Carbon laser peeling (China Doll peel) - face like a porcelain doll. What is carbon peeling of the face Carbon peeling what does it consist of

Carbon peeling face is a type of laser skin cleansing. The innovative method is distinguished by soft exfoliation of dead, non-working cells of the epidermis and an increased therapeutic effect. The procedure is performed only in cosmetology rooms using special equipment and nanogel (carbon dioxide), under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist who has been trained.

The essence of the technique

What is carbon peeling, modern cosmetology and clients of beauty parlors have recently learned. An innovative method with a high cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effect has gained popularity in a short time and is widely used to improve the quality of the skin and the appearance of the client.

Carbon peeling is so called due to the main component of the nanogel used during the cleansing procedure. Nanogel contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, and carbon in translation is carbon. That's what it is main secret the effectiveness of the procedure and distinguishing feature from conventional laser therapy.

The secret of the increased effectiveness of peeling is associated with the simultaneous action of a laser beam and gel components that are delivered to the deep layers of the skin. A carbon nanogel is applied to the surface of the face before peeling. When the gel is partially absorbed, it is exposed to a laser beam. Laser pulses dissolve nanogel particles and transport them into deep layers.

Nanogel is a kind of laser effect amplifier. The laser burns out dead cells and keratinized layers in the inner layers of the skin, and the carbon gel enhances this effect. An increase in temperature in the inner layers accelerates metabolic and regeneration processes, improves cell function. With dead cells, particles of sebaceous fat and dirt that have settled deep in the pores are removed. In addition to fast and effective cleansing, the procedure causes an accelerated synthesis of natural collagen and elastin, activates fiber renewal and skin rejuvenation.

The effect after carbon peeling of the face is increasing. Regular procedures will delay the youthfulness of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and permanently relieve age spots, reduce the appearance of acne and inflammatory processes of the skin.

Advantages of innovative peeling

Carbon cleaning is superior in efficiency and technique to many cosmetic procedures. This is a great way to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate the skin. Triple action was appreciated by cosmetologists and patients in the world.

The advantages of the innovative procedure include:

  • delicacy, softness of impact without burning and pain that are inherent in other types of peeling;
  • an extensive list of indications, including early aging of the skin and teenage problems with skin;
  • the drugs used and non-contact exposure prevent infection during the procedure, do not create an environment comfortable for the development of microbes and bacteria;
  • visible results are noticeable after the first cleansing procedure, in the future the effect only increases;
  • in addition to cosmetic transformation, the patient heals the skin, activates the renewal of fibers, normalizes the functioning of the glands and improves the quality of the skin at the cellular level;
  • the combined action of the gel and laser contributes to the extinction of inflammatory processes and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, so carbon cleaning is an ideal solution for patients with a problematic type of epidermis;
  • there is no recovery period, no significant peeling and prolonged redness. After cleansing, slight redness is possible, which will disappear on its own within a few hours;
  • during peeling, the impact is directed to the inner layers, the integrity of the surface layer is not violated;
  • has no restrictions on age and type of skin;
  • the minimum number of contraindications;
  • cleaning is carried out at any time of the year.

The procedure of laser carbon peeling of the face is recommended to be planned before the weekend. During this time, possible redness will disappear, the skin will move away from the impact.

Disadvantages of carbon cleaning

Laser peeling with carbon nanogel has its negative sides:

  • You will not see the maximum effect immediately, waiting may take up to several months;
  • For innovative purification, high-tech equipment is used. This fact is reflected in the high cost of the procedure;
  • not every beauty salon can afford expensive peeling equipment, which can create additional difficulties in finding a specialist and a cosmetology clinic.

Approach the choice of a clinic, a beauty salon with high responsibility. Do not trust the laser procedure to cosmetologists without appropriate documentation, certificates and permission to perform it. Unprofessional intervention threatens with serious consequences of an unpleasant nature.

Indications for peeling

Carbon peeling has a wide range of indications. This makes the procedure universal and increases its popularity. Carbon cleaning can be performed when one or more indications are present.

Indications for skin cleansing with carbon laser peeling are as follows:

  • acne, rosacea, acne;
  • extensive acne;
  • enlarged pores and comedones;
  • unaesthetic shine associated with increased fat content of the epidermis and abnormal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • post-acne, stagnant and age spots;
  • wilting of the skin;
  • dullness and grayness of the skin;
  • single folds or a network of small wrinkles on the face.

