Severe constipation in a 3 month old baby. What needs to be done to help a child at home if he has constipation: the main methods of treatment. Mechanical stimulation of the intestine

Constipation in a child of 3 months is a common problem, provided that he is on artificial feeding or began to receive complementary foods early. For babies who feed exclusively on breast milk, difficult defecation is less relevant, but under the influence of certain factors it can still occur. Having noticed something was wrong, it is necessary to analyze what could give such a reaction and be sure to show your little one to the doctor.

Many parents are sure that the absence of a chair for about a day in a baby in the third month of life indicates constipation (constipation). What to do in this case, most do not know. Often this delay is quite normal and is caused by the individual characteristics of the immature digestive system.

Normal toddler up to 6 months:
  1. Located on breastfeeding should poop 1-7 times a day.
  2. Eating milk formulas or other complementary foods, he will walk around 1-2 times a day, but 1 time in two days is also acceptable.

Small deviations do not always indicate pathology. Parents need to carefully observe the crumbs.

If baby:

  1. Cheerful, cheerful, eats with appetite, you should not worry.
  2. He begins to cry often, often with attacks (due to intestinal spasms), tuck his legs under him, refuse to eat - this may indicate constipation or another problem that pesters the baby.
Sometimes constipation in a 3-month-old baby is diagnosed when 1 or more symptoms from the list appear, namely:
  • a decorated chair for a breastfed toddler;
  • feces, shaped like sheep;
  • impurities of blood in feces;
  • straining and crying when trying to poop.

Sometimes young parents tend to exaggerate the scale of the problem, so their suspicions should be reported to the pediatrician.

If the child has constipation, then he will help to figure out what could provoke him.

Constipation in babies most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • a lack of breast milk;
  • the inclusion in the diet of a nursing mother of fastening foods (persimmons, rice, etc.);
  • improperly selected mixture;
  • early introduction of complementary foods;
  • inaccuracies in infant nutrition.
The list of rarer ones includes all sorts of physical causes:
  • anomalies in the structure of the digestive tract (lengthening of the intestines, deformation of the gallbladder, etc.);
  • volvulus;
  • disturbance of perilstatics;
  • early transmission of infections;
  • endocrine diseases ( diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • damage to the central nervous system.

Often, severe congenital diseases are detected even in the maternity hospital, so they rarely cause constipation in a child at 3 months.

All parents need to understand that:

  • you can not give the child any medications on your own;
  • other measures aimed at eliminating stool retention should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor.

Medicines at this age are rarely prescribed by doctors.

Most often start with:
  • correction of nutrition and drinking regimen;
  • introduction of laxative products into the diet (decoction of prunes, dried apricots);
  • carrying out special exercises that improve perilstatics.

If the baby is exclusively breastfed, review the mother's diet. The doctor will tell you the list of necessary products that should be paid attention to.

The ideal option would be boiled vegetables and dairy products.

In the absence of a positive result, an examination will be required.

Serious studies are rarely prescribed, as a rule, they begin with:
  • visits to the surgeon;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • coprograms;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen and intestines.

If the child is 3 months old, constipation can be eliminated by using glycerin suppositories, enemas.

The only laxative allowed at this age is lactulose syrup, aka duphalac. Its use is absolutely safe for children.

Before the first use, it is desirable to clean the intestines from dense feces (with an enema, suppositories), otherwise the baby may experience significant bloating.

Do not get carried away with laxatives. Give your baby a tummy massage or special exercises.

To conduct an enema, a child aged 3 months must:

  • purchase the smallest rubber pear at the pharmacy;
  • lay a waterproof diaper on the bed;
  • fill the container with boiled water (about 22 degrees) or saline (it is better not to use various herbal decoctions, as they often provoke allergies);
  • put the baby on the bed and raise the legs;
  • release the remaining air from the pear, lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly;
  • insert it into the anus of the child to a depth of 1-2 cm, while the tip should be slightly raised up.

During the procedure, you should hold the baby firmly, as there is a high probability of injury to the rectal mucosa.

A three-month-old baby is placed on his back:

  1. Swipe the palm clockwise around the navel, gradually expanding the trajectory.
  2. They hug the child with two palms that move each other along the barrels.
  3. Stroke the part of the abdomen below the navel.
  4. Carefully probe the sigmoid colon (in the lower left square) and gently massage clockwise for 1-2 minutes.

