Rhymes about fingers (finger games). Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (younger group) on the topic: Game-lesson "Our Masha is small" Our Masha is small cognitive activity

Nina Butina
Comprehensive GCD for the development of speech for children of the 1st junior group "Russian Folk Song" Our Masha is small

Target: get familiar with the content Russian folk song; help to understand the content of the nursery rhyme, pay attention to the words alenka, chernobrova; learn to coordinate words and sentences; to consolidate the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, to make balls in a circular motion; learn to carefully lay finished products on a plank, admire the finished product.



Get to know the content Russian folk song;

Learn children sculpt objects in a round shape.


- develop artistic creativity (sense of color, shape, compositions) ;

Fix features and properties items: color, shape, size;

- develop auditory, visual perception, attention;

Continue to learn to ask questions and answer them;

- develop fine motor skills in children.


Cultivate an emotional response, interest and aesthetic attitude to art.

Integration of educational regions Keywords: communication, socialization, artistic creativity.

Materials and equipment: illustrations for the nursery rhyme, plot pictures on the topic, flannelgraph, figurines for flannelgraph (snowman, circles of different sizes made of white paper, doll, plasticine, boards, napkins.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Children with a teacher are looking at a winter landscape at the window.

caregiver: How beautiful it is outside! Around white-white. This snow covered the earth with a white fluffy veil. It's cold outside, frosty! What do you have to wear to keep warm? (Warm clothes). So the Mashenka doll came to us in warm winter clothes.

The teacher shows the doll in a scarlet winter coat trimmed with fur.

2. The main part. Reading amusement.

The teacher reads a joke:

Our Masha is small, on her fur coat Alenka,

beaver edge, Masha black-browed.

The teacher in the process of reading shows "Alenka fur coat", "beaver's edge", confirms that « Masha black-browed» . Then the teacher shows the children the illustrations, and they look at them together. The nursery rhyme is read again with the children.

caregiver: Good in winter outdoors. You can go sledding down the hill, play snowballs. Children also love to make snowmen in winter. (The teacher attaches a snowman figure to the flannelograph). Look, the children made a snowman out of two balls: big and small. What is a snowman's nose made of? (Answers children) . And the eyes? Pens? (Answers children) . Let's learn how to make such snowmen and we.

Physical education minute "Topotushka"

The teacher reads the lines of poetry and shows the movements that the children repeat.

We stomp our feet: top-top-top.

We clap our hands: clap-clap-clap.

We are hands break up and run around.

3. Modeling balls for a snowman.

caregiver: Where does the work on making a snowman begin? You need to roll two balls. For them you need to take plasticine ... (what colour) white because snow is white. The balls must be different size: one big, the other small. Here I have two circles. Which one is larger than the other? (Answers children) . Put the big ball down put a small one on top. (The teacher shows the process of assembling a snowman on a flannelograph and invites the children to repeat the steps). Do you remember how balls are molded? Show. (Children perform circular movements with their palms).

The teacher shows the children how to roll snowballs.

Children begin to sculpt, the teacher in the process of sculpting controls the methods of work, helps children who find it difficult to complete the task.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Children come to the teacher's table and lay out their crafts. Then they look for a large and small balls and put one on top of the other, getting a snowman.

caregiver: How many snowmen do we have in group settled! One is prettier than the other! What is the most beautiful snowman? (Answers children) .

Literature: Complex classes according to the program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. Authors-compilers O. P. Vlasenko, T. V. Kovrigina, V. N. Mezentseva, O. V. Pavlova. publishing house "Teacher", 2010

Synopsis of the game - classes

On the development of speech using folklore in the 1st junior group.

"Our Masha is small."

Purpose: To teach children a new nursery rhyme, develop speech, memory, thinking.

Equipment: Doll in summer and winter clothes, house, snow, painting "Winter"

Lesson progress:

Educator - Hello, children! Today we are going for a winter walk. It is very cold outside, it is snowing, a cold wind is blowing, so before you go for a walk, you need to get dressed.

