What can I feed a baby at 4 months on artificial feeding. Nutrition for a four-month-old baby on artificial feeding. Artificial feeding

Do not rush to replace vegetables with fruits, continue to introduce vegetables (fruits are a sweet product, and a child who has tasted sweets may refuse unleavened vegetables)

Approximate scheme for the introduction of complementary foods:
Vegetables first (this is lunch):
1 week - cauliflower
1 day - 1 tsp cauliflower
Day 2 - 2 tsp cauliflower
For a week, adding a spoon every day, bring the cauliflower to 50 grams (or 8 teaspoons)

2 weeks - zucchini
1 day - 1 tsp zucchini + 7 tsp cauliflower
Day 2 - 2 tsp zucchini + 6 tsp cauliflower, etc. until we completely replace one vegetable with another in a week

3 weeks - broccoli
4 weeks - pumpkin
5 weeks - carrots
Then we introduce potatoes, young green peas, green beans, tomato, spinach. After a year - beets, white cabbage, eggplant, sweet peppers
When at least 3 vegetables are introduced, multi-component purees can already be introduced.

3 weeks after the introduction of vegetables, we begin to introduce cereals - this will be breakfast (it is better to give cereals in the morning, as these are carbohydrates and this is “fuel” for the child for the day).
We start with gluten-free, dairy-free cereals without salt and sugar.
1 week - buckwheat porridge
1 day - 1-2 tsp
Day 2 - 3-4 tsp (provided that the child does not have a reaction to complementary foods)
Day 3 - 5-6 tsp
Day 4 - 7-8 tsp
5-6-7 day - we bring a portion of porridge to 80-100 gr.

2 weeks - rice porridge
1 day - 1-2 tsp rice porridge + the rest buckwheat porridge
2nd day, etc. - bring rice porridge to the norm 80-100 gr. If desired, you can introduce rice porridge for a week without interfering with buckwheat porridge

3 weeks - corn porridge
Thus, we get porridge for breakfast and vegetables for lunch.

After another 3 weeks, we introduce fruits: first an apple, then a pear, a plum - this will be an afternoon snack
Fruits are introduced in the same way as vegetables

7 months
We introduce cottage cheese, and we introduce it gradually, bringing the portion to 30 grams

Also at this age, we introduce yolk into the child's diet (chicken or quail yolk - to choose from). We start introducing with 1/8 chicken yolk or 1/4 quail yolk. We give the yolk with vegetables - 2-3 times a week.

After 8 months, you can introduce kefir into the child's diet. Also at this age, you can enter bread - the norm per day is 5 gr. The most useful is gray bread with bran from wholemeal flour. You should not give fresh white bread, as it contains a lot of gluten - this is a load on the pancreas. And you should refrain from black bread, because. it contains oligosaccharides, which are difficult for children to digest

9 months - introduce meat
We introduce meat at lunch as an addition to vegetables or vegetable soup.
The following types of meat are suitable as the first meat - rabbit meat, turkey, beef.
1 week - introduce turkey meat
1 day - 1-2 tsp turkeys and vegetables
Day 2 - 2-3 tsp turkeys + vegetables
Day 3 - 3-4 tsp turkeys + vegetables
Day 4 - 4-5 tsp turkeys + vegetables
5,6,7 day - we give only vegetables without meat

Week 2 - we introduce rabbit meat
3 weeks - introduce beef

10 months - introduce fish
From sea fish, cod, hake, haddock, flounder, halibut, tuna are suitable.
Fish is introduced in the same way as meat.

A grown-up baby at the age of 4 months still needs a properly selected diet, it would be advisable to continue feeding the baby with an adapted infant formula. This is the best, balanced and high-quality replacement breast milk, developed according to all the rules, where all the slightest nuances are taken into account, and the composition is as similar as possible to mother's milk.


For 4-month-old children receiving food in the form of artificial feeding, it is imperative to strictly observe the regimen, since the adapted infant formula is much more slowly absorbed by the baby's body, unlike breast milk, so the little one stays full for much longer.

Important! The break between meals should be at least 3.5 hours. If you do not follow the rules of feeding, then this will cause gas formation in the body of the child.

Also, starting from the 4th month, crumbs on artificial feeding, many pediatricians advise to start complementary foods.

How to feed?

