What are the public holidays in May. Russians are waiting for a long weekend in the May holidays. How we work in May

In this publication, we will consider the question of interest to many: how we relax on the May holidays in 2017. In accordance with the 37th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as with the 24th article of the international agreement "Declaration of Human Rights", any citizen has the legal right to rest and work and the unhindered exercise of these freedoms. An additional regulatory act in this matter is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the administration of these rights.

Official May holidays in 2017

In addition to the standard days off of one or two days a week (depending on the hours of daily work output during everyday work), legislative standards assume the legitimate exercise of the right to rest by a person on federal holidays. Each year, holidays can have a different number of days for rest, and they can fall at different times, based on the initiative of the government. This is done to combine several days into an unbreakable rest period. On the May holidays in 2017, there are two dates of federal significance at once: the first of May - the Day of Spring and Labor and the ninth of May - Victory Day. The regulated implementation of the right to rest on these days will be discussed below.

May 1: days of rest and work

The first of May has been celebrated since ancient times. In different eras and among different peoples, the meaning and name of this day has constantly changed. For the pagans, this day was the "Bonfire Day", when the communities unanimously welcomed the spring and the fertile summer. In the Christian and Jewish traditions, Easter is timed to coincide with this date. And in the secular societies of most countries, the holiday is given a more rational meaning and its explicit meaning, associated with the beginning of labor work in the fields and so on. Hence the most popular name for the date in most countries of the world - "Labor Day". In the Russian Federation, the day has been called "The Holiday of Spring and Labor" since 1992. In the USSR, its celebration had a clear political connotation. In modern Russia, according to Rosstat, the ideological component is practically lost, and most citizens perceive it simply as an additional day off.

For the May holidays of 2017, the first day falls on a Monday. And since initially only one day off is legally regulated on this date, the transfer of working days and days off is not carried out. Thus, the following days will be allocated for rest:

  • with a 5-day working week: April 29 (Saturday), April 30 (Sunday) and May 1 (Monday);
  • with a 6-day working week: April 30 (Sunday) and May 1 (Monday).

May 9: days of rest and work

On May 8, 1945, on the basis of a decree issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, May 9 was appointed an official holiday - Victory Day. Since then, this patriotic date has been celebrated annually on May 9 and declared an official non-working day. Currently, the holiday is celebrated on May 9 in almost all CIS countries. It has a pronounced patriotic overtones and a call to fight against Nazism in all its manifestations.

In the May 2017 calendar, May 9 falls on a Tuesday. Thus, the following days will be allocated for rest:

  • with a 5-day working week: May 6 (Saturday), May 7 (Sunday), May 8 (Monday), May 9 (Tuesday).
  • with a 6-day working week, the days of rest will be: May 7 (Sunday), May 8 (Monday) and May 9 (Tuesday).

So, on the May holidays in 2017, we will have 3 additional days off.

May Day holidays - people begin to wait for these spring holidays from the New Year, dreaming of going out into the countryside, barbecue, fishing or a trip to an exotic country. The main thing that worries everyone is how many days to rest in May?

In 2017, on the May holidays, according to the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, we will walk for a week.

How many days to rest on May Day holidays 2017

May is rich in celebrations - it is in this month that we celebrate the holiday of spring and celebrate Victory Day. Take a look at the scheme of the official May holidays that the government allocated for holidays in 2017.

  • May Day. We will enjoy the rest from April 29 to May 1 - Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
  • May 2, 3, 4, 5 - we work.
  • Victory Day falls on Tuesday, so we celebrate 4 days - May 6, 7, 8, 9. The sixth and seventh are calendar holidays, May 8 - we relax on Saturday January 7, May 9 is a holiday.
  • May 10 - we go to the service.

Where to spend May Day holidays

Our holidays are not continuous, but are divided into two blocks. But even in this short-term vacation, you can have a good time.

Holiday weekend

May is the harbinger of summer. The weather is usually warm, so get out into nature, you won't regret it. And it doesn’t matter what it is - a summer house, a recreation center, a tent by the river - the main thing is closer to the sun, fresh air, sincere conversation with relatives and friends.

Holidays abroad

You are not constrained by means, with the authorities on a short leg, country entertainments do not appeal to you? Take days off, combine weekends and go abroad, towards the exotic. Hotels and beaches of Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, Spain, India, with inexpensive and unobtrusive service at your service.

Tour in Russia

But it is not at all necessary to leave the cordon in order to have a non-trivial rest. Set off to travel around Russia or neighboring countries. Breathe in the old times by visiting the ancient temples of Suzdal or Yaroslavl, admire the Karelian waterfalls, visit the bridges in St. Petersburg or wander through the Tsaritsyno park in the Moscow region. And many more interesting and exciting things can be found nearby. Choose what you like, depending on your preference, distance to the desired object, capital.

