Scenario of the New Year tree in elementary school “New Year's tricks of evil spirits. "Tricks of evil spirits" New Year's theatrical performance Scenario of the New Year's theatrical tale of tricks of evil spirits

MOU "Bryukhovskaya basic comprehensive school"

Perm Territory Elovsky District Bryukhovo

Scenario Christmas tree

V primary school.

Teacher primary school:

Korotkova Tatyana Leonidovna

Scenario Christmas tree in elementary school.

New Year's tricks of evil spirits.

Characters: Baba Yaga, Leshy, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Parsley.

The course of the holiday.

Leading: Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And happy New Year!

Leading: What a miracle our tree is!

Eyes pop up.

Tinsel glitter needles,

That's the Christmas tree - beauty!

Hurry up, hurry up

Stand around the tree.

Make an honest people

Round dance around the Christmas tree!

Children stand in a round dance and sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." After the song, Leshy and Baba Yaga appear in the hall in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga:(loudly scolding Leshy) Yes, hurry up, your spruce legs!

After all, we’ll be late, we won’t have time, Goblin, bully you!

Goblin: This is how he will pick me up, if I myself am Leshy? Are you crazy, Yaga?

Baba Yaga: Be quiet, bite your tongue! I don’t yaga to you now, Snow Maiden! And you are not a goblin, but Santa Claus! Did you remember? Look, do not confuse, otherwise Kashcheyushka will punish you!

Goblin:(notices those present) Oh, children!... It seems they have come!

Baba Yaga: Attention, let's start the operation! Behind me! (children). (To Leshem) Yes, say something!

Goblin: What if I don't know what to say?

Baba Yaga: Then at least repeat after me!

Goblin: Hello kids, girls and boys!

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus and I came to you for a holiday!

Goblin: Yeah ...... Santa Claus and I came ... ..

Baba Yaga:(pushing Leshy in the side) Think what you say! Tell me why we've come.

Goblin: We have come to replace Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. We, too, can spend the New Year. We're a little naughty and that's it.

Baba Yaga: Don't listen to him, don't listen! Santa Claus is joking. He overheated in the sun, his temperature is high! (To Leshem) Pretend that you are sick.

Goblin: Oh, it hurts me, it hurts! (grabs at different places.)

Baba Yaga: You see, guys, how bad grandfather is, he is growing now. We need to sing a song to him. Stand in a circle, join hands, let's go and sing a song. Grandpa, sing along!

Goblin: What about singing? I don't know the songs!

Baba Yaga: Sing what you know! If only about winter and frost.

Goblin: OK! Musician play!

Goblin sings the folk song "Oh, frost, frost ..." Everyone moves in a circle in a round dance, whoever knows the song sings along with Leshy.

Leading: Stop, stop! This is not the right song! Now the guys will show you how to sing correctly.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Father Frost.

1 . Knocking for us on New Year's Eve

Old Santa Claus.

He sparkles with snowflakes

He's covered in icicles.

Chorus: Father Frost! Father Frost!

He's covered in icicles!

2. Our house smells of tar

New Year is coming

And a cheerful grandfather at the Christmas tree

With us leads a round dance.

Chorus: New Year! New Year!

With us leads a round dance.

3 . Grandfather has a bag on his back.

Not a bag, but a whole cart.

It contains toys and sweets.

Good Santa Claus.

Chorus: That's how it is, that's how it is.

Good grandfather brought!

Goblin: Good song, touches the soul!

Baba Yaga: Well, Santa Claus has recovered. He won't say any more nonsense, but will amuse you. (To Leshem) Hey, wake up! It's time to play with the kids.

Goblin: Are you talking about playing? But what to play? You brewed porridge, you and play now!

Baba Yaga: Yes, I only know one game "Hide and Seek". And there's nowhere to hide.

Goblin: And I only know one game - "Putalki". I confuse everyone in the forest.

Baba Yaga: So try to confuse the children. Try, try! And I'll take a look.

Goblin: Well, hold on guys! Listen carefully, respond in unison, and try not to get confused by the answers. Can you handle it? Yep, let's check it out!

