Scenarios New Year's pun competitive game program. New Year's game program for children, material on the topic. contest. "New Year's painting"

Scenario of the competitive game program "Funny Pun"

Scenario plan

1. Prologue

    Opening remarks by presenters.

    Presentation of competition conditions.

2. Main part

1 Round



Recess : Game “Build a snowman”.

2 Round


Recess : "Puzzles".

3 Round

    "Draw a bear."

Change: Game "Snowballs".

4 Round

    "A fun puzzle."

Change: Chant "These are all my friends."

5 Round

    Auction "Flowers".

3. Final part

    Counting tokens by participants.


    Final words from the presenters.

Scenario of the competitive game program “Funny Pun”

The call signs and music sound, and the presenters come out.

Presenters (together) : Hello, friends!

1 Presenter: We welcome you to “Funny Pun”!

2 Presenter : And this means that today you will find competitions, games, quizzes andsurprises !

1 Presenter : Today the following are participating in “Funny Pun”: Team “______________” and team “_____________”.

2 Presenter: Are the teams ready to fight? Then a few words about how our competition will take place.

1 Presenter: So, you, dear friends, will take part in 5 rounds, where for each correct answer you will receive tokens. Your task -try and get themgreatest quantity.

2 Presenter: Because, at the end of the competition, we will determine the winner based on the number of tokens.

1 Presenter: We wish you good luck, creative success and only victories!

Presenters (together): We begin!

A musical beat sounds.


1 task.

2 Presenter: 1 Tour and 1 task – find errors in a confused poem. Therefore, listen carefully.

1 Presenter: At the end of the poem, whoever finds the mistakes raises their hand, explains and receives a token. Ready? Attention.

2 Presenter:

Warm spring now -
The grapes are ripe here.

1 Presenter:

Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.

2 Presenter:

Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.

1 Presenter:

And in winter among the branches
“Ga-ha-ga” - the nightingale sang.

2 Presenter:

Give us an answer quickly -
Is this true or not?

For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Task 2.

2 Presenter: We thank you for the correct answers and continue.

So,Round 1 – task 2 . We list the words and you name two that sound similar. Ready? Attention.

1 Presenter: Watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil.

2 Presenter: Onion, bear, grass, beetle.

1 Presenter: Donkey, sled, watering can, cans.

2 Presenter: Teddy bear, birch tree, pine cone, shirt.

1 Presenter: Plasticine, eraser, orange, palette.

2 Presenter: Eraser, paints, grater, brushes.

For correct answers, the team receives a token.

1 Presenter: And now it’s smallrecess . I suggest the game “Build a Snowman”. 2 participants from each team are invited to participate in the game. So, dear participants, now you have to assemble a snowman figure from parts on a magnetic board(prepared in advance and lying nearby on the tables along with magnets). The team that assembles the snowman the fastest will receive three tokens. Ready? Let's start!

Game "Build a snowman"


2 Presenter: Well done guys, you did a great job and had a rest! And we move on to the 2nd round.


1 Presenter: 2 Round . You have to answer questions. For each correct answer, the team receives one token.

(The presenters take turns asking questions.)

    Which animal is bigger - elephant or hippopotamus?(Elephant).

    In the morning we have breakfast, and in the evening...?(Let's have dinner).

    It's light during the day, but at night...?(Dark).

    The sky is blue and the snow...?(White).

    Cherry, plum, cherry – is this...?(Berries).

    Why do barriers along the track come down before the train passes?(Warn pedestrians and drivers in advance that there is danger ahead.)

    What are Krasnoyarsk, Kaluga, Kursk?(Cities.).

    What is a sketch?(Drawing).

    What is the difference between day and night?(Light during the day, dark at night).

    A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...?(Puppy.) The little sheep is...?(Lamb).

    Is a dog more like a cat or a chicken? What do they have the same?(Covered with fur, four paws, etc.)

    Why do all cars have brakes?(To stop).

    Football, high jump, tennis, swimming - is it...?(Sport).

    What types of transport do you know?(Water, air, land, underground).

    What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What's the difference between them?(Age, health, etc.).

    Why do people play sports?(To be healthy, get sick less, be in shape).

    Why are there rules on the street and road?(To protect yourself, to avoid injury, to cross the road correctly, etc.).

    Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?(So ​​that it reaches the addressee).

    The plane is flying. But why is he small?(The plane seems small from afar).

    What is "Landscape"?(Image of nature).

2 Presenter: Thank you! You did a great job. And now a fun change awaits you again - riddles!


    Less tiger, more cat
    There are horn-like brushes above the ears.
    Looks meek, but don't believe it:

    This beast is scary in real life

    The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
    And in winter, under the snow howl

    He sleeps in a snow hut.

    What kind of animal is it in the cold winter?
    Walking into the thicket angry and hungry?

    Sensitive, slender and tall,
    He carries his head proudly,
    There is a thick shadow from the horns.
    This is a beautiful beast

    The forest handsome man is a coward.
    Did you guess it? This

    I'm like a grain of sand,
    And I cover the earth;

    I am from the water, but I fly from the air;
    I lie like fluff in the fields,

    Like a diamond, I shine in the sun's rays.

    Bely Tikhon,
    Shot from the sky

    Where does it run?

    Covers the carpet
    . (Snow)

    Who changes clothes four times a year?(Earth).

    Walking free
    In the forest, in an open field.

    Spins, howls, growls,

    He grumbles to the whole world.
    It flies through villages and towns,

    Doesn't want to know anyone. (
    Blizzard, blizzard).

    He is kind, he is also strict,
    He has a beard up to his eyes.
    Red-nosed, red-cheeked
    Our favorite...(Father Frost).

2 Presenter: We thank all the guys and move on to the 3rd round.


1 Presenter: In this tour you will have to show your artistic skills and draw a bear. The difficulty is that you will draw it one by one, passing the marker to each other, like a relay race, for speed. So, the first participant runs, draws a part of the body, runs back, passes the marker to the next participant, who, in turn, runs to the magnetic board, draws the next part of the body, runs back, etc. The first team to draw a bear receives two tokens. Is the task clear? Ready? Attention! Let's start!

Relay race “Draw a Bear”.

