29 weeks what's going on. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Possible complications and dangers

Your pregnancy is 29 weeks. The child weighs about 1100-1250 grams. Its size from the crown to the sacrum (sitting) is about 26 cm, the length is completely 36-37 cm.

What month are you on?

It is likely that you have begun to get confused on which month or which week you are. If you focus on calendar months of 30-31 days, then you are already at the end of the 7th month of pregnancy. If you count lunar or obstetric months for 28 days, then this is already the beginning of the 8th month. But of course, it is more convenient to count not months, but weeks.

Baby. What does the fetus look like at 29 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is so cute that there was a desire to draw his portrait. Due to its size, it could fit in a small wall picture.

child in full force is working on preparing for birth and independent life. The dimensions of the head and the whole body gradually become the same as at birth.

Despite the fact that right now there is an active growth and development of the brain, the head itself no longer seems so huge in relation to the body, as in the early stages of pregnancy.

The arms and legs are still thin, but with characteristic folds on the folds. Continues to develop rapidly nervous system. With each new day, new sensations and opportunities are available to the baby.

The eyes open and close, the child blinks rhythmically and learns to focus his vision. It distinguishes primary colors and distinguishes light from darkness.

While the baby is still too farsighted, but the closer to the moment, the more confident vision becomes. Your baby's eyes are blue now and will stay that way for a few more months. Moreover, even dark-skinned children are born blue-eyed.

The kid shows interest in everything that happens around. You can clearly see how he makes a lot of movements: he turns, looks at and touches himself, can scratch his ears, and even show his tongue.

Enamel is already forming on the teeth hidden in the gums. You need to eat foods rich in calcium - sea fish, dairy products. Sufficient calcium in the diet can improve the quality of small teeth.

The development of internal organs and systems of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy

The amniotic fluid now seeps into the baby's nostrils as they are gradually cleared of mucus plugs.

The development of the sense of smell is aggravated, your baby is well able to distinguish between pleasant aromas and harmful odors, such as nicotine smoke or gasoline exhaust. He frowns unhappily and turns around.

Perhaps, talking about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy is absolutely banal, since it is already obvious why smoking is not allowed. The baby literally suffocates, being in a smoky room, or receiving nicotine from the mother through the umbilical cord. Moreover, harmonious development of all his organs and systems is under threat.

It has been proven that smoking mothers have a much higher risk of giving birth to a small, weak child with pathologies than mothers who managed to give up the obsessive habit before pregnancy or at its very beginning.

The development of the nervous and immune systems continues. Often expectant mothers have the question of what to do if it occurs during pregnancy. Of course, it cannot be said that this is normal or completely safe.

Viruses can spread throughout the body, get into the placenta and even to the baby himself. Therefore, do everything to prevent the virus from entering your body:

  • Avoid large crowds, especially during slushy and chilly, wet weather.
  • Wash your hands and face often, do wet cleaning of the premises and be sure to ventilate well, especially the room in which you sleep.
  • Use any fat cream, oil or oxolinic ointment, to lubricate the entrances to the nostrils before leaving the house.
  • Flush your nostrils as often as possible with solutions sea ​​water(drugs - “sprinklers”: “Aquamaris”, “Humer”).
  • Rinse your mouth with any herbal solutions or seawater.
  • It is also important to drink plenty of warm water to reduce the concentration of viruses in the blood.

Most often, drugs based on paracetamol are used to relieve heat and reduce temperature.

At the 7th month, your baby has finally learned to regulate body temperature, it is clear that so far, these abilities are not enough for a full life outside the womb, but this is already a big and serious achievement.

Subcutaneous fat reserves have increased significantly and amount to 3.5-4% of the baby's weight. Now he is already plump, with characteristic roundness in the tummy, priests and rosy cheeks.

The fact that fat is deposited in the cheek area is very important for the sucking process. If fat is not formed, then at the moment of sucking the mother's breast, negative pressure will not be created in the oral cavity. This is necessary for a full sucking reflex. Weak, underweight babies often have a weakened sucking reflex, and sometimes the reason for this is insufficient accumulation of fat on the cheeks.

The bones and joints of the baby are getting stronger. Every day, the baby "goes" for a workout, during which your body gets kicks and pushes from the inside. The movements of the child are now no longer like somersaults, but like pushing knees and elbows. This shouldn't scare you.

Continue to record the behavior of the baby, you can even periodically count his movements. On average, there are about 10 movements per hour. As a rule, in the evening hours the child behaves more actively than during the day.

Every day, the baby strives to communicate with his mother, he will stretch out his arms or expose his knees and elbows for your gentle strokes.

Watch the activity of the child, as soon as you notice that he is too raging inside you, go out into the fresh air. Probably, the baby is lacking oxygen.

Sometimes the child fits exclusively in one part of the abdomen, so it turns out that the second part pregnant tummy remains almost hollow. You can feel for a tight back or a soft, round buttock that the baby will "show off".

It is clear that the stomach is deformed in this case and the characteristic “bloating” moves only on the right or only on the left. This arrangement of the baby may not be very convenient for the expectant mother, while the baby himself feels great.

Most often, at this time, the child is already turning head down, but such exemplary behavior is not at all necessary. If a coup has occurred, the doctor may recommend wearing a brace to hold the head presentation in place.

If the child is not yet located correctly, down with legs or across your stomach, do not worry ahead of time. In order to take the correct position, he still has at least two months. The most harmonious help for a child to take a head down position is swimming.

At this stage of pregnancy, the lungs of the baby are gradually improving. Now the surfactant layer covers the alveoli with a thin, almost weightless layer so that liquid does not get into them. This condition suggests that every day your baby is getting stronger and stronger.

Even if the birth of a child occurs now, at week 29, he has a high chance of a full life.

Of course, such a newborn requires special care and constant monitoring of the state of all systems of his life, but with a favorable set of circumstances, he has every chance for a subsequent healthy and happy life.

Gradually, you can choose and buy a variety of baby products that will be useful to you and your baby in the near future. At this time, expectant mothers pay attention to such products:

Mother. What happens in a woman's body at the 29th week of pregnancy?

Your uterus has risen above the navel by about a palm, or 7-10 cm. Above the pubic joint, the bottom of the uterus already rises by 29-30 centimeters. It may seem to you that there is nowhere else for your stomach to grow.

Your belly is already quite large. You may notice that the navel is “lost”, it has become even, smoothed out with the surface of the abdomen. This is absolutely normal, the navel will return to its previous state about a month after the birth.

The uterus grows and puts more and more pressure on internal organs. You can feel the child's heaviness, and feel how he tosses and turns. To control the movements, use notes, you can even start a personal diary of the baby, and put notes on his behavior there.

Such important information will always allow you to be sure that everything is in order with the baby. In addition, this is also an excellent occasion in the future to tell and show the grown-up child “a book about how he was little”. Paste in this diary pictures of ultrasound examinations, your drawings, if any, or photos of yourself with a rounded belly.

Try to maintain your posture as much as possible. The straighter you keep your back, the more space for the uterus, and the less its pressure on other organs. Now you can’t get away from such annoying symptoms as pain in the lower extremities, heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation, and possibly. All these are constant companions of pregnancy, try to treat them with understanding.

Do not allow obsessive manifestations to spoil your mood and cause strong pain. To do this, visit your doctor regularly and discuss with the doctor all your new sensations. Talk about wearing a brace if your lower back pain continues. When fixing the abdomen and relieving the load from the back muscles, it should become a little easier.

You need to rest more often lying on your left side, or with your legs raised to the top.

Try not to lie on your back so as not to compress the vena cava. This can impede arterial blood flow to the fetus and even cause fainting in the expectant mother.

Feelings at 29 weeks pregnant

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the symptoms of fatigue. It is clear that there are many reasons for fatigue in a pregnant woman. This and excess weight, and insomnia due to the night activity of the baby, and annoying clumsiness, and fears of an uncertain future. However, you need to learn how to relax, wherever you are, and at any time when it is necessary.

Ideally, at the first symptoms of fatigue, lie down, literally for 15-20 minutes. If the rhythm of life does not allow for an afternoon siesta, take a break right at the workplace. Sit for a few minutes without moving, with your eyes closed, shake your hands, walk around.