Game - imitation "Children dress up"

Let's put on the legs.

Warm boots.

(bend over, point to feet)

This one is on the right foot

This one is on the left foot.

gloves on hands,

(raise hands up)

Warm sisters.

(twist palms)

Fur coats and coats.

(put on coat)

Warm pants.

The teacher invites the children to go further into the group, where a winter landscape (a picture about winter), a snow-covered house is decorated.

A conversation about the picture - what time of year is it on the street, how did you guess what lies on the roofs of houses, how the earth is covered, who painted patterns on the windows.

The teacher asks what kind of snow, concludes that the snow is white,

Fluffy, cold.

The teacher draws attention to the house, offers to find out who lives in it.

The teacher sits the children on chairs, knocks on the door and takes out a doll in a summer sundress from the house. She says that this is a Masha doll, she wants to take a walk on the street, but she does not know how to dress.

The teacher invites the children to teach her.

A child comes out, takes panties, names what it is and puts it on the doll.

The next one takes a fur coat, names it and puts it on the doll, the next hat, boots.

Educator - Masha now knows how to dress properly for a walk in the winter. Pay attention to how smart Masha is, what a beautiful fur coat she has.

Now listen to the nursery rhyme about Masha.

Our Masha is small,

She's wearing a little coat

beaver edge,

Masha is black-browed.

The teacher asks questions about the content: what is Masha, what is she wearing, what kind of fur coat does she have (scarlet, it means beautiful), her beaver edge (shows fur along the edge of her fur coat).

The teacher tells the nursery rhyme again, then asks one of the children to tell. Re-reading the joke.

Educator - Masha wants to play with the guys on the street.

Game - "Snowballs".

At the end of the game, the teacher says that Masha is tired and wants to go home.

Children say goodbye to Masha and say "Goodbye."

The synopsis was prepared by Kirillova Faina Sergeevna - teacher of the junior group MBDOU kindergarten "Birch" r. Dmitrievka village, Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The development of emotional responses to works of oral folk art, it is meaningful to pronounce short nursery rhymes ....

Game activity with young children using Russian folklore (songs, pestles, nursery rhymes) and health-saving technologies. Topic: "Our Masha is small"

Introducing young children to folk culture through play activities ...

Synopsis of the Game - dramatization "Our Masha is small"

Purpose: to continue to develop emotional responses to works of oral folk art, to meaningfully pronounce short nursery rhymes. Continue to reinforce the idea of ​​how to follow ...

Synopsis of the game - classes
on speech development with reading fiction
in the younger group
"Our Masha is small."
Purpose: To teach children a new nursery rhyme; develop speech
1. Introduce children to oral folk art.
2. Strengthen the ability to talk about winter.
3. Activate the dictionary with adjectives - small,
denoting items of clothing - a fur coat, felt boots, a hat,
mittens, scarf.
4. Develop speech, memory, thinking.

5. Raise activity, cognitive interest.
Promote positive emotions
folklore works.
Equipment: Doll in summer and winter clothes, touch
rug, house, Christmas tree, snow, pond.
Preliminary work:
1. Conversations about winter, signs of winter.
2. Observations of winter nature, viewing
trees, snow, ice. Wind observations.
3. Cognitive lesson "Winter clothes".
4. Didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk."
5. Learning the folklore game "Like a thin ice."
6. Learning the folk outdoor game “A little white fell out
7. Learning poems about winter clothes.
8. Learning the imitation game "Kids dress up."
Lesson progress:
Children enter the group, the sound of the wind sounds. caregiver
pays attention to the sound, asks what it is making noise,
invites children for a winter walk. Reminds that
it is very cold outside in winter, it is snowing, it is blowing cold
the wind, so before you go for a walk, you need to get dressed.
The teacher invites the children to get dressed and conducts a game -
imitation of "Kids are dressing" (the text is accompanied by
corresponding movements)
Dress up, kids, warm pants.
Dress up, kids, baby boots,
Dress up, kids, new coats,
And when we go for a walk, we must put on a hat.
The teacher invites the children to go further into the group, where
decorated with a winter landscape and a snow-covered house.
The teacher asks the children what season it is outside,
as you guessed. Gets answers from children, what's on the street
winter, snow all around. The roofs of houses are covered with snow, the whole earth
covered with snow, snowdrifts everywhere, the Christmas tree stands in white

