Lunar calendar and manicure. When can I do a manicure with gel polishes according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure and nail extension: the influence of the zodiac signs

Surely you have noticed that once at a time is not necessary. Sometimes manicure and pedicure work out well and nails remain neat and well-groomed for a long time. It happens that the master or you yourself, while doing a manicure, manage to cut yourself several times, the varnish cracks and peels off the same evening. After nail extensions, sometimes your real nails get sick and don't look right. the best way. And sometimes the legs after a pedicure again quickly become covered with corns ... Of course, the result depends on many factors: the qualifications of the master, the quality of the materials, and so on. But besides that, the moon influences him! Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure is a handy tool that will help you plan your hand and foot care routine in order to get the best result.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - auspicious days

What influence does the Moon have on the quality of care for our hands and feet? Firstly , powerful lunar energy affects ... the human mood and state of mind. Therefore, on lunar days with complex energy, it is better to put aside sharp objects and wait. Secondly , all life on Earth exists, obeying the laws of the lunar cycle. As you know, the Waxing Moon promotes growth, development and multiplication, and the Waning Moon, as it were, takes with it all that is superfluous and unnecessary, slows down growth, and weakens addictions. Third , absolutely every day of the lunar cycle has its own character, style and preferences - and by adjusting to them, you can enlist the support of the moon and get the best result.

Considering all the above factors, astrologers have identified the best days for hand and foot care procedures. Favorable lunar days for manicure, pedicure, and in general for going to a beauty salon - 11, 20, 21 and 25 lunar days. In addition to them, favorable lunar days for manicure - 6 and 19, and for a pedicure - 4 and 9 lunar days. It is worth highlighting auspicious days for nail extension lunar calendar16 and 28 lunar days.

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Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - unfavorable days

Avoid manicure and pedicure procedures on 18, 22 and 29 lunar days. Interestingly, 22 lunar days are associated with the skin and are unfavorable for any effect on the skin - epilation, acne removal, piercing, surgical operations, and so on. By eliminating unfavorable lunar days, you will protect yourself not only from poor quality manicures or pedicures, but also from such more serious things as cuts and infections.

Many women who go to a beauty salon do not think about whether the day is right for a manicure today according to the lunar calendar or not. And not everyone knows that a manicure made on auspicious days according to this calendar can bring success, cash receipts and even love passion to the house. Astrologers compose it according to the changes lunar phases and position of the celestial body. After all, from what constellation the Moon is in, not only the emotional state of a person can change, but also luck in business. Next, consider how the phases of the moon, its location affect the guidance of beauty, in particular - procedures with nails. In our article, we will consider a detailed manicure lunar calendar for March 2018.

Detailed lunar manicure calendar for March 2018

The waxing Moon in Aries makes this day auspicious for manicures. Use of varnishes golden hues help to attract financial well-being.

The moon continues its growth and is in the constellation Taurus. Astrologers consider this day unfavorable for manipulating nails. Best Choice there will be supporting procedures - moisturizing the skin of the hands and softening the cuticle. On March 2, however, a manicure in the evening will help in attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

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The moon is moving into the constellation Gemini. This union is unfavorable for nails. Try not to cut or straighten your nails on this day so that they do not start to exfoliate. It is permissible to use hand massage these days, which will have a beneficial effect on the overall energy.

A favorable day for a manicure, a monetary reward awaits you.

The moon moves into the zodiac Cancer, which favors the care of the nail plate. These days, a red manicure contributes to the establishment of personal relationships. The energy of the Moon helps in the treatment of nails, has a beneficial effect on the rapid healing of burrs, as well as on medical manipulations with ingrown nails. The recovery period after these procedures is quick and painless.

The Moon in Leo has a neutral energy. On this day, you can enlist the support of the stars with the help of manicure bright colors. On Friday, limit yourself to only the necessary procedures. Beware of sharply changing the shape of your nails these days so that luck does not turn away from you.

On Wednesday, the energy of the Earth's satellite begins to decline. This is the third phase, the 21st and 22nd of the Moon calendar, plus the zodiac signs Virgo and Libra in the science of the arrangement of the stars. The Scattering Moon begins to slow down the rate of nail growth. If you decide to get a manicure or pedicure on March 7, it will certainly turn into a predictable and rational impact.