At 4 months of age, the baby cannot yet sit on its own, so new parents should make sure that the baby is comfortable while eating. Feeding a child is only with a spoon. At the same time, he should be in a reclining state so as not to harm the fragile spine. Modern highchairs for feeding are equipped with such a function, it will be convenient for the baby to eat, and for the mother to feed him.

Young mothers should definitely stock up on additional equipment, that is you need to purchase special dishes for the child:

  1. a spoon with a silicone scoop - her baby will not be able to damage the oral cavity;
  2. bib, in order not to stain the clothes of the little one;
  3. the plate on the suction cup will definitely not be knocked over on the floor;
  4. a cup that the little fidget can't break,

It is from 4 months that the baby actively begins to learn about the world around him. In addition, it will be an excellent workout for independent eating.

A newborn child does not yet have teeth at all or partially and the baby is not able to chew solid food, That's why the consistency of the food intended for the child should be liquid or mashed figurative.

How much should a four month old baby eat?

At the age of 4 months, the daily intake of food consumed is no more than 1000 ml. per day. The number of feedings is 5-6 times. In no case should you exceed it, this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Note! Consultation with a specialist is recommended before the introduction of complementary foods.

Features of the diet

The diet of a formula-fed newborn at 4 months increases significantly if they begin to actively introduce complementary foods.

What can be given at this age?

Main and the main product is still infant formula. Also, new products appear on the menu of a 4-month-old baby. Several types of cereals (gluten-free and dairy-free cereals), vegetable, fruit purees and juices.

What products are allowed to enter?

Although infant formulas intended for feeding a child are enriched with many useful elements, they are still not always enough for a growing body. Here, foods filled with vitamins and microelements will help. Introduce a formula-fed baby into the diet, as recommended pediatrician, on the 5th month of life it is allowed:

3 cereal crops:

  • Buckwheat.
  • Corn.
  • Rice.

Several vegetables:

  • Zucchini.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.


And of course juices and compotes:

Important! Red and orange fruits are more likely to cause allergies than green and yellow ones.

Menu in the form of a table for each day of the week by the hour

If the baby has already been introduced to all of the above products, then you can adhere to the following menu (the time may vary by 1-2 hours, according to the individual daily routine):

Monday Tuesday
6.00 Infant formula, 180ml
  • Dairy-free buckwheat porridge - 50g.
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Vegetable puree "Zucchini" - 130g.
  • Fruit puree "Apple" -40g.
  • Carrot juice - 50 ml.
  • Fruit puree "Pear" - 40g.
  • Apple juice-50ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-100ml.
21.00 Mixture for children adapted-200ml.
Wednesday Thursday
6.00 Infant formula, 180ml Infant formula, 180ml
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Vegetable puree "Zucchini" 130g.
  • Mixture for children adapted - 50-70 ml.
  • Vegetable puree "Cauliflower" - 130g.
  • Mixture children's adapted-50-70ml.
  • Fruit puree "Plum" - 130g
  • Pear juice - 50 ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-100ml.
  • Fruit puree "Plum" -40g.
  • Apple juice - 50 ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-100ml.
21.00 Mixture for children adapted-200ml.
Night feeding is purely individual, at the request of the child.
Friday Saturday
6.00 Infant formula, 180ml Infant formula, 180ml
  • Dairy-free corn porridge - 50g.
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Dairy-free rice porridge - 50g.
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Vegetable puree "Cauliflower" - 130g.
  • Mixture children's adapted-50-70ml.
  • Vegetable puree "Broccoli" -130g.
  • Mixture for children adapted-150ml.
  • Fruit puree "Apple" - 40g.
  • Pear juice-50ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-100ml.
  • Fruit puree "Pear" - 130g.
  • Carrot juice - 50 ml.
  • Mixture for children adapted-100ml.
21.00 Adapted baby formula - 2000ml Dairy-free rice porridge - 200g.
Night feeding is purely individual, at the request of the child.

In this article:

The World Health Organization recommends introducing new foods to babies after six months. But in some cases, the pediatrician may recommend more early dates. At 4 months, the child does not need complementary foods. But if the doctor believes that the baby does not have enough vitamins and nutrients, there is a problem of low weight gain or rickets, if the baby is bottle-fed, then it's time to try new foods.

The first feeding requires the mother to strictly adhere to certain rules. Inept actions can lead to problems in the child's digestive system, the development of allergic reactions.

Is a 4 month old baby ready for complementary foods?

