Birthday at the end of summer. How the time of the year in which you were born affects fate and character. Quick marinated champignons

Did you know that the character and health of a person is influenced not only by the month and date of birth, but also by the time of year? Winter children will differ significantly from summer children in physical, mental and emotional development.

Scientists explained this fact by the influence of certain conditions for the course of the entire pregnancy, starting from the first months. Factors taken into account environment: climate, viral infections, nutrition and hormonal background of a woman.

The time of year when a baby is born can play an important role in the formation of resistance to diseases, or vice versa, create a risk for infection. But this does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will definitely accept it, this is the so-called "risk factor", with its own exceptions.

Each season is beautiful in its own way and gives “its children” benefits. But there are also disadvantages. share these discoveries with your readers. Having learned the secrets about the formation of the character and health of the child, responsible parents will take note of this and insure the baby if necessary.

Sociable activists: children born in winter

According to psychologists, it is in the winter season that the most active, talented and purposeful children are born. Their optimism can only be envied. Children born in winter are sociable and wonderful diplomats. It is very difficult to confuse them, because they know what they need and confidently walk towards their goal.

Health in winter children is strong, but there is a predisposition to diseases of cardio-vascular system. Girls born in winter need to adjust their diet more often, as they generally have high cholesterol levels.

Scientists from the Institute for Demographic Research have found that people born in winter are more likely to become centenarians.

Stubborn Sensuality: Children Born in the Spring

Vulnerable, refined and sensual children born in the spring months have a weak immune system and are prone to frequent colds. Their parents should pay more attention to strengthening immunity, tempering and maintaining health.

Spring children are very hardworking. They often achieve excellent results and success in life, thanks to perseverance and the ability to listen to advice.

From such children, creative personalities associated with art grow up. Hard work is contraindicated for people because of their delicate nature and poor health.

Sunny lucky: children born in the summer

Children born in the summer are the minions of fate and they are real lucky ones. And this is because they themselves think so and relate to life easily and without coercion.

Summer children are very active, sociable, one might say, public. They will always come to the rescue if they are called. The optimism of summer people is to be envied, there are few of them that can break. Children are very energetic and have high self-esteem.

The health of babies born in the summer is very strong, and the later the child was born, the stronger his health. This is due to the start of pregnancy in the mother at a certain time.

Summer lucky ones themselves enjoy life and give a boost of energy to their parents.

Optimistic good people: children born in the fall

According to scientists, the most positive and kind children are born in autumn. They have a balanced character, are very friendly and can fill the whole world with their kindness and sincerity. Children born in autumn are quite optimistic about life, love communication.

Autumn children, growing up, quickly find a use for themselves. They are very capable and will be able to work in the financial field, legal or economic.

It is in autumn that left-handers are most often born. And the average age of people born in the autumn months is close to longevity.

But, children born in the fall are especially prone to allergic reactions. Parents should be attentive to all allergens in order to protect the child from the risk of exacerbations.

To grow good man worth being good parent. The warehouse of character that the nature of your baby bestows can be corrected by honing everything positive sides and softening the negative ones. Although, of course, at what time the baby was born is not so important for loving parents The main thing is to be healthy and happy!

We are planning a child: everything that young parents need to know Nina Bashkirova

Conception in summer - birth of a child in spring


1. Lots of vitamins (fresh fruits and vegetables), a good supply of health.

2. Minimal danger of getting sick with acute respiratory infections and influenza.

3. The opportunity to relax at sea, gain strength.

4. A lot of positive emotions in connection with the rest, in the summer.


1. The last months of pregnancy take place during the flu season and the increased likelihood of injury (ice, slush). You will be helped by hardening on the eve of pregnancy, a sports lifestyle and vitamins, as well as accompanying your husband during walks.

2. Childbirth takes place during a seasonal weakening of the body and a deficiency of natural vitamins - lean on vitamins in the fall and winter, and take pills in the spring.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Conception in the fall - the birth of a child in the summer Pros1. Many vitamins during conception (fruits, vegetables).2. You can relax in the velvet season in the south - get positive emotions.3. Lactation time also falls on a period rich in vitamins.4. Less chance of seasonal

Conception in winter - birth of a child in autumn Pros1. In the last months of pregnancy, a lot of natural vitamins (fruits and vegetables). They are especially necessary for the fetus for birth and adaptation period.2. Lactation also takes place in conditions of fortification of the body. Cons1. First

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Happy birthday! The whole day is filled with light!
It happens only in sunny and warm summers.

The air is filled with the aroma of herbs and the song of birds,
The nectar of the flowers is fragrant around your eyelashes.

Bouquets of roses, daisies and gillyflowers - congratulations,
We wish you happy, bright and carefree days.

After all, those who are born in a colorful summer -
Tom will have to be always happy in this world.


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Happy birthday!

Summer again, sunshine again!
And for (name) New Year!
It's called birthday
Adding another year.

Get congratulations
And accept gifts.
Happiness, joy, luck
And live, do not lose heart!


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For luck!

The earth is already warmed by the sun,
Warmth spread through the body
We wish you a continued summer
And let the wine flow all day long!
Today is your birthday!
It happens, you know, once a year!
We wish you continued laughter
For happiness, not for misfortune!
Let them go around your house of sorrow
Diseases, troubles side!
Let the saint stand behind
And keep you safe!


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How happy is the one who was born in the summer.
Who is so loved and idolized in this world!
May all your dreams come true!
Health, happiness, peace, beauty!

So that mosquitoes do not bite you strongly,
What would you sunbathe under the southern sun!
So that a bag of money falls from heaven to you,
May God help you in all things!


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You shine with beauty!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you youth
Summer don't mind
What do you imitate him?
You shine bright with beauty!
Stay hot in your body!
Let it be a gift to you -
Happiness halo, arch protection!


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Live without worries!

Gotta be born in the summer
To be beautiful (oh) all my life!
We came to you with greetings
Congratulations, keep it up!
Birthday is a wonderful holiday
Brings miracles!
It's not hard to blow on a cake
Candles are all, and everything will be:
What you've always dreamed of
May it come true this year!
And then you're left
Live a hundred years and without worries!


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Summer inspiration!

Happy birthday
We sincerely wish you
To be inspired
Rejoice in all years!

Let this summer give you
Productivity, dynamism,
To the rays of dawn
Illuminated you all your life!

Happy birthday summer greetings

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double joy

You live now in power
Double joy and happiness -
There is no better good in the world,
Than to be born in red summer!

Congratulate you summer
Happy birthday very generously!
We give you gifts
May the year be mega bright!

May wishes come true
Dreams, dreams and expectations!
May health be strong
And the taste of being is not tart!