Dry boots at home. How to quickly dry shoes at home. Proper pairing of shoes

Most often, demi-season shoes suffer from getting wet, since it is in it that we usually fall under the autumn pouring rain or squish on the wet "porridge" of wet snow and mud in the spring. In order for shoes to last longer, you need to protect them from moisture with special means and dry them after the next wet. But what if there is an urgent need to leave the house, and there is no spare dry pair ?! Then you need to quickly dry the shoes, but you need to do this very carefully!

5 ways quick drying shoes
Before you start drying shoes, you need to clean them of dirt and wipe with a cloth, collecting excess moisture from its surface. Only after that you can proceed to the drying itself. All methods are absolutely safe for shoes and will not contribute to its damage or deformation, and are also suitable for both leather and leatherette shoes:
  1. Dryer for shoes. Presented in stores wide choose electric dryers for shoes of various price categories. They are absolutely safe, as they radiate moderate heat. You can invest once and buy a UV dryer. It not only dries quickly wet shoes, but will kill bacteria and cope with unpleasant odors.
  2. With newspapers or toilet paper. This method is suitable if the shoes are wet through. You need to tear the newspaper into small pieces and crush them with your hands, then place them inside the boot. Newspaper and toilet paper absorb moisture well, but they need to be changed as they get wet. When the paper takes away excess moisture, you can dry the shoes with a shoe dryer or hair dryer.
  3. With a hair dryer. Wet shoes can be tried to dry with a warm stream of air from a hair dryer. But shoes should be kept at least 20 cm apart, otherwise, under the influence of very hot air, they may be deformed. It is good if the device has a cold air supply function. If it is periodically turned on, then the temperature of the blown air will be the most optimal.
  4. Salt will help. Take coarse table salt and pour it into a hot frying pan in one layer. Rinse it well and place it in a sock. Put it inside your shoes. Salt will absorb excess moisture, and the heat emanating from it will dry the boots. When the salt has cooled, take it out and check the shoes for dryness. If it is not completely dry, then repeat the procedure.
  5. With hot stones. Take a few small stones and put them in the pan. Put the pan on the stove and turn on the highest heat setting. Roast the pebbles properly and carefully place them in your shoes. The stones will emit heat and will not cool for a long time, thus the shoes will quickly dry from the inside.
For drying, it is better to use more gentle methods so as not to spoil the shoes. Better yet, have a spare pair of shoes.

How not to dry shoes
Some of the drying methods that people actively use cause damage to shoes and shorten their life. This is drying near heating objects: radiators, batteries, ovens. Too hot air deforms the shoes, and it can also come apart. Of all heating objects, you can use a fan heater, but shoes should be no closer than 40 cm from it. If you use a battery for drying shoes, then the shoes should be placed on a thin horizontal pipe, after substituting a plank under them. If the battery is hidden by a metal screen, then the shoes can be placed directly on it.

Well, dry your shoes near an open flame. This can not only ruin the only pair, but also lead to a fire.

To partially protect shoes from genuine leather from getting wet, regularly treat it with special water-repellent agents. This is especially true for models with a stitched sole.

How to dry shoes properly without damaging their appearance?

How often do you get out of the water... with dry feet? It is possible not to get your feet wet on a rainy day or thaw slush only if you wear rubber boots. Although they are in trend, but for walks or hiking. Therefore, the question "how to dry shoes quickly" is relevant at any time of the year.

What can't be done?

I immediately want to put wet shoes near the battery. But this cannot be done: then the products lose their shape, it is likely that the sole will peel off. We'll have to dry the shoes without a battery. Do not dry in the oven or on the heater - the effect is the same.

Before drying, the sole and top of the product are cleaned, the dirt is washed off or wiped off (from the top and from the sole), and the inside is wiped with a clean cloth.

You can’t walk for a long time with wet feet - from this the material from which boots or shoes are made stretches, which makes even model products look like trampled sandals. This is especially true for products made of textiles and genuine leather, including suede, nubuck.

Drying shoes at home is easy. There are many methods and devices to help you do this quickly.

Use household appliances

Home appliances help solve the problem.

Shoe dryers

Electric dryers keep the shape of shoes.

