The best Japanese diapers. All about baby diapers - carefully choose the best diapers for your baby! Panty diapers "365 days" - the most affordable

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Japanese diapers have become more and more popular in recent years. Demand for them is constantly growing, despite the fact that there are many other brands in stores that are more affordable. This is easily explained by the high quality of raw materials used for production, softness, hypoallergenicity and excellent absorbency of Japanese diapers.

Their advantages and disadvantages

Japanese ones win with their high quality, which is achieved by using the latest technologies in manufacturing and materials. They are indeed thinner and more absorbent than their European counterparts. Unlike well-known diapers, Japanese diapers do not have gel impregnation and, therefore, an unpleasant odor.

They compare favorably with other analogues by the ability to provide long-term dryness of the skin, do not irritate it, so the baby sleeps much calmer in them. Among the advantages, we note a good pattern, thanks to which the diaper fits perfectly on the baby. It can be easily matched with any outfit.

The advantages of Japanese diapers for newborns include a special recess for the umbilical wound and a soft elastic band.

If we compare Japanese products with European counterparts, then it is not easy to single out any shortcomings objectively. Of course, they cannot suit absolutely everyone. There is sure to be a baby who did not fit the diaper pattern or who showed up. After all, no two children are the same. But in some cases, complaints about product quality are not groundless. This applies to diapers that are produced under Japanese brands in other countries specifically for the foreign market.

The disadvantages include the high cost and a slight discrepancy with the declared size down from some manufacturers.


"Japanese" are represented by several brands. This is a Mooney premium product, as well as Merries, Goon and Doremi. It is not easy to answer unequivocally which Japanese diapers are best for newborns. All of them have proven themselves perfectly and have the same high quality of workmanship.


The products of this brand are characterized by the following features:

  • The ability of the materials from which the diaper is made to pass air well. Thanks to this, irritation does not occur on the baby's skin and.
  • "Merries" sit very securely on the baby and at the same time do not hinder movements at all.
  • The relief surface of the product provides point contact with the skin of the child, which guarantees dryness, comfort and, therefore, a good mood.
  • The porous surface of the inner layer, a reliable belt and sidewalls protect against leakage.

Merries diapers are designed specifically for the delicate skin of a mobile baby. They are very comfortable for the little one. But their absorbency is slightly lower than other Japanese counterparts. Therefore, these diapers will have to be changed more often.

The manufacturer took care of the little ones. In those models that are designed for newborns, there are no elastic bands on the belt. On the one hand, this feature provides peace around the umbilical wound. But at the same time, mobile babies can face the problem of leakage along the back. In larger sizes, there is already an elastic band on the waistband.

These diapers are universal, they are equally suitable for both girls and girls. Additional protection for the skin of a child is provided by impregnation with extracts of medicinal plants.

A nice feature of diapers of this brand is the presence of a special color indicator of fullness, which shows when it is time to change them.

Compared to Moony or GooN, they run a little small. This nuance must be taken into account when moving to the next size. This will have to be done a little earlier than stated by the manufacturer.


Japanese Moony diapers have a lot of buyers in Russia. Such popularity is due to their safety. A very successful cut and thinness of the product allows you to freely wear them under any outfit. Pampers do not bulge, do not stray into a coma. The inner layer is ribbed. This reduces the contact area of ​​the diaper with the baby's delicate skin and protects it from irritation.

The advantages of Japanese Mooney diapers include comfortable soft elastic bands and uniform absorption of moisture. Due to this, dryness of the skin and the absence of lumps in a wet diaper are ensured. To the bonuses, we add silent reliable Velcro and the absence of a sharp unpleasant odor.

Like the previous manufacturer, Japanese Moony diapers for newborns and babies from 4 to 8 kg have a special cutout for the navel.

This manufacturer produces panties with gender differences. In diapers for boys, the absorbent layer is higher than in models for girls.

Under the Mooney brand, you can purchase models specially designed for children who are learning to crawl or walk. Their main difference is a more elastic waistband. This option is easier to put on a fidget, and the baby is more comfortable in it than in a regular diaper.

The manufacturer even took care of the child in a public place. To this end, he developed special panties that hold what you need inside well, and at the same time do not swell and do not slip off the baby.

