Normal feces in infants on the mixture. Chair of a child with artificial feeding. You should be aware of these changes.

Do not rush to immediately throw away a spoiled baby diaper. The condition of a child's feces can tell a lot about his health.

Color, consistency and regularity of the stool of artificial children

The consistency, color and regularity of the stool depends on the age of the child, the type of mixture and the amount of complementary foods. The defecation process should be painless.

The stool of a bottle-fed baby should be regular

The stool of a bottle-fed baby has a pronounced odor and a mushy texture. Even the best mixture is absorbed much worse than mother's milk, so curdled clots can be seen in the bowel movement.

Parents need to control the regularity of the process. The frequency of defecation is an individual indicator. But a baby up to six months should defecate 3-4 times a day. Children aged 6-7 months and older poop less often - 1-2 times a day. If the child does not defecate for more than a day, he should give an enema or at least massage his tummy. When the feces are in the intestines for a long time, they harden. The result is constipation.

Normal stool in breastfed babies

Normal stools are brown or yellowish in color. A photo of a normal stool in a bottle-fed baby will help the mother immediately determine if everything is in order. Sometimes lumps in liquid greenish stool appear after fruits or juices. The mother must remove the suspicious product from the menu and monitor the condition of the baby. If after 2-3 days the stool returned to normal, there is no cause for concern.

If your stools are loose and green, but no new foods have been introduced into your diet, see your doctor. This is a sign of dysbiosis. Orange stool indicates problems with the liver, black - the presence of blood in the mass. Liquid, frothy stools with mucus and a putrid odor are an alarm.

Formula-fed babies often experience the following stool problems:

  1. Constipation. If the baby cannot empty his intestines, he needs help and consult a pediatrician for advice. The baby has a hard stomach, he cries during a bowel movement. Feces resemble small hard stones. The causes of constipation are the lack of fluid and fiber in the baby's diet.
  2. Diarrhea. The child defecates more than 8 times a day in small portions, the stool is watery. Reasons: an abundance of fruits on the menu, a reaction to a certain product, a lack of bacteria in the intestines.
  3. Fat in feces. If greasy spots remain on the diapers after defecation, the baby's absorption of fats is impaired.

In the case of diarrhea or constipation, parents can wait a day or two, as the condition may return to normal, but at the first sign of impaired absorption of fats, you should consult a doctor.

The stool of a newborn child who was born into this world and came into contact with a new life, with its color and composition, shows that everything is in order: black or black-green, similar to liquid sour cream and odorless.

important Thus, for three days, meconium, or original feces, is released, which by the seventh day changes in color to yellowish.

normal stool

By the end of the first week, we can already say that the chair has formed and now it looks like this:

  • homogeneous;
  • mushy;
  • not containing mucus and lumps;
  • having the smell of digested milk, slightly sour;
  • no water spots on diapers.

The first time a bowel movement can take place in a newborn after each feeding. But most often on average up to 4-6 times a day. A child's stool at 1 month changes its smell dramatically and begins to smell unpleasant.

If the baby feels good and at the same time is gaining weight, then the stomach is working correctly. Over time, frequent stools change to rare ones, the composition thickens somewhat: it becomes more like plasticine.

information It is not considered abnormal to have a bowel movement once a day, even every two days. There is no reason for concern for the relatives of the baby if this picture does not bother him.

Chair with artificial and mixed feeding

The stool of a newborn may not be yellow, but darker in color, closer to brown, or vice versa, pale yellow. Much depends on the composition of the mixture and how it is digested and absorbed by the body. On artificial feeding, the chair, as a rule, is less frequent, somewhere around three to four times a day. It has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of adult feces, and is stronger in composition, not mushy. "Artists" are more likely to suffer from constipation. There are several reasons for this:

  • mixture quality;
  • its composition;
  • nipple sizes;
  • speed of eating;
  • possible malnutrition.

information To avoid constipation, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises before feeding: lay the baby on the stomach, press the legs to the tummy and others.

