How to keep white sneakers white? How to store shoes: useful tips

Shoes with white soles always look stylish. However, after 2-3 outings, the sole noticeably loses its whiteness, especially if you wore shoes in autumn (rain and mud) and summer (dry dust). The gray tint gives the shoes a messy look. Is it possible to return the original color of the white sole of sneakers, sneakers and other types of shoes and how to keep it?

We clean shoes with white soles at home

What is the white sole made of?

The condition of shoes with white soles initially largely depends on the composition of the material of the sole itself. Modern soles are made from poly- and thermopolyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, tunite, felt, ethylene vinyl acetate, elatomer, leather, and wood. Traditionally, a white sole is an integral part of sneakers and sneakers. It is made from rubber with various additives that add wear resistance, reduce pressure on the foot, and improve thermoregulation. For example, elastomer rubber porous, durable and lightweight at the same time. Carbon rubber has great resistance and elasticity. It is these 2 types of rubber that are most often used to create the soles of sneakers and sports shoes.

Except useful properties, thanks to additives, rubber acquires a pattern, a different texture.

The composition of the material also determines how much easier it will be to clean. The more porous the material, the deeper the contaminants will penetrate into it and the more difficult it will be to completely remove them. Also big role relief plays. A more embossed sole, with "channels", "holes" will collect more dust than a smooth one.

You can return the snow-white sole to its original appearance if you have not worn sneakers without a break and cleaning for months. As with any cleansing, regularity is the key to success here.

Cleaning the white soles of any shoe is almost the same. However, it is possible that the soles of your sneakers are made of rubber with some specific additives that do not tolerate certain agents. If you still have the box or cleaning instructions, don't neglect them. In all other cases, first test the cleaner on the underside of the sole or on the inside of the shoe. If after one or two hours no cracks, spots, discoloration appear, the product can be used.

The easiest and most expensive way is to dry-clean shoes with white soles. There it is guaranteed to be put in order. However, this will not be cheap, and besides, the result will not last long - literally until the next walk. Therefore, it makes sense to use home remedies to give the white soles of shoes their original whiteness.

Means and methods of cleaning from yellowness

The shoes with a white sole and a top in a contrasting color - black, dark blue - look the most spectacular. How to bleach the piping and soles without leaving stains on the uppers of the shoes?

Use ordinary masking tape - just gently stick it along the edging of the shoe. Of course, this must be done after cleaning the shoes from dust, otherwise the adhesive tape will not stick. Two or three layers will be enough so that drops or particles of the agent with which you will whiten the sole do not get on the dark top.

Preparing shoes with white soles for cleaning

Before using any product, shoes must be prepared - cleaned of dust. This can be done manually - with a brush or vacuum cleaner, or you can wash the shoes in the washing machine. This must be done carefully, observing certain rules.

  1. Shoes must be disassembled into parts - remove the insoles, unlace, remove all removable parts. It is better to wash them separately, by hand.
  2. Place the shoes in a special laundry bag and place them in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Turn on the "sportswear/shoes" mode. In the absence of this, a “delicate wash” is also suitable. The temperature for such shoes is not higher than 40 degrees. Shoes should be washed with a special detergent for washing sportswear or with a very mild washing gel.
  4. If necessary, set an additional program "Rinse". The "spin" and "dry" modes for sneakers and sneakers cannot be used!
  5. Dry your shoes naturally. You can also use special shoe dryers.
  6. In no case should wet or damp sneakers be placed on the battery. Firstly, sneakers or sneakers from such forced heat can be deformed. Secondly, from overheating, the white sole may turn yellow forever.

So, you have cleaned the dust and dirt and white soles. Now arm yourself with improvised means.

We erase the raid. Eraser and melamine sponge

An ordinary school eraser can help you clean white soles. All you need is will and patience. And an eraser, of course. By the way, the eraser needs a light one, white is better. The method is quite long and requires painstaking work.

Melamine sponge - a product with truly magical properties.

  1. Wet your sponge.
  2. Just wipe off the dirt.
  3. Rinse the sponge in water as it gets dirty.

We clean sneakers with washing powder

They can not only wash things, but also whiten the white sole.