2 Presenter: And again a change. We invite you to the most favorite winter game of all children - “Snowballs”. Now you have to test your accuracy. I will ask the teams to go to the starting line. So, pay attention! Each participant receives one snowball. This means that each of you only has 1 attempt to get into the basket. The first participants throw a snowball into the basket and stand at the end of the team. The team that throws the most snowballs into the basket receives two tokens.

Snowball game

1 Presenter: The break is over, and I ask the teams to return to the gaming tables, because we are starting the 4th round.

In this round you will have to show your mathematical skills and solve the problem. For a correct decision, the team receives 3 tokens. Ready? Attention.

Round 4 - “Fun task”

2 Presenter:

One evening to the bear
Neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,
A wolf with a tricky fox.
But the bear couldn't
Divide the pie among everyone.
The bear was sweating from labor:
He didn't know how to count.
Help him quickly
Count all the animals.
(6 guests).

The guys solve the problem, answer, and receive tokens.

1 Presenter: Well done, friends, you did a great job, and for your work comes your reward! We invite you to a fun break.


2 Presenter: Guys! We will now read poems to you, and if they are about you, answer:“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

And if this doesn’t apply to you, then don’t answer! Agreed? (The presenters take turns asking questions. ):

- Who likes to read?- Who likes to play? - Who goes to clubs? -Who doesn't brush their teeth? - Who likes to play? -Who likes to dance? - Who will help a neighbor? -Who's the restless one here?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends


- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!


1 Presenter: Well done, we had a wonderful time. Let's move on to the final 5th round. I'm announcing a flower auction. Auction conditions: you have to name the flowers. To do this you must raise your hand. We listen to each other carefully and do not repeat the names of colors. The winner receives 2 tokens. Attention! Ready? Let's start!

5 Round

Poppy! Poppy - one, poppy - two! Mac - three! That means he is the winner (if no one else named the colors).

2 Presenter: Well friends! You did an excellent job. It's time to take stock, for this I ask you to count the tokens.

Team "Magic Pencil" - ______ tokens,

Team “Golden Tassel” - _____ tokens.

We have a winner! Applause to the “______________________” team, we congratulate you and, of course, award prizes to everyone!

And the “_____________________” team receives incentive prizes.

1 Presenter: Thanks guys for the game and good mood! Good luck and creative victories!

labor instructor

Serdyukova Irina Alekseevna

Municipal government budgetary institution of the city of Novosibirsk

Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care,


The scenario includes a competitive program with music, theater, art and creative competitions.

Presenter: Hello, dear guys! We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year holiday. Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, hope and magic! It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible!

Leading: And to make it interesting, a fun New Year’s trip awaits you today with competitions that funny Snowmen will hold with us, and surprises, prizes and gifts are also waiting for you today...

Presenter: So, the teams are ready, and we begin our New Year’s journey “New Year’s Tricks”. I ask my Snowmen assistants to distribute route maps of our New Year's journey to the teams. (Snowmen distribute route maps to the teams)

Our journey begins, and right now we are holding 1 competition:

1 competition "Musical"

Leading: Now you have to perform the melody of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” in an unusual way:

cluck, snap your fingers, clear your throat.

The jury sums up the results and gives the teams snowflake points, which will be counted at the end of the trip to determine the winner.

2 competition. "Theatrical»

Presenter: Everyone is familiar with the poem:

They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you want -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Let's remember what symbols of the year are present in the Chinese calendar? There are only 12 of them, according to the number of months in the year. We answer in turn, each team names 3 characters.

Teams: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

Snowman: This poem should be read as if it were being read by a sheep, a monkey and a rooster.

(One representative from each team goes to the middle, takes out cards with the name of the animal and reads a poem)

The jury awards snowflake points.

3 competition. "Puzzles"

Leading: And now there is a competition for the best expert on New Year's riddles.

The teams take turns asking questions. The winner will be the team that gives the most correct answers.


  1. It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. (Ice)
  2. What grows upside down? (Icicle)
  3. The blue sheet covers the whole world. (Sky)
  4. On New Year's Eve everyone is happy to see her, although her outfit is scratchy. (Christmas tree)
  5. Which bird has a snowy name? ( Bullfinch)
  6. He sits on everyone and is not afraid of anyone. (Snow)
  7. What kind of stars are they through?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

8. The old man at the gate dragged away the warmth.

He doesn’t run, he doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)

(The jury awards snowflake points.)

Competition 4: “Making a Snow Woman”

Presenter: The task for the teams is to “make” a snow woman, but not from snow, but from everything that is prepared on the table. We invite 3 people from each team. One will become a snow woman, and the other two will “sculpt” him, wrapping him in toilet paper. Then you need to put the prepared attributes on him, give him a broom or broom.

Snowman: Let's see whose snow woman will be the most original.

Each team receives a prize.

5 competition. "Gift Wrapped"

Leading: One representative is called from each team. Your task is to decorate a beautiful New Year's gift in 3 minutes. For this we have: wrapping paper, bows, scissors, colored ribbons, New Year's rain and tinsel, lace. In a word, everything that is required to create beautiful packaging. Whoever gets the most beautiful gift wins.

6 competition. "Draw a funny Santa Claus"

Presenter: A sheet of Whatman paper is attached to the easel; each team is given a package of colored felt-tip pens.

The task of the whole team is to draw a cheerful Santa Claus in 2 minutes,

but each child at Grandfather’s can only draw one thing:

head, eyes, nose, mouth, beard, etc. The winner is the team who, in 2 minutes, will create the funniest Santa Claus.

The jury evaluates and awards snowflake points.

7 competition. "Live Christmas tree"

For the competition you need to prepare many different Christmas tree decorations.

Leading: In each team, choose someone who will portray a living Christmas tree. The task of the other participants is to decorate this Christmas tree in 3 minutes.

Prizes are given to those who have the most decorated Christmas tree.

All members of the winning team, of course, receive New Year's prizes.

8 competition. "Portrait of Fruit"

Presenter: In front of you is a table with a tray and a bowl containing fruit.

We invite each team to create a portrait on a tray using fruit.

Teams receive sweet prizes.

9 competition. "New Year's Surprise"

Leading: Our next competition is creative: you need to make a New Year's souvenir with your own hands in 5-7 minutes, using a disposable cardboard plate, napkins for New Year's themed decoupage, decoupage glue and scissors. Get to work!

The jury evaluates and awards snowflake points.

