What are the dimensions s m l xl. Who fits size XS

When buying clothes, many are already accustomed to seeing this or that letter on the label, which has become “native” for them! Since we are talking about the size "M", then further we will speak precisely in its aspect. Size "M" - what is it in Russian in numbers?

Of course, for men and women, the same “emka” will differ from each other, so it’s worth referring to the comparative size table to understand which “M” has an analogue of “our” sizes. The point is that the different countries the correspondence with the cherished letter can also be different, which is why embarrassing situations sometimes arise when the size seems to be the same, but the thing is either small, or, conversely, as if from someone else's shoulder ...

Plus, let's add here that clothes are divided into several categories, and each of them has its own “M”. Do not be afraid, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

Owners given size(and there are quite a few of them, since M, that is, Medium (medium), is very common and is one of the most common), after reading the article to the end, they will be able to understand this issue thoroughly, both representatives of the stronger sex and women.

Table number 1. Matching "M" with Russian for men:

And here is a table that will allow you to determine the "Russian" counterpart to beautiful ladies. Table number 2. Matching "M" with Russian for women:


  • EU - European clothes;
  • UK - products manufactured in the UK;
  • US - goods from the United States;
  • FRA - clothing from France;
  • SPA - dimensional grid and ratio for Spain;
  • ITA - designation of Italy;
  • ENG - finally, "our" size.

For the convenience of using the information from this article, we have added dimensional comparisons with other countries here, and then we will compare "M" only with the Russian counterpart.

  1. As can be seen from the tables published a little higher, for men, the “M” size will correspond to the Russian 48. Sometimes people may be faced with the question: “What kind of sports size should you give me”? If suddenly this happens to you, feel free to answer: “4-5”! This is the real emka.
  2. When you go to the store for new jeans, the presence of the letter size "M" on the label implies that this is 28-29 "ours"!
  3. When choosing a shirt for yourself, you must remember that here the girth of the neck at the base, that is, the collar, is considered the measurement, and “M” corresponds to 38-39.

"M" is what size women's clothing?

It is usually easier for women to understand such “dimensional chaos”, however, relevant information on the issue will not hurt.

  1. So, "M" \u003d 44-46;
  2. If we are talking about the acquisition of women's underwear, then 46;
  3. In the situation with jeans, the Russian size will be 48.

Children's size "M" - what is it? What is the height of the child?

If everything is clear with men's and women's clothing in this direction, then the "children's question" remains open. In fact, such markings are not often found on children's things, moreover, they are affixed, as a rule, only on goods made in the USA. If, nevertheless, you saw the letter "M" on the tag, then use the data from the table below:

Age (years) Height (cm) Bust (cm) Marking
Russia USA
10 140-146 68 38 M
11 146-152 72 38-40 M
12 152-156 72 40 M

What is the M size for lingerie?

  1. Let's start with men's underwear. Here "M" corresponds to 48 Russian.
  2. For women, as already noted in the corresponding information block, this is 46.

What is the best way to determine your size?

Criteria will be provided below, thanks to which, the definition will not be difficult, viz.


When taking this measurement, it is necessary to hold your breath and wrap the tape around your chest in a circle around the nipples, while lowering your arms. The most important rule in this matter is taking measurements from a naked body.

If this option is difficult, you need to remove as many things as possible. When taking measurements, the centimeter tape should fit snugly against the body, but not squeeze, no discomfort.

Shoulder width

Here you can even take a shirt (of course, one that is exactly the right size for you), spread it on a flat surface and stretch the centimeter tape from shoulder to shoulder, thereby obtaining the desired number.

The length of the sleeve

We take the same shirt and remove it by attaching the tape to the seam of the sleeve and stretching it to the cuff. All actions are performed with outside sleeves.

On a note

It happens that when taking measurements, you will need to take into account the height of a person. For example, when choosing a costume for an event, the factor is important.

The information presented in the article is relevant for things that are produced by certain brands, that is, officially.

Naturally, if you order a thing of dubious quality, which, most likely, was sewn without taking into account dimensional grids, then the letter can be anything there, and it’s not a fact that it will match the desired parameter.