fur coat, frosty patterns on the windows. The teacher asks
what kind of snow, concludes that the snow is white, fluffy,
cold. The teacher pays attention to imitation
pond, asks what happened to him in the winter. The guys say
that the pond is covered with ice, frozen.
The teacher invites the children to play the game "How to
thin ice", sings a Russian folk song, children
perform movements in accordance with the text. Then
the teacher draws attention to the house, offers
find out who lives in it.
The guys sit on chairs, the teacher knocks on the door and
takes out a doll in a summer sundress from the house. Tells
that this is Masha doll, she also wants to take a walk on the street.
The teacher, turning to the doll, asks why she
came out undressed. Says it's cold outside, without clothes
she will freeze. The tutor answers for the doll that she is not
knows how to dress properly and invites children to teach her.
A child comes out, takes panties, calls what it is and
puts on a doll. The next child takes a fur coat,
calls and puts on a doll, reads a poem:
Dad brought a wonderful coat from the north, I wear it in winter
I'll put it on, and I'm not afraid of frost.
The next child takes boots, shows, reads
Warm and small, they bought me boots.
I'll put them on in winter, run down an icy hill.
The next child takes the hat, shows it and puts it on
doll, reciting a poem:
I'll put a hat on my forehead, dress warmly.
I will call my friends for a walk, we have more fun together.

The next child takes mittens, shows and puts them on
on a doll, reads a poem: So that the fingers do not freeze,
you have to wear mittens.
And they are cold in winter, our pens will warm.
The next child takes the scarf, shows it and puts it on
doll, reads a poem: Mom knitted a soft scarf, he
warm and beautiful.
He does not prick at all, and I walk happy.
The teacher sums up that Masha now knows how to
Dress appropriately for a walk in winter. Takes the doll to
house and takes out already in winter clothes. caregiver
draws attention to how smart Masha is, what her
beautiful coat. Invites children to listen to a nursery rhyme about
Our Masha is small,
She has a scarlet coat on,
beaver edge,
Masha is black-browed.
The teacher asks questions about the content: what kind of Masha, what
what she is wearing, what kind of fur coat she has (explains that she is scarlet,
it means red), says that she has an edge
beaver (shows fur along the edge of the coat), Masha
black-browed graduates educator. Then the caregiver
says that he will once again tell the nursery rhyme about Masha, and
then ask one of the children to tell. Repeated
reading jokes. The teacher asks the children to tell
about Masha, asks 2-3 children, helps them.
The teacher says that Masha wants to play with the guys
on the street, an outdoor game “A little white fell out
At the end of the game, the teacher says that Masha is tired and
wants to sleep, offers to accompany her to the house and
say goodbye to her. The teacher sums up the lesson

Oh ok ok ok,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window
Let's leave it to cool down.
And cool down - let's eat
And we'll give it to the sparrows.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle
To make cheeks redden,
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

On my plate
Red squirrel.
To make her visible
I eat everything to the bottom!

Bell blue
He bowed to you and me.
bluebell flowers
Very polite. And you?

wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress.
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

Stretches, stretchers,
Across the plump
And in the legs - walkers,
And the hands are grabbers,
And in the mouth - a talker,
And in the mind - the mind!

The birds, the birds have flown
They sat on the head.
Sit down, sit down, sit down
Yes, they flew again.