The easiest and most correct way to get rid of moisture is to get electric dryers. These are heating devices that are inserted into shoes and connected to the network. The heat dries from the inside out without harming the leather, insole, outsole, interior trim. Electric dryers come with ultraviolet radiation that kills fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Washing machine

This method is suitable for models made of cotton (for example, sneakers) and synthetic textiles, without a hard, spruce sole. For leather, gortex ( membrane tissue), the clog method is not good. How they do it:

    Clean shoes from dirt or wash.

    They untie the laces, but leave them in the shoes.

    The drum is half filled with rags, towels.

    Shoes are placed with socks up, soles to the glass of the door.

    Close the door so that the laces are outside, and the shoes are inside in a suspended position. If there is no lacing in the model, then they find a way to hang it in the same way.

    The dryer is set to medium (for cotton) or low mode (synthetics).

    After 60 minutes, check the degree of drying.


The fan saves not only from heat, but also from ... excessive moisture. For this method, the first thing they do is to make hook-holders in the shape of the letter S, which are attached to the external grille of the fan and do not unbend the water by the weight of shoes and boots. Boats are hung on hooks and the fan is turned on.

hair dryer

This is an extreme way, when nothing else was at hand, and there is not enough time. But shoes are kept away from a hair dryer: hot air will do as much harm as after drying on a radiator. Besides the rubber on the outsole may start to melt.

Vacuum cleaner

A gentler option is to dry with a vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum cleaner is gentler on the skin. But the hose is connected to the hole through which air is blown out. The disadvantage of the method is that you have to manage the process until the material is dry. The same is the case with the hair dryer.

How to dry shoes with a vacuum cleaner? Video instruction:

Underfloor heating system

If you can’t put wet shoes on the battery, then the “warm floor” technology is suitable for such tasks. Drying does not last as fast as using the methods described above, but the shoes do not deteriorate from this.

improvised means

Drying can be accelerated without electrical engineering. The kitchen and bathroom have what you need, and if not, then getting the products is easy. To get the result faster, you can use these methods and resort to the help of household appliances.


After washing or raining, shoes are tightly stuffed with newspapers, napkins, and rags. The filler is changed as it is moistened until the inside is almost dry. Then the shoes are unbuttoned and dried at room temperature. For this and subsequent methods, it is important that the room is well ventilated.

Cat litter

Moisture is drawn out by silica gel pet litter. It is poured into cloth bags and placed in wet boots. The trick is also done with wood filler, which is also highly absorbent.

Kitchen salt, sand

Heat the salt and pour into a tight sock, put it in your shoes.

Salt or sand is heated in a pan or in the oven, fill the sock and put inside leather shoes. If necessary, the heating is repeated. If you add a little soda to the mixture, you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant odor.


Rice absorbs moisture well. If you put rice in a clothes bag and leave it in your shoes overnight, they will dry out in the morning. Such cereals should not be eaten. But it can be dried and left for the next rain.

Drying white shoes

The problem with white textile models is that yellow stains remain on the surface of the dried shoes. To prevent this from happening, after washing the boots are wiped with white napkins or paper so that they become as dry as possible. Then put inside white paper, napkins, clean bandages, cotton fabric, and wrapped with highly absorbent materials - gauze, for example, in 5-6 layers. Then the shoes are placed in a dry, clean place. At the same time, other methods of exposure are not used - hair dryers, dryers, etc. The drying process takes 4-5 days.

Feet got wet while walking

Do not dry your shoes by the fire.

In a hike, feet are often soaked, because it is not always possible to hide from the rain and get around wet areas. Then there is a temptation to put the shoes closer to the fire. But, as travelers with experience advise, it is better not to do this, since form is lost from such a procedure. If there is no other option, then the distance from the fire should be such that the fire only illuminates things. To do this, they build a special dryer from thick branches or lay a log. Natural leather products under the influence high temperature shrinks, causing the sole to become a size larger than the top.

If the sun came out, then the shoes are put on stones under the sun's rays or in hot sand. The insoles are removed first. For the same purpose, dry grass or hay, hot sand, salt, rice are stuffed inside.

Wet shoes must be dried. Water and heat inside the boots, shoes - a fertile environment for the fungus, which requires long-term treatment. Ignoring moisture leads to colds and injuries to the skin of the feet.