The disk of the Moon occupies the position of the third phase, which clearly indicates that the energy of the Earth's satellite is starting to decline. In the Moon's handbook, these are the 22nd and 23rd. The Scattering Moon begins to slow down the rate of nail growth. Based on astrological science, the satellite of the planet today is in the sign of the Zodiac Libra. This sign says that a visit to a manicure service on March 8 is possible that it will turn out to be a rational outcome.

The moon is in the third quarter position, so the energy field of the satellite is not enough. In the calculation of the reference book of the night star, this is the 22nd and 23rd of the lunar calendar. The Last Quarter essentially stops the rate of nail growth. On this day, the night luminary is located in the signs of the Zodiac Libra and Scorpio. These signs say that the hike in nail salon March 9 may well be a rational and correct choice.

If you want to get high-quality work, you can visit the master of the nail service. Manicure will please for a long time and will bring a lot of pleasure. It will help you create new look that people around will notice. Changes for the better can be expected soon.

The most positive day of this month will be March 11th. On this day, luck will literally follow you around, so feel free to plan a trip to the manicure parlor. With the help of a bright manicure of green and yellow shades, you can bring financial well-being to life.

Bad days. Do not visit a nail salon at this time if you do not want problems in business and in relationships with loved ones. All other days of March are neutral. It is good during this period to massage the nail plates using chamomile and calendula oils, or baths based on a decoction of these plants.

You can safely experiment, the manicure will turn out perfect. New form nails will help to draw attention to yourself. You can expect promotion up the career ladder.

The period begins again when it is better not to engage in the attractiveness of nails. Otherwise, there may be serious problems with health. Care must be taken not to get into a car accident.

Any manipulation in the field of beauty will fail. The result is unlikely to please. In addition, troubles and problems will appear in life.

The dissatisfaction of others will follow you everywhere if you decide on a manicure and pedicure today. It is best to stay at home and finally sort out all the rubbish in the attic that clogs the comfort of your home.

A quick rise in career is promised by the stars to those who do not forget about visiting the nail master today. A beautifully done manicure and pedicure will give that confidence that was not enough for a fateful acquaintance and a business proposal that could predetermine the future financial side of your life.

To get a rich and interesting life, manicure and pedicure on this day must be completed before sunset. Immediately after this, one should expect pleasant surprises, unexpected calls and pleasant meetings. It is possible that you will be offered a trip abroad.

A manicure and pedicure done today is able to charge you with energy and vivacity for a long time. The main thing is not to miss the best time - the first half of the day. Otherwise, you can achieve the exact opposite result.

If you cover your nails with cold shades, then you can frighten off problems that arise or even those that already exist in your life. But the main thing is to focus on some other color, for example, red or yellow.

Harmony in personal life and success at work will be in danger of destruction if you take a trip to the master today. You can carry out wellness procedures, after which the nails can be in best form than after going to the nail stylists.

You can attract the attention of the opposite sex in a simple way- Trim your nails after the sun has gone below the horizon.

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All secret dreams will come true if you go for a nail extension procedure today. This will give confidence and strength to carry out everything that previously caused fear.

To find happiness in your personal life, you need to pay attention to your nails. The master will do the job well. A bright manicure will bring good luck and new acquaintances to life.

Auspicious days of the week for manicure according to the lunar calendar for March 2018

A person's nails are an indicator of his health. Brittle, dull, stained nails will not create the image of a well-groomed winning woman. To make your hands always look beautiful, you need to follow a certain rule: do a manicure in accordance with the lunar calendar. Such days are the so-called "beauty days".

If you do your nails in the outgoing moon on Monday, then your nails will retain a healthy and strong appearance for a long time. Because Monday is a lunar health day.

On Tuesday, nail cutting and manicure are needed for those who feel insecure in their abilities, who need support to get out of a difficult situation.

Wednesday is communications day. If it so happened that negotiations, meetings are coming up and a positive outcome is important to you, do a manicure on Wednesday. The moon will give you a firm conviction in what you are doing.

Thursday is the day of renewal, purification and growth. Self-care on this day will have a good effect on your physical and mental well-being.

Friday is a day of rest and slowing down. If you decide to do a manicure on Friday, you should understand that all the vital functions of a person slow down on Friday, so this day is not suitable for hand care.

Saturday according to the lunar calendar is the day of deliverance. It is worth taking care of the beauty of nails on Saturday, and you will get rid of everything that made your development difficult.

Sunday is a day unsuitable for either manicure or cutting nails.

