The Grimm brothers are little people. The Brothers Grimm - Little Men: Grimm's Tale Little Men read

There lived a shoemaker. He had no money at all. And so he finally became poor that he had only one piece of skin left for a pair of boots. In the evening he cut out blanks for boots from this leather and thought: “I will go to bed, and in the morning I will get up early and sew boots.”

And so he did: lay down and fell asleep. In the morning I woke up, washed my face and wanted to get to work.

He just looks, but the boots are already sewn.

The shoemaker was very surprised. He took the boots and began to examine them carefully.

How well they worked! Not a single stitch was wrong. It was immediately evident that a skilled craftsman sewed those boots. And soon there was a buyer for the boots. And he liked them so much that he paid a lot of money for them. Now the shoemaker was able to buy leather for two pairs of boots. He cut two pairs in the evening and thinks: “I will go to bed now, and in the morning I will get up early and start sewing.”

He got up in the morning, washed himself, looked - both pairs of boots were ready.

Buyers soon found again. They really liked the boots. They paid the shoemaker a lot of money, and he was able to buy leather for as many as four pairs of boots.

The next morning these four pairs were ready.

And so it went every day since then. What the shoemaker sews in the evening is already sewn by morning.

The shoemaker's poor and hungry life is over.

One evening he tailored his boots, as always, but before going to bed he suddenly said to his wife:

Listen, wife, what if we don't go to bed tonight and see who is sewing boots for us?

The wife was delighted and said:

Of course, we will not go to bed, let's see.

The wife lit a candle on the table, then they hid in the corner under the dresses and waited.

And exactly at midnight, little men came into the room. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut leather with their little fingers, and began to sew.
They poked with an awl, tugged and tapped with hammers so quickly and nimbly that the shoemaker could not take his eyes off them in amazement. They worked until all the boots were sewn. And when the last pair was ready, little men jumped off the table and immediately disappeared.

In the morning the wife said to her husband:

The little people made us rich. We need to do something good for them too. Little men come to us at night, they have no clothes on, and they are probably very cold. You know what I came up with: I'll sew a jacket, shirt and pants for each of them. And you make them boots.

Her husband listened and said:

Well you figured it out. Surely they will rejoice!

And then one evening they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut out skin, and again they hid in the corner and began to wait for the little men.

Exactly at midnight, as always, little men came into the room. They jumped on the table and wanted to get to work right away. They just look - instead of cut leather, there are red shirts, suits and small boots on the table.

At first, the little men were surprised, and then they were very happy. They quickly put on their beautiful suits and boots, danced and sang:

We have good outfits
So, there is nothing to worry about!
We are happy with our outfits
And we will not sew boots!

For a long time the little men sang, danced and jumped over chairs and benches. Then they disappeared and no longer came to make boots. But happiness and luck have not left the shoemaker since then throughout his long life.

brothers grimm

little men

One shoemaker became so impoverished that he had nothing left but a piece of leather for just one pair of boots. Well, he cut these boots in the evening and decided to start sewing the next morning. And since his conscience was clear, he calmly lay down in bed and fell asleep sweetly.

In the morning, when the shoemaker wanted to get to work, he saw that both boots were completely ready on his table.

The shoemaker was very surprised and did not know what to think about this. He began to carefully examine the boots. They were so cleanly made that the shoemaker could not find a single uneven stitch. It was a real miracle of shoemaking!

A buyer soon arrived. He liked the boots very much and paid more for them than usual. Now the shoemaker could buy leather for two pairs of boots.

He cut them in the evening and wanted to get to work the next morning with fresh strength.

But he did not have to do this: when he got up, the boots were already ready. The buyers again did not keep themselves waiting and gave him so much money that he already bought leather for four pairs of boots.

In the morning he found these four pairs ready.

Since then, it has become customary: what he sews in the evening, it is ready by morning. And soon the shoemaker again became a wealthy man.

One evening, shortly before the New Year, when the shoemaker cut his boot again, he said to his wife:

What if we stay up that night and see who is helping us so well?

The wife was delighted. She dimmed the light, they both hid in the corner behind a dress hanging there and waited to see what would happen.

It was midnight, and suddenly two little naked men appeared. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut boots, and began to prick, sew, and pin with their little hands so deftly and quickly that the astonished shoemaker could not take his eyes off them. The little men worked tirelessly until all the boots were sewn. Then they jumped up and ran away.

The next morning the shoemaker's wife said:

These little people have made us rich and we must thank them. They don't have any clothes, and they'll probably get cold. You know? I want to sew them shirts, kaftans, panties and knit each of them a pair of stockings. Make them a pair of shoes too.