For patients with a pronounced inflammatory process on the face, laser-carbon peeling will have to be postponed until complete recovery. Otherwise, it can cause complications and discomfort during cleansing.

The innovative technique is applied not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. For example, in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks after childbirth.

What effect to expect

Laser carbon peeling allows you to achieve the perfection of the skin, even out the shade and give the face freshness, smoothness. You will notice these changes after the first procedure. In the future, the achieved effect will only increase, and with regular use, it will be fixed for a long time.

The effect that is expected from laser peeling with carbon nanogel:

  • the skin will get rid of dead cells, keratinization, which prevent them from breathing and do not let nutrients deep into the epidermis;
  • accelerate internal processes in cells;
  • promotes rapid tissue renewal, the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers;
  • evens out the relief of the surface of the face, smoothes fine wrinkles and grooves;
  • post-acne and minor scars disappear;
  • frees pores from sebaceous plugs and narrows them, eliminates comedones and black spots;
  • after peeling, the skin color becomes uniform, without age spots, freckles and unpleasant oily sheen;
  • there is a tendency to reduce the occurrence of inflammatory processes, acne and acne disappear over time;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, soft and tender to the touch;
  • the rate of appearance of new wrinkles on the face slows down, carbon peeling prevents earlier photoaging of the skin.

The main thing is that you can achieve such an improvement and splendor of the skin without strong redness and active peeling, as with chemical exposure. The process of renewal of the skin after cleaning is gradual and gentle, so it does not limit the usual rhythm of life.

Exfoliation technology

Carbon peeling is performed exclusively in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic using specialized equipment. Only cosmetologists who have undergone special training are allowed to work on a high-tech device.

Preparation for the procedure

Any special manipulations and procedures before carbon peeling are not required. IN preparatory stage includes the selection of a specialist and consultation with him. The beautician will determine your skin type, analyze its problems and weaknesses. In some beauty parlors, they insist on an additional in-depth examination of the patient's condition, passing tests.

At the consultation before laser cleansing using carbon nanogel, the cosmetologist must:

  • examine the skin, analyze their condition;
  • pay special attention to problem areas, their degree;
  • in the presence of inflammation, unacceptable violations of a dermatological nature, the cosmetologist will provide recommendations for their treatment;
  • if there are contraindications to carbon exfoliation, suggest other methods to eliminate the problem.

After consultation, the specialist draws up an individual program for the intended transformation procedure. The program specifies the degree and depth of exposure, the number of procedures and the interval between them, and other factors that are directly related to the cleansing process.

Preliminary consultation with a specialist required condition for the carbon peeling procedure. Only after thoroughly studying the problem of the skin, the beautician will be able to prepare a program effective fight with facial imperfections.

Getting Started with Peeling

The peeling procedure takes an average of 20-30 minutes. It is painless, the patient feels only a slight warmth, nothing more. Innovative cleaning involves the following actions:

  1. Particles of fat, dust, make-up residues are removed from the surface of the face. To do this, the beautician uses a cleansing composition with an antiseptic effect, but not alcohol.
  2. On the cleansed skin, the specialist distributes the carbon nanogel with a brush, giving it a little time to be absorbed. Nanogel dark color, it penetrates into the pores and inside the epidermis.
  3. In the next step, the beautician uses a laser beam. On a special device, parameters are set according to the depth of exposure and the intensity of the beam, taking into account the complexity of the problem and the structural features of the skin (thin, thick, mature).
  4. The cosmetologist uses a laser beam to work on the skin treated with nanogel. The nanogel itself is dark, but under the action of laser beams it becomes discolored, as if dissolving. Therefore, the treated areas stand out, which facilitates the process for the beautician. Under the action of the laser, the temperature in the inner layers rises (photothermolysis is carried out), which accelerates the production of the “builders” of the skin frame (collagen and elastin).
  5. Finally, a soothing cream is applied to the face.

Before peeling, the cosmetologist must conduct a test for skin sensitivity to the preparation used (carbon nanogel). If you have any doubts about the quality of the carbon product used, ask a specialist for supporting documentation, quality certificates.

Side effects and rehabilitation

Carbon laser peeling is a convenient and versatile cleaning procedure. After it, there are no unpleasant consequences, as after acid or mechanical cleaning. A slight redness is possible if you have a very sensitive epidermis. Don't worry, this side effect will go away on its own. There were no other complications after the cleaning.

