How very unusual to wish a happy birthday. How to congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original way. A small scene from the "new Russian"

Cool scenarios and sketches for the anniversary and birthday of men and women, which will always come in handy for a cheerful congratulations at the table.

Most often, skits are needed for performances and the simultaneous presentation of gifts. We have more than 100 kinds of various congratulatory performances for different ages: from 18 to 80 years old! But the most popular of course for the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th anniversary. There are also mini-scenes for children's day birth from 1 year to adulthood.

We also offer complete scenarios for anniversaries with musical accompaniment, contests, games, altered songs, ditties and congratulations from guests.

We offer to buy sketches at a price of 49 rubles for a cheerful congratulations:

– colleague (woman or man);
- girlfriend, friend, colleague;
– close relatives: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc.;
- other relatives: aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, niece, goddaughter;
- Retirement, or going to another job.

There are no such comic and original miniatures on the Internet, the likelihood that someone will congratulate the hero of the day with the same scene as yours is minimal!

If the examples of scenarios do not suit you, then we will be happy to compose a new original scenario for you to order! To do this, write to us by mail: ORDER@website

When gathering for an anniversary, each of us thinks about the question: what to give, how to congratulate in such a way as to please the hero of the day? And, all the more carefully it is worth thinking about this if a woman's anniversary is coming. It must be remembered that congratulations and gifts to ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and tastes of the hero of the day. After all, most often (contrary to the general opinion) ladies appreciate not so much expensive gifts how many are those who convince them of an attentive and sincere attitude towards them.

When choosing original entertainment, surprises and congratulations for the hero of the day, you need to focus on individual characteristics each: for one - touching and sincere ones are more suitable, for the other - cheerful and perky, for the third - solemn and significant. In anniversary congratulatory numbers, close people can afford sentimental confessions or, conversely, spicy jokes that ordinary life rarely allow themselves, who serve, most often, in musical form or on behalf of some.

We offer 11 of our own and other people's ideas, how original and beautiful to congratulate a woman on her anniversary, choose those that will please your birthday girl.

1. Original congratulations "Starfall wishes"

(you need paper-cut stars for all guests and pens or felt-tip pens, or cut it out on the spot then colored paper and scissors)

Presenter: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina (or other name) your star with your wish (each person receives a paper star cut out in advance and a felt-tip pen and writes his wish on it).

Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited to the hall: the birthday girl in the center - everyone around her.

This is your starfall of wishes,

About love and friendship confessions,

Which of these stars will you catch?

Perhaps you will know your fate!

(To the music, for example, "Starland" "Happy birthday" or "We wish you happiness" - everyone takes turns throwing up their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The stars caught with wishes are read aloud to the hero of the day. collects guests and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace").

Game moment "Star necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, a star is handed out to each and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and hand over their star necklace to the hero of the day.

2. Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of a birthday girl."

(For this original congratulations which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens)

presenter: I propose not just to say congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart.

(The frame with a place for the future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest. It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively manage the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number)

Presenter: I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of a neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Started!

(under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs)

1. Draw beautiful eyes for Irina:

Brown, sly and funny (given to neighbor)

2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,

The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (given to neighbor)

3. We draw a spout with a curved comma ....
Funny, like a funny question (given to neighbor)

4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
The sweetest smile in the world (given to neighbor)

5. Let's paint the ruddy cheeks a little (given to neighbor)

6. Ears with a diamond, of course, decorate (given to neighbor)

7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
So that Irina becomes like a queen ... (given to neighbor)

8. Then draw beautiful body (given to neighbor)

9. And skillful hands for every business (given to neighbor)

10. Draw legs for Irina soon,

Yes, not some, but better (given to neighbor)

11. In fashionable shoes, the legs will be shod (given to neighbor)

12. Kind heart we will draw her (given to neighbor)

13. Still, let's draw a riddle inside her

Feminine zest - the sweetest! (given to neighbor)

Besides musical - we want it that way (given to neighbor)

15. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,

Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (given to neighbor)

16. Still in the hands of a crocodile bag (given to neighbor)

17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (given to neighbor)

18. Another card with a bank account,

In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (given to neighbor)