The introduction of complementary foods is correct to start not so much by the age of the child, but by the readiness of his body to accept a new product. Age is just one of the guidelines. After all, each child develops according to an individual schedule. Therefore, it is impossible to confidently say that the baby needs complementary foods just because he is eating a mixture and he is 4 months old. It is necessary to evaluate several factors to determine the readiness of the crumbs for innovation.

The baby is able to perceive new products only if his nervous and digestive systems have matured.

This is evidenced by the following signs:

  • The child is four months old. It should be borne in mind that if a newborn was born, then the introduction of complementary foods is delayed for another month. Such an early age of acquaintance with "adult" food concerns mostly children who eat. from 4 months is extremely rare and only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  • The baby's weight has doubled since birth. For a premature baby, the weight should increase by 2.5 times.
  • Lost tongue thrust reflex. If the baby involuntarily still makes pushing movements with the tongue, the introduction of complementary foods is premature, regardless of age.
  • The baby is not eating. If at 4 months the baby drinks a liter of the mixture per day, but remains hungry, the child needs complementary foods. It may also be required by a baby who does not have enough mother's milk.
  • Readiness for new food is evidenced by the ability to sit, confidently turn the head, as well as food interest in various objects.
  • Availability .

It is not necessary to wait for all of the above signs to start complementary foods for a 4-month-old baby. A few basic ones are enough. The main condition for the start of complementary foods is a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.

Where to start?

The opinion of pediatricians about which product is suitable for starting complementary foods from 4 months has changed over the past decades. Previously, fruit juice was considered the optimal food for this purpose. It was given very early, after 3 months, starting with a few drops.

Today, the first feeding of a baby from 4 months is recommended to start with cereals or mashed potatoes. This food is the best. For children with a shortage, porridge is the first to be introduced. And kids with overweight or a tendency to better introduce vegetables. For digestive problems, a doctor may recommend it as a source of fiber. But children who try sweet fruits first are reluctant to eat unsweetened vegetables or cereals. Therefore, acquaintance with fruit puree is better to postpone for a while.

At the beginning of complementary foods, a mother may be faced with the problem of a child refusing a new food. Indeed, vegetables have a taste that is completely unusual for a baby after sweet mother's milk or a mixture. If the baby refuses a vegetable dish, you do not need to be scared. The main thing in this case is the sequence of actions, patience and perseverance. New food must be offered at least 10 times. But if the baby stubbornly does not want to eat it, then it is better to try another vegetable.

Sometimes, after the child refuses vegetables, the mother immediately switches to sweet cereals. It is not right. First, the baby is introduced to unsweetened food.

It is advisable to prepare the first complementary foods for babies at 4 months in the form of vegetable purees on their own, if it is summer or early autumn in the yard, and the mother is confident in the safety of the products. If complementary foods begin in winter or spring, then it is better to use ready-made baby food.

The first cereals can also be prepared independently from cereals, or you can buy in boxes.

Rules for introducing new foods

Complementary feeding will be successful for a 4-month-old baby if the following recommendations are followed:

  • You can start it only if the child is in full health. During the periods of preparation for vaccination, immediately after it, as well as in the first time after the illness, complementary foods are not administered.
  • The baby can only be given freshly prepared food. If purchased cereals and mashed potatoes are used for complementary foods, then they should be diluted or heated immediately before use. Leftovers are discarded and not reheated.
  • When preparing food, it is important to keep your hands and utensils clean. Thoroughly wash the vegetables and fruits from which the puree will be prepared.
  • Complementary foods are offered first, and after it, the baby is supplemented with formula or breast milk.
  • Any new dish starts with a small amount (no more than a teaspoon). Gradually, the portion is brought to the full volume recommended for this age.
  • Food must be warm.
  • A new dish can be given after the baby is completely used to the previous one. The portion is increased only under the condition of normal stool and absence.
  • Both the beginning of complementary foods and each new stage of it must be agreed with the pediatrician.

What foods are complementary foods?

First, the baby is introduced to vegetable dishes and cereals. Which product will be preferable in a particular case, the pediatrician determines.

If complementary foods begin with vegetable puree, then the first vegetables should be green or white. Best suited, broccoli, cauliflower. After the child has adapted to them, you can try mashed carrots and pumpkins. At an older age, potatoes are introduced, which are absorbed worse. Acquaintance with vegetables should begin with a single-component puree. Mixed meals are suitable for older children.

