Statuses about your beloved mommy with meaning. About mothers with love in quotes and aphorisms. A grief you can't help

Statuses about mom - It’s very difficult without mom, And everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Now you think that your mother doesn’t understand you at all and you don’t want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat by the window on long evenings and waited for only one thing - for your mother to come home from work... of course, you don’t remember this...

The word “MOM” is precious! Mom should be treasured! With her affection and care
It’s easier for us to live in the world!

Even if you are busy with business, everything in the world can be put off. Five minutes, and call Mom, if you can still call. Loves us more than we ourselves, before birth, remembers us. Call, call mom!!! She is waiting... today and now...

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

Mom’s heart knows no peace, Mom’s heart is like a torch burning, Mom’s heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent!

My mother is either a clairvoyant or a secret agent - otherwise how does she always know exactly what awaits me if I don’t do as she advised???

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood more painful...

Love your mother more than anyone else in the world! She raised us, read fairy tales in the night light... she doesn’t mind her life for you.

We still forget about mothers. And they get bored in the evenings, calling us occasionally and always being interested in us.

Any bad day can be corrected with one a good man...Mom.

The most precious thing in life is a mother’s smile... And the worst thing is her tears...

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of nights, in the anxious silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

I am afraid of only one thing in the world, that one day I will come home, say, “Mom, I’m home,” and in response I will only hear silence.

I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.

There are many beautiful words in the world. But still one thing is more beautiful - a simple one of two syllables - “mother” and there are no words more precious than it.

There may be several girlfriends in your life... there may be several husbands in your life... it may happen that there will be several fathers in your life... but there will always be only one mother.

Someone says that there are no angels on earth, but once you look into your mother’s eyes, doubts about this disappear!

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

Believe me, as long as you have Mom, you are happy. No wealth of the world, no people and luxury can replace it.

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and takes pity, protects and saves you from all troubles. "Mother!" - we say when it hurts or is scary. Mom is also needed in moments of happiness.

Only mom has the kindest hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart.

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please, appreciate her.

Love your mother, because she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting for you. She will always greet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand!

Mom will never cheat, because her love for you is holy.

When we grow up over the years, When we become smarter, More and more often we are sad about our mother, We think about her more and more. Her love shines in our lives, She was given to us for happiness. There are not many friends in the world, But mother is still alone.

The parents' house is a little paradise: you sleep well there and smell of delicious food. This is the best corner in the whole earth.. Mom is there!

Take care of your mom! When everyone turns their backs, she will be the only one who will truly believe in you!

Your mother is the most grateful person in the world. Only she loves you exactly the way you are. Just for being you. She forgives everything.

We take a grave sin upon our souls when we forget our parents. If they leave, we won’t bring them back and we’ll never justify ourselves! Hurry to give them warmth so that it warms their souls, because they don’t need anything from us, just so that we don’t forget about them!

Never be angry with MOM, don’t say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you.

It’s hard work to give birth to children, raise them, and wash diapers. Let the mother be a heroine for every child! Let Mary the mother of all women on the planet protect. And children will not get tired of repeating to mothers: You are the best mommy in the world!

To express all your love and gratitude for your care, there are statuses about your mother that confirm the truth that she is the most important person in everyone’s life. There are no humorous, funny or funny phrases among them. Almost all statuses about mothers with meaning are not just beautiful, but can even move you to tears. Having deep feelings for their mother, not everyone can express them in words. Beautiful statuses about mother can be used to congratulate or remind that there can be no one in this world relative to this woman.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

For many, happiness is 2 liters. For some - 2 grams. And for me, happiness is to see my MOM smiling!

We are all rich as long as there is a Dad and a Mom.

When girls say: I sleep like a star, that means they are free girls.
And we, mothers, sleep like a zigzag! Because our stars sleep nearby!

- Mom, how were we born?
- The Lord created us.
- And dad said that we came from monkeys.
- Well, I’m just telling you about my relatives, and he’s telling about his.