Zodiac signs and manicure days

Capricorn. This sign is responsible for the nails of the feet and hands, as well as the skin, so on the day of the Moon in Capricorn you can do everything: extensions, haircuts, manicures. Everything will end up great!

Taurus and Aries. Neutral signs in the nail plan. You can do a manicure, although it is not necessary.

Twins. Bad day - all nail manipulations can end badly.

Cancer. Another taboo day: if you shorten your nails, they will begin to exfoliate and completely “refuse” to grow.

A lion. Golden time for decorating marigolds. You can draw flowers, stick rhinestones - all astrologers bless you for this!

Virgo. This is a healing day: in addition to decoration, pens can also be treated. Edged manicure, cutting of corns, baths - everything will go well and will give the maximum effect.

Scales. Care day. You can cleanse the skin and nails, soar them in enriched essential oils"baths".

Scorpion. If the Moon is in this sign, then vice versa - baths are contraindicated. Today they can burn the skin. But a manicure is not forbidden.

Sagittarius. On this day, you can do whatever your heart desires.

Aquarius. Do you want a manicure? Yes please! But it’s even better to start treating inflammation or a crack in the skin that day.

Fish. Be careful: when doing a manicure (which is not prohibited today), avoid sharp objects. It is today that you are in danger of getting hurt. Also, do not try new cosmetics - today the body can give out an unexpected allergy.

It is also important to remember: all circumcision procedures are strictly prohibited on the new moon and full moon. You also need to be careful three days before and after the same period after the indicated days.


In matters of beauty and health, the advice of astrologers is rarely superfluous. At least, this is stated by many of the fair sex, who noted that the phases and days of the moon have a direct effect on the human body.

Many astrologers say that before going to a beauty salon, you should still check the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Do not be too lazy to look at the manicure lunar calendar for September 2017 to find out when you can cut your nails this month, and then the manicure will turn out not only beautiful, but also bring pleasant events and changes to your life.

*4 number. Unfortunately, another unfavorable day in September. Any manipulations with the nails threaten to turn into trouble - ruin your nails, and also gain extra pounds.

*September 5th. Finally, you can make an appointment for a manicure and pedicure, try a new, individual design on your nails, thanks to which they will acquire a special charm.

*6 September. You should not cut and even polish your nails, as there is a chance of getting a cold, feeling very tired. Yes, and it is better to postpone the extension for the time being.

*September 7th. Any manipulation of the nails on this day will contribute to the emergence of financial troubles.

*8 September. A manicure done today will help improve relationships within the work team, and at the same time strengthen your friendships. Intra-family problems will also get better, but the long-accumulated ones will soon find a solution.

*10 number. The result will not only meet your expectations, but even exceed them.

*12-th of September. Again, a bad day, when the manipulation of the nails will eventually turn into resentment and ill-wishers that have appeared due to quarrels. Today it is worth studying the massage of the hands or the whole body, strengthening one's own immunity.

*September 13th. Even if you only do a pedicure, you will still feel weak, weaken your immune system. However, the next day also cannot be called suitable.

*September 15th. Try to be careful on this day. You can touch up the nails, but you need to act very carefully, especially when processing the cuticle. Any slightest wound will heal for a very long time.

*16 of September. Perform caring procedures, as this is an excellent prevention of the condition of your nails. Along the way, you will prevent diseases of the blood, head.

*September 17th. It is allowed to do anything - the end result, the degree of satisfaction will depend entirely on the experience of the master and your personal luck.

* From 18 to 20 September is considered unfavorable. If possible, reschedule the procedures from the 18th to another day. The manicure will be short-lived, the varnish will quickly come off or chip off, extended nails will fall off.

*September 19th. It is desirable to give the nails a complete rest, and any manipulation with them on the 20th will lead to a violation of nail growth.

*September 21. Even a simple nail cut or a rather banal manicure will help you move up the career ladder, get a new position or determine your future prospects. In addition, once again establish yourself in the people around you.

*September 22nd. You will be forced to face a choice: cutting, polishing or painting your nails, of course, will help get rid of the oppressive melancholy, but their condition will worsen after that.

*23 September. Perfect day. Today you have the right to do whatever you want with your nails! If you want, pamper them with special baths, make an unusual design, or try new varnishes and shades. In addition to a great manicure, you will clear your own path from those who wish you harm and failure, from envious people.

*September 24th. There is no reason to postpone these plans. However, if you want to do your own nails, we are sure that you can do a good job with their haircut, painting, then proceed. Any procedure will help you improve attention and memory, improve your studies or work.