After vegetables, you can offer crumbs fruit puree. As a rule, children willingly eat fruits. It is best to start with an apple. If the product is normally digested, then they try plum, pear, banana and peach.

At the beginning of feeding, it is best to use ready-made cereals in boxes. Additionally, sugar cannot be added to them. The first cereals should be one-component, gluten-free and dairy-free (, and). If the baby stubbornly refuses to eat them, you can add a little breast milk or his usual formula.

How to make your own puree?

Puree for the first complementary foods can be made by yourself. It is not difficult. Vegetables for baby food best to steam. If the farm does not have a double boiler or multicooker, then the vegetables are stewed in a small amount of water. Zucchini cooks the fastest. Ready vegetables are chopped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. You can add a little to the puree. olive oil, formula or breast milk. Similarly, mashed potatoes are prepared from pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli.

Introduction of porridge to the daily menu

Porridges begin to be introduced into the baby's diet from half a teaspoon. Buckwheat and rice are best absorbed. Porridge must be properly bred. Its consistency should be the same as that of baby puree, not thick and homogeneous. After the baby eats porridge, he is supplemented with milk or a mixture. Complementary foods at this age do not replace full feeding. The recommended concentration of cereals for 4 months is 5%.

The principle and procedure for the introduction of cereal complementary foods

The introduction of cereal complementary foods begins with one-component and dairy-free cereals. Salt and sugar are not added to the dish. Starting from 5 g, daily increase the amount of porridge by one teaspoon until the serving is 150 g.

This is an approximate figure. Children are very, their appetite and ability to perceive certain foods are individual. A new type of porridge is introduced only a few weeks after complete adaptation to the previous cereal, provided that the product is well tolerated and there is no allergic reaction to it.

How to cook porridge yourself?

The first cereals are prepared at the rate of 5 g of cereal per 100 ml of water. You can add a drop of vegetable oil or milk to the porridge. After the child has adapted to one-component cereals and vegetables, you can combine these products, add carrots, zucchini or pumpkin to cereals. You can not add salt to the finished dish or add sweeteners.

Porridges, even very liquid ones, are given to the crumbs only from a spoon. Thus, the child is accustomed to the necessary skills.

Instant cereals

Many modern mothers prefer instant cereals. The advantage of this product is its balanced composition, high quality raw materials, saving time and effort on preparation. Porridge does not need to be salted or sweetened, as a rule, the child likes their taste. They are easy to prepare - just mix the amount of product indicated in the instructions with warm water or a mixture. This product has a delicate texture, ideal for babies.

The advantages of children's cereals from boxes include their wide range. On sale are both single-component and cereals from several cereals, dairy-free and in milk, with the addition of berries, pieces of fruit.

When buying instant porridge for a baby, you do not need to clearly follow the age indicated on the package. You should focus on the individual development of the child and the recommendations of the pediatrician. For example, if a baby is prone to allergies, you should not introduce a product from several cereals with the addition of milk and fruits into complementary foods, even if the box indicates the age that is suitable for him.

The disadvantages of porridge from the box include a higher cost compared to ordinary cereals. In addition, most of these products contain sugar, which is not always well absorbed and not good for babies.

What can not be entered at 4 months?

The approach to the composition of complementary foods at an early age has recently changed. Today, pediatricians advocate the introduction of new products in the baby's menu closer to 6 months. If there is an objective need for early complementary foods at 4 months, then gluten-free and dairy-free cereals, vegetable and fruit purees are among the permitted products. No need to start complementary foods with juices.

Prohibited foods at this age include:

  • salt;
  • egg yolk;
  • meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • meat and fish broths.

Premature introduction of them into the diet of a four-month-old baby can provoke the development serious problems in the health of the baby.

If the pediatrician believes that the baby lacks nutrients or vitamins, at 4 months you can start introducing him to new foods. But this must be done gradually, in small portions, adhering to the rules and recommendations of the doctor.

Useful video about early introduction of complementary foods

The World Health Organization recommends that breastfed babies start complementary foods at 6 months of age. Earlier dates (up to 5 months) are relevant for children who are on artificial feeding. It's not uncommon for new moms and dads to start sampling adult food as early as 4 months old. Is it worth taking such a risky step, is the child's body ready to accept new food? How can you make the first adult food safe for the baby?

