How to make a do-it-yourself mobile for a crib? How to choose a baby mobile in the crib? How to hang a mobile over a crib

Hanging toys have been decorating the cradles of babies since ancient times. Rag and straw dolls, wooden birds appeared over the baby's cradle for a reason. This was the deep meaning of protecting the little man from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Modern man looks at the world with completely different eyes, gives his actions a different meaning, but the tradition itself has actually come down to our days. Modern parents buy a mobile and, instead of ancient amulets, attach it to a crib for newborns, but for what they do it, read on ...

How mobile is useful for a baby

Our ancestors had their own intuitive knowledge, but now we can explain the need for a baby mobile from the point of view of science. Psychologists who study the characteristics of child development explain why a mobile is needed for newborns: this device helps in the development of visual concentration.

For a newborn child, the world is blurry colored spots. A mobile suspended at the right distance helps the baby learn to concentrate on an object, follow it, distinguish the shape, colors of an object. By three months, children are already making attempts to reach out to the toy - this also has an element of vision development, because the child estimates the distance to the object by eye and correlates his actions with this information.

Advantages of the mobile (an example of a regular cheap mobile):

An example of an expensive mobile (video)

How to choose a mobile

To understand how to choose the right mobile for a crib, you need to figure out what their characteristics and main differences are, what are the advantages in each of the options for mom and baby. A good mobile must first of all meet the general requirements of a quality toy.

The main requirement concerns its safety for the baby. The fastening of the mobile to the crib must be strong, all other fastenings should also not cause concern. All materials present in the details of the mobile must be of high quality, not exude any odor. The elements of the toy themselves must not have external and functional defects.

Electrical or mechanical?

The mobile is not in vain has such a name. Many mothers call this device a "carousel" because the toys suspended on the structure rotate like a carousel. This movement is provided either by a mechanical winding or energy from batteries. In other words, there are mechanical and electric mobiles.

Moms take note!

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  • Factory mechanical mobile it usually lasts no longer than 5 minutes, and the range of reproduced sounds is limited: there is one melody like a hurdy-gurdy.
  • electric mobile is able to rotate and please the ear with a melody for up to 25 minutes. In this regard, an electric mobile is much more convenient for a mother: there is no need to repeat the plant every 5 minutes while on duty at the crib.

Some of the electric vehicles have a remote control. This also adds convenience: you can adjust the operation of the device without even going to the crib. True, it is hardly possible to call this parameter important in choosing a mobile.

mobile toys

Mobile toys may or may not be removable. If the toys are removable, the baby will be able to play with them when he is a little older. They can be interchanged, or, having shown ingenuity and ingenuity, replaced with other toys.

The toys themselves can be plastic or soft. The soft ones are pleasant to the touch, but they collect a lot of unnecessary debris and dust, which can only be removed by washing. For a small child, plastic toys are more hygienic.

Toys should be made up of large pieces. It is better if the primary colors are present in the toys. The bright, colorful colors are not very suitable for babies. This is due to the peculiarities of visual perception: it will simply be very difficult for a child to perceive color and shape. It is also better not to allow acid colors in the field of view of the baby until he grows up.


  • With the melody of a mechanical mobile, everything is more or less clear. It is very reminiscent of a melody from a music box or hurdy-gurdy, as a rule, always calm and pleasant to the ear.
  • An electric mobile can play several different recorded tunes, so when choosing such a device, you should definitely take the time to listen to them.

The melody should be pleasing to the ear, and the recording should be of good quality. You may not always want to listen to a looped piece of music, so pay attention to whether your mobile has a mute function.

Another point worth paying attention to is the volume control. If the music cannot be turned off and the volume is not adjustable, consider whether you are ready for the fact that a loud persistent sound will accompany each cycle of the mobile. Especially when you consider that under the rotation and sounds of the mobile, many children are trying to fall asleep.


Whose mobiles are better?

The most popular manufacturers of high-quality children's toys always have mobiles for newborns in their catalogs. Someone gravitates towards a particular brand, while someone chooses solely on functionality. Here are the most famous and proven mobiles:

  1. Tiny love. Its peculiarity is that in addition to standard functions, the mobile is equipped with a night light.
  2. tomy. Nice toys in the form of characters from Disney cartoons and a night light function.
  3. Chicco. Very high quality mobile with remote control.
  4. Fisher Price. Mobile with remote control, backlight and additional fixtures for the table.
  5. Tiny Princess. Electric mobile exclusively for girls. It has the function of a night light and control bullets.