19. Draw a cool car next to Ira (given to neighbor)

20. And a cottage by the sea, well, very large (given to neighbor)

21. Another convenient garage next to the house (given to neighbor)

22. And ready-made luggage for travel! (given to neighbor)

23. At the top we will write: “Happy birthday!” (given to neighbor)

24. And good wishes - we will not regret it! (given to neighbor)

25. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (given to neighbor)

26. We will hand over the portrait and Irina with a kiss!

(They give a portrait as a gift, they offer to take a picture with a portrait)

3. Beautiful video congratulations from photos with music

Music videos as original greetings have been used for quite a long time. Previously, in order to make a clip from a photo with music, it was required to have the skills of working in a video editor. As well as the time to search, install and study special programs. Now everything has become much easier. Now anyone can create a beautiful greeting in the form of a slide show from photos. And it's done online, free of charge, and only takes a few minutes. It will not be just a set of photographs accompanied by music. It will be a stylish clip created using professional computer graphics.

4. Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap opera".

(Author Gerasimova M.A.)

7. Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from guests - men

(For congratulations to two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who is behind whom and to each give a souvenir heart to the birthday girl, which they will hand over to the culprit at the end)

1. Amazing thing

How the hostess managed everything:

I assembled a beautiful table,

Made beauty!

2. Hairstyle, as in a parade.

And mystery in the eyes!

And take a look at the outfit:

This outfit just do waste!

3. She is beautiful to everyone

And it becomes clear to us

We all have problems!

Digressing from the topic

I'll tell you a secret:

We fell in love, no doubt!

4. But reciprocity is impossible,

Our fate is hopeless!

5. So we just congratulate

And almost without toast:

Happy birthday dear

You are always like family to us!

Sun: We give you our hearts

We give, sadness, shaking off the face!

(each of the participants in the scene gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenirs)


8. Merry congratulations Happy Anniversary "Healthy Song for the Birthday Girl".

Before performing a healthy song, think about what musical composition will suit you best. We can offer the following options: “We wish you happiness”, “Everything that I have in life”, I. Allegrova’s song “Happy Birthday!”, As well as works that mention personal female names, for example, “Anastasia” Yu. Antonova, "Julia" of the group "A-Studio" and so on. Great option songs of the White Day group - "Galina" or "Birthday Girl", which are easy to beat in Russian folk style.

Volunteer artists from among the guests will be needed to perform the selected composition. They, of course, will perform the song to the soundtrack. The main thing is to properly dress the volunteers, because everyone has heard the song intended for congratulations more than once, but you don’t often see colleagues, for example, accountants, dressed up in the style of singers of the 70s. Therefore, prepare in advance wigs, various ties of the most unimaginable colors, skirts, shirts and - be sure! - various noisy and blowing musical instruments (similar sets are sold in children's toy stores). So let the guests crackle and play for the glory and fun of the birthday girl.

9. Cheerful congratulations to the hero of the day from her friends.

(Performed to the tune of ditties, in chorus or in turn in costumes or shawls on the shoulders)

Finally got together

We are on Lizin's anniversary

Give us a salad

Don't feel sorry for the body!

Happy Anniversary

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts

So that there is always health

And there were pennies!

Anniversary is a wonderful holiday

You can sing, make noise, dance,

And also a ringing ditty

Congratulations to the jubilee!

At work Lisa in the first

And men like:

Busy, energetic

And, besides, a beauty!

We also wish Lisa

That's how kind to be.

Fashionable, generous and cheerful,

To turn us all on!

And now the last tip

Liza beauty:

You love yourself more

To please men!

Lisa, dear friend,

And beautiful and slim

Laughing, funny

And the kindest soul!

We wish the birthday girl -

Be healthy all year round

And love your husband more!

Oh! This gives strength!

The bear stepped on the ear -

We are still going to eat.

If the throat is not wet -

We'll cry and leave 2 times

10. Touching and beautiful congratulatory moment "Garden of Love".

To organize such a congratulation, you need to prepare one large flower from thick paper and many small ones - according to the number of guests. Wishes and congratulations are attached to each flower as a stamen. It is better to make ready-made "stamens" with a variety of wishes, and each guest chooses a wish that he would like to say to the birthday girl - this will look more stylish. But you can leave it to the discretion of the guests, then you need to prepare a few pens and felt-tip pens. At the base of each flower is attached a piece of double-sided tape - with it you can stick your flower to a large flower.