Strong pressure should be avoided, especially in the area of ​​the liver and spleen.

At the end of the procedure, the little one may already have a desire to poop.

Constipation in a three-month-old child is most often associated with the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract system, and in most cases it resolves on its own by 3-4 years. But this does not mean that now there is no need to visit a doctor. Only a qualified specialist will be able to determine where the norm ends and the pathology begins.

Parents do not know how to deal with constipation in infants if the baby is not able to go to the toilet for more than a day. Pediatricians advise not to panic. Not always stool retention is considered constipation. To recognize constipation in a child at 3 months, you need to know the rate of bowel movement at this age.

  1. According to accepted standards, a child up to six months should empty the intestines on average 3-5 times a day. Each baby is individual, and the frequency of defecation will depend on the type of food crumbs, the mother's diet. One baby can go to the toilet up to 5 times a day, the other can empty the intestines 1 time in 2 days and feel good.
  2. A bottle-fed baby can poop rarely - 1 time in 3 days. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the baby. If he is active, sleeps well, enjoys life, you can forget about constipation.
  3. Breastfed babies walk more often, normally 3-4 times a day. E. O. Komarovsky talks about individual characteristics kids. Stool retention can occur even in children who are breastfed, which indicates its nutritional value. The child receives good nutrition, milk is completely absorbed. The kid smiles, learns the world as playfully as before.

Symptoms of constipation in a three-month-old baby

Parents should be alerted by the following signs that indicate the appearance of constipation:

  • causeless crying of the baby;
  • swollen, tight abdomen;
  • during an attempt to go to the toilet, the baby bends his legs, his face turns red with effort;
  • appears poor appetite;
  • increased gas formation;
  • bad dream.

The symptoms should be considered comprehensively. Constipation in infants is not manifested only by stool retention.

Pay attention to the consistency of feces. A 3 month old baby has mushy stools. The appearance of streaks of blood, compaction of feces are signs of constipation.

If a three-month-old child has vomiting, bleeding from the rectum, the stool changes color, the stomach becomes painful against the background of retention of feces, seek emergency help.

Causes of constipation in infants at 3 months

The main reason why a child has constipation at 3 months is considered malnutrition mother or baby. Pay attention to the following factors leading to constipation in infants at the age of three months.

  1. Mom with HS consumes a lot of foods that have a fixing effect (potatoes, persimmons, bananas, rich broths, fatty foods). The digestive system of a child at 3 months is not yet complete, it gets used to new conditions, therefore it reacts to the slightest changes in the composition of breast milk.
  2. The transition from lactation to artificial feeding makes adjustments in digestion. The body needs time to get used to the new food. Adaptation lasts from 5 to 7 days. After the chair becomes regular, the correct consistency.
  3. An improperly selected mixture for an artificial person will cause discomfort, cause increased gas formation, and bloating.
  4. Constant change of mixtures. You can not often experiment with baby food. It is worth replacing the mixture only with a negative reaction to its intake. The child's body is sensitive to changes in nutrition. Constant replacement leads to prolonged constipation.
  5. Constipation is often caused by organic disorders. They are detected in 90% of cases even in the maternity hospital.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby may develop dysbacteriosis. Against its background, there is a violation of the chair.

Why is constipation dangerous at 3 months?

Constipation in a child of three months of life is dangerous for the development of complications. With severe constipation, unpleasant symptoms appear on the first day. If you do not help the baby in time, there may be serious complications:

  • poisoning with toxins;
  • weight loss, dehydration;
  • injury to the intestinal mucosa;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures (rarely occur with prolonged constipation).

Pediatricians advise not to experiment with therapy if additional symptoms appear that are not included in the signs of constipation. When they appear, you need to urgently contact for medical care.

Treatment of constipation in children at 3 months

Doctors take drug therapy in infants seriously. It is worth taking medicines only according to the testimony of a pediatrician, so as not to harm the baby. Rectal suppositories, enemas, laxatives are recommended when other alternative methods fail.


Of the widely presented remedies to help cope with constipation in infants, pediatricians note glycerin suppositories, laxatives. An alternative to classic enema is Microlax.