Formula-fed babies require earlier introduction of complementary foods

Physiology of the baby at 4 months

To be sure that your culinary "experiments" will not be harmful and dangerous for the baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the physiology of a child of this age. The digestive system undergoes major changes at this age:

  • the production of hydrochloric acid begins, aimed at stimulating the work of digestive enzymes, which, in turn, are able to break down the food entering the stomach;
  • the walls of the intestines become thicker compared to 3-month indicators, large food molecules can no longer penetrate through them;
  • the child loses the reflexive ejection of thick and solid food;
  • the physiology of the chewing process becomes more and more ready for eating.

It seems that the baby and his strengthened body are ready for samples of “big” food, but do not forget that the above diagram of the digestive system is approximate. Each specific baby, baby or artificial, will have its own characteristics and deviations from the norm.

The time for the maturation of the digestive processes will be different for each child. It can be hoped that in your case the child's body will be ready, but it may also be that the development of some functions will occur with a delay. Parents should take the lion's share of the responsibility in this case for stomach pains, gas, weight loss and appetite, loose stools, poor sleep and other unpleasant and even sometimes dangerous moments. You can avoid such problems by introducing complementary foods at 4 months according to strictly defined rules.

Readiness for complementary feeding is determined individually for each child.

Basic Rules

Often there are situations when the early introduction of complementary foods is due to medical indications: for example, if a child was born prematurely, is rapidly losing weight, or does not want to eat formula. Such cases require parents to seek advice from experienced pediatricians. Several generations of physicians have written recommendations for early complementary foods based on their experience. Let's list them:

  1. Before giving any product for the first time, be sure to visit your local pediatrician for advice. Strictly follow all his advice and recommendations, do not rely on your own knowledge.
  2. The first dishes should be vegetable purees. For cooking, you can take broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots (see also:). The age of 4 months is the right time to sample cereals. It is better if it is rice, buckwheat or corn. The listed products have a low degree of allergenicity, and therefore are most suitable for children of this type. young age. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of individual intolerance to certain products by the baby's body. When preparing meals, use recipes marked "baby food".
  3. Introduce a new product no more than once every 2 weeks. Do not worry that the baby will try only two dishes in a month - if an allergy appears, you will know exactly what caused it.

Monocomponent vegetable puree- great for first feeding

What is the right way to feed?

  1. Complementary feeding of a child at 4 months should be carried out with a spoon. The bottle can only be used for formula. Learn to eat right right away, it will be more difficult to relearn. The sooner you master this science, the sooner the baby will learn to swallow.
  2. The first dose is the minimum - 0.5 teaspoon. You need to increase the amount very gradually. The total volume of a portion of a baby should not exceed 150 g. An approximate schedule by day will be discussed below.
  3. Any product can negatively affect the well-being of the baby, so keep a close eye on changes in digestion or the appearance of allergies. Noticing the first signs of ill health (loose stools, rash), refuse to introduce complementary foods. Consult your doctor for advice on what to do next.
  4. Everything new is prohibited if the baby is weakened by the disease or is on the eve of vaccinations. Remember that at this age secondary vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio is carried out.
  5. Rules for combining complementary foods and formula: first adult food, then formula or milk. Within a month, a child can completely replace one or even two feedings with a full meal.

Listening to the advice of grandmothers, girlfriends or acquaintances is a big mistake. Do not take into account even the most sincere and kind recommendations. Your guiding star in the world of first feeding is the local pediatrician. Only an experienced doctor who has known your child since birth can give qualified advice and instructions. For early feeding of children on artificial or breastfeeding, there is a special table that reflects the data that parents must adhere to in this matter.

In matters of complementary foods, it is best to rely on the opinion of a leading pediatrician.

First food products

Everyone knows that in Soviet times regarding the issue of complementary foods, doctors had a completely different opinion than now. Then acquaintance with adult food began very early, at 2-3 months, and with fruit juices. Today, pediatricians strongly recommend: if we introduce complementary foods from 4 months, then introduce the baby to either vegetable purees or cereals.

vegetable puree

Where to start anyway? The choice will be made in favor of a particular product, based on the condition of the child. With insufficient weight, unstable stool, the right decision is porridge. A strong weight gain, constipation - a reason to master a new type of food with vegetable purees. The absence of such symptoms in most cases determines the start of complementary foods with vegetables, as most pediatricians and nutritionists say (more in the article:). We will discuss how to properly introduce complementary foods at 4 months. It is better to start vegetable complementary foods with zucchini, cabbage (all types except white cabbage) and potatoes, as they are less allergenic. A little later, start sampling carrots, beets and tomatoes (we recommend reading:).