Make it a rule to rest on arrival home after a working day for at least 30-60 minutes. This may be enough to “reboot” the body, and with renewed vigor get involved in solving everyday issues.

Master the relaxation technique, this will help restore strength in any situation, and will be very useful during the birth period, when contractions that push the fetus out will be frequent and prolonged.

If fatigue is constant and does not go away even after a long sleep, take an unscheduled blood test to detect anemia. Perhaps it is iron deficiency that turns you into a “somnambulist”.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the body of both mother and child should receive enough calcium. This mineral, like vitamin D, is necessary to strengthen the baby's bone tissue and maintain the natural amount of calcium in the mother's body. The lack of calcium in the body of a future mother can be indicated by brittle hair, nails, crumbling of teeth and pain in the joints.

Vitamin C contributes to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, the development of the cardiovascular system - folic acid and iodine. They also help develop mental capacity and natural intelligence. Vitamin E is also required to avoid.

All these components of a healthy pregnancy can be obtained in special tablet preparations, talk with your doctor about which vitamin and mineral complex is right for you. Also, find out which foods contain the most nutrients you need. Perhaps it will be possible to resolve the issue only with the help of a menu that is correctly selected for you.

Sometimes pregnant women suffer from heartburn. You can fight it in different ways. Some women prefer to eat fractionally and often, others - at the first symptoms, drink a few sips of milk or alkaline mineral water. Someone eats "semi-sitting", and does not take a horizontal position during the first hour after eating. All recommendations are correct. Everything can be tried.

If it is not possible to cope with heartburn using the above methods, the doctor may prescribe special medications, which, on the one hand, will facilitate the condition of the expectant mother, and on the other hand, will not harm the baby.

It is recommended to slightly limit the intake of salt, as it can provoke the appearance of edema. Watch the amount of fluid you drink. It shouldn't be too much or too little. The global recommendation is to drink about 30 ml of pure water per 1 kg of body weight. Average expectant mother need 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If your body receives less fluid, it will immediately begin to accumulate it in the form of edema. Too much fluid can make it difficult for your kidneys to work.

Also important is the balance of “drank-allocated”. It is good if the amount of fluid consumed is approximately equal to the amount of urine excreted.

Do not be afraid of training fights. Even despite the periodically occurring unpleasant hardness of the uterus, you are unlikely to confuse false contractions with real ones. Therefore, short-term (seconds-minutes), painless and irregular contractions of the muscles of the uterus should not scare you. But an increase in unpleasant symptoms or frequently repeated training contractions is a reason to see a doctor.

In some cases, the doctor may suggest hospitalization of the expectant mother in a hospital. It is unlikely that anyone will be happy. Nevertheless, to refuse hospitalization is irresponsible in relation to both oneself and the child. Even if you will exclusively observe full bed rest in the maternity hospital - lie down, this is TREATMENT. Bed rest and rest are excellent medicines that save the life of a small but very important person for you.

Now you can supplement your wardrobe with high-quality home clothes so that your rest both at home and in the maternity ward is complete. Choose things that you can use after the birth of the baby, during the period breastfeeding. Pay attention to the features of the cut of the product and the fabric from which it is sewn - nothing should interfere with you and cause irritation. Get:

  • (by doctor's prescription);
  • comfortable;
  • And ;
  • from the formation of age spots.

It is worth noting that in the third trimester, the expectant mother may feel a constant feeling of overheating. Moreover, a woman is hot both in winter and summer, on the street and even in those rooms in which ordinary people wrap themselves in blankets or put on outerwear.

Such fever is associated with an increase in metabolism. Now your body is “processing” 20% more than normal. Such a load, plus excess weight, cause profuse sweating and shortness of breath.

Try to breathe evenly, move slowly and calmly. As for sweating, light multi-layer clothing made from natural fabrics is necessary. The layering of your outfit will allow, in the event of another surge of heat, to remove the excess and create a set of clothes that is comfortable for the current situation.

An expectant mother can be frightened by such an unexpected phenomenon as urinary incontinence. Of course, it is important not to confuse accidental "incontinence" at the moment of laughing, coughing or sneezing, with a real leak. amniotic fluid.

Experts recommend going to the toilet before you feel the urge and doing special exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Unfortunately, there are cases when even after childbirth such a manifestation persists, in which case serious physiotherapy exercises are prescribed, and sometimes plastic or minor surgery is performed.

Your body continues to prepare for future motherhood, blue veins appear on your breasts, nipples enlarge and darken, and colostrum may begin to stand out from them. So far, colostrum is only a prototype of the future milk. The production of real breast milk will be provided by the hormone prolactin, but this will happen only after the baby is born. If colostrum stains linens and clothes, use.

Now it's too early to worry about whether you will succeed as a "dairy" mother or not. The presence or absence of colostrum, as well as its current amount, do not say anything about the prospects for future breastfeeding. Everything has its time.

Surely, you already really want to buy something for your child. And no one can stop you. Of course, now is not the time to completely form a wardrobe for a newborn and prepare a “fleet” of strollers, walkers, etc. You can stretch this pleasure over time, and in order not to buy too much on the spur of the moment, it is best to prepare a list of really necessary things.

You need to remember that friends and relatives will definitely pamper you. pleasant surprises after childbirth. Ideally, if you yourself distribute between them who and what can give you. So your home will have exactly what you need.

Don't think of the bad omens that warn moms-to-be against early shopping before the baby is born. These are superstitions, which in modern conditions only make life difficult for the family.

Right now, while your weight has not increased to a record size, you can still walk for a long time, including shopping. Devote this pleasant time to a competent choice. Visit several children's stores, or Internet sites, explore the range and compare prices.

If you are still working, then now is the time to hand over your cases. From the next, 30th week of pregnancy, you are officially on maternity leave!

Analyzes and studies at the 29th week of pregnancy

  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • General urine analysis;
  • General blood analysis.

If necessary, to examine the health of the fetus, doplerometry and cardiotocography (CTG) may be prescribed.

This is interesting at 29 weeks pregnant

During this period, hairs continue to grow on the head and body of your baby. Moreover, after birth, a child may turn out to be practically bald, but with a “hairy” back, or it may be born with an impressive “Iroquois” or a long, curled bang.

A long time ago, “fluffy” children were perceived by our ancestors as something terrible, since such vegetation on the body immediately wrote off the baby in the company of “wolf cubs and cubs”.

In ancient times, the child a priori had to be pink, plump and smooth. Our great-great-great-grandmothers even had a rather insulting name for the rolled down baby hairs located on the back. "Poker" - that was the name of the extra hairs, which grew quite long and thick.

Due to the fact that the child had to lie on his back for a long time, these hairs rolled up and turned into real spikes that dug into the delicate skin. Naturally, in order to get rid of such a phenomenon, the babies began to spin, thereby confusing them even more, and quite painfully pulling out these bundles.

Caring mothers and grandmothers “helped” even more, pulled them out on their own, after which wounds and suppurations appeared on the child’s skin. In fact, the “poker” is just a matter of hygiene. If matted hair appears on the skin of a newborn, they should be moistened with plenty of baby oil, and, while bathing, gently washed with soap.

By 7-8 months, the vellus hairs completely roll out and such phenomena disappear by themselves.

Something about dad at 29 weeks pregnant

At this time, a woman can become even more demanding on the process of her sleep. It is no secret (a lot has been written about this above) that she is very uncomfortable sleeping. Therefore, she may make a number of new demands on her husband.

For example, she may become sharply uncomfortable in the bed (on which she previously slept beautifully). Your favorite orthopedic mattress may begin to press on your sides.

She may begin to interfere with her husband's snoring. It can be hot from the fact that he sleeps next to you.

In general, men can notice that the night is a very hectic time. A wife can "look for a place for herself", try to get settled in an armchair, on a sofa in another room. This is in addition to the fact that even from the deepest sleep she wakes up 5 times a night and goes to the toilet.

Valeria says: For example, from my own experience I can say that I moved from the sofa to the bed several times a night, sometimes I just settled down in a rocking chair for a couple of hours.

We appeal to caring partners: try to help her. You can equip a sleeping place with pillows, there are not many of them (as experience shows).