Chku, chuk, chuchki,
On the mountain - pods,
Under the mountain - shoulder blades,
The boys are running.

flowing water,
Child growing,
Goose water -
You are thin.
water down,
In the child up.
From the goose - water,
From the swan - water,
And you're skinny.

The cat is in pain
The dog is in pain
The horse is in pain
And Vanyusha does not hurt.

The fox is in pain
The wolf hurts
Pain from Katyusha
Fly to the birch in the forest!

A cat married a cat.
The cat walks on the bench
Leads a cat by paws,
Tops-tops on the bench,
Tsapy-tsapy for paws.

Big feet
Walked along the road:
small feet
Run along the path:

- patties, patties,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
- What's for a snack?
- Shchi and cabbage.
- What's for a snack?
- Sweet turnip.
- Shuu, fly,
sat on the head,
The lads sang!

magpie, magpie,
Where was?
- Far:
In the forest at the edge,
On a spin
cooked porridge,
stood on the threshold
fed the children,
Gathered guests
I ate everyone:
One - a spoon
Another - a spoon,
And to the third - a whole ladle!

white-sided magpie
cooked porridge,
Feeding children:
- I gave it
I gave this
- I gave it
But she didn't give it:
You didn't go to the forest
Didn't cut wood
Didn't carry water
The oven did not heat -
I won't give you porridge!

- Finger-finger,
Where have you been?
- With this finger
Walked into the forest
With this finger
cabbage soup cooked,
With this finger
ate porridge,
With this finger
He sang songs.

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Legs - top-top,
Eyes - clap, clap.
- Who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk -
I gore, I gore, I gore!

Vanya, Vanya-simplicity,
Bought a horse without a tail.
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

From my Olya
Go away pain
To an open field
To the blue sea
To the dark forest
For viburnum, for raspberries,
On the bitter mother-aspen.

Don't cry, don't cry baby
A squirrel will jump to you
Bring nuts -
For the Fun Machine.

Goose water
Water from the swan
And from my child
All thinness -
To the empty forest
To big water
Under the rotten deck!

Oh you are my girl
golden squirrel,
sweet candy,
Purple branch!

Oh you my son
wheat ear,
azure flower,
Lilac bush!

Bunny sits on a stick
Squirrel on a cart
Cracks nuts.
Go bunny, don't ask
Crush yourself with a nut.

Soon Vanechka is a year old,
Grow up from the oak
Get the ceiling
Grow and higher -
Reach for the roof
That's how to grow
For everyone to see!

Alright, alright, alright
Gardens have not been planted.
And my Sashenka will go,
He will plant and water
Top, top, top...

early in the morning
Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru!"
And the cows are in harmony with him
Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu!"
You, Burenushka, go
Take a walk in the open field
And come back in the evening
Give us milk to drink.

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Sing songs loudly
Don't let Masha sleep?

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie.
The cat went to the street
I bought a bun for a cat.
Do you eat it yourself?
Or take down Mashenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I'll take Mashenka too.

Andrey Sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons
Chase ticks
From under the sticks.
Don't bite the sand
Don't sock!
Useful sock
Peck spikelet!

- Kitty-murisonka,
Where was?
- At the mill.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What did she do there?
- I grinded flour.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What did you do with flour?
- I baked pies.
- Kitty-murisonka,
Who did you eat pies with?
- One.
- Don't eat alone!
Don't eat alone!
Don't eat alone!

Ant-grass has risen from sleep,
The tit bird took up the grain,
Bunnies - for cabbage,
Mice - for the crust,
Children are for milk.

Buy onions, green onions,
Parsley and carrots!
Buy our girl
Minx and cheat!
We don't need green onions
Parsley and carrot,
All we need is a girl
Naughty and cheat!