New Year's Eve before reunion 2. From the blue stream

He ate sweets and jam. The river starts...

He lived on the roof, poor thing, This song was sung loudly

His name was …….. Three funny ………

(Cheburashka - Carlson) (Pig - Little Raccoon)

He plays a little 4. He was a cloud of rain,

For passers-by on the harmonica. I went home with a piglet,

Everyone knows the musician! And, of course, I loved honey.

His name……… This is Gena……

(Shapoklyak - Crocodile Gena) (Crocodile - Winnie the Pooh)

Baba Yaga: Oh, and I want to play with you guys! And do you like to dance?

We will dance what is fashionable

Let's move freely.

Shake your hand first

Belly and head

And then you need to use your ears...

What shall we try guys?

Let the whole hall groan,

We'll shake things up here!

Children together with Baba Yaga perform the Dance of the Little Ducklings.

Goblin: Look, Yaga, that is, the Snow Maiden, how smart, funny everyone is here - they can do everything: sing, dance, and guess riddles. Oh, I'm afraid we can't handle them. We won’t be able to teach them to be naughty and dirty.

Baba Yaga: And you would run less and think more.

Goblin: I'd love to, but it doesn't work! My brains are wooden in my head! But I have good hearing. Now I hear someone coming...

The Snow Maiden and Petrushka enter the hall. Seeing them, Baba Yaga hides behind Leshy.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

If the cold is in the yard, all the trees are in silver,

The Christmas tree is blooming with lights, which means that the New Year is coming soon!

Petrushka and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. We came specially early to prepare a meeting with Grandfather Frost!

Parsley: Oh, look, Snow Maiden. And he is here! (points to Leshy) Hello, grandfather! How did you manage to overtake us?

Goblin: And I did not manage anything, I have always been here!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you didn't come alone. You also brought guests! Who is hiding behind you?

Baba Yaga:(comes out from behind Leshy) And here I dropped my mitten!

Parsley:(sits on the floor in surprise) Oh, two Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden: I don't understand anything! Who you are?

Baba Yaga: Right now, you'll understand! Brought you unclean! One two Three!

Baba Yaga and Leshy tear off the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Parsley: This is Baba Yaga and the goblin! Save! (covers face with hands)

Baba Yaga: Grab her! Knit her! Drag her!

Goblin:(points to Petrushka) Shall we take this one?

Baba Yaga: What's the use of him! He's a total idiot. And for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus will give us something and give it back! Let's run!

Baba Yaga and Leshy run away and take the Snow Maiden with them.

Parsley: Ah ah ah! Do not touch me! Don't hit me! (opens eyes) Have you already left? Where is the Snow Maiden? Oh what have I done? I didn’t save the Snow Maiden, they stole the Snow Maiden. What to do then? Whom to call? We need to tell Santa Claus everything! Guys, where is Santa Claus? There is no! And not here! (Petrushka is looking for Santa Claus around the Christmas tree, around the hall) ... Ah-ah-ah-ah, he has not come yet. So, you need to call him. Let's do it! To make it louder and faster, we will shout like this: the girls will shout "Grandfather", and the boys will shout "Frost"

Petrushka first rehearses first with the girls, then with the boys. After the rehearsal, he asks everyone to shout their words at the same time. The children are screaming.

Parsley: No, something is wrong. And it's not clear. Let's do the opposite: the boys will now shout "Grandfather", and the girls "Frost". Got it? And, well, they all shouted together!

The children all scream together.

Parsley: Again, nothing is clear! And if we shout all together: “Grandfather Frost, come soon!” Let's try. Three four!

Children call Santa Claus. Christmas music sounds. Santa Claus enters the room.

Father Frost: Who is it that calls me so loudly? Who wants to see me?

Santa Claus I'm real from a deaf dense thicket,

Where spruces stand in snowdrifts, where snowstorms and snowstorms,

Where dense forests and loose snow.

Hello kids, girls and boys!

How beautiful and elegant you all are! Something is quiet with you. You don't sing songs, you don't dance dances?

Parsley: Oh grandpa! No time for a holiday now, no time for fun! Trouble, trouble happened, bitter grief!