As a rule, a woman sleeps with a very raised headboard (then heartburn is less pronounced). In addition to pillows under the head, pillows are needed to “put around” the stomach, sometimes pillows under the back, etc. In general, how often do husbands speak of this period: the wife was not visible in bed because of the pillows.

Help her put everything she needs at night next to the bed (water, maybe some crackers). Help getting out of bed, especially if the bed is low. It’s better to fit some piece of furniture nearby (a bedside table, for example) so that you can hold on when you get up. Getting up from a low bed without support is very difficult.

Ask your husband to make sure that "on the way to the toilet" there are no sharp corners sticking out, and that nothing extra is lying under your feet. With such a "torn" sleep pattern, a woman, when she goes to the toilet at night, may not be fully awake, it is necessary that the path be safe.

In addition to the process of sleep, there are other components of life that you can make easier for yourself. For example, worries in the kitchen. Determine which kitchen utensils you use most often. And ask your husband to arrange all these items so that you can take them without bending over and without climbing into a chair.

Plan your day, what you are going to do, and ask your husband to prepare (get) the things you need.

For example, even thinking about cleaning is scary if you understand that you need to climb into the pantry for a vacuum cleaner. And if it is already outside and assembled, it is much easier. Katya admits.

Plan household purchases, divide them into heavy and light. You can go for bread and milk yourself. And the purchase of vegetables, meat, and other things is the husband's business. In general, consciously plan your actions and be sure to "include" your partner in them.

The final stage of fetal development is coming, at the 29th week of pregnancy, it's time to prepare for the long-awaited meeting with your baby. It's time to collect a dowry, choose a crib, a stroller, various little things, and also prepare for maternity leave! When pregnant with twins at week 29, the woman is already on maternity leave.

29 weeks pregnant is 7 months. From this period, you will have to visit the doctor more often and strictly follow all the recommendations. The help of relatives in everything will be very useful, since it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to even find a comfortable position for herself and adapt to a growing belly, to say nothing of various matters.

In the third trimester, the stomach grows literally “before our eyes”. It should increase from the fact that at the 29th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is growing rapidly, and the weight of the mother at this stage requires careful monitoring. The increase should not exceed 350 grams per week. Normally, the weight gained at the 29th week of pregnancy should be no more than 11.5 kg.


The fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy is actively preparing for an independent life outside the mother's body. The immune system is already formed and working. Own thermoregulation, blood composition is established, the kidneys begin to work, removing about 0.5 liters of urine per day. The digestive system prepares for the first meal.

At the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy, mucous plugs are separated from the nasal passages of the baby, and if earlier the amniotic fluid entered his stomach only through the mouth, now it also happens through the nose. The baby feels and distinguishes tastes, sees light through the walls of the uterus, hears sounds and voices, can catch the mother’s mood and react to it in his own way.

The skin of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy brightens and begins to smooth out, as subcutaneous fat accumulates and muscle mass increases, wrinkles appear. The work of the internal organs is combined into systems and is gradually getting better, creating harmony.

The movement activity of the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy gradually decreases, but the baby can still roll over and somersault inside, although there is less and less space left for him. The shocks now have a more pronounced character and tangible force.


One of the interesting sensations at the 29th week of pregnancy is a shuddering stomach. Startles can be quite strong and rhythmic, but you don’t need to be afraid of them, this indicates that the baby is hiccuping.

The uterus squeezes the internal organs more and more, which increases heartburn, nausea, and a feeling of lack of air. 29 obstetric week pregnancy is a good time to learn various breathing techniques to alleviate the condition a little.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, there are sharp bouts of sensation of heat, so even in a cool room, the pregnant woman can become hot. The metabolism at this time takes on a more intense pace, and the load on the heart also increases, which leads to increased sweating.

Blood pressure from week 29 may decrease, as well as, and the pulse, on the contrary, begins to quicken. This leads to frequent dizziness and sometimes fainting, as well as a constant feeling of fatigue. This is another reason to exercise caution in movement and the need for frequent rest.


The belly at 29 weeks of gestation continues to grow. He may ache, which is normal. It becomes more and more difficult for the muscles to hold the growing belly, stretch marks and itchy skin appear. With severe itching, it is important to exclude an allergic reaction to underwear, food and cosmetics.

All movements of the crumbs are visible to the naked eye. Even when the baby hiccups, belly pounding appears.


The uterus at the 29th week of pregnancy reaches an impressive size. It becomes severe, therefore it puts considerable pressure on the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. The uterus rises 8-10 cm above the navel, so the woman has shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen. It is located at a distance of 30 cm from the pubic joint. The advantage of this period is that the load on the organs of urination is reduced.

A slight cramping pain below may be the result of uterine contraction. These are training contractions, which are also called Braxton Higgs contractions. To alleviate the condition, you need to lie on your left side and rest. If the pain intensifies or there is bleeding, then you should go to the hospital.

Discharge at 29 weeks pregnant

Allocations at the 29th week of pregnancy should retain their usual appearance and smell, have a uniform consistency. If there is a dark discharge or an unusual smell, you should consult a doctor and take a smear, since it is better to identify and cure the infection in time.

Amniotic fluid at this time may leak in small portions, but if the leakage is strong enough or the water has impurities, you should consult a doctor and go to the hospital. The simultaneous outpouring of waters by a strong stream speaks of the beginning premature birth.

Delivery at 29 weeks pregnant

It is still quite a long time before the planned birth, 11-12 weeks, but no one is immune from unforeseen situations. In addition, there may be situations when childbirth at the 29th week of pregnancy is the best way out, and the doctor decides on their necessity. Fortunately, now the baby is able to survive, and this is the most important thing.


During this period, some expectant mothers note the appearance of mild pains in the lower abdomen of a rhythmic nature. If the pain at the 29th week of pregnancy is weak and rare, then you should not worry - these contractions are training, with their help the body prepares for the birth process.

If the sensations are uncomfortable, you can lie down on your left side and lie down calmly. However, if the contractions become more frequent and intensify, this may indicate the onset of preterm labor at the 29th week of pregnancy - you need to call a doctor or go to the hospital.

Already now it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming birth, tune in to the process, discard all fears, but the main thing is to try to make this event happen on time.


Digestive problems can often accompany late pregnancy. The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the organs, and the digestive system suffers from this in the first place. Nutrition at the 29th week of pregnancy should be correct, only in this case problems such as constipation or diarrhea can be avoided.

Meat consumption is important because at 29 weeks pregnant, the weight of the baby is growing rapidly, and the baby needs a lot of protein to build muscle. If the mother adheres to a vegetarian diet, then the lack of protein must be compensated for by plant foods, such as legumes, which must be properly cooked to avoid bloating.

It is important to consume fiber, namely raw fresh fruits and vegetables, this will help to avoid the appearance.

Salt intake should now be reduced to a minimum to reduce swelling. Baking, especially sweet, fatty, spicy and fried foods should be abandoned, since the calorie content of the daily diet needs to be significantly reduced.


From week 29, the baby needs up to 250 mg of calcium per day, which he takes from the mother's body. It is necessary to make up for these losses, and it is best to take additional special preparations.

You can replenish calcium with plant foods, but you should not do this with animal products, since animal calcium can lead to early ossification of the baby's skull and complications in childbirth.

Reception of vitamin complexes is still relevant.


Sexual contact should be limited and exercise caution. If there is any threat of premature birth, it is better not to practice sex at the 29th week of pregnancy.

Physical activity

Physical activity from week 29 should be minimal. This does not apply to walking, but prolonged walking and standing should be avoided. You need to rest more, if possible, raising your legs to reduce the load from them.

It is important to watch your movements. The center of gravity at this time is already highly shifted, so any sudden movement, turn, or even a simple tilt can lead to loss of balance and a fall.

Medicines and medical procedures

Massage of the back and legs for pregnant women at this time is simply necessary, since it greatly alleviates the condition. But taking medication is very undesirable, and can be carried out only when absolutely necessary.

Possible problems

A constant feeling of fatigue, weakness, dizziness, usually lead to drowsiness and the need to take a nap, which you do not need to deny yourself, because the body needs frequent rest.