The market for products for babies today is very wide and diverse. The quality of grinding will vary depending on the age group: from 4.5 months - homogenized purees, from 6 to 9 months - purees, over 9-12 months - cut into small pieces.

What product to feed an artificial baby, purchased or self-cooked, is up to the parents. Making baby puree at home is very easy. This is within the power of any, even the most inexperienced hostess, if you do everything step by step.

To do this, consider the following rules:

  1. The selected vegetable should be washed under running water, and then poured over with boiling water.
  2. Clean the vegetable.
  3. Put in a saucepan, cover with water and cook, covered, until tender, about 15 minutes.
  4. Use a sieve or blender to grind.
  5. Too thick puree is not suitable for crumbs, so we remove the excess density by adding a small amount of broth.
  6. After a week of complementary foods, you can gradually add to mashed potatoes vegetable oil. The first dose is 1 drop. Normally, the maximum amount is 5 drops per 150 g of puree.

Do not expect a storm of positive emotions from the child regarding new food. Tasteless and bland vegetables after a sweet mixture are unlikely to impress a toddler very much, but don't be discouraged. Offer the product again and again. As a result, 5 or 6, your attempt will be successful, the baby will try culinary delights. Once he gets used to the new food a little, he will eat his prescribed dose of 150 g, squinting with pleasure.


A couple of weeks after the start of vegetable treats, you can introduce the baby to cereal cereals. Modern instant cereals are very convenient. The technique of their preparation is extremely simple: the dry powder is dissolved in warm boiled water and mixed until smooth.

Instant cereals are a great option for a baby's first taste

Such quick options for cereals are good, as well as all canned food for children, since you can always be sure of the quality of raw materials, safety and saturation of products with vitamins and minerals. Everyone's favorite doctor Komarovsky tells us about this. As a basis, you can use either cereals ground in a coffee grinder, or flakes for cooking, or flour for making baby food.

The first samples - only gluten-free cereals. You can take rice, corn or buckwheat. The remaining cereals - wheat, rye, oats, barley - contain gluten, and it is a very strong allergen. As a result, the child may experience abdominal pain and bloating. You need to introduce cereals, like all new products, gradually. The end of mastering one type of cereal allows you to start getting acquainted with the next. The grown-up crumbs can be fed with mixtures various kinds croup.

Butter is also among the first products of the baby. Its benefits are invaluable: it has a lot of nutrients, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), high energy value. You can introduce vegetable oil from 4.5 months, and butter - closer to 5-6.

New product introduction

It is better to give all samples before breastfeeding or from a bottle, then it is more likely that the baby will react positively to the new product. The optimal time to feed is in the morning before lunch, because then there is a whole day left to observe the reaction of the baby's body to a new product.

It is better to feed the baby on an empty stomach

Any mother can’t wait to make her child’s menu tasty and varied, but you shouldn’t rush into this matter. At first, 2-3 types of vegetables will be enough for the baby, which will be introduced alternately - one product per week. For the introduction of new dishes, there are certain schemes that young mothers must adhere to, we will analyze below an example of the introduction of cereals and mashed potatoes by day.

How to enter products correctly? Here is an approximate plan for the introduction of vegetable puree or porridge by day. It is relevant for children of any type of feeding:

  • Monday - 1 teaspoon (5 g);
  • Tuesday - 2 tsp (10 g);
  • Wednesday - 3 tsp (15 g);
  • Thursday - 4 tsp (20 g);
  • Friday - 50 ml (50 g);
  • Saturday - 100 ml (100 g);
  • Sunday - 150 ml (150g).

As an example, we give a scheme for the introduction of vegetable and butter (previously melted) by day:

  • Monday - 1 drop;
  • Tuesday - 2 drops;
  • Wednesday - 5 drops;
  • Thursday - ¼ tsp;
  • Friday - ½ tsp (3 g);
  • Saturday and beyond - 1 tsp (5–6 g).

Vegetable and butter must be administered in doses

Below we consider the approximate diet of a baby at the age of 4-6 months. Normally, the volume of puree and porridge is a maximum of 150 ml, the frequency of feeding is 5-6 times a day:

  • First breakfast. Milk (mixture or breast) 150-200 ml.
  • Breakfast. Cereal porridge 150 ml.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree 150 ml.
  • afternoon tea. Milk (mixture or breast) 150-200 ml.
  • Dinner. Milk (mixture or breast) 150-200 ml.
  • Second dinner. Milk (mixture or breast) 150-200 ml.