Father Frost: Wait, Petrushka, don't hurry! Please explain what happened?

Parsley: Stole, stolen, stolen! And I did not see, did not save! The Snow Maiden was stolen, your granddaughter!

Father Frost: Yes, bad luck! And who dared to do such a thing?

Parsley: Guys, tell me, who kidnapped the Snow Maiden? (children's answers). Yes, yes, Baba Yaga and the goblin!

Father Frost: Oh, that's it! For a long time we have been living in a fairy forest with them, but I did not expect such deceit from them. That is OK! They were still far away - they couldn't leave anyway. Guys, let's find the villains - the intent? (children answer) Will we return the Snow Maiden? (children answer) Then attention! Let's play a game. Memorize the words and repeat the movements with Parsley.

Parsley conducts the game "Round dance 1, 2, 3!"

The game "Round dance 1, 2, 3!"

Parsley: We'll go right now!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: And now let's go to the left!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: Let's gather in the center soon!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: Let's go very quickly!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: We'll circle around a bit!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: And clap your hands!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: And now we will repeat everything from the beginning, but twice as fast.

Children, together with Petrushka, complete the tasks of the game, but at a higher speed.

Father Frost: And now play with me! The game is called "New Year's Train!

Santa Claus holds the game "New Year's Train"

Children stand behind Santa Claus in a chain - a "train". He walks to the music with a “snake” around the Christmas tree, the children sneak after him. As soon as Santa Claus turns around, the children crouch and cover their heads with their hands. Who did not have time, he lost.

After the second game, Baba Yaga and a goblin with a white flag enter the hall.

Goblin: He-ge-gay! Santa Claus - red nose! We are here for you to negotiate. Come out!

Father Frost: That's the way things are! The evil spirit itself has come to us! Where did you hide the Snow Maiden? Give me my granddaughter!

Baba Yaga: And we brought her into a dense forest, Leshy confused her. She will never come to you!

Santa Moro Z: Oh, you scoundrels! Give the Snow Maiden, otherwise I'll freeze it!

Goblin: We'll give it back, we'll give it back, but do the guys need it? A? (children answer) Okay, just do our tasks.

Parsley: Look what you found! Yes, I am now for you, yes we are now for you ... .. with one left, and then with the right ... .. and then ...., and then ... ..

Father Frost: Wait, Petrushka, swing your fists! Let's try to make things right in the world. So what do you want for the Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga: We want a little for the girl. We will return it to you if you complete our three tasks. Do you agree? The first task is riddles.

Baba Yaga makes riddles for children.

He is kind, he is strict,

The whole beard is overgrown, it hurries to us

Now for the holiday

Who is this? (Father Frost)

Whose drawings on the window are like patterns on crystal?

Pinch anyone on the nose

Winter Grandpa…… (Frost)

Here Santa Claus goes through the mountains,

And he carries his bag on his shoulder.

Relies on a stick along the way.

Tell me what it's called? (staff)

She doesn't need a hot stove

Frost and cold - she does not care.

Sending hello to everyone

Merry ...... (Snow Maiden)

There will be a Christmas tree in the corner

By the window on the floor.

And on the tree to the top

Multi-colored ...... (crackers)

What toy shoots like a cannon? (clapperboard)

In January, for an important holiday,

It's raining, colored paper. (confetti)

The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright .... (glisten)

And decorating the top, it shines there, as always,

Very bright, large five-winged ... .. (star)

Goblin: Well done! Completed the first task. Now play with me!

My game is called "Circle after circle" Stand in a circle, hold hands.

Repeat after me words and movements.

Game - dance "Circle after circle"

Keep the circle straight.

Like bunnies on the lawn

We'll jump around.

Around, around, around each other

Keep the circle straight.

Like foxes, like sisters

We run around.

Around, around, around each other

Keep the circle straight.

Like small birds

We fly around.

Around, around, around each other

Keep the circle straight.

Like wolves near the Christmas tree

We'll float around.

Around, around, around each other

Keep the circle straight.

Hush, hush like a mouse

We run around.

Around, around, around each other

Keep the circle straight.