Use glycerin suppositories, they are the safest for babies, are not absorbed into the intestinal wall, and have a mild effect. A special children's form is produced - Glycelax candles. The suppository is inserted into the anus 15-20 minutes after breakfast. For a day, babies can use no more than 1 candle. The effect of therapy occurs within 5-20 minutes.

When there are no special children's candles at hand, you can use those for adults. To use suppositories for a child of three months, divide the suppository into 3 parts, in one of them smooth all sides and tip with your fingers for easy insertion. Adult candles differ from children's dosing, do not be afraid to put them into practice when the baby needs emergency help.

Glycerin suppositories have contraindications:

  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • anal fissures;
  • age less than 3 months;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tumors of the rectum;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • individual allergic reaction.

Candles can cause side effects:

  • spasmodic pain in the intestines and abdomen;
  • irritation of the rectum;
  • itching, burning in the anus;
  • allergy;
  • with prolonged use - lazy bowel syndrome.


E. O. Komarovsky advises how to help a child with constipation. The pediatrician draws the attention of parents to children's syrups and drops containing lactulose. They are gentler on the intestines. These drugs include:

  • Prelaks.

Syrups on lactulose act more slowly than suppositories. The effect can come in a few days, why give laxatives to children for at least 3 days.

The dosage is increased gradually. It is recommended to give the baby in the first 2-3 days no more than 2 ml of syrup once, after bringing the dose to 5 ml per day. This is necessary to avoid side effects.

Contraindications to the use of lactulose syrup are:

  • allergy to the composition;
  • galactosemia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • used with caution in diabetes mellitus.

In infants, while taking a laxative from lactulose, you may experience:

  • increased gas formation;
  • colic;
  • allergic reaction;
  • stomach ache.


You need to resort to this procedure in emergency cases. The procedure gives a positive effect when the baby cries due to abdominal pain, sleeps poorly, is naughty, but it is not possible to poop for a long time.

For an enema, prepare a special pear for newborns, they are sold in a pharmacy. Add a decoction of chamomile or a few drops of glycerin to the liquid. The injected volume for a child of 3 months should not exceed 60 ml. The optimal dose is 40–60 ml. The water temperature is 25–27 degrees.

Carry out the procedure like this:

  • Lay the baby on a flat hard surface (changing table) with his back down, lay the diaper.
  • Bend the legs of the baby so that the knees touch the tummy.
  • Slightly press on the pear, excess air will come out.
  • Treat the tip with Vaseline.
  • The tip is inserted into the anal passage with gentle rotating movements to a depth of no more than 2 cm.
  • Slowly press down on the bulb to draw fluid into the rectum.
  • After the introduction of all the liquid, the pear is carefully removed back.
  • Hold the child's buttocks slightly for a minute so that the liquid does not come out ahead of time.
  • As soon as the baby went to the toilet in a big way, wash it with warm water.

The effect comes in 15-60 minutes. You need to put an enema 1 time per day, when the need arises. Abuse of enema leads to adverse reactions:

  • leaching of beneficial intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis;
  • the development of inflammation in the intestine;
  • the occurrence of anal fissures;
  • lazy bowel syndrome.

micro enema

A convenient, practical alternative to an enema is Microlax. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Safe and high quality ingredients.
  2. Relief occurs in 5-15 minutes.
  3. The drug works locally, in the rectum, without affecting the body in a complex way.
  4. The minimum list of contraindications. You can not put a microclyster when:
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • the presence of cracks in the anus;
  • hypersensitivity.
  1. Minimal side effects:
  • burning, itching in the rectum;
  • allergy.

One package of the drug contains 4 tubes with a solution for the procedure. Their volume is 5 ml each. For a child of 3 months, this is a large dose, it is recommended to administer half the drug - 2.5 ml. It is worth putting microclysters once, when the delay in stool begins to bring severe discomfort to the baby. The drug has no therapeutic effect. This is an emergency measure that helps to eliminate the main symptom - impaired defecation.

Non-drug treatment

With constipation in a child at six months old, it is important to start therapy with massage, gymnastics. They are often prescribed to an infant from 3 months old to relieve muscle tone. Massage during stool retention is different from the classic, relieving excessive tension.