10 competition. "New Year's painting"

Presenter: I suggest, using a New Year theme, to draw on the table

semolina (buckwheat or millet) picture. This could be a winter landscape, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a New Year's still life, etc.

5 minutes of time are given.

The jury evaluates and awards snowflake points.

Leading: Our competitive New Year's program is coming to an end, but our holiday continues. In the meantime, the jury is counting the snowflake points scored by the teams, I propose to invite you to our holiday Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Guys, let's all call them loudly together! (Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter)

Father Frost:

Hello, dear children and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:Guys, Grandfather Frost loves to listen to New Year's songs. Let's all join hands, stand in a round dance and sing a New Year's song. (Music sounds, everyone sings the famous New Year's song)

Presenter: Now, let’s sum up our New Year’s journey and

Let's listen to the results. The jury gives the floor. (The jury sums up the results and awards the teams with sweet prizes)

Snow Maiden: Guys, maybe one of you will sing a song or recite poems that talk about the New Year, the Christmas tree, winter, snow, blizzards and blizzards. Are there any of you like that? (Children show prepared musical numbers)

Father Frost: Thank you guys, you made my grandfather happy with your songs, dances, and poems. And now it’s time to give me New Year’s gifts, Snow Maiden, help me. (Distributing New Year's gifts).

Festive photo shoot.

Leading: Guys, I propose to conduct a festive photo shoot with Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Snowmen!

Father Frost: Guys, the time has come for Snegurochka and I to hit the road. See you again next year! (Children see off Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

Presenter: After a fun journey, you are, of course, hungry, guys, we invite you to the Sweet Table. Bon appetit!

Game program " New Year's serpentine»

Target: Create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality



Getting to know New Year's traditions, games and fun


Develop creative initiative

Develop memory

Develop quick thinking

- cultivate a culture of communication, kind attitude towards each other

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, Cockerel - the symbol of the new year 2017.

Equipment: tape recorder, microphone, tape, chalk, spoons and cotton balls, snowballs made of paper and tape, scissors, scarves, hats and mittens.

Progress of the event

Music is playing “The New Year is rushing towards us"(words and music by A. Ryzhov). The presenter comes out and the symbol of the year, the Rooster, flies out.

Leading: Hello, boys and girls! Funny jokes await you today, we won’t let you get bored for a minute!

Rooster: You are all so beautiful, bright, just like me. I am so happy, so happy that today there will be a miracle and a game! Because the New Year is the most fabulous holiday when all wishes come true! I guys are mischievous, very lively. Together we will play, have fun, dance. Are you ready to have fun? That's great!

Leading : And here is the first game “Disguise”

Children walk in a circle. If I say “path”, everyone needs to stop and take each other’s shoulders, when I say “snowdrift”, you raise your hands up, and when I say “snowflake”, you show snowflakes with your hands.

Rooster: We play just great! The whole class is having fun!

Rooster:Now the next game is "Snow Mission"
The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass around a “snowball” made of paper. At the same time they say:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on….

Rooster: All the guys are great, your talents shine from the heart! Let's play with you now in " Hot pens».

The players extend their arms in front of them and hold them with their palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. The moment he tries to do this, the player withdraws or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Rooster: Well done boys! It's great to play with you!

Leading: Father Frost and Snow Maiden are somewhere nearby. Let's invite them together to join us for a holiday!

Rooster screams with the children : "Father Frost! Snow Maiden!". Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear and walk around the entire circle. The Snow Maiden sings the song “If only there were no winter,” involving the children in an outdoor game in a circle.

Father Frost: Hello girls and boys!
People gathered around the tree again,
So the holiday is coming - New Year!
I'm very glad, guys, for our meeting! I see that the Rooster is already playing with you and everyone’s faces here are cheerful.
Snow Maiden: When the Christmas tree blooms with lights,
This means... New Year has come!
Father Frost: To make the tree sparkle, let's sing a song to our tree, guys. Then it will light up.

Snow Maiden and children sing a song about the Christmas tree "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost Something doesn't light up again. We all need to say together, “Let the lights on the tree light up once, twice, three times!” Children repeat, the tree lights up.

Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can I tell the guys some riddles?

Father Frost: Of course, Snow Maiden, make a wish.

Snow Maiden: On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally disappeared completely ( calendar).

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny.
I'm in charge for the New Year. (Christmas tree)

White star
Fell from the sky.
In my palm.
She lay down and disappeared. ( Snowflake)

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday?... ( New Year)

Father Frost: And now we will conduct “ New Year's relay race»

Participants are divided into 2 teams. A chair is placed in front of each team, with a hat, scarf, and mittens on it. On command, the first person runs to the chair, puts on a hat, mittens, scarf and shouts “Happy New Year!”, then takes off everything and runs to his team, then the next one…. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Father Frost: Next and gra will be "Snowball"

The teams line up and raise their hands up. The first player receives a snowball, which he passes along the chain. The latter quickly runs forward and passes the snowball to the others. The team that gets to their seats first wins.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, how cleverly you play with the guys! Are you tired by any chance?

Father Frost: I missed games, now my darling is happy! Now we play “Bring the Snowball”.

On command, player 1 with a spoon containing a cotton snowball runs to the tree. The winner is the team, all players, that runs to the tree and back first.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Now let’s find out who is “The Most Flexible” among us.

Description: children take turns walking under a stretched rope, trying not to touch it. Each time the rope is lowered lower and lower. The child who hits the string is eliminated. The remaining participant becomes the winner and brings the team a winning point.

Rooster: My favourite game " Cockfight" (to captains competition)

Each of them stands in a circle on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the participants in the fight (at a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stumble. The winner is the player who manages to push his opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a winning point. The rules prohibit removing your hands from your back. The match may end in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time.

Father Frost: I like to play and have fun, and spend time with enthusiasm. But time flew by quickly and here is the last game "Leap into the New Year"

A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three”, all the children make a jump into the “New Year”, that is, they jump over the ribbon. Santa Claus gives prizes to all children.

Father Frost:

We had a lot of fun!
I laughed heartily.
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Rooster: There are many wonderful holidays. But the best one in the world is New Year!

Snow Maiden: Calls you on your way to follow your dreams

This good New Year!

Father Frost: Let it pass without hassle

And it will bring good luck to everyone

This wonderful New Year!