Whatever mobile you like, the most important thing is that it is safe and used correctly. Then this toy will radiate only benefits for the development of the baby and give you joy and moments of relaxation.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Many parents would certainly like to play with their baby in such a way that it brings him both joy and benefit. A mobile comes to the aid of moms and dads - an original toy that can take a baby for a while, contribute to the development of his coordination and organs of perception. It is only important to correctly install the structure on the crib so as not to harm the child.

A mobile (translated from Latin as “mobile”) is a suspension of small toys that can move thanks to a special mechanism and attract the attention of the baby. Manufacturers of children's goods offer a wide range of models for every taste and budget. Many of them have musical accompaniment and play beautiful soothing melodies, some specimens can additionally serve as a night lamp and a projector. Regardless of the type, all designs have a similar structure and, as a rule, include the main elements:

  • holder-bracket;
  • fastening;
  • music block;
  • toy pendant.

With the help of a bracket with a reliable lock, the musical carousel is attached to the side of the crib in such a way that it is convenient for the child to watch it. You should install the toy in the middle of the bed (it should not be above the head, but above the baby's chest). Otherwise, the crumbs will have to strain a lot when focusing their eyes, which can negatively affect the formation of children's eye muscles. Before installing the product on the crib, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. After birth, the baby practically does not distinguish between surrounding objects, but after a month his visual perception improves significantly.
  2. Of great importance is the height at which the toy is located from the baby's eyes. The distance recommended by ophthalmologists is at least half a meter.

IMPORTANT! Too low position of the mobile can lead to the appearance of strabismus in the child.

Parents should remember that older kids will be able to reach for toys and dump the structure on themselves. Raise the carousel or remove moving parts to prevent injury to the child.

Why do you need a mobile on the crib

Every parent wants to give their child all the best, many are already trying to actively develop babies from the cradle. The mobile can significantly help in this difficult matter.

REFERENCE! A simple rattle garland can be used instead of a mobile, but it does not have all the functionality of the device.

A baby mobile is not an essential purchase, but it is worth buying if possible. The toy is able to perform many tasks:

A music mobile is a multifunctional device, but, of course, everything must be done in moderation. The smallest are recommended to turn on the toy for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the music and movement will not soothe, but rather tire and excite the baby. Over time, the duration of the game should be determined individually, depending on the age of the child, the characteristics of his character and condition at a particular moment. So, a well-fed and contented baby will be able to watch the suspension with interest for some time and listen to pleasant melodies, and no songs can calm a hungry or wet little man.

At what age should you hang up your mobile

Pediatricians approve the use of mobiles from the very birth of babies, if all the necessary recommendations are followed. But since before the first month of life, children still poorly distinguish between the objects around them, it is advisable to place the toy on the crib a month and a half after birth. It is worth recalling that thanks to additional functions such as a night light and a projector, modern models do not lose their relevance for a long time.

For a baby of the first year of life, emotional communication with loved ones, especially with his mother, is most necessary. No toys can replace the main thing for him, the mobile can only become a useful assistant.

How to make a mobile for newborns from felt with your own hands?
Why even make your own mobile for a baby bed, and is it difficult?
I tried to answer all these questions in this article.

My husband and I approached the issue of choosing a mobile for a crib very thoroughly. After reading a ton of mom forums, reviews and testimonials, we firmly decided that we need it. To begin with, we decided to go to the store and see what various manufacturers actually offer us.

We had a lot of requirements, the main ones being environmentally friendly, beautiful not only for children, but also for adults, and that it would be possible to wash and change toys. Newborns, for example, do not distinguish colors; contrasting black and white figures will be much more interesting for them. A little later, bright colored toys will be needed, and I would not want to buy two separate devices.

It was then that it occurred to me to make a mobile with my own hands!

Like all mothers, I want the best for my child. And what could be better than what mom does on her own? So the idea was to make do-it-yourself cot mobile for newborns, and if you also came to this idea, but do not know where to start and how to continue, I will gladly tell you everything.

