When a child plays with a rattle. At what age are children given rattles? At what age does a child start picking up rattles?

It is necessary to buy the first toys for children carefully and accurately. First of all, you should orient yourself in a huge assortment of all kinds of play accessories for newborn children. The main rule is that there should not be too many toys!

In the first weeks, the baby is not up to entertainment, since he does not see very well due to the imperfection of the visual organs. Everything that is closer or further than 25 - 30 centimeters, the newborn perceives as a cloudy spot.

Still, toys can be useful for sensory stimulation, especially if they are age-appropriate. For example, a traditional rattle - perfect option for a newborn. Read about how to choose it and what types of rattles exist in our material.

Rattles for newborns

The No. 1 toy for a newborn baby is undoubtedly a rattle.

The first such products were made from natural materials at hand - birch bark, wood, willow vines, animal bones.

Such objects were called trinkets, rustlers or rattles. In addition to the actual entertainment purpose, the first rattle also served as a kind of amulet against evil spirits and unkind witchcraft.

Despite the constantly changing design, shape and complexity of functions, the very principle of the rattle has remained unchanged for several centuries. When shaking a hollow container filled with balls and other small objects, the child hears a soft sound.

The benefits of rattles

What are the benefits of rattle toys for newborns? These items are for all-round development of the baby:

  • by the end of the fourth week, the child begins to determine the direction of the sound, simultaneously improving auditory skills;
  • the visual apparatus is also improving: the child begins to peer into the toy, trying to catch its movement with his eyes;
  • Putting a rattle in children's hands, parents develop fine motor skills of fingers, teach them to hold a toy in their palms.

In children's stores, you can buy rattles for every taste and size, but it will be correct to take into account the age of the baby, as well as the quality of the selected products.

Many mothers advise stocking up on 2-3 rattles for the first time. For a newborn baby, who spends most of his time in a dream, such a number of toys is already a huge abundance.

Manufacturers today offer several varieties of noisy products. All of them are designed for babies, but not all are suitable for a newborn baby.

Consider the types of rattles in more detail:

  • pendants(from 0 months). They are attached above the bed, in a stroller or car restraint. Some toys are additionally equipped with a music block. At first, the child just looks and listens, and then, at 3 months, he begins to grab the elements.

    For development emotional sphere a child of one and a half months can hang rattles with the image of a smiling character. It is important that the mouth and eyes are clearly visible;

  • bracelets(from 0 months). Worn on the leg or arm bracelets contribute to the development of motor skills. The child will begin to move his limbs more actively, wanting to hear a characteristic noise. You need to make sure that the rattle does not pinch the limb;
  • soft(from 3 to 5 months). Such rattles are sewn from fabrics of various textures, which contributes to the development of tactile sensations. Also, kids are attracted by the unusual, “rustling” sound that the toy makes;
  • rings(from 3 to 5 months). The product looks like a keychain with keys, which are small objects. Colliding, they make a noise that attracts the attention of the child;
  • socks(from 3 to 5 months). These products are worn on children's feet, like regular socks. The only difference is that in the "muzzles" of animals that are attached to socks, there are rattles that entertain the baby;
  • teethers(from 6 months). Such rattles are a combination of a toy and a teether - a device with a cooling gel that relieves gums when;
  • maces(from 4 months). On both edges of the holder are bright balls or funny figures. Such products are ideal for developing the skill of grabbing objects and holding them;
  • on the suction cup(from 7 months). Such toys are attached to the dining table so that the child can clap and touch them, but they cannot be thrown down.

The traditional version of rattles is a figurine on a holder. Both the handle and the toy itself can be made of various materials. The main thing is expressiveness and pleasant sensations.

Types of materials

In order for the child to be able to play with rattles without risks to their health, it is necessary to choose a play accessory from the right material. Most often, "noisy" toys are made of wood, plastic, fabric and silicone.

What is best for a newborn?