Additional convenience for the mother is provided by the presence of a color indicator of fullness in the form of drawings.


Japanese diapers Goo.N are in no way inferior to their Japanese "relatives". Their main advantage is a more affordable price. At the same time, they are just as thin and breathable, moisture-absorbing, soft and comfortable.

Goo.N is released in three versions:

  • "Standard".
  • "Lux".
  • "Premium".

Just like the "premium", the economical version of the "standard" is made only of safe and high-quality materials based on cotton. True, it may not be as high-grade as in luxury and premium products. In order to save and reduce the cost of a standard diaper, the top layer is not painted.

Goo.N premium class are distinguished by their thinness and special softness. They are designed for sensitive baby skin, absorb unpleasant odors, reliably retain moisture and loose stools.

The best in this brand are luxury diapers. Their quality is impeccable, and their surface is several times more tender and softer than others.


These Japanese diapers for newborns are just as good as the counterparts discussed above. But there are some differences. They are made from eucalyptus wood. Its extract does not allow urease, an integral part of human urine, to decompose.

The innovation of this manufacturer was the separation of the adsorbent for urine and liquid feces. Usually these fillers are mixed. The manufacturer claims that this separation does not allow waste products to mix. This prevents irritation on the baby's skin.

What are "export diapers"?

Under this concept, products are hidden, most often produced not in Japan and intended for export. That is, the manufacturer initially does not plan to use them in Japanese babies and apply the strict quality standards that exist in this country.

Unfortunately, such options are significantly inferior in quality to the true "Japanese". They are tougher, absorb worse, smell, and may not fit very well. And even a low price will not be a consolation when acquiring them.

A characteristic feature of the "twins" is the presence of inscriptions on the packaging in English. On real diapers from the Land of the Rising Sun, all words, except for the name of the manufacturer, are written in Japanese.

The main disadvantage of such a product is the price. But you need to remember that the best Japanese diapers cannot be cheap. Therefore, for their fans, cost should not be the main selection criterion. Most likely, this is the case when "the miser pays twice."

If you don’t like or don’t fit a diaper of one brand, you need to try another. Be sure to find one that is designed specifically for this baby.


When choosing a diaper size, you must be guided by the weight of the child. But in addition to this, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the physique of the crumbs. After all, equally weighing babies can be of different heights, have different waist sizes.

The same sizes in different brands of Japanese diapers may not correspond to each other. For example, the glory of small sizes has been fixed for Merries. When choosing products of this brand, you need to focus on the lower limit of weight. If the baby weighs 9 kg, then size M (from 6 to 11 kg) will be small. It is advisable to move on to the next one.

In the Moony and Goo.n brands, the actual sizes correspond to the declared ones. But even here there may be slight fluctuations in one direction or another, associated with the individual characteristics of the child.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which Japanese diapers for children are better. All of them are made of high-quality raw materials, taking into account all the requirements of comfort and safety. But it is better to select a specific brand for a specific baby, based on individual needs and characteristics of its development.

Useful video about diapers

Only having a good understanding of which diapers are best for newborns, you can rush to the store to get them. The best helpers and advisers here are those who are experts in this field and who have cared for newborns, who raised babies healthy and did not spend money in vain.

The right choice is always luck

It was very important to refer to the experience of mothers, reviews of nannies and to attach the results of observations of newborns by a pediatrician. After all, the experience of care cannot completely replace the advice of a specialist.

When choosing diapers, many parents are guided by the colorfulness of the packages and the content of those advertising phrases on them that catch the eye. Unfortunately, it must be admitted that advertising does not always correspond to the quality of the product, even if the latter is such a delicate and responsible thing as a diaper for a newborn.

But it largely depends on him whether the baby will sleep peacefully, delighting loved ones or will start to worry, cry. Having made the wrong choice of diapers or diapers, you may encounter irritation on the baby's skin, which is not so easy to deal with. By using medication to treat irritation, we can also harm the child and add anxiety to ourselves.

According to mothers, up to a month, a child needs at least two packs of diapers of 90 pcs. It is not uncommon for a pack already purchased to remain unclaimed. This is the case when the child's skin gives an allergic reaction to some type of diaper. Only after trying them, you have to move on to a different look.