Pathological discharge at week 29, green, white or bloody - an occasion to immediately contact a gynecologist.

Ultrasound and tests

Necessary tests at 29 weeks of gestation:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • a general blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin;
  • blood sugar test for overweight.

The picture of the tests may change, for example, hemoglobin in the later stages of most pregnant women is reduced, and the blood may become thicker. There should be no protein in the urine.

In addition, the doctor can issue referrals for re-passing all specialists before taking maternity leave. A planned ultrasound at the 29th week of pregnancy is not performed, but if necessary, the doctor can prescribe it.

Features of Eco-pregnancy

With IVF pregnancy, the expectant mother needs control and stay in the maternity ward until the moment of delivery. Since any complications can arise suddenly, doctors should always be nearby. At the 29th obstetric week, additional studies, delivery of all tests, CTG or ultrasound may be prescribed.

Features of the 29th week of twin pregnancy

Babies are now actively gaining weight, and the mother usually feels the same as during a normal full-term pregnancy just before the birth. The pelvic bones, the lumbar region of the back can be very painful - the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, but it is important to push them back for as long as possible.

At the 29th week of pregnancy with twins, you must carefully monitor your condition and be extremely careful in everything.

Video of the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Welcome to the last trimester! And although it is the last three months that can radically change your lifestyle, remember why you are making concessions. Clumsiness, a constant feeling of fatigue and insomnia can unsettle even an ordinary woman, let alone a future mother. However, do not lose heart, try to spend these months in peace and relaxation, because very soon you will have to forget about sleep again.

What does 29 weeks mean?

So, you are on the 29th obstetric week, and this is from conception and from a delay in menstruation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at the 29th week

Perhaps this week you will go on a long-awaited prenatal leave. Now you will have enough time to enjoy your pregnancy. If you haven't signed up for an antenatal course yet, now is the time to do so. You can also use the swimming pool. If you are worried about how the birth process or the future of your baby will go, then talk to a psychologist.

  • Now your stomach gives you more and more worries. Your cute tummy is turning into big belly, the navel is smoothed and becomes flat. Do not worry - after childbirth, he will become the same;
  • You may be haunted by a constant feeling of fatigue, and cramps in the calf muscles may also occur;
  • Climbing the stairs, you will feel short of breath faster;
  • Appetite increases;
  • Increased urination;
  • Some colostrum may be secreted from the mammary glands. The nipples become large and coarse;
  • You become scattered, and you increasingly want to sleep during the day;
  • There may be episodes of urinary incontinence. You should sneeze, laugh or clear your throat and that's bad luck! In this case, you should do Kegel exercises now;
  • Your child's movements become constant, he moves 2-3 times an hour. From now on you must control them;
  • The internal organs keep shifting to give the baby room to move and grow;
  • On examination by a doctor:
  1. The doctor will measure your weight and pressure, determine the position of the uterus and how much it has increased;
  2. You will be asked to take a urine test to check for protein levels and for infections;
  3. In addition, this week you will be referred for an ultrasound of the fetal heart to rule out heart defects.

Reviews from the forums:


And I would like some advice. I have a baby sitting on the pope, for the last 3-4 weeks. The doctor says that so far there is no reason to worry, because the child “will turn around 10 more times”, but I still worry. I am also a pelvic child, my mother had a caesarean section. Can anyone suggest exercises that have helped others, because if I start doing them early, it shouldn't hurt? Or am I not right?


I have a very small stomach, the doctor is very scared that the child is very small. What should I do, I'm worried about the condition of the child.


Girls, I have increased anxiety lately (I don’t know exactly when it started, but now it has become more noticeable). Sometimes there is a feeling that the stomach is hardening. These sensations are not painful and last about 20-30 seconds 6-7 times a day. What could it be? This is bad? Or is it those Braxton Hicks contractions? Something I'm experiencing. I have the end of the 29th week, in general, I do not complain about my health.


Tomorrow we will already be 29 weeks old, we are already big! We rage more in the evenings, probably, this is one of the most pleasant moments - to feel the baby moving!

I'm on my 29th week! I feel great, but sometimes, when I think about what position I'm in, I can't believe that all this is happening to me. This will be our first child, we are a married couple well over 30 and it’s so scary that everything is fine, and that the baby is healthy! Girls, what do you think, can prepare things for the maternity hospital from the seventh month, because it happens that children are born at seven months! But I don’t know yet what I need to take to the hospital with me, maybe someone will tell me, otherwise I don’t have time to go to courses, although I’m already on maternity leave, but I still go to work! Good luck to all!


Here we are at week 29! The weight gain is not small - almost 9 kg! But before pregnancy, I weighed 48 kg! The doctor says that, in principle, this is normal, but you need to eat only healthy food - no buns and cakes, which I am so drawn to.

Fetal development at 29 weeks

In the weeks remaining before the birth, he will have to grow up, and his organs and systems will be fully prepared for life outside of his mother. He is about 32 cm tall and weighs 1.5 kg.

  • The child reacts to low sounds and can distinguish voices. He can already recognize when dad is talking to him;
  • The skin is almost completely formed. And the layer of subcutaneous fat is getting thicker;
  • The amount of cheese-like lubricant is reduced;
  • Disappear vellus hair (lanugo) on the body;
  • The entire surface of the baby becomes sensitive;
  • Your baby may have already turned upside down and is preparing for birth;
  • The lungs of the baby are already ready for work, and if he is born at this time, he will be able to breathe on his own;
  • Now the unborn child is developing muscles, but it is still too early for him to be born, since his lungs have not yet fully matured;
  • The child's adrenal glands are currently actively producing androgen-like substances (male sex hormone). They travel through the baby's bloodstream and, upon reaching the placenta, are converted into estrogen (in the form of estriol). This is what is believed to stimulate the production of prolactin in your body;
  • The formation of lobules begins in the liver, as it were, it “hones” its shape and functions. Its cells are arranged in a strict order, characteristic of the structure of a mature organ. They are stacked in rows from the periphery to the center of each lobule, its blood supply is adjusted, and it is increasingly acquiring the functions of the main chemical laboratory of the body;
  • The formation of the pancreas continues, which already fully supplies the fetus with insulin.
  • The baby already knows how to control body temperature;
  • The bone marrow is responsible for the formation of red blood cells in his body;
  • If you lightly press your stomach, the baby may respond to you. He moves and stretches a lot, and sometimes presses on your intestines;
  • His movements increase when you are lying on your back, very excited or hungry;
  • At week 29, the normal activity of the child depends on the amount of oxygen supplied to the fetus, on the nutrition of the mother, on receiving a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins;
  • Now you can already determine when the baby is sleeping and when he is awake;
  • The baby is growing very fast. In the third trimester, his weight may increase fivefold;
  • The baby becomes quite crowded in the uterus, so now you feel not just tremors, but also bulging of the heels and elbows in different parts of the abdomen;
  • The baby grows in length and its height is about 60% of what it will be born with;
  • On ultrasound, you can see that the baby is smiling, sucking his thumb, scratching himself behind the ear, and even “teasing” by sticking out his tongue.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at the 29th week

Ultrasound of the baby at 29 weeks

Photo of mother's abdomen at 29 weeks

Video: What happens at the 29th week of pregnancy?