And more useful information on determining the size of clothes - in the next video.

Oddly enough, sizes like “normal”, “just right”, “will do” and even the legendary “roll with beer” are not the only indicators male forms and volumes. And picking up clothes, guided by them, is not very convenient.

To come to the store fully armed and not lose consciousness from the abundance of tags with numbers and codes, learn to understand the sizes menswear. And first, find out what, how and where you should measure at home.

Your centimeters

To choose the correct shirt size, just measure the circumference of your neck. This will be the size of the shirt. The only exceptions are tall men. They should also pay close attention to the height or length of the sleeves - otherwise they may turn out to be short.

Jeans and trousers are selected elementarily - according to height and waist circumference. In jeans, measurements are in inches: the first number indicates the waist circumference, and the second indicates the length of the inseam (that is, the seam along the inside of the leg, from heel to crotch). The circumference of the hips is not measured at all.

To determine the size of T-shirts and jackets, chest circumference matters. So that there is no discrepancy in the measurements, this parameter in men is measured at the level of the nipples.

And finally, the size of the linen is determined by the results of two measurements. For shorts, this is the waist circumference, and for T-shirts and T-shirts, the chest circumference is the guideline.

Systems and dimensions

Approximately navigate in standard sizes possible as follows. Domestic sizes (42, 44, etc.) are half the circumference of the chest. The 42nd size is suitable for men with a chest circumference of 82-85 cm (on average, 42 x 2 = 84) and so on.

In addition to the domestic system for determining male sizes, learn to navigate in two more. The first of these is the traditional American, inch system, more often applied, for example, to shirts. It is a numerical designation, for example, 15S 34. This means that the item has a collar girth of 15.5 inches and a sleeve 34 inches long.

But the most common is the simplified system, mainly used in sportswear collections, as well as for things that do not require an impeccably precise fit. It is designated by the letters S, M, L, XL and XXL, which means: small (small), medium (medium), large (large), very large (X-Large) and super-large (XX-Large).

These values ​​are not standard and often vary significantly among individual manufacturers. Although, even this system has approximate digital correspondences, which are given in the table:


Height, cm



Hip girth

Sometimes it is very difficult to decide on the size of clothes. The fact is that there are many different factors that affect correct definition size.

This is its type, the specifics of the dimensional grid of the country of manufacture, gender, age, and even the characteristics of a particular brand. If a person decides to order any type of clothing in an online store (for example -), then he should be especially careful about the selection right size and find an exact match in the Russian system. This is not so easy to do, but we will help you do it!

  • Women's sizes;
  • Men's sizes;
  • Clothing type
  • Age:
    • Children's sizes of different ages
  • Country or region:
    • European sizes
    • US Sizes
    • English sizes
    • Russian sizes
  • Special sizing systems for clothing brands

Look! Good to know: and their Russian counterparts

In addition to gender, the type of clothing also matters. Don't blindly choose an XL for pants just because shirts in that size fit your body type. Each type of clothing has its own specific measurement criteria.
Depending on the country where this or that product is produced, its size may differ from the usual size for a resident of another country.

Thus, when determining the size, it is necessary to take into account the following criteria and features:

  • What gender is the product intended for?
  • What age group is it suitable for?
  • What specific type of clothing is measured by this size;
  • What country are the clothes made in?
  • What local size corresponds to one or another foreign size.
  • Are there any features in the dimensional grid of a particular clothing brand

Dimensional grids of different countries and regions

Some countries have their own sizing system. First of all, this diversity is due to the system of measurement (metric or English) used in this country. Depending on the measurement system adopted in the country, the sizes of clothes are very different.

Also, there are unwritten size rules for different countries, for example:

  • American sizes are often 1-2 sizes ahead of Russian ones.
  • Chinese sizes, on the contrary, lag behind Russian system for 1-2 sizes
  • But clothes made in Turkey, as a rule, exactly correspond to Russian

The most common dimensional systems that you can often encounter are primarily American, Russian, Japanese, English, Italian, European and unified international types. For example, the measurement of clothes for women in Russia starts from size 38, in Japan - from 3, in the USA - from 0, in England - from 4, in Europe - from 32, the smallest international size is XXS.