Our ducks in the morning:
“Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!”
Our geese by the pond:
“Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!”
And a turkey in the yard:
“Ball-Ball-Ball! Baldy-balda!
Our buns above:
Our chickens in the window:
“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko-ko!"
How about Petya the Cockerel?
Early-early in the morning
We will sing: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Like our cat
The coat is very good
Like a cat mustache
amazing beauty,
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

Aty-baty! The soldiers were walking
Aty-baty! To the market.
Aty-baty! What did you buy?
Aty-baty! Samovar!
Aty-baty! What is the price?
Aty-baty! Three rubles.
Aty-baty! What is he?
Aty-baty! Gold.

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
A white snow fell
Vanyushka-friend was driving.
Vanya drove, hurried,
From the goodness of the horse fell.
Vanya fell and lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two girls saw
They ran straight to Vanya,
They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.
Showed the way,
Yes, they punished
- How will you go, Ivan,
Don't look around!

Oh-lyuli, ta-ra-ra-ra!
There is a mountain on the mountain
And on that mountain there is a meadow,
And on that meadow there is an oak tree,
And on that oak tree sits
Raven in red boots
Raven in red boots
In lilac earrings.
Black raven on oak
He plays the trumpet
Turned pipe,
In the morning he blows the trumpet,
Tells stories at night.

The old hare mows hay,
And the fox rakes.
The fly carries hay to the cart,
And the mosquito throws.
Drove to the hayloft -
From the cart the fly cried out:
"I won't go to the attic,
I'll fall from there
I break my leg
I'll be lame."

Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat on the wattle fence.
Boasted all day.
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
Bunny boasted:
- Come on, catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
We have good coats!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
There is a column of smoke!
The cat is out!
Her eyes popped out.
A chicken runs with a bucket
floods the cat's house,
And the horse - with a lantern,
And the dog - with a broom,
Gray hare with a leaf
Once! Once! Once! Once!
And the fire went out!

Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
Beaver fur.
Masha is black-browed.

Young Thrush
Went to the water
Found a young lady.
Small -
Itself with tops,
Head with a pot.
I went for firewood
Caught on a stump
Stayed all day.

- Kittens, kittens,
Little boys!
And who is your biggest?
Who is your smallest?
We will all grow up
Let's go for mice.
One grandfather cat
Will stay at home
Yes, lie on the stove
Kindly wait for us.

Dog in the kitchen
She bakes pies.
cat in the corner
Rusks pushes.
cat in the window
The dress is sewing.
Hen in boots
The hut is sweeping.
Swept out the hut
She put down the rug:
- Lie down, rug,
Under the threshold on the barrel!

winter rhymes

You, frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose!
Go home soon
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sled
We'll go to the street
Let's sit in the sleigh -

You are winter-winter
You came with frost.
The wind howls, the blizzard howls,
It's sweeping along the street.

Covered with white snow
All roads to the village
All roads, all paths
Do not pass through.

Like in the snow, in a blizzard
Three sleds flew.
And they make noise and they roar
The bells are ringing.

In the first sledge - grandfather,
In other sledges - grandmother,
In the third sledge - aunt.

Our Katya ran out,
I met dear guests,
Opened the gate for them
She led me to a new burner.

We will buy boots for our son,
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the road.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

Like thin ice
A white snow fell
A white snow fell
Vanya was driving, my friend,
Vanya drove, hurried,
From the goodness of the horse fell
He fell, fell, lies -
No one runs to Vanya,
Two girls saw -
They ran straight to Vanya,
They ran straight to Vanya,
They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.

A cap
Yes, coat
That's all

Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
Beaver fur.
Masha is black-browed.

Fall down, fall down
White snow!
Rejoice, rejoice
Everyone everywhere!
Fall, fall
to the village,
The field is white
Cover -
Will be in the summer

Rhymes about fingers (finger games)

Now there is a lot of talk about the relationship between fine motor skills of the fingers and the development of a child's speech. These nursery rhymes belong to finger games known a long time ago. We also cut nails under these nursery rhymes (you probably know what it is to cut a child’s nails :)). It helps us a lot. Toddlers who find it difficult to perform movements themselves are helped by their mother, and for very small crumbs, under these nursery rhymes, you can massage the fingers, sorting through each finger of the child with light circular movements. Let me remind you that the well-known "Magpie-Crow" belongs to finger games, as well as "A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...", "A turtle was going to swim" - these nursery rhymes are located on the main page of nursery rhymes.