3D ultrasound at 29 weeks pregnant video

  • In the third trimester, you just need to get more rest. Wanted to take a nap? Do not deny yourself this pleasure;
  • If you have sleep disturbances, then before you go to bed, do relaxation exercises. You can also drink herbal tea or a glass of warm milk with honey;
  • Communicate with other future mothers, because you have the same joys and doubts. Perhaps you will make friends, and will communicate after childbirth;
  • Don't lie on your back for a long time. The uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, which reduces blood flow to the head and heart;
  • If your legs are too swollen, wear elastic stockings and be sure to tell your doctor about it;
  • Walk more on fresh air and eat in a balanced way. Remember that babies are born with a bluish tint to their skin precisely because of the lack of oxygen. Take care of it now;
  • If you notice that your baby is moving too often or rarely, consult your doctor. Perhaps I would advise you to take a "non-stress test". On a special device, the fetal heartbeat will be recorded. This test will help determine if the baby is all right;
  • Sometimes it happens that generic activity may start as early as this time. If you suspect that preterm labor is starting, what should you do? The first thing to do is to observe strict bed rest. Drop everything you're doing and lie down on your side. Tell your doctor how you feel, he will tell you what to do in this situation. Very often, it is enough just not to get up in bed so that the contractions stop and preterm labor does not occur.
  • If you have a multiple pregnancy, then you can already get a birth certificate at the antenatal clinic, where you are registered. For expectant mothers expecting one child, a birth certificate is issued for a period of 30 weeks or more;
  • In order to reduce discomfort, it is recommended to monitor the correct posture, as well as eat well (consume less fiber, it causes gas formation);
  • It's time to buy the first little things for the baby. Choose clothes for a height of 60 cm, and do not forget about caps and bathing accessories: a large towel with a hood and a small one for changing diapers;
  • And, of course, it's time to think about buying household items: a crib, soft sides for her, a mattress, a blanket, a bath, coasters in her, a changing board or rug, diapers;
  • And also do not forget to prepare all the necessary things for the hospital.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

The internal organs in the time remaining before childbirth continue to mature and prepare for independent existence.

This is what your baby looks like at 29 weeks

The skin has formed, the layer of subcutaneous fat has increased significantly. The amount of cheese-like lubricant decreases, the skin is partially cleared of vellus hair.

The activity of the baby increases significantly in response to the voices of mom and dad, he recognizes them.

By this time, the baby should already be in the uterus in the position from which it plans to be born.

The muscles of the fetus have become stronger, its movements cause pain to the mother.

But it is still too early for him to be born - his lungs are not yet able to cope with breathing on their own.

Special changes occur in the internal organs:

  • liver cells mature, which line up in the order inherent in a mature organ. The organ is preparing to perform its function;
  • the adrenal glands are included in the work, and begin to actively produce substances similar in structure to androgens;
  • the formation of the pancreas ends, it supplies the baby with sufficient insulin;
  • The fetus controls body temperature on its own.

Nerve connections continue to improve - the child is more awake than before, and, as a rule, the mother always knows when the baby is awake.

Significantly increases the height and weight of the baby, for the entire third trimester it can become five times heavier.

The movements of the baby become more conscious - he sucks his finger, scratches himself behind the ear, smiles, sticks out his tongue.

Ultrasound at 29 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at this time is not a mandatory study and is prescribed if controversial issues arise.

When conducting, the dimensions of the fetus, its individual parts, the state of the organs, their relationship to each other, the blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system, the state of the placenta and cervix are evaluated.

What happens in your body at 29 weeks?

The abdomen continues to grow and increase in size. A large uterus compresses the abdominal organs, which aggravates constipation. It also presses the stomach against the diaphragm - heartburn appears and breathing becomes difficult.

A heavy chest increases the load on the shoulder girdle, and in the evening results in discomfort in the spine and neck.

You have to breathe for two, the heart also works in an enhanced mode - mom feels an almost constant feeling of fatigue. Appetite also increases, urination becomes more frequent.

Nipples get rough, halos get dark color. The breast produces colostrum, while in small quantities.

If suddenly you are overtaken by such a nuisance as urinary incontinence when coughing and sneezing, you can start doing Kegel exercises. They will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

How do you feel at 29 weeks?

Internally, a feeling of happiness can also be overlapped by anxiety, fear of the upcoming birth. Do not be afraid to talk about it - you can always find a listener, if not a husband, then a mother, if not a mother, then a friend. You can meet the same pot-bellied lady in the park - you will have something to talk about.

Listen to the movement of your baby - by their intensity and strength, you can always determine how he feels and what he wants at that moment.

Keep track of your feelings - an increase in swelling of the limbs is not a very good prognostic sign - you need to inform the doctor about this and arrange a fasting day.

Discharge from the genital tract

Light, moderate discharge with a slight sour smell is considered normal. If suddenly you find abundant liquid yellowish discharge- it may be amniotic fluid, especially if such discharge was preceded by sudden movements, a blow to the abdomen.

Thick yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of an infection in the vagina. It is impossible to deal with this on your own. Such secretions disappear only after the use of drugs - these are most often local suppositories and tablets. Douching with drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Photo of tummies at 29 weeks

  • measurement of blood pressure in both arms;
  • weight measurement with an assessment of the total increase and increase per week;
  • using a stethoscope, the child's heartbeat is listened to, its frequency and rhythm are assessed.

And you will again have to pass a urine test - according to the results of which the doctor will be able to determine how the body of a pregnant woman functions.

Risks at 29 weeks

As the fetus grows, the risk of cervical dilatation and preterm birth increases. Therefore, be sure to wear a bandage, even at home, if you plan to do household chores, walk with your child on the street. Try to avoid traveling and walking long distances.

The reduced immunity of pregnant women always leaves the opportunity for bacteria and viruses to cause an inflammatory process - do not forget about personal hygiene, avoid large crowds of people so as not to catch a respiratory infection.

Important at 29 weeks

Try not to load your body, which is already working at the limit. Perform only those activities that do not require a lot of energy. You can wash the dishes and cook food yourself, but let your husband go shopping. He will also help you hang out the linen, knock out the carpet.

It's time to change your wardrobe once again - everything from socks to outerwear should be comfortable and not restrict your movements.

If you are still working, treat yourself to cool foot baths, and your husband can give you a foot massage, this will help relieve swelling and discomfort.

If you still haven’t made a list of necessary things, it’s time to help your family buy your baby’s dowry while you are in the hospital

Nutrition at 29 weeks

The diet of a pregnant woman should consist of easily digestible, well-thermally processed food. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods. Instead, you can please yourself with dried fruits, nuts, yogurts. It is no less tasty, but more useful.

Alcohol, fast food, canned factory products, soda and exotics are still prohibited (if your diet was not saturated with seafood before pregnancy, you should not introduce them now - it is possible to provoke an allergy in the baby).


The expectant mother must comply with the regime kindergarten: breakfast, walk, lunch, afternoon nap, afternoon tea, walk, dinner, walk again and a full 9 hours of sleep.

This regimen is beneficial for children, which means that it will not hurt a pregnant woman. In this mode, you can add only more snacks, pleasant household chores and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Your pregnancy calendar

29 weeks pregnant

The 29th week of pregnancy is a period of complications in the well-being of the expectant mother. And this is understandable, because the fetus becomes larger, puts pressure on the organs, hinders the movements of a woman, because of which she feels oppressed.

fetus at 29 weeks pregnant

The size and weight of the fetus at 29 weeks of gestation is of great importance during this period of pregnancy, because it is already almost ripe.

The length of the child is normal - 37 cm, and body weight - 1150-1170g. Subcutaneous fat, which has already accumulated enough, is ready to protect the baby from hypothermia after birth, and the kidneys are almost fully functioning, releasing 400 ml of fluid per day.

The development of the brain is also going through a decisive stage. Its mass is increasing, and its functions are gaining momentum. Now the child can filter insignificant information: distinguish sounds, especially low ones, turn away from bright lights and perceive smells.

Pregnancy. Week 29 | la.mansh

Photo ultrasound of the fetus at 29 weeks of gestation

Woman at 29 weeks pregnant

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the breasts and nipples are preparing for the future feeding of the baby, so from time to time yellowish discharge may be visible - colostrum. In no case should it be squeezed out - it is dangerous by increasing the tone of the uterus. The appearance of colostrum from the nipples indicates that after childbirth a woman will be able to feed her baby with her milk. In the future, the woman's body will secrete the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for breast milk.

The uterus is already pressing hard on bladder, which does not allow him to fill up completely, so the woman visits the toilet very often. High blood pressure, difficulty breathing and big weight All of these can contribute to fatigue. A change in the center of gravity and relaxation of the articular ligaments can lead to disastrous consequences, so you need to be extremely careful when walking. If, after a possible fall, no movements are heard at the 29th week of pregnancy, amniotic fluid and blood are released from the vagina, you must definitely call a doctor.