The holiday ends with the song “We wish you happiness!”(lyricist by Shaferan I., composer Namin S.)

New Year's "Riddles - Answers"

Will come in handy now

And good luck and luck,

I'll read poetry for you

To lift your... MOOD!

Allowed today

Play different games,

Sing, joke, laugh to your heart's content,

And, of course... DANCE.

Glorious New Year holiday,

Loved by all the people very much

We believe that he will come in earnest

Come to us for the holiday...SANTA CLAUS

To our home on New Year's Eve

Someone will come from the forest,

All fluffy, covered in needles,

And that guest’s name is... YELKA.

There will be a Christmas tree in the corner

At the window on the floor,

And on the tree up to the top

Multi-colored... TOYS.

Grandfather will bring gifts

Chocolates and sweets,

Katya, Masha and Marina

They love... MANDARINS

He is very young

He is now waiting at the doorstep.

Who will come to us at twelve?

Well, of course... NEW YEAR!

We see off the Year of the Snake,

And we welcome the Year of the Horse,

We will live in friendship, in harmony,

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Cartoon dogs

Invite guests to name as many cartoons as possible where dogs appear in the main or supporting roles:

1. Three from Prostokvashino (Sharik)

2. Kitten Woof (and puppy Sharik)

3. 101 Dalmatians

4. Catdog

5. Once upon a time there was a dog

6. Bobik visiting Barbos

7. Scooby-Doo

8. Dog in Boots

9. Kashtanka

10. Belka and Strelka

11. Goofy and his crew

12. Barboskins

13. PAW Patrol

14. Pluto

15. Kung Fu Dog

And others.

Compliments for a Dog

Each guest (if the holiday takes place at a table in a small company of 5-10 people) is given a sheet of paper with block letters


The participants’ task: for each letter, come up with a compliment word on the topic of what kind of Dog she is. For example: sunny, optimistic, impeccable, artistic, sociable, ambitious.

Then everyone takes turns reading out what happened. And the presenter can sum it up with a toast: Let’s drink to the fact that the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - has all these wonderful qualities and happily shares them with all of us!

Game "Bone with wishes"

Riddles and tricky riddles

I. Ageeva

* I know for sure myself: after autumn... (winter)

* We put on white hats at home, filled our yard with snow... (winter)

* Starts the calendar with a month named... (January)

* Prickly snow on the ground is driven by the wind in ... (February)

* Childish laughter on the mountain, everyone is skiing in ... (December)

* A spruce tree is swaddled in snow with a sad song... (blizzard)

* I can’t find my friend’s house - the roads are swept away... (blizzard)

* The snowstorm has a friend, call this friend... (blizzard)

* The fluff flies, spins in the sky, melts in the palm, because it’s... (snowflake)

* Winter has excellent fur: it is soft white... (snow)

* What a lot of use for shovels in winter! Doesn’t let them rest... (snowfall)

* Snow fell of the purest quality, from it everywhere... (drifts)

* Shiny, light blue decorated the branches... (frost)

* Santa Claus sends gifts: soft snow and strong... (ice)

* In the frosty winter the lakes and rivers are frozen... (ice)

* Woolen sleeping bags for children's feet... (felt boots)

* Alyonka is not afraid of winter - she’s hot in her new one... (shearling coat)

* Draws bouquets of roses for us on the window... (Santa Claus)

* Good old man has grown a gray beard... (Santa Claus)

* Paints the nose of all the children red... (Santa Claus)

* Who covered the fields with snow? This is just... (Santa Claus)

* Ate a tray of fresh snow for breakfast... (Santa Claus)

* The shawl shines silver on the branches of birch trees, this outfit was given by... (Santa Claus)

* He loves runners, does not tolerate wheels - he rolled in a sleigh on a troika... (Santa Claus)

* Who brought us gifts? Well of course... (Santa Claus)

* This is a simple question: Snow Maiden’s grandfather is ... (Father Frost)

* On New Year’s Day, an electric locomotive gave me... (Santa Claus)

* All the guys are invited to cross-country skiing... (Santa Claus)

* Plucked us all seriously on a winter morning... (Santa Claus)

* We dressed up in costumes of mice, butterflies, and dragonflies.

Light up the Christmas tree for the kids soon... (Santa Claus)

* I didn’t freeze in the bitter cold, I’m only glad when it’s cold... (Santa Claus)

* Only the old one waits longingly for spring thunderstorms... (Santa Claus)


Play with me -

Repeat the movements.

We walk through the snowdrifts,

We raise our legs higher.

Oh, it's freezing outside,

Come on, everyone rubbed their nose.

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Everyone quickly grabbed their ears.

Twisted, turned -

So the ears flew off.

Those who didn't get blown off,

They shook their heads,

There was a tap on the knees.

Patted on the shoulders

And now they've drowned.

We still need to warm up,

Palms all rubbed together

Now ears, cheeks, nose -

And we are not afraid of frost.

We all dance without fail

Friendly Macarena dance.

Chant “New Year without a Christmas tree”

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like an apiary without...a bee

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like a thread...without a needle

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like a falcon without...a falcon

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like a gate without... a latch

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like a janitor without... a broom

New Year without a Christmas tree

Like a mansion... without a wolf

New Year's chant "Santa Claus"

The presenter reads the text, and the children shout in unison in rhyme “Santa Claus!”

On New Year's Eve, who is the welcome guest?..

On New Year's Day, who brought us a cartload of gifts?..

There is a pattern of roses on the window, who is drawing?..

Are your hands chilly, your nose freezing, are they freezing?..

We ask ourselves the question: Where are you, where are you?..

Time is rushing downhill, it doesn’t come?..

I can't hold back my tears! Where are you walking?..

Across a river, across a bridge, riding in a sled?..

We repeat our question: Where are you, where are you?..

The holiday will go wrong if he doesn’t come?..

Answer the question, who do we need?..

We are waiting for you, welcome guest, good old man?..

New Year's clapper-stomper “What the Snow Maiden loves”

The presenter (Santa Claus) reads the text, and instead of answering “yes,” the children clap their hands; Instead of answering “no,” they stomp their feet.

If I tell the truth, clap your hands;

Well, if I make a mistake, stomp your feet!

Does the Snow Maiden like to sled?..

Does the Snow Maiden like to swim in the bathhouse?..

Does the Snow Maiden like cold and ice?..