It is very difficult to deal with numerous sizing systems. It will also not be easy to remember the correspondence of each with its own system of measurement. Therefore, in order to facilitate this task, it is convenient to use special correspondence tables.

table of correspondence women's sizes different countries and regions:

Russian sizes40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
US Sizes6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
European sizes34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Correspondence table for men's sizes of different countries and regions (outerwear):

Russian sizes46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56 56-58
International sizesSMLXLXXLXXXL
US Ramsers36-38 38-40 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48
European sizes46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56 56-58

Size system for different types of clothing

Different types of clothing are measured by a special sizing system. And this is quite natural - after all, for different types clothes need to take into account different parameters of the body.

So, to measure women's clothing The following physique data are taken into account:

  1. chest girth;
  2. Waist;
  3. Hip girth;
  4. The length of the sleeve.

If to determine a short blouse it will be enough data on the girth of the chest and waist, the length of the sleeves, then for trousers and jeans, data on measuring the size of the waist, hips, and leg length are required.

Most often, such types of clothing have their own sizing systems such as:

  • Men's:
    • men's coats, jackets, sweaters, suits (one size grid)
    • shirts
    • T-shirts
    • Pants and shorts
    • men's underwear
    • men's socks
  • Women's:
    • sweatshirts and blouses
    • dresses
    • underwear
    • t-shirts
    • jackets

Sometimes on various types clothes can be found with a two-digit size mark (Russian size), for example, 50 - 52. Usually this size is inherent in products that are very elastic and can be easily stretched. Depending on how tight the garment can fit, it will fit wearers of two close sizes at once.

Sizes for men's pants and shorts:

Russia44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Europe38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Great Britain32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Italy42 44 46 48 50 52 54

Sizes of women's dresses:

Russia40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Belarus80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116
Europe34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
Great Britain6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Sizes of women's clothing - matching and features

The following facts can be attributed to the features of sizes for women's clothing:

  • The dimensional grid of the CIS countries for women's clothing is formed on the basis of chest girth. The formula for calculating the size: Chest / 2 = Size in the CIS countries. That is, to determine your size of outerwear, you need to measure the girth and divide it by two.
  • In order to correlate the European sizes of women's clothing and Russian ones, you need to add 6 (six) to the European ones. As an example, European size 40 is Russian 46.
  • The European dimensional grid also takes into account the height of a person, so there are more gradations on it.

Size matching table for women's dresses:

RussiaEuropeUSAFranceBelarusItalyGreat Britain
40 34 6 36 80 38 8
42 36 8 38 84 40 10
44 38 10 40 88 42 13
46 40 12 42 92 44 14
48 42 14 44 96 46 16
50 44 16 46 100 48 18
52 46 18 48 104 50 20
54 48 20 50 108 52 22
56 50 22 112 24
58 52 24 116

Sizes of women's clothing:

BustWaisthip circumferenceRussian sizesInternational sizesEuropean sizes up to 165 cmEU size with height 166-171cmEUR size over 171 cm
74-80 60-65 84-90 40 XS16 32
82-85 66-69 92-95 42 XS17 34 68
86-89 70-73 96-98 44 S18 36 72
90-93 74-77 99-101 46 M19 38 76
94-97 78-81 102-104 48 M20 40 80
98-102 82-85 105-108 50 L21 42 84
103-107 86-90 109-112 52 XL22 44 88
108-113 91-95 113-116 54 XL23 46 92
114-119 96-102 117-121 56 XXL24 48 96
120-125 103-108 122-126 58 XXXL25 50 100
126-131 109-114 127-132 60 26 52 104
132-137 115-121 133-138 62 27 54 108
138-143 122-128 139-144 64 28 56 112
144-149 129-134 145-150 66 29 58 116

Men's clothing sizes

When choosing men's clothing, you need to know the features of the formation of its sizes. What is this feature? In fact, the principles of sizing for men are the same as for everyone - and it is based on the girth of different parts of the body (mainly the chest and waist. However, there are still differences. One of them is the division of sizes into four groups in depending on the physique of the man.