It is important to understand what to do at home if the baby has constipation. When a child does not go to the toilet for 3 days, the main thing is to stimulate intestinal motility, activate the work of the organ, and relax it. Massage helps to cope with these problems.

  1. Lay the baby on a hard surface to prevent damage to the spine. It is advisable to use a changing board for massage. Put a diaper on it, the child - back down.
  2. To Small child not afraid of the procedure, talk to him, tell rhymes, sing songs. Do not massage when the baby is in a bad mood.
  3. A good time for a massage is in the morning before breakfast, in the evening before or after swimming. If the baby has eaten, the procedure takes place no earlier than after 1.5 hours.
  4. A six-month-old baby should not be massaged with pressing, sharp movements. Perfect option- slight stimulation of the tummy.
  5. Do not use oils or other emollients for the first time to better control hand pressure.
  6. Place your palm on the center of the abdomen, the baby's navel should be in the middle of the hand. Clockwise from top, start rotating movements, as if drawing a circle with a compass. Each time the radius should increase. Do not press on the stomach, the movements should be light, smooth. Finish the massage with light strokes of the baby's back.

For the first time, it is better to do a massage under the supervision of a specialist or entrust the full course of procedures to a massage therapist. This will eliminate possible injuries, because the skeleton of a child at 3 months is fragile and lends itself to the slightest impact.


Complete the massage with a set of exercises aimed at restoring bowel activity during constipation. With their help, gas formation is normalized, the peristalsis of the organ is stimulated, spasm is relieved.

Do the following set of exercises daily with the baby.

  1. At 3 months, babies like to play fitball. Use it for gymnastics. Lay the child belly down on the ball, shake from side to side, in a circle. Active games on the ball allow you to strain your abdominal muscles, stimulate the intestines.
  2. Grasp the child's legs in the feet. While creating support, help him bend his knees alternately, as if the baby is riding a bicycle. Do this no more than 10 times (for each leg).
  3. Grasp the knees of the chest. Legs should be bent. commit circular motions moving your knees away from each other. The exercise resembles a frog step. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Take the baby's feet in your hands, put the legs together and lift them straight up, gently pull the baby's legs so that they touch the forehead at the knees. Lower back to starting position. Repeat 6 times.

Daily exercise is essential. This is a fun way to have fun with your baby and relieve constipation at home. In combination with massage, the procedure gives a positive result.

Breastfeeding diet or formula change

The nutrition of a breastfeeding woman has a direct effect on the child's digestive system. If the mother eats foods that fix the stool, the baby will suffer from chronic constipation, suffer from colic.

Following a diet, you should pay attention to the list of recommended products:

  • carrots, pumpkin, beets, zucchini (boiled, steamed, fresh in salad);
  • dried apricots and prunes (eat a few dried fruits in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed);
  • oatmeal, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge (preferably cooked on water);
  • soups (boil soups daily in vegetable or low-fat broth).

Fresh dairy products will be useful. Drink fermented baked milk, kefir, snowball and bifidok at night.

The main task of the mother during the period of stool retention in an infant is to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • muffin;
  • strong tea;
  • persimmon, pear;
  • sweets;

Proper nutrition of the mother during lactation is the key to excellent well-being of the crumbs. It normalizes the baby's digestive system, helps it adapt to new conditions painlessly.

Folk remedies

When the baby cannot go to the toilet for the third day, parents often resort to folk methods therapy. Pediatricians prohibit manipulation with a small child. Popular advice recommending mechanical irritation of the intestines with a cotton swab, an introduction baby soap into the rectum often lead to serious complications, intestinal injuries.

What can parents give their child at home?

Chamomile decoction

The plant has a beneficial effect on digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Allowed from birth.


  • chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Stages of preparation.

  1. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers.
  2. Put the mixture on fire.
  3. Boil 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, cool, strain.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Give a decoction before feeding 1 teaspoon (no more than 4 times a day).

Dill water

You can cook on your own. The decoction improves digestion, eliminates increased gas formation.


  • dill seeds (greens) - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

Stages of preparation.

  1. Throw the prepared herb or seeds into boiling water.
  2. Put a container of water and grass on the fire.
  3. Boil 5 minutes.
  4. Cool and strain.