A woman can already distinguish when a child is awake and when she is sleeping. Sometimes after eating, discomfort in the lower abdomen may begin. No need to be sad, this can be easily dealt with by eating Panicle salad: mix grated beets and carrots, add cilantro, a lot of garlic and lemon juice, season with sunflower oil or soy sauce.

Dangers at 29 weeks pregnant

Feelings at the 29th week of pregnancy, to put it mildly, are not the most pleasant. At this time, bleeding from the vagina may begin, which is the first sign of detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall or its too low location. In this case, you need to call a doctor who will determine what to do next. Since the placenta is responsible for the viability of the fetus, the help of a specialist should not be neglected. If the doctor has decided to hospitalize a pregnant woman, you should not be upset, because now the expectant mother has a chance to relax and gain strength before the future exhausting motherhood.

The 29th week of pregnancy is a preparatory stage before childbirth, therefore it is during this time period that a real threat of miscarriage appears if there is an immune incompatibility between mother and father.

It should be noted that women will have almost no time left for themselves and rest, so now you need to try to relax as much as possible, visit beauty salons and walk more.

Abdominal pain at 29 weeks of gestation can be triggered by an unbalanced diet and lack of rest.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, blood pressure may decrease and low hemoglobin can be observed. But after giving birth, everything will be restored.

A characteristic feature of the normal course of pregnancy at week 29 is increased sweating, especially at night. This is due to the fact that in pregnant women the metabolism is increased by 20%, which means that more heat is released.

It is useful during this period to do exercises that strengthen the pelvis. Also, moms can already start making a shopping list for the unborn baby.

twenty-ninth week of pregnancy

Starting from this period, scheduled examinations will be scheduled, held twice a month. The 29th week of pregnancy is a period of mandatory calculation and recording of the number of fetal movements, as there is an increase in the risk of oxygen deficiency or premature birth. During this period of pregnancy, well-being can significantly worsen, this is due to the intensity of growth of the fetus, placenta and the production of a large amount of amniotic fluid. Such transformations cause increased fatigue and increase the load on the spine.

What happens at 29 weeks pregnant

Progressive pregnancy causes a large number of changes in the body of the expectant mother. Due to the growth of the uterus, there is pressure on nearby internal organs, this causes frequent urination, pain in the legs and lower back, and constipation may occur. A growing fetus and an enlarged uterus can cause varicose veins. The manifestation of emotional stress and psychological disorders, which are caused by periodic excitement and fear, is not excluded.

Fetal development at 29 weeks

The fetus grows up and it becomes crowded inside the uterus, so its movements will become less active. The brown fat produced regulates body temperature.

External factors of fetal development

During this week of pregnancy, white subcutaneous fat appears in the fetus, it smoothes the skin and relieves the baby's body of a red tint. The future baby stops tumbling and begins to push painfully. This happens due to a decrease in the free space of the uterus, so the baby will touch the uterine walls during its movements. Taste receptors are well developed, the baby can already determine bitter, salty and sweet. If mommy eats something sweet (cookies, candy), the fetus will begin to move actively. On the monitor, during the ultrasound procedure, you can observe how the baby builds faces. The total weight of the baby is added due to the intensive development of the skeleton and muscle tissue. By the source and nature of the shocks during this period, you can determine the location of the baby's head, and therefore, how it is located in the uterus.

Internal factors of fetal development

The hematopoietic organs are well developed and produce blood. During this period of development, the formation of red blood cells produced by the spleen and red bone marrow occurs. The functioning kidneys and bladder secrete more than half a liter of urine into the amniotic fluid every day. The antibodies produced by the mother's body support the development of the baby's immune system. The digestive system functions stably, the lungs continue to develop.

The condition of the expectant mother at the 29th week of pregnancy

Due to the increase in body weight of a pregnant woman, she may experience rapid fatigue. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary from the very early dates pregnancy, eat right, take essential vitamins and minerals, as well as doing special gymnastics, since a prepared and trained body can endure such a condition much easier.

The 29th week of pregnancy can turn into sleep problems, the reason for this will be increased body weight and a bulging tummy, it will be difficult for you to choose the optimal position. You will need to experiment with the positions until you decide on the most convenient one. After that, your body and you yourself will rest.

Your family at this stage will need to realize that all your strength and attention will be given to the unborn baby, for this reason you will need both moral and physical support. Talk to the future father, let him take on the bulk of household chores. Get more rest, the stress of walking causes varicose veins, and it will be difficult to deal with it in the future.

Constipation and frequent urination may still occur, usually due to the growth of the uterus. If some women did not release colostrum last week of development, then this week, under the influence of prolactin, it will definitely be released. With constant leakage of colostrum, you need to buy a special bra or put gauze pads in a couple of layers.

At this period of pregnancy, try to avoid stress and do not be nervous, neuroses have a very Negative influence on the nervous system of the future baby, and this will adversely affect his psychological development.

Feelings at 29 weeks pregnant

The feeling of heaviness this week will intensify, this is due to the growth of the uterus and its influence on nearby internal organs and the spine. It is because of this that pain occurs in the lower back and abdomen. Also, such sensations can be caused by the tone of the uterus, which is accompanied by a feeling of compression of the abdomen. You can avoid such pain by resting for a long time, but in cases of increased painful feelings that become permanent, seek medical help. Sometimes such pain can occur due to stretching of the uterine muscles caused by an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and fetal weight. An increase in the load on the body will provoke a state of fatigue. If fatigue becomes permanent, consult a doctor, such a symptom may indicate the development of anemia.


If you find yourself with thick, profuse discharge Brown, immediately seek medical help, this may be caused by a developing infectious disease. At the 29th week of gestation, bleeding usually does not occur. But if this happens, one of the reasons may be placenta previa.

Fetal movements

The movements during this period will be of a different nature, not the same as in previous weeks. These will be strong pushes with your knees and elbows along the walls of the uterus. Movements will be more tangible, they can be easily distinguished. Sometimes the thrusts will be very painful, try to calm your baby with light strokes on the tummy or change position (lay on your side). During this period, the rapid stirring of the fetus indicates his dissatisfaction with something. The normal number of movements this week is considered to be at least 10 times in 12 hours. And remember that the baby can rest, calming down for five hours at the same time.


At the 29th week, HIV and RW tests will be mandatory. RW analysis yields four kinds of results - questionable, strongly positive, weakly positive, and positive. If a woman has more than two of any reactions, the procedure is repeated. Hormonal changes in the female body can give the wrong reaction and indicate infection with syphilis. Don't worry, a second procedure usually gives the correct result.

Videos 29 weeks pregnant

  • pain in the perineum;
  • swelling.

And in order to alleviate your condition as much as possible, you should sleep well, rest a lot, make sure that the nutrition at the 29th week of pregnancy is correct and balanced, and also try to spend less time on your feet. And be prepared that when looking for the most comfortable posture for sleep, you may encounter certain difficulties - in this case, you will need to buy a special mattress or pillow for pregnant women.

What can be said about sexual relations in this period?

Be careful with intimacy

Many partners are seriously concerned about the question, is sex possible at 29 weeks of gestation? Note that here, as in earlier periods, everything depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and on the condition of the woman. direct ban on sexual relations for the mother-to-be. The most important thing is that partners be careful with each other - avoid deep penetrations or too strong, abrupt movements, then you will be fine.

Practice shows that some couples, watching how the development of the fetus is actively proceeding, are simply embarrassed to have sexual relations. They think it is "immoral" or "abnormal". However, in reality, such beliefs are just prejudices. You must understand that there is no way you can harm a baby protected by a placenta. And, of course, he will not be able to watch you and will not understand anything.

Doctor visit at 29 weeks

At the eighth month of pregnancy, all tests are taken

If you ask how many months there are in twenty-nine weeks, you will find out that according to obstetric norms, in this case we are talking about the first week of the eighth month. And it was this period that was chosen by specialists for a re-examination of the expectant mother. Moreover, you will not only have a scheduled visit to the gynecologist, during which he will measure your weight, abdominal circumference, measure pressure and listen to the baby's heart. We are talking about the next visit to specialists of other profiles and the delivery of appropriate tests.