  1. Dissolve the powder in warm water. The concentration of the powder should be 2 times greater than for washing.
  2. Submerge your shoes in the solution. It should only cover the sole!
  3. Leave for half an hour. Go over the sole with a stiff-bristled brush.
  4. Rinse off the remaining powder and foam thoroughly.

The method is good for shoes, the quality of which you have no doubt. The sole is attached to sneakers mainly with glue, and in inexpensive models, after soaking, it can simply “move away”.

How to clean yellowed soles with bleach

Before applying the method with bleach, it is necessary to conduct a test - drop the bleach on the surface of the sole and leave it. If everything is visually in order with the sole, bleach can be used.

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Dilute bleach in water. Concentration 1:2.
  3. Place the shoes in the solution so that only the soles are covered. Check every 30 minutes, as soon as the sole has whitened to the desired state - rinse off the detergent and dry.

The method is unsafe, because with prolonged contact it makes the rubber looser.

Toothpaste/toothpowder against yellow plaque

The abrasiveness of the toothpaste cleans the white soles of sneakers or sneakers well.

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste or powder to an old toothbrush and scrub the sole well. Pay special attention to the irregularities (hollows, pimples) of the sole - this is where the most dirt accumulates.
  2. Wash off the foam with water. If necessary, use a brush with stiffer bristles.

To clean a white sole, toothpaste or powder should be taken only in white, without color blotches.

whitening soda

Again, we rely on the abrasive.

  1. Sprinkle some baking soda on a damp, soft cloth.
  2. Rub the piping and outsole well. It is better to do this over the sink or laying a rag - when cleaning, the soda will crumble. Use an old toothbrush to clean the grooves in the sole.
  3. Rinse off any baking soda with water and dry your shoes.

To whiten yellowed shoe soles, mix baking soda with lemon juice and rub the surface.

How to clean with acetone or nail polish remover

  1. moisten cotton pad or a soft cloth with liquid and rub the sole. Cleaning should be carried out carefully so that the liquid does not get on the fabric upper of the shoe.
  2. Rinse with water and dry with a paper towel or tissue.

A rag for this method must be taken in white, colored from acetone can shed and ruin shoes.

The method is excellent for removing dirt such as black stripes on shoes or yellow spots, but it is more suitable for a flat surface than for a relief one.

To whiten the sole, you can also use acids - citric and acetic.

Remove dirt with citric acid

  1. Moisten the surface of the sole.
  2. Pour a little powdered citric acid and rub it with a rag or sponge.
  3. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Shake off the remaining acid and rinse the surface with water.

Lemon acid it will also help to whiten the sole, which has turned yellow from time to time (provided that the yellowness does not appear from drying on the battery).

Bleach with vinegar

  1. Prepare a solution - dilute table vinegar in warm water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. Dampen a rag with the solution and wipe off the dirt. Scrub stubborn stains with a brush.
  3. Rinse the surface.

Home remedies for removing plaque and stains from white soles: photo

The acid in table vinegar will help you clean and whiten the white soles of sneakers and trainers. Citric acid will clean and whiten the soles of shoes Nail polish remover quickly removes black marks on shoes Thanks to its abrasive and bleaching properties, baking soda cleans dirt on shoes well.

We remove various stains from the surface of shoes - traces of a marker, paint, shoe glue

Sometimes shoes need to be cleaned not only from street dirt, but also various stains. In such cases, you need to solve 2 tasks at once - get rid of the stain and not ruin the shoes.

Marker marks on shoes are removed with alcohol, toothpaste with soda, WD-40.

  • Alcohol. It is better to remove traces of the marker from shoes with alcohol (96%), although any alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 50% will do.
  1. Wet a cotton pad and wipe the marker stain.
  2. Repeat if necessary. Try not to wet the stain too much.
  • WD-40. "Vedeshka" can do a lot, including deducing a trail from the marker.
  1. Apply the product to the stain and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
  2. The tool should be used carefully.
  • Toothpaste + soda. Mix toothpaste and baking soda in a 1:1 ratio. First, saturate the stain with the compound, and then rub the mixture into the stain with a damp cloth. The method takes time and effort.

Glue marks on shoes are not easy to remove. It is necessary to use agents that soak and separate the adhesive particles. To do this, use alcohol, vinegar, soda and special tools.