With pleasure, - the husband answered.

In the evening, when everything was ready, they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut boots. And they hid themselves to see what the little men would do.

At midnight the little men appeared and wanted to get to work. But instead of leather for boots, they saw gifts prepared for them. The people were surprised at first, and then very happy.

They immediately dressed, straightened their beautiful coats and sang:

What handsome men we are!

Like to take a look.

Nice job-

You can rest.

Then they began to jump, dance, jump over chairs and benches. And finally, dancing, they ran out the door.

Since then, they have not appeared again. But the shoemaker lived well until his death.

Another name for the tale is the Elves and the Shoemaker. A short fairy tale about magical little men who came at night to the shoemaker and helped him sew shoes. The shoemaker and his wife decided to repay good for good and made gifts for their assistants ...

Little people read

There lived a shoemaker. He had no money at all. And so he finally became poor that he had only one piece of skin left for a pair of boots. In the evening he cut out blanks for boots from this leather and thought: “I will go to bed, and in the morning I will get up early and sew boots.”
And so he did: lay down and fell asleep. In the morning I woke up, washed my face and wanted to get to work.

He just looks, but the boots are already sewn.

The shoemaker was very surprised. He took the boots and began to examine them carefully.

How well they worked! Not a single stitch was wrong. It was immediately evident that a skilled craftsman sewed those boots. And soon there was a buyer for the boots.

And he liked them so much that he paid a lot of money for them. Now the shoemaker was able to buy leather for two pairs of boots.

He cut two pairs in the evening and thinks: “I will go to bed now, and in the morning I will get up early and start sewing.”

He got up in the morning, washed himself, looked - both pairs of boots were ready.

Buyers soon found again. They really liked the boots. They paid the shoemaker a lot of money, and he was able to buy leather for as many as four pairs of boots.

The next morning these four pairs were ready.

And so it went every day since then. What the shoemaker sews in the evening is already sewn by morning.

The shoemaker's poor and hungry life is over.

One evening he tailored his boots, as always, but before going to bed he suddenly said to his wife:

“Listen, wife, what if we don’t go to bed tonight and see who is sewing boots for us?”

The wife was delighted and said:

- Of course, we will not go to bed, let's see.

The wife lit a candle on the table, then they hid in the corner under the dresses and waited.

And exactly at midnight, little men came into the room. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut leather with their little fingers, and began to sew.

They poked with an awl, tugged and tapped with hammers so quickly and nimbly that the shoemaker could not take his eyes off them in amazement.

They worked until all the boots were sewn. And when the last pair was ready, little men jumped off the table and immediately disappeared.

In the morning the wife said to her husband:

The little people made us rich. We need to do something good for them too. Little men come to us at night, they have no clothes on, and they are probably very cold. You know what I came up with: I'll sew a jacket, shirt and pants for each of them. And you make them boots.

Her husband listened and said:

- Well, you figured it out. Surely they will rejoice!

And then one evening they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut out skin, and again they hid in the corner and began to wait for the little men.

Exactly at midnight, as always, little men came into the room. They jumped on the table and wanted to get to work right away. They just look - instead of cut leather, there are red shirts, suits and small boots on the table.

At first, the little men were surprised, and then they were very happy. They quickly put on their beautiful suits and boots, danced and sang:

We have good outfits
So, there is nothing to worry about!
We are happy with our outfits
And we will not sew boots!

For a long time the little men sang, danced and jumped over chairs and benches. Then they disappeared and no longer came to make boots. But happiness and luck have not left the shoemaker since then throughout his long life.

(Retelling by A. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak, illustrated by O. Jonaitis)

Published: Mishkoy 07.11.2017 12:08 24.05.2019

In mountain caves and in the depths of the earth lives a tribe of little men, who are called dwarfs or gnomes.

Dwarves are no more than a foot tall. They have long hair and long beards, they walk around in shaggy caps, red suits and silver shoes, armed with sabers and spears. These people are not Christians. They will live until the end of the world, and then they will die, but will not be resurrected on the day of the Last Judgment.

Gnomes are not evil people and even provide services to people. But if you want to see them turn purple with anger, all you have to do is scream like a goose: "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Gnomes do not like geese, because the geese, as soon as they see the gnome, begin to pinch him with all their might. If you want to see the gnomes as cheerful as finches, just say: "Today there will be money."