Cooking time - 15 minutes. Give your baby 1 teaspoon of dill water before each feeding.

Prevention of constipation in a three-month-old baby

In the prevention of constipation, follow the principles:

  • spend more time with your child fresh air;
  • daily massage, gymnastics;
  • do not give the baby medicines without the advice of a doctor;
  • when taking antibiotics by the mother to the child, give medicines that restore and maintain the intestinal microflora to prevent dysbacteriosis;
  • on artificial feeding, supplement the baby (up to 50 ml of liquid per day);
  • follow a diet while breastfeeding;
  • use HS for as long as possible;
  • choose an adapted milk formula rich in prebiotics.

The prevention of constipation also includes regular examination of the child by a pediatrician. Do not refuse the help of a doctor. This will help to recognize the problem in time, to prevent its occurrence.


Even if the parents coped with constipation with medication, you should not put off going to the doctor. Constipation often recurs if the cause of its appearance is not treated, only the symptoms are eliminated.

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The joy of motherhood, despite the troubles of caring for a baby, can only be overshadowed by a deterioration in his well-being. The most common manifestations of processes that have not yet been debugged in the baby's body are problems with stools.

Constipation in a breastfed infant is quite rare, as mother's milk contains enzymes that improve the digestive process.

Experts insist that young parents should be worried if the baby is not gaining weight well. According to doctors, in addition to changing the frequency of stools (less than 1 time per day), the main signs of constipation in a breastfed baby are:

  • a sharp change in the nature of the stool (excessive density, putrid smell);
  • refusal to eat;
  • bloating and discomfort with light pressure;
  • anxiety and tension when trying to defecate;
  • frequent sipping of the legs to the chest;
  • lethargy and restless sleep.

For several signs of constipation in a breastfed infant, seek urgent help from a pediatrician. The condition of the baby may worsen due to the intake of toxins from feces into the body.

Constipation in a breastfed infant should in no case be left unattended, since the causes of this phenomenon can be quite dangerous for the health of the baby

Causes of constipation in infants

Both for the prevention and for the subsequent correct treatment of constipation in a breastfed baby, it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence. Experts identify the following the most common reasons:

  • Changes in the composition of the mother's breast milk as a result of a sudden change in diet or medication. Children's pediatricians are advised to carefully introduce foods that were previously unfamiliar to the baby into the diet of a nursing mother, and also to take medications only on doctor's orders.
  • Insufficient amount of fluid, especially during a hot period.
  • Elevated temperature during teething, infection in the body.
  • A stressful situation provoked by forced weaning from the mother or other abrupt changes.
  • Violation of intestinal motility due to incompletely formed nerve endings on its walls or the work of the digestive system as a whole.
  • Anatomical defects or pathologies of the digestive system.

Breast milk can be fully digested in the baby's body. If the frequency of the stool has decreased, but the baby eats well and is gaining weight, there is no reason to worry.

Infant constipation: urgent action

As a rule, it is quite rare to identify the cause on your own, which is why doctors advise, if there is a complex of signs, to seek help from specialists.

However, to alleviate the condition of the child, parents can take the most harmless actions for the baby that do not require specialized training.

First of all, this is a massage of the abdomen, stimulating intestinal motility, as well as flexion and extension of the legs with a slight pressure on the abdomen.

A more radical method is the use of rectal suppositories with glycerin. It is better to use them only if the massage option did not work. Glycerin, enveloping the walls of the rectum and stimulating them, ensures the sliding of compacted feces and facilitates its removal.

One of the tests that help identify possible pathologies if there is constipation in a breastfed infant (the causes are different, and the signs are easy to recognize) is a blood test.

Analyzes and rules for their collection in infants with constipation

For getting complete picture condition of the child and identifying possible pathologies, the pediatrician will prescribe a number of tests:

  • blood for biochemical analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • analysis of feces for impurities;
  • analysis of feces for intestinal microflora.

Biochemical parameters of the child's blood reflect the work internal organs and patient systems.

A general blood test, depending on the results, will show the presence / absence of inflammatory processes, cardiovascular pathologies and the state of immunity in general.