  • The easiest way to remove glue is to heat it up. To do this, use a hairdryer. Heat the stain until the glue softens. Then gently scrape off the layer. Repeat until you have removed the maximum amount of adhesive. It is possible that already at this stage the glue will be completely removed from your shoes.

If there is still glue left, use other means.

  • Alcohol. It dissolves adhesive compounds, depriving them of stickiness.
  1. Soak the glue stain with alcohol.
  2. Rub gently. If the glue begins to soften, remove it. If not, wait and apply alcohol to the stain again.
  3. Scrape off any remaining adhesive and dry the shoes.
  • A paste of baking soda and water will help remove the glue stain.
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. With a rag in a circular motion rub the stain until the adhesive is completely removed.
  4. Wash off the paste with warm water.

This method is suitable for any surface where drops of glue have fallen.

  • The acid in table vinegar also softens the glue particles.
  1. Soak the glue stain in vinegar and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If the glue has softened, then try rolling the glue with a dry cloth or scrape it off.
  • Special means for removing glue are called - "Antikle". They can be purchased at hardware stores. It is enough just to apply such a tool on the stain and the glue will begin to dissolve.
  • Solvent will remove traces of paint on shoes. Before using such products, try them on the sole or inside the shoe.
  1. Dampen a cotton pad with acetone and wipe the stain.
  2. After the stain is gone, blot the area paper napkin and dry.

The acetone method is suitable for oil paint. If you are not sure what kind of paint your shoes are stained with, then use the following recipe. It is suitable for removing any type of paint.

  1. Mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth and wipe the stain. Repeat until the stain is gone.

This method is suitable even for thin suede shoes.

White for a long time - how to keep the color of the rubber sole

The challenge that comes after all the effort of cleaning white shoe soles is how to keep the result. Shoe cosmetics will help you with this.

Purchase a colorless shoe polish. After cleaning and bleaching, apply a little cream and polish with a soft cloth. This will keep the border white. Of course, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of spots, gray and yellow plaque. Take care of your shoes even before you put them on for the first time - treat your shoes with a special water-repellent impregnation. It most often comes in a spray format, which is convenient to apply to the upper and sole of any material.

Don't forget to reapply protection - reapply every two weeks or every time before putting on your shoes.

How to wash white rubber soles of sneakers and sneakers: video

We clean the soles of shoes with our own hands: video

Shoes with white soles need regular care. Use shoe cosmetics - cream, protective spray to prevent dirt from entering. To clean the white sole from dirt, you can use improvised means. Clean your shoes regularly to remove dust and stains.

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White shoes are the perfect choice for summer. But few people manage to carry it for more than one season. Stains, dust, improper care - all this makes it dull and unattractive. Caring for white sneakers and sandals is really more difficult than caring for shoes of other colors. But with due care, it is quite possible to keep it in its original form for several seasons.

We are in website collected tips for caring for white shoes. They will help her keep the same color longer as on the day of purchase. We will also tell you how to clean stains from already spoiled things.

1. After purchase, treat the shoes with wax or spray

The new boots turn from white to gray due to the invisible dust that settles on them. Fortunately, white shoes have been invented for a long time, as well as the means to protect them. Special impregnations and sprays will create a layer impenetrable to dirt on the surface of things. Such a simple procedure will preserve the color for a long time. Choose a tool depending on the material of the shoe.

2. Do not apply cleaning products directly to shoes

If your sneakers or boots are still dirty and you bought a cleaning product, do not smear it on the surface of the shoes. Spots or streaks may remain on the white color, which will then be almost impossible to remove. Apply any product to white shoes with a sponge, brush or soft cloth. So its excess is absorbed into the material and does not damage the surface of the product.

3. Do not store white shoes with colored shoes.

If your shoes are all together in the hallway - it's nothing. But if you put white shoes together with black and brown shoes in one box or bag, there is a good chance that next year they are no longer white. Paint, invisible remnants of shoe polish and dust - all this will change the color of white shoes for the worse. Keep your white shoes in a separate box to keep the color, or at least keep them together with shoes of the same color.

4. Choose a shoe brush according to the material

It is easy to guess that it is a bad idea to clean white shoes with the same brush as black ones. But this is not the only nuance, it all depends on the material of the product.