The cleansing procedure does not interfere with the usual way of life. You can go to work the next day, put on make-up (if you can't do without it) and use alcohol-free skin care products.

If after peeling on the face there is a slight peeling of the epidermis, use a high-quality moisturizer to quickly complete the renewal processes.

It is recommended to use within 2-3 weeks after exfoliation sunscreen before going outside. The sun's rays can provoke the appearance of age spots, so it is better to prevent this fact.

How often to exfoliate

Cosmetologists recommend carbon peeling courses. For minor problems with the skin, 3-5 sessions of laser exposure are enough, and for mature skin the course can be extended up to 8 procedures. There is a short break (5–7 days) between peels for complete skin restoration.


Restrictions in carrying out carbon cleaning relate to such cases:

  • for patients with chronic diseases;
  • there are oncological neoplasms;
  • the client has a tendency to keloid scars;
  • with rashes of herpes and any inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with increased sensitivity to nanogel components.

During pregnancy and lactation, carbon laser peeling is also not recommended. This is due to the special hormonal background of a woman, which can affect the final result of the procedure.

What cosmetic procedures can be combined with

Carbon cleansing is combined with other types of hardware cosmetology: fractional thermolysis, radiofrequency lifting and laser biorevitalization.

Fractional thermolysis creates favorable conditions in the deep layers of the skin for the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins. This contributes to a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Laser biorevitalization - the process of transporting particles hyaluronic acid inside the skin. This procedure significantly improves the condition of the skin, prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Radiofrequency lifting is one of the types of hardware cosmetology using radiofrequency radiation. In combination with carbon exfoliation, the effect of rejuvenation is more pronounced.

Purification cost

Beauty salons offer carbon cleaning not only of the face, but also of the neck and décolleté. On average, one innovative facial procedure will cost around 4,000 rubles, neck - up to 2,000 rubles, and decollete - about 1,500 rubles. In the complex, such a transformation will cost about 7,000 rubles.

You can look beautiful and young without discomfort, burning and side complications. Cosmetologists offer innovative laser carbon peeling as a safe and effective cleansing and skin rejuvenation. Take the chance to look completely without complications and grief!

Why do many people avoid doing peeling, despite the obvious effectiveness of this procedure? It's all about trauma: in most cases, the miraculous effect is directly proportional to the discomfort and the mandatory recovery period. Cosmetology is constantly trying to find the optimal balance between the pain of the process and the end result, offering all new procedures in this segment. One of them is carbon peeling. This universal remedy for solving several cosmetic problems can be used at any age and has a minimum of contraindications.

Who needs carbon peeling?

This type of peeling helps to get rid of acne and blackheads, tightens pores and normalizes oily skin. It evens out the complexion, eliminates age spots and eliminates uneven skin surface. The procedure is indicated for ladies with the first signs of aging. Boys and girls can safely use carbon peeling to get rid of teenage acne. He has no age contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to do carbon peeling to cancer patients, pregnant and lactating mothers, patients diabetes, epilepsy and tuberculosis. It is not recommended to carry it out in the presence of keloid scars and chronic inflammation of the skin.

The essence of the procedure

The technology combines the use of carbon gel and laser apparatus. Carbon gel (hence the name - carbon peeling) prepares the skin for laser treatment and enhances the processes occurring in the layers of the skin under the influence of a thermal impulse generated by the device.

Carbon gel enhances the effect of the procedure

The number of procedures depends on the type of skin. On dry and sensitive skin the result is achieved faster - in 3-5 sessions. For oily and problematic, more sessions may be needed - from 8 to 10. Stages of implementation:

  • cleaning the face with an alcohol solution or antiseptic;
  • application of carbon nanogel;
  • laser processing.

Ultrasound can be used as a cleaning procedure. It has an antiseptic effect, slightly loosens the surface layer of the skin, making exfoliation easier and more effective.

Peeling principle:

  • Nanogel, drying, sticks together dead keratinized skin flakes, draws out excess sebum and dirt accumulated in the pores from the skin layers;
  • The first effect of the laser is that, by heating the surface of the skin covered with gel, it evaporates it, converting it into carbon dioxide and water. This is the very moment of cleansing, during which the skin ducts are released, surface irregularities and all “dirt” are removed. In a word, we can say that the gel performs the function of an absorbent.
  • Further, the laser acts on the deeper layers of the epidermis, improving blood circulation and cell nutrition. With the help of heat, it stimulates the production of collagen fibers, increasing skin turgor and tightening it. The process is called photothermolysis.