Classic food table:

Baby's age6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Puree vegetable.< 30 мл < 50 мл < 60 мл < 70 мл < 90 мл < 100 мл 100 ml
Fruit puree. < 30 гр < 50 гр < 60 гр < 70 гр < 90 гр < 100 гр
Kashi < 100 гр < 150 гр 150 gr< 180 гр < 200 гр 200 gr
Oil grows. < 3 гр 3 gr3 gr5 gr5 gr6 gr
Curd < 30 гр < 40 гр < 50 гр 50 gr< 80 гр
wheat bread < 5 гр 5 gr5 gr< 10 гр 10 gr
Cookies, croutons < 5 гр 5 gr5 gr< 10 гр 10 gr
Butter. up to 4 gr4 gr4 gr5 gr5 gr
Yolk 1\4 1\2 1\2 1\2
Meat puree up to 30 gr50 grup to 70 grup to 80 gr
Kefir 100 mlup to 150 mlup to 200 ml
Fish puree up to 30 grup to 60 grup to 80 gr

Complementary foods replace milk?

An early introduction to adult food, starting at 4 months, closer to 5 months of age, should not cause the baby to switch to a complete replacement of two feedings with "adult" food. For example, a baby will eat 150 g of porridge for breakfast, and eat a similar amount of vegetable puree for lunch, and drink it all down with a small amount of the usual food. All other feedings should be through an adapted formula or breast milk.

At the age of 4 months, the baby is mainly on breastfeeding or on artificial - special mixtures. The mode of feeding and sleeping remains the same.

The specialist will help you decide on the choice of the first crumbs in life (not counting mother's milk) full-fledged food and its quantity.

Is your baby 4 months old? It's time to adjust the menu, because nutrition affects the development and growth of the baby, not only during wakefulness, but also during sleep.

Indications for the introduction of new products in the baby's diet may be as follows:

  1. The child stops spitting out a small spoonful of food.
  2. The kid shows increased motor activity and interest in knowing the surrounding objects to taste, pulls toys into his mouth. This is an indicator of the timely development of the baby.
  3. The baby does not eat up the usual portions of breast milk or artificial mixtures. His sleep is getting worse. Some nursing mothers are upset about this, but this is just a signal that the feeding regimen and the baby menu should be reviewed.

The 4-month-old age of the child does not oblige parents to change the child's diet, the degree of development of the tiny organism does not yet allow this to be done in full, but is the optimal time to prepare for the next stage.

What to introduce first?

In addition to breastfeeding, artificial nutrition and simple water, the child can already try natural juice.

But even the use of 100% hand-pressed juices does not eliminate the risk of allergic reactions. A small organism receives something new, and it takes time to get used to it. If necessary, mothers can dilute the juices with water. But keep it clean: it is better to use purchased non-carbonated water for children. Otherwise, the tummy may get sick, the baby will sleep restlessly and cry a lot.

Many pediatricians are indulgent about the origin of drinks and allow them to feed (if I may say so, because we are talking about drops in the first few months of life) children with store-bought juice. But it is better to make juice at home. For this, a strainer is also suitable to squeeze out the liquid from the resulting mass.

Follow the routine. Nursing mothers should give their baby juice after breast milk. Moreover, it is recommended to give no more than 30 ml per day. Reception should be divided into at least two parts, and preferably three, but do not give the daily rate immediately.

Do not use juice to quench the thirst of a 4-month-old baby. This role is still assigned to mother's milk. Also, do not give juice before bed.

Starting with Juices

How do they affect the baby?

  1. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the impact of each of the juices on the body of the baby.
  2. A grape drink, for example, enhances the fermentation processes in the intestines. This also disrupts the baby's sleep.
  3. Allergies in children can cause orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry and carrot juices.
  4. Plum and carrot drinks have a laxative effect.
  5. and blackcurrant juice, on the contrary, can cause stool fixation.
  6. To improve appetite in the child's menu, you need to include drinks that improve the function of the digestive glands. These include juices from white cabbage and black currant, as well as a decoction of wild rose. When everything is in order with the tummy, the child fully develops and grows rapidly in a dream.

In part, nursing mothers can predict how their child will react to a particular drink, especially if they themselves have already drunk it during lactation.

cooking tricks

Due to the small doses, juices for children 4 months old are easy to make on their own using a simple technique. Here simple circuit cooking.