If the shoes or sneakers are made of smooth leather or leatherette, then any soft cloth will do. To preserve the structure of sanded models, it is better to choose a crepe brush. If not, an eraser will help clear the material. For suede, only a special brush is suitable.

5. Use Vaseline to Remove Water Stains

Improper washing can leave ugly stains on white shoes. They will become visible when the shoes dry. Do not try to remove them with cleaning products. Instead, use petroleum jelly: apply it on the spots and leave it overnight (7-8 hours). By morning, the stains will disappear, excess Vaseline can be removed, and the shoes can be treated with cream.

6. Remove old stains with gasoline

The easiest way to clean shoes from fresh dirt. But even if you got your white shoes dirty last season, don't rush to throw them away. You can try to wipe off old stains with gasoline. It must be mixed in any container with a small amount of magnesia powder. Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the stained surface with it.

Let's focus on a few simple, but effective ways keeping your sneakers in their original condition, as if you just bought them.

This is all the more true given that you've probably spent a lot of time looking for that perfect pair of white sneakers, whether it's a traditional timeless classic from Chuck Taylor or a pair of sophisticated Common Projects sneakers. In this connection, your main task is to preserve them in their original form. Agree, what's the point of wearing a $695 pair of classic Yves Saint Laurent high top sneakers if they have traces of dirt or unsightly scuffs on them? And what about the yellowed rubber sole?

Seriously, if you want to become or are already the proud owner of a pair of stylish white sneakers, then you know that it takes some effort to maintain them in their original form. But it's worth it... Before moving on to tips on how to keep your sneakers white, it's worth saying a few words about the materials. So, leather sneakers will stay white longer compared to their canvas counterparts…

Prevention, prevention, and more prevention

The first thing you should do after taking the new thing out of the box is to treat it with an anti-stain and water-repellent impregnation. A water-repellent impregnation spray will protect against stains, which clogs the pores of the leather on sneakers, but at the same time they still continue to breathe. In addition, such impregnation can be used not only to treat shoes, but also bags, since the spray protects the material from which bags and shoes are made very well.

How to wash and clean white sneakers (video)

For processing canvas sneakers, a multi-purpose impregnation is suitable, which is also suitable for processing winter shoes. As a rule, such impregnation is colorless. In this case, a single application of the impregnation spray is not enough. Impregnation should be applied every time before going outside or at least once every two weeks.

Note: Isopropyl alcohol is used as an ingredient in shoe stretching products and can be used as a shoe antistatic agent.

The key to keeping your shoes in top condition is regular stain removal.

You need to wipe off stains or scuffs as soon as possible, otherwise the dirt will be absorbed into the fabric or leather. So when you're outside, always keep wet wipes handy to wipe stains off your shoes.

When you get home, remove excess dirt with a soft toothbrush (if you have mesh sneakers, the stiff bristles can tear the mesh). Laundry soap and water will come to your aid (but if you prefer achievements to "old-fashioned" methods modern technologies, you can use a foam cleaner), apply foam to the bristles of the brush moistened with water and start rubbing the sneakers until foam forms. Dry your sneakers with a clean towel or microfiber cloth.

In addition, in shoe stores there are many specialized products for cleaning shoes from stains and scuffs.

But not less effective tool than even cutting-edge shoe-cleaning products is toothpaste. To remove stains, apply toothpaste pointwise to traces of dirt and rub it with a toothbrush.

Toothpaste cleans even better than specialized shoe cleaners. Most importantly, do not forget to thoroughly wipe the sneakers from the toothpaste with a damp towel.

Note: Removing stains with toothpaste is only suitable for leather sneakers, as mesh sneakers or canvas sneakers will quickly absorb the paste and, if water gets on them, the paste can stand out and leave yellow stains.

Advice: when cleaning canvas or suede sneakers For stains, don't rub too hard. If necessary, wipe with a damp microfiber cloth until stains are gone. Let the shoes dry well, then run the shoe brush towards the heel to raise the pile, as suede hardens when wet

In addition, in any shoe store there are special wipes for cleaning shoes (genius invention).

White sneakers all summer long! (video)

Again, in the fight against stains, you can resort to the help of a proven tool - a regular pencil eraser. Just go over the spots with an eraser like on paper. The eraser will ideally wipe off stains and scuffs, even on the sole. And you don't even have to wet your shoes.