Peeling features, preparations and technique

The main feature of carbon peeling is painlessness. What other advantages does this type of facial skin care have?

  • there is no rehabilitation period (redness and slight peeling disappear the next day);
  • after peeling, you can use the usual nourishing creams;
  • the possibility of using decorative cosmetics from the first days after the session;
  • no complications and no seasonality requirements.

Carbon peeling is a "light" procedure, it does not injure the deep layers of the skin. The effect of it is purely cosmetic - it does not cure acne, but only removes its external manifestations. The same applies to black dots - open comedones.

What is carbon gel?

Carbon nanogel is carbon dioxide that affects the skin in the following ways:

  • disinfects and kills pathogenic microbes;
  • stimulates blood circulation and cell regeneration;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • exfoliates dead cells;
  • Due to the normalization of cellular metabolism, it evens out the surface and color of the skin.

In most Russian salons, cosmetologists use equipment from the Med Laser brand, as well as a carbon gel toner of the same brand. It is used not only for the carbon peeling procedure, but also in other laser cosmetic surgeries.

Neodymium laser is used not only for peeling, but also for epilation, skin resurfacing and tattoo removal.

This procedure uses only a neodymium laser with a power of 500 mJ and a frequency of flashes of 1-2 per second at a distance of 3-5 cm from the skin surface.

The cosmetologist selects individual options for clients in accordance with the type of skin and problems that need to be eliminated. In this regard, the frequency of flashes and the power of the beam can be different.

Is there any effect at all?

Yes, some get persistent maximum result, and others a slight cleansing and improvement in appearance. Skeptics say that the result is far from what was advertised - there are enlarged pores, black dots and comedones. Everyone is unanimous in only one thing - there is a real effect of tightening the skin, drying and evening out the color.

Unfortunately, often the effect of a one-time session of carbon peeling can be noticeable only when looking very closely at your own reflection.

Carbon peeling: before and after photos

Of course, the procedure tested by hundreds of women cannot be called “wiring”. The main thing is not to rely too much on a miraculous effect. It should be understood that cardinal changes cannot be expected from superficial peels at all. And if the advertising message promises you too much, just divide it by two.

Carbon peeling belongs to the category of superficial, and therefore it can be carried out more often than chemical peeling. This is a successful option for complex care, which actually allows you to achieve several goals: cleanse and tighten the skin, narrow pores, get rid of comedones and smooth out fine wrinkles. And no more.

Carbon peeling - quite new procedure in hardware cosmetology, but thanks to its effectiveness and proven results, he found a lot of admirers. Carbon peeling course not only cleanses the skin, but also has a significant rejuvenating effect, becoming a good alternative to more radical methods of rejuvenation. Many beauty salons and laser cosmetology centers have already included this procedure in their list of services, so carbon peeling has become available to every woman.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure of carbon peeling is carried out in a course of five sessions, with a break of five or seven days. How often you need to do carbon peeling, the beautician will tell you, based on the type and condition of your skin. The procedure takes only 20 minutes, and you will see the result after the first application.

Laser peeling with carbon can be carried out at any time of the year. It is worth noting that in summer period the skin is exposed to increased exposure to ultraviolet rays, and an additional laser procedure can affect the skin Negative influence. That is why cosmetologists recommend doing carbon cleaning in the cold season.

The versatility of carbon peeling lies in the fact that There are no age restrictions for its use.. An exception may be those who have contraindications to the procedure.

How to do laser peeling of the face with carbon fiber

1. Before the session consultation with a beautician, which identifies problems and possible contraindications.

2. On the skin apply a thin layer of carbon(carbon dioxide), which is a gray gel-like mixture.

3. Cosmetologist and patient during laser treatment wearing special safety goggles.

4. Skin dotted treated with a laser(cleaning step).

5. Carry out photothermolysis when the skin is heated at the cellular level in the deep layers, thereby starting the rejuvenation processes.

After the procedure, the skin may slightly redden, but this disappears in just a couple of hours. Carbon peeling best done before the weekend so that the skin can be completely cleansed of peeling, a natural process after such a procedure.

Jessner peel is a type of chemical peeling with a mild effect on the skin, which contains resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acid.