The task is not the most difficult, any mother can handle it, and even if you previously thought that you were far from needlework, this article will change your idea of ​​yourself and your abilities.

Is it necessary to make a mobile for newborns from felt? When choosing material for toys for your future mobile, it is not necessary to stop at felt, you can use any suitable fabric, however, felt has a number of advantages:

  • there is no wrong side and front side, which means there is no confusion
  • the edges do not need to be processed, they do not crumble at all
  • The material is thick and holds its shape well.
  • huge range of colors

All these advantages make felt an excellent material for beginner needlewomen.

Sewing a mobile from felt with your own hands. Step by step instructions with photos.

I. Preparation

You will need:

  • sheets of felt of different colors and matching threads (the dimensions of the details do not exceed 15x15 cm for a crescent and 10x10 cm for the largest clouds, so there is no need to buy large sheets of felt);
  • needle, scissors, pins;
  • Patterns. You can download patterns for this mobile from the link:
  • fishing line;
  • a special mount for the crib (you can order, for example, or you can make it yourself from sticks, pencils, brushes);
  • beads;
  • iron rings (according to the number of toys) and locks for bracelets (5 pieces or according to the number of toys);
  • pen or special marker for fabrics:
  • filler (in this lesson - an old, exhausted pillow from Auchan with synthetic winterizer)

II. Cut out the details of the mobile

  1. Download and cut stencils. Felt is a very easy-to-use material, it does not slip, you can easily draw on it, so there is no particular need to cut out stencils from thick paper, the most common one will do.
  2. We circle the shapes on the sheets of felt according to the stencil. For each figure, we need two parts. The easiest way is to immediately fold a sheet of felt in half to cut out two identical parts at a time.

  1. Cut out two pieces from each sheet. It will be convenient to chop them in front of these pins so that nothing moves.

III. We sew

  1. With a double thread of a suitable color, we begin to perform a buttonhole seam, sewing two parts together along the edge.

  1. Sewing rings:
    Reach the middle of the upper part of the cloud or stop at one of the tips of the star or step back 1 cm from one of the tips of the crescent. Here we will sew on a ring so that we can change and wash the toys from time to time. Sewing a ring is not difficult at all - just thread a needle and thread through it before you are about to make another loop and press it with your finger to the part.
  1. Before reaching the end of the part a few centimeters, stop. Leave a small hole to fill the toy with padding polyester. It is more convenient to stuff a crescent from the middle.

IV. We stuff

  1. Use a pencil, the back of a pen, or whatever object is convenient for you. Start with small portions of synthetic winterizer, filling them with the corners of the stars and the crescent, as well as the mounds of clouds. You need to stuff tightly, but carefully so as not to tear the product. Avoid using too large pieces of synthetic winterizer, because if voids remain in the toy, it will deform in this place.
  2. Finished hitting? We sew the product to the end, make knots, cut the thread.

V. Hanging

  1. Cut 5 strands of 40-50 centimeters from a skein of fishing line. You can place one or two toys on each thread.

  1. Take the clasps for the bracelets and tie them with a double or any other strong knot to one of the ends of the fishing line threads.
  2. The tip that remains sticking out can be hidden under the bead. For reliability, you can drop a little glue into the bead.

  1. If you have purchased a base for your mobile, tie your fishing line to it. You can tie at the same height, you can at different heights - it all depends on your imagination.
    If you decide to make the base for the mobile yourself, take wooden sticks, brushes, pencils - anything will do. Fasten them crosswise with each other in the middle. You can also use glue. Next, tie the fishing line to the homemade base as described above.
  1. The most pleasant point is that you are already at the goal. Hang homemade felt toys using clasps and rings. The month can be hung in the center.

  1. Enjoy your work. In just a few hours, you have made a mobile for a newborn bed with your own hands! Your baby will surely appreciate the bright toys and beads that sparkle beautifully in the light of the sun.

For children up to a year, such developing methods as lullabies, fairy tales, various special devices for the development of newborns, such as a developing rug with a pendant or a suspension on a bed - a mobile, are quite suitable. In this article, we will talk in more detail about the mobile for a crib.