Where to relax on Victory Day 2017

If, due to financial or everyday problems, you cannot go anywhere for the May days, do not be discouraged, but immerse yourself in the cultural and entertainment program of your city.

  • View the exit flyer. Choose and visit what interests you: amateur concerts, sports competitions, exhibitions of craftsmen, tasting some yummy or open-air performance of stars with indispensable night fireworks.
  • And on May 9, be sure to go to the military parade. See how cadets, veterans, military equipment, an immortal regiment will pass along the main square. Would you like to join? Please, it is not forbidden, everyone can go in the column.

May holidays are big. Do you want to do everything - dig in the garden, breathe in oxygen, chat with relatives, attend festive events? Plan your vacation in advance, you have plenty of time for this.

Many employees, especially government agencies, are probably wondering how to relax in May 2017- Weekends for the May holidays are a common thing, but how did the authorities dispose of them this year?

More recently, we were worried about the New Year's holiday, but the time passed quite quickly, spring is just around the corner, warming and the desire to take a break from working days again. Everyone spends these weekends differently - some prefer a trip to the country, others have more fun to relax in nature, but the main thing is that almost all citizens are looking forward to a short May vacation.

How are we relaxing in May 2017?

We will celebrate two main May holidays - this is World Labor Day, which falls on the first of May, and the ninth of May - Victory Day. The celebration of these dates in our country has always been approached on a special scale. Suffice it to recall the processions, parades and concerts that are held throughout Russia. There was not a single year that did not mark the May holidays with fireworks and fireworks. But in order to plan your vacation in advance, you need to know how to relax in May 2017, and on what dates you can plan forays and trips out of town.

May 2017 Russia will celebrate seventy-two years since the victory in the Second World War, so a bright and memorable holiday awaits the citizens again. However, as for the production calendar, the government has not yet approved it, so let's try to calculate what will be holidays and weekends in May 2017.

Considering that the first of May will come on Monday, the inhabitants of the country are waiting for three days off, namely Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The sixth falls on a Saturday, and the eighth of May is a day off on account of the seventh of January, which was a Saturday. It follows from this that in May 2017 twenty working days and eleven days off are expected, including two holidays.

Based on this information, we can calculate how many hours citizens will have to work in May 2017. If employees work forty hours a week, then one hundred and sixty hours of work await them. For those who have a thirty-six-hour week, the working time in May will be one hundred and forty-four hours, and for a twenty-four-hour week, ninety-six hours.

Table. Holidays and weekends in May 2017.


Work days


2.05, 3.05, 4.05, 5.05, 10.05, 11.05, 12.05, 15.05, 16.05, 17.05, 18.05, 19.05, 22.05, 23.05, 26.05, 29.05, 30.05, 31.05.

1.05, 6.05, 7.05, 8.05, 09.05, 13.05, 14.05, 20.05, 21.05, 27.05, 28.05.

may Day celebrated not only in our country, but also in other states. But if in other countries this holiday rather shows solidarity with people who work, then in our country it symbolizes an irreconcilable class struggle and revolution. According to experts, there are another one hundred and forty-two countries that celebrate May 1st. The main events are concert programs, fireworks, folk festivals, fairs and competitions.

The ninth of May is Victory Day. It is this date that personifies the complete and final victory over the Nazis. Unfortunately, few of the veterans and eyewitnesses have survived to this day, but those who still remember that time. On this day, the authorities arrange a holiday, present gifts, and show their respect and gratitude in every possible way.

May 2017 will delight citizens with a number of holidays. On the third of May I celebrate the holiday of the day of the press, on the fifth - the day for the struggle for the rights of the disabled, on the seventh of May we celebrate the day of the radio. But on the eighth day, you definitely need to congratulate your mothers on their holiday - Mother's Day.

Springtime, as well as the upcoming May holidays of 2017, are eagerly awaited by every inhabitant of our country, because it is at this time that not only the beginning of a special period is felt, in which all nature comes to life, the sun begins to pamper with gentle warmth, and the animal world wakes up and fills with movement and life all around. There is something else for which all the inhabitants of our country are happy to expect the onset of the long-awaited springtime - this is the official weekend and, which are very numerous, which means they can easily turn into a small vacation that can help cope with spring beriberi and cheer up before the next labor spurt - before summer vacation.

May holidays in Russia - traditions of celebration

The May holidays are a special occasion to get together with relatives, friends and relatives for the so-called "May Days".

With this word, Soviet citizens dubbed a certain type of outdoor recreation, when an unlimited number of people gather in the forest, near water bodies or just in the open air to make a fire, fry a barbecue, sing songs with a guitar or listen to the radio they brought with them, and most importantly, enjoy the discovery next natural season.