Photo of laser carbon peeling "before" and "after"

What are the types

Carbon peeling essentially consists of two procedures:

Laser cleaning

During the action of the laser on the skin, it is cleared of dead cells of the dermis, and at the same time bactericidal action treats problem skin. Peeling, which occurs in the next two days, allows the skin to renew itself and activate regeneration processes.

Every woman knows that facial skin needs special cleansing. Long gone are the days when ordinary washing was considered enough to solve cosmetic problems. On guard today female beauty and youth are worth other, ultra-modern means. What do cosmetologists have in their arsenal? For example, such a miracle remedy as carbon peeling. Reviews of many women confirm the effectiveness of this procedure.

Let's talk about peeling

What is an overseas word called a procedure by which the upper keratinized layer of the skin is removed. The place of dead cells is occupied by new ones, thereby the complexion improves, black dots become less noticeable, and the first wrinkles do not frighten with their depth and are slightly smoothed out.

Types of peeling

To date, this procedure is represented by several varieties.

  1. Mechanical peeling. He appeared one of the first. The essence of this procedure is that the skin is cleansed due to mechanical action. It can be ground with a diamond nozzle or aluminum sand. The most popular It also has a healing effect, since Brazilian herbs are used during it, sea ​​salts and other useful substances.
  2. Chemical peeling. The skin is chemically affected. Glycolic, purification methods are distinguished. Many women prefer milk peeling, which can be attributed to this variety.
  3. Laser carbon peeling. It is performed using a special nanogel and a laser. The top layer of the epidermis seems to be evaporated, and young, healthy skin appears in its place.

Milk peeling: the secrets of popularity

This procedure is often associated with milk masks. However, it is worth noting that it has nothing to do with sour-milk products. Cleansing of the skin occurs due to application to it. Experts consider this procedure to be quite gentle. But do not forget that when using milk peeling it is necessary to avoid sunlight, do not use creams during the first days after cleansing the skin in a similar way. Otherwise, you may get burned.

Do not believe in the magical transformation that this method of cleansing gives the skin? Compare the results of a procedure such as peeling, before and after. Photos of women clearly demonstrate the result.

Features of carbon peeling

The beauty industry does not stand still. On the contrary, it develops by leaps and bounds, allowing us to maintain youth and beauty for a longer time than our ancestors did. One of the latest technologies can be called carbon peeling. Feedback from satisfied patients convinces us that this procedure can solve many problems. This method is considered one of the most delicate methods. deep cleansing skin.

Most likely, this is precisely the secret of the popularity enjoyed by carbon fiber. It was one of the first Russian cities where they began to master this procedure. Today, such a peeling, performed using a laser, proudly walks through all regions of Russia, receiving enthusiastic reviews from those women who have already tried it.

Features of the procedure

The uniqueness of the new method lies in the use of special equipment. Carbon peeling of the face is performed using a laser, which is characterized by short pulses, but high power. Thanks to this, the effect on our skin lasts only a few seconds. Such a short duration leads to the fact that only dead cells are removed. In this case, the living are not affected at all.

But there is another nuance. In order for the laser to recognize which cells need to be removed, a special carbon gel is applied to the skin.

As a result, black dots, enlarged pores, blackheads under the influence of a laser become clearly visible. The gel turns into water and carbon dioxide and evaporates from the surface of the face, eliminating skin imperfections.

Procedure steps

Do you know why so many people are attracted to carbon peeling? Reviews of experts are almost unanimous. The thing is that it is able to act not only on dead cells, removing them, but also on living ones, contributing to the speedy regeneration of the skin.

This procedure includes 2 stages.

Variety of techniques and methods

Modern ones offer a choice of several methods, in accordance with which the carbon peeling procedure is carried out.

  • Brossage. This variety improves metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on our skin.
  • Ultrasound. It copes well with skin rejuvenation, accelerating regeneration.
  • Laser resurfacing. Perfectly eliminates skin irregularities, the appearance of which is usually explained by post-acne.

Indications for use

When should you choose carbon peeling? Reviews of cosmetologists claim that this procedure will be just a salvation for you if:

  • the first signs of aging appear more and more clearly on your face;
  • you are haunted by acne, which causes considerable discomfort;
  • comedones spoil your appearance;
  • you have oily skin and clearly visible large pores;
  • you have long wanted to get rid of age spots or freckles;
  • you do not like your uneven complexion and bumpy skin.

If at least one of the above factors is relevant to you, feel free to choose carbon peeling. The price for this procedure fluctuates around 3000 rubles. Say expensive? So after all, it has long been known that beauty requires sacrifice. Let this be a financial investment rather than the physical and moral discomfort associated with problem skin.