Near the Christmas tree elegant

We dance all around.

baba yaga: And my last task: who will dance us with the goblin. Ready? Well started! Maestro, music!

Baba Yaga and Leshy dance to cheerful music. Children also dance with them.

Father Frost: Have we completed all your tasks? Give us the Snow Maiden! And then I'll freeze!

Goblin: Take it, if you can help her, get out of the dense forest. Ha! Ha! She got lost!

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's help the Snow Maiden get out of the forest! And so that she can come out to us, in this hall, we will now be divided into two teams - Crows and sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream with the voice of your bird. We started. One two Three.

At the command of Santa Claus, the children shout all at once: in crow and sparrow.

The Snow Maiden comes out, and Baba Yaga and the goblin hide behind the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz! Grandfather deceived me Baba Yaga and Leshy, they took me into the dense forest and left me. Thank you all for helping me get out of the woods. And where is Baba Yaga and Leshy?

Parsley: And here they are hiding! Well, come here!

Baba Yaga: Forgive us, Snow Maiden. Forgive us, dear children! Do not drive us away from the holiday, you have so much fun here. We promise that we will never deceive anyone again.

Father Frost: Well, guys, forgive evil spirits? Let's invite them to play a game with us, shall we? Will you play the game with us? And the game is called "The Hollow of Leshy".

Goblin: And what kind of game is this? I don't know this one!

Snow Maiden: And now I will explain to you and the children. Guys, stand up all around, hold hands. You see, goblin, this circle will be a forest, and each person will be a tree. And now, goblin, get out of the circle and stand behind the guys and go along the "forest" and choose a "tree" for your house, i.e. put your hand on the shoulder of one of the children. And the one you touched must run around behind the backs of those standing. And you, Leshy, also run, but in the other direction. The main thing for you is to take an empty place. Managed - won, did not have time - lost, you will start over.

The game "Hollow Leshy" is being held

Snow Maiden: Very fun today, the song is friendly, ring!

Our Christmas tree, dear, light your fires!

Grandpa, why don't the lights on our Christmas tree burn?

Father Frost: And yes, granddaughter. Well, let's all together, together say the magic words: "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!" Did not work out. Let's say it louder again.

The tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: The tree glows, sparkles,

Get up all around,

Start your round dance!

Round dance to the song "Little Christmas Tree"

New Year round dance

Little Christmas tree

Cold in winter.

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree

colored balls,

pink gingerbread,

Cones of gold!

pink gingerbread,

Cones of gold!

A smart branch

Drop it below

Us chocolate

Feed the fish!

Us chocolate

Feed the fish!

Let's stand under the tree

In a friendly round dance,

fun, fun

Let's meet the New Year!

fun, fun

Let's meet the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, are you tired?

Father Frost: A little tired, Snow Maiden!

Parsley: And you sit down, rest near the Christmas tree. And we will continue the holiday, read poetry and dance.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Bright New Year's holiday

We meet every year.

Who is in suits - come out,

Get into the round dance!

Children lead a round dance to the song "The fairy tale does not end"

The story doesn't end

On a green Christmas tree

lanterns flicker,

Friends from good fairy tales

They meet at the festival.





Invited everyone to the party

Christmas tree invited.

We have fun with friends

The Christmas tree is dancing.

There are poems and songs

No one around is frowning.


Until next year

Let the fairy tale never end

May all our desires

And all dreams come true.

Father Frost: Ah, not a holiday - just a class!

We have gifts for everyone!

And now my boys

Get gifts!

Gifts are given for costumes.

Snow Maiden: It's good for us near the Christmas tree

Happy holiday to meet.

It's good for us near the Christmas tree

Sing, play and dance!

Father Frost: But it's time to say goodbye

And I must confess to you.

I have a surprise for you!

Where? Find out now.

Turn around: one, two, three!

Take every surprise!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

Parsley: It's a pity, friends: we must say goodbye

It's time for everyone to go home.

Good luck to you guys.

Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost: I wish you success in the New Year,

More cheerful, kind laughter,

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

Excellent grades and knowledge chest.

Snow Maiden: New Year in all its glory

He walks across the country before the people.