A newborn baby is awake for about 60-90 minutes after waking up. During this time, the mother manages to feed him and carry out hygiene procedures, the rest of the remaining time should be spent with benefit! Moreover, in cleanliness and on a full stomach, the child has a good mood, and he is ready to explore the world around him. At this age, most toys are not yet suitable for play and development, so it is recommended to use such a fun educational toy as a mobile.

Mobile is translated from Latin as "mobile". This "perpetual motion" toy - toys attached to the top constantly move and attract the attention of the baby.

Which mobile to choose?

Today, manufacturers produce a wide variety of mobiles for every taste and color. You can choose a mobile with batteries or with a mechanical winding. Battery-powered mobiles are more expensive, as they include several different melodies, but mechanical mobiles, which operate on light movement (for example, a breeze), have only one melody for 2-3 minutes.

Electronic mobiles for newborns are slightly heavier than mechanical ones due to their mechanism, so they need to be firmly attached to the crib. Usually mobiles are attached to the side of the crib.

There are also more advanced mobiles that have special lighting effects and projector functions. For example, to put a baby to sleep, you can turn on a lullaby with a projector that, to a calm melody, will display slowly moving pictures on the ceiling. The child will definitely pay attention to this and will watch the performance. At this time, mom can calmly go about her business.

When choosing a mobile, look at its functionality - whether it can be washed, parts can be replaced, attached to different places, etc.

Mobile in the first month of life

If you have been using a mobile phone since birth, then follow some rules.

The mobile must be hung above the crib so that from the baby's eyes to the hanging toys there is at least 30 centimeters. It is also necessary to hang the mobile so that the toys do not spin directly above the baby's head, but above his chest, so it will be easier for the baby to focus his vision.

A mobile for a newly born baby is a great opportunity to develop visual activity.

Baby mobile from 2 to 4 months

At this age, the baby is already getting used to the mobile and rejoices as soon as the mother turns on her favorite carousel. The kid already remembers the melodies that this toy plays and the figures that circle above his head.

Toddlers at this age already concentrate their attention well on details - they carefully follow the movement of toys, turn their heads after them.

Also, at this age, the baby already pays attention to colors. Mobiles usually always have bright and pleasant colors that should draw attention to themselves. By the way, in cloudy weather and in poor lighting, babies pay more attention to yellow, red and orange, and in bright sunlight to green, blue, purple and yellow.

It is worth noting that mobile phones are too entertaining for some babies, and then they are difficult to calm down. It is better for such babies not to turn on the mobile before going to bed, even with a projector and lullabies.

Mobile for baby from 4 months to six months

At this age, the baby already knows all the toys and melodies by heart, so it is recommended to pick up such a mobile in advance, where you can change hanging toys so that the baby does not get tired of them.

Babies after 4 months already begin to develop motor activity, trying to grab and hold various objects. In this case, the mobile will also be very useful - the baby will reach for toys that move and are not so easy to catch.

It is important to remember that babies at this age are already trying to get up, grabbing the bars of the crib, and may well reach for the toys of the mobile, pull them towards themselves and knock the mobile down. Therefore, make sure that the mobile is firmly installed and, preferably, do not leave the child alone with the mobile at this age.

If the child is very attracted to toys, then just remove one toy and give it to him.

Baby mobile from 6 months

At this age, the child already has an interest in other subjects, and the mobile ceases to interest him. The kid wants to learn to sit, grab and hold objects, press buttons. A mini-mobile is suitable here, which is equipped with a music block - the baby can press the buttons and understand that the music changes from this action. In addition, he can safely grab toys and study their shape and content - they are completely safe.

And the old mobile will still serve you for a long time - the baby will still fall asleep well to a lullaby and a projector.

A mobile for a newborn crib is one of the first toys that you can buy for a newborn baby. The thing is simple and understandable. For an experienced parent, a baby mobile for a crib is a thing that has long been known. We also thought we knew almost everything about her. However, after digging into the issue, we found something new for ourselves. We understand why you need a mobile for a crib and is it a necessary thing at all? How not to get confused and buy a mobile for a crib correctly - a description of the types and functions? Is it a long-term thing or not? What toys are hanging there? What is a mobile for twins, what is it eaten with and do we need it? How to make a do-it-yourself mobile holder for a crib and a mobile itself?