  • plastic. Modern manufacturers prefer this material for the manufacture of baby rattles. High-quality plastic toys are safe, they are distinguished by a variety of colors and shapes. They are very easy to care for - just wash and dry;
  • tree. Ecological and natural material with a pleasant texture. They have a clear and pleasant sound and are easy to use. Natural wood is safe if the child puts the toy in his mouth, and caring for it consists only of wiping it with a clean, damp cloth. The only negative is enough big weight, besides, the child may inadvertently hit himself with a wooden rattle on the head;
  • textile. Most often, textile rattles are made of cotton with velor inserts. The filler can be anything. A huge plus is the ease and inability to injure yourself. However, such products quickly get dirty, they will have to be washed constantly;
  • silicone. Such material is used in the production of rattles-teethers. Usually the filler in silicone toys is liquid, so it is important to monitor the integrity of the coating of the game accessory.

In the first months of life, it is best to give your baby silicone or fabric rattles. The baby is still learning to control its movements, so it can accidentally hit itself on the forehead with its favorite toy.

With age, the range of materials for rattles expands significantly. By six months, the baby can already play with toys with a variety of textures. This contributes to the faster development of tactile sensations.

What toys does a tiny newborn need? First of all, safe.

And in order to choose a really useful rattle, you must follow a few rules when visiting the store:

  1. The purchase of rattles on the market, from the tray, is completely excluded. Make a purchase only in specialized children's stores or pharmacy chains. It is important to make sure that the product is certified and meets Russian and international standards.
  2. Before buying a toy must be smelled. A pronounced chemical "aroma" indicates the low quality of the materials or dyes used. Naturally, such rattles cannot be bought.
  3. Inspect the product carefully. It is necessary to make sure that the toy does not have chips, burrs, sharp corners and other defects that can injure the delicate skin of the child.
  4. The color of the purchased toy should be natural, not "poisonous". Excessive variegation and brightness is a possible sign of a poor-quality product. In addition, natural shades are suitable for improving the visual apparatus.
  5. Check the toy for the volume of noises it makes. The sound should be pleasant, unsharp, otherwise the children will be frightened and cry. By the way, the most pleasant sound is made by wooden rattles.
  6. You can also check the weight of the purchased product. Babies will not be able to hold in their hand an object whose weight exceeds the 100-gram mark.
  7. If you want to buy a teether rattle, make sure the toy is intact, because the liquid filler may leak out if the “container” is damaged.

Toys for newborns and older children should be solid, without small elements that can fly off and clog the baby's airways.

A rattle can be given to a three-week-old baby, but he will take it only because of the developed grasping reflex. Of course, in this case there is no need to talk about any independent game.

The first toys for a newborn are demonstrated by an adult. He does this so that a helpless and little-knowing child can notice and get carried away with a rattle.

The toy is brought to the child's face at a distance of 25-30 centimeters and moved smoothly from one side to the other, tinkling a little.

So the child will be able to focus his eyes and hear an interesting sound.

The duration of the game is no more than 2 minutes.

A two-month-old baby is already more developed than a newborn baby. At the age of two months, a mother can put a rattle in a child's hand so that the baby learns to hold toys, manipulate them (for example, bring them to her mouth for study).

A three-month-old child begins to become more and more skillful and independent. He is already able to take a toy from his mother's hands, hold it in his fist and examine it carefully. Some children try to rattle it, freezing in surprise at the sound they hear.

At what age does a baby start holding toys?

As already noted, a superbly developed grasping reflex allows the child to hold small objects literally from the first days. If a parent gives him a plastic ring, the newborn will instantly grab it and begin to hold it.

Such actions take place without the control of consciousness. In the same way, the child grasps the mother's finger or clothes. Moreover, the strength of his grip is so great that sometimes you have to unclench children's fingers to release the object.

Despite the fact that a child is capable of holding toys from birth, he is not yet able to manipulate them. At this age, the crumbs do not even understand (and do not see) what kind of object is in their hands. They act exclusively reflexively.

Rattles-pendants can accidentally touch hands, after which the child begins to study an unexpected swinging and noisy object. However, again, these actions cannot be called a game. In addition, such moments can scare the baby, so you should hang toys higher.