Everyone welcomes the New Year.


Scenario new year holiday

For preschool age(5 -6 years)

"Tricks of evil spirits"

Characters:Host, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, two Witches.


The holiday of a miracle is coming -

The New Year is upon us!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We hear loud, loud laughter.

In a round dance near the Christmas tree

There is enough space here for everyone!

round dance

Game "Winter walk"

Play with me guys

Repeat the movements together!

We went for a walk in the forest (we walk on the spot)

Full of fabulous wonders!

We walk through the snowdrifts

We raise our legs higher (we walk, raising our legs high).

Let's pick up snow in our hands (tilt)

And we will begin to make snowballs (“we make” snowballs).

Let's throw them forward soon ("throw" snowballs),

Let's scare all the animals.

We need to warm up now.

Let's rub our hands together

Now ears, cheeks, nose.

And we are not afraid of frost!

We will help the neighbor on the left,

Rub his ear too.

And now the neighbor on the right.

Well done boys! Bravo!

Leading: I hear guys, someone is coming towards us.

Exit of the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden:
Hello, here I am!
I am the Snow Maiden, friends.
I was in a hurry to see you today
And, of course, dressed up.

Leading: Hello, Snow Maiden. We are very glad to see you.
Snow Maiden: How beautiful it is in your room, the Christmas tree is wonderful, there is no such thing in the forest.
Leading: Snow Maiden, look at the tree.
The Christmas tree is sad, it does not burn with lights.

Snow Maiden : Our Christmas tree

It is impossible without lights today.

Let's say together: "One, two, three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

We light the Christmas tree

There is a whistle, noise (sounds of evil spirits). Baba Yaga and witches run into the hall.

Baba Yaga: Hello, kids

Hooligans and liars!

Witch 1: Hello kids,

Lazy, rascals!

We have come to congratulate you!

Witch 2: Here are some gifts for you:

There are slingshots, there are explosives,

Nothing for you is not a pity!

Baba Yaga: What, kids, did you want a New Year's holiday? Do you lead round dances? Do you want gifts? Christmas tree, so you light it?

Witch 1: Nothing will work for you? And, in general, the New Year will not come!

Snow Maiden: No, it will come! Really guys?

Baba Yaga: And where is he, a holiday? There is no Santa Claus, And, in general, I will be a Snow Maiden. (decorates head with tinsel)

Witch 1: And I'm Santa Claus (pulls out a beard)

Witch 2: And I'm a tree. (throws green tinsel on himself)

Leading: What's going on here? Who you are?

Baba Yaga : I am the Snow Maiden, and this is my grandfather.

Leading: Something you are not very similar to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Guys, who complained to us?

The children answer.

Host: So that's it.

Baba Yaga and witches in chorus:And they found out. And Santa Claus will not come to you today, we conjured a blizzard in the forest, he lost his way.

Baba Yaga: And until you fulfill our three wishes, you will not see Santa Claus.

Witch 1: And there will be no gifts.

Leading: Guys, do you agree to help out Santa Claus?

The children answer.

Baba Yaga: Damn, I'm first. I want the children to dance a funny dance. What? Can't you?

Leading: And here it is not. This is the job we can do!


Witch 1 : And now mine. My desire is the most desired. A game for very smart kids. And you don't have any.

Leading: Yes, there is. Start your game.

Witch 1 : If you agree, answer "yes", if you do not agree, "no".

The game "What is the New Year"

What is New Year?

Is this a friendly dance?

Is it lightning and thunder?

Is it rain outside the window?

Is this a snowstorm?

Is it a ringing drop?

Are these skis and skates?

Are these hot days?

Is it laughter and tinsel?

Is it sun and heat?

Is this a Christmas outfit?

Is it a noisy masquerade?

Leading: Guys, what good fellows you are! Two wishes have already been fulfilled.

Witch 2: And I want new year song.

Leading: Yes, it's easier than ever!

Song "New Year"

Baba Yaga: (businesslike) Now my wish...

Leading: No, wait, we have fulfilled all your wishes. You must keep your promise: bring back Santa Claus

Baba Yaga: Good, good. (conjures, mysterious music sounds).