Helpful information: translated into Russian correspondences

Here is the classification:

  • N-size - sizes for men with standard figure and taller than 162 cm. N-size numbers are even and go from 32 to 82.
  • U-size - sizes for men with a stocky figure; height below 162 cm, chest volume is standard, but in the belt it may be wider than in the N-group. Size numbers are 24-38.
  • B-size - sizes for men with a large girth at the waist and height above 162 cm. Size numbers - from 51 to 75, odd numbers.
  • S-size - clothing sizes for men with a slim figure - taller than 179 cm, with a small chest and waist circumference. The numbers are 88-114.

Clothing size chart for men with a stocky figure (U-size)

24 166-170 94-97 86-89
25 169-173 98-101 90-93
26 172-176 102-105 94-97
27 175-178 106-109 98-101
28 177-180 110-113 102-106
29 179-182 114-117 107-111
30 181-183 118-121 112-116
31 182-184 122-125 117-121
32 183-185 126-129 122-126
33 184-186 130-133 127-131
34 185-187 134-137 132-136
35 186-188 138-141 137-141
36 187-189 142-145 142-146
37 188-190 146-149 147-151
38 189-191 150-153 152-156

Men's pants and shorts size chart:

RussiaEuropeUSAGreat BritainItaly
44 38 XXS32 42
46 40 XS34 44
48 42 S36 46
50 44 M38 48
52 46 L40 50
54 48 XL43 52
56 50 XXL44 54

Dimensional confusion in children's clothing

Children's sizes are also ambiguous. Up to 1 year, sizes are determined in accordance with the monthly age of the child. Usually on one product the size is indicated with an interval of 3 months. You can often find the mark 0 - 3. Such a product is intended for both a newborn and a 3-month-old baby. However, it should be noted that in terms of height and weight, a newborn and a 3-month-old child are quite different from each other.

More specific is the product size for children over 2 years old. On many clothes they write the height of the child, which corresponds to the product. In such cases, it is much easier for the parent to decide.

➡ To sum up - to select the right size for children's clothing, first of all, you need to look at the height of the child

It is easy to buy clothes yourself if you can try them on. For online purchases, you should first of all be guided not by size marks, but by the indicated centimeters or inches. So there is less chance of making a mistake.

Clothing sizes for children under two years old:

Age (months)HeightRussiaUSAEngland
up to 2 months56 18 0/3 2
3 58 18 0/3 2
4 62 20 3/6 2
6 68 20 3/6 2
9 74 22 6/9 2
12 80 24 S/M2
18 86 26 2-2T2
24 92 28 2-2T3

Table of clothing sizes for girls from two children:

AgeHeight 9 (cm)Russian sizesEnglish sizesAmerican (US) sizes
3 98 28/30 3 3T
4 104 28/30 3 4T
5 110 30 4 5-6
6 116 32 4 5-6
7 122 32/34 6 7
8 128 34 6 7
9 134 36 8 S
10 140 38 8 S
11 146 38/40 10 S/M
12 152 40 10 M/L
13 156 40/42 12 L
14 158 40/42 12 L
15 164 40/42 12 L

Clothing sizes for boys from two years old:

AgeHeight (centimeters)Russian sizesUS sizesEuropean sizesEnglish sizes
3 98 28/30 3T1 3
4 104 28/30 4T1 3
5 110 30 5-6 2 4
6 116 32 5-6 2 4
7 122 32/34 7 5 6
8 128 34 7 5 6
9 134 36 S7 8
10 140 38 S7 8
11 146 38/40 S/M9 10
12 152 40 M/L9 10
13 156 40/42 L9 12
14 158 40/42 L9 12
15 164 40/42 L11 12
16 170 42 XL12 14
17 176 42 XL13 14

Dimensional grids of brands

Despite the fact that recently the trend towards standardization of sizes has been clearly visible all over the world, there is still such a thing as clothing brands' own size charts. What does it mean? This means that many brands develop their own sizes for their clothing, and this can be a little confusing when choosing a product. In order to find the right fit, companies usually post detailed size charts on their websites. And this is, in general, the solution - to try on clothes on their sites. Difficulties may arise only when shopping in online hypermarkets, where there may be no indication of the size features of each product, but only standard international and regional grids are presented.