Conscious holding and holding toys begins at three months of age. If you put a rattle in a child's palm, it will immediately be in the mouth - for the purpose of studying and getting to know each other. A child at 3 months carefully examines the toy, but shakes it unconsciously, not understanding the principle of its operation.

Six-month-old children are already well versed in the features of the rattle, with great pleasure knocking it on any surface. Including on your forehead. That is why heavy toys should not be given to babies, so you will avoid bumps and bruises.

When the baby is four months old, he will begin to take toys on his own, without prompting from adults.

You can note several stages in the passage of this action:

  1. At the age of four months, the child begins to grab objects located at the level of his eye. He holds the rattle with both hands and purposefully pulls it towards him for general study. Toddlers also knock on pendants, shake rattles to extract sound.
  2. When the child is a little older (after 5 months), he will begin to take objects from the surface of the bed or changing table with both hands. The raised toy is carefully studied, the baby tries to play with it. So far, most manipulations are performed with two handles.
  3. A six-month-old child takes the desired object from any position: lying on the back, tummy or side. The baby takes the rattle with one handle, the second at this moment can hold another toy. A child at 6 months independently plays with rattles, and he has favorite toys.

When the child reaches the age period in which his skills allow him to take the desired object, it is necessary to begin an "audit" of potentially dangerous things surrounding the baby.

Not many peanuts can resist numerous temptations: after all, you want to study the taste of your mother's cream, and take a shiny fork from the table, and taste the tail or paw of a cat passing by. The thirst for knowledge is truly a great thing!

Rattles are the first baby toys that appear at home. Noisy objects are designed to arouse in a newborn child an initial interest in environment and receiving information.

In order for the development of the baby to be correct from the first days, it is necessary to purchase only safe rattles that are suitable for him in terms of age. Learn the world no problem!

In anticipation of the birth of a baby, many parents purchase things and toys in advance, as they understand that at first there will be no place for these chores in the rhythm of their lives.

Many mothers, reviewing children's things, toys, are wondering when the child begins to pick up a rattle, other objects and hold them. After all, this is as important an event in their life as the first steps or words.

When can a baby pick up a rattle on its own?

Some mothers believe that from birth a child can pick up a rattle, hold it, relying on the fact that children are born with a sufficiently developed grasping reflex. Indeed, when the baby turns 2 weeks old, he can hold the object that his parents put in his hand.

But no more than that, on their own at this age, the child is not capable of this. But, this does not mean that toys must be hidden until the time when the child begins to understand what to do with them and shows interest.

Toys must certainly be present in the life of a toddler from birth. Children love to watch their parents entertain them with colorful, rattling objects. At this age, you should choose toys of calm, not too saturated colors that will not irritate the eyes of the crumbs.

As they grow older, the child begins to show more interest in this activity. When the little one turns one month old, he will continue to hold the toy put into his hand in the same way and even grab objects located near him. But, this does not happen consciously, but rather intuitively. The baby likes to look at new, interesting objects.

But when the child reaches 3 - 4 months, he begins to consciously pick up objects, as a rule, those that are most to his liking.

Naturally, at first it will be difficult to hold any thing in the hands of a crumb, but he needs to be helped in every possible way, because in this way he develops hand motor skills, psychological development takes place.

If, upon reaching 3-4 months, the child does not show any interest in such games, does not want to pick up toys, then it is necessary to interest him. When parents see that it is difficult for a child to hold an ordinary toy in their hands, they can resort to the help of various mobiles or hanging toys that the child will grab with his hands.

There are many different rattles for babies in the first year of life, made from different materials. And their choice must be approached consciously.

What you need to know about the first rattles

When the baby begins to be interested in rattles, and this happens, as a rule, from 3 to 4 months, parents rush to get their baby a lot of all kinds of fun. At the same time, elementary recommendations are not followed, which include:

  • When the baby begins to be interested in various objects, games, you need to take care of purchasing products that, as a rule, will be tasted by them. Such products must be made from quality materials.
  • For children of the first months of life, rattles should be light and comfortable, fit in his small handle.
  • Colors should not be too saturated, this can distort the picture received by children's eyes.
  • Periodically, the items that children play with need to be changed. This also applies to the age of the crumbs. If in the first months of life it was possible to limit oneself to plastic objects, then during the period of the appearance of teeth, it is necessary to give preference to special rubber and other rings that are designed to gnaw them.
  • Regularly children's things, rattles must be processed from germs. Given that the child wants to taste everything, the toy, with all the microbes on it, will certainly fall into the baby's mouth.
  • It is also worth keeping an eye on their condition. It is necessary to get rid of broken, spoiled fun immediately in order to avoid unforeseen situations that may pose a danger to the health and life of the little one.