During one of the breaks, you can invite guests to arrange a “Garden of Love” for the hero of the day (after explaining what needs to be done) Turn on beautiful instrumental music and let the guests slowly make their choice and contribute to decorating the “Garden” for the birthday girl. Then, when all flower composition will be collected, hand it over to the hero of the occasion with wishes to pick a flower and read it in moments of sadness. An additional surprise can be made that the large flower will have the inscription: “We love you!”, Which will open only when all the flowers are plucked by the birthday girl.

(about comic congratulations with gifts for the hero of the day look)

11. Cheerful congratulations of the birthday girl "The stars" are "resting!"

In order to make this entertainment for the hero of the day more spectacular and comical, you can prepare plates with the names (or photographs) of the stars referred to in the congratulation and a plate with the inscription: "RESTING." Call 12 guests - each hand out an appropriate poster with a photo or surname, on the back of which is the text of congratulations. And every time, as soon as the guest pronounces the name of "his" star, the presenter, standing next to him, raises a sign with the inscription: "resting." Depending on the talents and data of a particular birthday girl, you can remove some or add your own composition in the same style.

1. Charm, beauty
Worth admiring.
And model Naomi Campbell
Not good for marks.

2. Before your image
I'll get on my knees.
And from envy tears a scythe
Yulia Timoshenko.

3. Bust you so strong
Until then, I like it.
Anna Semenovich herself
Your size will covet. (Option: Very admired)

4. You dance just class.
You are ready to dance.
Wants to take you
Nastya Volochkova.

5. You just do it with your hands
Break up the clouds.
Requests a personal meeting
Monica Belucci.

6. You have such charms
Everyone notices.
Even Jennifer
That Lopez salivates.

8. You are always dressed with chic.
I want to admire.
And Serezha Zverev to you
Asks for an apprentice.

9. If the hero of the day sings,
Grab your guitar now.
Let him sing along
Piekha and Rotaru.

10. You are such a lady,
Everyone notices.
Queen Elizabeth
Just resting.

11. You are the peaks of charm,
They took it with ease.
You are Natasha Rostova
They would have easily.

12. We would like awards for you
Important people have been asked.
To Putin and Medvedev
They wore it on their hands.

12. Congratulations on the photo shoot "Minute of Glory"

All words belong to the Leader.

What if we take and imagine:
We found ourselves instantly in a fairy tale?
And we will bring pleasure to the guests,
Trying on… (name of the hero of the day) different masks.
What if our... (name of the hero of the day) was
A dexterous rider? Here she is!

A horsewoman hat is put on. Music sounds, the hero of the day makes a small circle around the hall.

And what if you take and imagine timidly,
That our hero of the day is the queen?

The crown is put on. Defile to the appropriate music. Further similarly.

And if you had to live in Hawaii,
That would be the use of all talents

The hero of the day is trying on a Hawaiian wreath.

And if in a Russian village it happened
be born?
Soul… (name of the hero of the day) sing, rejoice, have fun!

They put on a kichka - a Russian headdress.

The 21st century has long been on the street, friends!
And our heroine is modern and fashionable.

Wear a baseball cap or bandana.

All dresses, hats are good!
Everything is to the face, everything is a holiday for the soul!
But I so wanted to offer a dressing
For the birthday girl, he is the most expensive!

Guests are given fresh flowers with a flexible stem, and they take turns weaving their flower into the wreath, saying warm wishes. When all the guests congratulate, the wreath is put on the hero of the day.

We are all amazed by this beauty!
How does a woman wear an outfit that
woven from love!
Only she is truly beautiful and sweet,
Who is dressed in happiness, who has
eyes glow!
Here is a woman in front of us -
Beloved, blooming and dear to the heart.

The guests applaud.

13. Gift - wish "Life is a full cup!"

“The abundant life is called the full cup
And in this phrase is the wisdom of our ancestors.
Filling the cup with gifts for you,
We strengthen your destiny in its good way!