The hardest thing is with those who are dear)

And remember, girls, our mothers, when asked: “Why are you so worried about me,” said: “If you have children of your own, then we’ll see.” So how is it? Have you looked?
Mommy! Yes, compared to me, you were a giant of calm, patience and equanimity.

The most vulnerable woman is mother! You'll never know if you hurt her, she won't tell you! And he will continue to love you!

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you.

Only it hurts even more for mom when you are hurt.

Sick of these “who loves mom, click class!” If you love your mom, go help her wash the dishes!

I will always feel a little ugly and ugly because the most beautiful and ideal woman- this is my mother. And I'm incredibly proud of it.

I have an Angel and his name is Son. My son has protection and his protection is Mom!

It's always nice when your mom hugs you - no matter how old you are.

- Do you love her? - No! - Exactly? - Yes, brother, when did I lie to you? “Then I’ll ask her out?” - I'll break your neck!!!

Only mothers on maternity leave understand how nice it is to drink tea alone at 2 am, when your whole family is sleeping together!

If the whole world hates you, remember one thing! You have a Mom who will always love you.

I want MOM to always be there.

Everything around is changing. And only Mom remains Mom...

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and takes pity, protects and saves you from all troubles. "Mother!" - we say when it hurts or is scary. Mom is also needed in moments of happiness.

Statuses about mom to tears from my daughter - By about 18 years old, I realized that you should always listen to your mom, but there was a lot that couldn’t be corrected.

Mommy is my fairy and firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. For me, life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as it was in my childhood!!!

Thank you, Mom, for your warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you! Thank you for existing, my dear.

When we become adults, our mothers become scared...what if we don’t need them anymore...? Let's not let them think like that!

If a mother feels the same way as her child, then I will try to become the happiest!

Once upon a time, my mother decided what clothes I should wear and what I should look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!

Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better?... well, you have good eyesight!

Sometimes I’m so ashamed of myself, of the lies that my mother accepted as the truth.

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it is only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

I love you mom, you are a ray of light in the darkness, mom, thank you for being there!

Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.

Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the one for me. And without you I am nothing.

Mom, if when I grow up and have a daughter, I don’t understand her as much as you do me, hit me. “Daughter, I’m afraid you’ll get a lot of trouble then.”

Mom, your tears are my loss... I can be bad, but you are not dearer to me...

When sometimes life gives me a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me... a pen! And suddenly my path becomes easier...

It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for bringing her into the world.

Mommy, forgive me for upsetting you so much. I didn’t understand then how afraid you were for me... How worried you were that you didn’t study your lessons, ran away on dates, did whatever you wanted... I swear that I will become better... And I will correct my whole life.

I would erect a monument to my mother, because I no longer know such strong and patient people.

Mom, I’m sorry that I’m not an ideal daughter, but, despite all my mistakes, I love you very much!

Yesterday my mother called me “ANGEL”! Well, that is, "A MIRACLE IN FEATHERS")

There is no better evening when you sit next to your mother and talk about everything. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, the main thing is that she’s nearby.

I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom’s heart beat forever.

Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...

Mom, maybe I should come and help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... Even though I'm not the most best daughter, but I love you. Very very.

“Mommy, you are the best, the most beautiful, the most. I love you endlessly!” - in fact, we should say this every day. But we forget about this...

Mom is the sun that shines in the night, Mom is my brightest ray, dear mother, I’m sorry for everything, dear mother, beloved mother.

Thank you mom for your kind words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

Not every person is worthy to pronounce this sacred word: “Mom.”

Love for mother is the most important thing in our life!

Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

It’s very difficult without a mother, and everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

I know what you will do without your work. But what will you do without your mother?

I still can’t forget my mother’s eyes: blue as the sky, tender as a flame... I will carry the light in my soul through the years, I want you to know, mom, I love you!