Instead of an eraser, you can buy a melamine sponge at the nearest supermarket, cut it into several small pieces and soak it in a small amount of water to wipe all the stains from the sneakers.

Note: The advantage of a melamine sponge is that there is no need to use any chemicals, since the sponge itself can cope with any dirt. It is enough to moisten the sponge in a small amount of water.

But whatever you do, remember: Under no circumstances should you wash sneakers in the washing machine.

If you wash sneakers in the washing machine, they will quickly tear and lose their shape. In addition, after being in the washing machine, your pure white sneakers will take on a yellowish tint.

Moreover, the rubber on the sole of the sneakers, like vampires, is afraid of exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, you should store white sneakers in a closet away from direct sunlight. Keeping your laces in perfect condition is just as important as the rest of your shoes. Do not bleach the laces, as the laces will fray and wear out quickly. Instead, wash them with soap and cold water, or put them in washing machine into a special bra bag or pillowcase and wash them on the delicate wash in cold water.

From time to time, unpleasant odors should be eliminated! You probably like to wear barefoot sneakers (this is normal), but the insole, as you know, perfectly absorbs any odors, so you need to get rid of these odors sometimes. Therefore, dry your shoes thoroughly (thankfully, special dryers were invented for this, which can be safely left inside the sneakers all night). If you suddenly did not have a dryer, do not despair: if you sprinkle the insole with a regular baking soda and leave overnight, then all extraneous odors will go away. In the morning, it is enough to shake the soda out of the sneakers.

How to clean sneakers and care for sports shoes (video)

By following these simple tips, you can not only keep your sneakers white for a long time, but also significantly extend their life.

Care of such models should include:

  1. pretreatment before use.
  2. Timely cleansing of dirt and the fight against emerging stains.
  3. Preventive care measures.

At proper care shoes can look white for a long time


When leaving, the main thing to remember is that in no case should you wash sneakers in a washing machine.

They may break or lose their shape. In this case, the snow-white top may acquire a yellowish tint. But not only the upper can suffer - the rubber on the sole can not only peel off, but also turn yellow.

Many owners of white sneakers try to bleach the laces, which quickly lose their original appearance. This can cause them to wear out quickly. To improve their external condition, you can wash them in a delicate wash at low temperature, after putting them in a special laundry bag.

  1. To clean the upper part of the sneakers, you can use a regular stationery eraser. It can remove most stains. This cleaning method is convenient for accessibility and convenience (sneakers do not need to be wetted). The eraser is used both to remove stains on the upper part of the shoe, and to remove problem areas on the sole.
  2. Instead of an eraser, a melamine sponge can be used, which is cut into several parts. It is moistened in ordinary water, after which the shoes are wiped.
  3. Ordinary laundry soap will help to cope with pollution. It is dissolved in water and sneakers are rubbed with the resulting foam, applying it to a brush of medium hardness. If folk methods do not inspire confidence, you can use a foam cleaner instead of laundry soap foam. It is also applied with a brush, after which the sneakers are wiped with a microfiber cloth.
  4. From folk remedies available to everyone is worth noting toothpaste. It is applied to contaminated areas and rubbed with a brush. The main condition for such cleaning is that after treatment with toothpaste, the sneakers must be wiped with a damp cloth. This method of dealing with pollution is only suitable for leather shoes. On canvas models, the paste can show up when wet, which can cause yellow spots.
  5. In many shoe stores you can buy special wipes for cleaning shoes. They help in a matter of seconds to cope with serious contaminants and prevent their deep penetration into the material.
  6. When cleaning suede sneakers, don't scrub too hard. After processing with a napkin, you need to dry the shoes, and then walk on it with a special brush from the toe to the heel to lift the flattened pile.
  7. from stains? You can buy ready-made cleaning products for white shoes in specialized stores. They will not only remove stains, but also refresh the color and eliminate visible traces of scuffs. Special care must be taken when cleaning sneakers with a mesh coating. Using a hard brush can seriously damage the surface of the shoe and ruin it. appearance.
  8. solved, but what to do with the rubber white sole? Isopril alcohol can be used to clean the soles or trims of white athletic shoes. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It can also be used as an antistatic agent, as well as being a component of a shoe stretcher.
  9. If, upon returning home, there is dried dirt on the shoes, it is necessary to wash the sneakers. But dirt can damage the delicate surface of the sneakers, so you need to soak the shoes first. For this, ordinary water without detergents is suitable. You can't put your shoes in the water for a long time. Therefore, as soon as the mud is soaked, you can rinse the shoes in warm water with laundry soap or shampoo.