The birthday girl is given a bowl (vase, fruit bowl, salad bowl, etc.) and is filled with various fruits with words of wishes. The same person can speak and fill the cup on his own behalf, for example, congratulating. Or all the words belong to the host, and the guests fill the bowl with gifts. Fruits, sweets and fruits - the gifts of nature and civilization lie on a beautiful tray, guests come up, choose what they like, and place them in a donated bowl. The host voices what the guest wants - what fills the cup of life given. Of course, guests can creatively approach congratulations and come up with their own associations, and then the words belong to them, and the host can complement, or leave without additions, the wishes of the guests.


"We want your life to be abundant (and puts a pineapple in the bowl) PINEAPPLE is a symbol of abundance.

We wish you peace. PEAR - a symbol of peacemaking.

We wish you to always remain so young on your any anniversary at any tenth. And rejuvenating APPLES will help you to keep your youth . (Also, apples in Rus' were a symbol of a good marriage - prudence, desirability for the groom, a symbol of life potential - they were given to children)

We wish you grace in everything, a blessed life path, so that grace will always be with you. GRAPE - a symbol of grace.

We wish you love and enjoy its fruits, and therefore we give you TOMATOES, which in Italian “pome de amor” (pome de amor) means the fruit of love.

We wish you pleasure and give STRAWBERRY - a symbol of pleasure (voluptuousness).

We wish you to have vitality, and therefore we give GARNET - a symbol of vitality

We wish you the sweetness of life and the brightness of life events, and therefore we give you today these sweet delicious CANDIES in a bright package.

We wish you wisdom and therefore we give you NUTS - a symbol of wisdom. And also the desire to get to the bottom of everything.

Almonds in France are a symbol of a happy marriage.

The olive is a symbol of peace, prosperity, fertility, and victory. A wreath of olive branches was the highest award. We sincerely wish you to achieve this, and we give OLIVES.

We wish you health and therefore we give: LEMON - it brings health; or ORANGE - like a small sun brings health; or PEACH - in the East it is considered a symbol of health.

We wish your thoughts to be pure, like spring water, and therefore we give you SPRING WATER (a container with spring water is given - a jug, a bottle, a souvenir bucket).

We wish your life to be fruitful and fruitful, that there be many and different, and that all of them be good. Symbol of fertility - grains of WHEAT, OATS, RYE, RICE, etc.

We wish your head to be intoxicated with happiness, fun and joy, and therefore we give you HOP.

We wish you rich life: we give chocolate or real COINS. You can add to them the words: “We give you silver so that there is good in your house; we give copper so that there is always food in your house.

We give you the fruit of a beautiful evergreen tree - ORANGE. This tree can bloom and bear fruit at the same time. We wish you to always remain a lovely flower, at the same time, possessing the two virtues of an orange tree, that is, to become a wonderful loving mother, a caring grandmother, a wise great-grandmother, and so on along the life path. (Orange tree flowers are a symbol of purity and innocence. They are also the flowers of a tree that gives a great harvest - therefore, they serve as a guarantee of a large offspring for a woman. Brides decorated their heads with a wreath of orange tree flowers - fleur d orange, sincerely hoping that, becoming a mother , they will remain a beautiful flower)

Of course, we give FLOWERS - a symbol of prosperity, beauty, fragrance.

We wish you joy and therefore we give BANANAS. Science has proven that they contribute to the production of hormones of joy in the human body. And also a banana looks like a smile and we wish you to smile more often! (And we want to enjoy your smile more often!)"

You can also add sweets with symbolic names: “Inspiration”, “Dream”, etc. And, accordingly, wish inspiration, sale or dream come true.

You can also come up with the symbolic meaning of certain fruits and vegetables yourself, for example, KIWI can be the joy of a full life, PEACH - charm, tenderness, BERRIES - a symbol of femininity, MANDARIN - a symbol friendly family, banana is like a smile. (You can use the encyclopedia of symbols). A variant is possible when they find out directly from the birthday girl what she associates with: love, tenderness, wealth, wisdom, abundance, youth, femininity, beauty, etc. Associations can be with fruits, vegetables, sweets, gifts of nature, etc. And then the named gifts-associations are given, strengthening one or another side of life. How pleasant it is to taste these gifts - nourishing not only the body, but also the soul.

Another variant. A box of sweets, a bottle of good wine, a vase of fruit, what is at hand - we pass all this from hand to hand, saturating with our wishes for everyone standing in a circle or sitting at the table, and then we help ourselves. And all wishes materialize!