To obtain, for example, fresh carrot juice, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water, peeled and rubbed finely. The berries are washed under tap water, poured over with boiling water and the bones are removed.

The resulting mass is squeezed out in sterile gauze and poured into a clean spoon.

In the menu of young children, sugar is not very necessary. Nursing mothers themselves should not abuse it.

Continue with puree

The nutrition of the child at 4 months begins to change. This time is not in vain considered a transitional period in the development of the baby. If there is not enough mother's milk, the baby is transferred to mixed feeding.

So, let's imagine that your little one is already familiar with juices. But drinking is not food. However, natural juices are sometimes referred to as the first food because they contain vegetable or fruit pulp.

You should start real complementary foods for babies only with an ordinary apple.. You can give it to a baby immediately after the main food, which is either mother's milk, or for artificial people - an adapted infant formula.

Be sure to do everything according to the regime. Only after complete addiction to apple puree, you can try to introduce vegetables. Over time, it is healthy vegetables that will begin to play the role of the main food, and breastfeeding or formula will become only an addition.

This is how you need to organize the process of transition from breastfeeding or artificial feeding to solid food.

Complementary foods should be introduced very carefully and not in a hurry, do not deviate from the regimen. Every day, a nursing mother should gradually increase the portion. For the first time, the child is given no more than 2 tsp. Ultimately, you need to reach a serving of 150 g.

Do not forget that only after the complete introduction of fruit puree, it will be possible to switch to vegetable food. Children must be at least 4.5 months of age.

For the first acquaintance of a child with vegetables, carrots are often chosen, although recently they have also gained popularity. Vegetables contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and other valuable compounds. All this is extremely useful for the development of the baby.

Puree for babies at the age of four months should be single-component, as multi-component nutrition is indicated for older children.

How to feed?

Puree is an excellent food for a child's body. It is especially indicated for children who are bottle-fed, premature, and babies suffering from rickets.

You should not serve puree too hot to the child, while cold is also undesirable.

It should be as much as the baby can master at one time. The rest is better to throw away. Mothers who breastfeed their children should be aware that an open serving is considered spoiled after 24 hours, even if stored in the refrigerator.

An increase in the amount of complementary foods should occur without a sudden change in diet. A week later, from the beginning of acquaintance with the new menu, the baby can already eat up to 6 tablespoons of fruit puree for dinner. This is the norm for the new diet.

Take it step by step

It is necessary to carry out the replacement of one food with another systematically. Accordingly, breastfeeding should be reduced in favor of mashed potatoes. Thus, the children's diet will gradually prepare the body for the further development of the digestive system and the transition to a new diet.

From about 4 months of age, children can be introduced to the diet of boiled egg yolk as complementary foods. A special table indicates the rate, which is approximately one quarter of one yolk.

Between breastfeeds, you can start giving your baby a little vegetable broth.

Do you cook on your own?

Every young mother faces the inevitable question: “Should I cook fruit (vegetable) puree for my baby on my own or just buy a finished product in the children's department of the supermarket?”.

Often, fearful of the unknown, parents decide to make their own puree to make sure that the product consists of only fresh fruits or vegetables. It is good that in modern life the development of kitchen appliances has reached dizzying heights.

  1. Take a peeled potato and cut it into large slices so that the nutrients do not go away during the cooking process.
  2. It should be boiled in a small enamel bowl.
  3. Mash the cooked potatoes until smooth, no lumps should remain in the mass.
  4. Then add hot milk to the resulting puree and mix again. The ideal consistency for puree is semi-liquid.
  5. The resulting mass must be brought to a boil again and vegetable oil is added in a ratio of 1 tsp. per 100 g puree.

Prepare in a similar way.

Modern mothers and fathers are increasingly thinking about what products they choose for their children.

It's one thing if it's your own grown vegetables and fruits. Then it makes sense to cook mashed potatoes yourself.

If you prefer to buy products, then it is frivolous to assume that they are natural. They may contain a large amount of pesticides that will harm the health of the baby. This is especially true during the winter and spring months.

That is why doctors recommend using ready-made mashed potatoes for complementary foods. This product is balanced and well absorbed by children without harming their development. But read the ingredients carefully. Since the health of her baby is important for every mother, purchased puree should be free of starch, sugar, GMOs and salt.