Official days off for the May holidays of 2017

In 2017, the days of May will begin on Saturday, April 29, subject to a five-day working week. The first May holiday on May 1 - the Day of Spring, Peace and Labor falls on Monday, so its celebration will continue for 3 days: Saturday April 29, Sunday April 30 and Monday itself May 1, 2017. The next 4 days are officially working days: from Tuesday 2.05 to Friday 5.05.

The next block of rest starts from 6.05 from Saturday and will last as much as 4 days - until Tuesday, May 9, 2017. This happened due to the postponement of the holiday from January 7, which, according to the law, if it coincides with an official holiday, is postponed to a convenient date in the future.

Weekend and working days calendar for May 2017

Thus, it is possible to compose weekend schedule for the May holidays in 2017 in Russia: (all data are officially confirmed and laid out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06/07/2016):

29 (Sat), 30 (Sun) April and 1 May (Mon) are non-working days in honor of May 1.
May 2 - 5 (Tue - Fri) - working days.
May 6 - 9 (Sat - Tue) - non-working days in honor of May 9.

Is the duration of the May holidays sufficient or not?

Such a schedule of non-working days simply begs to combine the May holidays into small holidays like New Year's. This idea was also expressed in the State Duma of the Russian Federation: some deputies are in favor of uniting holidays on May 1 and 9. Other government officials are suggesting that weekends around the May holidays be canceled to add them to the official holiday. Some deputies are voicing the idea of ​​allowing employees to choose whether they want to rest these days in May or move them to a well-deserved vacation. But none of the proposed ideas has yet been adopted and is still only at the stage of consideration.

See also: in 2017, official holidays.

The last month of spring is coming - May, which brings warmth and traditional May holidays: Labor Day on May 1 and Victory Day on May 9. We all look forward to the opportunity to relax, go to the Victory Parade and march with a portrait of the Immortal Regiment. How will the Russians have a rest during the holidays of May 2017? How many days off should employers give their employees?

May holidays are a traditional time for barbecues and public events. It is difficult to combine these classes with work, therefore, in the production calendar for May 2017, there are two series of long days off at once: from April 29 to May 1, inclusive, and from May 6 to 9. In general, this is seven days off, between which you will have to work for four days. This work procedure on May 1 and 9, 2017 applies to all employees of commercial and government organizations and institutions with a standard schedule (5 days a week, 8 hours a day). Organizations with a shift work schedule, as well as those enterprises for which a six-day work week has been established, will also celebrate May 1 and 9, but in a special rest mode.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed in August 2016. The transfer of the bank holiday from Sunday January 7 to Monday May 8, 2017, as defined by this document, is the last in 2017. Before that, the Russians rested on Friday, February 24 for January 1, which fell on Sunday. Recall that officials and deputies decided to move the weekend of the New Year holidays to the May holidays back in 2012. That year, for the first time, the authorities extended the May holidays and made the necessary amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In 2017, just like last year, the May holidays accounted for only one day of the New Year holidays to extend the holiday, so there was no particularly long holiday on May 1st.

So, the end of April and the first ten days of May 2017, working citizens will spend as follows:

  • April 29 - Saturday, day off;
  • April 30 - Sunday, day off;
  • May 1 - Monday, public holiday;
  • May 2 - 5 - Tuesday-Friday, regular working days;
  • May 6 - Saturday, day off;
  • May 7 - Sunday, day off;
  • May 8 - Monday, day off, postponed from January 7;
  • May 9 - Victory Day, public holiday, non-working day;
  • May 10 - Wednesday, working day, the beginning of the regular working week and the transition to standard work and rest hours.

It should be noted that April 28, 2017 is not a shortened working day, as well as May 5. In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only days on the eve of public holidays are recognized as such days. If there is a regular weekend between a working day and a holiday, the working day is not reduced by an hour.

An exhaustive list of public holidays is contained in article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As determined by the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2009 N 588n, in the case of transferring a day off to a regular weekday, the duration of work on the former day off must necessarily correspond to the length of the working day to which the day off was transferred. This norm does not affect the May holidays in 2017, since the transfer was made at the expense of the New Year holidays and no one will force Russians to work extra days off.

In addition, the work of citizens on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited, with the exception of cases expressly provided for by labor legislation. Employers can involve their employees in work on such days strictly in the cases and in the manner provided for in Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Weekend pay is carried out according to the norms regulated by article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This means that for work on a weekend or non-working holiday, the employee must receive at least double the amount of his regular salary or tariff rate. Also, at the request of the employee, he may be given another day to rest.

The production calendar for 2017, which already takes into account all cases of transferring days off, can be found in a special section of the site.