Contraindications for use

Despite all magical properties that this procedure has, in some cases it is better to refrain from it.

Do not resort to carbon peeling:

  1. During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  2. In the presence of oncological diseases.
  3. During an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. In cases where you have keloid scars.

Inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​peeling can also serve as a contraindication.

Benefits of the procedure

Many women choose this method of skin cleansing, because it has undeniable advantages:

  • Painlessness. During the procedure, you will feel nothing but pleasant warmth.
  • Atraumatic. It is almost impossible to damage healthy cells with such peeling, because the laser removes only unnecessary ones, highlighted with carbon gel.
  • Instant effect. You will notice the result after the first procedure.
  • No recovery period. Nothing prevents you from returning to your daily activities immediately after the peeling.
  • Versatility. This procedure is suitable for people of any age, it is off-season. It can be done both in summer and winter.

The effectiveness of carbon peeling

This cleaning method is very effective. Its effect on our skin is diverse:

  1. It has a bactericidal effect, destroys harmful microflora, thereby saving us from acne, inflammation and other troubles.
  2. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, the skin is renewed before our eyes, acquires healthy look and normal color.
  3. The regenerating effect consists in increased production of collagen and elastin, substances that are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Do you want to make sure the procedure is effective?

See for yourself the results that peeling gives (before and after). Photos of women will help you form your own idea of ​​​​this method.

Carbon peeling has practically no limits. After it, you can apply cosmetics. The main thing is to be careful with ultraviolet light. Choose products with a protective factor of at least 20 SPF.

In general, usually 3 to 5 treatments at weekly or 10 day intervals are sufficient. However, it all depends on your skin. In some cases, the doctor extends the course of treatment up to 7-8 sessions.

If you are concerned about the health of your own skin, try the trendy new product called carbon peeling. This procedure will definitely not harm you, but the magical transformation will not keep you waiting.

Carbon peeling is cosmetic procedure, which effectively cleanses the skin and starts the regeneration process in it. It is carried out using a laser beam and a carbon dioxide mask.

Carbon peeling activates metabolic processes in the skin and prevents the occurrence of rashes.

In the arsenal of modern cosmetology there are many tools and methods for cleaning and rejuvenating the skin. Carbon peeling is one of the most effective and gentle types. Let's talk about it in more detail.

The word "peeling" itself is of English origin (peel - to clean, peel off) and means the process of exfoliating the upper stratum corneum of the skin.

There are many types of this procedure:

  • Chemical - carried out using special chemical substances, which react with the top layer of the skin and cleanse it.
  • exfoliation fruit acids(apple, wine, milk, lemon)
  • Mechanical - is a grinding of the skin, with the help of small particles of aluminum sprayed on its surface. They work as an abrasive and remove the top layer of the skin.
  • Enzymatic - carried out with the help of enzymes, i.e. special enzymes that loosen the epidermis so that it is easier to remove dead cells and renew the skin.
  • Ultrasonic - apply a special composition suitable for your skin type, and act with ultrasound, thus cleansing the epidermis.
  • Meso-peeling is a cleansing with glycolic acid.
  • Laser - cleaning with the help of focused laser light energy.

a) mechanical peeling; b) chemical peel

What is carbon peeling?

It refers to laser cleaning. A special gel is applied to the surface of the skin, which contains carbon. It is he who is well known for its absorbent properties, due to which it is used both in folk and in traditional medicine. The gel applied to the skin draws out impurities from the pores and follicles, and also has a bactericidal effect.

Indications for the use of this type of facial peeling are:

  1. acne;
  2. dark spots;
  3. wrinkles;
  4. hyperkeratosis;
  5. uneven color and relief of the skin.

a) large pores; b) contaminated comedones ("black dots")

How is the procedure carried out?

Before deciding on it, it is advisable to consult with a beautician. If there are any inflammatory processes on the skin, then first you need to stop and cure them, and then resort to manipulation. In addition, it will not be superfluous to do a test for an allergy to carboxylic acid.

Like any laser procedure, this one also dries out the skin. Therefore, approximately 2 weeks before the manipulation, it is necessary to consume additional liquid and apply moisturizing masks and creams.