(we bend our fingers one by one)
This finger went to the forest,
This finger - a mushroom found,
This finger - took place,
This finger will lie tightly,
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got pissed off.

(touching fingers, we sentence)
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is a mother
This finger is Vanechka.

(bend fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap
This finger is already asleep.
This one is fast asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will rise!
(fingers flex)

(the thumb is connected alternately with each finger)
- Thumb boy
Where have you been?
- With this brother
Walked into the forest.
With this brother
cabbage soup cooked,
With this brother
I ate porridge.
With this brother
Sang songs!

Ivan the Great - to chop wood,
Vaska pointer - carry water,
Medium bear - heat the stove,
Grishka-orphan - cook porridge,
And little Timoshka - to sing songs,
Songs to sing and dance
To amuse the brothers.

Fingers will rise
Dress our children.
Fingers up - hooray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

Clapped their hands
Clap your hands (clap your hands)
Let's rest a little (hands on knees).

The porridge was cooked
Spoon interfered
The chrysalis was being fed
They gave the kitty. (we move the index finger along the palm)

Cams folded
They beat me with fists
Knock knock knock da knock (banging fists against each other)

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest!
This finger is for showing it off!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, although small, is dexterous and daring!

This house has five floors:
On the first floor lives a family of hedgehogs,
On the second lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a tit lives with chicks,
On the fifth, an owl is a very smart bird.
Well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth owl
On the fourth tit
Belchata on the third
Bunnies - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

From children's books.

Clever, Katenka

Clever, Katenka,
Eat sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy
Soft, fragrant

good girl

You are smart, smart
You are smart, smart
The whole street knows about it
Rooster and cat
Yes, I am a little.

Do not Cry

Don't cry, don't cry
I will buy a roll.
Don't whine, don't whine
I will buy another.
Wipe your tears
I'll give you three.


sun bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up!
Red, show yourself!

The sun is watching

The sun looks out the window
Shines into our room.
We clap our hands -
Very happy with the sun.

sun, sun

sun, sun,
Look out the window
Shine a little
I'll give you peas!

Hey, swing!

Hey, swing, swing!
Look - donuts, kalachi!
From the heat of the oven,
All blush, hot.
Rooks flew here
Picked up rolls
We are left

Three rooks have arrived

Three rooks have arrived
They brought three keys.
Take, rooks,
golden keys,
Close the winter
Unlock the spring
Open summer!

I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather
I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather
On a horse, in a red hat,
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the pit


Rain, rain, more fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't get us wet!
Don't knock on the window in vain -
Spray into the field more:
The grass will get thicker!

Where are you running, legs?

Where are you going, legs?
- On the summer path,
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
black blueberry,
Scarlet strawberries.

Vanya rides on a stick

Vanya rides on a stick
And Dunya is in the cart
Cracks nuts.

Let's go nuts

Let's go, let's go
With nuts, with nuts
To grandfather on a turnip,
By the boy

Hop, goop!

Hop! Hop! The horse is alive
Both with a tail and a mane.
He shakes his head
That's how beautiful!

The horse walks

The horse walks along the bank,
Raven on green
He shakes his head
He shakes his black mane,
The golden bridle tinkles.

rainbow arc

Oh you, rainbow-arc,
And tight and high!
Don't give us rain
Give us a bucket.
For the kids to take a walk
For the calves to jump
Need the sun

Ko-ko! Chickens!

Our chickens in the window -
Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
How about Peter the cockerel
Early-early in the morning
We will sing - ku-ka-re-ku!