The article turned out great. No wonder there is an opinion: they talk about complex things briefly, about simple things - for a long time. Unfortunately it's always like that. Grab some popcorn, make yourself comfortable, and……. Reade set Go!

Mobile on the crib - what is it

To start a conversation, you need to understand in general: what is a “mobile”? So,
A crib mobile is a special design with a variety of small toys that can be hung over a newborn's crib. The mobile is a curved bracket holder for the crib. It attaches to the side rails. At the end there is a device on which hanging toys are located. It should be installed in such a way that the toys hang over the child's chest, at a distance of 50 cm from his eyes. The mobile can spin toys, play a melody, shine a projector somewhere, for example, on a ceiling or wall.

Mobile on the crib - why you need it

We suggest you immediately decide why you need a mobile for a crib? It seems to us for three purposes: a vision simulator, distraction of the child's attention, decorating the crib and the room in particular.

The mobile on the crib is a visual simulator

Newborns at different ages see at different distances. They learn to focus their eyes and constantly train their eyes. A crib mobile with hanging toys is a great object for training. For the first 2-3 months, it is enough to use black and white toys. A newborn begins to distinguish colors only after 3-4 months of life. Therefore, to train vision from 3 months, toys that are contrasting in color are needed. For example, blue and red toys. Don't worry, the manufacturers know about it.

Baby mobile on the crib distracts the attention of the newborn

The mobile allows you to interest and distract the "raging" baby. Bright toys spinning around the child will arouse strong interest on his part. Not enough toys? Then a children's musical mobile on a bed with a projector will come to the rescue. Yes, yes, and there are! About them will be below in the text. The main thing here is not to overdo it with excessive flickering of toys and lights in front of his eyes. And the constant same music pretty annoying. Otherwise, the effect will be completely different. And the mobile gives mom a little respite while the baby is engaged in it.

Mobile as a decoration for a nursery

A mobile on a crib is not just a toy for a newborn. It can look like a real work of art and will decorate your baby's bed. It is always a pleasure to deal with beautiful things for both adults and children. We are all drawn to beauty.

Inexperienced parents often ask themselves the question - at what age should I hang / buy a baby mobile on a crib? The answer here is extremely simple. It is better to purchase it immediately before birth, or before the baby arrives home from the hospital. Then there may be no time!

The mobile on the crib will become relevant from about a month old baby. Up to 1 month, the child practically does not distinguish any objects. If you haven't purchased a toy before the baby is born, then it's okay, you have a whole month to cope with this task. Therefore, if you want to know for sure: at what age a newborn needs a mobile for a crib - from 1-1.5 months of life.

Another exciting question for young parents is how to properly hang a mobile on a crib for a newborn.
? The answer is even simpler than the previous one. It should be hung in such a way that the toys hang over the child's chest, at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes.

The fact is that only in the first month of life, toys suspended at a distance of 25-30 cm from the baby's eyes develop visual perception well. Above, the child practically does not distinguish any objects. At 1 month, the most important visual objects are the faces of mom, dad or nipple. Everything else the baby simply does not need yet, including a mobile for the crib.

However, the first month passes quickly. Doctors have established that after 1 month of life, the child sees perfectly at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes. In addition, it is so convenient for him to grab toys hanging on the mobile with his hands. Therefore, how to properly hang a mobile on a crib for a newborn - above the chest and at a height of 50 cm from the eyes.

To hang something over a crib, you need
holder for a mobile on a bed for a newborn. This is a small plastic or wooden composite structure. To put it bluntly: a clip on the crib, in which an arc is fixed on a stick with a cross on a string. And toys hang on the crosspiece and dangle. Of course, this is a primitive, and the holders can be very different.

The function of the holder for the mobile on the crib is exactly one: to hold it over the newborn baby. When the child grows up, he will reach out and try to pluck the toys from the mobile, while the bracket should spring a little. Otherwise it will break quickly.

The bracket for the mobile is fixed on the crib in any of its places. For convenience, hang on the side of the grill. To fix directly to the grate, use a plastic clip, rarely metal.

If there is no desire to buy something, or there is a great desire to tinker, or the standard device is broken, then you can always make a holder for a mobile on a crib with your own hands. From wood it's not hard. Some craftsmen manage to make it mobile.