As the child grows, the number of diapers consumed per day decreases.. Their total number also decreases, and, accordingly, the cost of purchasing.

Any type of diaper needs to be changed at least every two to three hours. Keeping a baby in diapers all day long is not only harmful, it is even dangerous! Children's skin needs ventilation

Can disposable diapers be replaced with reusable diapers?

You can switch from disposable diapers to reusable diapers at the very beginning. But you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby's skin.

Usually reusable diapers are sold with inserts.

Changing inserts, mom uses the same diapers many times.

For example, the Rainproof diapers are sold each with seven liners.

If the liners or diapers are entirely made for repeated washing, then the main thing here is to avoid diaper rash of the skin of the baby. But there are times when everything turns out the other way around - when using ready-made purchased disposable diapers or inserts for them, skin irritation appears.

The way out here is just to use the same diapers that can be restored by washing.

If to speak about the pros and cons of switching to multiple use, then, as a plus, a decrease in cash costs clearly looms here. But at the same time, the complexity of courtship is growing. Washing, drying, ironing of replaceable parts is added.

Ready-made reusable gauze diapers can also be found on sale, but how much fuss with them!

To make the right choice for parents - which diapers are best for newborns - visitors to the child care website help with reviews. Their advice is worth listening to.

Categories and types of diapers

The main thing is that the baby is dry and comfortable in diapers.

Now the manufacturer is ready for a lot for the buyer. There are countless types of products on the market.

So young mothers choose diapers from a large number of offers.

Thanks to this opportunity, everyone can choose the best diapers for newborns, and exactly the diapers that best suit her baby.

Which ones can be used for long months of growing up, and which diapers are best for newborns in the maternity hospital.


  • reusable with liners;
  • reusable with washing;
  • disposable;
  • homemade fabric or gauze diapers for newborns;
  • disposable panty diapers;
  • diapers for boys and girls.

It is impossible to unambiguously and permanently choose the best diapers for newborns. Each type has its pros and cons.


Disposable ones are good because their absorbent layer and mesh perfectly absorb everything in the first days of a baby’s life, leaving the skin dry.

They are just made to make life easier for parents. After all, they are easy to put on, they are quickly and easily removed. The baby stays clean with a pleasant baby smell.

The downside here is only the increased purchase costs.

It's easy to understand the intricacies of changing diapers if you watch a video that shows how to put a diaper on a newborn.

Reusable with liners

Reusable with liners are cheaper, but they have their drawbacks. Often, changing the baby, it is not possible to remove the liner neatly. In this case, you have to additionally wash the child himself. Also, reusable diapers for newborns can retain an unwanted smell, even if done very diligently. Here, by the way, there may be a cream for diapers for newborns. It will remove the smell and protect the skin from irritation. .

Fabric or gauze

Fabric or gauze can be washed many times and reused after heat treatment and drying. But this significantly adds to the work of the mother or nanny. In addition, the fabrics do not contain those important additives that the manufacturer uses to improve the skin of a child.

Depending on whether parents use diapers or not, the mode will depend. Details in the article.

From what period to potty train a child you will find out. It's not all the time to be in diapers.

Gradually, it is necessary to wean the child not only from diapers, but also from a pacifier. you will read 6 rules and 4 taboos in weaning from a pacifier.

Diapers for boys and girls

Diapers for boys and girls separately are good because the location of the absorption zones in them is different. This allows you to actively use the moisture accumulator, leaving almost all areas of the skin dry. Now you can understand which diapers are best for newborn girls and which diapers are best for newborn boys. How important and convenient it is, every mother will find out after using them only a few times.

Infertility in boys from the "greenhouse effect" in diapers is an erroneous opinion. Disposable diapers have been in use since the middle of the last century and such a connection has never been observed. To avoid excessive pressure on the boy's genitals, you just need to choose the right size.

Gauze diapers

You should not completely forget the experience of grandmothers who made diapers with their own hands. Let's take a closer look at how to make gauze diapers for newborns.

Size of gauze diapers: 60 x 120 cm (for newborns), 80 x 160 cm (for a baby of 1-2 months) or 90 x 180 cm (for a three-month-old baby)

You need to take a piece of gauze measuring 60 by 120 cm and fold it in half.