Having learned at how many months the child begins to pick up rattles on his own, some mothers try, no matter what it becomes, to speed up the process, believing that otherwise the peanut will show developmental deviations. This is wrong.

All children are individual and each has its own development schedule, so there is no need to rush things. It is enough to create a favorable atmosphere in which the little one himself will begin to show interest, try to get the surrounding objects. Periodically, you can offer new toys and when the baby makes the first attempts to encourage him. After all, how many new skills the crumbs still have to master.

What could be easier - to choose a rattle for a child? But it is necessary to approach this choice very responsibly, since it is with a rattle for newborns that the process of teaching a baby begins. During the first year of life, rattles help the baby in acquiring various skills, contribute to his psycho-emotional and physical development.

Rattles for the little ones

The first acquaintance of a newborn child with toys occurs through visual, acoustic and tactile contact. Types of rattles that parents need to focus on when choosing:

  • Rattles-pendants. Rattles hang over the crib and stroller. They can be simple or mobile-based with a music module.
  • Rattles-bracelets and rattles-socks. Fabric rattles on a tape with a flypaper. They are put on the baby's arms and legs and help the development of coordination of movements and muscle activity.
  • Rattles-ring (oval, rhombus, square, triangle) . Ordinary rattles in the hands of a child.
  • Rattles-teethers. Rattles designed in. They can be made in the form of a ring or any other shape, with or without a cooling gel filler, a simple or textured silicone surface. The surface of the teether in contact with the baby's gums is soft enough not to injure the gums when pressed, and moderately hard in order to chew it, gnaw it and just “grind” in the mouth () .
  • Rattles-rattles. Soft fabric rattles with various rustling fillers in separate elements.
  • Rattles-slingo toys. often used for entertainment and distraction of a child in a sling, rattles-sling toys tied to the sling. A five-month-old or more child sitting in a sling is busy at this time not with pulling mother's hair or earrings, but with a bright and pleasant "taste and touch" sling toy.

All types of rattles can use mono-materials (only plastic, fabric, silicone) or a mixture of them, which is more interesting and educational for the child. But parents should pay attention not only to which rattle to choose, but also to how to choose the right rattle for the child.

How to choose a rattle?

When buying rattles for the first children's games, young parents should make the following basic requirements for them:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material and the safety of the product itself. Rattles should be made of material that is safe for the child and does not emit harmful substances. Rattles should not have sharp corners that could injure the baby. They must be strong and withstand the blows of the child with a rattle on various surfaces or falling to the floor.
  • Bright colors, various shapes and surface textures. The brighter and more varied appearance rattles, the more interesting they are to a child who is just starting his knowledge of the world in a playful way.
  • Various filler that causes different sounds - crackling, ringing, crunching, rustling, etc. Here the acoustic effect produced by rattles with beads of various sizes or crispy filler is of great importance.
  • Possibility of cleaning, boiling or washing. The child often puts rattles in his mouth and throws them on the floor. Because of this, a rattle should withstand almost daily washing or handling.


At what age should you give rattles?

It is possible and necessary to give a baby rattles almost from birth.

A newborn baby is capable of concentrating and driving his eyes behind a bright and thundering object in his mother's hands from the age of two weeks.

Due to the developed grasping reflex, an infant of this age can also hold (but no more than that) in the fist a small rattle of a certain shape - usually a ring or an oval with small objects suspended on it, making a sound when they hit each other.

In the first month of life, the child begins to hold the rattle, still unconsciously and reflexively.

Moms take note!

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When does a child begin to hold a rattle consciously?