Does the Snow Maiden like a hot fire?..

Does the Snow Maiden like sweet ice cream?..

Does the Snow Maiden like sour kefir?..

Does the Snow Maiden like to cry, sob?..

Does the Snow Maiden like to sing and dance?..

Does the Snow Maiden like hot coffee?..

Does the Snow Maiden like real frost?..

Does the Snow Maiden love those who fight?..

Does the Snow Maiden love those who laugh?..

Does the Snow Maiden love forest animals?..

Does the Snow Maiden love evil hunters?..

Does the Snow Maiden like hot porridge?..

Does the Snow Maiden love our Christmas tree?..

Winter clapper-stomper

The presenter (Father Frost, Snow Maiden) reads the poem and pauses in the right places (where there is an ellipsis). Children, if they agree with the statement, clap, and if they disagree, they stomp.

Winter has come again -

It's time for us to remember

What can he do?

At this time, children.

You can go ice skating...

Breathe fresh air...

Play in the snow, run...

And sunbathe on the river...

In December, in the last days,

Dance around the Christmas tree...

And it’s not bad in the forest in winter

Picking strawberries...

Ride on a swing...

And on a sled down the mountain...

And the ski track has long been ready

For your beloved children...

And in winter, guys,

They can play badminton...

On a snowy window

Draw a person...

Take shelter under an umbrella in a snowstorm...

Take a walk through the snowdrifts...

Very cool guys

You were a game to play with!

Stomper “Winter and Summer”

The presenter reads the text; If he names words that are related to winter, the children clap, if these are “summer” words, they stomp.

I’ll say a winter word -

Strike your hands hard.

I will name the summer word -

Stomp actively!

Skis, roller skates,

Blizzard and Panama hats;

Snowman, ice, mosquitoes,

Blizzard, beach, fur coat, sled.

Sunburn, frost, snowdrift, snowballs,

Sundress, ice cap;

Mittens and fireflies,

Snowy meadow.

Grabbing game "New Year's Prize"

The players’ task is to grab the prize lying on the chair as soon as the presenter says the phrase “New Year”. The player who grabs the prize at the wrong time is eliminated. The catch is that there are a lot of phrases in the poem that start with the word "new", and so the players will fuss and make mistakes.

Guys, listen up! Attention!

The main thing here is not to miss.

When I say: “New Year!”

You need to take this prize.

A new... city has appeared,

It's not on the map yet.

I'll pack my bags

And I'll buy a ticket there.

New... where did the cat come from?

I just don't understand.

I'll catch him now

I'll take it to the neighbors too.

A new... guest is knocking on the door,

He is in a hurry to enter.

Without forgetting with you, of course,

Bring me a gift.

We bought a new bugle for school,

Bought a drum

So that along the school corridors

Everyone was in formation.

New... tie, new... tailcoat

Santa Claus gave me

So that I for the New Year

Walked handsome!

New Year's pun.

The song sounds “Disco “Accident” “Snow Maiden”. The presenter appears dressed as the Snow Maiden. It could also be a young man.

Snow Maiden (singing). And here I am, Snow Maiden, an intimate figure.
Now we will sing a song that cannot be more wonderful.
Let's sing together, otherwise there's no point in all this.
I don’t force anyone, I don’t point a gun at them.
The words in the chorus are very simple,
You will sing, you and you, and then you and everyone else.
And our words are: “” and so on, and so on.
The main thing is that you all sing along with me.
Along with the hall. Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden. Happy New Year to you! (Pause.) Has it already arrived? Is the last one not over yet? Every year it's the same. By the way, without what is New Year not a holiday? (He goes down into the hall. He approaches one of the spectators.) Can you count to four?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden. You will be the boss. This is the one who starts: one, two, three, four. Chief, do you understand? I understand exactly, or should I explain to you in English: one, tu, fri, fo... Do you understand it in Russian yet? Well done! I'll wave at you, okay?

The spectator nods.

Why are you nodding? I waved my hand at you, and you wave your hand that you understand, okay?

The participant waves his hand.

Now, that's better. Let's. (Waves his hand.)
Boss. One two three four.
Snow Maiden. Remember?

The participant waves his hand.

You are my leader. There is a boss. Let's go further. There can’t be a New Year without this... It falls on your head... Who said “brick”? You? He was already falling on you, noticeably. Without snow, of course, New Year is not New Year! Why are you laughing? You will be snowflakes.

Both boys and girls can be snowflakes.

(To the Snowflakes.) Do you know the dance of snowflakes?
Snowflakes. Yes.
Snow Maiden. You know - forget it. You will fall on my command. (Pause.) How to fall? Like a brick, ugh, out of the blue. Like this: hands up and down. (Shows.) It's clear?
Snowflakes. Yes.
Snow Maiden. We fall.

Snowflakes complete the task.

Well done! At one time they pretended to understand. (To the hall.) New Year is not New Year without this. This... there, here, back - it’s nice for you and me. (Approaches one of the spectators.) Why are you laughing? It is immediately obvious that he has never done this. Didn't go shopping. Otherwise it would be no laughing matter. You will be a bearer.

The spectator laughs.

Laughing again! The one who carries the shopping. Can you do this on command? (Shows what to do.)

The viewer repeats: runs in place, making his arms a rocker.

You've run far. I say on command. Now I'm running!

The spectator is running.

Keep it up! If you sit down at the table on New Year's Eve, what do you do? Who said "eat"? Are you local? No? It seems to everyone that they are eating, but from the outside they know better. You will be a guest. Do it like this: “hum-hum.”

The viewer repeats.

What, a bone stuck in your throat? So you don’t have to put half a chicken in your mouth at once when visiting. Okay, there are all the masters. You will do this on my command. (Approaches another spectator.) Do you like performing?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden. You love me, I can see it from the protrusions. You will be president. The name of?
Viewer. Misha.
Snow Maiden. I'm not asking you, I'm asking Mr. President. Again. The name of?
Viewer. Dmitry Anatolyevich.
Snow Maiden. Dmitry Anatolyevich, can I contact you? Shh... Don't say anything, you're the president, just nod your head, understand?

The viewer nods his head.