It seems that the mobile bracket is not the most important thing to think about. Watch the trash video.

Buy a mobile for a crib

Well, finally we decided to buy a mobile for a crib, we go to the store and there are a lot of them and they are different. To understand what to buy, you need to know what mobiles are, and what functions they can have.

Modern mobiles come in three variants:

  • Wood
  • Mechanical
  • Electronic

The main functions that a mobile can have:

  • spinning toys
  • make sounds
  • Shine with lights and be a night light in the nursery
  • Have removable toys

Knowledge of the types and their functions will allow you to figure out which mobile to buy for a crib is better. More about them below.

The simplest design is a wooden mobile for a crib
. He has no bells and whistles, he can not start in any way. Toys simply hang over the baby's bed and sway from the movement of air or the hand of an adult. By its nature, such a toy resembles the usual rattle toy pendants that used to be hung over a crib or stroller in the past. They hang themselves even today, if there is no desire to purchase a mobile.

In general, this is a normal budget option if you are not a fan of bells and whistles, or you can’t afford them. This also happens. The big pluses of a wooden mobile for a crib include the fact that the toys on it are easy to replace. As a result, they can generally be removed from there, and when the child grows up, they can be used for a separate game.

Watch the video where dad made himself a wooden mobile on the crib with his own hands, and he also made wooden removable toys. Looks unusual. There is something in this!

A more advanced option is a mechanical mobile for a crib
. It is built on the principle of a clockwork toy. Started it and the suspension is spinning in a circle. The spring factory came out - the toys stopped. The thing is interesting, able to attract the attention of the child and keep him busy for a short time. In addition, music can be played in it. True, only one melody.

Of the minuses of a mechanical mobile to the crib - you need to start it manually. On the other hand, this will be an extra reason to approach the baby and chat with him. Such a mobile is more expensive than the previous one.

Electronic mobile for baby crib

The modern version of this toy is an electronic mobile for a crib
. Most often, it combines several functions: 1) independent movement of toys; 2) a full-fledged player, with several melodies; 3) projector; 4) night light. The electronic mobile is controlled by a remote control and runs on batteries. Melodies can sound without interruption for half an hour. And also there is the possibility of regulating the speed at which the toys rotate.

It should be noted that an electronic music mobile for a baby crib with a projector is an interesting thing that certainly deserves attention. There is a clear downside. It costs a lot, and is clearly more expensive than the previous options.

There are two video reviews at once and a review on the mobile on the crib tini love ( Tiny Love) "Magic lamp". It perfectly shows what is "electronic children's music with a projector"

Mobile on the crib - what toys are hung there

In fact, what is a mobile for a crib without toys? It must have toys on it, otherwise the whole point is lost. The mobile can be equipped with any small toys. I mean their appearance, you have to choose from what you like. Don't be lazy and go to the store to see what they sell. On the Internet, the pictures are all as a selection - beautiful and attractive. In life, not all that glitters is gold.

Description of toys for a baby mobile on a crib for newborns is a thankless task. Here we are talking about something else: what material the toys are made of, and whether they can be removed.

To date, there are three options: plastic, wood, textiles.

Wooden mobile toys

Wooden toys for a baby mobile on a crib are the most inexpensive. They are good because wood is a natural material, so it is very often recommended for the first toys of babies. In addition, there are craftsmen who make toys for a mobile on a newborn's bed with their own hands.

plastic toys

Plastic toys for the mobile are varied in their form. They are very bright and colorful. There is one bad moment. With the development of trade with China, a sea of ​​low-quality plastic products for children flooded our market. A child cannot try this on a tooth. Parents need to be on guard.

Fabric toys for a mobile on a crib

Textile toys on a mobile on a crib are perfect for developing a child's tactile perception. Do not forget that about 5 - 6 months, the child will have a strong desire to grab everything, and everything that is grabbed - to try on the tooth. Soft toys in this regard will be very convenient. Fabrics can be of various contrasting colors. In addition, they can be used at an older age of the baby for role-playing and other games. Note: children prefer soft toys for a mobile to a crib. You can also make them yourself, watch the video.

Is a baby mobile on a crib a long-term thing?