Conjure a woman, conjure a grandfather.

Ten from above, we are not.

Bells sound, Santa Claus enters the hall

Father Frost: From faraway Lapland

Along the wide road

Through the snowy fields

I was in a hurry, guys, to you.

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy

Leading: Hello Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Hello kids!
Girls and boys. Hello granddaughter.
Snow Maiden: We will be together today

Have fun, dance.

So fervently, so that in place

No one can resist.

Baba Yaga and witches hide behind each other.

Leading: We are tired of waiting, the holiday does not start. And it's all because of them.(points to evil)

Father Frost: For leprosy I will turn them into icicles.(raises staff)

Evil: (in chorus) Forgive us Santa Claus. Forgive us guys.

Snow Maiden: Forgive them, Grandpa!

Father Frost: Okay, just for the holiday. Forgive them guys?

The children answer.

Father Frost: I forgive.
Happy New Year, Happy New Year! Congratulations to all children!
Near the Christmas tree in a round dance, the holiday will become more fun!
I invite people. Get into the round dance!

round dance

Father Frost: Wow! Well, well done!
I come to the guys at the Christmas tree,
I'm starting games right away!
There are many games in the world
Do you want to play, kids?

Presenter: Of course, Santa Claus, our children love to play.

Game with Santa Claus"I will freeze"

Witch 1: (Imperceptibly takes the mitten from D.M.) Santa Claus, is this not your mitten?

Father Frost: My mitten, I'll catch up with her friends.

Game "Mitten"

Children pass each other a mitten, and Santa Claus tries to catch up with her.

Father Frost: If you are happy today

You will have fun all year long!

Get cheerful

New Year's dance!

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" ("Balagan Limited")

photo session with the heroes of the matinee.

Nikolaeva Zhanna
Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children middle group"Tricks of evil spirits"

From the experience of music. leader

preschool MKOU groups

"Sinyavinskaya secondary school" Nikolaeva Zh. A.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the middle group

« Tricks of the UNCLEAN FORCE» .

Holiday progress:

Children stand at the entrance to the hall one after another.

The crystal bell rings, the photo effect turns on and to the music "I came from a wonderful fairy tale" The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the Christmas tree, approaches the children.:

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello guys, hello all guests!

I invite, I invite, I invite everyone!

There will be music and dancing and merry laughter.

You won't regret anything if you come to us.

After all, today, my dear friend, you will fall into a fairy tale!

Join hands together, the tree is waiting for all of us to visit.

With laughter, dancing, fun, we will celebrate the New Year nicely!

To the music « New Year's» (gr. "Brilliant") children in a chain, following the Snow Maiden, perform a DANCE - ENTRANCE, after which they remain around the Christmas tree.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let's get closer to the Christmas tree and look higher, lower, how many toys, cones, stars, firecrackers are on it here ... What kind of Christmas tree did good Santa Claus bring us!

PERFORMED "NEAR THE FLUFFY CHRISTMAS" Partskhaladze (map, after the children sit down

SNOW MAIDEN: Hush, hush, hush, enters holiday antiquity. An old-fashioned old woman together with a Russian zimushka. And we will sing a song, we will invite a fairy tale to visit.


After the recording sounds a melody "At the samovar", under which Kikimora enters with a samovar hung with bagels and sings

KIKIMORA: At the samovar, my Masha and I, now we’ll drink tea with Yagusenka .... (picturely walks around the hall and puts the samovar on the Khokhloma table, carefully arranging the cups and teapot, sits down decorously, pouring tea).

SNOW MAIDEN: Kikimora? What are you doing here?

KIKIMORA: Hmm, like what! Yaga and I decided to hang out here, talk about our dense affairs, but what, in fact, is the matter?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, we actually have nothing against it, but could we at least ask permission?

KIKIMORA: (gets up, hands on hips) What other permission do you have?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, at least for me, for children.