A woman who is diagnosed with pregnancy at 29-30 weeks will once again visit a dentist, cardiologist, therapist, ophthalmologist and, if necessary, other specialists. And besides, she must pass the general clinical blood and urine tests, make a smear, re-donate blood for sugar and undergo other procedures prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, among these procedures, dopplerometry or a third ultrasound may also be listed, which means that you will again receive a photo of the baby.

Can labor begin at the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy?

Unfortunately, such a possibility does exist. Due to certain malfunctions in the mother's body, childbirth can begin at 29 weeks of pregnancy, which will become a real test for both the woman and the child. However, you must remember that during this period of time the child is already considered viable, and today specialists have everything necessary to resuscitate him. When in doubt, just look at the photo of the fetus and you will see how far its development has come. But, in addition to this, the baby’s immune system also began to work - so the forecasts in this case will be quite favorable.

It is only important to note that the expectant mother should consult a doctor in a timely manner. If there is the slightest suspicion of preterm labor, you should immediately go to the hospital. And the harbingers of this state can be:

  • discharge of the mucous plug;
  • the beginning of fights;
  • the appearance of bleeding.

Carefully monitor your health and be sure to respond to each of these symptoms - then even the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy will be the right moment for the birth of your child.

What should be remembered by the expectant mother in this period

Not every woman gets an easy pregnancy

In conclusion, there are a few important rules, which should be remembered by every woman who has begun the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy. These rules will include the following:

  1. The expectant mother should eat rationally, limiting herself to sweet and salty foods, as well as consuming a moderate amount of water;
  2. It is important that the weight of the mother increases by no more than 300 - 350 g per week;
  3. You should abandon shoes with heels and try to spend less time on your feet;
  4. You need to sleep on your left side, since all other positions can be harmful for the mother or for the child;
  5. It will be useful to learn how to do breathing exercises and special exercises to strengthen the muscles and bones of the pelvis;
  6. To prevent stretch marks from appearing on the body, it is important to moisturize the skin with special lotions in a timely manner.

All these rules will help you alleviate your condition at the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy and get exceptionally positive emotions from this period of time. So do not forget about them, and if you encounter other questions or problems, contact your gynecologist.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the belly has already reached an impressive size, which causes great inconvenience to the expectant mother. But the greater the anticipation of a quick meeting with a new family member. Coming soon maternity leave, and work will not distract you from preparing for such a long-awaited meeting. Now the center of the universe will be you and the little miracle within you.

This week of development, the baby has reached 35-37 cm in length, and weighs 1000-1250 grams.

His brain and nervous system continue to actively develop. A huge flow of information comes through the senses: rays of light directed at the stomach will make it turn away in displeasure; he distinguishes different-frequency sounds, and low ones are perceived better than high ones; its receptors are already able to detect taste and smell. The kid not only perceives and differentiates the information coming to him, but also remembers it. Some scientists argue that at this stage of development, the child is able to dream.

The child is left with less and less space, and he does not somersault, as before, and the movement of the limbs is less and less chaotic, he rests more on the walls of the uterus. Hair is already present on the head, and the germinal fluff - lanugo - gradually disappears on the body. Along with this, the amount of original lubricant is also reduced.

The subcutaneous fat layer continues to accumulate, which regulates the heat exchange of the crumbs. The proportion of fat during this period is approximately 4% of the total body weight. Accumulations of white fat in the cheeks will greatly help him in the future when sucking at the breast, because. thanks to fat, the necessary negative pressure is created in the oral cavity. And it is these accumulations that give the baby's cheeks a nice swelling.

The swallowing reflex is well developed in this period. The child continues to train him by swallowing amniotic fluid. The digestive system itself is almost ready to accept the first food at birth - mother's milk.

The bone marrow is mature enough to successfully produce blood cells. The blood itself has a constant composition, its cells carry oxygen, the clotting system protects against bleeding, and the cells of the immune system against infections. Ready-made antibodies, designed to fight infectious agents after birth, the child receives from the mother. The heart pumps blood through the body at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute.

The reproductive system continues to intensively form: in boys, the testicles from the abdominal cavity begin to descend into the scrotum, in girls, the clitoris is not yet covered by the labia minora, and therefore protrudes forward. The kidneys are fully functional, excreting approximately 500 ml of urine per day.

There is already enamel on the teeth, even though the teeth themselves are hidden inside the gums. The skeletal and muscular systems are increasingly strengthened.

Thus, the child every day becomes more and more adapted to a full life outside the mother's body.

29th week of pregnancy: changes in a woman's body

  1. Weight gain by this week of pregnancy is 8.5-11.5 kg. It is necessary to continue to monitor the increase in body weight, it should not exceed 300-400 g per week. A large weight gain can mean not only malnutrition, but also that fluid is retained in the body. Edema can be not only obvious (they can be detected by traces of socks on the legs, or from the watch strap on the hands), but also hidden, which spread to the internal organs. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed per day and allocated. And if the volume of urine is less than the liquid drunk, then the kidneys cope worse with the load placed on them and the excess fluid remains in the woman's body. And this can carry a threat not only for the pregnant woman herself, but also for the child. If overweight is due to a violation of the diet, then this is fraught with problems. In this case, the fetus will be larger than it should be, and childbirth will be more difficult for both the child and the mother.
  2. A woman at the 29th week of pregnancy does not feel the baby's movements as often as in previous weeks. This, as already mentioned, is associated with an increase in the size of the child and a decrease in space for his activity. But kicks and pokes are now becoming more weighty. The liver and ribs are especially affected, because. the most common head presentation of the child. Sometimes the expectant mother can clearly determine which part of the body he kicks - with his elbow, knee, or head. Do not forget to monitor the number of movements of the child (normally at least 10 movements in 2 hours during the day). If suddenly he began to behave too actively, or, conversely, calmed down for a long time, this is an occasion to consult a gynecologist.
  3. Due to the large belly, more and more pregnant women suffer from heartburn. These discomforts can be reduced fractional meals, i.e. eat in small portions, but more often. And exclude physical activity after eating, and even more so the torso. It is best to talk to your doctor about taking medications.
  4. In the "piggy bank" of discomfort are also constipation, increased gas formation and frequent urination. They are associated not only with an enlarged uterus and its pressure, but also with a depressing effect on the digestion of progesterone. With frequent urination, you will have to put up with for the time being, and getting rid of constipation will help the physical activity of the pregnant woman, the presence of plant foods in the diet and a full drinking regimen.
  5. A frequent occurrence may be dilated veins in the anal area - hemorrhoids. It occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins as a result of pressure from the enlarged uterus on the pelvic floor. The presence of constipation exacerbates this problem in a delicate area. Hemorrhoids are dangerous with possible bleeding, and complicate the course of childbirth. Therefore, do not delay a visit to the doctor.
  6. Some women at this time report dizziness after they get up from a supine position. It is worth paying attention that it is not recommended to sleep and just lie on your back for a long time. This is fraught with compression of the vena cava, impaired blood flow and a decrease in blood pressure. The result of all of the above can be a loss of consciousness and a fall. And even if you sleep correctly, on your side, you should never get up abruptly.
  7. Due to the fact that the center of gravity is shifted, the woman does not feel as confident when walking as before. You need to be extremely careful not to fall when making a sharp turn or tilt.
  8. Noticeable swelling of the chest. In this case, it often happens that when pressing on the nipple, a small amount of a yellowish liquid is released. This is colostrum, primary breast milk. But you should not squeeze it out on purpose, you just need to get it wet with a clean napkin, or even better, put special pads inside the bra.

29th week of pregnancy: pregnant belly

29th week of pregnancy - this is 7 obstetric months (4 weeks in each month) plus 1 week. If you are guided by the usual calendar for everyone, then this is the end of the 7th month of pregnancy.

The bottom of the uterus is located approximately one palm above the navel, i.e. 29-30 cm if counted from the pubic joint. And visually, the belly of many women is already impressive in size. Some compare it to watermelon. Such a comparison is not without meaning, because. sometimes it is as "striped" as a watermelon because of a dark line in the middle of the abdomen and small stripes, stretch marks, on the sides. And if the pigment line disappears soon after childbirth, then stretch marks may remain. To avoid this, it is recommended to prevent stretch marks from early pregnancy, and if they occur, use special cream and light massage.