In order for the indicators to be correct, blood from the vein of a breast-fed child is taken after a 2-3 hour break after the last fluid and food intake.

Mandatory analysis for constipation in infants- analysis of feces

Stool collection from a breastfed baby with constipation can become daunting task. Therefore, in order to obtain correct indicators you must follow the rules for collecting analysis:

  • use a clean diaper or diaper without filler;
  • to stimulate bowel movements, you can apply massage or use a gas tube;
  • washed with soap and dry pot;
  • use sterile glass or plastic container;
  • at room temperature, feces are suitable for analysis no more than 3-4 hours after defecation;
  • in a refrigerator, feces in a tightly closed container can be stored for no more than 8 hours.

Taking different medications can change the value of the indicators, which should be warned by the doctor who ordered the tests.

Rules for performing tummy massage for constipation in infants

Massage for constipation in a breastfed baby is the most gentle, natural and affordable remedy.

The execution technique is quite simple, however there are several basic rules:

  • massage should be performed 1-2 hours before or after meals;
  • movements are performed only clockwise;
  • movements should be light without excessive pressure;
  • massage should be performed several times a day.

The main movements during the massage:

Massage of the abdomen of an infant with constipation
  1. Not sharp, circular movements with the entire surface of the palm. Performed for 2-3 minutes to relax the sphincter, as well as stimulate the intestines.
  2. Synchronous stroking with two palms in the direction from the ribs to the bottom of the tummy to relax the oblique abdominal muscles.
  3. Massaging the umbilical zone with point movements with a fingertip clockwise, with light pressure. After acupressure, it is recommended to repeat relaxing strokes.

Medications for constipation for a newborn (candles, microclysters, syrups)

Medical treatment of constipation in infants can only be used after consultation with a pediatrician., since all drugs to one degree or another can affect the further development of the baby.

Table of drugs used for constipation in breastfed children

Release form

Name of the drug

The main properties of the drug in the treatment constipation in breastfed babies

Frequency of use

Impact on the body

Candles Glycerol


It acts due to the irritating effect of glycerin on the intestinal mucosa and an increase in the rate of passage of feces. Applied occasionally for relief Not absorbed.
micro enema Microlax Emptying takes place mucosal irritation. Applied sporadically Not absorbed.

Constant use is addictive.

Syrup Duphalac



Increases the amount of feces by retaining fluid in the intestines, stimulating peristalsis. It tastes sweet and is a favorable environment for the development of beneficial bacteria. Best suited for long term use Not addictive.

The use of these drugs without prescription is an exceptional single case and is possible only if it is necessary to urgently alleviate the condition of the baby. Long-term use of drugs and the system of their administration is developed by the doctor individually for each child.

Folk remedies for constipation for babies: fast and effective

Current treatments for constipation in a breastfed baby folk ways a lot of. There are three most commonly used and time-tested remedies:

  1. A decoction of chamomile, diluted with boiled water, can be given to babies from two weeks, no more than 100 ml per day. It has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the immune system in general.
  2. Decoction of fresh or dried fennel seeds, which include trace elements that help restore the digestive system.
  3. A decoction of prunes(recommended for children from 6 months), it is worth starting with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose.

A decoction of chamomile can be given to children from 2 weeks after birth, and a decoction of prunes - from 6 months

Due to the underdeveloped systems of the baby's body and possible development allergic reactions even the use of herbal decoctions must first be discussed with the pediatrician.

What not to use for constipation in a breastfed baby

Constipation in a breastfed infant is a delicate topic for many parents, and instead of consulting a specialist, they use "grandfather" methods of treatment.

Most often, instead of glycerin suppositories, a piece of baby soap is used, which can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the passage and nerve endings.

An enema with water or herbal decoctions is considered a last resort. and is used in cases where other means have not helped. Frequent use of an enema threatens to disrupt the intestinal microflora and can exacerbate the problem. Experts recommend carrying out such procedures in infants in a medical institution.

Enema, as well as baby or any other soap, thermometer, cotton swab, etc., should not be used for constipation in a breastfed infant

Such a manipulation as stimulating the work of the intestines by placing a baby in the anus cotton swab or the tip of a mercury thermometer, can damage the walls of the passage and cause serious complications during bowel movements in the future.