For example, here is a table of correspondence between men's sizes for brands Grostyle, Weibberg, Ferrero Gizzi, Perry Meyson, Greg Horman and Primen. (in centimeters)

Size / neck circumferenceEuropean sizeInternational sizeHeightBustWaistThe length of the sleeveSpin length
38 36-38 S170-176 94 82 64 75-76
39 38 M172-179 96 84 64 75-76
40 40-42 M176-183 98 86 65 76-77
41 42 L176-183 100 91 65 76-77
42 44 XL176-183 104 94 65 77-78
43 44-46 XL176-183 108 98 65 77-78
44 46 XXL176-183 110 102 66 77-78
45 46-48 XXL-3XL176-183 112 106 66 78-79
46 48-50 3XL176-183 118 112 68 78-79

How to take measurements and choose the right size - live hacks

  • When it is not possible to accurately determine the size of clothes for yourself, it is better to take the product 1 size larger. In any case, it is always easier to take in than to embroider.
  • Measurements are recommended to be taken on the most developed side of the body. For right-handers on the right, for left-handers - respectively on the left.
  • Measurements should be taken in a natural, relaxed body position. That is why it is difficult to take your measurements yourself - it is better to have another person do it.
  • Due to the symmetry of the body, half-girth measurements are often used - primarily the neck, waist and chest, the width of the back, the width of the chest.
  • To take more accurate measurements, several measurements of one part of the body are used - for example, the first, second and third half-girths of the chest, the first and second width of the chest.

Video: Taking measurements

When buying clothes over the Internet, we often encounter incomprehensible markings, for example, the size XL is written on the tag - what is it? Men's size differs from women's, moreover, jeans and, for example, underwear are marked differently. And it is very important to determine your parameter, because the thing cannot be tried on. What does the size XL, M, XXXL and the like mean, you will learn from this material.

We take measurements

Before proceeding with the determination of the size, you need to measure your parameters. To do this, you need a centimeter tape:

  • Bust. Stand up straight and measure your chest. The tape should run in the middle of the shoulder blades and the most protruding points of the front of the chest (nipples).
  • Waist. Measure the size of your belly, laying a centimeter tape strictly along the waist line.
  • Hips. The measuring tape should run parallel to the floor along the most protruding points of the buttocks and thighs.

Now that you have measured all the parameters, you can begin to calculate your size. Let's make a reservation right away, the marking of the countries-manufacturers is different. But using the data from our tables, you can always determine whether a piece of clothing will suit you.

Determine the Russian size

In most cases, domestic manufacturers switched to international labeling. This table shows the sizes that were used in the Soviet Union, but they are still relevant today:

Hip girth Waist Bust The length of the sleeve Size
92 70 88 59 44
96 76 92 60 46
100 82 96 61 48
104 88 100 62 50
108 94 104 63 52
112 100 108 63 54
116 106 112 64 56
120 112 116 64 58
124 118 120 65 60
128 124 124 65 62
132 128 128 66 64
136 132 132 66 66
138 136 136 66 68

What size XL for men

In this table, we will translate the received Russian clothing number into international:

Russian size International European (EU)

American (US)

English (UK) Italian (IT)
44 XXS 38 34 32 42
46 XS 40 36 34 44
48 S 42 38 36 46
50 M 44 40 38 48
52 L 46 42 40 50
54 XL 48 44 42 52
56 XXL 50 46 44 54
58 XXXL 52 48 46 56
60 XXXL 54 50 48 58
62 XXXL 56 52 50 60
64 4XL 58 54 52 62
66 4XL 60 56 54 64
68 5XL 62 58 56 66
70 5XL 64 62 58 68

Modern men love shopping just as much as women. Therefore, we increasingly meet male representatives in branded clothing or stylish suit. It is difficult to find suitable things in the market or in the store, so everyone goes shopping on the Internet.