Great! Mr. President, at my command, say “Good evening!” Let's try. Let's!
Viewer. Good evening!
Snow Maiden. Of course, there are a lot of words, but for a start it will do. Let's remember, without what is New Year not New Year? After the president... they also hit him on the head.
Someone from the audience. Watch.
Snow Maiden. Watch? This is the clock in your kitchen, and the chimes in the Kremlin. Can you kill?.. I’m asking about the time. You can do it, I can see it in your eyes. You will be the chimes. Do it like this. Set the arrows to twelve. Naturally, switchman. Did you work on the railroad?
Viewer. No.
Snow Maiden. Okay, the hands are at twelve, the chimes are striking: “peek-a-boo.”
Viewer. Cuckoo!
Snow Maiden. You yourself are cuckoo. Where did you see the cuckoo on the chimes?!
Viewer. You said it yourself.
Snow Maiden. I said? I wanted to tell you: “peek-a-boo,” just don’t say it, understand? This is the last time I’m telling you, just listen to the end. The chimes are “bam-bam.” Did you listen to the end? Repeat.
Viewer. Bam-bam!
Snow Maiden. Well done! You grasp everything on the fly. (Approaches the young man.) Can you drink?

The spectator begins to answer something, but the Snow Maiden interrupts him.

Don't apologize to me, I'm asking you about water. Can you drink?

The spectator is silent.

Why are you silent, I put the emphasis correctly. In short, you'll be fireworks. Do this: “boo-boo, boo-boo” and don’t forget to wave your arms.

The viewer repeats.

Don't look at me, train. (Approaches one of the spectators.) Did they wish you a Happy New Year?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden (to another). And you?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden. And not even once, I congratulate you all. You will all wish me a Happy New Year together. Like this: “Happy New Year, Happy New Year!” At my command, everyone got ready and started!
Spectators. Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden. It’s nice, but somehow unaddressed. (Approaches one of the spectators.) Do you love advertising? No? Me too. Do you want to appear in advertising? Want. You will star in my commercials! Your role is this: you shout “Snow Maiden!” Just no rhyme. It's clear?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden. Then let's connect with congratulations. Advertising!
Viewer. Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden. Congratulation!
Spectators. Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden. Well done, everyone is together now. Boss, snowflakes and so on in order. I will be in command. Get ready, let's start!

Conducts a game with the audience: “Chief! Snowflakes! Porter! Guest! The president! Chimes! Fireworks! Advertising! Congratulation!"

So we remembered, without which New Year is not New Year. There are also all sorts of little things. Speaking of them. Santa Claus strictly ordered that there be a winner in every competition. Come on you will! (Points to any spectator.) Does anyone object? And who will object to the judge! You will be the judge. Come here. Don't be afraid. We won't let you use soap.

The Snow Maiden and the audience go up to the stage. The assistants roll out a cube with a number from one to six written on each side.

Here's a cube for you. Throw it.

The participant throws. For example, the number 2 appears.

(To the audience.) Whoever has a tag with the number two, for example, 24, 206, 2005, please go on stage. And you, Themis, I ask you to come into the hall, you have done your job. Thank you.

The judge comes down, and the participant with the tag goes up to the stage.

Show the tag.

The spectator shows the tag. The Snow Maiden shows it to the audience.

Did you write a wish to my Grandfather?
Viewer. Yes.
Snow Maiden. Done?
Viewer. No.
Snow Maiden. Today he will definitely fulfill it, write.

A felt-tip pen and a sheet of paper are brought out to the viewer.

Write from whom and your desire.

The viewer writes.

(To the audience.) Everyone wants gifts for the New Year, although everyone is far from being gifts.

The song sounds “Disco “Accident” “Snow Maiden”. The audience answers “Yes” to every song question from the Snow Maiden.

Do you want gifts?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. Waffles, gingerbread and stamps?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. Do you want to drive a foreign car?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. How about kayaking in the summer?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. Do you want adventure?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. Fun without limits?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden. May the New Year bring you all as much relief as possible?
Spectators. Yes!
Snow Maiden (to the viewer). Have you written? We send. The address, as you know, is Veliky Ustyug. Don't go anywhere until the end of the game, we'll still need you. (Puts a tinsel boa on the viewer.) In the meantime, I ask you to enter the hall. (Leaves.)

The song “New Year's toys” sounds, after the words “New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it...” the noise of crackers and fireworks is heard. Appears Pyrotechnician.

Pyrotechnician (singing). Let's have a fun, fun time... Yes, I like to work with fire on New Year's Eve. Burn everything with a blue flame... (Looks towards the wings.) Calm down, people in overalls and with fire extinguishers, I remembered this fiery expression. You are my audience, help me remember expressions with a twinkle...

Conducts an auction of expressions with the word “fire”, “light”. For example: to be afraid like fire, he will go into fire and into water, the fire of the soul, etc.

Viewer. Playing with fire.
Pyrotechnician. One two Three! Well, expert, we found you this afternoon! Please go on stage. As they say, out of the frying pan and into the fire.

(To the participant.) Fun, fun... Shall we have a New Year's blue light? - I asked... the administration. New Year's and blue - please, but the light - no, no... Fire safety equipment does not allow it. Less hassle, the main thing is to keep the fire burning inside. ABOUT! (To the hall.) Ears on the top of the head only appear after New Year's...
Spectators. Firecrackers!
Pyrotechnician(to the audience). Why are you batting your eyes, better tell me what else you can clap...

The audience names the options. For example: pat on the shoulder, slam doors, clap hands, etc.

Viewer. Flapping your ears.
Pyrotechnician. One two Three! (To the viewer.) You can be applauded, you deserve it. Come out to us. So, the New Year's show continues... Fun, fun... Charges to the stage!

They bring out firecrackers. Seven pieces are distributed to those sitting in the hall on the left and on the right.

(To the audience with clappers.) No need to clap. As you may have already guessed, today we have the extreme ones. Let's check if you are standing firmly on your feet.

The audience stands up.

(To the far left.) You hold the charge in your left hand. (To the extreme right side.) And you are on the right. (To the players on stage.) Take your firing positions.

Participants go down to the hall, one stands in front of his support group, the other in front of his.

Whichever of you pops all the charges faster will win. Let's start with my cotton. (Shows a firecracker.) You can only pop charges... (Shows little finger.) Trigger. It's clear?
Players. Yes.
Pyrotechnician. Is your support group ready?
Support Group. Yes.
Pyrotechnician. Triggers for battle! (Detonates a firecracker.)