How to dry your shoes while hiking? Video tip:

Question: How to dry shoes inside and out at home? is very relevant especially in the rainy and snowy season, when the feet mercilessly get wet after three steps. It may seem that drying shoes at home is the easiest thing to do, but not everyone knows how to dry them quickly and efficiently. In addition, shoes can be made from different materials, each of which needs its own drying method that will not damage their structure. In our article we will tell you how to dry shoes made of leather and nubuck, as well as membrane, suede and winter shoes at home.

Leather and membrane

In order to properly dry leather or membrane shoes, you need to know that these materials can be very deformed when wet, so it is very important to remove them as quickly as possible. Next, you need to wipe the outer part of the leather shoes, remove all the dirt, if any, and only after that you can start drying.

  • To dry leather shoes inside, it must be given free access to oxygen. To do this, lay it on its side or hang it by the laces, if any. There are several ways to speed up the drying process a bit. One of these methods is ordinary table salt. It must be heated in a pan or in the microwave, and then poured into an old sock made of light fabric. A sock with salt should be put in wet shoes and placed on a battery or in any other warm place. Salt will actively absorb moisture, and warm air will speed up this process.
  • If the shoes are low, that is, shoes, sneakers, sneakers or boots, then rice can help you dry them at home. To do this, find a shoe box, fill its bottom with rice and put shoes on top of it with the soles up. After that, the box should be closed and left in a warm place for a while. The rice will act like salt, absorbing moisture.

It is very important to know that leather shoes should not be dried with a hair dryer or fan, as the leather can stretch or crack.


Dry suede shoes at home, you need to be especially careful, since this material requires more careful attitude. Unlike leather shoes, suede shoes need to be cleaned only after they have dried. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation by heavily soiling the shoes, and after drying it will also have to be washed. By the way, you also need to follow certain rules to clean suede. You can learn more about this topic in the corresponding article on the site.

  • To dry suede shoes at home, you should stock up on a special product called silica gel. It is sold in special bags or sachets that need to be placed in shoes for a while so that they absorb moisture. The advantage of such a tool is that it can be used more than once. It just needs to be dried after use. It is also very convenient to take it with you to work or study, because it does not take up much space.
  • It can also help to dry suede shoes at home and plain paper. You can take both old newspapers and toilet paper if the suede shoes are light in color. Stuff wet shoes with paper, after which they will need to be changed as they get wet. As a result, after a few hours, your shoes will again become dry and beautiful. And after the shoes are dry, you can take a special brush and clean the shoes from contamination.

Another tip: you need to dry suede shoes only at room temperature, without using any electric dryers, hair dryers or fans.


You can dry nubuck shoes at home in the following ways:

  • One of the most better ways drying nubuck shoes is an electric dryer. Using it is very simple: you just need to insert the device into your shoes and plug the plug into the socket. Some dryers are equipped with a temperature control, but if there is no such control, then you should simply turn on the device and wait a while until the shoes dry.
  • When hiking, you can dry nubuck shoes with the help of warm coals from a fire. They must be carefully caught in the sock and observed for a while: if the coals have not burned through the sock, then you can safely put it in your shoes.

Winter shoes

Winter shoes most often get wet, and therefore, in order to dry them as quickly as possible and, moreover, correctly, you must use the recommendations given in this article. It should only be borne in mind that if winter shoes are made of leather, nubuck or suede, then other methods, described above, must be used to dry them.

  • If you want to dry rubber winter shoes at home, it is best to do this on a radiator or near a heater. Only if the batteries are too hot, you should first put plywood on them, and only then put shoes on top so that it does not accidentally melt. In this case, remove the insoles from the shoes and dry them separately.
  • Low winter boots can be dried with a fan. To do this, remove the insoles and laces, if any, then you need to find a thick strong wire and bend it so that it resembles the letter S. After that, fasten one end of the wire to the fan, and hook the shoe with the other so that it is turned away sole in the opposite direction from the fan. Turn on the fan at medium speed and check your shoes every half hour.
  • You can also try drying your winter boots at home with a hair dryer. It must be turned on only for cold blowing, directing a stream of air into the shoe.

Drying shoes at home and on a hike is very simple: it is only important to know which method is suitable for a particular type of shoe and then your shoes will remain like new for a long time.

If your shoes get wet too often, the leather will deform and the sole will peel off.