*September 25th. The lunar calendar advises to wait and do nothing today, as you can slow down the natural internal metabolic processes, which will provoke weight gain.

*September 26th. A good day. By doing a manicure and cutting your nails today, you will also improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system.

*September 27. More suitable for relax. Give yourself and your nails a little break.

* 28 September. If you want to quickly and fully realize some of your ideas, you can safely go for a manicure. Pedicure is also not forbidden.

* from 0 September. Performing manicure and pedicure on the 30th, you will protect yourself from enemies and annoying envious people. In general, be sure to go to the salon.

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In matters of beauty, the advice of astrologers is rarely superfluous and the lunar manicure calendar for September 2019 is specially designed for those for whom astrology is not an empty phrase.

Do not be too lazy to look at the manicure lunar calendar for September 2019 to find out when you can cut your nails this month, and then it will turn out not only beautiful, but also bring pleasant events and changes to your life.

Lunar manicure calendar for September 2019: favorable and unfavorable days

  • September 1. On this day, schoolchildren and students go to school after the holidays, and for the rest it is positive in terms of taking care of their nails. By cutting them today, you will gain the missing self-confidence. It is possible that you will even be able to increase your own authority.
  • September 2 will be a bad day for both manicure and pedicure. Do not cut or paint your nails, it is better to treat them for a fungus - it will definitely be effective.
  • The same applies to the next day - September 3. If you disobey advice and do a manicure or pedicure, then you will attract enemies, ill-wishers, and become too touchy with others.
  • 4 number. Unfortunately, another unfavorable day in September. Any manipulations with the nails threaten to turn into trouble - ruin your nails, and also gain extra pounds.
  • September 5th. Finally, you can make an appointment for a manicure and pedicure, try a new, individual design on your nails, thanks to which they will acquire a special charm. There are some in my head interesting ideas to this account? That's good, ask the master to supplement his plan with them. However, you can do everything yourself.

  • The next two days are a bad period. On the 6th, you should not cut and even polish your nails, as there is a chance of getting a cold, feeling very tired. Yes, and it is better to postpone the extension for the time being.
  • As for the 7th, any manipulation of the nails on this day will contribute to the emergence of financial troubles.
  • 8 September. A manicure done today will help improve relationships within the work team, and at the same time strengthen your friendships. Intra-family problems will also get better, but the long-accumulated ones will soon find a solution.
  • Scheduled a manicure or pedicure for September 9th? It is recommended to transfer everything to another, more favorable day.
  • The 10th is also suitable - today the result will not only meet your expectations, but even exceed them.
  • 11 September. Let your nails rest. It is recommended to prepare a relaxing hand bath or pamper them nourishing cream, and also process, but do not trim the cuticles.
  • 12-th of September. Again, a bad day, when the manipulation of the nails will eventually turn into resentment and ill-wishers that have appeared due to quarrels. Today it is worth studying the massage of the hands or the whole body, strengthening one's own immunity.
  • To what the given procedures and on September, 13th. Even if you only do a pedicure, you will still feel weak, weaken your immune system. However, the next day also cannot be called suitable.
  • Deciding to get a manicure or pedicure on the 14th, you will be dissatisfied with the result, moreover, shorten your life years.

Was the lunar manicure calendar for September 2019 useful for you? Write about it in the comments below.

Nothing lasts forever under the moon, but it can be durable - for example, a manicure done on a "good" day. What is good and what is bad, the moon decides in this case. Listen to her advice, your nails will be long, your health will be strong, and the money will not be transferred.

The ancestors believed in the power of the stars and the moon.

Contemporaries also listen to the advice of "stargazers" - everyone who wants to protect themselves from the kicks of fate. Anyone can be convinced of the viability of this "esotericism".

It is enough to cut hair or nails to the waning night light - they will grow back long and slowly. Take note when planning your waxing. And we'll talk about manicure - a favorable time for restoring beauty on the nails.

Even children know the phases of the moon - new moon, growth, full moon and waning. And the fact that the Moon is a ball, and it “decreases” or “grows” depending on the position around the Earth and relative to the Sun, is also known to everyone. The rest everyone learns to the extent of their curiosity.

It is a fact that the lunar phases affect a person's life and underlie many signs, rituals and superstitions.

Admit it, show the young month money? No? In vain. The next time you see a thin sickle, rustle with money, saying: “You, a month, are young, but money cannot be transferred in my wallet.”