In the old days, gnomes were sometimes shown to people. Now nothing is heard of them. Maybe they left our country. Or maybe they do not dare to go out during the day for fear of evil people and geese that offend them.

Gnomes drink and eat like we do. Now I'll tell you how they get everything they need.

The earth gives us something new in every month of the year: in June - hay, in July - bread, in September - grapes and corn. It also gives different fruits, which are born each in its own time, and cattle, large and small. All this is for us Christians. We can see and touch these gifts of the earth whenever we like.

But there are other crops, other fruits and other livestock, large and small. Christians do not have to see or touch these gifts of the earth: the earth will give birth to them for little people in one evening only, on New Year's Eve, from sunset to midnight. And before sunrise, all this must be collected and stored underground. Therefore, for seven hours, the gnomes have to work tirelessly. They still have exactly an hour to take out and air out their gold in the light of day - heaps of louis and Spanish gold that they keep inside the okal "If this yellow gold is not brought out into the light once a year, it deteriorates and turns red. Then the gnomes no longer value it and throw it out.

I'm only telling you what I know - that's as true as we're all going to die. Finally, I can easily prove to you that I am telling the truth. Here listen.

There once lived a weaver in St. Avie, burdened with a large family and as poor as a church rat. His real name was Cluse. But when he later became rich, out of envy, people gave him the nickname Dung Gold. My grandfather (God rest his soul!) often told me how this weaver became a rich man. And now you will hear his story.

Cluzet hunted rabbits. No one could compare with him in the ability to catch them at any time of the year with snares, or hunt them with a ferret, or ambush them even on the darkest nights.

In his lifetime, he killed more than a thousand of these animals, and his wife and daughter carried them to sell to the market and to the fairs in Lektur and Astafor.

Nobles and wealthy citizens who love to hunt rabbits were angry at Cluse. They called him a swindler, a poacher and set the gendarmes on him. But Cluset only laughed at this, because the lecturing judges, thanks to him, often ate delicious rabbit stew, which cost them inexpensively. And, of course, these gentlemen were not inclined to judge such an obliging person as Cluse.

One winter evening, on New Year's Eve, Cluzet dined, as always, with soup in the circle of his family. After eating, he said to his wife:

That's it, wifey! Tomorrow is New Year's Day. I want to give some rabbits to the authorities at the Lecture. Put the kids to bed and go to bed yourself. And I'll go hunting.

Cluzet took his gun and bag and went out. It was freezing outside, and the stars sparkled in the black, moonless sky.

Our weaver had just hid in ambush between the Zhersky rocks, when he heard someone shouting under his feet:

Hey, you lazybones, hurry up! Everything should be ready at midnight!

We know, we know, sir! After all, we were given only this one night on New Year's Eve!

Cluse realized that it was the dwarves preparing for their work, and remained in ambush: he wanted to hear and see what would happen.

At the entrance to the cave, the oldest dwarf appeared with a whip in his hand, looked at the sky and shouted:

Midnight! Live, you lazybones! Hurry up! Before sunrise, we need to carry underground all our supplies for the whole year.

It will be done, my lord! After all, we only have one night a year.

From the cave, under the snapping of the whip of the elder dwarf, poured out a myriad of little men with scythes, sickles, flails, garden knives and baskets for harvesting grapes, with yokes, sticks, propulsion sticks - in a word, everything that is needed for harvesting and in order to drive cattle to one place.

When the little men ran away, their master called out to the weaver:

Cluzet, do you want to earn a coin of six livres?

So, Cluse, help my people. An hour later, some of the gnomes had already returned.

Some carried carts the size of half a pumpkin, loaded with hay, grapes, corn, and various fruits. Others drove before them bulls and cows the size of dogs, herds of sheep that were no more than weasels.

Cluset had worked hard to help the dwarves, who now gathered in hundreds from all sides. And the lord of the gnomes all the time cracked his whip and shouted:

Live, you lazybones! Hurry up! All supplies must be underground before sunrise!

We're in a hurry, master. We know that we have only one night before the New Year.

By sunrise, all the dwarfs' stores were underground.

Then the lord of the gnomes said to the weaver:

Cluzet, here are your six livres. You honestly earned them. Do you want to earn more ecu?

How not to want, mister dwarf!

So help my people!

The little men were already coming out of the depths of the cave, bending under the weight of sacks full of yellow gold, louis, Spanish gold. And their master kept cracking his whip and shouting:

Live, you lazybones! Hurry up! We have exactly one hour to air the yellow gold. If this gold is not brought out into the daylight once a year, it deteriorates, turns red, and has to be thrown out.