As the famous song says, nature does not have bad weather, but our shoes, unfortunately, are not always resistant to her changeable mood. In autumn and spring, due to showers and melting snow, the soles often get wet and an urgent question arises: how to quickly dry the shoes so that they deteriorate.

Graceful rubber boots will be a good way out of the situation. But let's try to deal with the care of boots and shoes in the most accessible ways at home.

Fast and high-quality drying of shoes


Before drying shoes to get started you need to go preparatory stage to increase its wear resistance and not harm the quality of the leather:

  1. Remove wet shoes as soon as possible, especially if it is made of genuine leather, which can stretch from moisture or disperse at the seams. In addition, staying in it for a long time can lead to a cold.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the sole from dirt and wipe the upper part of the shoe with a soft, clean cloth.

Before drying, the leather of the boots should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and wiped dry with a napkin or soft cloth.

If you have suede shoes, then first you need to dry them properly and only then use a special brush to clean them of dirt.

  1. Remove insoles and laces from shoes this will speed up the drying process and avoid unpleasant odors.

Soaked insoles should be taken out and dried separately.

  1. Do not leave shoes on the battery and near the heater or a fan heater - this can lead to deformation of the skin.
  2. Need to provide access fresh air to the sole so that it does not crack and peel off - for this it is enough to put the shoes on their side or hang them up.
  3. It is best to dry the skin in a well-ventilated cool room.

In order to dry the wet skin well inside, it is necessary to open the shoes well by sticking out the tongue.

Regularly treat leather and suede products with a special water-repellent spray (as shown in the photo)

6 methods for drying boots and shoes

I know a few fail-safe and safe ways how to dry shoes at home. But you will need special devices and some improvised means.

Illustration Description of the method

Method 1. Electric dryer

In addition to classic devices, sit down devices with the function of blowing or UV radiation - to kill germs.

They run on electricity or batteries. This method is one of the most gentle and allows you to dry the shoes both inside and out in a fairly short time.

average price such a unit can be from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Method 2. Newspaper, kraft paper or plain paper

There is ink on the newspaper that can be printed on shoes.

You can quickly dry the shoes in this way by stuffing the paper tightly inside the shoe - this will keep it in a neat shape.

But you need to change the paper every 2-3 hours, as it will absorb water. This method is especially good for suede.

Method 3: Table salt or baking soda

These substances are endowed with absorbent properties, absorb odors well and absorb water.

How to dry shoes in this way? It is enough to use any clean sock and fill it with one of these products (you can mix baking soda with salt). Next, place the filled sock in both boots.

Method 4. Rice (use cat litter is acceptable)

The grains are poured into a shoebox a few centimeters, and then shoes are placed on top. This instruction allows them to dry at room temperature in about 4-6 hours.

Method 5. Silica gel

It is a hard absorbent that you can see packed in small paper bags in boxes with new shoes.

You can buy silica gel separately at the hardware store or immediately purchase special drying pads filled with it, which will be much more convenient. They are placed inside the shoes for a short time.

Method 6: Blow Dry

Suitable only when exposed to minimum temperature . Direct a stream of warm air into the inside of the boot from a short distance.

If the shoes are dry, but you are worried about the unpleasant smell, then you can use simple tea bags that you need to place inside the shoes with your own hands. It is desirable that mint, lemon balm or jasmine be present in the composition of the tea - they best cope with aromatization and give shoes freshness.

tea bags or essential oils added to the inside of the shoes, get rid of unpleasant odors


How to properly dry shoes, we figured out. The methods that I propose to use are clear and simple. But do not forget about the use of a special water-repellent spray, which must be sprayed regularly on shoes.

And to keep your shoes from deforming, be sure to use plastic or iron spacers or compressed paper to maintain their shape.

Even good-quality shoes can hardly tolerate dampness and dirt on the street. What can we say about the "vulnerable" shoes made of nubuck and suede! For such delicate materials, frequent contact with water is simply contraindicated. It is not customary to walk in textile shoes in the rain, but if it accidentally gets wet, it will not be difficult to dry it. What's more, espadrilles and sneakers are washable. And so that your favorite pair retains its original qualities and appearance, learn how to properly dry your shoes.

"First aid"

The only type of footwear that doesn't care about puddles is rubber boots. To keep them clean, they must be washed regularly with warm water with the addition of vegetable oil or glycerin. After the rubber boots are wiped dry with a cotton cloth. If the liner gets wet, it must be removed, cleaned (or washed) and dried on a heater.