Participants complete the task. One of the participants is the first to explode all the firecrackers.

(To the support group.) Well done, you held up well! Get milk for being harmful. The leftovers are not sweet, hand them over and sit down.

Helpers reward the cheerleaders with milk and take away their used firecrackers. An assistant approaches the winner and asks him to write a New Year's wish.

(Patches the loser on the shoulder.) It was a waste of time, fire support failed, but he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink...
Loser. Champagne.

He is handed a bottle of champagne.

Pyrotechnician. Clap for our health.

The loser leaves.

(To the winner.) Well, lad, you did a good job! He deserved the audience chop.

The audience applauds the winner.

Did you write a New Year's letter to Grandpa?

(writes). Yes.

The letter is taken away.

Pyrotechnician. I’m not saying goodbye, you’ll come see us again. In the meantime, take your place in the hall.

The participant goes down to the hall.

Let's have a fun, fun New Year... (Leaves.)

The sound of a snowstorm. It turns out Dog.

Dog. In such weather, a good owner will not kick the dog out of the house. Either the owner is a creep, or I didn’t look at the thermometer. Who am I?
Someone from the audience. Dog.
Dog (About myself). Call me names right away. (Aloud.) Right. Well, let the year of the Ox come, but our life every year is like a dog. Where's my song? Please!

The song “Dogs can bite” plays.

You don't need this one. Things are bad when there are fleas. Life is good when there are no fleas. Another one.

The song from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” plays, then the words “The Crimean Tsar is coming here. Dog!!!"

Be silent!!! What kind of king are you singing? God, are there no good songs about us? Okay, that's enough songs for today. It's good when a dog is your friend, bad when your friend is a Dog. How lucky you are that we have a New Year... I wanted to say: how lucky we are. (Runs over the stomach.) What is your New Year. Remember: “Well, you are, come in if anything happens.” What cartoon is this phrase from?
Viewer."Once upon a time there was a dog."
Dog. The dog is with you! Come to us.

The first participant goes up to the stage.

If a dog is a man's friend, it turns out that a mongrel is a janitor's friend, and a bulldog is a bulldozer's friend. Dogs, like girls, are different, there are wolfhounds, fox terriers, “tasty-delicious”... You’re not thinking about that, that’s what the dog breed is called in Chinese. Who knows which one?
Viewer. Chow-chow.
Dog. Please, childbirth specialist... oh, by breed, on stage.

The second participant rises to the stage.

It's no secret that dogs are excellent watchdogs. In honor of her, they even named the device on the lock a dog. To warn of danger, a person uses signs. On the roads it’s “Caution, children”, in courtyards it’s “Caution, high voltage”, and on the doors of private houses...
Viewer."Be aware of dogs".
Dog. Well done! That you look at me like a cat looks at a dog, you are not in danger. Climb up, but be careful, there are steps here.

The third participant takes the stage.

Human love for dogs knows no bounds, they even make films about us. Recently I watched “Heart of a Dog” on TV. By the way, what was Sharik’s name according to his passport?
Viewer. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.
Dog. Well, you give it! Keep your tail up and come to our stage!

The fourth participant rises to the stage.

A distant relative of mine in Egypt loved riddles. Well this one, Sphinx. So I, although not far away, love it. By changing the first letter in an outdoor water fixture with a tap, you get the name of my girlfriend.
Viewer. Bolonka!
Dog. Great! That's where the dog is buried. To me... Sorry, habit. Come on stage.

The fifth participant takes the stage.

My two-legged friends! Now we have a real New Year's company. Although company without songs is like dinner without seeds. As you know, we have a special relationship with trees, so I propose to sing my favorite “Wand”, heck, “Herringbone”. Since I sing exclusively like a dog, you will have to learn the basics of a dog song. Make your hands like this. (Presses his hands to his chest.)

Participants repeat.

Well done! Now show me how your tailed friends bark?

Participants bark.

How do they growl? Mukhtar would be jealous. Do they breathe? Do they whine? Fabulous! Kashtanka would be pleased with you. We sing the last words of the song like a dog. (Shows how to sing.) It's clear?
Members. Yes.
Dog. The one who never makes a mistake will win. Look, don't mix up the order. Otherwise I'll start a riot. And now with a Christmas tree under my wand. (Takes out the conductor's baton.) Let's start!
Members. Born in the forest... (They bark instead of the word “Christmas tree.”)
In the forest she... (Growl.)
Winter and summer... (Breathe.)
Green… (Whine.)

Each time the soundtrack gets faster. Those who make mistakes are removed from singing by the presenter.

Dog(to participants who made mistakes). Nothing, you'll catch up later. Oh you! You're only fit to be a drinker! Your food is no good, but Barbos, the owner of the bar, would make you a good one! You didn’t get along with the Christmas tree, as they say.

The last participant remains who writes a wish. The presenter approaches the losers.

Are you upset? Here are some pills for your disorder. (Gives vitamins.) And a waltz in your honor of my own composition.

A dog waltz sounds. The host escorts the losers into the hall. Coming to the winner.

Great. (Offers his hand.) Wow. (Removes his hand.) Eat well. Just the Pavarotti of the dog stage. Wrote a wish?
Winner. Yes.

The assistant seals the wish in an envelope and takes it away. The winner is given a New Year's boa.

Dog. There is no need to accompany me, and you don’t go far.

The winner goes into the hall. The dog dances away to the dog waltz. The song “New Year with Hit-FM” is playing. After the words “New Year is coming to us. Let’s celebrate a magical night together with Hit-FM,” sounds the voice of the Radio Host.

Radio presenter. Hello! Makar Perepolokh is with you, I am a prominent guy... (Pause.) What, you can't see me? This is not a TV! It’s a pity, dear radio listeners, that I was not warned about this in advance. Makar Perepolokh is, as you guessed, my... real name, and a pseudonym with such and such a name - don’t make me laugh! We continue with kefir ether. Meet my eyes and hands on stage. Klusha and Klasha.

The assistants come out.