Then again in half, only now diagonally.

Put a child on this triangle and stretch the bottom corner of the fabric between his legs.

When weaving, the two side ends form a belt, for which it remains to fill the third end. Diaper ready!

By doing everything in reverse order, you can easily understand how to change a diaper for a newborn.

You just need to keep in mind that The size of gauze diapers for newborns should change as the child grows..

Very handy when using gauze diapers special creams. There are a lot of types of creams for diapers on sale, but if you look at the rating of these products, then among the best are Bubchen, Bepanten, Eared Nanny, Johnson Baby.

diaper prices

Prices in the Russian market often change. Basically, they are growing. At the moment, you can quote the cost of some packages of diapers from retail. These are the prices for Haggis diapers for newborns, diapers for newborns Meries and Pampers.

  • Packing Merries 0-5 kg ​​(90 pcs) - from 1536 rubles.
  • Packing Huggies 3-5 kg ​​(60 pcs) - from 1249 rubles.
  • Packaging Pampers Sleep & Play; 4-7 kg (60 pcs.) - from 1550 rubles.

Libero diapers for newborns have about the same price.

Of course, these prices cannot be called ridiculous. But what to do - everything is expensive at the present time of crisis.

Many online stores set the price depending on the amount of the purchase. By purchasing more items, you can get a significant discount. Also plays a role and the size of diapers for newborns.

To find out which diapers are best for newborns -

Mothers of babies, among other goods, have to pay special attention to children's hygiene products. The purchase of diapers and special panties is a serious family expense, so the issue of their quality should be approached with all responsibility. Indeed, in the end, not only his mood, but also his health will depend on how comfortable the child will feel. An incorrectly selected size or model, an ill-conceived system for fixing the product on the body, airtight material - all this can irritate the delicate skin of a little man.

To avoid trouble, when choosing a useful thing, consider not only the weight of the baby, but also the height, build, gender, type of diaper fasteners, type of absorbent, the presence of additional moisture protective agents, and the shelf life of the product. It is recommended to give preference to products of well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. He is certified and receives positive feedback from parents. Our rating is based on the popularity of goods among consumers, representation in retail chains.

The best diapers for newborns

These are the very first diapers that the baby (and mother) meets in his life. It is they who are taken with them to the maternity hospital, often having only a theoretical understanding of both the hygiene products themselves and the needs of the newborn. It is impossible to know in advance what the child will turn out to be: graceful or strong, calm or restless. The best option in this case is to purchase the products of several manufacturers by the piece, so that you can compare and choose. If products are labeled "newborn", this means that they are intended for newborns weighing from 3 to 5 kg. For premature babies, some companies produce products designed for a weight of 1.8 kg or more.

4 Belle Baby Happy Start 1 (2 – 5 kg)

economical solution
Country: Poland
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The model entered the top due to the combination of the marketing component and the relative thoughtfulness of the design of the product itself. It provides an original cutout in the navel area, which causes pleasant emotions for mothers, since children do not have contact between the hygiene product and the umbilical cord that has not yet fallen off. Thus, microtrauma and inflammation of the skin is excluded. Side zippers prevent leaks. However, there are complaints about the large width between the legs, which can lead to chafing.

A plus can be considered the absence of unpleasant odors both directly from the material of the thing and from the absorbed contents. Branded non-woven material Premium Dry does not contain latex, chlorine, well breathable, leaving the skin dry. In addition, it is optimal in density, which does not cause concern for the little fidget. Pack with a bright design includes 42 pieces. The main drawback of the product, according to mothers, is its volume, which increases the weight and makes the movements of the newborn somewhat constrained.

3 Huggies Elite Soft 1 (up to 5 kg)

Outstanding water repellency
A country: USA (manufactured in Russia)
Average price: 900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Products contain organic cotton. Their inner surface is soft, in grooved pads, which should prevent skin contact with liquid stool. There is an elastic band on the back for a tighter fit and a pocket is formed that protects against leakage. The model has a moisture indicator. Velcro can be fastened on the entire surface of the belt, which allows you to fit the diaper on both the “slim” and the well-fed baby. By the way, they are reusable, which is very convenient for inexperienced mothers: at first, until the characteristics of the child become clear, sometimes you have to unfasten the product several times to check if it is time to change it. This accessory is hypoallergenic and breathable.