It is undesirable to wet shoes made of artificial and genuine leather, as moisture degrades its quality. However, side effects can be prevented. To prolong the life of leather shoes, boots and boots allows a cream based on beeswax. The fats contained in the care product not only soften the material and give it shine, they also repel moisture.

If leather, suede or nubuck shoes are still wet, they must be removed as soon as possible.

  • Firstly, the feet should not be kept damp, as this is fraught with colds, inflammation of the joints and fungal diseases.
  • Secondly, wet shoes stretch.

Leather shoes should be cleaned immediately while they are damp. Suede and nubuck are best cleaned off when the steam dries. To avoid deformation, it must be stuffed with crumpled napkins or pieces of newspaper. The paper will absorb moisture, and therefore the steam will not only retain its shape, but also dry faster. Wet from time to time paper filler must be replaced with a dry one.

What can't be done? Do not dry your shoes after rain near radiators, fireplaces, stoves. Do not expose shoes, sandals under direct sunlight. After washing, sneakers and sneakers should not be dried in a washing machine. They need to be put in the room and wait until they dry naturally. Shoes with leather soles should preferably be dried on their sides or hung on laces. If possible, pull out the insoles - they can be put on the battery. It is advisable to treat dried shoes with a water-repellent impregnation corresponding to its material.


To facilitate and speed up the process of drying boots and boots, special devices powered by the mains allow. Classic electric dryers - two heating elements connected by a cord with a plug for an outlet. The heater can be metal or ceramic, in the form of loops or pads. The latter not only dry quickly, but also retain the shape of the shoe. It is difficult to spoil (overdry) shoes with such an electrical appliance, because its power is low - only 12–15 watts.

An alternative to the traditional appliance is the blower type dryer. The device consists of plastic pipes, which are put on shoes, socks or mittens. After being connected to the network (it can also work from a battery), the dryer starts to generate air with a temperature of 60 degrees. Under the influence of a hot stream, the steam dries out within three hours. For comparison: with a conventional electric dryer, this process takes 2.5 times longer. There are also models with UV lamps. They additionally destroy fungi, bacteria and odors in shoes. Bactericidal dryers are best bought at medical equipment centers.

To dry shoes at home comfortably and safely, when choosing an electrical appliance, pay attention to the following:

  • on the surface of a high-quality dryer there are no burrs, traces of glue, cracks;
  • a device with special holes on the body dries better due to free air circulation;
  • a reliable electrical device must have a flexible, but at the same time durable cord;
  • ceramic heating elements are preferable to metal ones, as they dry carefully;
  • optimal parameters for heating the dryer (indicated in the instructions): time - up to 15 minutes, temperature - 50–60 degrees;
  • if there are children in the house, choose a small device.

Five ways to speed up drying

Need to dry your shoes urgently without an electric dryer?

  1. Use a hair dryer. Turn on the appliance, select the cold mode and direct the air flow to the shoes. It is most convenient to dry this way when wet sneakers or boots are on the floor. Change the direction of blowing as the surface dries. Do not stick the hair dryer nozzle inside your shoes.
  2. A vacuum cleaner will help. Insert the tube into a wet boot or boot. Then turn on the vacuum cleaner for blowing.
  3. Regular table salt will help out. Heat it up in a frying pan and pour it into old socks. Fix the edges of the jerseys so that the salt does not spill out. Put the resulting "bags" inside the shoes. Repeat the procedure when the salt has cooled.
  4. Silica gel beads dry well. Bags of them usually come with shoes, so you just need to use them for their intended purpose. Put silica gel inside your shoes and they will be dry after a couple of hours. Then the bags need to be dried on the battery.
  5. Coals from a fire will come to the rescue if you get your feet wet in nature. Take off your shoes. Pour warm (not hot!) coals into your socks. Put the resulting bags inside the boots. Do this several times if necessary.

Consider that the problem is solved if the "warm floor" system is installed in the house. Turn on a light heat and wait for the steam to dry naturally.

How to dry shoes on normal floors? Buy an electric mat. It is made of rubber material, which is non-conductive and easy to clean. Thanks to light heating (temperature 36–40 degrees), shoes on it dry faster, but do not dry out. The dimensions of the rug allow you to place at least three pairs.