Often at this time there is such a phenomenon as a hard stomach, and the pregnant woman experiences a feeling of heaviness, tension and fullness. This is how many describe training contractions (Brexton-Hicks) that prepare the uterus for childbirth. The duration of such tension is a few seconds, and then everything returns to its usual state. These training contractions are irregular and painless.

29th week of pregnancy: necessary medical examination

  1. At the appointment with a gynecologist: mandatory measurement of the circumference of the abdomen, the position of the fundus of the uterus, blood pressure, pulse and weight.
  2. Complete blood count (especially attention is paid to monitoring hemoglobin levels to exclude anemia).
  3. Urinalysis (monitoring of kidney function, exclusion of infections of the urinary system).
  4. A new study can be added - cardiotocography, during which the heart rate (HR) of the fetus and the occurrence of uterine tone are calculated. Using a special remote control, the woman will be asked to note the movements of the child.
  5. According to indications - a biochemical blood test, a blood test for hormones, sugar.
  6. If necessary, an ultrasound is performed at the 29th week. If additional information is required about the condition of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and cervix, then it is best to obtain them with the help of ultrasound. If desired, you can take a picture of the fetus.

29th week of pregnancy: possible dangers

Despite the fact that most pregnancies end happily, it will be useful to know what dangers the expectant mother may face. It is necessary so that a woman can recognize early symptoms and immediately report them to a doctor.

  1. The threat of a late miscarriage. This pathology can be suspected when bloody discharge from the genital tract, bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen appear. Nervous shocks, insufficiency of the cervix, changes in the hormonal background of the pregnant woman, and infection contribute to the occurrence.
  2. premature birth. In the presence of regular contractions and the opening of the cervix, we can talk about premature birth. Statistics say that a child born at the 29th week of development survives in 90% of cases with special medical care. But, unfortunately, he is still very premature, which can lead to health problems in the future.
  3. Polyhydramnios (excessive amount of amniotic fluid). Infections, fetal developmental defects, Rh incompatibility can contribute to this pathology. A woman may feel that her stomach is growing too fast, and the skin becomes unnaturally shiny. These manifestations can be accompanied by shortness of breath and increased heartburn. On examination by a gynecologist, the size of the abdomen in a woman with polyhydramnios will not correspond to that prescribed at this time.
  4. Oligohydramnios (not enough amniotic fluid). According to statistics, up to 8% of women in the third trimester experience oligohydramnios. This may be due to infections arterial hypertension, rupture of membranes, obesity, placental insufficiency. You can suspect this problem if, upon examination, the child turns out to be smaller than his size. Accordingly, the size of the abdomen will also be significantly smaller. Ultrasound will help confirm or refute this suspicion. If this pathology is detected in the third trimester, close monitoring by doctors of the fluid level and the development of the child is required.
  5. Iron-deficiency anemia. It is manifested by pallor of the skin, frequent heartbeat, weakness and increased fatigue. In the general analysis of blood, a decrease in the levels of hemoglobin and erythrocytes is noticeable. The danger lies in the fact that in the presence of anemia, there may be serious violations in the development of the fetus. This increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to take a blood test regularly. The diet should contain meat products and offal.
  6. Preeclampsia. Symptoms of this condition are increased blood pressure, swelling and rapid weight gain as a result of fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman. In the general analysis of urine, protein can be detected. The danger for the child is the deterioration of the blood supply to the placenta, which entails a violation in the development of the fetus. The appearance of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention.
  7. Hypoxia. It consists in oxygen starvation of the fetus. Accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and dizziness in a pregnant woman. It leads to a delay in intrauterine development of the baby. The main causes of hypoxia can be: anemia, lung disease, smoking and kidney disease in a pregnant woman, as well as malformations and placental insufficiency of the child. It is very important for expectant mothers to be in the fresh air as much as possible, because. sufficient oxygen supply provides the necessary metabolism in the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia.

29th week of pregnancy: the position of the fetus in the uterus

During pregnancy, women often hear the phrase - "the position of the fetus in the uterus", and starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, this phrase is used by doctors more and more often.

The position of the fetus is the ratio of the conditional line of the child, drawn from the back of the head to the coccyx, to the vertical axis of the uterus. Allocate longitudinal, oblique and transverse. And the presentation of the fetus is which part of the child's body is closer to the exit from the woman's pelvis. Distinguish between breech and head presentation.

The most ideal position of the child in childbirth is the head presentation of the occipital type, i.e. when the back of the baby's head is adjacent to the entrance to the small pelvis. This is the most physiological location for the passage of the child through the birth canal. All other positions complicate the process of childbirth, and in difficult situations, natural delivery is generally impossible. In such cases, resort to surgical intervention.

With the help of ultrasound it is not difficult to determine the location of the child. And if one of the wrong positions is revealed, then you should not be upset in advance: before the 32nd week, the baby still has time to take the correct position on his own. In such cases, doctors recommend that the pregnant woman resort to special exercises that will help the child turn around.

29th week of pregnancy: expecting twins

For women who expect the birth of two babies at once, pregnancy proceeds a little differently.

difference multiple pregnancy in the fact that in children at the 29th week the respiratory system is slightly better developed. Therefore, if they happen to be born before the due date, then their chances of survival are much higher. According to statistics, the delivery of twins often occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. This must be taken into account, and be ready for a trip to the hospital. Starting this week, doctors recommend avoiding any kind of load and lying more, preferably on the left side, to reduce pressure on the vessels.

The changes with the mother are the same as when expecting one baby, however, all manifestations of pregnancy at this time are doubled. Weight gain reaches 10-20 kg, heartburn, swelling, constipation are very disturbing, and the stomach itself seems simply huge. A woman gets tired much more than with a singleton pregnancy. One can only dream of a good rest for pregnant twins, because. babies are twice as strong and bother her more often.

When carrying two children, the risk of arterial hypertension increases, because. stress on cardiovascular system women are much more. For the same reason, varicose veins of the extremities and hemorrhoids often occur.

By this time, the crumbs have almost decided on the position in which they will be born. It often happens that one baby is in an ideal position for birth, but the second is not. That is why twins are more often born by caesarean section. But for now, the kids have time to be in the right position. At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the mother will have an ultrasound scan, and it is on its results that they will rely to make a decision on the tactics of childbirth.

Sometimes the expectant mother, in order to avoid premature birth, is offered to put a suture or a special device on the uterus. They will not allow the uterus to open until at least 36 weeks.

The weight of the children may not be identical, for example, if one weighs 1300g, then the other 1200g. Do not worry, this difference does not mean at all that one develops worse. The difference of 200-300 g is within the normal range.

It is necessary to take into account the increased need for a complete and balanced diet. Often, an additional intake of iron and folic acid preparations, which are prescribed by a doctor, is required.

29th week of pregnancy: nutrition

This week the most important thing is weight control and a balanced wholesome diet. It is necessary to ensure that weight gain does not exceed 50 g per day, or 300-350 g per week.

In particular, it is necessary to monitor the sufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements in the body:

  • vitamin D and calcium are important for the development of the skeletal system;
  • vitamin K and iron for hematopoiesis;
  • vitamin C to strengthen blood vessels;
  • vitamin E to prevent the threat of premature birth;
  • iodine and folic acid for the development of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Be sure to include protein in your diet, because. it is the main building material of all organs and systems of the baby. Amino acids, which make up the protein, are synthesized in the human body itself. It should be noted that there are also essential amino acids that must come only from the outside. Protein-rich foods such as: lean beef, chicken liver, pink salmon, carp, mullet, cheese, milk from 0.1% to 1% fat, hard cheeses.

But various sausages, which contain preservatives and dyes, are best excluded during pregnancy.

For vegetarians, the most valuable foods in obtaining amino acids are green vegetables and herbs. Fruits that are especially rich in proteins include pears, cherries, prunes, persimmons, figs.

Also, do not ignore the grain crops - buckwheat, wheat, millet. In addition to essential amino acids, cereals are rich in iron, zinc, B vitamins and fiber.

The use of vegetables and herbs helps to improve the elasticity of the birth canal and improves bowel function.

29th week of pregnancy. Photo

29th week of pregnancy. Video