2 Moony (0-5 kg)

The softest baby accessory
Country: Japan
Average price: 1350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Made of non-woven material, these diapers are surprisingly soft to the touch, which is noted by all mothers without exception. They do not have any foreign smell, as the manufacturer does not use flavors. Products are hypoallergenic, and this is not a manufacturer's statement, but the opinion of parents. Plus, they breathe great. Velcro provided in the design are silent. The model is equipped with a filling indicator. An important detail: the accessory has a cutout on the belt so as not to injure the unhealed umbilical wound. In our opinion, this alone is enough to include Muni (as they are often called on Russian-language forums) in the rating. Separately, it is worth noting that the product is thinner than many analogues.

  • Size. Despite the fact that all companies indicate the weight of the child for which the diapers are designed, the products of some companies are small (especially the Japanese are guilty of this). Unfortunately, to find out such a nuance is possible only by experience.
  • Smell. Ideally, the flavoring should not be felt at all. If the smell is present, it should not be intense, irritating.
  • Softness. The softer and more delicate the surface, the better. This also applies to fixing elements - cuffs and belt.
  • Velcro should not touch the skin of the baby.
  • Moisture absorption. According to Russian GOSTs, a midi-sized baby hygiene product (4-9 kg) must absorb at least 240 ml of liquid.
  • Absorption time. 55 ml of water, poured in a thin stream, ideally penetrates deep within 3 seconds after the end of the liquid supply.
  • Reverse sorption. Under a pressure of 2 kg, no more than 14 g of moisture can be released from the diaper.
  • Breathability. It is optimal if the product has a relief inner layer that provides air circulation.

1 ECO Naty 1 (2 – 5 kg)

Best All-Round Model
Country: Sweden
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This type of disposable diapers has several advantages at once, which are noted by almost all users. First of all, it impresses that both girls and boys can wear them, since the absorbent layer is evenly spaced. It is also important that this is a great option for the night. The hygiene product does not leak and allows the whole family to sleep peacefully. In addition, it contains only natural ingredients, the film is made from corn starch, does not contain GMOs. There are no toxic chlorine, dyes, phthalates, fragrances. Biofilm Mater Bi decomposes well without polluting the environment.

Newborns can move freely without feeling uncomfortable, thanks to a special fit. Soft breathable materials help avoid diaper rash. The product is hypoallergenic, which is confirmed by the certificate of the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association. There are 26 pieces in the set. Of the minuses, the parents of babies call the lack of reusable Velcro, a filling indicator, and the lack of representation of the model in stores.

The best diapers for babies 4 - 9 kg

Grown up babies become more active: they vigorously kick their legs, roll over, start to sit down and try to crawl. And now the diaper is required not only softness, hypoallergenicity and good absorbency, but also the ability to hold firmly on the child's bottom, performing its functions in any circumstances.

4 Goo.N S (4 – 8 kg)

Honeycomb material with vitamin E
Country: Japan
Average price: 1300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

A disposable model from a Japanese manufacturer is indicated for use with sensitive skin of a child, since the combination of layers of construction provides several levels of protection. First of all, the skin breathes, does not steam, which does not lead to diaper rash. The presence of vitamin E in the composition of the material gently cares for it for the purpose of prevention. The side edges of the product are high and, in combination with a soft adhesive tape, prevent leakage. The elastic itself is made of high-quality lycra, so it does not stretch, fixes tightly, but does not press.

One of the main advantages in the reviews, consumers indicate the presence of a wet indication. A special indicator line changes color when urinating, which allows you to control the accumulation of fluid in the lower part of the product. A cute design with fun patterns also evokes positive emotions. However, the Japanese product also had a significant drawback. It refers to small size, with a maximum declared 8 kg, the product is able to accommodate a baby weighing only up to 6.5 kg. As for the packaging, it is quite voluminous: it holds 84 units.