Everyone likes to receive gifts, but unfortunately not every gift and not every birthday remains in memory over time. This situation must be corrected, and it is not difficult to do so.

For this, even the simplest inexpensive gift, you need to turn into a big, original Surprise that would be remembered for many years. To do this, the gift must be:

  • Nicely packaged.
  • Presentation of a gift should be accompanied by a beautiful legend.

Here are some examples of how you can make a birthday surprise. So you can give a gift to almost any and beloved husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend.

Ideas and Options for Birthday Surprises.

1. Video congratulations.

  • Give the task to friends and relatives of the birthday person to shoot a short video with congratulations, you can hold a sign with a wish in your hands. Then collect congratulations from all the videos and make a small movie. Putting all the videos together will help the Windows Movie Maker program, which everyone has on their computer. Only the preparation of the film must begin in advance.
  • Another option, a video, is to ask strangers on the street to congratulate the birthday man.
  • Slowly shoot the hero of the occasion on video in various situations, the main thing is that he does not guess why you are doing this. Then mount, adding interesting inscriptions and congratulations.

how to donate?

On the birthday of the birthday boy in the morning, send the resulting touching video congratulation to the mail or social network. The surprise will be great.

2. Ocean of emotions.

The idea of ​​​​the surprise is this, every hour the birthday boy receives congratulations from you with the most different ways that only you can think of. For example,

  • telephone congratulations,
  • SMS with a beautiful rhyme,
  • Audio congratulations on the phone
  • Flowers with wishes, the courier can bring.
  • email message,
  • Video congratulations,
  • e-card,
  • Congratulations on the pavement, which can be seen through the window.
  • Poster or wall newspaper.
  • Originally send a telegram by mail.
  • Beautiful postcard on the windshield of the car.
  • etc

The last congratulations and a gift, personally hand over to the dear Birthday. Such a congratulation will never be forgotten.

3. SMS boom.

Ask all your friends, the more the better, to send different SMS congratulations, but they should all be signed with your name. Imagine the reaction of the person, definitely an unexpected surprise.

4. Exciting quest (game).

Come up with a scenario for how the gift will be presented.

  • If you give a gift at home, you can organize a festive dinner, and decorate the room balloons filled with helium. Hide the gift and play the game "Hot - Cold" or prepare special tasks in an envelope.
  • Invite the birthday boy to the street by throwing a letter under the door or just send an SMS. On the street, for example, grandiose fireworks or a musical orchestra performing a song and, of course, the gift itself, which must be presented with touching words, for example, "Beloved (s) ...... for the main role in my life", " best friend(to a friend)."
  • Restaurant invitation. Warn the birthday person in advance that a festive exit is expected, but do not say where. At the appointed time, a stranger knocks on the door and gives the letter "Waiting outside." On the street, you can draw arrows towards the car, and maybe towards the carriage. Further along the way, you can come up with a few more tasks and the final chord is the arrival at the restaurant, where a noisy funny company friends.

Here, for example, is a video, though a guy makes an offer to his beloved in this way. We look.

5. Box of congratulations

Ask all acquaintances, friends and relatives to buy and write sincere congratulations, touching stories and just good words from myself on postcards, then collect them and put them in a beautiful box.

This is a mega-sophisticated and most natural tea. bouquet in sachets
The latest and only declassified only in 2011, in which Nina was directly involved, collecting herbs.

The bouquet smelled delicious and, as it turned out, it turned out to be a very fragrant, pleasantly relaxing tea.
There was a candy in a small box, and the main gift in the package.
I REALLY LIKE))) Nina, once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

photo 7darov

And once again check it out - as soon as I have a DSLR, I will be able to please myself and everyone around with such amazingly harmonious photos!

photo 7darov

Immediately in the context of this tea gift, I will remind you of the idea, instead of a postcard, to write congratulations-wishes on impromptu labels for tea bags.
Read more about this gift idea

Photo for collage

Gift idea congratulations number 2. And here is a gift given to one good man with whom it is always a pleasure to go hiking.
We wanted to buy him a new karemat (tourist rug) to replace the lost one. And by chance it so happened that the idea of ​​a carpet intertwined with a man's old dream of an airplane carpet.
Anyone who still does not believe in the existence of this phenomenon, please carefully look at this photo. And it's a real flying carpet! Without Photoshop!