To prevent health from being transferred, cut and paint your nails on the “right” days. The “correct” days for a manicure are the phases of the waning and rising of the moon. Yes, you can cut your nails in descending order - they will grow back slowly, but they will become strong. On the new moon and full moon, scissors and gel polishes aside - weaken the energy protection.

In general, manicure with an eye to the moon was first discussed in the 16th century. Recall that the 16th century in history falls on the Renaissance - the time when concrete benefits began to be derived from everything mystical. And today nobody is interested in bare philosophy.

It is interesting what helps to live. The lunar calendar helps to live. What benefit can be derived from it - read.

From house to house: zodiac calendar for manicure and pedicure

Trimming and painting nails on any day, except for the new moon and full moon, will not work. In addition to the lunar phases, nail procedures are favored or prohibited by zodiac signs, days of the week and days of the month.

To the question when to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar, a professional astrologer will answer by checking the position of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac.

For each sign, the night luminary stays for 2-3 days, changing its character and influence in the zodiac house. In this connection, the forecasts for manicure in the next few days can differ dramatically.

  • If the Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Pisces, manicures can be done or postponed. In any case, the manipulations carried out on well-being and life in general will not affect in any way. Days are neutral.
  • The moon is visiting Gemini and Cancer - the time when you should not disturb the night luminary. In these signs, the Moon can connect a channel with negative energy to the end of cut nails.
  • The moon in the house of Virgo or Libra favors extensions, gel polish and other cosmetic procedures - it develops inner harmony, balance and femininity. Enjoy.
  • In the days of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, do your nails from the heart, transforming both externally and internally. Time favors growth and development.
  • If you want to realize your creative potential, plan a manicure on a day when the Moon is in Leo. And the more eccentric the nail art is, the wider the chakra of creativity will open. Time to break the dress code!

Monday is a beautiful day: lunar manicure calendar by day

In the old days, they had no idea about the zodiac, and they cut their nails on Thursdays. Fortunately, there are more “good” days in the week.

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon, and favors the luminary for all manicure manipulations. On the most difficult day of the week, you can indulge yourself with a long-lasting manicure, extensions, or simply file the ends or remove the cuticle - “cut off” and “cut off” all the negative.
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars. The planet is militant. If you want to enlist the support of an aggressive element (or just grow strong nails), do a manicure on Tuesday. Use a “life hack” if a situation arises in life that requires aggressive and assertive actions.
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury- a planet that affects the nervous and immune systems. By cutting your nails on Wednesday, strengthen your general and psychological immunity and be able to resist any outside aggressors.
  • With low self-esteem, turn to Jupiter through nail trim on thursday. You will gain self-confidence, feel a surge of new strength, end with indecision and be able to take action.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus- the goddess of love, beauty and charm. It would seem that the perfect time for a manicure. But no. By cutting your nails on Friday, you will “cut off” the charm and leave yourself without energy protection.
  • Devoting manicure Saturday, solve a whole bunch of personal problems, including loneliness, debt and illness. You will tie up with the first, give the second, you will remove the ailments as if by hand - Saturn will help.
  • On Sunday, do not disturb the peace of heavenly bodies. The owner of Sunday is the Sun, and it strongly recommends that you rest and recharge your batteries, and not waste energy on cosmetic procedures. Postpone until Monday.

All in all, auspicious days for manicure- the question is ambiguous. You need to act with an eye on the moon and other astrological circumstances. Let's combine knowledge into a universal calendar and learn how to plan nail procedures for many, many years to come.

Beauty cheat sheet: manicure according to the lunar calendar 2017

Algorithm for planning procedures with nails

Everyone can make a lunar manicure calendar on their own. You don't need to be an astrologer for this.

It is enough to follow a simple algorithm of work:

  • designate the corresponding color of the full moon / new moon and the time of the Moon's stay in Gemini and Cancer - an unsuccessful period for manicure and pedicure manipulations;
  • in a different color, mark one day after and before the new moons / full moons and the periods when the Moon is in Aries, Taurus and Pisces - a neutral time for manicure procedures;
  • highlight the rest - days favorable for nail art, gel polishes, extensions and any other procedures with hands, feet and nails.

If the diet is balanced, the care is correct, and the nails exfoliate, break and grow slowly, turn to the moon for help. Doesn't ask for money. She is ready to give generously. Just give her a little attention - she will thank you a hundredfold.