One of the first rattles for newborn babies are rattles-pendants for a crib or stroller.

They can be both simple and mobile-based with or without a music module. Hanging rattle toys are usually removable and made of fabric or plastic. Such rattles teach a newborn baby to focus on static and moving objects, develop his visual and auditory skills.

For a two-month-old baby, rattles-pendants already need to be hung lower. By swinging the arms and touching the rattles, the child will begin to try to reach them and grab them earlier. The development of coordination and fine motor skills of the hands begins through tactile sensations.

From about three months of age, the baby begins to consciously hold the rattle-ring in his hand, pull it into his mouth and taste it.

The child begins to pay attention to literally everything - the color, the different sound of the rattle fillers or hanging bells. The child begins to develop his own addictions to a particular rattle, which contributes to mental and emotional development, helps to develop coordination of movements and muscle activity.

From the age of four months (the age depends on the beginning of the eruption of the first milk teeth), the child begins to hold a rattle-teether, chew it and procrastinate in the mouth.

A five-month-old baby is very attracted to the rustling and crunchy sounds extracted from the rustler rattle upon contact with the palm - this is the beginning of the development of cause-and-effect relationships.

And sitting in a sling is a five-month-old and older child is busy playing with an interesting and pleasant to “taste and touch” rattle-sling toy.

Starting from the age of six months, the child holds, swings, rattles, rings, rustles, crunches with any rattles on his own.

Rattles designed for newborns contribute to the development of cognitive processes, motor skills, and horizons. Before choosing a product, you should make sure the quality and reliability of the model. The toy should not include small, poorly fixed parts, and only hypoallergenic, non-toxic components should be included in the composition.

For the first three weeks after birth, the baby sleeps most of the time, and there is no particular need for entertainment items. But for development it is useful to purchase 2-3 toys:

  • Initially, the baby's eyes are attracted to bright, large objects. Therefore, for the first two weeks, classic toys can be hung over the crib. The distance from the eyes to the toy should be 27 cm.
  • For children under the age of one month, you should buy rattles that have a convenient ring and handle. The baby holds the toy unconsciously, but reacts to bright colors and sounds.
  • Closer to two months, you should choose a toy that rustles, rustles, makes sounds.
  • By the end of the second month of life, the child begins to follow the rattle in his hands. He enthusiastically shakes the toy, listens to the sound it makes, tastes it.
  • At three months, the baby tries to reach the object of interest. At this time, you should buy new rattles.
  • At five months, the baby can independently take his favorite toy.
  • At six months, a baby can hold a toy in each hand or shift it from one hand to another.

The first weeks due to the imperfection of the visual apparatus, the child sees poorly. All items that are further or closer than 26-30 cm look like a cloudy spot, so it makes no sense to buy a lot of toys during this period.

Approximately at what age does a baby start holding a rattle? Closer to the age of three months, the child begins to react more actively to toys, consciously holds and studies them. But he still shakes it unconsciously, not understanding the principle of action.

The benefits of rattles

Rattles contribute to the development of the cognitive sphere of the baby:

  • The concentration of attention develops.
  • Improving mental operations.
  • Hearing skills develop.
  • The visual apparatus improves.
  • Color perception is formed.
  • When the baby holds a toy in his hand, fine motor skills develop.

Parents should talk and play with the child as often as possible. This contributes to the active development of the baby.

How to teach a baby to hold a rattle?

In order to teach your baby to hold a rattle in his hand, you need to choose the right model. Preparatory stage includes a number of actions:

  • The initially chosen toy is shown to the baby, moving in different directions at a distance of 27 cm. Gradually, the child should follow the toy and turn his head to the sound.
  • As soon as the baby becomes interested in the toy (begins to follow it, happily knocking its legs and waving its arms), they start kneading their fingers. An exercise in squeezing and unclenching the cam will be useful.
  • Then the baby's palms are touched with a toy.
  • From two months, they put the rattle ring into the cam, and squeeze the fingers.

Gradually, the baby will be more confident in squeezing the toy in his hand and bringing it to his face for study.

