shows that such a toy immediately becomes a favorite and accompanies a child up to the age of 5-7 years.

How to sew a comforter for a newborn with your own hands

Today, comforters can be purchased at baby stores, but they are quite expensive (at least $ 30-50). If this price is high for a family, then you can sew your comforter yourself. It does not require much time and special skills in sewing.

Material selection

The toy is made only from natural or hypoallergenic synthetic materials - cotton, synthetic winterizer, fleece, bamboo fiber, etc. This is necessary so that the baby does not get poisoned when sucking and scratching the gums during teething.

For sewing, you can use chintz or calico. There is no need to buy new fabric. Perhaps there are some patches from old handicrafts.

Flannel, fleece or cotton terry material are also suitable for comfort - this will make the toy softer and more comfortable.

For stuffing your head, it is best to take a synthetic winterizer - it is light, soft, hypoallergenic and dries quickly (most likely, the toy will often have to be washed).

It is not recommended to use cotton wool or small patches for stuffing, as such materials are not practical, require a long drying time when soaked and will make the thing heavy.

It is better not to use small accessories to decorate the comforter. A child can easily tear off beads or buttons and put them in their mouth. It is better to limit yourself to smooth embroidery and the selection of bright fabrics.

Master class on sewing a comfort toy "Hare"

Such a toy can be sewn to your child or presented to family and friends for the birth of a baby. For sewing you will need:

  • Two flaps of fabrics (coarse calico with flowers and white flannel were used).
  • Sintepon or holofiber for filling.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins.
  • Threads of the right color.
  • Needle and hands (it is more convenient to use a sewing machine, but not everyone has one).


The body of the future toy

Bunny head and ears

Work process:
1. We transfer the pattern to the fabric. You can choose any size, but you should not make the comforter too small. The approximate size of the toy is A4 format.

For convenience, it is good to pin the pattern with pins and outline the outline with a pencil or chalk, not forgetting to make seam allowances everywhere

2. You should get two body patterns from different fabrics, two pairs of ears and a head. The wedge for the head is cut out in one copy.

3. We sew the body, folding the parts with the front sides inward. We leave 3-4 cm in the upper part of the workpiece, where the head will be located. And also this hole will be needed to turn the body inside out.

This work is best done on a typewriter, but a hand seam is also suitable.

4. The finished body must be turned right side out.

To straighten the corners of the arms and legs well, you can use a crochet hook or knitting needle.

5. Now you need to fill the paws with filler. To do this, you need to lay a horizontal seam with a needle, slightly stepping back from the edge of the foot and slightly tighten. In the resulting "bag" put a lump of padding polyester. Fasten the thread and hide inside the body of the toy.

Do this operation with all four limbs

This is what the finished paw looks like. You need to make sure that they are the same in size and filling.

6. Now you can proceed to the head. First you need to sew the tucks on the blank of the wedge of the bunny head

Wedge with sewn-in darts

7. Now you need to pin the two blanks of the head with the wedge.

Get this design

8. Now you need to sew the head at the seams, leaving a hole for stuffing and eversion. Turn the finished workpiece out and fill it with padding polyester.

You get a round head like this. The hole must be sewn up with a blind seam

9. Separately, it is necessary to sew the ears from two halves. You can decorate them with embroidery with the name of the baby.

Ready ears. If you want to embroider a name, then you need to do it before the eyelet is sewn. So it will turn out neater and the underside of the embroidery will not be visible.

10. Now you can sew the ears to the bunny's head. The seam is used hidden.

The ears are sewn on with a pattern inside. It's best to pin them with pins first to secure and make sure they're evenly spaced.

11. The hare's head needs to be decorated with muzzle embroidery.

Embroidery can be outlined in advance, and the ends of the threads can be pulled inward so that they come out of the head from below. This will make them easy to hide.

12. The ends of the threads with embroidery should be pulled a little to give the muzzle a slight relief. When the work is done, the threads are tied into a knot.

It is necessary to ensure that the relief on the muzzle is symmetrical

Finished bunny head

13. Then, the head must be carefully sewn to the body in a circle using a blind seam. Pattern for comforter "Bear cub"

The finished toy for this pattern will look like this

If mommy is more friendly with knitting needles and crochet than with a needle, then here are a few ideas for knitting comforters:

Comfort toy "Deer"

Baby comfort doll

Knitted comforter "Bear"

You can knit comforters with knitting needles and crochet, choosing any convenient knitting methods and patterns. The main thing is to choose the right soft hypoallergenic threads. It is best to use special children's cotton yarn.

The comfort toy will become a favorite with the crumbs. A do-it-yourself thing will be not only useful, but also a truly exclusive and expensive gift.