KIKIMORA: (looking around the hall under the visor): Well, what else, there are so many of you, ask permission from everyone here. (mournfully)- And I - poor, lonely, living in a green swamp, for once, decided to have tea in warmth and comfort, and - on you - some kind of permission (Waving his hand, he walks along children) - And why are they quiet with you, huh? Choli tongue swallowed? Hey, karapuziki, do you know how to guess riddles? (-Yes)- Now let's check (takes out a notebook from a burlap bag, opens it, blows off the dust (flour) And is reading:

Tex, Tex, first mystery:

In more often, with his head up, he howls with hunger. (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries - clubfoot, brown (bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt (pig)

Who likes to rush through the branches? Of course, redhead. (squirrel)

From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree, he deftly jumps again. (monkey)

A tail with a fan, a crown on the head, there is nothing more beautiful than. (peacock)

KIKIMORA: So, well, since you are still thinking, so be it, I allow you to stay, so that I would not be ashamed in front of my friend, and now it's time for everyone to stand in a circle and stretch their sciatica. (children go in a circle).


FORWARD 4 STEPS, BACK 4 STEPS, TURNING, TURNING OUR DANCE. Let's clap our hands, let's stomp our feet, let's have fun, and then we'll make friends (4 times with acceleration, then Kikimora teaches to the floor with her ear.

KIKIMORA: Oh, I feel, my sworn friend flies in a mortar, well, lively in places, (children run to chairs, Kikimora walks coquettishly, hides behind a Christmas tree).

BABA YAGA (sings a ditty, carrying a broom with roses with a bouquet): Oh, whose am I whose, because of the hill along the stream, I’m not a Snow Maiden for you, I’m Butterfly Yagurochka (to lose

comes out from behind the Christmas tree Kikimora and they dance together).

Oh, Kikishechka, my dense! I congratulate you on your anniversary, on your 500th anniversary, and I give you this ekibana! (hands a broom decorated with roses)

KIKIMORA: (coquettishly, takes out a handkerchief, wipes away tears) Oh, I don't know, it's so touching! But why is it so public to tell a lady about her age, and for a gift a big merci! (3 times pretend "kiss" and 3 times fast "spitting over the shoulder"). Oh, if I knew that everything would turn out so well, I would call both Koshchei and Gorynych here. , we would throw such a party for you!

SNOW MAIDEN: What more! We know you! They came without asking, so at least behave yourself. At children today is New Year's Day. They taught poetry, songs, dances, and you?

KIKIMORA: And how! We will now perform the best new year song, and these cute creatures will help us with this, right? (-Yes)- Well, get up again around the Christmas tree, we are starting.


SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, your songs are strange, albeit funny. Come on guys let's play real new year game , which is called.


We’ll go to the right, 1.2.3., And then we’ll go left, 1.2.3, come closer to the Christmas tree, 1.2.3 and look at the needles, 1.2.3., We will move away from the Christmas tree together, 1.2.3. PLACE, 1.2.3., AND GET INTO A CIRCLE, 1.2.3., AND THEN, HOW WE LAUGH HI-HI-HI!

BABA YAGA:(sarcastically) Just think, top-top-top, clap-clap-clap ... So I know the game like that, the game is called "DUPLO LESHOY"("goblin" goes outside the round dance-forest, and touching anyone, pronounces: "Good tree!", after the goblin and the chosen child scatter in different directions and, having run around the circle, they try to race to occupy the hollow. B. Ya. shows, play 3-4 times). (music accompaniment "Train" V. Cosma)

KIKIMORA: And now I will show the game, it is called

"PULL THE KITE" sit down and watch! (they show together, placing 2 chairs at a distance with their backs to each other, a rope is stretched under them, with the ends at the legs of the chairs. To the dance melody, a couple of those playing dance, as the music stops, you need to quickly sit down and pull the rope with both hands - "snake tail", play in pairs with all the children .... (music accompaniment "De Vega")

The ringing of the bells of the cart of Santa Claus is heard "

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, you hear, this is Grandfather Frost driving up on a sleigh! I'll run to meet him! (runs out the door)

BABA YAGA: Eh, the hard one brought him ...

KIKIMORA: Now we will get it, because they confused his tracks in the forest and blocked the road with trees, nnnda.

BABA YAGA: Yes, you have to run away, but in the end I want to arrange some kind of dirty trick, we are evil spirits or not?