Stuffing your sneakers with paper or newspaper will help them dry faster.

You need to dry the cleaned shoes without using a hair dryer or stove. A normal shoe dryer is fine. If not, you can get the insoles and fill the inside of the sneakers with newspapers and put them in a room at room temperature. But if the inside of the shoe is also made of white or light-colored material, it is better to replace the newspaper with ordinary toilet paper. In this way, you can protect your sneakers from the appearance of paint stains from the newspaper.

In order for the shoes to serve for a long time, and its appearance to remain the same snow-white, it is necessary to organize high-quality care for white sneakers immediately after purchase.

New sneakers

When to use impregnation

After purchasing, you need to treat the sneakers with a special stain remover, as well as impregnation with a water-repellent effect. Spray impregnation clogs the pores of the top made of leather. It is used not only for shoe care, but also for processing leather bags.

If the shoes are made of canvas, you can use multi-purpose impregnation. It is suitable for both summer and winter shoes. It is colorless, so it will not leave stains. It is necessary to apply impregnation not only when sneakers are put into operation. Before each exit to the street, it is necessary to apply impregnation. In extreme cases, treatment twice a month is suitable.

Keeping materials clean

It is also important to protect the white sole from sunlight, as under their influence it also loses its original whiteness. It is best to store them in a closet.

An important preventive measure is the timely cleansing of stains and dirt. Stains must be cleaned immediately. Therefore, it is better to keep wet wipes on hand, with which you can clean the surface from various pollution. Upon arrival home, you need to remove dirt not only from the sole, but also from the upper part of the shoe. You can do this with an old soft-bristled toothbrush.

Five simple rules caring for sneakers - and they will serve you forever (of course, if they are of high quality). Bonus to the article: common mistakes that you should not make, and four cleaning rules.

No. 1. Rest

With sneakers, as with shoes - you can’t wear them all the time, you need to give them at least a day of rest. The reason is that soft tissues are still better skin absorb the moisture your feet release during heat transfer. And this “day off” is just an opportunity for shoes to dry out normally.

No. 2. wear them

And now the rule that contradicts the previous one: sneakers need to be worn regularly. It's like with a car - if you don't use it, it can crumble. It's not like you came home one day, lifted the lid of the box, and there, instead of a pair of brand new Snickers, a pile of mangled fabric was already waiting for you. But if you don’t wear it regularly, there is a risk that the shoes will fall apart in a few socks.

No. 3. No experiments

You are already an adult and wealthy man. So do not repeat the feats of the 9th grade: in the same sneakers to walk non-stop all summer and winter. So the shoes will last longer, and you are less likely to catch a cold.

No. 4. How do you keep your shoes in shape?

Most perfect option- wooden blocks. But no one forbade stuffing sneakers with crumpled newspapers either.

No. 5. Daily care

And after every wear, don't forget to take care of your sneakers:

  • clean them;
  • ventilate;
  • treat with dirt-repellent sprays.

We guarantee: this will help extend the life of your shoes for more than one season.

Attached to the article is a video with a ten best running shoes 2015. Do you already have these?

Common Mistakes

No. 1. washing machine

No. 2. Bathing in a basin

Some experts say that it is also forbidden to drown sneakers in a basin. Like, the main rule is water on sneakers, not sneakers in water. You can, of course, "drown". But then there is no guarantee that the shoes will last a long time.

No. 3. Do not wear when wet

Do you think they will dry on the go? Is not a fact. But the fact, and iron-concrete: sneakers are guaranteed to acquire a signature unforgettable flavor.

Looking for sneakers for spring? Choose from the following stylish offerings:

Cleaning rules


This is the only part of the shoe that can and should be machine washed. Do not forget to put them in a special bag for delicate washing, so as not to look for them in the folds of the duvet cover.

Main body made of synthetic materials