It seems that the mobile is needed only for the first 3-4 months, up to a maximum of six months. In fact, a baby crib mobile can be used throughout the first year of a newborn's life. Especially if you find it with a universal mount. In the sense that the holder for the mobile on the crib can, if necessary, be fixed on the crib, and on the arena, and on the stroller.

In order for the mobile to serve you for a long time, it is best to look for it with removable toys. After a year, remove the toys from there and give them to the use of the baby, and remove the mount. Without removable toys, the mobile will turn into a specialized thing that will be needed for a short time.

If you buy a children's music mobile for a crib with a 3 in 1 projector - with music and light, then later it can also be used as a separate thing as a melody player, a night light and a projector.

Mobile on the crib - do you need it or not?

We have already said why you need a mobile for a crib
. And now let's highlight the question - is it needed at all, or can you do without it?

When choosing the first things for the baby, you naturally want everything to be taken into account. To give the child all the best that can be. The development of a child from the cradle is now constantly repeated. In terms of development, a mobile for a crib is a very interesting thing. Therefore, if you have the desire and opportunity, then be sure to purchase it. He really is worth it.

However, a baby mobile on a crib is not an essential thing. If desired, it can be replaced with simpler things. For example, the same garland of rattles or arcs for toys. As they say: cheap and cheerful. With them, the child's visual and auditory perception will also develop perfectly. For the development of tactile perception, there are now a great many books - rustlers and other educational toys.

Therefore, if you do not have the desire and opportunity to buy a mobile for a crib, do not worry. You can always find an alternative. And special craftsmen can, in principle, build the simplest mobile on their own. There's someone in that much.

Twins are always unique. Starting from their conception, and ending with later life. Because life with them does not fit into the usual framework of single children. And many things that work great for one child will absolutely not work for two or more children.
The twin bed mobile is no exception.

You can purchase it. Just remember that you will need two of them. And this is already spending twice as much, since some mobiles are not cheap. And then life begins…….

At first, it’s okay: everyone hung a mobile on their bed. But this is up to 5 months. Here, the only problem will be with the simultaneous inclusion of music: one is sleeping, the other is not. One needs music, the other does not. So it will have to be regulated somehow. Apparently, turn on the mobiles for the twins in turn. So that no one is offended that one sounds, the other does not.

But after 5 months, all healthy children show a sharp interest in touching, feeling, trying on a tooth. And here the first “showdowns” between the twins begin here. This happens because there is an unspoken rule: what is in the hands of a neighbor is always much more interesting than what is in your hands, even if it is exactly the same. Hanging toys on a children's mobile over a brother's (sister's) bed are much more interesting than their own. So what needs to be done? That's right, get them. By any means. This is how scandals begin that even two adults cannot easily resolve. And if mom is alone, put out the light.

In order not to complicate your life, you need to try to reduce all sharp corners to a minimum from the very beginning of the life of twins. Do not use all the "recommended for mandatory use" things unnecessarily. Otherwise, they simply will not be useful to you, and in the worst case, they will greatly complicate your life. In this case
a mobile on a crib for twins will only interfere. You can't manage with one, but for two there will be a constant war. By the way, for one - even more so.

Twins rarely lie quietly in a crib for a long time, looking at something, contemplating. For them, as soon as they begin to spin actively, the priority is movement. Therefore, they will need toys that they can grab and crawl with.

Our advice to you: if you are expecting twins, do not go broke buying a mobile for a crib for twin newborns. Interactive things they will definitely have and already directly in action in role-playing games. They will actively begin after a year. For now, it’s easier to arrange the old fashioned way - a hanging garland over the crib. That is two garlands. They perfectly develop visual, and a little later, auditory perception. Fortunately, they are not as attractive to children as a mobile. Hanging and hanging. While I lie, then I look. And I can not look. And his brother is hanging. He looks too.

Mobile on the crib - the result

So, we found out: a mobile is not an essential thing, but it is interesting in itself. Therefore, if you have a desire to purchase it, then you are always welcome. The child will only benefit from this. Popular Models:
mobile on the crib teeny love ( Tiny Love) and chicco ( Chicco).

If you do not have the opportunity and desire to buy them - do not be upset. We choose something alternative.

The article turned out to be voluminous. It's easy to forget what happened in the beginning. For this reason, we decided to show you a video with the actual squeeze. The woman got it right.