Varieties of toys

All types of rattles differ in shape, color, sounds, material, resistance to water. It is important to select a product according to age characteristics baby.

classic rattle

The traditional first toy for babies looks like a figurine with a stick holder. Most often it is a ball with beads inside and long handle which is comfortable to hold on to. A simple rattle is suitable for babies in the first months of life.

Rattle pendant

The product is hung over the crib or stroller at the level of the baby's chest, at a distance of 25-30 cm using a special fastening mechanism. Details of the rattle should contain primary colors, individual objects can move and make a sound to attract attention. When the baby begins to reach for the suspension with handles (closer to 3 months), it is lowered lower.

Rattles for strollers or cribs

The rattle stretches over a long distance. It is stretched from side to side or fixed along one side. Can be hung above the bed and in the stroller different models. Rattles consist of multi-colored balls, pendants in the form of various figures of animals, fruits, insects.

Textile rattlesocks, rattles-bracelets

Rattles in the form of bracelets are placed on the wrist or ankle of the child. Allowed to use from birth. Feeling the object and hearing the sound, the child will seek to examine and touch it. Develop motor skills and flexibility.

As soon as the baby is 3 months old, you can choose rattlesocks. They depict the muzzles of animals and attached rattles that make a sound. The product is worn on the legs, like ordinary socks.


Rustling products develop fine motor skills well. The inside of the toy contains rustling material. By pressing and fingering an object, it creates an interesting sound that will interest the baby.

Rattle puzzles

Babies older than 6 months become interested in more complex rattles. Puzzle pieces move, spin in different directions, glow, make sounds (rattle, rustle).


For children older than 5 months, rattles are offered, which simultaneously perform the function of a teether. Part of the product is made of rubber and filled with cooling gel. The device helps to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms that occur at the time of teething.

Slingo rattles

For parents who often use a sling, special hanging toys have been created. They are easy to carry around. Sitting in a sling, the baby plays and develops.

The main manufacturers of baby rattles

Popular rattle manufacturers include: Canpol Babies, Chicco, Heimess, World of Childhood, Teddykompaniet, Stellar, Halilit, Tiny Love:

  • The Bee model from Canpol Babies attracts the attention of the baby. The stretcher can be hung on a stroller or crib using hooks. Three figures of a bee are suspended on an elastic band, and between them there are multi-colored balls. The figures turn over, make sounds.
  • The Chicco Fruit Mix teether rattle is suitable for babies from 3 months old. The product is lightweight and comfortable to hold. Three multi-colored figurines in the form of fruits, filled with air, hang on a ring. The toy develops motor skills and helps to cope with pain during teething.
  • For children over 3 months old, the Pirate rattle from the well-known company Heimess is suitable. The ring fits comfortably in the baby's hand. A lace is missing along the diameter of the ring, on which various colored figures are strung, including a cheerful pirate. Pirates have movable body parts. The product is made of wood and coated with durable, safe water-based paint.
  • A child over 6 months old will love the Candy toy from Russian manufacturer"The world of childhood". The rattle consists of colored elements with different surfaces, which make sounds when moving. The product is made of high quality plastic.

You should buy toys only in specialized stores where the seller can present a certificate of product quality.

How to choose the right rattle?

A newborn child should choose toys with special care. The parameters of quality and reliability of the product include:

  • the absence of small parts, as well as parts that are poorly fastened;
  • availability of a quality certificate;
  • no harsh, repulsive odor;
  • there is no damage;
  • natural colors;
  • sounds are pleasant, clear;
  • weight up to 100 g.

The material must be safe. The product can be made of plastic, silicone, wood, fabric:

  • Plastic toys are easy and simple to care for. They can be washed after each use.
  • Silicone is often used for teething toys. It is important to ensure that the material is not damaged and the contents do not leak out.
  • Wood is considered a natural and safe material. But toys from it are heavy, and it is difficult for a baby to hold them in their hands. In addition, there is a risk of injury when a child inadvertently hits himself.
  • Fabric rattles are soft and light, but they require frequent washing.