Pied Hen

Pied Hen
Walks around the yard
Brings out chickens
tuft inflates,
Small kids are entertained.

Vanya, Vanya, where have you been?

Vanya, Vanya, where have you been?
Where did Vanechka go?
- I went to the woods.
- What did you see?
- Penechek.
Fungus under the stump!
Grab it, go to the box!

Pussy, get out!

Pussy, Pussy, Pussy, come on!
Don't sit on the path!
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy!

Kush, kush, kush

Kush, kush, kush...
Where is my cuckoo?
The cuckoo has a goryushko -
Lost a feather
And white
And speckled.

Kush, kush, kush,
Don't worry, cuckoo
Forget the goryushka
We will find a feather:
And white
And in a dot...

Get up baby

Get up baby one more time
Take a small step.
Top top!
Our boy walks with difficulty,
Walking around the house for the first time.
Top top!

Cockerel - golden comb

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly
Do you let Vanya sleep?

Shadow, shadow, sweat

Shadow, shadow, sweat,
Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat under the fence.
Boasting all day
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
Bunny boasted:
- Come on, catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
We have good coats!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Owl Owl

Owl Owl,
Big head,
Sitting on a stump
turns his head,
Looking in all directions
Yes ka-a-ak
Will fly!


Fly to the sky
Bring us bread
Black and white
Just not hot.

Swallow, swallow

- Swallow, swallow, cute killer whale,
Where were you, what did you come with?
- Been across the sea
I got the spring
I bring, I bring spring-beauty!


Snail, snail,
Stick out the horns
I'll give you a snail
Piece of the pie!
Crawl along the path
I'll give you cakes.

sharp needle

sharp needle,
prickly needle,
Don't prick my finger
Sew a sarafan!


Sweeties, sweeties!
Grandma baked pancakes,
poured oil,
She gave it to the kids.
Dasha - two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two
Masha - two,
Good pancakes
Our good grandmother!

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
The ghouls have arrived
The ghouls began to coo,
The ghouls began to fuss:
Flew into a corner
lit a fire,
They began to cook porridge,
They began to feed Masha.

ryabushechka chicken

- Ryabushka chicken,
Where did you go?
- To the river.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why did you go?
- For water.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why do you need water?
- Water the chickens.
- Ryabushka chicken,
How do chickens ask for water?
- Pee-pee-pee-pee-pee-pee-pee!

The cat went to the market

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie.
The cat went to the street
I bought a bun for a cat.
Do you eat yourself?
Or take Vanya down?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I'll take Vanya too.


Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
beaver edge,
Masha is black-browed.


Katya, Katya is small,
Katya darling,
Come on, Katya, gorenka,
Stomp, Katya, with a foot.


Katya, Katya is small,
Katya darling,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with a foot.
Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top top top
small feet
Run along the path:

Vodicka, vodka

Water, water,
Wash my personal
For the eyes to look
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite your teeth!

How the moon melted

How the moon melted, golden horns,
Like our Tanya has the sun in the window,
The bright rays of the sun are burning,
Fair-haired Tanya's headscarves are hanging

I scratch, I scratch, hairs,
I comb my scarves.

Grow Spit

Grow, braid, grow, braid,
To the waist
Don't shed a hair.
Grow up, scarf,
To toe -
All hairs in a row.
Grow, braid, don't get confused
Mother, daughter, listen.

undress me

Undress me
Unravel me
Lay me down
Cover me
I'll fall asleep
I myself!

Elena Kolycheva
Synopsis of GCD for young children on the development of speech "Reading nursery rhymes" Our Masha is small

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten in Fatezh "Golden Key"

Fatezhsky district, Kursk region


For young children(1.5 - 3 years)

By speech development

« reading nursery rhymes« Our Masha is small ...» poems by S. Kaputikyan « Masha has lunch»

Prepared and conducted

group teacher

early age

Kolycheva E. P

Lesson stage Lesson content

I. Organizing moment A) Arousing interest children

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Guests came to us to see what you can do, what you have learned.