Is there a more perfect word in the world that sounds similar in all languages ​​than the word Mom?

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: “Thank you”!

Probably, only after many, many years will we understand our mothers, but there will be no one to tell us about it...

But if it weren’t for mom, we wouldn’t know what kind of jungle we shouldn’t go into, although it’s very interesting there!

Your girl has grown up, mom, she has grown up. And he is no longer embarrassed to whisper confidentially with you in the evenings about the funny and difficult little things in life.

Mom doesn’t care who you are, she will always stroke your hair and kiss your hot cheeks, healing you from your fears.

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood more painful.

Why do I love my mother? “Because I said so!”, that’s why!

First, mom is the whole world to you, then you are the whole world to her.

I have always felt sorry for people who are on bad terms with their mother, because they have lost themselves best friend!


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Who is the most dear person in the World to each of us? That's right, Mom! After all, it was she who, from early childhood, when we were still unable to walk and squatted around the house, looked after us, raised us and did everything to make us strong and healthy. It was Mom who protected us from danger when we needed it. She taught us wisdom when we took the wrong path and went downhill. Maternal care is the best thing a person can know. Some of us don't understand the seriousness of the issue when we judge our mothers, scold them, and don't let them take care of themselves. Is it possible to reject the person who brought you life and gave you the opportunity to see the beauty of the whole World!? It’s a pity that we understand this only when we lose our mother, or when there is no way out to fix everything. Statuses about your mother will bring you to tears will help you understand that you need to appreciate every day you live next to your loved one and respect, love, and help him.

Statuses about mom are beautiful with meaning - I will come to you, my mother, I will kiss your wrinkles, let the years fly by stubbornly... only you, my mother, LIVE..

Only mother holds us all our lives: 9 months in the belly, up to 3 years in her arms, ... and all our lives in the heart.

It is easier to love humanity than to do good to one’s own mother.

You become an adult when you change “mama” to “mommy” in your phone!!!

News from chatty girlfriends divided by 48. Compliments from young people divided by 4. Remember the advice of a loving mother for the rest of your life.

They released their children into their lives like white doves into the sky! But those who have managed to forget their father and mother are not destined to fly!

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

Mothers give us life... and the worst thing for them is when we neglect this priceless gift.

The mother's reproaches are not without foundation.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

5 years - mom knows everything, 15 years - well, mom doesn’t know everything, 20 years - yes, what does mom know! 30 years old - I should have listened to my mother...

Parental home is a place from Paradise... Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock... And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart, will give you warmth and love!!!

The cheaper the love of men and women, the more expensive the love of a mother...

Even if the whole world throws stones at you, if your mother or father is behind you, everything will be fine.

Everything around is changing. And only Mom remains Mom...

Family charter: 1. Mom is always right. 2. Mom doesn't scream - she pays attention to important things. 3. Mom doesn't swear - she advises. 4. Mom doesn’t argue - she explains the situation. 5. Mom doesn't surf the Internet - she keeps up with the times.

Treat your mother with respect and your children will do the same for you.

The child's claims to the mother's love are immeasurable, they require exclusivity and do not allow sharing.

When we find happiness, we call our friends less often; when we become unhappy, we call more often... to our mother.

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

A mother can feed ten children, ten children cannot feed one mother.

Mom is always with you, even when you are alone. You can change cities, but you will forever be loved by her.

She who educates a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor. John Chrysostom.

Someone else's pocket is always fuller, someone else's work is always easier, someone else's problems are always simpler... And only other people's children are always worse.

Take care of your mothers, no one truly loves us more.

A mother is better able to protect her child than any lawyer, and more formidable than any prosecutor, she is ready to mercilessly punish anyone who offends her son or daughter.

And you try, when it’s bad, just spend time with your mother more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she was pleased. After all, mother is the most precious thing! And we pay so little attention to her!

Before you say anything about a woman, think about your mother.

A mother's first gift is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

Every mother must remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.