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 3. Go ahead. The photo shows a gift to Olya, who gave me a starry sky (that's how it was)

It’s a pity that I was in a hurry and the gift was not covered by photography in the process, but I’ll tell you everything now.
Inside, the gift is wrapped in several layers of paper (something reminds the Diamond Hand of how the main character was made plaster with jewels), on each of them there are postcards with wishes.
Pictures are selected on the Internet, this time all from your favorite blog
About how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes, I
You can also use your own photos, which is much more interesting, because they can make something so beautiful .... a mega gift)) About this in detail

And back to the gift for Olya)) The key idea of ​​congratulations was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

photo 7darov

You have probably seen these: you beat her or shake her hard and she starts to glow.
And the wish is: “Whatever happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and perceived internally easily! Let everything go in growth, benefit and increase the light of your smile and your soul! means something else more interesting will turn up, and so on "

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 4. And this is how we wished a happy birthday to a wonderful person and friend this time Maxx-a, with one of the gifts to which one very interesting story is connected

Maxx knew what he wanted this time, so t.s. the main theme of the gift was determined - these are two bars of RAM. Boring. In the sense that you can’t scare with a pear and you can’t give some big and useless nonsense (just kidding!)

What did we come up with? At the suggestion of Olya, a colleague, whom I just told you about, we came up with this. I will tell the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun that way.

As a gift, the birthday boy received a torn incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, tearing a box from under high-quality shoes turned out to be a more difficult task than we expected)

photo 7darov

I opened it, and there is a bunch of papers, from which all sorts of rubbish is fished out in turn, strange things, boards, halves of the keyboard (we also "crumbled" the keys in the box)

On each subject, wishes and jokes - I love to write little notes here what can you do - if rushing creativity stops hard

photo 7darov

photo 7darov

Item after item and... hooray! power supply (while we are technically silent, of course)
But Maxx himself guessed: "I hope that the gift is not in the power supply"

photo 7darov

Hopes, however, did not materialize.

photo 7darov

The power supply was dismantled and there was a long-awaited gift in it! Ta-da-am! CONGRATULATIONS!

photo 7darov

Gift idea congratulations number 5. And this is one of the "ingredients" of a gift that was given to me by the girls with whom we practice wushu. Meet Chocolate Angel.

And although angels are unusual beings in their own right, this one is a special kind. This is a guardian angel. It needs to be eaten and it will protect, as it were, from the inside, in general, more reliably))

photo 7darov

Congratulations gift idea number 6. By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to post a congratulations from capital letters. And it came true.)

This is how the gift for Marina looked like: congratulations and a small candy

photo 7darov

In the photo, the happy owner and eater of candy))

photo 7darov

In our era of non-standard thinking and new technologies, we want birthday greetings to be also non-banal. How can you congratulate a person so that he will remember your congratulations for the rest of his life and make him smile when he remembers him even years later? Easily! We have made for you a small selection of original ways of congratulations.

How to implement:
1) - Now there are a huge number of services on the Internet that offer an extensive selection of creative congratulations. Similar comic congratulations will give a positive charge to the hero of the occasion for the whole day.
By the way, a pleasant analogue of such a service are calls with congratulations from real people, who can not only read the desired text, but also improvise if the situation requires it. You can entrust it to us.

2) - Many people love to spend their time watching funny videos on the Internet. Technologies in our time allow us to process video, turning any person into the main character. Here, of course, certain skills will be required, but this will make an unforgettable impression. If you can't do it yourself, contact us, we will help!

3) - An excellent addition to any gift will be a unique postcard from a converted photograph of the birthday boy. Better yet, a big poster with congratulations and a photo collage!

4) - It is safe to say that there is no more delightful gift than this one. Be sure that your loved one will be delighted with such a surprise! If you do not have good friends in the most beautiful corners of the planet who can make this miracle and record it on video, then we can come to your aid.

5) - This type of congratulations, of course, can hardly be called new, although it is still very popular. And this is not surprising, because this thing will always remind a person of you.

What are the costs:

  • it all depends on what type of congratulations you choose
  • - from 100 rubles