If white pieces appear in the feces, resembling cottage cheese grains, it is necessary to make the volume of food smaller, because it does not have time to be digested. In this case, it would be useful to consult a pediatrician: he will help you choose the right nutrition for your baby.

The stool of a newborn also resembles the color of an adult's feces: outwardly, it looks like a "sausage", and the process of defecation occurs 1-2 times a day. The most valuable is, however, there are objective reasons for which a mother is simply forced to switch to a mixed diet. And, of course, this is the best way out for the baby than completely eating mixtures: none of them can replace mother's milk rich in immune bodies, and nothing can replace the sensual communication of mother and child during breastfeeding, those biocurrents and impulses that they exchange while the baby is eating.

Constipation in a newborn

Any excitement will be justified if suddenly the stool of a newborn appears in the form or is accompanied by crying as a reaction to pain from the defecation process. The reason for this lies in the violation of the motor capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not panic too much, since more often it is enough to increase the flow of fluid so that the stool becomes normal.

important It is necessary to solve problems with a chair in a newborn under the supervision of pediatricians. They may recommend relieving constipation by massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction or by lying on the abdomen.

  • If this is not enough, after 4 months you can add apple or plum juice to the diet, and from 3 months - prunes compote, diluted with water, is allowed.
  • It is recommended that a formula-fed child be transferred to sour-milk mixtures or to add mixtures for children suffering from constipation.

In some cases, children's candles can be prescribed on glycerin or with warm water at a temperature of 20-22 ° C:

  • For children up to - within 30 ml;
  • up to - 30-40 ml;
  • 3-6 months - 90 ml;
  • 6-12 months -120-180 ml.

However, frequent use of an enema is undesirable.

Diarrhea in a newborn

information Once a month from birth to a year, it is necessary to monitor the weight and height of the baby. If he is not gaining weight well, and you see loose stools when changing diapers, there may be several reasons for this.

  • Entry of large amounts of foremilk. It is less caloric and develops lactase deficiency. In this case, the mother needs to change her breast less often so that the baby reaches mature milk or express some milk before feeding, then the baby will begin to satisfy her hunger immediately with more high-calorie and nutritious milk.
  • Eruption of new teeth, introduction of complementary foods, reaction to the adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to other foods. In these cases, no intervention is recommended: these physiological manifestations go away on their own.

Sometimes it may seem that the above is not the cause of diarrhea, in which case it is better to take the advice of specialists. They will help you sort out the issue.

Modern methods of breastfeeding suggest after six months. Sometimes a reaction to the introduction of a new dish may be a green stool with mucus impurities in a newborn. You should not worry if the color is restored after a few days and the child does not show unnecessary anxiety. Otherwise, the product must be excluded from the diet for a while and try to introduce it a little later.

Other types of chair

foam stool

One day you may find watery, sour-smelling frothy stools in your little one. Outwardly, it will be liquefied and speeded up. This is due to a deficiency in a certain enzyme that digests milk sugar. This enzyme is called lactase, and its quantity can be adjusted from the outside.

information Foamy stools do not require correction if the child is gaining weight and does not show anxiety.

When such a picture is not observed, the doctor determines the amount of enzyme that the baby should receive in a serving of milk before natural feeding. On artificial feeding, the pediatrician recommends low-lactose special formulas.

Fat stool

The lack of enzymes can be manifested by abundant fatty stools. In this case, we are talking about enzymes that digest fat, and this may be due to an allergic disease called celiac disease, which is accompanied by a violation of the absorption of cereal gluten.

Mucus stool

A stool with mucus in a newborn can be for various reasons:

  • reaction to the introduction of a new product;
  • the result of dysbacteriosis;
  • reaction to .

    dangerous In the latter case, accompanying symptoms are possible: fever, vomiting. Here you can not do without a doctor.

As for dysbacteriosis as a violation of the normal intestinal microflora, then constipation and diarrhea are not excluded: it all depends on the individual reaction of the body.

Chair with lumps

Sometimes white lumps can be observed in the stool of a newborn. This is the result of incomplete digestion of food. Although if the baby is gaining weight well and at the same time does not lag behind in development, you should not worry. This problem should be solved by itself, without external intervention.