These, as you already understood, are their... that's right, pseudonyms. My assistants and I have a cell phone in our hands. As you know, it's hard to reach us on a normal day, even harder on New Year's Eve, so today will be just... just super difficult. Our studio number is encrypted in the New Year's toast, because New Year without a toast - don't make me laugh! The one who gets through to us first will win. Request to the winner: do not hang up. So, New Year's toast. High in the mountains... If you roll out a mountain on the ground, it will be about eight kilometers, but exactly nine, that’s how high it is. Two horsemen gathered... What did they forget there? But I don’t interfere in their affairs... Then we thought and decided... two more to come. I don’t know these guys at all, they walked by without even saying hello. As a result, six horsemen gathered on the mountain... Listen, don’t interrupt, I can count, it’s just that not everyone came as agreed. They sat and waited... How long they waited is unknown, it is known that they finally waited... It’s not for nothing that they say... among your people that seven do not wait for the eighth. Fortunately, one of the horsemen knew this wisdom, but, unfortunately, he was not among them. So let’s drink so that happiness will be on our side, and not on the side of someone who, unfortunately, is not among us. Then there are just some numbers in a row: zero, three, one.

The first person to call the number is called “on air” through the microphone.

Hello, you're on the air, speak up! What is your name? Stand up please.

The spectator stands up.

Wave to my assistants. Now go to the stage.

The first participant goes up to the stage.

And I continue to wait for the second and last call to the number you already know. And we already have someone on the phone. Hello... Not now, mom, yes, I've already eaten. Sorry, there's a problem on the line. Call and under no circumstances hang up.

The second caller after the conversation over the speakerphone is invited to the stage.

Participants assembled. We are starting the game “Guess the Melody” - radio version. Today there is only one topic - New Year. The game consists of 3 rounds. For each correct answer, the winner receives bonus points. Whoever has the most by the end of the third round wins. It's clear? If you guessed what the melody is, don’t make me laugh, we don’t have a button, just raise your hand and they will notice you. If you are wrong, the second player can calmly listen to the end of the melody and say his answer. If it turns out to be inaccurate, it means it’s not fate, you’ll be lucky in the next round. My assistants will watch everything. Are the players ready?
Players. Yes.
Radio presenter. Are fans on alert?
Spectators. Yes.
Radio presenter. Assistants in the ranks. Let's start the first round.

First round beat “Let them run clumsily.”

As you understand from the name, the melody is played at a fast pace. Ready, let's run!

A melody is playing. One of the players is the first to raise his hand and say the answer. If the answer is correct, he gets one point.

Round two.

Chorus: “Slow down a little, horses.”

On this tour the melody is slow. So let's start slowly.

The player who guesses correctly gets a point.

Last decisive round number three.

The beat “Crossing of arms, crossing of legs, intertwining of fates.”

Unlike Pasternak, we only succeeded in crossing melodies, and only two. You need to unravel them. If only one melody is guessed, the answer is considered incorrect, and your opponent is left to guess the remaining melody.

The third round takes place, one of the participants receives one point.

We count the prize points. (To the loser.) Apparently, your ears are rather weak, but it’s not too late to improve your vision and strengthen your immune system. Hold.

The assistants reward the loser with three kilograms of tangerines and escort him into the hall. The winner is given a New Year's boa.

(To the winner.) Master of New Year's melodies, have you already written your wish to Grandfather?
Winner (writes). Yes.

The assistant takes the sheet with the wish and seals it in an envelope.

Radio presenter. We ask the winners not to leave the hall, we will find you anyway. And we will meet again, dear listeners, so I won’t say goodbye for a long time. Until new waves on the air!

The winner goes down to the hall. The backing track of the song “New Year” sounds. "Diskoteka Avaria". Appears Father Frost.

Father Frost. I could barely get rid of these forty-year-old children in black uniforms. Attached to the staff - edged weapon! If only it weren't cold, I'm freezing! Happy New Year to you! (To the audience.) Why weren’t you forced to shout “Santa Claus” you know? Because my hearing is fine! I don’t understand, where are the children? (Under his breath.) We urgently need to call the Snow Maiden. By the way, her hearing is not all right. Therefore, let’s call the Snow Maiden together.
Spectators. Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!
Father Frost. I forgot that my memory is not all right. We agreed with her that she would appear on my signal! But I forgot which one! (Knocks with staff.)

Appears Snow Maiden. The New Year's song from the film “Well, just wait!”

Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
Tell me, honey, how are you?
Snow Maiden. I've already been here for the holiday.
Why did you call me, what’s the problem?
Father Frost. Come on, come on, help me.
Snow Maiden. Right now, Santa Claus, right now, Santa Claus,
Right now, Santa Claus, wait.
Father Frost. That's it, let's do it as normal, I can't sing anymore songs! Tell me what's going on.
Snow Maiden (steps on Santa Claus). Grandpa, are you aware that we sent you letters of wishes to Veliky Ustyug?
Father Frost. Yes?! Eh, we probably missed them! And now I’m going back and forth in an instant, the deer are waiting for me around the corner. (Tries to leave.)
Snow Maiden. Stop! If a MiG was waiting for you around the corner, then it would be a different matter. ABOUT! What if the winners say their own wishes? Fine?
Father Frost. It’s bad, very bad that such a good idea is not mine. Okay, call them here.
Snow Maiden. We invite you to the stage... The luckiest one! Winner of the Snow Maiden competition.

The first winner comes out and stands next to the Snow Maiden.

Lord of bangs and booms.


Pavarotti of the dog song.

The winner of the competition comes out and is greeted by Dog.

A connoisseur of New Year's melodies.

The winner of the competition comes out and is greeted by the Radio Host.

Let's start in order. (To the first winner.) Please.

The first one says desire.

Father Frost. Okay, I'll be happy to do it.

The second one says his wish, etc. After each wish, Santa Claus promises to fulfill it.

It is with great pleasure that I fulfill your wish! Simpler than ever, easier than ever! Great wish! Will be done! Well done, you wished with all your heart! Will be done!
Snow Maiden. Some more New Year's sweets. What would we do without them?

The winners are given New Year's gifts.

Father Frost. And now New Year's wishes for the winners and spectators.
Snow Maiden. Women, don't worry about your figure because we will always be the number one figure for men.
Pyrotechnician. So that your New Year passes with bells and whistles, but without bells and whistles.
Dog. The main thing is that the coming year does not go down your drain.
Radio presenter. In the coming year, listen to the radio, the rest, as they say, is appearances.
Father Frost. I ask the winners to take their seats in the auditorium. Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness!

A New Year's song is playing.