Diet for mothers with constipation in infants

Constipation in a breastfed infant can be prevented in 90% of cases by following a simple diet for the mother. The diet of a nursing mother should include such healthy foods, How:

  • various cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, oatmeal, wheat;
  • vegetables, both fresh and various dishes: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beets, potatoes, tomatoes;
  • boiled lean meat and light broths from its various varieties;
  • dried fruits in moderation.

The diet of a nursing mother should include both fresh and cooked vegetables as part of different dishes.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet products that have the properties of fastening the stool, as well as with various food colors and additives.

The key point is the measure more is not always useful. Balance your diet, alternate meals and monitor the condition of the chair. Adjust the amount of a particular product, focusing on the needs and reaction of the child's body.

The problem of constipation in a breastfed baby should not be taken lightly. The health of their baby depends on the decisions of the parents, and the recommendations of the pediatrician will help solve this problem.

Constipation in a breastfed baby - what are the reasons and what to do, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

Tips from pediatricians for constipation in an infant:

In this article:

Almost all young parents faced the problem of a rare stool in a baby or its absence. Constipation in infants can cause some new mothers difficulty and fear. In almost all forums, you can see the question: “If the baby has constipation, what to do in order to properly solve the existing problem. How to help a 2 or 3 month old baby?

Many parents want to save their beloved child from any torment, so this problem is quite relevant.

Pediatricians do not recommend the use of folk remedies, as they believe that such assistance can greatly harm the health of a little man. There were cases when, after treatment folk remedies babies had hemorrhoids and other unpleasant consequences. However, some young parents buy glycerin suppositories in pharmacies, use a variety of enemas and gas tubes, and do not even think why constipation has arisen and why the baby does not poop.

What is constipation in a newborn?

Constipation is a fairly common phenomenon that sometimes occurs in newborn babies. If for 3 days there is a rare stool in the baby, he does not poop, or there are certain difficulties during bowel movements, then you can sound the alarm. The chair depends on the amount of food and the age of each little man.

For example, if a 2-3 month old baby has constipation, but at the same time he eats exclusively breast milk, and poops from one, 2, or up to several times during the day. It all depends on the number of meals and its volume. But this option can rightfully be called ideal, and in young newborns under the age of 2 to 3 months it happens quite rarely.

The baby, who is fed a specially adapted formula, has some difficulty with bowel movements and poops only once a day. As for the consistency, it differs from that observed in breastfed babies. The stool is hard and has an unpleasant characteristic odor.

To determine that constipation appeared in an infant at 2 or 3 months, it is necessary to analyze the picture for several days. Maybe he drank less milk one day or slept more. No need to immediately sound the alarm and put a variety of enemas and tubes. A normal stool in a 2-3 month old baby should have the consistency of a soft slurry, and a hard stool is a clear constipation.

To help with constipation, the baby should be given prunes, pumpkin or beets in a specially prepared form. But such products can be given to a child only after six months, when complementary foods are introduced. These funds are now advised to be used by many pediatricians and specialists, because they stimulate the activity of the intestines as much as possible, help soften the stool.

Prunes and pumpkin contain a large amount of dietary fiber. These foods contain all the necessary natural compounds that can stimulate smooth muscle motility in the digestive tract. Thanks to what you can cope with constipation in an infant.

As soon as the child is half a year old, problems with stools will gradually go away, because by this period it is already possible to introduce complementary foods and the intestines begin to work normally. Constipation in an infant, if he is only breastfed, is quite rare. He defecates several times during the day, and the stool does not have any unpleasant odors.

Pediatricians claim that cheesy inclusions in newborns are considered the norm, that is, small lumps can be seen in the total mass. This indicates that some of the mother's breast milk has not been digested.