Chair in cystic fibrosis

From birth, a child may have fatty stools. It leaves greasy stains on the diapers, lathers during washing, spreads the stench in the room, and is difficult to wash off and wash off the toilet. This is a manifestation of rare congenital anomalies of many glands (including the pancreas), called cystic fibrosis. Here you need to be especially careful, because the problem requires consultation and treatment by specialists.

We must not forget that the color of the stool in newborns and the quality of its composition reflects the state of health of a small organism.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

With the advent of a child in the family, along with the long-awaited happiness, the first serious problems arise. If it so happened that your baby is bottle-fed, then quite often you have to deal with the problem of constipation in newborns. This is due, as a rule, to the fact that the processes of digestion in humans are quite complex, and the children's body is not able to quickly adapt to new products. In order to avoid such troubles, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a mixture, determine the volumes needed by your baby, the size of the hole in the nipple, and the feeding regimen. If you make mistakes in the above points, then the little one may have problems with the chair.

The main signs of constipation in newborns

If the baby behaves restlessly, and you suspect problems with stool with artificial feeding, then you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Number of bowel movements per day;
  2. The color and consistency of the stool;
  3. Is the process easy for him;
  4. Doesn't it cause any discomfort?

The smaller the child, the more often the process of defecation will take place. In a newborn, this happens up to seven times a day. Gradually, by the age of one year, a chair once a day becomes a physiological norm. If the baby has problems with bowel function, then emptying occurs much less frequently than expected, the process itself is very difficult and causes discomfort. The baby may cry or behave very restlessly at the same time. His appetite decreases, the quality of sleep worsens. Often, the disease is accompanied by bloating, and the masses themselves become quite dense in texture.

True, it is worth noting that the absence of stool in children is allowed for up to four days, if at the same time the child feels good, and there are no signs of external anxiety.

The main causes of problems with stool in infants

Too early transition to formula feeding often causes constipation in a newborn baby. To avoid such a situation, you need to choose the right mixture for feeding. If you need to introduce mixtures, then you should additionally consult with your pediatrician. He will be able to give recommendations based on age, individual characteristics, timing and types of complementary foods.

The choice of formula plays a key role in solving bowel problems in children. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give specific recommendations on the choice of artificial nutrition. Since the decision of this issue is purely individual. It should be noted that mixtures with high protein content contribute to constipation in newborns.

It is also necessary to take into account that a sharp transition to artificial feeding, or a replacement of the usual diet, sometimes causes constipation. Therefore, in such matters it is not necessary to make sudden movements, and any changes should be carried out gradually.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the following reasons:

  1. Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora. The disease can take various forms. Sometimes it lasts quite a long period of time, and it is treated with great difficulty. In infancy, it is sometimes accompanied by a violation of the intestines. There are times when a baby is born with intestinal dysbacteriosis. The reason for this is the health problems of the mother during pregnancy. More often than not, the cause of constipation is the wrong diet for the baby.
  2. Lack of breast milk in the mother, and as a result, insufficient nutrition.
  3. Increased body temperature in colds and infectious diseases in children. What can provoke a decrease in intestinal tone.
  4. Violations of the process of allocation of certain enzymes. As a rule, in infants, this situation occurs when there is lactose (sugar) intolerance, which is found in milk.
  5. Pathologies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Congenital problems with intestinal patency. Such cases are quite rare.

How to fix stool problems in a baby

To improve the functioning of the intestines, it is necessary to streamline the nutritional processes of the crumbs. If there is a need for artificial complementary foods, then it is worth giving preference to adapted milk mixtures, the composition of which is closest to the composition of breast milk. When feeding with milk mixtures, babies need to be given more fluids. Regular drinking water should be given between feedings. Also, in case of difficulties with the processes of digestion in children, dill water can be given. Just before feeding, the little one should be put on the tummy and given a light massage.

If you have noticed that certain foods that have been introduced into the diet are the cause of constipation, then you should review your baby's menu.

Methods for the treatment of constipation in newborns

For the purpose of treatment, the pediatrician prescribes drugs that have a laxative effect. This approach can be used if all non-pharmacological methods have not had the desired effect. Laxatives with irritating components are not prescribed for children. In such cases, treatment with drugs that include lactulose is prescribed. For this, as a rule, Dufalac, Normaze and others are prescribed. The action of such drugs is very mild, and they do not cause addiction to the body. A very effective remedy for resolving the issue of constipation in newborns is glycerin suppositories.

If you see that the baby cannot defecate within two days, then you can also give him an enema.

Young mothers should remember that laxatives in the event of a violation of the stool in infants is an extreme measure. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for which there were violations of the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminate it.

Laxatives are used only as directed by a pediatrician.

Many factors can cause intestinal disorders in children, and if you understand that you cannot cope with the situation on your own, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Since such a symptom sometimes indicates the presence of a serious illness.

The most accurate answers to the question of what is the cause of this condition are sometimes given only by clinical tests.

In order to prevent the occurrence of such situations, it is worth doing the following:

  1. Regularly massage the abdomen. To do this, you need to stroke your stomach with your palm in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.
  2. Do exercises that stimulate the bowels. Bicycle movements help a lot. To do this, gently imitate movements when riding a bicycle with the baby's legs.
  3. Before feeding, lay the baby on the stomach.
  4. Give your child warm baths.
  5. Give your child fennel tea or dill water if constipation is accompanied by increased gas formation.
  6. Reconsider the diet and exclude fastening foods.

Constipation in newborns with artificial feeding. The main signs, causes, methods of treatment and prevention.

Read more:

The topic is very important. The stool of a newborn is not just the body sending processed substances out, it is a reflection of the state of the whole organism.

The first stool is very important, it appears on the first day after childbirth.

First days of life

The stool should be sticky and greenish-black in color.

Adhering stool to the skin of the baby is best removed with baby oil.

This stool can last for several days. Gradually, it will become more liquid, and its color will become yellow-green. The stool of a newborn baby during breastfeeding has an acidic odor.

Next weeks

Babies up to a month can poop up to 4 times a day. This is due to a new kind of food for them. When the baby does this, he frowns, putting effort into this process. Green poop in a baby is a sign of a healthy baby, do not forget about it. Many mothers think that their child has diarrhea.

Next months

At this time, as a rule, newborns are introduced complementary foods. Thus, the feces of the newborn acquire a more unpleasant odor and pieces of vegetables can be clearly seen in it. This shouldn't be a concern. Another thing is if complementary foods cause constipation, this is a signal to parents that this type is not suitable for the child.

Formula-fed babies have fewer bowel movements than breastfed babies. The color of the stool will be light yellow or dark orange, color and density practically do not change. This is due to the fact that mixtures, unlike mother's milk, have the same composition. The smell will be clearly sour.

We study the child on diapers

The contents of a diaper can tell parents a lot about the health of their child.


Stool norms if the baby is breastfed

  • A newborn has loose yellow stools of a mushy consistency.
  • Has a sour smell.
  • Contains leukocytes in the form of blood, lumps of milk, mucus.
  • Feces are light yellow or light brown. The consistency should be pasty or solid.
  • Sharp unpleasant odor.
  • There is some mucus in the stool.


  • If the mother ate exotic fruits, then the baby's green poop is quite normal, as is a small amount of mucus.
  • If white grains are found in the feces, then this may indicate that the mother is overfeeding the baby or that her digestive system is not yet perfect. If the weight gain is normal and the child behaves calmly, then you should not make a problem.

For children who are bottle-fed.

  • If the crumbs are fed with mixtures containing iron, then the green feces of the newborn is not something critical.


For children who are breastfed.

  • We have already talked about white lumps in the baby's stool. But there are times when they are not considered the norm, namely when the child is not gaining weight well. This may be due to improper functioning of the digestive system and require immediate medical advice.
  • The normal feces of a breastfed baby are yellow. But if there is blood in it, this may indicate a serious illness.

Before you panic, analyze what the baby ate, there are foods from which the feces can change color.

  • Green chair. We have already talked about him. But this is not always the norm. Deviations take place if the baby:
    1. cries and pulls her legs under her (this could be colic);
    2. the child has poor sleep;
    3. the baby is not gaining weight well.
  • If the stool is green and has a pronounced smell of rot, this may indicate dysbacteriosis.
  • Green poop in a baby may indicate lactose deficiency.

If the baby is on artificial feeding.

  • If the baby's stool is black, and the child does not take iron supplements, this may indicate intestinal bleeding. In this case, it is better to call a doctor.

What to do about constipation?

There are several ways to help make life easier for the baby.

  1. More liquid. Make sure that the little one drinks more fluids. If he is more than two months old, give an additional 50-100 ml. water 2 times a day, he should drink this liquid in addition to the fact that he drinks when he wants. If constipation is still present, give your child the same amount of fruit juice, namely pear, apple, grape, cherry.

We give juices only from 3 months!

  1. Fruits and vegetables. If the child is already eating solid food, do not forget to include plums, peaches, spinach, and beans in his diet.

Laxatives are given to children only on the recommendation of a doctor.

A child's stool is one of the main indicators of his health. That is why mom should constantly check the diaper and know the norms of normal stool. In case of any abnormalities, consult a doctor immediately.

When changing diapers, do not rush to send the spoiled hygiene product to the bucket. The contents of a diaper are an important indicator of your baby's health, especially with formula and formula feeding.

Evaluate the stool of the baby with artificial feeding should be based on three components:

  • consistency;
  • regularity;
  • color.

What can show the feces of a child?

Chair of the child with artificial feeding

The content of the baby's stool varies depending on the age, amount of complementary foods, foods consumed. The regularity of emptying is a purely individual indicator, it is more important to control the softness and painlessness of the process.

The stool of a newborn with artificial feeding from the first months has a pronounced smell and a steep texture, this is due to the fact that mixtures are absorbed worse than breast milk and are not always fully digested.

Artificial women should defecate at least 1 time per day. Pediatricians believe that after 15 to 20 hours from the moment of the last stool, the baby should be helped to empty the intestines. Good for this:

Enemas for babies; irritation of the rectum with special tubes; gentle stimulating tummy massage.

Prolonged stay of feces in the intestines leads to its hardening and painful constipation.

In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract in your child, be sure to contact the pediatrician.

Stool norms for artificial feeding

The frequency of stools in babies can range from 1 to 6 times a day. The amount does not matter only if the baby is gaining weight well, and the consistency of feces and its color are in accordance with the norms.

Stool with artificial feeding may have a pale yellow or brown tint: a lot depends on the composition of the mixture. A deviation from the norm is considered to be liquid in consistency and green color of the stool against the background of taking the same mixtures and products.

For a short time, lumps in loose stools and a green tint may appear after fruit juices and purees are introduced into the diet.

It may take 2-3 days for the stool to normalize. If laxative components (apricot, apple) are removed from the diet, and the stool has not returned to normal, you should contact your pediatrician.

Problems with stool in children under one year old

With artificial feeding in the work of the intestines of babies, three types of deviations are observed:

  1. diarrhea;
  2. constipation;
  3. fat in feces.
Signs of diarrhea - liquid, almost watery feces, frequent (more than 7 times a day) bowel movements in small portions.

The causes of indigestion in babies may be a lack of certain microorganisms that can fight pathogenic bacteria, an excess of fruits in the diet, and individual food intolerance.

A pediatrician's consultation is necessary in case of prolonged diarrhea (more than a day).

Constipation with artificial feeding is another common problem.

The first signs of constipation:

  • hard tummy;
  • stone-like chair;
  • crying during bowel movements.

The admixture of blood in the feces indicates microcracks in the rectum. Constipation can be caused by a lack of fiber or fluids in the diet.

Fat in the feces is easy to recognize by foaming spots on the diapers, the remnants of feces are washed when the baby is washed. The reason for this deviation may be a violation of the absorption of fats or allergic diseases of various origins. Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

Take care of your baby's health!