On the Internet you can find branded items at low prices, a wide range and convenient delivery are offered. The only difficulty that all buyers face is the problem of choosing the size.

How to find out your men's clothing size? Taking measurements

As a rule, for a successful purchase on the Internet, it is enough to take measurements correctly and choose the size of the item according to the table. If using the table is not difficult, then in order to measure the parameters of your body, you need to follow some rules:

  • Involve a second person to measure the parameters. If you do this yourself, the values ​​may be incorrect.
  • Put on the clothes (underwear) that you will wear with the purchased item. Before measuring parameters, be sure to put on a T-shirt, shirt, shorts or other things that you will underwear.
  • Got between two sizes? Choose the one you like best. If you like tight clothes, take a size down. Like to wear loose clothes? Choose a larger size.

How to take measurements from a man? ( example of notation in the picture on the right)

  • neck girth(1). Measured at the base of the neck. Wrap the tape around your neck so that the measuring tape runs just above the jugular cavity, and back through the base point.
  • Bust(2). Wrap tape around the most prominent points on the chest.
  • Waist(3). Wrap the tape at waist level, keep it horizontal when measuring.
  • Hip girth(4). When measuring, the tape should pass through the most protruding parts of the buttocks.
  • Inseam leg length(5). Distance from groin to ankle.
  • The length of the sleeve(6). Measure from the top of the shoulder to where the sleeve ends.
  • Shoulder width(7). Measure the distance from the edge of one shoulder to the second. Keep the tape in front of you.

General correspondence table

International sizeXSSMLXLXXLXXXL
Russia Ukraine42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56
Europe40 42 44 46 48 50 52
USA36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Italy42 44 46 48 50 52 54

TOP (shirts, jackets, jumpers, sweaters, vests, jackets, bathrobes)

All designations in the table are in centimeters (cm).

Russia Ukraine44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Bust (cm)82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102 102-106 106-110 110-114
Waist (cm)70-74 74-78 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102
Hips (cm)84-88 88-92 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116
Sleeve length (cm)59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

BOTTOM (shorts, trousers)

Russia Ukraine44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Waist (cm)70-74 74-78 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102
Hips (cm)84-88 88-92 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116
Inseam length (cm)76 76 76 81 81 86 86 91

Men's jeans

L is the length of the leg along the inner seam.

Russia Ukraine42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Waist (cm)70 70-76 76 76-82 82 82-88 88 88-94
Height L30 - 76cm
Height L32 - 82cm170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178
Height L34 - 88cm178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185
Height L36 - 94cm>185 > 185 >185 >185 >185 >185 >185 >185

Men's shirts

Russia Ukraine42 44 46 48 50 52 54
Neck circumference (cm)37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Sleeve length (cm)63 64 65 65 65 66 67
Shoulder Width (cm)41 42 43 44 45 46 47


Plus size men's clothing

Russia Ukraine64 66 68 70 72 74
Bust (cm)142 152 157 162 168 173
Waist (cm)122 129 132 140 142 147

Clothing care rules


As a rule, outerwear is particularly susceptible to soiling and the formation of an unpleasant odor. To prevent musty smells, you need to dry your jacket, raincoat or coat well after walking outside. Most effective method drying is the placement of things on hangers. In this case, it will not wrinkle and lose its shape, and will also dry evenly in all places. It is better to hang the jacket in this form on the balcony, where it will be ventilated.

Particular attention should be paid to the hanger. Only one thing should hang on it, and it should fit the size of the item being stored. Otherwise, deformation and stretching of the material is possible.


To make your underwear last long time We recommend that you follow the care and washing instructions on the label. More detailed description icons can be found on our website.


Many people wash their jeans almost every day after wearing them. This should not be done, because denim quite durable, and you can clean it with an ordinary kitchen sponge. You can also hang them in the bathroom so they steam when you shower or bathe. In this case, it will be possible to wash them once every six months.