This procedure is carried out in a beauty parlor or in a specialized clinic. First, make-up removal of the skin and its complete cleansing. Then, carbon dioxide in the form of a gel is applied to the area of ​​the skin that will be manipulated. At this time, keratinized cells will be exfoliated and inflammation will decrease. After the gel dries, the laser can be applied.

The beautician will treat your skin with short laser pulses (skin photothermolysis). At this time, the deep layers of the skin are warmed up, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen and elastane is stimulated, wrinkles are smoothed out.

This manipulation does not cause discomfort. The eyes are closed with special pads and you will feel only warmth and sometimes a slight tingling. The whole process takes no more than 40 minutes.

How often can carbon peeling be done?

There is an opinion that peeling should not be done in spring and summer. This is both true and not at the same time. It just all depends on the specific type that you decide to apply. If you decide on carbon facial cleansing, then you need to know that the course consists of 3-6 procedures, which are carried out every 5-7 days. You can repeat it in a year according to indications. It can be done at any time of the year.

After carbon cleaning, as a rule, there is no redness. And if there is, then they pass quite quickly: in 2-3 hours. However, due to the fact that it dries the skin, peeling appears. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at the end of the week. Also, after it, you need to use a moisturizer. The advantage of this type of exfoliation is that cosmetics can be applied almost immediately, the only thing is that creams must be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

Carbon peeling: before and after photos and customer reviews

Margarita, 22 years old. WITH adolescence I suffer from my large pores on my face and oily skin. This is especially noticeable and unpleasant in the summer, and in fact it is in the summer that you especially want to be beautiful! Tonics, creams had a too short-term effect (literally a couple of hours after their application) and I had to actively use tonal products. A friend recommended trying carbon peeling. It took me a long time to decide, but now I am very glad that I agreed to it! The effect was the first time! The pores have become much smaller, and the skin has become less shiny from fat. But what is most pleasant is that the effect intensified after each procedure. As a result, I was able to stop daily use. foundation. Very satisfied with the result!

Photos before and after carbon peeling

Anna, 27 years old. At the age of about 25, I began to notice the appearance of the first wrinkles, for which I was absolutely mentally unprepared! I used different creams, but the wrinkles, although they did not become deeper, did not go away either. Then I decided to resort to the help of a beautician and she advised me to use laser peeling. I chose carbon. There was no allergy to this acid and I tried it. From the first time, the skin felt taut. But the cosmetologist recommended 3 procedures. I really liked the feeling of laser heating, just relax! And during these three procedures, wrinkles around the lips and on the forehead disappeared and significantly decreased around the eyes. I will now do it once a year.

Before and after the procedure

Marina, 35 years old. I'm very problem skin from youth: enlarged pores, black dots, scars from teenage acne, and wrinkles were added. After reading reviews on the Internet, I decided on this miracle procedure to improve skin condition. Unfortunately, I did not get a visible effect. Yes, the pores narrowed a little, but not completely, black dots remained, wrinkles became smaller, but did not go away. In addition, I would like more effect for such a price. Personally, the procedure did not work for me. Apparently, everything is individual.

Anti-wrinkle carbon peeling

One of the indications for the use of this type of exfoliation is the presence of wrinkles. With the help of a gel with carboxylic acid and a laser, they are smoothed out. The beam acts on the problem area until the gel completely evaporates, after which all layers of the skin are heated by a series of long laser flashes. As a result of microexplosions of nanogel particles, the ducts of the sebaceous glands narrow, the production of collagen and elastane is activated, and the lipid balance is normalized. As a result, you will feel that the skin has become more toned and elastic after the first session. In addition, this effect will increase with each procedure. In total, they need to be carried out 3-5, depending on the condition of the skin and the desired effect.

This technique is absolutely painless and even pleasant: you will feel warmth and a slight tingling on your face. In addition, there is no reddening of the face, which is usual for laser peels: after carbon exfoliation, slight redness can be no more than a couple of hours, and more often it is completely absent.

Contraindications against carbon peeling

As with any procedure, there are contraindications for use:

  1. oncology;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  4. tendency to scarring;
  5. inflammatory processes in the active stage;
  6. systemic metabolic diseases (diabetes);
  7. the presence of psychoneurotic deviations;
  8. use of pacemakers.

a) exacerbation of viral diseases; b) lactation period

The procedure is non-traumatic and has no side effects. The skin's natural reaction to heat is flaking, which disappears within a few days. The first day after the procedure, cleanse the skin only with micellar water and apply a thin layer of moisturizer all the time, and the result will not be long in coming!