We are working, master, we are working with all our might. Cluzet labored hard, pouring the gold out of the sacks, stirring it up so that it was all ventilated and saw the light of day.

As soon as an hour had passed, the dwarves picked up their bags of gold and quickly carried them into the depths of the cave.

And their master, cracking his whip, said:

Well, Cluzet, get the second ecu. You honestly earned it! But my people are worthless! Because of their rotosity, ten poods of yellow gold have not seen daylight for more than a year. It stale, deteriorated and turned red. Hey you bums! Throw this filth out so that it does not lie underground with us.

The gnomes obeyed. They threw ten pounds of red gold out of the cave. Then they hid with their master in the depths of the cave.

Cluzet took one louis and one Spanish gold, and buried the rest of the gold and went home.

Well, hubby, was the hunt successful today?

Good luck, lady.

Show me what you brought.

No, not now. I need to leave on business. Without even eating, Cluzet went to the city of Agen and entered the goldsmith's shop.

Hello host! Look at that red gold! Here is a louis and a Spanish gold. What, are they as valuable as yellow gold?

Yes my friend. If you want, I'll exchange them for you.

Having counted the money, Cluzet immediately, without eating or drinking, went to Saint-Avy. When he got home, he could hardly say:

Hurry, wife, hurry, give me soup. And bread and wine! I'm dying of hunger and thirst.

After supper, the weaver went to bed and snored for fifteen hours in a row. But the next night, don't tell anyone anything, he went to the Zhersky rocks and returned with three pounds of red gold. Twice more he went there at night and took the rest. When all the gold was brought, Cluse called his wife.

Look! What, wasn't I right when I told you that the New Year's hunt was successful? Now we are rich. Let's get out of here and make a good living!

No sooner said than done. Cluset and his family left Saint-Avy and went far, far away, beyond Moissac, to the land of Quercy. With his ten poods of gold, Cluse bought there a large forest, a water mill with four millstones, twenty manors and a magnificent castle, where he lived happily ever after with his wife and children. He was a good man, always ready to serve his neighbor, and no one was more generous than him to help the poor. But that didn't stop people from envying him. That's why they gave him the nickname Dung Gold.

brothers grimm

little men

One shoemaker became so impoverished that he had nothing left but a piece of leather for just one pair of boots. Well, he cut these boots in the evening and decided to start sewing the next morning. And since his conscience was clear, he calmly lay down in bed and fell asleep sweetly.

In the morning, when the shoemaker wanted to get to work, he saw that both boots were completely ready on his table.

The shoemaker was very surprised and did not know what to think about this. He began to carefully examine the boots. They were so cleanly made that the shoemaker could not find a single uneven stitch. It was a real miracle of shoemaking!

A buyer soon arrived. He liked the boots very much and paid more for them than usual. Now the shoemaker could buy leather for two pairs of boots.

He cut them in the evening and wanted to get to work the next morning with fresh strength.

But he did not have to do this: when he got up, the boots were already ready. The buyers again did not keep themselves waiting and gave him so much money that he already bought leather for four pairs of boots.

In the morning he found these four pairs ready.

Since then, it has become customary: what he sews in the evening, it is ready by morning. And soon the shoemaker again became a wealthy man.

One evening, shortly before the New Year, when the shoemaker cut his boot again, he said to his wife:

What if we stay up that night and see who is helping us so well?

The wife was delighted. She dimmed the light, they both hid in the corner behind a dress hanging there and waited to see what would happen.

It was midnight, and suddenly two little naked men appeared. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut boots, and began to prick, sew, and pin with their little hands so deftly and quickly that the astonished shoemaker could not take his eyes off them. The little men worked tirelessly until all the boots were sewn. Then they jumped up and ran away.

The next morning the shoemaker's wife said:

These little people have made us rich and we must thank them. They don't have any clothes, and they'll probably get cold. You know? I want to sew them shirts, kaftans, panties and knit each of them a pair of stockings. Make them a pair of shoes too.

With pleasure, - the husband answered.

In the evening, when everything was ready, they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut boots. And they hid themselves to see what the little men would do.

At midnight the little men appeared and wanted to get to work. But instead of leather for boots, they saw gifts prepared for them. The people were surprised at first, and then very happy.

They immediately dressed, straightened their beautiful coats and sang:

What handsome men we are!

Like to take a look.

Nice job-

You can rest.

Then they began to jump, dance, jump over chairs and benches. And finally, dancing, they ran out the door.

Since then, they have not appeared again. But the shoemaker lived well until his death.