Causes of constipation in infants

The following are the main causes of difficulty during bowel movements in newborns:

  1. Quite a sharp and unexpected transition from breastfeeding to specially adapted mixtures;
  2. A sharp change in the usual mixture to another brand and manufacturer, as well as a change in number due to age;
  3. Any violation of the diet of a nursing mother or the use of a certain product. You can often encounter such a phenomenon as constipation in a newborn due to malnutrition;
  4. Lack of breast milk may be the initial cause of hunger constipation in a newborn. In this case, all the food received is not fully digested and the child has nothing to go to the toilet with. To avoid such a phenomenon, it is necessary to carefully monitor weight gain per week;
  5. Complete or partial absence of muscle tone in the rectum. To examine and eliminate the cause, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary;
  6. lactose deficiency;
  7. A cold or infectious disease, which can also significantly affect constipation in an infant;
  8. Water scarcity. If the baby eats artificial mixtures, then he must drink a certain amount of water throughout the day. To determine the daily rate as accurately as possible, age and weight must be taken into account;
  9. Improper introduction of basic complementary foods. If a young mother decided to introduce complementary foods and did not comply with the established norms, as well as the deadlines, then constipation in an infant may appear in 95% of cases;
  10. Allergy to cow protein. As statistics show, this is a fairly common and common cause of constipation in newborns and problems with stools. If we talk about newborn artificial children, then an improperly selected mixture that contains cow protein provokes a problem. You can cope with it, but you will need to give 1 - 2 month old baby the right mixture that will fit perfectly.

Treatment for constipation in babies

To get the most accurate information on how to help a baby with constipation and understand why he does not poop, it is necessary to determine its initial cause. Otherwise, the treatment will not give the expected result, and all efforts will be unjustified. Only a qualified pediatrician - family doctor should deal with the cause. Doing such things on your own or trusting relatives is not worth it. Only after a full examination and a verdict by a doctor can the prescribed treatment be used.

Treatment of constipation in infants may not be necessary if he does not have bowel movements for one day, but the general well-being of the child is normal. Young parents need to be patient and wait a while. There are times when the baby's body can slow down due to the irregular intake of mother's milk.

As practice shows, almost all problems with the stool can disappear on their own at the age of about 3 months. Only severe constipation in infants aged 2 to 3 months requires drug treatment.

Emergency measures:

  • First of all, you can do a special massage, which will be shown by a pediatrician;
  • An exercise for a child called "bicycle" will be an excellent tool for stimulating the intestines;
  • Taking a warm bath for mom and baby;
  • At the time of the problem or before feeding, you can put the baby on the tummy for a few minutes;
  • Using a glycerin suppository. They are now sold in pharmacies without a prescription or prescription. But it's not worth it to self-medicate.
  • Enema. This method is used only in extreme and rather severe cases. To prepare an enema, you need to use a soft syringe or a weak infusion of dried chamomile flowers. For crumbs, only 30 ml is required. diluted liquid.

Sometimes parents are faced with the problem of anatomical obstruction in the intestines. Such a diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.

Prevention of constipation in an infant

In order to prevent constipation in the baby in time, you can periodically massage the tummy and bend the legs to it. This exercise will help stimulate proper bowel activity.

If the child is 4-5 months old, then you can prepare prunes puree for him.

Every mother should monitor her baby's fluid intake throughout the day, in addition to formula or breast milk. To a baby it is not recommended to give boiled water, because it does not contain all the necessary minerals. Many pediatricians recommend buying special baby water in pharmacies.

Constipation is considered lack of regular bowel movements for several days, as well as irregular bowel movements in the form of a very hard stool, accompanied by pain.

As a rule, older children suffer from constipation, and in infants they are observed quite rarely. The time intervals during which an independent bowel movement should occur depend on the age of the child.

A bowel movement in a breastfed newborn happens as many times as he is fed. Babies under 3 months of age should have bowel movements at least twice a day. Constipation in a 3-month-old formula-fed baby is observed if there is no independent stool for 24 hours.

One of the most common causes of constipation in breastfed infants is a change in the mother's diet. Therefore, you should not immediately give the baby various medications or give an enema, which will only destroy the beneficial intestinal flora. First you need to enrich the diet with fiber, which helps to remove feces from the body. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids for the mother.

Constipation in a child at 3 months old can be treated with boiled water, giving it from a spoon. However, do not force it. It is also recommended to give weak decoctions of dried fruits(dried apricots, prunes).

It will also be useful tummy massage clockwise, and flexion and extension of the legs. In some cases, laying the baby on the tummy helps.

In any case, if you notice that the child has difficulty or no bowel movements, then seek help from a doctor, do not give him medications without a doctor's prescription.

17 Mar 2012 314

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