KIKIMORA: And let's break all the toys on the Christmas tree, huh? (Looks up and down appraisingly.) No, we won't!

BABA YAGA: And let's put out all these nasty lights?


(going in the opposite direction they conjure, around the Christmas tree, pronouncing with acceleration)-Couplings, couplings, abra-kadabra! (3 times, squeals, giggles and runs through the nearest door).

UNDER SOLEMN MUSIC (A. Filippenko, "Song of Santa Claus") from the center. entrance includes Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

FATHER FROST: Hello, here I am! Happy New Year to you, friends!

They grew up, became big, but did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired, but just like a young one,

Together with you, even now, I am ready to start dancing.

Everyone get up in a round dance, we will celebrate the New Year nicely!

(Everyone gets up in a round dance, the Snow Maiden draws attention to the fact that the lights on the Christmas tree are not lit)

FATHER FROST: It doesn't matter, come on, Christmas tree, 1,2, 3, burn merrily again! (touches with a staff, the tree lights up with lights)

DANCE IS PERFORMED "Herringbone" M. Kraseva

FATHER FROST: Who is not afraid of frost, who knows how to have fun?

GAMES: "I WILL FREEZE", "GLOVE"(with the Snow Maiden)

FATHER FROST: And now I will blow on you with my icy breeze and you will quickly scatter to your places (blowing, children run to chairs)

Oh, I sent, I'll sit .... (whistle - so 3 times can not sit on a chair)

What is it, I don’t understand, don’t sit down on me. Why?

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather, this chair is not simple, whoever does not dance, stop!

FATHER FROST: How could I forget to dance to amuse you?

PERFORMED "DANCE OF FATHER FROST AND SNOW MAIDEN", after Santa Claus sits on a chair, fanning himself.

FATHER FROST: Oh, how hot, I danced, and the Snow Maiden can melt.

SNOW MAIDEN: You, snowflakes, fly and cool Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!


FATHER FROST: How cool it became in the hall, how wonderfully you danced! I will blow on you, snowstorms will begin, and come on, snowflakes, shu-u, flew (snowflakes run away)

SNOW MAIDEN: Santa Claus, and the guys have prepared a surprise for you. Gnomes, come out and show your dance!

THE DANCE IS PERFORMED "There are gnomes in the world", after the dance, an attraction is held "Who's next?"(D.M. chooses the smartest dwarf and invites him to run around the Christmas tree from different sides at the expense "1, 2, 3, run!" and be the first to sit on a chair. At the same time, the first time he himself ran a little, he returns and sits down, the second time he runs along with a chair and sits down, but when the Snow Maiden says that everything must be done honestly, he runs around and is late. , the gnome sits down first)

FATHER FROST: Well, are you going to sit like that? Let me sit down, and you sit on my knees ... sit on your knees and sprinkle snow-confetti on the gnome.

SNOW MAIDEN: You know, grandfather, because everyone is waiting for gifts and they will sing a song about them to you.


FATHER FROST: GOOD Grandfather Frost brought gifts to you all, only put it in the sleigh, put it and forgot it. You sit quietly and wait for gifts (Santa Claus goes out the door ....)

Runs to cheerful and fast music "Bag", behind him, barely keeping up, Santa Claus.

FATHER FROST: Where did you go?

BAG: Started on a journey!

FATHER FROST: I won't catch up with you, stop now, I say!

BAG: And today is the New Year, it will be the other way around!

FATHER FROST: Come on, staff, help and stop the bag!

BAG: (stops, dumps 1 gift and waddles out the door)-Ko-ko-ko!

FATHER FROST: Well, there is one present, eh we can't count the kids(having knocked on the floor 3 times) “1, 2, 3. - staff show us the way to gifts!”(the staff trembles and leans towards the gifts, Santa Claus "follows him" to the screen behind which gifts are hidden)

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts to the music "Russian Santa Claus"

FATHER FROST: All, friends, I congratulate you, I wish you happiness, joy!

SNOW MAIDEN: May good luck and success not leave everyone, everyone, everyone!

TOGETHER: Happy New Year!