It is necessary to buy a toy taking into account the age of the baby:

  • For newborns, toys are bought that are hung from the crib, stroller. At this time, the baby directs his gaze up, where the rattle will hang. It is allowed to use the first weeks of life and bracelets.
  • From three months, the baby begins to be more actively interested in what is happening. The child tries to reach objects that are around him. The rattle develops a grasping reflex, fine motor skills and sensory skills. More complex rattles that make a sound are suitable, you can buy socks rattles.
  • By 6 months, they buy rattles that are characterized by an even greater set of functions: teethers that simultaneously make noise when shaking, puzzles, suction cups, rings.

Before buying any model, you should check all the details, listen to the quality of the sound produced. The product is inspected for defects.

How to make a rattle for a newborn yourself?

You can make a rattle of any complexity with your own hands:

  1. To make the first option, you need to fill a small plastic bottle with beads, cereals or balls. The lid is tightly closed.
  2. It is possible to make a rattle from eggs from kinder chocolate. Inside each cell, a different material is poured that would create a sound. The cells are then glued together.
  3. It is not difficult to make a developing cube. Each side of the cube is made of different materials, so that the surface is smooth, rough, rustling, yarn or fabric. Additionally, pockets, flowers, applications are added.
  4. For a hanging toy, you will need a Kinder egg, a small piece of colored fabric, and a ribbon. Two details resembling a butterfly are cut out of the fabric. The parts are sewn together, foil is inserted into the hole left. Make two oval and round parts. A kinder cell is inserted into the sewn round parts, in which the beads are. The body is filled with rags of fabric or synthetic winterizer and sewn to the head. Then the eyes, mouth are embroidered, antennae and a detail for hanging are sewn from the ribbon.
  5. A little more difficult to make a bracelet on the handle. Measure the circumference of the baby's hand and add another 5 cm. Cut out two parts from the fabric, place in the center thick tape and sew together. Velcro is sewn to the edges. Then they sew a voluminous muzzle of any animal. Details are cut out, sewn together, filled with padding polyester, rustling fabric and sewn to the bracelet. Then the nose, eyes, antennae, ears are sewn.

You can make a toy from felt, crochet or knit. The main thing is that all the details are well attached and do not cause allergies in the baby. Give the baby a toy only under the supervision of an adult.

A rattle is the first entertainment of a newborn. With its help, the baby develops a grasping reflex, begins to focus on bright objects. It is necessary to carefully choose a toy, avoiding structures made of harmful materials, with loose parts. You should not buy too colorful things that irritate the baby.

The optimal age for getting to know the toy

Parents often wonder at what age they can give their baby a rattle. From the first weeks of life, the baby begins to be interested in catchy objects in his mother's hands. Before his eyes, multi-colored toys should flash, which you can follow with your eyes. To do this, classic streamers or soft slingo rattles are hung over the crib.

Newborns have a well-developed grasp reflex. They easily hold a ring-shaped rattle in the cam. In the first month of life, babies hold objects unconsciously. At this age, they respond to ringing sounds and bright colors of toys. To develop tactile sensations and logical skills, older children are given textile "rattles" and puzzles.

How many weeks does a newborn show interest in a rattle? Only at the 7th week of life, the baby consciously tries to explore the thing held in the palm of his hand. In the future, his interest in the toy goes through the following stages:

  • 3 months - the desire to take and shake a rattle that is in sight (more details in the article:);
  • 5 months - lifting a bright toy from the floor with one hand;
  • 6 months - focusing on several objects at the same time, transferring a toy from one palm to another.

Acquaintance with rattles is an exciting process for the baby and unforgettable moments for parents

How to teach a baby to hold a rattle?

To teach a baby to hold a rattle, you need to interest him in a bright thing. From the first weeks of a child's life, parents train his attention by focusing the baby's eyes on a colorful object. Holding the toy at a distance of 25-30 cm from the baby's eyes, it is moved from side to side, up and down.

When the child is fully interested in the rattle, you can begin to develop fine motor skills fingers. It is necessary to massage and unbend the baby's fists, fixing his interest on the hands. After that, the first exercise is carried out - turning the baby's eyes on the toy, you need to bring it closer, touching the crumbs' palm.