3 Libero Comfort 3 (4 -9 kg)

Big Pack
Country: Sweden
Average price: 1200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The diaper is better characterized in that the absorbent layer is evenly distributed over the entire inner surface of the product. Moreover, it has a relief structure. The softness of the material is undeniable, as is the thin layer, which allows children to remain active and look natural from the outside. The aesthetic component of the model is generally very revealing. Bright color combinations complement the thematic plots of mini-"paintings". In such a thing, the child will never look dull or boring.

The practicality of the acquisition is evidenced by the fact that it is effective for a night's sleep. A double elastic band on the legs additionally protects against leakage. Dissatisfaction is caused by the discrepancy between the declared maximum weight and the real one. Brightens up the shortcoming provided by the indicator of the transition to the next size. Another disadvantage is that there is no fullness indicator. The easy-to-carry package contains 90 items.

2 Merries S (4 - 8 kg)

Comfortable breathability
Country: Japan
Average price: 1400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Soft, hypoallergenic, miniature, like all "Japanese". Do not rub and do not press, do not leave traces of rubber bands. Made from quality materials, they breathe very well. The inner surface is velvety. There is a filling indicator, but, according to many mothers, it is too sensitive. Products absorb moisture very quickly, however, unfortunately, in a smaller volume than diapers of other brands. Liquid stools really do not spread, as the manufacturer promises, but this quality also has a downside: moisture is quickly absorbed, but the “dry residue” sticks to the ass along with the diaper. Many mothers also complain about the lack of rubber bands on the sides (they appear only from size M): if the baby is very active, leakage is possible.

1 Helen Harper Baby 3 (4 - 9 kg)

Harmonious value for money
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 950 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Elastic sidewalls of diapers allow them, on the one hand, to sit tight, on the other hand, not to constrain movements. The high rise makes up for the lack of elastic at the back. Velcro reusable, strong. The surface of the product is soft both inside and outside. It is medium in thickness, neither thin nor overly thick. The gel is well absorbed and evenly distributed, but only if the hygiene product is updated in a timely manner (recall, pediatricians recommend replacing every 3 hours). If this is tightened, the filler begins to clump. The product is odorless. In our rating, the model Helen Harper Baby is the best in terms of price and quality.

best panties

Time passes, the child grows, it's time to teach to the potty and panties. Life is also becoming more active: for many mother-baby couples, interaction with the outside world is no longer limited to just walks, visits to the clinic and guests. Someone is already taking grown children to the sea or to the pool, and special diapers are needed for such visits. In any case, panties for grown-up children should be as comfortable as possible so that the child does not try to pull them off.

3 Lovular Giraffe M (6 – 10 kg)

The best style for fidgets
Country: UK
Average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Parents who, by chance, purchased this product confirm its convenience during operation. In it, children do not reduce their activity even after the product is completely filled. The liquid is well absorbed into non-woven materials with cellulose fibers due to 2 special moisture-absorbing substances and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Air exchange is preserved, so the hygiene product can be used without problems for a small egoza in the summer.

In the reviews, parents confirm the absence of leaks when wearing a children's accessory for a long time - at night or during various trips. This is facilitated by a well-thought-out fixation system, as a result of which the product does not slip off the body. The 3D elasticated waistband and 3-row barrier stretch strip on the legs provide an elastic fit without chafing or squeezing. In fact, the model has only one obvious drawback - the developers did not create Velcro in it, with which one could easily twist the thing after use and dispose of it. There are 56 pieces in a package with a carrying handle.

2 Pampers Pants 4 (9 - 14 kg)

Hygiene product with aloe extract
A country: USA (manufactured in Poland)
Average price: 410 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The panties are pleasant to the touch, rubber bands on the tummy and on the legs fit snugly, but do not squeeze, do not leave red marks and scuffs. They are easy to put on, fit well, do not slip during movement, as they stretch in all directions. The accessory absorbs moisture well. Another plus - the product is quite thin, does not cause discomfort in the baby. Its inner surface is covered with a special balm with aloe extract. Therefore, for such care, Pampers definitely deserves a place in the ranking among the best. It is also important that the hygiene product does not let out not only liquid, but also odors. For ease of disposal, there is a Velcro on the back that allows you to secure a folded diaper. There are 16 pieces in this price range.

1 Insinse V6 L (9 – 13 kg)

Super slim model
Country: China
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The product is significantly ahead of the analogues of its closest competitors in a number of defining indicators. It is very thin, but at the same time it absorbs moisture well, does not let it out. The distribution of liquid occurs evenly, lumps do not form. The composition of the outer material contains cotton, it is also present in the double elastic bands, which are easy to stretch, and the waistband, making them pleasant to the body and safe.

In panties, even the most capricious child feels comfortable. After all, they are light, do not have a large volume, are made with high quality, they show themselves well with prolonged use. Therefore, they are equally comfortable to sleep at home or play away. The provided filling indicator will remind parents when they need to worry about replacing the product. The manufacturer recommends wearing a useful thing in the summer, without fear of an unpleasant odor. The final plus is the low cost of a package of 58 units.

The best reusable diapers

Not all mothers like disposable diapers. There can be many reasons: from sensitive baby skin, when any disposable accessory provokes diaper rash or irritation, to environmental concerns. Another aspect is savings. Considering that a disposable product needs to be changed every few hours, during the growing up of a child, a considerable amount will literally have to be thrown into the bin. Even a dozen reusable analogues will eventually become many times more profitable. Especially if you buy universal models designed with the expectation that the child is growing. Some of them can be used from birth until the age of three. Modern reusable diapers are very different from the gauze folded into several layers, which was used by our mothers and grandmothers. These are usually comfortably tailored with a liner pocket, which is often made of microfiber. After all, it, being thin and light, can absorb quite a lot.

3 Qianquhui (3 - 15 kg)

Extremely low price for a reusable product
Country: China
Average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

For those parents who choose the best combination of material quality, performance, attractive appearance of hygiene products in the budget segment of goods, this model will be very interesting. It is aimed at children under the age of 2 years. The main advantage of diapers is their small thickness and minimum weight, which makes an indispensable accessory perfect for daytime walks, since it is not visible at all under clothes, the natural mobility of the child is preserved. However, this is definitely not an option for night use, since the moisture-repellent properties of the material are not enough for long-term wear.

The outer polyester layer of the material "breathes" well, does not roll down after frequent washings and almost does not change color. The inner microfleece is distinguished by softness, smoothness of the surface, optimal throughput. A carbon-bamboo liner is inserted into the pocket between the layers, which absorbs secretions. The lack of a filling indicator can be attributed to the minuses.

2 Mum's Era (3 - 13 kg)

The best adjustment system for weight and height
Country Russia
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This diaper is not suitable only for premature newborns, since the minimum weight for which it is designed is 3 kg. But it will faithfully serve up to 2.5 years of the baby (according to statistics, it is at this age that children reach an average weight of 13 kg.), Which makes it the best in terms of economy. The well-thought-out model of the product also conceals several pleasant moments. Special rows of buttons allow you to adjust both the girth and the depth of the diaper. The accessory is produced in a variety of designs - from plain to multi-colored with prints for every taste. Its top layer is made of a membrane fabric that allows air to pass through, but not moisture. Inner layer made of thin breathable polyester. Between them is a three-layer microfiber insert, which should absorb. The diaper does not leak and, judging by the reviews of mothers, does not provoke the appearance of diaper rash. It washes well in the machine. Of the minuses: the liner dries twice as slowly as the panties themselves.

1 Glor Yes! Classic+ (3 – 18 kg)

Efficient swim model
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The domestic manufacturer offers a reusable model that is universal in many respects, which will make you forget about the problems inherent in competitors' analogues. First of all, it is useful that diapers are designed for a large range in weight - from 3 to 18 kg. To do this, the product is quickly adjusted in height and width with special plastic buttons, which are safe both in terms of design and material. It can be worn by both girls and boys from birth up to 4 years.

The developers of the children's accessory have provided in it a special inner pocket, where replaceable microfiber liners are neatly placed. The kit includes two of them. The structure of the material allows moisture to pass through without losing the dryness of the surface. Plus, it's hypoallergenic. Therefore, the butt of a newborn and an older child will always be dry, clean, without irritation. It is recommended to change the hygiene product after 2-3 hours of use.

What is important, after washing, the product dries quickly, does not lose its working qualities for 5 years, does not fade. Of the advantages, parents also note a variety of color and design solutions, so the baby will be in trend with any taste preferences of parents. The package contains 1 diaper.