Say hello to them!

B) surprise moment

Another guest hurried to our lesson

(the teacher shows the doll Masha)

Get acquainted! This Masha! It will help us to learn a lot of interesting and new things.

II. Motivation-indicative A) Problem situation

Look at Masha's beautiful clothes.

Guys, I think you are very wondering why Masha so dressed and where she came from.

We will learn about this today.

III.Search -To do this, you will need to tell what kind of clothes Masha is wearing.

And to make it easier and more interesting for you, Masha prepared for you nursery rhyme.

IV.Practical A) reading nursery rhymes« Our Masha is small ...»

(the teacher reads nursery rhyme)

-Our Masha is small,

She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,

beaver edge,

Masha black-browed.

B) Conversation

Which Masha?

What is she wearing?

What coat is she wearing?

(the teacher explains the meaning of the word scarlet - red)

And the edge on the fur coat is beaver.

(the teacher shows the fur along the edge of the fur coat)

-Masha black-browed.

(teacher shows eyebrows)

What else is Masha wearing?

Where did you come from Masha in such clothes? Where could she be?

And why Masha on the street dressed so warmly?

What season is it now?

What else do you need to wear to keep warm?

What do you wear on the street?

B) repeated reading nursery rhymes

Now listen fun again.

(the teacher tells fun again, prompting children say onomatopoeic words with him)

Who wants to tell nursery rhyme?

(the teacher helps the children who want to tell nursery rhyme)

D) The teacher's story

After the street Masha decided to have lunch.

(the teacher takes off his coat, hat)

Don't forget to wash your hands.

(the teacher wipes the hands with a napkin)

She herself sat down to dine and did not forget about her favorite toys, and the dog, and the pussy, and invited the chicken to the table.

(the teacher sits Masha for "table", and with it listed toys)

D) Reading a poem

(teacher reads a poem)

No one is denied

Dinner served to everyone:

Doggy - in a bowl,

In a saucer - pussy,

Hen - laying hen -

Millet in a skull

And Masha - in a plate:

Deep, not shallow.

(the teacher, in accordance with the poem, shows and puts dishes on the table)

And what they will eat for lunch, we will find out in the next lesson.

-Masha will come to visit us again with his toys.

V. Reflective - evaluative - And today you have worked very hard, learned a lot of new things. Well done!

Tell the guests and Masha goodbye!

Now you can relax and play.


directly educational activities

in Group general developmental orientation of young children

Form of work with children: integrated lesson

Subject: reading nursery rhymes« Our Masha is small ...» , poems by S. Kaputikyan « Masha has lunch»

Educational area: speech development

Children's age: 1.5 - 3 years

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Program tasks:

A) educational:

meet children with oral folk art;

help children understand the content nursery rhymes« Our Masha is small ...» ;

to consolidate the ability to talk about winter;

activate dictionary adjectives: scarlet, beaver, black-browed, and nouns denoting objects clothes: fur coat, felt boots, hat, mittens, scarf;

introduce S. Kaputikyan's poem « Masha has lunch» .

B) Educational:

develop speech, memory, thinking, attention.

B) educational:

educate activity, cognitive interest;

to cultivate interest in folklore works and contribute to the emergence of positive emotions from listening to them.

Occupation corresponded age and interests of children, their level of training and development.

The children listened attentively to the teacher, correctly answered the questions posed by the teacher. The knowledge gained earlier from observations of the weather, from didactic games was used. "Clothes and shoes", "Pets".

All attention children was focused on the teacher. The children happily repeated the words after the teacher. nursery rhymes.

The psychological atmosphere was favorable, goodwill and mutual interest of all participants in the process reigned.

Based on this, the following can be done conclusion: during the lesson, a reliance on previous knowledge was organized children their life experience. The material used in the lesson was relevant to them. Interest was maintained throughout the session. children.

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