Having shown interest in the rattle, the baby will definitely want to hold it. To do this, you need to unclench the child's fist and put a thing in it.

The baby's attempt to grab it may look unsure. You need to help him by putting the toy in so that 4 fingers grab the ring, and the thumb is superimposed on them.

When the child has learned to hold the rattle, you need to move his handle in different directions so that the toy remains in his field of vision. After that, it is necessary to bring the free hand closer to the thing being held, allowing the baby to clasp it with both hands. This will help him quickly learn to shift the object from one palm to another.

Varieties and rules for choosing rattles

The rattle not only promotes concentration, but also develops the mental abilities of the baby. Depending on the texture and additional functions, the following types of rattles are distinguished:

  1. Pendants are the first toys that children come across. The product is attached above the crib or stroller so that it is in the field of view of the baby. When the child begins to voluntarily reach for the rattle, it is lowered lower.
  2. Bracelets are an ideal tool for developing baby's motor skills. Noticing a bright rattling toy on his wrists and ankles, the child seeks to touch it, developing his flexibility.
  3. The ring is a light rattle that the baby can independently hold in his hand. Made in the form of a keychain that makes a noise when shaking and attracts the child.
  4. Soft - toys used to develop sensitivity in children. They are sewn from fabrics and filled with small balls that improve the tactile sensations of the crumbs.
  5. Teethers - for babies over 6 months old. These models are made of soft rubber and contain a cooling gel, which makes it easier for the baby to cope with painful teething.

Rattles and teethers (we recommend reading:)

Regardless of the shape of the toy and the functions it performs, parents should first of all be guided by the safety of the product. Rattles are bought in reliable stores that provide certificates of product quality. A good thing is made of non-toxic material and has no sharp corners. Its parts are tightly pressed and do not loosen when swinging.

In addition to quality, the following criteria are important when choosing a rattle:

  1. Color and texture. Juicy colors of the toy quickly capture the attention of the baby, and the smooth surface eliminates the risk of injury. thin skin baby.
  2. Sound. The noise should be loud, but not sharp, traumatizing the baby's hearing. To develop the child's musical abilities, toys that make sounds of nature and simple melodies are chosen.
  3. Water resistant. Rattles should be cleaned daily to prevent infection of the baby. A high-quality toy easily tolerates exposure to moisture and detergents.

The best rattle manufacturers

The market offers inexpensive products from various companies that do not always boast an impeccable reputation. It is better to purchase a more expensive toy, but from a trusted manufacturer.

  1. Canpol babies. A popular toy brand that combines high quality products with affordable prices. On the forums, he is often referred to as the best manufacturer things for children.
  2. Heimess. A German brand that offers its customers safe products that can be given to allergy sufferers. The company produces manual assembly of rattle parts. For the manufacture of holders, wood is used, and for coloring, water-based paints are used.
  3. Teddycompaniet. The manufacturer specializes in the production soft toys filled with polyester. The management personally monitors the release of goods, and therefore the company is famous for high quality products.
  4. T.A.F. Toys. A well-known Israeli brand specializing in the manufacture of toys with musical motifs of famous classical works. Rattles are designed by children's illustrators. The manufacturer carefully monitors the production process, excluding defects.
  5. Halilit. A brand famous for the quality reproduction of melodies in toys. Professional musicians who recreate sounds from notes take part in the manufacture of musical rattles. Already from the first months of life, the baby gets used to high-quality motives that develop his musical abilities.
  6. Tiny love. The manufacturer provides huge selection rattles depending on the texture, material and additional functions. The disadvantage of toys is an excessively sonorous sound that tires the baby.
  7. Spiegelburg. Popular German manufacturer of soft rattles. The company developed from a children's publishing house, which invented many fairy-tale characters. Today they have created their material embodiment in fabric toys.

In addition to entertainment, a good rattle develops the sensitivity of the hands, the mental and musical abilities of the baby. When choosing a toy, they pay attention not so much to the appearance as to the quality of the assembly and materials. You should buy the product in trusted stores that sell products from well-known manufacturers with quality certificates.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology